OTC RDS Operator
DEPRECATION NOTICE (Jan 2024): It was a great experience to learn and grow with this project and bring things together in Cloud and Kubernetes. Due the focus shift there is no need anymore for an RDS operator on Open Telekom Cloud. I stopped maintenance this project and started to archive.
Kubernetes Operator for OTC RDS. Manage your OTC RDS instances in Kubernetes.

Demo App
We provide a Demo App how to interact
with RDS resources in Go apps.
- Kubernetes Cluster 1.21+ with cluster-admin permissions
- Existing OTC tenant with RDS Administrator permissions
- Existing OTC resources VPC,Subnet, SecurityGroup
- Create OTC RDS Instance
- Delete OTC RDS Instance
- Giving a status of the backend RDS (id,ip-address,state)
- Resize Flavor
- Enlarge Volume
- Restart Instance
- Backup restore PITR
- Log handling
- User/Schema handling
- Autopilot (automatically resource handling of mem, cpu, disc)
Rds |
Job |
CronJob |
Lease |
Kubernetes |
v1alpha1 |
v1 |
v1 |
v1 |
v1.21.x |
Look at the otc
section in the chart/values.yaml to provide credentials.
Best case to generate your own values.yaml and install the app:
via this repo:
helm -n rdsoperator upgrade -i rdsoperator -f values.yaml chart --create-namespace
via Helm Chart Repo (required helm 3.10+):
helm -n rdsoperator upgrade -i rdsoperator -f values.yaml --version 0.7.1 oci://mtr.devops.telekom.de/caas/charts/otc-rds-operator
In a minimal set and if you use eu-de
region, only domain_name
, username
, and password
are required:
helm -n rdsoperator upgrade -i rdsoperator --set otc.domain_name=<OTC-EU-DE-000000000010000000001> --set otc.username=<user> --set otc.password=<password> chart --create-namespace
note: In version 0.6.0 you must set watchnamespaces
to declare which namespaces allowed to create RDS instances. Otherwise only default namespace is allowed.
Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
In manifests/crds/rds.yml the used CRD is located.
Group: otc.mcsps.de
Kind: Rds
Creating Database
Install a MySQL Single Instance:
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/examples/my-rds-single.yml
Install a MySQL HA Instance:
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/examples/my-rds-ha.yml
hint: The root password will be deleted in the resource spec after creating RDS.
Creating User/Schema
To create database schema, add the names as a list in the RDS spec:
- project1
- project2
To create user, add a user object with name, host, password, and privileges in the RDS spec:
- host: 10.9.3.%
name: app1
password: app1+Mond
- GRANT ALL ON project1.* TO 'app1'@'10.9.3.%'
hint: host
is the allowed host/network to connect to the database for this user. Must equal
with the host defintion in privileges
Databases/Users/Privileges will created but not deleted within the Controller. If the database or
user is missing, the Controller will recreate it. Privileges will not adjust if the user exists.
Usage of the Database
To use the database in an app deployment beside credentials the database hostname is required.
This can be fetched by command
kubectl -n rds1 get rds my-rds-single -o go-template='{{.status.ip}}'
OTC RDS Operator provides additionally a Headless Service. Application can use the service name, where the endpoint IP updates automatically
by the Operator.
kubectl -n rds1 get service my-rds-single
my-rds-single ClusterIP None <none> 3306/TCP 9m17s
kubectl -n rds1 get ep my-rds-single
my-rds-single 9m22s
mysql -hmy-rds-single -uroot -p+
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 397
Server version: 8.0.21-5 MySQL Community Server - (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MySQL [(none)]>
Other solutions might be ExternalName-type services, which works only on hostnames,
not ip-addresses, because Cluster-DNS will generate a CNAME for this entry. This
requires a DNS name for the database, which can be realized by OTC DNS service. In
any case, the Kubernetes cluster needs a direct network connection to the database,
so it's installed in the same VPC/Subnet or it's available via VPC-Peering.
Resize Flavor
finding the available flavor for data type and version, and ha:
openstack rds flavor list mysql 8.0| grep ha
hint: only ha
flavor are good for ha installations
Enlarge Volume
Due the API spec change the volume size only upwards with a 10 GB step
and a minimum of 40 GB
Restart Instance
Edit the status of the RDS instance and set reboot: true
. Instance will restart immediatelly.
autopilot: false
id: 59ce9eca5ef543e2a643fea393b2cfbcin01
logs: false
reboot: true
status: ACTIVE
Backup Restore PITR
Set backuprestoretime
to a valid date. RDS will recover immediatelly:
backuprestoretime: "2022-04-20T22:08:41+00:00"
Fetch RDS Logs
Edit the status of the RDS instance and set logs: true
. A Job will started in the same
namespac to collect and show logs.
autopilot: false
id: 59ce9eca5ef543e2a643fea393b2cfbcin01
logs: true
reboot: false
status: ACTIVE
Query Job for logs:
$ kubectl -n rds2 logs -ljob-name=my-rds-ha -c errorlog
"time": "2022-04-26T15:23:08Z",
"level": "WARNING",
"content": "[MY-011070] [Server] \u0026#39;Disabling symbolic links using --skip-symbolic-links (or equivalent) is the default. Consider not using this option as it\u0026#39; is deprecated and will be removed in a future release."
Autopilot is level 5 approach of Kubernetes Operator. This means, the Operator care about health
status based on metrics cpu, memory, and disc size.
Autopilot will create 3 alert rules on OTC and a Simple Messaging Services for notification handling.
OTC fires a HTTPS webhook to a target service. For this it's required to setup Ingress, where the
Operator can receive alert notification and take action into account. Disc size will increase +10GB,
for cpu/memory alert the next bigger flavor will search and scale up the instance automatically,
while the cpu/mem metric is lower then 90%.
CloudEye will observe the load every 5 minutes and take action after 3 measurements (15 min), so
it takes some time before scale up the flavor.
For the moment there is no downsizing of flavors, and downsizing disc is always impossible.
endpoint: https://rdsoperator.example.com/
If you want to migrate an unmanaged RDS instance into the operator, create a resource
and apply to the cluster. Operator care about existing instances and do not create it twice
- Lookup for the unmanaged instance
openstack rds instance list
| ID | Name | Datastore Type | Datastore Version | Status | Flavor_ref | Type | Size | Region |
| 6780320f1c1249d6922e0c4573a697a0in01 | my-rds-ha2 | MySQL | 8.0 | ACTIVE | rds.mysql.c2.medium.ha | Ha | 100 | eu-de |
- Create manifest:
apiVersion: otc.mcsps.de/v1alpha1
kind: Rds
name: my-rds-ha2
datastoretype: "MySQL"
datastoreversion: "8.0"
volumetype: "COMMON"
volumesize: 100
hamode: "Ha"
hareplicationmode: "semisync"
port: "3306"
password: "A12345678+"
backupstarttime: "01:00-02:00"
backupkeepdays: 10
flavorref: "rds.mysql.c2.medium.ha"
region: "eu-de"
availabilityzone: "eu-de-01,eu-de-02"
vpc: "golang"
subnet: "golang"
securitygroup: "golang"
- Apply to the target namespace in the cluster. No you can operate all supported usecases
Remove the Id
from the Rds resource
Id: 8a725142698e4d0a9ed606d97905a77din01
After that the instance in OTC is unmanaged and you can safely delete Rds in Kubernetes Cluster.
In a single installation we have one cluster with one Operator, managed by one cluster-admin,
who installs the Operator and creates the RDS instances, to use by itself. The following scenario
has multi instances of the Operator running in one cluster, installed by cluster-admin/project-admins
with different OTC tenants in the backend. RDS instances are installed by the the project-admins or
Resource |
Scope |
Role |
HA election/leases |
Operator Namespace |
user |
RDS get/list/create/delete |
Watched Namespaces |
admin |
RDS get/list/create/delete |
Watched Namespaces |
project-admin |
RDS get/list/create/delete |
Watched Namespaces |
(user) |
Event/Service/Job create/list/watch |
Watched Namespaces |
operator |
RBAC Clusterrole/Clusterrolebinding |
cluster-wide |
cluster-admin |
Cluster Operator
The first Operator installation needs cluster-admin permissions and the option
watchNamespaces: rds1 rds3
enabled: true
This installation includes:
- ClusterRole with
label which elovates RDS ,Events, Service, Job API resources cluster-wide to admin
- RoleBinding to inheritate this permissions to the Operator namespaced.
- ClusterRole to view/get/watch RDS API resources
- ClusterRolebinding to connect this ClusterRole to each ServiceAccount. That's required to watch cluster-wide on RDS events by the Operator
- ClusterRole with
label which elovates election/leases API resources cluster-wide to admin. This is required for project-admin to inheritate this permissions to the Operator namespaced.
- Role/RoleBinding for election/leases API resources to operator.
- ServiceAccount for Operator operation
The CRD will also installed with this instance.
Project Operator
Each other installation needs normal admin/project-admin permissions and the option
watchNamespaces: rds2 rds4
enabled: false
Add --skip-crds
to the Helm install parameters
As a project-admin you can decide if your users can also handle RDS instances.
Apply this role manually in each namespace where you want:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
name: rdsusers
- apiGroups:
- otc.mcsps.de
- rdss
- create
- delete
- get
- list
- update
- watch
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
name: rdsusers
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: Role
name: rdsusers
- kind: Group
name: system:authenticated
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
Unforseen deleting
We identified two use cases of unforseen deleting of RDS instances:
- the Cluster Admin deletes the CRD, which caused the delete of all RDS instances in the Cluster
- the Cluster User deletes the RDS resource in the cluster which deletes of course the RDS instance in OTC
For both use cases we make a manual backup before delete the instance, which will be also not deleted
by the OTC delete cascade. You can restore the backup on the same instance name and import the RDS resource
into the cluster.
Update: The OTC will make also automatically a backup before the RDS instance is deleted. Watch your
backup store for left backup data.
Using make
in the doc root:
fmt: Format
run: Run controller
vet: Vet
deps: Optimize dependencies
help: Show targets documentation
test: Run tests
build: Build binary
clean: Clean build files
cover: Run tests and generate coverage
mocks: Generate mocks
vendor: Vendor dependencies
generate: Generate code
test-clean: Clean test cache
Frank Kloeker f.kloeker@telekom.de
Life is for sharing. If you have an issue with the code or want to improve it, feel free to open an issue or an pull request.
The Operator is inspired by @mmontes11, a good place
to learn fundamental things about K8S API.