A simple storage wrapper with some basic operations.
If you have some basic operations like put, get, delete, copy, move etc. then this package may be something for you.
If you need more special operations in a desired storage type then this package may not be for you.
How to use
s3Config := disk.S3Config{Client: disk.NewMemoryClient()}
localConfig := disk.LocalConfig{}
memoryConfig := disk.MemoryConfig{}
adapters := map[string]fs.Disk{
"memory": disk.NewMemory(memoryConfig),
"local": disk.NewLocal(localConfig),
"s3": disk.NewS3(s3Config),
// first added adapter is default
storage := storage.New(adapters)
// change default
To create file you can simple call the storage put
method or create a file struct and call its put
If the file exists the content will be overridden.
All necessary directories will be created for you automatically.
// use storage
err := storage.Put("path/to/file.txt", []byte("hello world"), fs.PUBLIC)
// use file
file := fs.NewFile(Storage::Disk("local"), "path/to/file", "test.txt")
err := file.Put([]byte("test"), fs.PUBLIC)
It is possible to append or prepend content.
// use storage
err := storage.Append("path/to/file.txt", []byte("appended content"))
err := storage.Prepend("path/to/file.txt", []byte("prepended content"))
// use file
file := fs.NewFile(Storage::Disk("local"), "path/to/file", "test.txt")
err := file.Append([]byte("appended content"))
err := file.Prepend([]byte("prepended content"))
The copy/move commands can be used to copy/move files to a new location on the same disk
// use storage
err := storage.Move("source/file.txt", "destination/file.txt")
err := storage.Copy("source/file.txt", "destination/file.txt")
// use file
file := fs.NewFile(Storage::Disk("local"), "source/path", "file.txt")
err := file.Move("destination/path")
err := file.Copy("destination/path")
To create a directory use MakeDirectory
Since S3 does not have directories it will be an empty object.
err := storage.MakeDirectory("directory")
will return a slice of fs.Disk interface. It is always the adapter of calling storage.
To get all directories including subdirectories use AllDirectories
// files are a slice of fs.Disk
// the type of the default disk
dirs := storage.Directories("path/to/directroy")
// given you have following structure
// | path
// |- to
// |-- directory
// |--- subdir
// |---- subsubdir
// then you will get a slice only with subdir
dirs := storage.AllDirectories("path/to/directroy")
// based on the example above you will get a slice with subdir and subsubdir
// now dirs will be a slice of *disk.Local
dirs := storage.Disk("local").Directories("path/to/directroy")
For getting files in a directory use Files
To get all files including files of subdirectories use AllFiles
// files are a slice of *fs.File
files := storage.Files("path/to/directroy")
files := storage.AllFiles("path/to/directroy")
// the result will be as in the example of directories
(current working directory) will return the path to directory
dirs := storage.AllDirectories("path/to/directroy")
dir := dirs[0]
// will print "path/to/directory/subdir"
To get the content of file use the Get
// use storage
content, err := storage.Get("path/to/file.txt")
// if you have a file struct from Files() or AllFiles()
content, err := file.Get()
Use Prefix
to get a sub storage of calling storage.
The resulting storages of Directories
will prefix the storages.
// given you have following structure
// | path
// |- to
// |-- directory
// |--- subdir
// |---- subsubdir
// you can now traverse it like following
s := storage.Prefx("path")
s = s.Prefix("to")
s = s.Prefix("directory")
// will hold a slice with "subdir" as storage
dirs := s.Directories()
s = dirs[0].Prefix("subsubdir")
Checking for existence or missing files can be done with Exists
and Missing
if(storage.Exists("path/to/file.txt")) {
fmt.Println("file exists")
if(storage.Missing("path/to/file.txt")) {
fmt.Println("file does not exists")
There are Size
and LastModified
to get desired information.
Also Attributes
could be used to get the information.
// use helper functions
size := storage.Size("path/to/file.txt")
lastModified := storage.LastModified("path/to/file.txt")
// use attributes
size := storage.Attributes("path/to/file.txt").Size
lastModified := storage.Attributes("path/to/file.txt").LastModified
// if you have a file struct in your hand
// use helper functions
size := file.Size()
lastModified := file.LastModified()
// use attributes
size := storage.Attributes().Size
lastModified := storage.Attributes().LastModified
will delete a single file. To delete a directory use DeleteDirectory
will remove everything inside!
err := storage.Delete("path/to/file.txt")
// the file also got a delete method
err := file.Delete()
err := storage.DeleteDirectory("path/to/dir")
- Visibility of files in S3 adapter
- Embed adapter
- Streaming