BOOSTER-WEB: Web interface to BOOSTER
This interface presents informations about BOOSTER program, and allows to run BOOSTER easily.
Installing BOOSTER-WEB
Already compiled
Download a release in the release section. You can directly run the executable for your platform.
From source
To compile BOOSTER-WEB, you must download and install Go (version >=1.9) on your system.
Then you just have to type :
go get
go get -u
This will download BOOSTER-WEB sources from github, and its dependencies.
You can then build BOOSTER-WEB with:
cd $GOPATH/src/
dep ensure
The booster-web
executable should be located in the $GOPATH/bin
Default configuration
You can directly run the booster-web
executable without any configuration. It will setup a web server with the following default properties:
- Run on localhost, port 8080
- Log to stderr
- In memory database (analyses will not persist after server shutdown)
- Local processor (booster jobs will run on the local machine)
- 1 parallel Runner: One job at a time
- Job Timeout: unlimited
- 1 thread per job
To access the web interface, just go to http://localhost:8080
Note that the local processor only allows to run booster from already inferred trees (no PhyML-SMS nor FastTree workflow).
To also run tree inference workflows, see "Other configurations".
Other configurations
It is possible to configure booster-web
to run with specific options. To do so, create a configuration file booster-web.toml
with the following sections:
- database
- type = "[memory|mysql]"
- user = "[mysql user]"
- port = [mysql port]
- host = "[mysql host]"
- pass = "[mysql pass]"
- dbname = "[mysql dbname]"
- runners
- type="[galaxy|local]"
- queuesize=[size of job queue]
- nbrunners=[number of parallel local runners]
- jobthreads=[number of threads per local job]
- timeout=[job timeout in seconds: 0=ulimited]
- memlimit=[Max allowed Memory in Bytes]
- keepold=[Number of days to keep results of old analyses]
- galaxy (Only used if runners.type="galaxy")
- key="[galaxy api key]"
- url="[url of the galaxy server: http(s)://ip:port]"
- booster="[Id of booster tool on the galaxy server]"
- phyml="[Id of PHYML-SMS tool on the galaxy server]"
- fasttree="[Id of FastTree tool on the galaxy server]"
- notification (for notification when jobs are finished)
- activated=[true|false]
- smtp="[smtp serveur for sending email]"
- port=[smtp port]
- user="[smtp user]"
- pass="[smtp password]"
- resultpage = "[url to result pages]"
- sender="[sender of the notification]"
- logging
- logfile= "[stderr|stdout|/path/to/logfile]"
- http
- port=[http server listening port]
- authentication
- user="[global username]"
- password="[global password]"
And run booster web: booster-web --config booster-web.toml
Example of configuration file
# Type : memory|mysql (default memory)
type = "mysql"
user = "mysql_user"
port = 3306
host = "mysql_server"
pass = "mysql_pass"
dbname = "mysql_db_name"
# galaxy|local if galaxy: required galaxykey & galaxyurl
# Maximum number of pending jobs (default : 10): for galaxy & local
queuesize = 200
# Number of parallel running jobs (default : 1): for local only
nbrunners = 1
# Number of cpus per bootstrap job : for local only
jobthreads = 10
# Timout for each job in seconds (default unlimited): for local only
#timeout = 1000
# Memory limit in Bytes for each job (uses job memory estimation): for galaxy only
#memlimit = 8000000000
# Keep old finished analyses for 10 days, default=0 (unlimited)
keepold = 10
#Only used if runners.type="galaxy"
# Id of booster tool on the galaxy server
# Id of PhyML-SMS tool on the galaxy server
# Id of FastTree tool on the galaxy server
# For notification when job is finished
# true|false
# smtp serveur for sending email
# Port
# Smtp user
# Smtp password
# booster-web server name:port/view page,
# used to give the right url in result email
resultpage = "http://url/view"
# sender of the notification
sender = ""
# Log file : stdout|stderr|any file
logfile = "booster.log"
# HTTP server Listening port
port = 4000
# For running a private server, default: no authentication
#user = "user"
#password = "pass"
Using booster-web and galaxy servers via Docker
A docker image containing all tools used by booster-web (PhyML-SMS, FastTree, Booster) is avalaible on docker hub.
- Running already configured booster-web + galaxy servers:
docker run --privileged=true \
-p 8080:80 -p 8000:8888 \
-p 8 -p 8121:21 -p 8122:22 \