Is it possible to programmatically access multiple paid AI services with the same question and receive unique answers without cost to the user?
Sorry, now it is!
Expert-AI is an AI response's compiler. A program that accesses different artificial intelligences, collects the responses they provide to the same question, and then synthesizes a final response based on the obtained information.
- Connect to multiple available artificial intelligence (AI) systems
- Send a question to the accessed AIs
- Collect the individual responses from each AI
- Analyze and synthesize a consolidated final response
- Install Go from or using gvm
- Install Fyne:
- Install Chromium browser
- Setup Chromium to use English as the main language
git clone
go mod tidy
echo "Who invented the airplane" > prompt.txt
Close chromium and run it with googledp enabled.
killall chromium
chromium --remote-debugging-port=9222
go run .
Getting in touch
Evandro Jr +5571982864766
Project Naming Convention
In Go, there is no rigid file naming standard, but there are some commonly adopted conventions:
Naming packages: Package names should be written in lowercase and preferably in the singular. For example: main, utils, user_service.
Naming variables and functions: The Go naming convention follows the "camelCase" style for functions and variables. For example: calculateTotal(), getUserById(), maxValue.
Naming constants: Constants are generally written in uppercase, with words separated by underscores. For example: MAX_USERS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.
Naming types: Custom types, such as structs and interfaces, are usually written with the first letter capitalized. For example: User, UserService, HttpHandler.
Grouping related files: When you have multiple files related to the same package, it's common to group them in the same directory. For example: user/user.go, user/user_test.go, user/user_repository.go.
These are the main Go file naming conventions, but the important thing is to be consistent throughout your project. Clarity and readability of the code are the primary objectives.