List pins from Discord channel, thread, category, or server.
Example usage
- Go to the "OAuth2" tab
- Select "bot" under "Scopes"
- Select "Read Message History" under "Bot Permissions"
- Copy the URL and open it in your browser
- Add the bot to your server
- Go to the "General Information" tab
- Copy the "Application ID"
- Run the program with your guild ID like this:
go run . --guild "710225099923521558" --expr "author_name.size() == 0 || author_name.startsWith(\"EthanThatOneKid\")" --verbose
go run . --guild "710225099923521558" --expr "channel_parent_id == 1055675648296890388" --verbose
// MessageData is the data for a message in a CEL expression.
type MessageData struct {
ChannelParentID string
ChannelID string
ChannelName string
Timestamp time.Time
AuthorID string
AuthorName string
Text string