
package module
v0.0.0-...-89695f8 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Mar 10, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 50 Imported by: 336


See the docs for user-facing documentation, or in the repo if you don't have access to internal MongoDB sites.

See the API docs for developer documentation. For an overview of the architecture, see the list of directories and their descriptions at the bottom of that page.


Elastic Host Allocation

Use only the computing resources you need.

Clean UI

Easily navigate the state of your tests, logs, and commit history.

Multiplatform Support

Run jobs on any platform Go can cross-compile to.

Spawn Hosts

Spin up a copy of any machine in your test infrastructure for debugging.

Patch Builds

See test results for your code changes before committing.

Stepback on Failure

Automatically run past commits to pinpoint the origin of a test failure.

Go Requirements

Building the Binaries


  • If you're going to use the makefile, set GOMODCACHE (you can just set it to the output of go env GOMODCACHE, unless you want it somewhere else).
  • check out a copy of the repo into your gopath. You can use: go get github.com/evergreen-ci/evergreen or just git clone https://github.com/evergreen-ci/evergreen.

Possible Targets:

  • run make build to compile a binary for your local system.
  • run make dist to compile binaries for all supported systems and create a dist tarball with all artifacts.
  • run make local-evergreen to start a local Evergreen. You will need a mongod running, listening on 27017. Log in at http://localhost:9090/login with user admin and password password. Visiting http://localhost:9090/ should show you the waterfall. The new UI is available at https://github.com/evergreen-ci/spruce.




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const (
	ECSOSLinux   = "linux"
	ECSOSWindows = "windows"
View Source
const (
	ECSArchAMD64 = "amd64"
	ECSArchARM64 = "arm64"
View Source
const (
	ECSWindowsServer2016 = "windows_server_2016"
	ECSWindowsServer2019 = "windows_server_2019"
	ECSWindowsServer2022 = "windows_server_2022"
View Source
const (
	DefaultBufferIntervalSeconds   = 60
	DefaultBufferTargetPerInterval = 20
View Source
const (
	RoleCollection  = "roles"
	ScopeCollection = "scopes"
View Source
const (
	// User is the generic user representing the Evergreen application as a
	// whole entity. If there's a more specific user performing an operation,
	// prefer to use that instead.
	User              = "mci"
	GithubPatchUser   = "github_pull_request"
	GithubMergeUser   = "github_merge_queue"
	PeriodicBuildUser = "periodic_build_user"
	ParentPatchUser   = "parent_patch"

	HostRunning       = "running"
	HostTerminated    = "terminated"
	HostUninitialized = "initializing"
	// HostBuilding is an intermediate state indicating that the intent host is
	// attempting to create a real host from an intent host, but has not
	// successfully done so yet.
	HostBuilding = "building"
	// HostBuildingFailed is a failure state indicating that an intent host was
	// attempting to create a host but failed during creation. Hosts that fail
	// to build will terminate shortly.
	HostBuildingFailed = "building-failed"
	HostStarting       = "starting"
	HostProvisioning   = "provisioning"
	// HostProvisionFailed is a failure state indicating that a host was
	// successfully created (i.e. requested from the cloud provider) but failed
	// while it was starting up. Hosts that fail to provisoin will terminate
	// shortly.
	HostProvisionFailed = "provision failed"
	HostQuarantined     = "quarantined"
	HostDecommissioned  = "decommissioned"

	HostStopping = "stopping"
	HostStopped  = "stopped"

	HostExternalUserName = "external"

	// TaskUndispatched indicates either:
	//  1. a task is not scheduled to run (when Task.Activated == false)
	//  2. a task is scheduled to run (when Task.Activated == true)
	TaskUndispatched = "undispatched"

	// TaskDispatched indicates that an agent has received the task, but
	// the agent has not yet told Evergreen that it's running the task
	TaskDispatched = "dispatched"

	// TaskStarted indicates a task is running on an agent.
	TaskStarted = "started"

	// The task statuses below indicate that a task has finished.
	// TaskSucceeded indicates that the task has finished and is successful.
	TaskSucceeded = "success"

	// TaskFailed indicates that the task has finished and failed. This
	// encompasses any task failure, regardless of the specific failure reason
	// which can be found in the task end details.
	TaskFailed = "failed"

	// TaskUnscheduled indicates that the task is undispatched and is not
	// scheduled to eventually run. This is a display status, so it's only used
	// in the UI.
	TaskUnscheduled = "unscheduled"
	// TaskInactive is a deprecated legacy status that used to mean that the
	// task was not scheduled to run. This is equivalent to the TaskUnscheduled
	// display status. These are not stored in the task status (although they
	// used to be for very old tasks) but may be still used in some outdated
	// pieces of code.
	TaskInactive = "inactive"

	// TaskWillRun indicates that the task is scheduled to eventually run,
	// unless one of its dependencies becomes unattainable. This is a display
	// status, so it's only used in the UI.
	TaskWillRun = "will-run"

	// All other task failure reasons other than TaskFailed are display
	// statuses, so they're only used in the UI. These are not stored in the
	// task status (although they used to be for very old tasks).
	TaskSystemFailed = "system-failed"
	TaskTestTimedOut = "test-timed-out"
	TaskSetupFailed  = "setup-failed"

	// TaskAborted indicates that the task was aborted while it was running.
	TaskAborted = "aborted"

	// TaskStatusBlocked indicates that the task cannot run because it is
	// blocked by an unattainable dependency. This is a display status, so it's
	// only used in the UI.
	TaskStatusBlocked = "blocked"

	// TaskKnownIssue indicates that the task has failed and is being tracked by
	// a linked issue in the task annotations. This is a display status, so it's
	// only used in the UI.
	TaskKnownIssue = "known-issue"

	// TaskStatusPending is a special state that's used for one specific return
	// value. Generally do not use this status as it is neither a meaningful
	// status in the UI nor in the back end.
	TaskStatusPending = "pending"

	// TaskAll is not a status, but rather a UI filter indicating that it should
	// select all tasks regardless of their status.
	TaskAll = "all"

	// Task Command Types
	CommandTypeTest   = "test"
	CommandTypeSystem = "system"
	CommandTypeSetup  = "setup"

	// Task descriptions
	// TaskDescriptionHeartbeat indicates that a task failed because it did not
	// send a heartbeat while it was running. Tasks are expected to send
	// periodic heartbeats back to the app server indicating the task is still
	// actively running, or else they are considered stale.
	TaskDescriptionHeartbeat = "heartbeat"
	// TaskDescriptionStranded indicates that a task failed because its
	// underlying runtime environment (i.e. container or host) encountered an
	// issue. For example, if a host is terminated while the task is still
	// running, the task is considered stranded.
	TaskDescriptionStranded = "stranded"
	// TaskDescriptionNoResults indicates that a task failed because it did not
	// post any test results.
	TaskDescriptionNoResults = "expected test results, but none attached"
	// TaskDescriptionResultsFailed indicates that a task failed because the
	// test results contained a failure.
	TaskDescriptionResultsFailed = "test results contained failing test"
	// TaskDescriptionContainerUnallocatable indicates that the reason a
	// container task failed is because it cannot be allocated a container.
	TaskDescriptionContainerUnallocatable = "container task cannot be allocated"
	// TaskDescriptionAborted indicates that the reason a task failed is specifically
	// because it was manually aborted.
	TaskDescriptionAborted = "aborted"

	// Task Statuses that are only used by the UI, event log  and tests
	// (these may be used in old tasks as actual task statuses rather than just
	// task display statuses).
	TaskSystemUnresponse = "system-unresponsive"
	TaskSystemTimedOut   = "system-timed-out"
	TaskTimedOut         = "task-timed-out"

	TestFailedStatus         = "fail"
	TestSilentlyFailedStatus = "silentfail"
	TestSkippedStatus        = "skip"
	TestSucceededStatus      = "pass"

	BuildStarted   = "started"
	BuildCreated   = "created"
	BuildFailed    = "failed"
	BuildSucceeded = "success"

	VersionStarted   = "started"
	VersionCreated   = "created"
	VersionFailed    = "failed"
	VersionSucceeded = "success"
	// VersionAborted is a display status only and not stored in the DB
	VersionAborted = "aborted"

	PushLogPushing = "pushing"
	PushLogSuccess = "success"

	HostTypeStatic = "static"

	MergeTestStarted   = "started"
	MergeTestSucceeded = "succeeded"
	MergeTestFailed    = "failed"
	EnqueueFailed      = "failed to enqueue"

	// MaxAutomaticRestarts is the maximum number of automatic restarts allowed for a task
	MaxAutomaticRestarts = 1

	// MaxTaskDispatchAttempts is the maximum number of times a task can be
	// dispatched before it is considered to be in a bad state.
	MaxTaskDispatchAttempts = 5

	// maximum task priority
	MaxTaskPriority = 100

	DisabledTaskPriority = int64(-1)

	// if a patch has NumTasksForLargePatch number of tasks or greater, we log to splunk for investigation
	NumTasksForLargePatch = 10000

	DefaultEvergreenConfig = ".evergreen.yml"

	// Env vars
	EvergreenHome           = "EVGHOME"
	MongodbURL              = "MONGO_URL"
	SharedMongoURL          = "SHARED_MONGO_URL"
	MongoAWSAuthEnabled     = "MONGO_AWS_AUTH"
	EvergreenVersionID      = "EVG_VERSION_ID"
	EvergreenClientS3Bucket = "EVG_CLIENT_S3_BUCKET"
	TraceEndpoint           = "TRACE_ENDPOINT"

	// APIServerTaskActivator represents Evergreen's internal API activator
	APIServerTaskActivator = "apiserver"
	// StepbackTaskActivator represents the activator for tasks activated
	// due to stepback.
	StepbackTaskActivator = "stepback"
	// CheckBlockedTasksActivator represents the activator for task deactivated
	// by the check blocked tasks job.
	CheckBlockedTasksActivator = "check-blocked-tasks-job-activator"
	// BuildActivator represents the activator for builds that have been
	// activated.
	BuildActivator = "build-activator"
	// ElapsedBuildActivator represents the activator for batch time builds
	// that have their batchtimes elapsed.
	ElapsedBuildActivator = "elapsed-build-activator"
	// ElapsedTaskActivator represents the activator for batch time tasks
	// that have their batchtimes elapsed.
	ElapsedTaskActivator = "elapsed-task-activator"
	// GenerateTasksActivator represents the activator for tasks that have been
	// generated by a task generator.
	GenerateTasksActivator = "generate-tasks-activator"
	// AutoRestartActivator represents the activator for tasks that have been
	// automatically restarted via the retry_on_failure command flag.
	AutoRestartActivator = "automatic_restart"

	// StaleContainerTaskMonitor is the special name representing the unit
	// responsible for monitoring container tasks that have not dispatched but
	// have waiting for a long time since their activation.
	StaleContainerTaskMonitor = "stale-container-task-monitor"
	// UnderwaterTaskUnscheduler is the caller associated with unscheduling
	// and disabling tasks older than the task.UnschedulableThreshold from
	// their distro queue.
	UnderwaterTaskUnscheduler = "underwater-task-unscheduler"

	// Restart Types
	RestartVersions = "versions"
	RestartTasks    = "tasks"

	RestRoutePrefix = "rest"
	APIRoutePrefix  = "api"

	APIRoutePrefixV2 = "/rest/v2"

	AgentMonitorTag = "agent-monitor"
	HostFetchTag    = "host-fetch"

	HostIDEnvVar     = "HOST_ID"
	HostSecretEnvVar = "HOST_SECRET"

	DegradedLoggingPercent = 10

	SetupScriptName               = "setup.sh"
	TempSetupScriptName           = "setup-temp.sh"
	PowerShellSetupScriptName     = "setup.ps1"
	PowerShellTempSetupScriptName = "setup-temp.ps1"

	PlannerVersionTunable = "tunable"

	DispatcherVersionRevisedWithDependencies = "revised-with-dependencies"

	// maximum turnaround we want to maintain for all hosts for a given distro
	MaxDurationPerDistroHost               = 30 * time.Minute
	MaxDurationPerDistroHostWithContainers = 2 * time.Minute

	// Spawn hosts
	SpawnHostExpireDays              = 30
	HostExpireDays                   = 10
	ExpireOnFormat                   = "2006-01-02"
	DefaultMaxSpawnHostsPerUser      = 3
	DefaultSpawnHostExpiration       = 24 * time.Hour
	SpawnHostRespawns                = 2
	SpawnHostNoExpirationDuration    = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
	MaxVolumeExpirationDurationHours = 24 * time.Hour * 14
	UnattachedVolumeExpiration       = 24 * time.Hour * 30
	DefaultMaxVolumeSizePerUser      = 500
	DefaultUnexpirableHostsPerUser   = 1
	DefaultUnexpirableVolumesPerUser = 1
	DefaultSleepScheduleTimeZone     = "America/New_York"

	// host resource tag names
	TagName              = "name"
	TagDistro            = "distro"
	TagEvergreenService  = "evergreen-service"
	TagUsername          = "username"
	TagOwner             = "owner"
	TagMode              = "mode"
	TagStartTime         = "start-time"
	TagExpireOn          = "expire-on"
	TagAllowRemoteAccess = "AllowRemoteAccess"

	FinderVersionLegacy    = "legacy"
	FinderVersionParallel  = "parallel"
	FinderVersionPipeline  = "pipeline"
	FinderVersionAlternate = "alternate"

	HostAllocatorUtilization = "utilization"

	HostAllocatorRoundDown    = "round-down"
	HostAllocatorRoundUp      = "round-up"
	HostAllocatorRoundDefault = ""

	HostAllocatorWaitsOverThreshFeedback = "waits-over-thresh-feedback"
	HostAllocatorNoFeedback              = "no-feedback"
	HostAllocatorUseDefaultFeedback      = ""

	HostsOverallocatedTerminate  = "terminate-hosts-when-overallocated"
	HostsOverallocatedIgnore     = "no-terminations-when-overallocated"
	HostsOverallocatedUseDefault = ""

	// CommitQueueAlias and GithubPRAlias are special aliases to specify variants and tasks for the merge queue and GitHub PR patches
	CommitQueueAlias  = "__commit_queue"
	GithubPRAlias     = "__github"
	GithubChecksAlias = "__github_checks"
	GitTagAlias       = "__git_tag"

	DefaultJasperPort = 2385

	GithubAppPrivateKey = "github_app_key"
	GithubKnownHosts    = "github_known_hosts"
	GithubCheckRun      = "github_check_run"

	// GitHubRetryAttempts is the github client maximum number of attempts.
	GitHubRetryAttempts = 3
	// GitHubRetryMinDelay is the github client's minimum amount of delay before attempting another request.
	GithubRetryMinDelay = time.Second

	VSCodePort = 2021

	DefaultShutdownWaitSeconds = 10

	// HeartbeatTimeoutThreshold is the timeout for how long a task can run without sending
	// a heartbeat
	HeartbeatTimeoutThreshold = 7 * time.Minute

	// MaxTeardownGroupThreshold specifies the duration after which the host should no longer continue
	// to tear down a task group. This is set one minute longer than the agent's maxTeardownGroupTimeout.
	MaxTeardownGroupThreshold = 4 * time.Minute

	SaveGenerateTasksError          = "error saving config in `generate.tasks`"
	TasksAlreadyGeneratedError      = "generator already ran and generated tasks"
	KeyTooLargeToIndexError         = "key too large to index"
	InvalidDivideInputError         = "$divide only supports numeric types"
	FetchingTaskDataUnfinishedError = "fetching task data not finished"

	// ContainerHealthDashboard is the name of the Splunk dashboard that displays
	// charts relating to the health of container tasks.
	ContainerHealthDashboard = "container task health dashboard"

	// PRTasksRunningDescription is the description for a GitHub PR status
	// indicating that there are still running tasks.
	PRTasksRunningDescription = "tasks are running"

	// RedactedValue is the value that is shown in the REST API and UI for redacted values.
	RedactedValue       = "{REDACTED}"
	RedactedAfterValue  = "{REDACTED_AFTER}"
	RedactedBeforeValue = "{REDACTED_BEFORE}"

	// PresignMinimumValidTime is the minimum amount of time that a presigned URL
	// should be valid for.
	PresignMinimumValidTime = 15 * time.Minute
View Source
const (
	PackageName = "github.com/evergreen-ci/evergreen"

	OtelAttributeMaxLength = 10000
	// task otel attributes
	TaskIDOtelAttribute          = "evergreen.task.id"
	TaskNameOtelAttribute        = "evergreen.task.name"
	TaskExecutionOtelAttribute   = "evergreen.task.execution"
	TaskStatusOtelAttribute      = "evergreen.task.status"
	TaskFailureTypeOtelAttribute = "evergreen.task.failure_type"
	TaskTagsOtelAttribute        = "evergreen.task.tags"

	// version otel attributes
	VersionIDOtelAttribute               = "evergreen.version.id"
	VersionRequesterOtelAttribute        = "evergreen.version.requester"
	VersionStatusOtelAttribute           = "evergreen.version.status"
	VersionCreateTimeOtelAttribute       = "evergreen.version.create_time"
	VersionStartTimeOtelAttribute        = "evergreen.version.start_time"
	VersionFinishTimeOtelAttribute       = "evergreen.version.finish_time"
	VersionAuthorOtelAttribute           = "evergreen.version.author"
	VersionBranchOtelAttribute           = "evergreen.version.branch"
	VersionMakespanSecondsOtelAttribute  = "evergreen.version.makespan_seconds"
	VersionTimeTakenSecondsOtelAttribute = "evergreen.version.time_taken_seconds"
	VersionPRNumOtelAttribute            = "evergreen.version.pr_num"
	VersionDescriptionOtelAttribute      = "evergreen.version.description"

	// build otel attributes
	BuildIDOtelAttribute   = "evergreen.build.id"
	BuildNameOtelAttribute = "evergreen.build.name"

	ProjectIdentifierOtelAttribute = "evergreen.project.identifier"
	ProjectOrgOtelAttribute        = "evergreen.project.org"
	ProjectRepoOtelAttribute       = "evergreen.project.repo"
	ProjectIDOtelAttribute         = "evergreen.project.id"
	DistroIDOtelAttribute          = "evergreen.distro.id"
	HostIDOtelAttribute            = "evergreen.host.id"
	HostnameOtelAttribute          = "evergreen.host.hostname"
	HostStartedByOtelAttribute     = "evergreen.host.started_by"
	HostNoExpirationOtelAttribute  = "evergreen.host.no_expiration"
	HostInstanceTypeOtelAttribute  = "evergreen.host.instance_type"
	AggregationNameOtelAttribute   = "db.aggregationName"

Common OTEL constants and attribute keys

View Source
const (
	UIPackage      = "EVERGREEN_UI"
	MonitorPackage = "EVERGREEN_MONITOR"

Constants for Evergreen package names (including legacy ones).

View Source
const (
	AuthTokenCookie     = "mci-token"
	LoginCookieTTL      = 365 * 24 * time.Hour
	TaskHeader          = "Task-Id"
	TaskSecretHeader    = "Task-Secret"
	HostHeader          = "Host-Id"
	HostSecretHeader    = "Host-Secret"
	PodHeader           = "Pod-Id"
	PodSecretHeader     = "Pod-Secret"
	ContentTypeHeader   = "Content-Type"
	ContentTypeValue    = "application/json"
	ContentLengthHeader = "Content-Length"
	APIUserHeader       = "Api-User"
	APIKeyHeader        = "Api-Key"
	EnvironmentHeader   = "X-Evergreen-Environment"
View Source
const (
	// CredentialsCollection is the collection containing TLS credentials to
	// connect to a Jasper service running on a host.
	CredentialsCollection = "credentials"
	// CAName is the name of the root CA for the TLS credentials.
	CAName = "evergreen"
View Source
const (
	ProviderNameEc2OnDemand = "ec2-ondemand"
	ProviderNameEc2Fleet    = "ec2-fleet"
	ProviderNameDocker      = "docker"
	ProviderNameDockerMock  = "docker-mock"
	ProviderNameStatic      = "static"
	ProviderNameMock        = "mock"

	// DefaultEC2Region is the default region where hosts should be spawned and
	// general Evergreen operations occur in AWS if no particular region is
	// specified.
	DefaultEC2Region = "us-east-1"
	// DefaultEBSType is Amazon's default EBS type.
	DefaultEBSType = "gp3"
	// DefaultEBSAvailabilityZone is the default availability zone for EBS
	// volumes. This may be a temporary default.
	DefaultEBSAvailabilityZone = "us-east-1a"

Constants related to cloud providers and provider-specific settings.

View Source
const (
	DefaultDatabaseURL       = "mongodb://localhost:27017"
	DefaultDatabaseName      = "mci"
	DefaultDatabaseWriteMode = "majority"
	DefaultDatabaseReadMode  = "majority"

	DefaultAmboyDatabaseURL = "mongodb://localhost:27017"

	// version requester types
	PatchVersionRequester       = "patch_request"
	GithubPRRequester           = "github_pull_request"
	GitTagRequester             = "git_tag_request"
	RepotrackerVersionRequester = "gitter_request"
	TriggerRequester            = "trigger_request"
	AdHocRequester              = "ad_hoc"               // periodic build
	GithubMergeRequester        = "github_merge_request" // GitHub merge queue
View Source
const (
	GenerateTasksCommandName      = "generate.tasks"
	HostCreateCommandName         = "host.create"
	ShellExecCommandName          = "shell.exec"
	AttachResultsCommandName      = "attach.results"
	AttachArtifactsCommandName    = "attach.artifacts"
	AttachXUnitResultsCommandName = "attach.xunit_results"

Constants for project command names.

View Source
const (
	// SenderGithubStatus sends messages to GitHub like PR status updates. This
	// sender key logically represents all GitHub senders collectively, of which
	// there is one per GitHub org.
	SenderGithubStatus = SenderKey(iota)
View Source
const (
	ArchDarwinAmd64  = "darwin_amd64"
	ArchDarwinArm64  = "darwin_arm64"
	ArchLinuxPpc64le = "linux_ppc64le"
	ArchLinuxS390x   = "linux_s390x"
	ArchLinuxArm64   = "linux_arm64"
	ArchLinuxAmd64   = "linux_amd64"
	ArchWindowsAmd64 = "windows_amd64"

Recognized Evergreen agent CPU architectures, which should be in the form ${GOOS}_${GOARCH}.

View Source
const (
	SuperUserResourceType = "super_user"
	ProjectResourceType   = "project"
	DistroResourceType    = "distro"

	AllProjectsScope          = "all_projects"
	UnrestrictedProjectsScope = "unrestricted_projects"
	RestrictedProjectsScope   = "restricted_projects"
	AllDistrosScope           = "all_distros"

Constants for permission scopes and resource types.

View Source
const (
	BasicProjectAccessRole     = "basic_project_access"
	BasicDistroAccessRole      = "basic_distro_access"
	SuperUserRole              = "superuser"
	SuperUserProjectAccessRole = "admin_project_access"
	SuperUserDistroAccessRole  = "superuser_distro_access"
View Source
const (
	// DefaultAmboyQueueName is the default namespace prefix for the Amboy
	// remote queue.
	DefaultAmboyQueueName = "evg.service"
View Source
const (
	DevProdServiceFieldName = "customfield_24158"
View Source
const NameTimeFormat = "20060102150405"

NameTimeFormat is the format in which to log times like instance start time.


View Source
var (
	// BuildRevision should be specified with -ldflags at build time
	BuildRevision = ""

	// ClientVersion is the commandline version string used to control updating
	// the CLI. The format is the calendar date (YYYY-MM-DD).
	ClientVersion = "2025-03-07"

	// Agent version to control agent rollover. The format is the calendar date
	// (YYYY-MM-DD).
	AgentVersion = "2025-03-11-b"
View Source
var (
	AuthOktaKey   = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(AuthConfig{}, "Okta")
	AuthGithubKey = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(AuthConfig{}, "Github")
	AuthNaiveKey  = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(AuthConfig{}, "Naive")
	AuthMultiKey  = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(AuthConfig{}, "Multi")
	AuthKanopyKey = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(AuthConfig{}, "Kanopy")

	AuthAllowServiceUsersKey = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(AuthConfig{}, "AllowServiceUsers")
View Source
var (
	ConfigCollection = "admin"
	ConfigDocID      = "global"
View Source
var (

	// ContainerPool keys
	ContainerPoolIdKey = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(ContainerPool{}, "Id")

	// SingleTaskDistro Keys
	ProjectTasksPairsKey = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(SingleTaskDistroConfig{}, "ProjectTasksPairs")
View Source
var (
	ProjectCreationConfigTotalProjectLimitKey = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(ProjectCreationConfig{}, "TotalProjectLimit")
	ProjectCreationConfigRepoProjectLimitKey  = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(ProjectCreationConfig{}, "RepoProjectLimit")
	ProjectCreationConfigRepoExceptionsKey    = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(ProjectCreationConfig{}, "RepoExceptions")
	ProjectCreationConfigJiraProjectKey       = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(ProjectCreationConfig{}, "JiraProject")
View Source
var (
	// ProviderSpawnable includes all cloud provider types where hosts can be
	// dynamically created and terminated according to need. This has no
	// relation to spawn hosts.
	ProviderSpawnable = []string{

	// ProviderUserSpawnable includes all cloud provider types where a user can
	// request a dynamically created host for purposes such as host.create and
	// spawn hosts.
	ProviderUserSpawnable = []string{

	ProviderContainer = []string{
View Source
var (
	// SystemVersionRequesterTypes contain non-patch requesters that are created by the Evergreen system, i.e. configs and patch files are unchanged by author.
	SystemVersionRequesterTypes = []string{
	AllRequesterTypes = []string{
View Source
var (
	PatchRequesters = []string{

	SystemActivators = []string{

	// UpHostStatus is a list of all host statuses that are considered up.
	UpHostStatus = []string{

	// StoppableHostStatuses represent all host statuses when it is possible to
	// stop a running host.
	StoppableHostStatuses = []string{




	// StoppableHostStatuses represent all host statuses when it is possible to
	// start a stopped host.
	StartableHostStatuses = []string{




	StartedHostStatus = []string{

	// ProvisioningHostStatus describes hosts that have started,
	// but have not yet completed the provisioning process.
	ProvisioningHostStatus = []string{

	// DownHostStatus is a list of all host statuses that are considered down.
	DownHostStatus = []string{

	// NotRunningStatus is a list of host statuses from before the host starts running.
	NotRunningStatus = []string{

	// IsRunningOrWillRunStatuses includes all statuses for active hosts (see
	// ActiveStatus) where the host is either currently running or is making
	// progress towards running.
	IsRunningOrWillRunStatuses = []string{

	// ActiveStatuses includes all where the host is alive in the cloud provider
	// or could be alive (e.g. for building hosts, the host is in the process of
	// starting up). Intent hosts have not requested a real host from the cloud
	// provider, so they are omitted.
	ActiveStatuses = []string{

	// SleepScheduleStatuses are all host statuses for which the sleep schedule
	// can take effect. If it's not in one of these states, the sleep schedule
	// does not apply.
	SleepScheduleStatuses = []string{

	// Set of host status values that can be user set via the API
	ValidUserSetHostStatus = []string{

	// Set of valid PlannerSettings.Version strings that can be user set via the API
	ValidTaskPlannerVersions = []string{

	// Set of valid DispatchSettings.Version strings that can be user set via the API
	ValidTaskDispatcherVersions = []string{

	// Set of valid FinderSettings.Version strings that can be user set via the API
	ValidTaskFinderVersions = []string{

	// Set of valid Host Allocators types
	ValidHostAllocators = []string{

	ValidHostAllocatorRoundingRules = []string{

	ValidDefaultHostAllocatorRoundingRules = []string{
	ValidHostAllocatorFeedbackRules = []string{

	ValidDefaultHostAllocatorFeedbackRules = []string{

	ValidHostsOverallocatedRules = []string{

	ValidDefaultHostsOverallocatedRules = []string{

	// TaskInProgressStatuses have been picked up by an agent but have not
	// finished running.
	TaskInProgressStatuses = []string{TaskStarted, TaskDispatched}
	// TaskCompletedStatuses are statuses for tasks that have finished running.
	// This does not include task display statuses.
	TaskCompletedStatuses = []string{TaskSucceeded, TaskFailed}
	// TaskUncompletedStatuses are all statuses that do not represent a finished state.
	TaskUncompletedStatuses = []string{

	SyncStatuses = []string{TaskSucceeded, TaskFailed}

	ValidCommandTypes = []string{CommandTypeSetup, CommandTypeSystem, CommandTypeTest}

	// Map from valid OS/architecture combinations to display names
	ValidArchDisplayNames = map[string]string{
		ArchWindowsAmd64: "Windows 64-bit",
		ArchLinuxPpc64le: "Linux PowerPC 64-bit",
		ArchLinuxS390x:   "Linux zSeries",
		ArchLinuxArm64:   "Linux ARM 64-bit",
		ArchDarwinAmd64:  "OSX 64-bit",
		ArchDarwinArm64:  "OSX ARM 64-bit",
		ArchLinuxAmd64:   "Linux 64-bit",
View Source
var (
	ValidResourceTypes = []string{SuperUserResourceType, ProjectResourceType, DistroResourceType}
	// SuperUserPermissions resource ID.
	SuperUserPermissionsID = "super_user"

	// Admin permissions.
	PermissionAdminSettings = "admin_settings"
	PermissionProjectCreate = "project_create"
	PermissionDistroCreate  = "distro_create"
	PermissionRoleModify    = "modify_roles"
	// Project permissions.
	PermissionProjectSettings = "project_settings"

	PermissionGitTagVersions = "project_git_tags"
	PermissionTasks          = "project_tasks"
	PermissionAnnotations    = "project_task_annotations"
	PermissionPatches        = "project_patches"
	PermissionLogs           = "project_logs"
	// Distro permissions.
	PermissionDistroSettings = "distro_settings"
	PermissionHosts          = "distro_hosts"
View Source
var (
	AdminSettingsEdit = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Edit admin settings",
		Value:       10,
	ProjectCreate = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Create new projects",
		Value:       10,
	DistroCreate = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Create new distros",
		Value:       10,
	RoleModify = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Modify system roles and permissions",
		Value:       10,
	ProjectSettingsEdit = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Edit project settings",
		Value:       20,
	ProjectSettingsView = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "View project settings",
		Value:       10,
	ProjectSettingsNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "No project settings permissions",
		Value:       0,
	GitTagVersionsCreate = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Create versions with git tags",
		Value:       10,
	GitTagVersionsNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Not able to create versions with git tags",
		Value:       0,
	AnnotationsModify = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Modify annotations",
		Value:       20,
	AnnotationsView = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "View annotations",
		Value:       10,
	AnnotationsNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "No annotations permissions",
		Value:       0,
	TasksAdmin = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Edit tasks and override dependencies",
		Value:       30,
	TasksBasic = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Edit tasks",
		Value:       20,
	TasksView = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "View tasks",
		Value:       10,
	TasksNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Not able to view or edit tasks",
		Value:       0,
	PatchSubmitAdmin = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Submit/edit patches, and submit patches on behalf of users",
		Value:       20,
	PatchSubmit = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Submit and edit patches",
		Value:       10,
	PatchNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Not able to submit patches",
		Value:       0,
	LogsView = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "View logs",
		Value:       10,
	LogsNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Not able to view logs",
		Value:       0,
	DistroSettingsAdmin = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Remove distro and edit distro settings",
		Value:       30,
	DistroSettingsEdit = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Edit distro settings",
		Value:       20,
	DistroSettingsView = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "View distro settings",
		Value:       10,
	DistroSettingsNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "No distro settings permissions",
		Value:       0,
	HostsEdit = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "Edit hosts",
		Value:       20,
	HostsView = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "View hosts",
		Value:       10,
	HostsNone = PermissionLevel{
		Description: "No hosts permissions",
		Value:       0,

Constants related to permission levels.

View Source
var DevProdJiraServiceField = map[string]string{
	"id":    devProdServiceId,
	"value": devProdServiceValue,

DevProdJiraServiceField defines a required field for DEVPROD tickets, which we sometimes auto-generate. Using "Other" prevents this from getting out of sync with service naming too quickly.

Contains both general and superuser access.

View Source
var (
	MaxExecTimeoutSecs = bsonutil.MustHaveTag(TaskLimitsConfig{}, "MaxExecTimeoutSecs")
View Source
var (

	// don't ever access this directly except from testutil
	PermissionSystemDisabled = false

TaskFailureStatuses represent all the ways that a completed task can fail, inclusive of display statuses such as system failures.

TaskNonGenericFailureStatuses represents some kind of specific abnormal failure mode. These are display statuses used in the UI.

TaskSystemFailureStatuses contains only system failure statuses used by the UI and event logs.

View Source
var TaskUnstartedStatuses = []string{
View Source
var UserTriggeredOrigins = []string{
View Source
var ValidContainerArchitectures = []ContainerArch{ArchARM64, ArchAMD64}

ValidContainerArchitectures contains all recognized container CPU architectures.

View Source
var ValidContainerOperatingSystems = []ContainerOS{LinuxOS, WindowsOS}

ValidContainerOperatingSystems contains all recognized container operating systems.

ValidEC2Tenancies represents valid EC2 tenancy values.

ValidWindowsVersions contains all recognized container Windows versions.


func FindEvergreenHome

func FindEvergreenHome() string

FindEvergreenHome finds the directory of the EVGHOME environment variable.

func GetDisplayNameForPermissionKey

func GetDisplayNameForPermissionKey(permissionKey string) string

GetDisplayNameForPermissionKey gets the display name associated with a permission key

func IsDockerProvider

func IsDockerProvider(provider string) bool

IsDockerProvider returns true if the provider is docker.

func IsEc2Provider

func IsEc2Provider(provider string) bool

IsEc2Provider returns true if the provider is ec2.

func IsFailedTaskStatus

func IsFailedTaskStatus(status string) bool

func IsFinishedBuildStatus

func IsFinishedBuildStatus(status string) bool

func IsFinishedTaskStatus

func IsFinishedTaskStatus(status string) bool

func IsFinishedVersionStatus

func IsFinishedVersionStatus(status string) bool

IsFinishedVersionStatus returns true if the version or patch is true.

func IsGitHubPatchRequester

func IsGitHubPatchRequester(requester string) bool

func IsGitTagRequester

func IsGitTagRequester(requester string) bool

func IsGithubMergeQueueRequester

func IsGithubMergeQueueRequester(requester string) bool

func IsGithubPRRequester

func IsGithubPRRequester(requester string) bool

func IsPatchRequester

func IsPatchRequester(requester string) bool

func IsSystemActivator

func IsSystemActivator(caller string) bool

IsSystemActivator returns true when the task activator is Evergreen.

func IsUnstartedTaskStatus

func IsUnstartedTaskStatus(status string) bool

func IsValidEC2Tenancy

func IsValidEC2Tenancy(tenancy EC2Tenancy) bool

IsValidEC2Tenancy returns if the given EC2 tenancy is valid.

func IsValidTaskEndStatus

func IsValidTaskEndStatus(status string) bool

func PermissionsDisabledForTests

func PermissionsDisabledForTests() bool

func SetBanner

func SetBanner(ctx context.Context, bannerText string) error

SetBanner sets the text of the Evergreen site-wide banner. Setting a blank string here means that there is no banner

func SetBannerTheme

func SetBannerTheme(ctx context.Context, theme BannerTheme) error

SetBannerTheme sets the text of the Evergreen site-wide banner. Setting a blank string here means that there is no banner

func SetEnvironment

func SetEnvironment(env Environment)

func SetServiceFlags

func SetServiceFlags(ctx context.Context, flags ServiceFlags) error

SetServiceFlags sets whether each of the runner/API server processes is enabled.

func ShouldConsiderBatchtime

func ShouldConsiderBatchtime(requester string) bool

func UpdateConfig

func UpdateConfig(ctx context.Context, config *Settings) error

UpdateConfig updates all evergreen settings documents in the DB.

func UserRequesterToInternalRequester

func UserRequesterToInternalRequester(requester UserRequester) string

UserRequesterToInternalRequester translates a user-facing requester type to its equivalent internal requester type.

func ValidateSSHKey

func ValidateSSHKey(key string) error

ValidateSSHKey errors if the given key does not start with one of the allowed prefixes.


type APIConfig

type APIConfig struct {
	HttpListenAddr string `bson:"http_listen_addr" json:"http_listen_addr" yaml:"httplistenaddr"`
	URL            string `bson:"url" json:"url" yaml:"url"`

APIConfig holds relevant log and listener settings for the API server.

func (*APIConfig) Get

func (c *APIConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*APIConfig) SectionId

func (c *APIConfig) SectionId() string

func (*APIConfig) Set

func (c *APIConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*APIConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *APIConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type AWSClientType

type AWSClientType string

AWSClientType represents the different types of AWS client implementations that can be used.

const (

	// AWSClientTypeMock is the mock implementation of an AWS client for testing
	// purposes only. This should never be used in production.
	AWSClientTypeMock AWSClientType = "mock"

type AWSConfig

type AWSConfig struct {
	// EC2Keys stored as a list to allow for possible multiple accounts in the future.
	EC2Keys []EC2Key `bson:"ec2_keys" json:"ec2_keys" yaml:"ec2_keys"`
	Subnets []Subnet `bson:"subnets" json:"subnets" yaml:"subnets"`

	// ParserProject is configuration for storing and accessing parser projects
	// in S3.
	ParserProject ParserProjectS3Config `bson:"parser_project" json:"parser_project" yaml:"parser_project"`

	// PersistentDNS is AWS configuration for maintaining persistent DNS names for hosts.
	PersistentDNS PersistentDNSConfig `bson:"persistent_dns" json:"persistent_dns" yaml:"persistent_dns"`

	DefaultSecurityGroup string `bson:"default_security_group" json:"default_security_group" yaml:"default_security_group"`

	AllowedRegions []string `bson:"allowed_regions" json:"allowed_regions" yaml:"allowed_regions"`
	// EC2 instance types for spawn hosts
	AllowedInstanceTypes []string `bson:"allowed_instance_types" json:"allowed_instance_types" yaml:"allowed_instance_types"`
	MaxVolumeSizePerUser int      `bson:"max_volume_size" json:"max_volume_size" yaml:"max_volume_size"`

	// Pod represents configuration for using pods in AWS.
	Pod AWSPodConfig `bson:"pod" json:"pod" yaml:"pod"`

AWSConfig stores auth info for Amazon Web Services.

type AWSPodConfig

type AWSPodConfig struct {
	// Role is the role to assume to make API calls that manage pods.
	Role string `bson:"role" json:"role" yaml:"role"`
	// Region is the region where the pods are managed.
	Region string `bson:"region" json:"region" yaml:"region"`
	// ECS represents configuration for using AWS ECS to manage pods.
	ECS ECSConfig `bson:"ecs" json:"ecs" yaml:"ecs"`
	// SecretsManager represents configuration for using AWS Secrets Manager
	// with AWS ECS for pods.
	SecretsManager SecretsManagerConfig `bson:"secrets_manager" json:"secrets_manager" yaml:"secrets_manager"`

AWSPodConfig represents configuration for using pods backed by AWS.

func (*AWSPodConfig) Validate

func (c *AWSPodConfig) Validate() error

Validate checks that the ECS configuration is valid.

type AWSVPCConfig

type AWSVPCConfig struct {
	Subnets        []string `bson:"subnets" json:"subnets" yaml:"subnets"`
	SecurityGroups []string `bson:"security_groups" json:"security_groups" yaml:"security_groups"`

AWSVPCConfig represents configuration when using AWSVPC networking in ECS.

type AmboyConfig

type AmboyConfig struct {
	Name                                  string                  `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	SingleName                            string                  `bson:"single_name" json:"single_name" yaml:"single_name"`
	PoolSizeLocal                         int                     `bson:"pool_size_local" json:"pool_size_local" yaml:"pool_size_local"`
	PoolSizeRemote                        int                     `bson:"pool_size_remote" json:"pool_size_remote" yaml:"pool_size_remote"`
	LocalStorage                          int                     `bson:"local_storage_size" json:"local_storage_size" yaml:"local_storage_size"`
	GroupDefaultWorkers                   int                     `bson:"group_default_workers" json:"group_default_workers" yaml:"group_default_workers"`
	GroupBackgroundCreateFrequencyMinutes int                     `bson:"group_background_create_frequency" json:"group_background_create_frequency" yaml:"group_background_create_frequency"`
	GroupPruneFrequencyMinutes            int                     `bson:"group_prune_frequency" json:"group_prune_frequency" yaml:"group_prune_frequency"`
	GroupTTLMinutes                       int                     `bson:"group_ttl" json:"group_ttl" yaml:"group_ttl"`
	LockTimeoutMinutes                    int                     `bson:"lock_timeout_minutes" json:"lock_timeout_minutes" yaml:"lock_timeout_minutes"`
	SampleSize                            int                     `bson:"sample_size" json:"sample_size" yaml:"sample_size"`
	Retry                                 AmboyRetryConfig        `bson:"retry" json:"retry" yaml:"retry"`
	NamedQueues                           []AmboyNamedQueueConfig `bson:"named_queues" json:"named_queues" yaml:"named_queues"`
	// SkipPreferredIndexes indicates whether or not to use the preferred
	// indexes for the remote queues. This is not a value that can or should be
	// configured in production, but is useful to explicitly set for testing
	// environments, where the required indexes may not be set up.
	SkipPreferredIndexes bool `bson:"skip_preferred_indexes" json:"skip_preferred_indexes" yaml:"skip_preferred_indexes"`

func (*AmboyConfig) Get

func (c *AmboyConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*AmboyConfig) SectionId

func (c *AmboyConfig) SectionId() string

func (*AmboyConfig) Set

func (c *AmboyConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*AmboyConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *AmboyConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type AmboyDBConfig

type AmboyDBConfig struct {
	URL      string `bson:"url" json:"url" yaml:"url"`
	Database string `bson:"database" json:"database" yaml:"database"`

AmboyDBConfig configures Amboy's database connection.

func (*AmboyDBConfig) Get

func (c *AmboyDBConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*AmboyDBConfig) SectionId

func (c *AmboyDBConfig) SectionId() string

func (*AmboyDBConfig) Set

func (c *AmboyDBConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*AmboyDBConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *AmboyDBConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type AmboyNamedQueueConfig

type AmboyNamedQueueConfig struct {
	Name               string `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Regexp             string `bson:"regexp" json:"regexp" yaml:"regexp"`
	NumWorkers         int    `bson:"num_workers" json:"num_workers" yaml:"num_workers"`
	SampleSize         int    `bson:"sample_size" json:"sample_size" yaml:"sample_size"`
	LockTimeoutSeconds int    `bson:"lock_timeout_seconds" json:"lock_timeout_seconds" yaml:"lock_timeout_seconds"`

AmboyNamedQueueConfig represents configuration settings for particular named queues in the Amboy queue group.

type AmboyRetryConfig

type AmboyRetryConfig struct {
	NumWorkers                          int `bson:"num_workers" json:"num_workers" yaml:"num_workers"`
	MaxCapacity                         int `bson:"max_capacity" json:"max_capacity" yaml:"max_capacity"`
	MaxRetryAttempts                    int `bson:"max_retry_attempts" json:"max_retry_attempts" yaml:"max_retry_attempts"`
	MaxRetryTimeSeconds                 int `bson:"max_retry_time_seconds" json:"max_retry_time_seconds" yaml:"max_retry_time_seconds"`
	RetryBackoffSeconds                 int `bson:"retry_backoff_seconds" json:"retry_backoff_seconds" yaml:"retry_backoff_seconds"`
	StaleRetryingMonitorIntervalSeconds int `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */

AmboyRetryConfig represents configuration settings for Amboy's retryability feature.

func (*AmboyRetryConfig) RetryableQueueOptions

func (c *AmboyRetryConfig) RetryableQueueOptions() queue.RetryableQueueOptions

type AnnotationsSettings

type AnnotationsSettings struct {
	// the endpoint that the user would like to send data to when the file ticket button is clicked
	FileTicketWebhook WebHook `mapstructure:"web_hook" bson:"web_hook" json:"web_hook" yaml:"file_ticket_webhook"`

type AuthConfig

type AuthConfig struct {
	Okta                    *OktaConfig       `bson:"okta,omitempty" json:"okta" yaml:"okta"`
	Naive                   *NaiveAuthConfig  `bson:"naive,omitempty" json:"naive" yaml:"naive"`
	Github                  *GithubAuthConfig `bson:"github,omitempty" json:"github" yaml:"github"`
	Multi                   *MultiAuthConfig  `bson:"multi" json:"multi" yaml:"multi"`
	Kanopy                  *KanopyAuthConfig `bson:"kanopy" json:"kanopy" yaml:"kanopy"`
	AllowServiceUsers       bool              `bson:"allow_service_users" json:"allow_service_users" yaml:"allow_service_users"`
	PreferredType           string            `bson:"preferred_type,omitempty" json:"preferred_type" yaml:"preferred_type"`
	BackgroundReauthMinutes int               `bson:"background_reauth_minutes" json:"background_reauth_minutes" yaml:"background_reauth_minutes"`

AuthConfig contains the settings for the various auth managers.

func (*AuthConfig) Get

func (c *AuthConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*AuthConfig) SectionId

func (c *AuthConfig) SectionId() string

func (*AuthConfig) Set

func (c *AuthConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*AuthConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *AuthConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type AuthUser

type AuthUser struct {
	Username    string `bson:"username" json:"username" yaml:"username"`
	DisplayName string `bson:"display_name" json:"display_name" yaml:"display_name"`
	Password    string `bson:"password" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
	Email       string `bson:"email" json:"email" yaml:"email"`

AuthUser configures a user for our Naive authentication setup.

type BannerTheme

type BannerTheme string

supported banner themes in Evergreen

const (
	Announcement BannerTheme = "ANNOUNCEMENT"
	Information  BannerTheme = "INFORMATION"
	Warning      BannerTheme = "WARNING"
	Important    BannerTheme = "IMPORTANT"
	Empty        BannerTheme = ""

func IsValidBannerTheme

func IsValidBannerTheme(input string) (bool, BannerTheme)

type BetaFeatures

type BetaFeatures struct {
	SpruceWaterfallEnabled bool `bson:"spruce_waterfall_enabled" json:"spruce_waterfall_enabled"`

BetaFeatures represents beta tests, which may be active or inactive.

type BucketConfig

type BucketConfig struct {
	Name   string     `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Type   BucketType `bson:"type" json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	DBName string     `bson:"db_name" json:"db_name" yaml:"db_name"`

BucketConfig represents the admin config for an individual bucket.

type BucketType

type BucketType string
const (
	BucketTypeGridFS BucketType = "gridfs"
	BucketTypeLocal  BucketType = "local"
	BucketTypeS3     BucketType = "s3"

type BucketsConfig

type BucketsConfig struct {
	// LogBucket is the bucket information for logs.
	LogBucket BucketConfig `bson:"log_bucket" json:"log_bucket" yaml:"log_bucket"`
	// Credentials for accessing the LogBucket.
	Credentials S3Credentials `bson:"credentials" json:"credentials" yaml:"credentials"`

	// InternalBuckets are the buckets that Evergreen's app servers have access to
	// via their IRSA role.
	InternalBuckets []string `yaml:"internal_buckets" bson:"internal_buckets" json:"internal_buckets"`

BucketsConfig represents the admin config section for interally-owned Evergreen data bucket storage.

func (*BucketsConfig) Get

func (c *BucketsConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*BucketsConfig) SectionId

func (*BucketsConfig) SectionId() string

func (*BucketsConfig) Set

func (c *BucketsConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*BucketsConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *BucketsConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type BuildBaronSettings

type BuildBaronSettings struct {
	TicketCreateProject   string   `mapstructure:"ticket_create_project" bson:"ticket_create_project" json:"ticket_create_project" yaml:"ticket_create_project"`
	TicketCreateIssueType string   `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	TicketSearchProjects  []string `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */

	// The BF Suggestion server as a source of suggestions is only enabled for projects where BFSuggestionServer isn't the empty string.
	BFSuggestionServer      string `mapstructure:"bf_suggestion_server" bson:"bf_suggestion_server" json:"bf_suggestion_server" yaml:"bf_suggestion_server"`
	BFSuggestionUsername    string `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	BFSuggestionPassword    string `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	BFSuggestionTimeoutSecs int    `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */
	BFSuggestionFeaturesURL string `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */

type CedarConfig

type CedarConfig struct {
	BaseURL     string `bson:"base_url" json:"base_url" yaml:"base_url"`
	GRPCBaseURL string `bson:"grpc_base_url" json:"grpc_base_url" yaml:"grpc_base_url"`
	RPCPort     string `bson:"rpc_port" json:"rpc_port" yaml:"rpc_port"`
	User        string `bson:"user" json:"user" yaml:"user"`
	APIKey      string `bson:"api_key" json:"api_key" yaml:"api_key"`
	// Insecure disables TLS, this should only be used for testing.
	Insecure bool `bson:"insecure" json:"insecure" yaml:"insecure"`
	// SPSURL tells Evergreen where the SPS vanity service is. This is only for Evergreen hosts.
	SPSURL string `bson:"sps_url" json:"sps_url" yaml:"sps_url"`
	// SPSKanopyURL tells Evergreen where the SPS internal service is. This is only for Evergreen app servers.
	SPSKanopyURL string `bson:"sps_kanopy_url" json:"sps_kanopy_url" yaml:"sps_kanopy_url"`

func (*CedarConfig) Get

func (c *CedarConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*CedarConfig) SectionId

func (*CedarConfig) SectionId() string

func (*CedarConfig) Set

func (c *CedarConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*CedarConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *CedarConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type ClientBinary

type ClientBinary struct {
	Arch        string `yaml:"arch" json:"arch"`
	OS          string `yaml:"os" json:"os"`
	URL         string `yaml:"url" json:"url"`
	DisplayName string `yaml:"display_name" json:"display_name"`

type ClientConfig

type ClientConfig struct {
	ClientBinaries []ClientBinary
	LatestRevision string
	S3URLPrefix    string

type CloudProviders

type CloudProviders struct {
	AWS    AWSConfig    `bson:"aws" json:"aws" yaml:"aws"`
	Docker DockerConfig `bson:"docker" json:"docker" yaml:"docker"`

CloudProviders stores configuration settings for the supported cloud host providers.

func (*CloudProviders) Get

func (c *CloudProviders) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*CloudProviders) SectionId

func (c *CloudProviders) SectionId() string

func (*CloudProviders) Set

func (c *CloudProviders) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*CloudProviders) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *CloudProviders) ValidateAndDefault() error

type ConfigSection

type ConfigSection interface {
	// SectionId returns the ID of the section to be used in the database document and struct tag
	SectionId() string
	// Get populates the section from the DB
	Get(context.Context) error
	// Set upserts the section document into the DB
	Set(context.Context) error
	// ValidateAndDefault validates input and sets defaults
	ValidateAndDefault() error

ConfigSection defines a sub-document in the evergreen config any config sections must also be added to the registry in config_sections.go.

type ConfigSections

type ConfigSections struct {
	Sections map[string]ConfigSection

func NewConfigSections

func NewConfigSections() ConfigSections

type ContainerArch

type ContainerArch string

ContainerArch represents the CPU architecture necessary to run a container.

const (
	ArchARM64 ContainerArch = "arm64"
	ArchAMD64 ContainerArch = "x86_64"

func (ContainerArch) Validate

func (c ContainerArch) Validate() error

Validate checks that the container CPU architecture is recognized.

type ContainerOS

type ContainerOS string

ContainerOS denotes the operating system of a running container.

const (
	LinuxOS   ContainerOS = "linux"
	WindowsOS ContainerOS = "windows"

func (ContainerOS) Validate

func (c ContainerOS) Validate() error

Validate checks that the container OS is recognized.

type ContainerPool

type ContainerPool struct {
	// Distro of parent host that hosts containers
	Distro string `bson:"distro" json:"distro" yaml:"distro"`
	// ID of container pool
	Id string `bson:"id" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
	// Maximum number of containers per parent host with this container pool
	MaxContainers int `bson:"max_containers" json:"max_containers" yaml:"max_containers"`
	// Port number to start at for SSH connections
	Port uint16 `bson:"port" json:"port" yaml:"port"`
	// # of images that can be on a single host, defaults to 3 if not set
	MaxImages int

ContainerPool holds settings for each container pool

type ContainerPoolsConfig

type ContainerPoolsConfig struct {
	Pools []ContainerPool `bson:"pools" json:"pools" yaml:"pools"`

func (*ContainerPoolsConfig) Get

func (*ContainerPoolsConfig) GetContainerPool

func (c *ContainerPoolsConfig) GetContainerPool(id string) *ContainerPool

GetContainerPool retrieves the container pool with a given id from a ContainerPoolsConfig struct

func (*ContainerPoolsConfig) SectionId

func (c *ContainerPoolsConfig) SectionId() string

func (*ContainerPoolsConfig) Set

func (*ContainerPoolsConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *ContainerPoolsConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type CreateInstallationTokenFunc

type CreateInstallationTokenFunc func(ctx context.Context, owner, repo string) (string, error)

type DBSettings

type DBSettings struct {
	Url                  string       `yaml:"url"`
	SharedURL            string       `yaml:"shared_url"`
	DB                   string       `yaml:"db"`
	WriteConcernSettings WriteConcern `yaml:"write_concern"`
	ReadConcernSettings  ReadConcern  `yaml:"read_concern"`
	AWSAuthEnabled       bool         `yaml:"aws_auth_enabled"`

type DockerConfig

type DockerConfig struct {
	APIVersion string `bson:"api_version" json:"api_version" yaml:"api_version"`

DockerConfig stores auth info for Docker.

type EC2Key

type EC2Key struct {
	Name   string `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Region string `bson:"region" json:"region" yaml:"region"` // this can be removed after EVG-8284 is merged
	Key    string `bson:"key" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	Secret string `bson:"secret" json:"secret" yaml:"secret"`

EC2Key links a region with a corresponding key and secret

type EC2Tenancy

type EC2Tenancy string

EC2Tenancy represents the physical hardware tenancy for EC2 hosts.

const (
	EC2TenancyDefault   EC2Tenancy = "default"
	EC2TenancyDedicated EC2Tenancy = "dedicated"

type ECSArch

type ECSArch string

ECSArch represents a CPU architecture that can run containers in ECS.

func (ECSArch) Validate

func (a ECSArch) Validate() error

Validate checks that the CPU architecture is a valid one for running containers.

type ECSCapacityProvider

type ECSCapacityProvider struct {
	// Name is the capacity provider name.
	Name string `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// OS is the kind of OS that the container instances in this capacity
	// provider can run.
	OS ECSOS `bson:"os" json:"os" yaml:"os"`
	// Arch is the type of CPU architecture that the container instances in this
	// capacity provider can run.
	Arch ECSArch `bson:"arch" json:"arch" yaml:"arch"`
	// WindowsVersion is the particular version of Windows that container
	// instances in this capacity provider run. This only applies if the OS is
	// Windows.
	WindowsVersion ECSWindowsVersion `bson:"windows_version" json:"windows_version" yaml:"windows_version"`

ECSCapacityProvider represents a capacity provider in ECS.

func (*ECSCapacityProvider) Validate

func (p *ECSCapacityProvider) Validate() error

Validate checks that the required settings are given for the capacity provider.

type ECSClusterConfig

type ECSClusterConfig struct {
	// Name is the ECS cluster name.
	Name string `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	// OS is the OS of the container instances supported by the cluster.
	OS ECSOS `bson:"os" json:"os" yaml:"os"`

ECSClusterConfig represents configuration specific to a particular ECS cluster.

func (*ECSClusterConfig) Validate

func (c *ECSClusterConfig) Validate() error

Validate checks that the ECS cluster configuration has the required fields and all fields are valid values.

type ECSConfig

type ECSConfig struct {
	// MaxCPU is the maximum allowed CPU units (1024 CPU units = 1 vCPU) that a
	// single pod can use.
	MaxCPU int `bson:"max_cpu" json:"max_cpu" yaml:"max_cpu"`
	// MaxMemoryMB is the maximum allowed memory (in MB) that a single pod can
	// use.
	MaxMemoryMB int `bson:"max_memory_mb" json:"max_memory_mb" yaml:"max_memory_mb"`
	// TaskDefinitionPrefix is the prefix for the task definition families.
	TaskDefinitionPrefix string `bson:"task_definition_prefix" json:"task_definition_prefix" yaml:"task_definition_prefix"`
	// TaskRole is the IAM role that ECS tasks can assume to make AWS requests.
	TaskRole string `bson:"task_role" json:"task_role" yaml:"task_role"`
	// ExecutionRole is the IAM role that ECS container instances can assume to
	// make AWS requests.
	ExecutionRole string `bson:"execution_role" json:"execution_role" yaml:"execution_role"`
	// LogRegion is the region used by the task definition's log configuration.
	LogRegion string `bson:"log_region" json:"log_region" yaml:"log_region"`
	// LogGroup is the log group name used by the task definition's log configuration.
	LogGroup string `bson:"log_group" json:"log_group" yaml:"log_group"`
	// LogStreamPrefix is the prefix used to determine log group stream names.
	LogStreamPrefix string `bson:"log_stream_prefix" json:"log_stream_prefix" yaml:"log_stream_prefix"`
	// AWSVPC specifies configuration when ECS tasks use AWSVPC networking.
	AWSVPC AWSVPCConfig `bson:"awsvpc" json:"awsvpc" yaml:"awsvpc"`
	// Clusters specify the configuration of each particular ECS cluster.
	Clusters []ECSClusterConfig `bson:"clusters" json:"clusters" yaml:"clusters"`
	// CapacityProviders specify the available capacity provider configurations.
	CapacityProviders []ECSCapacityProvider `bson:"capacity_providers" json:"capacity_providers" yaml:"capacity_providers"`
	// ClientType represents the type of Secrets Manager client implementation
	// that will be used. This is not a value that can or should be configured
	// for production, but is useful to explicitly set for testing purposes.
	ClientType AWSClientType `bson:"client_type" json:"client_type" yaml:"client_type"`
	// AllowedImages specifies images that are allowed to be used.
	AllowedImages []string `bson:"allowed_images" json:"allowed_images" yaml:"allowed_images"`

ECSConfig represents configuration for AWS ECS.

func (*ECSConfig) Validate

func (c *ECSConfig) Validate() error

Validate checks that the required ECS configuration options are given.

type ECSOS

type ECSOS string

ECSOS represents an OS that can run containers in ECS.

func (ECSOS) Validate

func (p ECSOS) Validate() error

Validate checks that the OS is a valid one for running containers.

type ECSWindowsVersion

type ECSWindowsVersion string

ECSWindowsVersion represents a particular Windows OS version that can run containers in ECS.

func (ECSWindowsVersion) Validate

func (v ECSWindowsVersion) Validate() error

Validate checks that the Windows OS version is a valid one for running containers.

type Environment

type Environment interface {
	// Settings returns the cached version of the admin settings as a settings object.
	// The settings object is not necessarily safe for concurrent access.
	// Use GetConfig() to access the settings object from the DB.
	Settings() *Settings
	Context() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)

	Session() db.Session
	ContextSession(ctx context.Context) db.Session
	Client() *mongo.Client

	// DB returns a database that is dedicated to this instance of
	// Evergreen.
	DB() *mongo.Database
	// SharedDB returns a database that is shared between multiple
	// instances of Evergreen. Returns nil when no shared database
	// is configured.
	SharedDB() *mongo.Database

	// The Environment provides access to several amboy queues for
	// processing background work in the context of the Evergreen
	// application.
	// The LocalQueue provides process-local execution, to support
	// reporting and cleanup operations local to a single instance
	// of the evergreen application.  These queues are not
	// durable, and job data are not available between application
	// restarts.
	// The RemoteQueue provides a single queue with many
	// workers, distributed across all application servers. Each
	// application dedicates a moderate pool of workers, and work
	// enters this queue from periodic operations
	// (e.g. "cron-like") as well as work that is submitted as a
	// result of user requests. The service queue is
	// mixed-workload.
	// The RemoteQueueGroup provides logically distinct
	// application queues in situations where we need to isolate
	// workloads between queues. The queues are backed remotely, which
	// means that their work persists between restarts.
	LocalQueue() amboy.Queue
	RemoteQueue() amboy.Queue
	RemoteQueueGroup() amboy.QueueGroup

	// Jasper is a process manager for running external
	// commands. Every process has a manager service.
	JasperManager() jasper.Manager
	CertificateDepot() certdepot.Depot
	// ParameterManager returns the parameter manager that stores sensitive
	// secrets.
	ParameterManager() *parameterstore.ParameterManager
	SetParameterManager(pm *parameterstore.ParameterManager)

	// ClientConfig provides access to a list of the latest evergreen
	// clients, that this server can serve to users
	ClientConfig() *ClientConfig

	// SaveConfig persists the configuration settings.
	SaveConfig(context.Context) error

	// GetSender provides a grip Sender configured with the environment's
	// settings. These Grip senders must be used with Composers that specify
	// all message details.
	GetSender(SenderKey) (send.Sender, error)
	SetSender(SenderKey, send.Sender) error

	// GetGitHubSender provides a grip Sender configured with the given
	// owner and repo information.
	GetGitHubSender(owner string, repo string, createInstallationToken CreateInstallationTokenFunc) (send.Sender, error)

	// RegisterCloser adds a function object to an internal
	// tracker to be called by the Close method before process
	// termination. The ID is used in reporting, but must be
	// unique or a new closer could overwrite an existing closer
	// in some implementations.
	RegisterCloser(string, bool, func(context.Context) error)
	// Close calls all registered closers in the environment.
	Close(context.Context) error

	// RoleManager returns an interface that can be used to interact with roles and permissions
	RoleManager() gimlet.RoleManager

	// UserManager returns the global user manager for authentication.
	UserManager() gimlet.UserManager
	// UserManagerInfo returns the information about the user manager.
	UserManagerInfo() UserManagerInfo
	// ShutdownSequenceStarted is true iff the shutdown sequence has been started
	ShutdownSequenceStarted() bool
	// BuildVersion returns the ID of the Evergreen version that built the binary.
	// Returns an empty string if the version ID isn't provided on startup.
	BuildVersion() string

Environment provides application-level services (e.g. databases, configuration, queues.

func GetEnvironment

func GetEnvironment() Environment

GetEnvironment returns the global application level environment. This implementation is thread safe, but must be configured before use.

In general you should call this operation once per process execution and pass the Environment interface through your application like a context, although there are cases in legacy code (e.g. models) and in the implementation of amboy jobs where it is necessary to access the global environment. There is a mock implementation for use in testing.

func NewEnvironment

func NewEnvironment(ctx context.Context, confPath, versionID, clientS3Bucket string, db *DBSettings, tp trace.TracerProvider) (Environment, error)

NewEnvironment constructs an Environment instance and initializes all essential global state, including establishing a new connection to the database and creating a new set of worker queues.

When NewEnvironment returns without an error, you should assume that the queues have been started, there was no issue establishing a connection to the database, and that the local and remote queues have started.

NewEnvironment requires that either the path or DB is set. If both are specified, the settings are read from the file.

type GitHubCheckRunConfig

type GitHubCheckRunConfig struct {
	// CheckRunLimit is the number of check runs that Evergreen is willing to support for each patch created by GitHub PRs.
	CheckRunLimit int `bson:"check_run_limit" json:"check_run_limit" yaml:"check_run_limit"`

GitHubCheckRunConfig configures settings for the GitHub Check Run API.

func (*GitHubCheckRunConfig) Get

Get populates the config from the database.

func (*GitHubCheckRunConfig) SectionId

func (c *GitHubCheckRunConfig) SectionId() string

SectionId returns the ID of this config section.

func (*GitHubCheckRunConfig) Set

Set sets the document in the database to match the in-memory config struct.

func (*GitHubCheckRunConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *GitHubCheckRunConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

ValidateAndDefault validates the check run configuration.

type GithubAuthConfig

type GithubAuthConfig struct {
	AppId        int64    `bson:"app_id" json:"app_id" yaml:"app_id"`
	ClientId     string   `bson:"client_id" json:"client_id" yaml:"client_id"`
	ClientSecret string   `bson:"client_secret" json:"client_secret" yaml:"client_secret"`
	DefaultOwner string   `bson:"default_owner" json:"default_owner" yaml:"default_owner"`
	DefaultRepo  string   `bson:"default_repo" json:"default_repo" yaml:"default_repo"`
	Organization string   `bson:"organization" json:"organization" yaml:"organization"`
	Users        []string `bson:"users" json:"users" yaml:"users"`

GithubAuthConfig contains settings for interacting with Github Authentication including the ClientID, ClientSecret and CallbackUri which are given when registering the application Furthermore,

type HostInitConfig

type HostInitConfig struct {
	HostThrottle         int `bson:"host_throttle" json:"host_throttle" yaml:"host_throttle"`
	ProvisioningThrottle int `bson:"provisioning_throttle" json:"provisioning_throttle" yaml:"provisioning_throttle"`
	CloudStatusBatchSize int `bson:"cloud_batch_size" json:"cloud_batch_size" yaml:"cloud_batch_size"`
	MaxTotalDynamicHosts int `bson:"max_total_dynamic_hosts" json:"max_total_dynamic_hosts" yaml:"max_total_dynamic_hosts"`

HostInitConfig holds logging settings for the hostinit process.

func (*HostInitConfig) Get

func (c *HostInitConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*HostInitConfig) SectionId

func (c *HostInitConfig) SectionId() string

func (*HostInitConfig) Set

func (c *HostInitConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*HostInitConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *HostInitConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type HostJasperConfig

type HostJasperConfig struct {
	BinaryName       string `yaml:"binary_name" bson:"binary_name" json:"binary_name"`
	DownloadFileName string `yaml:"download_file_name" bson:"download_file_name" json:"download_file_name"`
	Port             int    `yaml:"port" bson:"port" json:"port"`
	URL              string `yaml:"url" bson:"url" json:"url"`
	Version          string `yaml:"version" bson:"version" json:"version"`

HostJasperConfig represents the configuration of the Jasper service running on non-legacy hosts.

func (*HostJasperConfig) Get

func (c *HostJasperConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*HostJasperConfig) SectionId

func (c *HostJasperConfig) SectionId() string

func (*HostJasperConfig) Set

func (c *HostJasperConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*HostJasperConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *HostJasperConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type JIRANotificationsConfig

type JIRANotificationsConfig struct {
	CustomFields []JIRANotificationsProject `bson:"custom_fields"`

func (*JIRANotificationsConfig) Get

func (*JIRANotificationsConfig) SectionId

func (c *JIRANotificationsConfig) SectionId() string

func (*JIRANotificationsConfig) Set

func (*JIRANotificationsConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *JIRANotificationsConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type JIRANotificationsCustomField

type JIRANotificationsCustomField struct {
	Field    string `bson:"field"`
	Template string `bson:"template"`

type JIRANotificationsProject

type JIRANotificationsProject struct {
	Project    string                         `bson:"project"`
	Fields     []JIRANotificationsCustomField `bson:"fields"`
	Components []string                       `bson:"components"`
	Labels     []string                       `bson:"labels"`

type JiraBasicAuthConfig

type JiraBasicAuthConfig struct {
	Username string `yaml:"username" bson:"username" json:"username"`
	Password string `yaml:"password" bson:"password" json:"password"`

type JiraConfig

type JiraConfig struct {
	Host            string              `yaml:"host" bson:"host" json:"host"`
	BasicAuthConfig JiraBasicAuthConfig `yaml:"basic_auth" bson:"basic_auth" json:"basic_auth"`
	OAuth1Config    JiraOAuth1Config    `yaml:"oauth1" bson:"oauth1" json:"oauth1"`
	Email           string              `yaml:"email" bson:"email" json:"email"`

JiraConfig stores auth info for interacting with Atlassian Jira.

func (JiraConfig) Export

func (c JiraConfig) Export() *send.JiraOptions

func (*JiraConfig) Get

func (c *JiraConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (JiraConfig) GetHostURL

func (c JiraConfig) GetHostURL() string

func (*JiraConfig) SectionId

func (c *JiraConfig) SectionId() string

func (*JiraConfig) Set

func (c *JiraConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*JiraConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *JiraConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type JiraOAuth1Config

type JiraOAuth1Config struct {
	PrivateKey  string `yaml:"private_key" bson:"private_key" json:"private_key"`
	AccessToken string `yaml:"access_token" bson:"access_token" json:"access_token"`
	TokenSecret string `yaml:"token_secret" bson:"token_secret" json:"token_secret"`
	ConsumerKey string `yaml:"consumer_key" bson:"consumer_key" json:"consumer_key"`

type KanopyAuthConfig

type KanopyAuthConfig struct {
	// HeaderName is the name of the header that contains the JWT with information about the user.
	HeaderName string `bson:"header_name" json:"header_name" yaml:"header_name"`
	// Issuer is the expected issuer of the JWT. JWT Validation fails if the JWT's issuer field
	// does not match the Issuer provided.
	Issuer string `bson:"issuer" json:"issuer" yaml:"issuer"`
	// KeysetURL is the URL for the remote keyset, or JWKS, used to validate the signing of the JWT.
	KeysetURL string `bson:"keyset_url" json:"keyset_url" yaml:"keyset_url"`

KanopyAuthConfig configures the auth method that validates and consumes the JWT that Kanopy provides with information about the user. Kanopy deals with authentication so all we need to do is extract the information they provide about the user.

type LogBuffering

type LogBuffering struct {
	UseAsync             bool `bson:"use_async" json:"use_async" yaml:"use_async"`
	DurationSeconds      int  `bson:"duration_seconds" json:"duration_seconds" yaml:"duration_seconds"`
	Count                int  `bson:"count" json:"count" yaml:"count"`
	IncomingBufferFactor int  `bson:"incoming_buffer_factor" json:"incoming_buffer_factor" yaml:"incoming_buffer_factor"`

type LogViewer

type LogViewer string

LogViewer represents recognized viewers for rendering logs.

const (
	LogViewerRaw     LogViewer = "raw"
	LogViewerHTML    LogViewer = "html"
	LogViewerParsley LogViewer = "parsley"

type LoggerConfig

type LoggerConfig struct {
	Buffer         LogBuffering `bson:"buffer" json:"buffer" yaml:"buffer"`
	DefaultLevel   string       `bson:"default_level" json:"default_level" yaml:"default_level"`
	ThresholdLevel string       `bson:"threshold_level" json:"threshold_level" yaml:"threshold_level"`
	LogkeeperURL   string       `bson:"logkeeper_url" json:"logkeeper_url" yaml:"logkeeper_url"`
	RedactKeys     []string     `bson:"redact_keys" json:"redact_keys" yaml:"redact_keys"`

func (*LoggerConfig) Get

func (c *LoggerConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (LoggerConfig) Info

func (c LoggerConfig) Info() send.LevelInfo

func (*LoggerConfig) SectionId

func (c *LoggerConfig) SectionId() string

func (*LoggerConfig) Set

func (c *LoggerConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*LoggerConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *LoggerConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type ModificationAction

type ModificationAction string
const (
	RestartAction     ModificationAction = "restart"
	SetActiveAction   ModificationAction = "set_active"
	SetPriorityAction ModificationAction = "set_priority"
	AbortAction       ModificationAction = "abort"

type ModifySpawnHostSource

type ModifySpawnHostSource string

ModifySpawnHostSource determines the originating source of a spawn host modification.

const (
	// ModifySpawnHostManual means the spawn host is being modified manually
	// because a user requested it.
	ModifySpawnHostManual ModifySpawnHostSource = "manual"
	// ModifySpawnHostManual means the spawn host is being modified by the
	// automatic sleep schedule.
	ModifySpawnHostSleepSchedule ModifySpawnHostSource = "sleep_schedule"

type MultiAuthConfig

type MultiAuthConfig struct {
	ReadWrite []string `bson:"read_write" json:"read_write" yaml:"read_write"`
	ReadOnly  []string `bson:"read_only" json:"read_only" yaml:"read_only"`

MultiAuthConfig contains settings for using multiple authentication mechanisms.

func (*MultiAuthConfig) IsZero

func (c *MultiAuthConfig) IsZero() bool

IsZero checks if the configuration is populated or not.

type NaiveAuthConfig

type NaiveAuthConfig struct {
	Users []AuthUser `bson:"users" json:"users" yaml:"users"`

NaiveAuthConfig contains a list of AuthUsers from the settings file.

type NewRelicConfig

type NewRelicConfig struct {
	AccountID     string `bson:"account_id" json:"account_id" yaml:"account_id"`
	TrustKey      string `bson:"trust_key" json:"trust_key" yaml:"trust_key"`
	AgentID       string `bson:"agent_id" json:"agent_id" yaml:"agent_id"`
	LicenseKey    string `bson:"license_key" json:"license_key" yaml:"license_key"`
	ApplicationID string `bson:"application_id" json:"application_id" yaml:"application_id"`

func (*NewRelicConfig) Get

func (c *NewRelicConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*NewRelicConfig) SectionId

func (c *NewRelicConfig) SectionId() string

func (*NewRelicConfig) Set

func (c *NewRelicConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*NewRelicConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *NewRelicConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type NotifyConfig

type NotifyConfig struct {
	BufferTargetPerInterval int       `bson:"buffer_target_per_interval" json:"buffer_target_per_interval" yaml:"buffer_target_per_interval"`
	BufferIntervalSeconds   int       `bson:"buffer_interval_seconds" json:"buffer_interval_seconds" yaml:"buffer_interval_seconds"`
	SES                     SESConfig `bson:"ses" json:"ses" yaml:"ses"`

NotifyConfig hold logging and email settings for the notify package.

func (*NotifyConfig) Get

func (c *NotifyConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*NotifyConfig) SectionId

func (c *NotifyConfig) SectionId() string

func (*NotifyConfig) Set

func (c *NotifyConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*NotifyConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *NotifyConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type OktaConfig

type OktaConfig struct {
	ClientID           string   `bson:"client_id" json:"client_id" yaml:"client_id"`
	ClientSecret       string   `bson:"client_secret" json:"client_secret" yaml:"client_secret"`
	Issuer             string   `bson:"issuer" json:"issuer" yaml:"issuer"`
	Scopes             []string `bson:"scopes" json:"scopes" yaml:"scopes"`
	UserGroup          string   `bson:"user_group" json:"user_group" yaml:"user_group"`
	ExpireAfterMinutes int      `bson:"expire_after_minutes" json:"expire_after_minutes" yaml:"expire_after_minutes"`

type Override

type Override struct {
	// SectionID is the ID of the section being overridden.
	SectionID string `bson:"section_id" json:"section_id" yaml:"section_id"`
	// Field is the name of the field being overridden. A nested field is indicated with dot notation.
	Field string `bson:"field" json:"field" yaml:"field"`
	// Value is the new value to set the field to.
	Value any `bson:"value" json:"value" yaml:"value"`

type OverridesConfig

type OverridesConfig struct {
	Overrides []Override `bson:"overrides" json:"overrides" yaml:"overrides"`

OverridesConfig overrides individual fields from other configuration documents.

func (*OverridesConfig) Get

func (c *OverridesConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*OverridesConfig) SectionId

func (c *OverridesConfig) SectionId() string

func (*OverridesConfig) Set

func (c *OverridesConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*OverridesConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *OverridesConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type OwnerRepo

type OwnerRepo struct {
	Owner string `bson:"owner" json:"owner" yaml:"owner"`
	Repo  string `bson:"repo" json:"repo" yaml:"repo"`

type ParameterStoreConfig

type ParameterStoreConfig struct {
	// Prefix is the Parameter Store path prefix for the Evergreen application.
	Prefix string `bson:"prefix" json:"prefix" yaml:"prefix"`

ParameterStoreConfig stores configuration for using SSM Parameter Store.

func (*ParameterStoreConfig) Get

func (*ParameterStoreConfig) SectionId

func (*ParameterStoreConfig) SectionId() string

func (*ParameterStoreConfig) Set

func (*ParameterStoreConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *ParameterStoreConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type ParserProjectS3Config

type ParserProjectS3Config struct {
	S3Credentials `bson:",inline" yaml:",inline"`
	Prefix        string `bson:"prefix" json:"prefix" yaml:"prefix"`
	// GeneratedJSONPrefix is the prefix to use for storing intermediate
	// JSON configuration for generate.tasks, which will update the parser
	// project.
	GeneratedJSONPrefix string `bson:"generated_json_prefix" json:"generated_json_prefix" yaml:"generated_json_prefix"`

ParserProjectS3Config is the configuration options for storing and accessing parser projects in S3.

func (*ParserProjectS3Config) Validate

func (c *ParserProjectS3Config) Validate() error

type ParserProjectStorageMethod

type ParserProjectStorageMethod string

ParserProjectStorageMethod represents a means to store the parser project.

const (
	// ProjectStorageMethodDB indicates that the parser project is stored as a
	// single document in a DB collection.
	ProjectStorageMethodDB ParserProjectStorageMethod = "db"
	// ProjectStorageMethodS3 indicates that the parser project is stored as a
	// single object in S3.
	ProjectStorageMethodS3 ParserProjectStorageMethod = "s3"

type PermissionLevel

type PermissionLevel struct {
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Value       int    `json:"value"`

func GetPermissionLevelsForPermissionKey

func GetPermissionLevelsForPermissionKey(permissionKey string) []PermissionLevel

GetPermissionLevelsForPermissionKey gets all permissions associated with a permission key

type PersistentDNSConfig

type PersistentDNSConfig struct {
	// HostedZoneID is the ID of the hosted zone in Route 53 where DNS names are
	// managed.
	HostedZoneID string `bson:"hosted_zone_id" json:"hosted_zone_id" yaml:"hosted_zone_id"`
	// Domain is the domain name of persistent DNS names.
	Domain string `bson:"domain" json:"domain" yaml:"domain"`

PersistentDNSConfig is the configuration options to support persistent DNS names for hosts.

type PluginConfig

type PluginConfig map[string]map[string]any

PluginConfig holds plugin-specific settings, which are handled. manually by their respective plugins

type PodLifecycleConfig

type PodLifecycleConfig struct {
	MaxParallelPodRequests      int `bson:"max_parallel_pod_requests" json:"max_parallel_pod_requests" yaml:"max_parallel_pod_requests"`
	MaxPodDefinitionCleanupRate int `bson:"max_pod_definition_cleanup_rate" json:"max_pod_definition_cleanup_rate" yam:"max_pod_definition_cleanup_rate"`
	MaxSecretCleanupRate        int `bson:"max_secret_cleanup_rate" json:"max_secret_cleanup_rate" yaml:"max_secret_cleanup_rate"`

PodLifecycleConfig holds logging settings for the pod init process.

func (*PodLifecycleConfig) Get

func (*PodLifecycleConfig) SectionId

func (c *PodLifecycleConfig) SectionId() string

func (*PodLifecycleConfig) Set

func (*PodLifecycleConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *PodLifecycleConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type ProjectCreationConfig

type ProjectCreationConfig struct {
	// TotalProjectLimit is the total number of projects that Evergreen is willing to support
	TotalProjectLimit int `bson:"total_project_limit" json:"total_project_limit" yaml:"total_project_limit"`

	// RepoProjectLimit is the number of projects that Evergreen will allow each repo to have
	RepoProjectLimit int `bson:"repo_project_limit" json:"repo_project_limit" yaml:"repo_project_limit"`

	// RepoExceptions is a list of repos that can override the default repo-project limit but not the total project limit
	RepoExceptions []OwnerRepo `bson:"repo_exceptions,omitempty" json:"repo_exceptions" yaml:"repo_exceptions"`

	// JiraProject is the project that will be used to create Jira tickets to request S3 credentials
	JiraProject string `bson:"jira_project,omitempty" json:"jira_project" yaml:"jira_project"`

func (*ProjectCreationConfig) Get

func (*ProjectCreationConfig) IsExceptionToRepoLimit

func (c *ProjectCreationConfig) IsExceptionToRepoLimit(owner, repo string) bool

IsExceptionToRepoLimit returns bool if the given owner repo combination has been specified as an exception in admin settings

func (*ProjectCreationConfig) SectionId

func (*ProjectCreationConfig) SectionId() string

func (*ProjectCreationConfig) Set

func (*ProjectCreationConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *ProjectCreationConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type ProjectTasksPair

type ProjectTasksPair struct {
	ProjectID    string   `bson:"project_id" json:"project_id"`
	AllowedTasks []string `bson:"allowed_tasks" json:"allowed_tasks"`

type ReadConcern

type ReadConcern struct {
	Level string `yaml:"level"`

func (ReadConcern) Resolve

func (rc ReadConcern) Resolve() *readconcern.ReadConcern

type RepoTrackerConfig

type RepoTrackerConfig struct {
	NumNewRepoRevisionsToFetch int `bson:"revs_to_fetch" json:"revs_to_fetch" yaml:"revs_to_fetch"`
	MaxRepoRevisionsToSearch   int `bson:"max_revs_to_search" json:"max_revs_to_search" yaml:"max_revs_to_search"`
	MaxConcurrentRequests      int `bson:"max_con_requests" json:"max_con_requests" yaml:"max_concurrent_requests"`

RepoTrackerConfig holds settings for polling project repositories.

func (*RepoTrackerConfig) Get

func (c *RepoTrackerConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*RepoTrackerConfig) SectionId

func (c *RepoTrackerConfig) SectionId() string

func (*RepoTrackerConfig) Set

func (c *RepoTrackerConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*RepoTrackerConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *RepoTrackerConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig

type RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig struct {
	BaseURL string `yaml:"base_url" bson:"base_url" json:"base_url"`
	APIKey  string `yaml:"api_key" bson:"api_key" json:"api_key"`

func (*RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig) Get

func (*RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig) SectionId

func (*RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig) SectionId() string

func (*RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig) Set

func (*RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type S3Credentials

type S3Credentials struct {
	Key    string `bson:"key" json:"key" yaml:"key"`
	Secret string `bson:"secret" json:"secret" yaml:"secret"`
	Bucket string `bson:"bucket" json:"bucket" yaml:"bucket"`

func (*S3Credentials) Validate

func (c *S3Credentials) Validate() error

type SESConfig

type SESConfig struct {
	SenderAddress string `bson:"sender_address" json:"sender_address" yaml:"sender_address"`

SESConfig configures the SES email sender.

type SSHKeyPair

type SSHKeyPair struct {
	Name    string `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`
	Public  string `bson:"public" json:"public" yaml:"public"`
	Private string `bson:"private" json:"private" yaml:"private"`
	// EC2Regions contains all EC2 regions that have stored this SSH key.
	EC2Regions []string `bson:"ec2_regions" json:"ec2_regions" yaml:"ec2_regions"`

SSHKeyPair represents a public and private SSH key pair.

func (*SSHKeyPair) AddEC2Region

func (p *SSHKeyPair) AddEC2Region(region string) error

AddEC2Region adds the given EC2 region to the set of regions containing the SSH key.

func (*SSHKeyPair) PrivatePath

func (p *SSHKeyPair) PrivatePath(settings *Settings) string

type SchedulerConfig

type SchedulerConfig struct {
	TaskFinder                    string  `bson:"task_finder" json:"task_finder" yaml:"task_finder"`
	HostAllocator                 string  `bson:"host_allocator" json:"host_allocator" yaml:"host_allocator"`
	HostAllocatorRoundingRule     string  `bson:"host_allocator_rounding_rule" json:"host_allocator_rounding_rule" mapstructure:"host_allocator_rounding_rule"`
	HostAllocatorFeedbackRule     string  `bson:"host_allocator_feedback_rule" json:"host_allocator_feedback_rule" mapstructure:"host_allocator_feedback_rule"`
	HostsOverallocatedRule        string  `bson:"hosts_overallocated_rule" json:"hosts_overallocated_rule" mapstructure:"hosts_overallocated_rule"`
	FutureHostFraction            float64 `bson:"free_host_fraction" json:"free_host_fraction" yaml:"free_host_fraction"`
	CacheDurationSeconds          int     `bson:"cache_duration_seconds" json:"cache_duration_seconds" yaml:"cache_duration_seconds"`
	TargetTimeSeconds             int     `bson:"target_time_seconds" json:"target_time_seconds" mapstructure:"target_time_seconds"`
	AcceptableHostIdleTimeSeconds int     `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	GroupVersions                 bool    `bson:"group_versions" json:"group_versions" mapstructure:"group_versions"`
	PatchFactor                   int64   `bson:"patch_zipper_factor" json:"patch_factor" mapstructure:"patch_zipper"`
	PatchTimeInQueueFactor        int64   `bson:"patch_time_in_queue_factor" json:"patch_time_in_queue_factor" mapstructure:"patch_time_in_queue_factor"`
	CommitQueueFactor             int64   `bson:"commit_queue_factor" json:"commit_queue_factor" mapstructure:"commit_queue_factor"`
	MainlineTimeInQueueFactor     int64   `bson:"mainline_time_in_queue_factor" json:"mainline_time_in_queue_factor" mapstructure:"mainline_time_in_queue_factor"`
	ExpectedRuntimeFactor         int64   `bson:"expected_runtime_factor" json:"expected_runtime_factor" mapstructure:"expected_runtime_factor"`
	GenerateTaskFactor            int64   `bson:"generate_task_factor" json:"generate_task_factor" mapstructure:"generate_task_factor"`
	NumDependentsFactor           float64 `bson:"num_dependents_factor" json:"num_dependents_factor" mapstructure:"num_dependents_factor"`
	StepbackTaskFactor            int64   `bson:"stepback_task_factor" json:"stepback_task_factor" mapstructure:"stepback_task_factor"`

SchedulerConfig holds relevant settings for the scheduler process.

func (*SchedulerConfig) Get

func (c *SchedulerConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SchedulerConfig) SectionId

func (c *SchedulerConfig) SectionId() string

func (*SchedulerConfig) Set

func (c *SchedulerConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SchedulerConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *SchedulerConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type SecretsManagerConfig

type SecretsManagerConfig struct {
	// SecretPrefix is the prefix for secret names.
	SecretPrefix string `bson:"secret_prefix" json:"secret_prefix" yaml:"secret_prefix"`
	// ClientType represents the type of Secrets Manager client implementation
	// that will be used. This is not a value that can or should be configured
	// for production, but is useful to explicitly set for testing purposes.
	ClientType AWSClientType `bson:"client_type" json:"client_type" yaml:"client_type"`

SecretsManagerConfig represents configuration for AWS Secrets Manager.

type SenderKey

type SenderKey int

func (SenderKey) String

func (k SenderKey) String() string

func (SenderKey) Validate

func (k SenderKey) Validate() error

type ServiceFlags

type ServiceFlags struct {
	TaskDispatchDisabled            bool `bson:"task_dispatch_disabled" json:"task_dispatch_disabled"`
	HostInitDisabled                bool `bson:"host_init_disabled" json:"host_init_disabled"`
	PodInitDisabled                 bool `bson:"pod_init_disabled" json:"pod_init_disabled"`
	LargeParserProjectsDisabled     bool `bson:"large_parser_projects_disabled" json:"large_parser_projects_disabled"`
	MonitorDisabled                 bool `bson:"monitor_disabled" json:"monitor_disabled"`
	AlertsDisabled                  bool `bson:"alerts_disabled" json:"alerts_disabled"`
	AgentStartDisabled              bool `bson:"agent_start_disabled" json:"agent_start_disabled"`
	RepotrackerDisabled             bool `bson:"repotracker_disabled" json:"repotracker_disabled"`
	SchedulerDisabled               bool `bson:"scheduler_disabled" json:"scheduler_disabled"`
	CheckBlockedTasksDisabled       bool `bson:"check_blocked_tasks_disabled" json:"check_blocked_tasks_disabled"`
	GithubPRTestingDisabled         bool `bson:"github_pr_testing_disabled" json:"github_pr_testing_disabled"`
	CLIUpdatesDisabled              bool `bson:"cli_updates_disabled" json:"cli_updates_disabled"`
	BackgroundStatsDisabled         bool `bson:"background_stats_disabled" json:"background_stats_disabled"`
	TaskLoggingDisabled             bool `bson:"task_logging_disabled" json:"task_logging_disabled"`
	CacheStatsJobDisabled           bool `bson:"cache_stats_job_disabled" json:"cache_stats_job_disabled"`
	CacheStatsEndpointDisabled      bool `bson:"cache_stats_endpoint_disabled" json:"cache_stats_endpoint_disabled"`
	TaskReliabilityDisabled         bool `bson:"task_reliability_disabled" json:"task_reliability_disabled"`
	HostAllocatorDisabled           bool `bson:"host_allocator_disabled" json:"host_allocator_disabled"`
	PodAllocatorDisabled            bool `bson:"pod_allocator_disabled" json:"pod_allocator_disabled"`
	UnrecognizedPodCleanupDisabled  bool `bson:"unrecognized_pod_cleanup_disabled" json:"unrecognized_pod_cleanup_disabled"`
	BackgroundReauthDisabled        bool `bson:"background_reauth_disabled" json:"background_reauth_disabled"`
	BackgroundCleanupDisabled       bool `bson:"background_cleanup_disabled" json:"background_cleanup_disabled"`
	CloudCleanupDisabled            bool `bson:"cloud_cleanup_disabled" json:"cloud_cleanup_disabled"`
	GlobalGitHubTokenDisabled       bool `bson:"global_github_token_disabled" json:"global_github_token_disabled"`
	SleepScheduleDisabled           bool `bson:"sleep_schedule_disabled" json:"sleep_schedule_disabled"`
	SystemFailedTaskRestartDisabled bool `bson:"system_failed_task_restart_disabled" json:"system_failed_task_restart_disabled"`
	CPUDegradedModeDisabled         bool `bson:"cpu_degraded_mode_disabled" json:"cpu_degraded_mode_disabled"`

	// Notification Flags
	EventProcessingDisabled      bool `bson:"event_processing_disabled" json:"event_processing_disabled"`
	JIRANotificationsDisabled    bool `bson:"jira_notifications_disabled" json:"jira_notifications_disabled"`
	SlackNotificationsDisabled   bool `bson:"slack_notifications_disabled" json:"slack_notifications_disabled"`
	EmailNotificationsDisabled   bool `bson:"email_notifications_disabled" json:"email_notifications_disabled"`
	WebhookNotificationsDisabled bool `bson:"webhook_notifications_disabled" json:"webhook_notifications_disabled"`
	GithubStatusAPIDisabled      bool `bson:"github_status_api_disabled" json:"github_status_api_disabled"`

ServiceFlags holds the state of each of the runner/API processes

func GetServiceFlags

func GetServiceFlags(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceFlags, error)

func (*ServiceFlags) Get

func (c *ServiceFlags) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*ServiceFlags) SectionId

func (c *ServiceFlags) SectionId() string

func (*ServiceFlags) Set

func (c *ServiceFlags) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*ServiceFlags) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *ServiceFlags) ValidateAndDefault() error

type Settings

type Settings struct {
	Id                  string                    `bson:"_id" json:"id" yaml:"id"`
	Amboy               AmboyConfig               `yaml:"amboy" bson:"amboy" json:"amboy" id:"amboy"`
	AmboyDB             AmboyDBConfig             `yaml:"amboy_db" bson:"amboy_db" json:"amboy_db" id:"amboy_db"`
	Api                 APIConfig                 `yaml:"api" bson:"api" json:"api" id:"api"`
	AuthConfig          AuthConfig                `yaml:"auth" bson:"auth" json:"auth" id:"auth"`
	AWSInstanceRole     string                    `yaml:"aws_instance_role" bson:"aws_instance_role" json:"aws_instance_role"`
	Banner              string                    `bson:"banner" json:"banner" yaml:"banner"`
	BannerTheme         BannerTheme               `bson:"banner_theme" json:"banner_theme" yaml:"banner_theme"`
	Buckets             BucketsConfig             `bson:"buckets" json:"buckets" yaml:"buckets" id:"buckets"`
	Cedar               CedarConfig               `bson:"cedar" json:"cedar" yaml:"cedar" id:"cedar"`
	ConfigDir           string                    `yaml:"configdir" bson:"configdir" json:"configdir"`
	ContainerPools      ContainerPoolsConfig      `yaml:"container_pools" bson:"container_pools" json:"container_pools" id:"container_pools"`
	Database            DBSettings                `yaml:"database" json:"database" bson:"database"`
	DomainName          string                    `yaml:"domain_name" bson:"domain_name" json:"domain_name"`
	Expansions          map[string]string         `yaml:"expansions" bson:"expansions" json:"expansions"`
	ExpansionsNew       util.KeyValuePairSlice    `yaml:"expansions_new" bson:"expansions_new" json:"expansions_new"`
	GithubPRCreatorOrg  string                    `yaml:"github_pr_creator_org" bson:"github_pr_creator_org" json:"github_pr_creator_org"`
	GitHubCheckRun      GitHubCheckRunConfig      `yaml:"github_check_run" bson:"github_check_run" json:"github_check_run" id:"github_check_run"`
	GithubOrgs          []string                  `yaml:"github_orgs" bson:"github_orgs" json:"github_orgs"`
	GithubWebhookSecret string                    `yaml:"github_webhook_secret" bson:"github_webhook_secret" json:"github_webhook_secret"`
	DisabledGQLQueries  []string                  `yaml:"disabled_gql_queries" bson:"disabled_gql_queries" json:"disabled_gql_queries"`
	HostInit            HostInitConfig            `yaml:"hostinit" bson:"hostinit" json:"hostinit" id:"hostinit"`
	HostJasper          HostJasperConfig          `yaml:"host_jasper" bson:"host_jasper" json:"host_jasper" id:"host_jasper"`
	Jira                JiraConfig                `yaml:"jira" bson:"jira" json:"jira" id:"jira"`
	JIRANotifications   JIRANotificationsConfig   `yaml:"jira_notifications" json:"jira_notifications" bson:"jira_notifications" id:"jira_notifications"`
	KanopySSHKeyPath    string                    `yaml:"kanopy_ssh_key_path" bson:"kanopy_ssh_key_path" json:"kanopy_ssh_key_path"`
	LoggerConfig        LoggerConfig              `yaml:"logger_config" bson:"logger_config" json:"logger_config" id:"logger_config"`
	LogPath             string                    `yaml:"log_path" bson:"log_path" json:"log_path"`
	NewRelic            NewRelicConfig            `yaml:"newrelic" bson:"newrelic" json:"newrelic" id:"newrelic"`
	Notify              NotifyConfig              `yaml:"notify" bson:"notify" json:"notify" id:"notify"`
	Overrides           OverridesConfig           `yaml:"overrides" bson:"overrides" json:"overrides" id:"overrides"`
	ParameterStore      ParameterStoreConfig      `yaml:"parameter_store" bson:"parameter_store" json:"parameter_store" id:"parameter_store"`
	Plugins             PluginConfig              `yaml:"plugins" bson:"plugins" json:"plugins"`
	PluginsNew          util.KeyValuePairSlice    `yaml:"plugins_new" bson:"plugins_new" json:"plugins_new"`
	PodLifecycle        PodLifecycleConfig        `yaml:"pod_lifecycle" bson:"pod_lifecycle" json:"pod_lifecycle" id:"pod_lifecycle"`
	PprofPort           string                    `yaml:"pprof_port" bson:"pprof_port" json:"pprof_port"`
	ProjectCreation     ProjectCreationConfig     `yaml:"project_creation" bson:"project_creation" json:"project_creation" id:"project_creation"`
	Providers           CloudProviders            `yaml:"providers" bson:"providers" json:"providers" id:"providers"`
	RepoTracker         RepoTrackerConfig         `yaml:"repotracker" bson:"repotracker" json:"repotracker" id:"repotracker"`
	RuntimeEnvironments RuntimeEnvironmentsConfig `yaml:"runtime_environments" bson:"runtime_environments" json:"runtime_environments" id:"runtime_environments"`
	Scheduler           SchedulerConfig           `yaml:"scheduler" bson:"scheduler" json:"scheduler" id:"scheduler"`
	ServiceFlags        ServiceFlags              `bson:"service_flags" json:"service_flags" id:"service_flags" yaml:"service_flags"`
	ShutdownWaitSeconds int                       `yaml:"shutdown_wait_seconds" bson:"shutdown_wait_seconds" json:"shutdown_wait_seconds"`
	SSHKeyDirectory     string                    `yaml:"ssh_key_directory" bson:"ssh_key_directory" json:"ssh_key_directory"`
	SSHKeyPairs         []SSHKeyPair              `yaml:"ssh_key_pairs" bson:"ssh_key_pairs" json:"ssh_key_pairs"`
	SingleTaskDistro    SingleTaskDistroConfig    `yaml:"single_task_distro" bson:"single_task_distro" json:"single_task_distro" id:"single_task_distro"`
	Slack               SlackConfig               `yaml:"slack" bson:"slack" json:"slack" id:"slack"`
	SleepSchedule       SleepScheduleConfig       `yaml:"sleep_schedule" bson:"sleep_schedule" json:"sleep_schedule" id:"sleep_schedule"`
	Spawnhost           SpawnHostConfig           `yaml:"spawnhost" bson:"spawnhost" json:"spawnhost" id:"spawnhost"`
	Splunk              SplunkConfig              `yaml:"splunk" bson:"splunk" json:"splunk" id:"splunk"`
	TaskLimits          TaskLimitsConfig          `yaml:"task_limits" bson:"task_limits" json:"task_limits" id:"task_limits"`
	TestSelection       TestSelectionConfig       `yaml:"test_selection" bson:"test_selection" json:"test_selection" id:"test_selection"`
	Tracer              TracerConfig              `yaml:"tracer" bson:"tracer" json:"tracer" id:"tracer"`
	Triggers            TriggerConfig             `yaml:"triggers" bson:"triggers" json:"triggers" id:"triggers"`
	Ui                  UIConfig                  `yaml:"ui" bson:"ui" json:"ui" id:"ui"`

Settings contains all configuration settings for running Evergreen. Settings with the "id" struct tag should implement the ConfigSection interface.

func GetConfig

func GetConfig(ctx context.Context) (*Settings, error)

GetConfig returns the complete Evergreen configuration with overrides applied from the ConfigCollection collection in the [DB] database. Use GetRawConfig to get a configuration that doesn't reflect overrides.

func GetRawConfig

func GetRawConfig(ctx context.Context) (*Settings, error)

GetRawConfig returns only the raw Evergreen configuration without applying overrides. Use GetConfig to get a complete configuration that includes overrides from the [DB] database. If there is no [SharedDB] there are no overrides and GetConfig and GetRawConfig are functionally equivalent.

func NewSettings

func NewSettings(filename string) (*Settings, error)

NewSettings builds an in-memory representation of the given settings file.

func (*Settings) Get

func (c *Settings) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Settings) GetSender

func (s *Settings) GetSender(ctx context.Context, env Environment) (send.Sender, error)

GetSender returns the global application-wide loggers. These are special universal loggers (distinct from other senders like the GitHub status sender or email notification sender) and will be used when grip is invoked to log messages in the application (e.g. grip.Info, grip.Error, etc). Because these loggers are the main way to send logs in the application, these are essential to monitoring the application and therefore have to be set up very early during application startup.

func (*Settings) SectionId

func (c *Settings) SectionId() string

func (*Settings) Set

func (c *Settings) Set(ctx context.Context) error

Set saves the global fields in the configuration (i.e. those that are not ConfigSections).

func (*Settings) Validate

func (settings *Settings) Validate() error

Validate checks the settings and returns nil if the config is valid, or an error with a message explaining why otherwise.

func (*Settings) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *Settings) ValidateAndDefault() error

type SingleTaskDistroConfig

type SingleTaskDistroConfig struct {
	ProjectTasksPairs []ProjectTasksPair `bson:"project_tasks_pairs" json:"project_tasks_pairs"`

func (*SingleTaskDistroConfig) Get

func (*SingleTaskDistroConfig) SectionId

func (c *SingleTaskDistroConfig) SectionId() string

func (*SingleTaskDistroConfig) Set

func (*SingleTaskDistroConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *SingleTaskDistroConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type SlackConfig

type SlackConfig struct {
	Options *send.SlackOptions `bson:"options" json:"options" yaml:"options"`
	Token   string             `bson:"token" json:"token" yaml:"token"`
	Level   string             `bson:"level" json:"level" yaml:"level"`
	Name    string             `bson:"name" json:"name" yaml:"name"`

func (*SlackConfig) Get

func (c *SlackConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SlackConfig) SectionId

func (c *SlackConfig) SectionId() string

func (*SlackConfig) Set

func (c *SlackConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SlackConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *SlackConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type SleepScheduleConfig

type SleepScheduleConfig struct {
	PermanentlyExemptHosts []string `bson:"permanently_exempt_hosts" json:"permanently_exempt_hosts"`

SleepScheduleConfig holds relevant settings for unexpirable host sleep schedules.

func (*SleepScheduleConfig) Get

func (*SleepScheduleConfig) SectionId

func (c *SleepScheduleConfig) SectionId() string

func (*SleepScheduleConfig) Set

func (*SleepScheduleConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *SleepScheduleConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type SpawnHostConfig

type SpawnHostConfig struct {
	UnexpirableHostsPerUser   int `yaml:"unexpirable_hosts_per_user" bson:"unexpirable_hosts_per_user" json:"unexpirable_hosts_per_user"`
	UnexpirableVolumesPerUser int `yaml:"unexpirable_volumes_per_user" bson:"unexpirable_volumes_per_user" json:"unexpirable_volumes_per_user"`
	SpawnHostsPerUser         int `yaml:"spawn_hosts_per_user" bson:"spawn_hosts_per_user" json:"spawn_hosts_per_user"`

func (*SpawnHostConfig) Get

func (c *SpawnHostConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SpawnHostConfig) SectionId

func (c *SpawnHostConfig) SectionId() string

func (*SpawnHostConfig) Set

func (c *SpawnHostConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SpawnHostConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *SpawnHostConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type SplunkConfig

type SplunkConfig struct {
	SplunkConnectionInfo send.SplunkConnectionInfo `bson:",inline" json:"splunk_connection_info" yaml:"splunk_connection_info"`

func (*SplunkConfig) Get

func (c *SplunkConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SplunkConfig) SectionId

func (c *SplunkConfig) SectionId() string

func (*SplunkConfig) Set

func (c *SplunkConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*SplunkConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *SplunkConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type Subnet

type Subnet struct {
	AZ       string `bson:"az" json:"az" yaml:"az"`
	SubnetID string `bson:"subnet_id" json:"subnet_id" yaml:"subnet_id"`

type TaskLimitsConfig

type TaskLimitsConfig struct {
	// MaxTasksPerVersion is the maximum number of tasks that a single version
	// can have.
	MaxTasksPerVersion int `bson:"max_tasks_per_version" json:"max_tasks_per_version" yaml:"max_tasks_per_version"`

	// MaxIncludesPerVersion is the maximum number of includes that a single
	// version can have.
	MaxIncludesPerVersion int `bson:"max_includes_per_version" json:"max_includes_per_version" yaml:"max_includes_per_version"`

	// MaxHourlyPatchTasks is the maximum number of patch tasks a single user can
	// schedule per hour.
	MaxHourlyPatchTasks int `bson:"max_hourly_patch_tasks" json:"max_hourly_patch_tasks" yaml:"max_hourly_patch_tasks"`

	// MaxPendingGeneratedTasks is the maximum number of tasks that can be created
	// by all generated task at once.
	MaxPendingGeneratedTasks int `bson:"max_pending_generated_tasks" json:"max_pending_generated_tasks" yaml:"max_pending_generated_tasks"`

	// MaxGenerateTaskJSONSize is the maximum size of a JSON file in MB that can be specified in the GenerateTasks command.
	MaxGenerateTaskJSONSize int `bson:"max_generate_task_json_size" json:"max_generate_task_json_size" yaml:"max_generate_task_json_size"`

	// MaxConcurrentLargeParserProjectTasks is the maximum number of tasks with parser projects stored in S3 that can be running at once.
	MaxConcurrentLargeParserProjectTasks int `` /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */

	// MaxDegradedModeConcurrentLargeParserProjectTasks is the maximum number of tasks with parser projects stored in S3 that can be running at once during CPU degraded mode.
	MaxDegradedModeConcurrentLargeParserProjectTasks int `` /* 188-byte string literal not displayed */

	// MaxDegradedModeParserProjectSize is the maximum parser project size in MB during CPU degraded mode.
	MaxDegradedModeParserProjectSize int `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */

	// MaxParserProjectSize is the maximum allowed size in MB for parser projects that are stored in S3.
	MaxParserProjectSize int `bson:"max_parser_project_size" json:"max_parser_project_size" yaml:"max_parser_project_size"`

	// MaxExecTimeoutSecs is the maximum number of seconds a task can run and set their timeout to.
	MaxExecTimeoutSecs int `bson:"max_exec_timeout_secs" json:"max_exec_timeout_secs" yaml:"max_exec_timeout_secs"`

	// MaxTaskExecution is the maximum task (zero based) execution number.
	MaxTaskExecution int `bson:"max_task_execution" json:"max_task_execution" yaml:"max_task_execution"`

	// MaxDailyAutomaticRestarts is the maximum number of times a project can automatically restart a task within a 24-hour period.
	MaxDailyAutomaticRestarts int `bson:"max_daily_automatic_restarts" json:"max_daily_automatic_restarts" yaml:"max_daily_automatic_restarts"`

TaskLimitsConfig holds relevant settings for Evergreen task limitations. These are usually protections against inputs that can cause issues like service instability.

func (*TaskLimitsConfig) Get

func (c *TaskLimitsConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*TaskLimitsConfig) SectionId

func (c *TaskLimitsConfig) SectionId() string

func (*TaskLimitsConfig) Set

func (c *TaskLimitsConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*TaskLimitsConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *TaskLimitsConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type TestSelectionConfig

type TestSelectionConfig struct {
	URL string `bson:"url" json:"url" yaml:"url"`

TestSelectionConfig represents the configuration of the test selection service.

func (*TestSelectionConfig) Get

func (*TestSelectionConfig) SectionId

func (c *TestSelectionConfig) SectionId() string

func (*TestSelectionConfig) Set

func (*TestSelectionConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *TestSelectionConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type TracerConfig

type TracerConfig struct {
	Enabled                   bool   `yaml:"enabled" bson:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
	CollectorEndpoint         string `yaml:"collector_endpoint" bson:"collector_endpoint" json:"collector_endpoint"`
	CollectorAPIKey           string `yaml:"collector_api_key" bson:"collector_api_key" json:"collector_api_key"`
	CollectorInternalEndpoint string `yaml:"collector_internal_endpoint" bson:"collector_internal_endpoint" json:"collector_internal_endpoint"`

TracerConfig configures the OpenTelemetry tracer provider. If not enabled traces will not be sent.

func (*TracerConfig) Get

func (c *TracerConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

Get populates the config from the database.

func (*TracerConfig) SectionId

func (c *TracerConfig) SectionId() string

SectionId returns the ID of this config section.

func (*TracerConfig) Set

func (c *TracerConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

Set sets the document in the database to match the in-memory config struct.

func (*TracerConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *TracerConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

ValidateAndDefault validates the tracer configuration.

type TriggerConfig

type TriggerConfig struct {
	GenerateTaskDistro string `bson:"generate_distro" json:"generate_distro" yaml:"generate_distro"`

func (*TriggerConfig) Get

func (c *TriggerConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*TriggerConfig) SectionId

func (c *TriggerConfig) SectionId() string

func (*TriggerConfig) Set

func (c *TriggerConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*TriggerConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *TriggerConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type UIConfig

type UIConfig struct {
	Url                       string       `bson:"url" json:"url" yaml:"url"`
	HelpUrl                   string       `bson:"help_url" json:"help_url" yaml:"helpurl"`
	UIv2Url                   string       `bson:"uiv2_url" json:"uiv2_url" yaml:"uiv2_url"`
	ParsleyUrl                string       `bson:"parsley_url" json:"parsley_url" yaml:"parsley_url"`
	HttpListenAddr            string       `bson:"http_listen_addr" json:"http_listen_addr" yaml:"httplistenaddr"`
	Secret                    string       `bson:"secret" json:"secret" yaml:"secret"`                                                                   // Secret to encrypt session storage
	DefaultProject            string       `bson:"default_project" json:"default_project" yaml:"defaultproject"`                                         // Default project to assume when none specified
	CacheTemplates            bool         `bson:"cache_templates" json:"cache_templates" yaml:"cachetemplates"`                                         // Cache results of template compilation
	CsrfKey                   string       `bson:"csrf_key" json:"csrf_key" yaml:"csrfkey"`                                                              // 32-byte key used to generate tokens that validate UI requests
	CORSOrigins               []string     `bson:"cors_origins" json:"cors_origins" yaml:"cors_origins"`                                                 // allowed request origins for some UI Routes
	FileStreamingContentTypes []string     `bson:"file_streaming_content_types" json:"file_streaming_content_types" yaml:"file_streaming_content_types"` // allowed content types for the file streaming route.
	LoginDomain               string       `bson:"login_domain" json:"login_domain" yaml:"login_domain"`                                                 // domain for the login cookie (defaults to domain of app)
	UserVoice                 string       `bson:"userVoice" json:"userVoice" yaml:"userVoice"`
	BetaFeatures              BetaFeatures `bson:"beta_features" json:"beta_features" yaml:"beta_features"`
	StagingEnvironment        string       `bson:"staging_environment,omitempty" json:"staging_environment" yaml:"staging_environment"`

UIConfig holds relevant settings for the UI server.

func (*UIConfig) Get

func (c *UIConfig) Get(ctx context.Context) error

func (*UIConfig) SectionId

func (c *UIConfig) SectionId() string

func (*UIConfig) Set

func (c *UIConfig) Set(ctx context.Context) error

func (*UIConfig) ValidateAndDefault

func (c *UIConfig) ValidateAndDefault() error

type UserManagerInfo

type UserManagerInfo struct {
	CanClearTokens bool
	CanReauthorize bool

UserManagerInfo lists properties of the UserManager regarding its support for certain features. TODO: this should probably be removed by refactoring the optional methods in the gimlet.UserManager.

type UserRequester

type UserRequester string

UserRequester represents the allowed user-facing requester types.

const (
	// User-facing requester types. These are equivalent in meaning to the above
	// requesters, but are more user-friendly. These should only be used for
	// user-facing functionality such as YAML configuration and expansions and
	// should be translated into the true internal requester types so they're
	// actually usable.
	PatchVersionUserRequester       UserRequester = "patch"
	GithubPRUserRequester           UserRequester = "github_pr"
	GitTagUserRequester             UserRequester = "github_tag"
	RepotrackerVersionUserRequester UserRequester = "commit"
	TriggerUserRequester            UserRequester = "trigger"
	AdHocUserRequester              UserRequester = "ad_hoc"
	GithubMergeUserRequester        UserRequester = "github_merge_queue"

func InternalRequesterToUserRequester

func InternalRequesterToUserRequester(requester string) UserRequester

InternalRequesterToUserRequester translates an internal requester type to a user-facing requester type.

func (UserRequester) Validate

func (r UserRequester) Validate() error

Validate checks that the user-facing requester type is valid.

type WebHook

type WebHook struct {
	Endpoint string `mapstructure:"endpoint" bson:"endpoint" json:"endpoint" yaml:"endpoint"`
	Secret   string `mapstructure:"secret" bson:"secret" json:"secret" yaml:"secret"`

type WindowsVersion

type WindowsVersion string

WindowsVersion specifies the compatibility version of Windows that is required for the container to run.

const (
	Windows2022 WindowsVersion = "2022"
	Windows2019 WindowsVersion = "2019"
	Windows2016 WindowsVersion = "2016"

func (WindowsVersion) Validate

func (w WindowsVersion) Validate() error

Validate checks that the container Windows version is recognized.

type WriteConcern

type WriteConcern struct {
	W        int    `yaml:"w"`
	WMode    string `yaml:"wmode"`
	WTimeout int    `yaml:"wtimeout"`
	J        bool   `yaml:"j"`

func (WriteConcern) Resolve

func (wc WriteConcern) Resolve() *writeconcern.WriteConcern


Path Synopsis
Package agent runs tasks on differents runtime environments, such as hosts and containers.
Package agent runs tasks on differents runtime environments, such as hosts and containers.
Package command defines the behavior of commands invoked by project configuration files.
Package command defines the behavior of commands invoked by project configuration files.
Task Output Directory
Task Output Directory
Package util provides utility methods for the agent.
Package util provides utility methods for the agent.
Package api provides common functions used by the service and graphql packages.
Package api provides common functions used by the service and graphql packages.
Package apimodels provides models used across multiple packages by the REST API.
Package apimodels provides models used across multiple packages by the REST API.
Package auth defines how Evergreen users authenticate to various authentication back ends.
Package auth defines how Evergreen users authenticate to various authentication back ends.
Package cloud handles interactions with third-party cloud providers.
Package cloud handles interactions with third-party cloud providers.
Package parameterstore provides interfaces to interact with parameters (including sensitive secrets) stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
Package parameterstore provides interfaces to interact with parameters (including sensitive secrets) stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.
Package fakeparameter contains the data model and helpers for testing code that uses Parameter Store.
Package fakeparameter contains the data model and helpers for testing code that uses Parameter Store.
Package db manages Evergreen's interaction with the database.
Package db manages Evergreen's interaction with the database.
Package mgo provides support for Evergreen's remaining usages of the legacy MongoDB driver gopkg.in/mgo.v2.
Package mgo provides support for Evergreen's remaining usages of the legacy MongoDB driver gopkg.in/mgo.v2.
Package bson is an implementation of the BSON specification for Go:
Package bson is an implementation of the BSON specification for Go:
Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 4627.
Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 4627.
Package graphql provides Evergreen's GraphQL back end.
Package graphql provides Evergreen's GraphQL back end.
Package mock provides a mock environment for testing.
Package mock provides a mock environment for testing.
Package model defines Evergreen's data model.
Package model defines Evergreen's data model.
Package alertrecord contains complex alert types, like the first failure in a version.
Package alertrecord contains complex alert types, like the first failure in a version.
Package annotations defines a data model for a feature that allows users to add metadata to tasks.
Package annotations defines a data model for a feature that allows users to add metadata to tasks.
Package artifact models links to files created during task execution.
Package artifact models links to files created during task execution.
Package build models a build, a set of tasks that run on a variant.
Package build models a build, a set of tasks that run on a variant.
Package distro models an environment configuration for a host.
Package distro models an environment configuration for a host.
Package event models events in the system, which trigger actions to occur.
Package event models events in the system, which trigger actions to occur.
Package githubapp contains the data model for GitHub app installation information and GitHub app credentials.
Package githubapp contains the data model for GitHub app installation information and GitHub app credentials.
Package host models a single host managed by Evergreen's application server.
Package host models a single host managed by Evergreen's application server.
Log Chunk
Log Chunk
Package manifest records the git hashes of modules for versions.
Package manifest records the git hashes of modules for versions.
Package notification models notifications sent to users.
Package notification models notifications sent to users.
Package patch models an intent to patch test code in a particular state.
Package patch models an intent to patch test code in a particular state.
Package pod models a single pod (a group of containers), which can run container tasks.
Package pod models a single pod (a group of containers), which can run container tasks.
Package definition contains the data model for the pod definition cache.
Package definition contains the data model for the pod definition cache.
Package dispatcher models a queue of tasks that are dispatched to a group of pods.
Package dispatcher models a queue of tasks that are dispatched to a group of pods.
Package reliability models task reliability statistics.
Package reliability models task reliability statistics.
Package task models the task, the simplest unit of execution for Evergreen.
Package task models the task, the simplest unit of execution for Evergreen.
Package taskstats provides functions to generate and query pre-computed and task statistics.
Package taskstats provides functions to generate and query pre-computed and task statistics.
Package testresult models test results, which are posted by tasks during execution.
Package testresult models test results, which are posted by tasks during execution.
Package user represents users of Evergreen.
Package user represents users of Evergreen.
Package operations provides commands for the CLI, which is also the binary for the server and agent.
Package operations provides commands for the CLI, which is also the binary for the server and agent.
Package plugin provides a handful of UI plugins that are not part of core Evergreen.
Package plugin provides a handful of UI plugins that are not part of core Evergreen.
Package repotracker tracks GitHub repositories, listening for new commits and pull requests.
Package repotracker tracks GitHub repositories, listening for new commits and pull requests.
Package rest provides an API for Evergreen users, as well as the GraphQL interface.
Package rest provides an API for Evergreen users, as well as the GraphQL interface.
Package client provides a REST client for API requests to the server.
Package client provides a REST client for API requests to the server.
Package data provides database access for API requests to the server.
Package data provides database access for API requests to the server.
Package model maps database models to API models for REST requests to the server.
Package model maps database models to API models for REST requests to the server.
Package route handles incoming REST requests to the server.
Package route handles incoming REST requests to the server.
Package scheduler orders tasks in distro queues.
Package scheduler orders tasks in distro queues.
Package service exposes core UI and API endpoints.
Package service exposes core UI and API endpoints.
Package thirdparty defines interactions with third-party services but not cloud providers, which are in cloud.
Package thirdparty defines interactions with third-party services but not cloud providers, which are in cloud.
Package trigger defines triggers that map events to notifications.
Package trigger defines triggers that map events to notifications.
Package units contains amboy.Job definitions.
Package units contains amboy.Job definitions.
Package util contains utility functions depended on by many other packages.
Package util contains utility functions depended on by many other packages.
Package validator checks that project configuration files and distro settings are correct.
Package validator checks that project configuration files and distro settings are correct.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL