Index ¶
- type Service
- func (s *Service) AgentAddLiquidityDAOToken(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentChatSupport(ctx context.Context, msg string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentChats(ctx context.Context, agentID string, messages serializers.AgentChatMessageReq) (*openai.ChatResponse, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentCreateAgentAssistant(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.AssistantsReq) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentCreateAgentAssistantForLocal(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.AssistantsReq) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentCreateAgentStudio(ctx context.Context, address, graphData string) ([]*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentCreateMissionDefault(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentDailyReport(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) AgentDeployDAOToken(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentDeployToken(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentMintNft(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentRequestTwitterShareCode(ctx context.Context, topupAddress string) (string, string, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentSettleDAOToken(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentSnapshotPostActionExecuted(ctx context.Context, twitterPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentSnapshotPostCreate(ctx context.Context, missionID uint, orgTweetID, tokenSymbol string) error
- func (s *Service) AgentSnapshotPostCreateForUser(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, userAddress string, userPrompt string, ...) (*models.AgentSnapshotPost, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentSnapshotPostStatusInferRefund(ctx context.Context, snapshotPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTeleAlertByID(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint, refID string, amount *big.Float, ...) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTeleAlertNewAgentTrakerByID(ctx context.Context, twitterInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTeleAlertNewTokenByID(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTeleAlertTopupNotActionByID(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTgeRefundBaseTokenMulti(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ids []uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTgeTransferDAOTokenMulti(ctx context.Context, launchpadID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTwinTrain(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTwitterPostCreateLaunchpad(ctx context.Context, twitterPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTwitterPostGenerateVideoByUserTweetId(ctx context.Context, twitterPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentTwitterPostSubmitVideoInferByID(ctx context.Context, agentTwitterPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) AgentUpdateAgentAssistant(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.AssistantsReq) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentUpdateAgentStudio(ctx context.Context, address, agentID, graphData string) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentUseKnowledgeBase(ctx context.Context, request *serializers.AgentUseKnowledgeBaseRequest) (*models.AgentInfoKnowledgeBase, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentVerifyShareTwitter(ctx context.Context, authSecretCode string, link string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentWalletCreatePumpFunMeme(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) AgentWalletGetSolanaTokenBalances(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string) ([]*serializers.SolanaTokenBalanceResp, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentWalletGetSolanaTokenPnls(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string) (any, error)
- func (s *Service) AgentWalletTradePumpFunMeme(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) AgentWalletTradeRaydiumToken(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) AnalyseSearchResults(baseModel string, systemPrompt string, query string, searchedResult []string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) AnalyzeAgentTwitterPostByTweetID(tx *gorm.DB, tweetID string) error
- func (s *Service) ApproveMaxEAIForAddress(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, address string, spender string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) BatchChatCompletionPrompt(ctx context.Context, request *serializers.ChatCompletionRequest) (*models.BatchInferHistory, error)
- func (s *Service) BatchPromptItemV2(ctx context.Context, agentInfo *models.AgentInfo, ...) (*models.AgentSnapshotPost, error)
- func (s *Service) BlockchainDurations(ctx context.Context) ([]uint, error)
- func (s *Service) CacheAgentSnapshotPost(snapshotPost *models.AgentSnapshotPost) error
- func (s *Service) CacheCheckIsTweetReplied(ctx context.Context, twitterID string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) CacheListMemeThreadLatest(tx *gorm.DB, tokenAddress string) error
- func (s *Service) CacheMemeCandleDataChart(tx *gorm.DB, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) CacheMemeDetail(tx *gorm.DB, memAddress string) error
- func (s *Service) CacheMemeHolders(tx *gorm.DB, tokenAddress string) error
- func (s *Service) CacheMemeTradeHistoryLatest(tx *gorm.DB, tokenAddress string) error
- func (s *Service) CacheMissionStoreResult(tx *gorm.DB, responseID string) error
- func (s *Service) CacheNotificationsLatest(tx *gorm.DB, userID uint) error
- func (s *Service) CalculateFunnyWeightMeme(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) CaptureHtmlContentV4(html string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) ChargeUserStoreInstall(ctx context.Context, agentStoreInstallID uint, urlPath string, status int) error
- func (s *Service) CheckAgentIsReadyToRunTwinTraining(agentInfo *models.AgentInfo) (float64, bool, error)
- func (s *Service) CheckOwnerInscription(delegate, vault, publicKey, tokenId, signature, signMessage string) bool
- func (s *Service) CheckOwnerNFT721(delegate, vault, contract, tokenId, signature, signMessage string) bool
- func (s *Service) CheckTwitterPostForTA(tx *gorm.DB, agentInfoID uint, twitterUsername string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CheckedSeenMeme(ctx context.Context, address, memAddress string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) ClaimFeeMisstionStore(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) CreateAPIKey(ctx context.Context) (string, string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentInfoInstallCode(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, agentInfoID uint) (*models.AgentInfoInstall, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentInternalAction(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.AdminAgentActionReq) error
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentInternalActionByRefID(ctx context.Context, refID string, req *serializers.AdminAgentActionByRefReq) error
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentKnowledgeBase(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentStoreInstallCode(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, agentStoreID, agentInfoID uint) (*models.AgentStoreInstall, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentTwitterPostForCreateLaunchpad(tx *gorm.DB, agentInfoID uint, twitterUsername string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateAgentTwitterPostForGenerateVideo(tx *gorm.DB, agentInfoID uint, twitterUsername string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateApiSubscriptionKeyForTest(ctx context.Context, address, twitterID string) (*models.ApiSubscriptionKey, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateApiTokenUsage(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, apiKey string, endPoint string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateBTCAddress(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateETHAddress(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateErc1155TransferEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, changeBalance map[string]bool) error
- func (s *Service) CreateErc20TokenTransferEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateErc20TokenTransferEventLaunchpad(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateErc20TransferEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, changeBalance map[string]bool) error
- func (s *Service) CreateErc721TransferEvent(ctx context.Context, event *ethapi.NftTransferEventResp) error
- func (s *Service) CreateMeme(ctx context.Context, address string, networkID uint64, ...) (*models.Meme, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateMemeNotifications(tx *gorm.DB, userID, memeID, followerID uint, notiType models.NotiType, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateMemePool(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) CreateMemeShareTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *agentshares.AgentSharesTrade) error
- func (s *Service) CreateMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (*models.MemeThreads, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateMemeTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, event *ethapi.UniswapSwapEventResp) error
- func (s *Service) CreateOrUpdateTokenPrice(ctx context.Context, symbol string, price numeric.BigFloat) error
- func (s *Service) CreateSOLAddress(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateSolanaTokenTransferEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *bridgeapi.SolanaEAITxResp) error
- func (s *Service) CreateTRONAddress(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, agentID uint) error
- func (s *Service) CreateUpdateAgentSnapshotMission(ctx context.Context, agentID string, authHeader string, ...) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateUpdateUserTwitter(tx *gorm.DB, userTwitterID string) (*models.TwitterUser, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateUpdateUserTwitterByUserName(tx *gorm.DB, username string) (*models.TwitterUser, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteAgentSnapshotMission(ctx context.Context, missionID uint, userAddress string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteFilterAddrs(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteRedisCachedWithKey(cachedKey string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteRedisCachedWithPrefix(cachedKey string) error
- func (s *Service) DeployAgentKnowledgeBase(ctx context.Context, info *models.KnowledgeBase) error
- func (s *Service) DeployAgentUpgradeable(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) DeployAgentUpgradeableAddress(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentName string, agentVersion string, ...) (string, string, string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeployDAOTreasuryAddress(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeployDAOTreasuryLogic(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeployMultisend(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeployProxyAdminAddress(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) (string, string, error)
- func (s *Service) DexPairsTradeLatest(ctx context.Context, contractAddress, networkSlug string) (*coinmarketcap.DexPairsTradeLatestResp, error)
- func (s *Service) DexScreenInfo(ctx context.Context, contractAddress string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Service) DexSpotPairsLatest(ctx context.Context, quoteAssetSymbol, networkSlug string) (*coinmarketcap.DexSpotPairsLatestResp, error)
- func (s *Service) DisableJobs()
- func (s *Service) ERC20RealWorldAgentAct(ctx context.Context, uuid string, ipfsHash string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) ERC20UtilityAgentFetchCode(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, contractAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) ERC20UtilityAgentGetStorageInfo(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, contractAddress string) (*erc20utilityagent.IUtilityAgentStorageInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) ErcTransferEventsByTransactionV2(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, eventResp *ethapi.BlockChainEventResp) error
- func (s *Service) ExecuteLaunchpadTier(ctx context.Context, launchpadID, memberID uint, req *serializers.TierReq) error
- func (s *Service) ExecuteUpdateAgentInfoInContract(ctx context.Context, assistant *models.AgentInfo, ...) (*serializers.UpdateAgentAssistantInContractResponse, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletBalances(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) ([]*serializers.SolanaTokenBalanceResp, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletComputeOrder(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, req *serializers.ExternalWalletOrderReq) (float64, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletCreateOrder(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, req *serializers.ExternalWalletOrderReq) (*models.ExternalWalletOrder, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletCreateSOL(ctx context.Context) (*serializers.ExternalWalletResp, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletGet(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (*serializers.ExternalWalletResp, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletGetOrders(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, page int, limit int) ([]*models.ExternalWalletOrder, error)
- func (s *Service) ExternalWalletGetTokens(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) ([]*models.ExternalWalletToken, error)
- func (s *Service) ExtractSolAddress(content string) string
- func (s *Service) FindAgenByTwitterUsername(ctx context.Context, twitterUsername string) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) FindAgentSnapshotMission(ctx context.Context, agentId uint) ([]*models.AgentSnapshotMission, error)
- func (s *Service) FindAgentSnapshotPostAction(ctx context.Context, agentId uint) ([]*models.AgentSnapshotPostAction, error)
- func (s *Service) FollowListDefaultTwitters(ctx context.Context, agentID uint) error
- func (s *Service) FollowUsers(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) GeUserByAddress(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, address string) (*models.User, error)
- func (s *Service) GenerateAPIKey() (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GenerateKnowledgeQuery(baseModel string, histories []openai2.ChatCompletionMessage) (*string, error, string)
- func (s *Service) GenerateMemeStory(ctx context.Context, memeName string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GenerateTipAddress(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) GenerateTokenImageBase64Gif(ctx context.Context, tokenSymbol, tokenName, tokenDesc string) string
- func (s *Service) GenerateTokenInfoFromSystemPrompt(ctx context.Context, tokenName, sysPrompt string) (*models.TweetParseInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAddressPrk(address string) string
- func (s *Service) GetAgentBrainHistory(ctx context.Context, agentID string, postID uint, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentSnapshotPost, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentChainFee(tx *gorm.DB, networkID uint64) (*models.AgentChainFee, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentChainFees(ctx context.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentCreateLaunchpad(ctx context.Context, userName, fullText string) (*models.TweetParseInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentInfoDetail(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentID string) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentInfoDetailByAgentID(ctx context.Context, agentID string) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentInfoDetailByContract(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentInfoInstall(ctx context.Context, code string) (*models.AgentInfoInstall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentSnapshotMissionConfigs(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, platform string) ([]*models.AgentSnapshotMissionConfigs, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentSnapshotMissionTokens(ctx context.Context) ([]configs.MissionTokensConfig, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentStore(ctx context.Context, storeId string) (*models.AgentStore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentStoreDetail(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.AgentStore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentStoreInstall(ctx context.Context, code string) (*models.AgentStoreInstall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentSummaryReport(ctx context.Context) ([]*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentTokenInfoFromContractAddress(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) (string, string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentTradeTokens(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) ([]*models.AgentTradeToken, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentTwitterPostDetail(ctx context.Context, postID uint) (*models.AgentTwitterPost, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentWallet(tx *gorm.DB, networkID uint64, agentInfoID uint) (*models.AgentWallet, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAgentWalletSolanaTrades(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, mint string, ...) ([]*serializers.WalletActionTradeResp, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAllConfigs(ctx context.Context) (map[uint64]map[string]string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAllConfigsExplorer(ctx context.Context) (map[uint64]string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAllUserMentionsByUsername(ctx context.Context, username, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAllUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoToken(ctx context.Context, twitterInfo *models.TwitterInfo, ...) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetApiKeyInfo(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, address string) ([]*models.ApiSubscriptionKey, error)
- func (s *Service) GetApiPackages(ctx context.Context) ([]*models.ApiSubscriptionPackage, error)
- func (s *Service) GetApiUsage(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, page, limit int) ([]*models.ApiSubscriptionUsageLog, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetBatchItemDetail(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.BatchInferHistory, error)
- func (s *Service) GetBrainDetailByTweetID(ctx context.Context, tweetID string) (*models.AgentSnapshotPost, error)
- func (s *Service) GetBrainDetailByTweetIDBK(ctx context.Context, tweetID string) (*models.AgentSnapshotPost, error)
- func (s *Service) GetChartImage(ctx context.Context, symbol string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetConversationIdByTweetID(tx *gorm.DB, tweetID string) string
- func (s *Service) GetDao() *daos.DAO
- func (s *Service) GetDashboardAgentInfos(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentType int, agentTypes []int, ...) ([]*models.AgentInfo, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetEVMClient(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) evmapi.BaseClient
- func (s *Service) GetEstimateTime(ctx context.Context, agentInfo *models.AgentInfo) (*time.Time, error)
- func (s *Service) GetEthereumClient(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) *ethapi.Client
- func (s *Service) GetExtractDataFromPost(content string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFeedMemeReport(ctx context.Context, address, search, sortType string, page, limit int) ([]*models.Meme, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFilterAddrs(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) ([]string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetGifImageUrlFromTokenInfo(tokenSymbol, tokenName, tokenDesc string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImageUrlForBase64(stringBase64 string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInscriptonCollections(ctx context.Context, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) (*opensea.CollectionsResp, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInscriptonInfo(ctx context.Context, address string, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) (*moralis.NFTCollectionMetadata, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInscriptonInfoByTokenID(ctx context.Context, address, tokenId string, ...) ([]moralis.MoralisToken, error)
- func (s *Service) GetJobDuration(durationUnit string) time.Duration
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentEaiTopup(ctx context.Context, agentID string, typeStr string, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentEaiTopup, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentInfos(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, creator string, agentTypes []uint, ...) ([]*models.AgentInfo, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentLibrary(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) ([]*models.AgentLibrary, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentStore(ctx context.Context, search, types string, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentStore, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentStoreByOwner(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentStore, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentStoreInstall(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, agentInfoID uint, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentStoreInstall, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentTwitterLatestPost(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentInfoIDs []uint, page, limit int) (map[uint]*models.AgentTwitterPost, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentTwitterPost(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentTwitterPost, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListAgentUnClaimed(ctx context.Context, search string, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentInfo, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListFollowers(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MemeFollowers, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListFollowings(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MemeFollowers, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListMemeReport(ctx context.Context, chainID uint64, address, search, status string, ...) ([]*models.Meme, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListMemeThread(ctx context.Context, userAddress, tokenAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MemeThreads, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListMemeThreadLatest(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListMemes(ctx context.Context, address string, page, limit int) ([]*models.Meme, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListMisstionStore(ctx context.Context, search string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MissionStore, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserMentions(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserMentionsByUsername(ctx context.Context, username, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTransactions(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, typeStr string, page, limit int) ([]*models.UserTransaction, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweets(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsAll(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsByAgentForTradeMission(ctx context.Context, refID string) ([]twitter.TweetObj, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsByUsername(ctx context.Context, username, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsByUsernameV1(ctx context.Context, username, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsByUsersForTradeMission(ctx context.Context, userTwitterIds string) ([]twitter.TweetObj, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoToken(ctx context.Context, twitterInfo *models.TwitterInfo, ...) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoTokenV1(ctx context.Context, twitterInfo *models.TwitterInfo, ...) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsV1(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMapAgentSnapshotMissionTokens(ctx context.Context) (map[string]configs.MissionTokensConfig, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMapTokenPrice(ctx context.Context) map[string]*big.Float
- func (s *Service) GetMemeBaseToken(tx *gorm.DB, networkID uint64, baseSymbol string) string
- func (s *Service) GetMemeBaseTokenByTokens01(tx *gorm.DB, networkID uint64, token0, token1 string) string
- func (s *Service) GetMemeBurnHistory(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, userAddress, tokenAddress string, ...) ([]*models.TokenTransfer, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeChartCandleData(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string, day uint, chartType string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeDetail(ctx context.Context, address, memAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeNotificationLatest(ctx context.Context, userAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeNotifications(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MemeNotification, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, userAddress, tokenAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MemeTradeHistory, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeTradeHistoryLatest(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeUserProfile(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, address string) (*models.User, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMemeWhiteListAddress(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMissionStoreHistory(ctx context.Context, id uint, page, limit int) ([]*models.MissionStoreHistory, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMissionStoreRating(ctx context.Context, id uint, page, limit int) ([]*models.MissionStoreRating, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMissionStoreResult(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, responseID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetMisstionStoreDetail(ctx context.Context, id uint) (*models.MissionStore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetModelDefaultByChainID(chainID uint64) string
- func (s *Service) GetNftCollectionMetadataByContract(ctx context.Context, address, cursor, pageSize string, f moralis.MoralisFilter) (*moralis.NFTCollectionMetadata, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNftCollectionMetadataByTokenID(ctx context.Context, address, tokenID string, f moralis.MoralisFilter) ([]moralis.MoralisToken, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPostTimeByTweetID(tx *gorm.DB, tweetID string) *time.Time
- func (s *Service) GetPumpFunTokenPrice(ctx context.Context, mint string) (float64, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPumpFunTrades(ctx context.Context, mint string, page int, limit int) ([]*serializers.PumpFunTradeResp, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRedisCachedWithKey(cachedKey string, resp interface{}) error
- func (s *Service) GetResultFromRagSearch(request *serializers.RetrieveKnowledgeBaseRequest) (*serializers.RetrieveKnowledgeBaseResponse, error)
- func (s *Service) GetResultFromToolCall(query string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolanaDataChart24Hour(ctx context.Context, mint string) ([]*serializers.DataChartResp, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolanaTokenDecimals(mint string) (int, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTokenHolders(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTokenHolding(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.Erc20Holder, uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTokenInfoByContract(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) (*dexscreener.PairsDetailResp, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTokenMarketPrice(tx *gorm.DB, symbol string) *big.Float
- func (s *Service) GetTokenQuoteLatestForSolana(ctx context.Context, mint string) (any, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTradeAnalytic(ctx context.Context, token string) (interface{}, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTradingAnalyticInfo(ctx context.Context, userName, fullText string) (*models.TweetParseInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTryHistory(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, agentStoreID uint) (*models.AgentStoreTry, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTryHistoryDetail(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, historyID uint, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentStoreTryDetail, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterPostMaxChars(tx *gorm.DB, agentInfoID uint) (uint, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserByID(ctx context.Context, twitterID string) (*twitter.UserObj, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserByUsername(ctx context.Context, username string) (*twitter.UserObj, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserFollowing(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string) (*twitter.UserFollowLookup, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingByUsername(ctx context.Context, username, paginationToken string) ([]rapid.Following, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingRapid(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string) ([]rapid.Following, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingRapidByUsername(ctx context.Context, username, paginationToken string) ([]rapid.Following, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingV1(ctx context.Context, twitterID, paginationToken string) ([]rapid.Following, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTwitterVerified(tx *gorm.DB, agentInfoID uint) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) GetUser(tx *gorm.DB, networkID uint64, address string, forUpdate bool) (*models.User, error)
- func (s *Service) GetUser3700Liked(ctx context.Context, replied *bool, page, limit int) ([]*models.TwitterTweetLiked, error)
- func (s *Service) GetUserProfile(ctx context.Context, address string) (*models.User, error)
- func (s *Service) GetWebpageText(ctx context.Context, url string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetZkClient(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) *zkapi.Client
- func (s *Service) HideMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, threadID uint) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) ImageHubSubscriptionPriceUpdatedEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) InfraTwitterAppAuthenCallback(ctx context.Context, address, installUri string, code string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) InfraTwitterAppAuthenInstall(ctx context.Context, userAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) InscribeTxsLog(txHash string, inscribeTxHash string, logErr string)
- func (s *Service) IpfsUploadData(ctx context.Context, ext string, dataBytes []byte) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) IpfsUploadDataForName(ctx context.Context, fileName string, dataBytes []byte) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) JobAgentAddLiquidityDAOToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentDeployDAOToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentDeployToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentLaunchpadEnd(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentMintNft(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentSettleDAOToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostActionCancelled(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostActionDupplicated(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostActionExecuted(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostCreate(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostStatusInferRefund(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentStart(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTeleAlertTopupNotAction(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTgeRefundBaseToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTgeTransferDAOToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTwinTrain(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTwitterPostCreateLaunchpad(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTwitterPostGenerateVideo(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTwitterPostSubmitVideoInfer(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTwitterPostTA(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobAgentTwitterScanResultGenerateVideo(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobCheckMemeReachMarketCap(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobCreateAgentKnowledgeBase(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobCreateTokenInfo(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobEnabledDB(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobLuckyMoneyActionExecuted(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobLuckyMoneyCollectPost(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobLuckyMoneyProcessUserReward(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobMemeAddPositionInternal(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobMemeAddPositionUniswap(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobMemeBurnPositionUniswap(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobMemeRemovePositionInternal(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobMigrateTronAddress(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobMigrateWalletActions(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobNameSubmitBatchInferFullPrompt(ctx context.Context, chainConfig *models.ChainConfig) string
- func (s *Service) JobRetryAddPool1(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobRetryAddPool2(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobRetryAgentDeployToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobRetryAgentMintNft(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobRetryAgentMintNftError(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobRun(ctx context.Context, jobName string, duration time.Duration, ...)
- func (s *Service) JobRunCheck(ctx context.Context, jobId string, jobFunc func() error) error
- func (s *Service) JobScanAgentTwitterPostForCreateLaunchpad(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobScanAgentTwitterPostForGenerateVideo(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobScanAgentTwitterPostForTA(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobScanEventsByChain(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobScanRepliesByLaunchpadTweetID(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobScanTwitterLiked(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateAgentImage(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateMarketPrice(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateMemeUsdPrice(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateOffchainAutoOutput(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateOffchainAutoOutput3Hour(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateOffchainAutoOutputForMission(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateTokenPriceInfo(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) JobUpdateTwitterAccessToken(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) LaunchpadErc20TokenTransferEvent(tx *gorm.DB, networkID uint64, event *ethapi.Erc20TokenTransferEventResp) error
- func (s *Service) LikeMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) LookupUserTweets(ctx context.Context, tweetIDs string) (*twitter.TweetLookups, error)
- func (s *Service) LookupUserTweetsV1(ctx context.Context, tweetIDs string) (*twitter.TweetLookups, error)
- func (s *Service) LuckyMoneyActionExecuted(ctx context.Context, snapshotPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) LuckyMoneyCollectPost(ctx context.Context, missionID uint) error
- func (s *Service) LuckyMoneyGetPostContent(tx *gorm.DB, agentInfoID, missionID uint) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) LuckyMoneyProcessUserReward(ctx context.Context, luckyID uint) error
- func (s *Service) LuckyMoneyValidateRewardUser(ctx context.Context, actionID uint) error
- func (s *Service) MemeAddPositionInternal(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) MemeAddPositionUniswap(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) MemeBurnPositionUniswap(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) MemeEventsByTransaction(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, txHash string) error
- func (s *Service) MemeEventsByTransactionEventResp(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, eventResp *ethapi.BlockChainEventResp, ...) error
- func (s *Service) MemeRemovePositionInternal(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) MemeSnapshotTokenHolder(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) error
- func (s *Service) MigrateWalletActionForID(ctx context.Context, walletActionID uint) error
- func (s *Service) MintAgent(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) OpenseaCollections(ctx context.Context, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) (*opensea.CollectionsResp, error)
- func (s *Service) OrderpaymentOrderPaidEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) PauseAgent(ctx context.Context, agentID string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) PostTwitterAferCreateToken(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) PreviewAgentSystemPromp(ctx context.Context, personality, question string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PreviewAgentSystemPrompV1(ctx context.Context, messages string, agentId *uint, ...) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PreviewStreamAgentSystemPromptV1(ctx context.Context, writerResponse gin.ResponseWriter, ...)
- func (s *Service) ProcessDeposit(ctx context.Context, depositNetworkID uint64, eventID string, txHash string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) ProcessMissionTradingAnalytic(ctx context.Context, twitterPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) ProcessStreamAgentSystemPromptV1(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.PreviewRequest, ...)
- func (s *Service) ProxyAdminDAOUpgrade(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, proxyAddress string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) RatingMisstionStore(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.MissionStoreRatingReq) error
- func (s *Service) RedisCached(cachedKey string, enabled bool, expiration time.Duration, resp interface{}, ...) error
- func (s *Service) RedisCachedWithoutHashKey(cachedKey string, enabled bool, expiration time.Duration, resp interface{}, ...) error
- func (s *Service) RedisFlushAll(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) RefundApiTokenUsage(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, numToken uint) error
- func (s *Service) ReplyAferAutoCreateLaunchpad(tx *gorm.DB, twitterPostID, launchpadId uint) error
- func (s *Service) ReplyAfterJoinLaunchpad(tx *gorm.DB, twitterPostID, launchpadId uint, memberID uint, ...) error
- func (s *Service) RetrieveKnowledge(agentModel string, messages []openai2.ChatCompletionMessage, ...) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) RetryAgentDeployToken(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) RunJobs(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) RunTeleBotJob(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) SampleTwitterAppAuthenCallback(ctx context.Context, installCode string, installUri string, code string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) SampleTwitterAppAuthenInstall(ctx context.Context, installCode string, installUri string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) SampleTwitterAppGetBTCPrice(ctx context.Context) string
- func (s *Service) SampleTwitterAppTweetMessage(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, content string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) SaveAgentStore(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, req *serializers.AgentStoreReq) (*models.AgentStore, error)
- func (s *Service) SaveAgentStoreCallback(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.AuthenAgentStoreCallback) error
- func (s *Service) SaveMissionStore(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, agentStoreID uint, ...) error
- func (s *Service) ScanAgentInfraMintHash(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, networkID uint64, txHash string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) ScanAgentTwitterPostForGenerateVideo(ctx context.Context, agentID uint) error
- func (s *Service) ScanAgentTwitterPostForTA(ctx context.Context, agentID uint) error
- func (s *Service) ScanEventsByChain(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64) error
- func (s *Service) ScanTokenTransferTxHash(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, hash string) error
- func (s *Service) ScanTwitterTweetByParentID(ctx context.Context, launchpad *models.Launchpad) (*twitter.TweetRecentSearch, error)
- func (s *Service) ScanTwitterTweetLiked(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) SeachTwitterUserByQuery(ctx context.Context, username string) (*twitter.UserLookups, error)
- func (s *Service) SearchRecentTweet(ctx context.Context, query, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.TweetRecentSearch, error)
- func (s *Service) SearchRecentTweetV1(ctx context.Context, query, sinceID string, maxResults int) (*twitter.TweetRecentSearch, error)
- func (s *Service) SearchTokenTweet(ctx context.Context, query, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.TweetRecentSearch, error)
- func (s *Service) SearchUsers(ctx context.Context, query, paginationToken string) ([]*twitter.UserObj, error)
- func (s *Service) SendTeleMsgToChatID(ctx context.Context, content, chatID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) SendTeleMsgToKBChannel(ctx context.Context, content, chatID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) SetRedisCachedWithKey(cachedKey string, req interface{}, expiration time.Duration) error
- func (s *Service) ShareMeme(ctx context.Context, address, memAddress string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) StoreAddress(ctx context.Context, address, prk string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) StoreDefiAppAuthenInstall(ctx context.Context, installCode string, installUri string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) StoreDefiAppGetWallet(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) StreamRetrieveKnowledge(ctx context.Context, agentModel string, ...)
- func (s *Service) SyncAgentInfoDetailByAgentID(ctx context.Context, agentID string) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) SyncGetTwitterUserByUsername(ctx context.Context, username string) (*models.TwitterUser, error)
- func (s *Service) SystemPromptManagerAgentDataUpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) SystemPromptManagerAgentURIUpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) SystemPromptManagerNewTokenEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Service) TestUtil()
- func (s *Service) TestVideo(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *Service) TokenTransferEventsByTransaction(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, eventResp *ethapi.Erc20TokenEventResp) error
- func (s *Service) TokenTransferEventsByTransactionV2(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, eventResp *ethapi.BlockChainEventResp) error
- func (s *Service) TransferFund(priKeyFrom string, toAddress string, fund *big.Int, networkId uint64) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) TweetByToken(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint, req *serializers.AdminTweetReq) error
- func (s *Service) TweetGetFullText(tweets twitter.TweetObj) string
- func (s *Service) TweetIsMention(tweets twitter.TweetObj, username string) bool
- func (s *Service) TweetIsMentionNBS(tweets twitter.TweetObj, username string) (string, bool)
- func (s *Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForApiSubscription(ctx context.Context, callbackUrl, address, code, clientID string) error
- func (s *Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForCreateAgent(ctx context.Context, callbackUrl, address, code, clientID string) error
- func (s *Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForInternalData(ctx context.Context, callbackUrl, code string) error
- func (s *Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForRelink(ctx context.Context, callbackUrl, address, code, clientID string) error
- func (s *Service) TwitterOauthCallbackV1(ctx context.Context, callbackUrl, address, code, agentID, clientID string) error
- func (s *Service) UnFollowUsers(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) UnLikeMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) UnlinkAgentTwitterInfo(ctx context.Context, agentID string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateAgentExternalInfo(ctx context.Context, agentID string, req *serializers.AgentExternalInfoReq) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateAgentFarcasterInfo(ctx context.Context, agentID string, fID string, fUsername string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateAgentInfoInContract(ctx context.Context, address string, ...) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateAgentScanEventError(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint, errData error) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateAgentScanEventSuccess(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint, lastTimeEvent *time.Time, lastId string) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateAgentTwitterInfo(ctx context.Context, twitterInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateDataMissionTradeAnalytics(ctx context.Context, snapshotPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateKnowledgeBaseInContractWithSignature(ctx context.Context, info *models.KnowledgeBase, ...) (*models.KnowledgeBase, error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateMemeInfo(ctx context.Context, memeID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateMemeLiquidityPosition(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *ethapi.UniswapPositionLiquidity) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateOffchainAutoOutputForMission(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateOffchainAutoOutputV2(ctx context.Context, snapshotPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateOffchainAutoOutputV2ForId(ctx context.Context, snapshotPostID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateScanBlockError(ctx context.Context, chainID uint, lastBlockError error) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateScanBlockNumber(ctx context.Context, chainID uint, lastBlockEvent int64) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateTokenPriceInfo(ctx context.Context, agentID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UpdateTwinStatus(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.UpdateTwinStatusRequest) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateTwitterAccessToken(ctx context.Context, twitterInfoID uint) error
- func (s *Service) UploadDataToLightHouse(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.DataUploadToLightHouse) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) UploadMisstionStore(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.MissionStoreReq) error
- func (s *Service) UserSeenMemeNotification(ctx context.Context, address string, notiID uint) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) UserUploadFile(ctx context.Context, address string, fileHeader *multipart.FileHeader) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) UtilityPostTwitter(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, ...) (*serializers.AgentUtilityTwitterResp, error)
- func (s *Service) UtilityTwitterVerifyDeposit(ctx context.Context, userAddress, txHash string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) ValidateTweetContentGenerateVideo(ctx context.Context, userName, fullText string) (*models.TweetParseInfo, error)
- func (s *Service) ValidateUserStoreFee(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (*models.AgentStoreInstall, error)
- func (s *Service) ValidatedFollowed(ctx context.Context, address, userAddress string) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) VerifyAddressSignature(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, address string, message string, ...) error
- func (s *Service) VerifyLoginUserByWeb3(ctx context.Context, userIP, userAgent, address, message, signature string) (string, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Service ¶
type Service struct { KnowledgeUsecase ports.IKnowledgeUsecase AppConfigUseCase ports.IAppConfigUseCase AgentInfoUseCase ports.IAgentInfoUseCase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewService ¶
func (*Service) AgentAddLiquidityDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) AgentChatSupport ¶
func (*Service) AgentChats ¶
func (s *Service) AgentChats(ctx context.Context, agentID string, messages serializers.AgentChatMessageReq) (*openai.ChatResponse, error)
func (*Service) AgentCreateAgentAssistant ¶
func (s *Service) AgentCreateAgentAssistant(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.AssistantsReq) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) AgentCreateAgentAssistantForLocal ¶
func (s *Service) AgentCreateAgentAssistantForLocal(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.AssistantsReq) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) AgentCreateAgentStudio ¶
func (s *Service) AgentCreateAgentStudio(ctx context.Context, address, graphData string) ([]*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) AgentCreateMissionDefault ¶
func (*Service) AgentDeployDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) AgentDeployToken ¶
func (*Service) AgentMintNft ¶
func (*Service) AgentRequestTwitterShareCode ¶
func (*Service) AgentSettleDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) AgentSnapshotPostActionExecuted ¶
func (*Service) AgentSnapshotPostCreate ¶
func (*Service) AgentSnapshotPostCreateForUser ¶
func (*Service) AgentSnapshotPostStatusInferRefund ¶
func (*Service) AgentTeleAlertByID ¶
func (*Service) AgentTeleAlertNewAgentTrakerByID ¶
func (*Service) AgentTeleAlertNewTokenByID ¶
func (*Service) AgentTeleAlertTopupNotActionByID ¶
func (*Service) AgentTgeRefundBaseTokenMulti ¶
func (*Service) AgentTgeTransferDAOTokenMulti ¶
func (*Service) AgentTwinTrain ¶
func (*Service) AgentTwitterPostCreateLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) AgentTwitterPostGenerateVideoByUserTweetId ¶
func (*Service) AgentTwitterPostSubmitVideoInferByID ¶
func (*Service) AgentUpdateAgentAssistant ¶
func (s *Service) AgentUpdateAgentAssistant(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.AssistantsReq) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) AgentUpdateAgentStudio ¶
func (*Service) AgentUseKnowledgeBase ¶
func (s *Service) AgentUseKnowledgeBase(ctx context.Context, request *serializers.AgentUseKnowledgeBaseRequest) (*models.AgentInfoKnowledgeBase, error)
func (*Service) AgentVerifyShareTwitter ¶
func (*Service) AgentWalletCreatePumpFunMeme ¶
func (s *Service) AgentWalletCreatePumpFunMeme(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, req *serializers.AdminCreatePumpfunMemeReq) error
func (*Service) AgentWalletGetSolanaTokenBalances ¶
func (s *Service) AgentWalletGetSolanaTokenBalances(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string) ([]*serializers.SolanaTokenBalanceResp, error)
func (*Service) AgentWalletGetSolanaTokenPnls ¶
func (*Service) AgentWalletTradePumpFunMeme ¶
func (s *Service) AgentWalletTradePumpFunMeme(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, req *serializers.AdminTradePumpfunMemeReq) error
func (*Service) AgentWalletTradeRaydiumToken ¶
func (s *Service) AgentWalletTradeRaydiumToken(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentContractID string, req *serializers.AdminTradePumpfunMemeReq) error
func (*Service) AnalyseSearchResults ¶
func (*Service) AnalyzeAgentTwitterPostByTweetID ¶
func (*Service) ApproveMaxEAIForAddress ¶
func (*Service) BatchChatCompletionPrompt ¶
func (s *Service) BatchChatCompletionPrompt(ctx context.Context, request *serializers.ChatCompletionRequest) (*models.BatchInferHistory, error)
func (*Service) BatchPromptItemV2 ¶
func (s *Service) BatchPromptItemV2(ctx context.Context, agentInfo *models.AgentInfo, request *models.AgentSnapshotPost) (*models.AgentSnapshotPost, error)
func (*Service) BlockchainDurations ¶
func (*Service) CacheAgentSnapshotPost ¶
func (s *Service) CacheAgentSnapshotPost(snapshotPost *models.AgentSnapshotPost) error
func (*Service) CacheCheckIsTweetReplied ¶
func (*Service) CacheListMemeThreadLatest ¶
func (*Service) CacheMemeCandleDataChart ¶
func (*Service) CacheMemeDetail ¶
func (*Service) CacheMemeHolders ¶
func (*Service) CacheMemeTradeHistoryLatest ¶
func (*Service) CacheMissionStoreResult ¶
func (*Service) CacheNotificationsLatest ¶
func (*Service) CalculateFunnyWeightMeme ¶
func (*Service) CaptureHtmlContentV4 ¶
func (*Service) ChargeUserStoreInstall ¶
func (*Service) CheckAgentIsReadyToRunTwinTraining ¶
func (*Service) CheckOwnerInscription ¶
func (*Service) CheckOwnerNFT721 ¶
func (*Service) CheckTwitterPostForTA ¶
func (*Service) CheckedSeenMeme ¶
func (*Service) ClaimFeeMisstionStore ¶
func (*Service) CreateAPIKey ¶
func (*Service) CreateAgentInfoInstallCode ¶
func (*Service) CreateAgentInternalAction ¶
func (s *Service) CreateAgentInternalAction(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.AdminAgentActionReq) error
func (*Service) CreateAgentInternalActionByRefID ¶
func (s *Service) CreateAgentInternalActionByRefID(ctx context.Context, refID string, req *serializers.AdminAgentActionByRefReq) error
func (*Service) CreateAgentKnowledgeBase ¶
func (*Service) CreateAgentStoreInstallCode ¶
func (*Service) CreateAgentTwitterPostForCreateLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) CreateAgentTwitterPostForGenerateVideo ¶
func (*Service) CreateApiSubscriptionKeyForTest ¶
func (*Service) CreateApiTokenUsage ¶
func (*Service) CreateBTCAddress ¶
func (*Service) CreateETHAddress ¶
func (*Service) CreateErc1155TransferEvent ¶
func (*Service) CreateErc20TokenTransferEvent ¶
func (*Service) CreateErc20TokenTransferEventLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) CreateErc20TransferEvent ¶
func (*Service) CreateErc721TransferEvent ¶
func (*Service) CreateMeme ¶
func (*Service) CreateMemeNotifications ¶
func (*Service) CreateMemePool ¶
func (*Service) CreateMemeShareTradeHistory ¶
func (s *Service) CreateMemeShareTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *agentshares.AgentSharesTrade) error
func (*Service) CreateMemeThread ¶
func (s *Service) CreateMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (*models.MemeThreads, error)
func (*Service) CreateMemeTradeHistory ¶
func (*Service) CreateOrUpdateTokenPrice ¶
func (*Service) CreateSOLAddress ¶
func (*Service) CreateSolanaTokenTransferEvent ¶
func (*Service) CreateTRONAddress ¶
func (*Service) CreateTokenInfo ¶
func (*Service) CreateUpdateAgentSnapshotMission ¶
func (s *Service) CreateUpdateAgentSnapshotMission(ctx context.Context, agentID string, authHeader string, req []*serializers.AgentSnapshotMissionInfo) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) CreateUpdateUserTwitter ¶
func (*Service) CreateUpdateUserTwitterByUserName ¶
func (*Service) DeleteAgentSnapshotMission ¶
func (*Service) DeleteFilterAddrs ¶
func (*Service) DeleteRedisCachedWithKey ¶
func (*Service) DeleteRedisCachedWithPrefix ¶
func (*Service) DeployAgentKnowledgeBase ¶
func (*Service) DeployAgentUpgradeable ¶
func (*Service) DeployAgentUpgradeableAddress ¶
func (s *Service) DeployAgentUpgradeableAddress( ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, agentName string, agentVersion string, codeLanguage string, pointers []agentupgradeable.IAgentCodePointer, depsAgents []common.Address, agentOwner common.Address, isOnchain bool, ) (string, string, string, error)
func (*Service) DeployDAOTreasuryAddress ¶
func (*Service) DeployDAOTreasuryLogic ¶
func (*Service) DeployMultisend ¶
func (*Service) DeployProxyAdminAddress ¶
func (*Service) DexPairsTradeLatest ¶
func (s *Service) DexPairsTradeLatest(ctx context.Context, contractAddress, networkSlug string) (*coinmarketcap.DexPairsTradeLatestResp, error)
func (*Service) DexScreenInfo ¶
func (*Service) DexSpotPairsLatest ¶
func (s *Service) DexSpotPairsLatest(ctx context.Context, quoteAssetSymbol, networkSlug string) (*coinmarketcap.DexSpotPairsLatestResp, error)
func (*Service) DisableJobs ¶
func (s *Service) DisableJobs()
func (*Service) ERC20RealWorldAgentAct ¶
func (*Service) ERC20UtilityAgentFetchCode ¶
func (*Service) ERC20UtilityAgentGetStorageInfo ¶
func (s *Service) ERC20UtilityAgentGetStorageInfo( ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, contractAddress string, ) (*erc20utilityagent.IUtilityAgentStorageInfo, error)
func (*Service) ErcTransferEventsByTransactionV2 ¶
func (*Service) ExecuteLaunchpadTier ¶
func (*Service) ExecuteUpdateAgentInfoInContract ¶
func (s *Service) ExecuteUpdateAgentInfoInContract(ctx context.Context, assistant *models.AgentInfo, request *serializers.UpdateAgentAssistantInContractRequest) (*serializers.UpdateAgentAssistantInContractResponse, error)
func (*Service) ExternalWalletBalances ¶
func (s *Service) ExternalWalletBalances(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) ([]*serializers.SolanaTokenBalanceResp, error)
func (*Service) ExternalWalletComputeOrder ¶
func (s *Service) ExternalWalletComputeOrder(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, req *serializers.ExternalWalletOrderReq) (float64, error)
func (*Service) ExternalWalletCreateOrder ¶
func (s *Service) ExternalWalletCreateOrder(ctx context.Context, apiKey string, req *serializers.ExternalWalletOrderReq) (*models.ExternalWalletOrder, error)
func (*Service) ExternalWalletCreateSOL ¶
func (s *Service) ExternalWalletCreateSOL(ctx context.Context) (*serializers.ExternalWalletResp, error)
func (*Service) ExternalWalletGet ¶
func (s *Service) ExternalWalletGet(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (*serializers.ExternalWalletResp, error)
func (*Service) ExternalWalletGetOrders ¶
func (*Service) ExternalWalletGetTokens ¶
func (*Service) ExtractSolAddress ¶
func (*Service) FindAgenByTwitterUsername ¶
func (*Service) FindAgentSnapshotMission ¶
func (*Service) FindAgentSnapshotPostAction ¶
func (*Service) FollowListDefaultTwitters ¶
func (*Service) FollowUsers ¶
func (s *Service) FollowUsers(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
func (*Service) GeUserByAddress ¶
func (*Service) GenerateAPIKey ¶
func (*Service) GenerateKnowledgeQuery ¶
func (*Service) GenerateMemeStory ¶
func (*Service) GenerateTipAddress ¶
func (*Service) GenerateTokenImageBase64Gif ¶
func (*Service) GenerateTokenInfoFromSystemPrompt ¶
func (*Service) GetAddressPrk ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentBrainHistory ¶
func (s *Service) GetAgentBrainHistory(ctx context.Context, agentID string, postID uint, page, limit int) ([]*models.AgentSnapshotPost, uint, error)
func (*Service) GetAgentChainFee ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentChainFees ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentCreateLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentInfoDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentInfoDetailByAgentID ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentInfoDetailByContract ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentInfoInstall ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentSnapshotMissionConfigs ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentSnapshotMissionTokens ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentStore ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentStoreDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentStoreInstall ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentSummaryReport ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentTokenInfoFromContractAddress ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentTradeTokens ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentTwitterPostDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentWallet ¶
func (*Service) GetAgentWalletSolanaTrades ¶
func (*Service) GetAllConfigs ¶
func (*Service) GetAllConfigsExplorer ¶
func (*Service) GetAllUserMentionsByUsername ¶
func (*Service) GetAllUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoToken ¶
func (s *Service) GetAllUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoToken(ctx context.Context, twitterInfo *models.TwitterInfo, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
func (*Service) GetApiKeyInfo ¶
func (*Service) GetApiPackages ¶
func (*Service) GetApiUsage ¶
func (*Service) GetBatchItemDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetBrainDetailByTweetID ¶
func (*Service) GetBrainDetailByTweetIDBK ¶
func (*Service) GetChartImage ¶
func (*Service) GetConversationIdByTweetID ¶
func (*Service) GetDashboardAgentInfos ¶
func (*Service) GetEVMClient ¶
func (*Service) GetEstimateTime ¶
func (*Service) GetEthereumClient ¶
func (*Service) GetExtractDataFromPost ¶
func (*Service) GetFeedMemeReport ¶
func (s *Service) GetFeedMemeReport(ctx context.Context, address, search, sortType string, page, limit int) ([]*models.Meme, uint, error)
//////Feed API
func (*Service) GetFilterAddrs ¶
func (*Service) GetGifImageUrlFromTokenInfo ¶
func (*Service) GetImageUrlForBase64 ¶
func (*Service) GetInscriptonCollections ¶
func (s *Service) GetInscriptonCollections(ctx context.Context, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) (*opensea.CollectionsResp, error)
func (*Service) GetInscriptonInfo ¶
func (s *Service) GetInscriptonInfo(ctx context.Context, address string, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) (*moralis.NFTCollectionMetadata, error)
func (*Service) GetInscriptonInfoByTokenID ¶
func (s *Service) GetInscriptonInfoByTokenID(ctx context.Context, address, tokenId string, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) ([]moralis.MoralisToken, error)
func (*Service) GetJobDuration ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentEaiTopup ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentInfos ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentLibrary ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentStore ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentStoreByOwner ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentStoreInstall ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentTwitterLatestPost ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentTwitterPost ¶
func (*Service) GetListAgentUnClaimed ¶
func (*Service) GetListFollowers ¶
func (*Service) GetListFollowings ¶
func (*Service) GetListMemeReport ¶
func (*Service) GetListMemeThread ¶
func (*Service) GetListMemeThreadLatest ¶
func (*Service) GetListMemes ¶
func (*Service) GetListMisstionStore ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserMentions ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserMentionsByUsername ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTransactions ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweets ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsAll ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsByAgentForTradeMission ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsByUsername ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsByUsernameV1 ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsByUsersForTradeMission ¶
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoToken ¶
func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoToken(ctx context.Context, twitterInfo *models.TwitterInfo, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoTokenV1 ¶
func (s *Service) GetListUserTweetsFromTwitterInfoTokenV1(ctx context.Context, twitterInfo *models.TwitterInfo, twitterID, paginationToken string, maxResults int) (*twitter.UserTimeline, error)
func (*Service) GetListUserTweetsV1 ¶
func (*Service) GetMapAgentSnapshotMissionTokens ¶
func (*Service) GetMapTokenPrice ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeBaseToken ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeBaseTokenByTokens01 ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeBurnHistory ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeChartCandleData ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeNotificationLatest ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeNotifications ¶
func (s *Service) GetMemeNotifications(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, page, limit int) ([]*models.MemeNotification, uint, error)
func (*Service) GetMemeTradeHistory ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeTradeHistoryLatest ¶
func (*Service) GetMemeUserProfile ¶
func (s *Service) GetMemeUserProfile(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, address string) (*models.User, error)
func (*Service) GetMemeWhiteListAddress ¶
func (*Service) GetMissionStoreHistory ¶
func (*Service) GetMissionStoreRating ¶
func (*Service) GetMissionStoreResult ¶
func (*Service) GetMisstionStoreDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetModelDefaultByChainID ¶
func (*Service) GetNftCollectionMetadataByContract ¶
func (s *Service) GetNftCollectionMetadataByContract(ctx context.Context, address, cursor, pageSize string, f moralis.MoralisFilter) (*moralis.NFTCollectionMetadata, error)
func (*Service) GetNftCollectionMetadataByTokenID ¶
func (s *Service) GetNftCollectionMetadataByTokenID(ctx context.Context, address, tokenID string, f moralis.MoralisFilter) ([]moralis.MoralisToken, error)
func (*Service) GetPostTimeByTweetID ¶
func (*Service) GetPumpFunTokenPrice ¶
func (*Service) GetPumpFunTrades ¶
func (s *Service) GetPumpFunTrades(ctx context.Context, mint string, page int, limit int) ([]*serializers.PumpFunTradeResp, error)
func (*Service) GetRedisCachedWithKey ¶
func (*Service) GetResultFromRagSearch ¶
func (s *Service) GetResultFromRagSearch(request *serializers.RetrieveKnowledgeBaseRequest) (*serializers.RetrieveKnowledgeBaseResponse, error)
func (*Service) GetResultFromToolCall ¶
func (*Service) GetSolanaDataChart24Hour ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolanaDataChart24Hour(ctx context.Context, mint string) ([]*serializers.DataChartResp, error)
func (*Service) GetSolanaTokenDecimals ¶
func (*Service) GetTokenHolders ¶
func (*Service) GetTokenHolding ¶
func (*Service) GetTokenInfoByContract ¶
func (s *Service) GetTokenInfoByContract(ctx context.Context, tokenAddress string) (*dexscreener.PairsDetailResp, error)
func (*Service) GetTokenMarketPrice ¶
func (*Service) GetTokenQuoteLatestForSolana ¶
func (*Service) GetTradeAnalytic ¶
func (*Service) GetTradingAnalyticInfo ¶
func (*Service) GetTryHistory ¶
func (*Service) GetTryHistoryDetail ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterPostMaxChars ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserByID ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserByUsername ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserFollowing ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingByUsername ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingRapid ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingRapidByUsername ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterUserFollowingV1 ¶
func (*Service) GetTwitterVerified ¶
func (*Service) GetUser3700Liked ¶
func (*Service) GetUserProfile ¶
func (*Service) GetWebpageText ¶
func (*Service) GetZkClient ¶
func (*Service) HideMemeThread ¶
func (*Service) ImageHubSubscriptionPriceUpdatedEvent ¶
func (*Service) InfraTwitterAppAuthenCallback ¶
func (*Service) InfraTwitterAppAuthenInstall ¶
func (*Service) InscribeTxsLog ¶
func (*Service) IpfsUploadData ¶
func (*Service) IpfsUploadDataForName ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentAddLiquidityDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentDeployDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentDeployToken ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentLaunchpadEnd ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentSettleDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostActionCancelled ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostActionDupplicated ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostActionExecuted ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostCreate ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentSnapshotPostStatusInferRefund ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTeleAlertTopupNotAction ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTgeRefundBaseToken ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTgeTransferDAOToken ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTwitterPostCreateLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTwitterPostGenerateVideo ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTwitterPostSubmitVideoInfer ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTwitterPostTA ¶
func (*Service) JobAgentTwitterScanResultGenerateVideo ¶
func (*Service) JobCheckMemeReachMarketCap ¶
func (*Service) JobCreateAgentKnowledgeBase ¶
func (*Service) JobCreateTokenInfo ¶
func (*Service) JobLuckyMoneyActionExecuted ¶
func (*Service) JobLuckyMoneyCollectPost ¶
func (*Service) JobLuckyMoneyProcessUserReward ¶
func (*Service) JobMemeAddPositionInternal ¶
func (*Service) JobMemeAddPositionUniswap ¶
func (*Service) JobMemeBurnPositionUniswap ¶
func (*Service) JobMemeRemovePositionInternal ¶
func (*Service) JobMigrateTronAddress ¶
func (*Service) JobMigrateWalletActions ¶
func (*Service) JobNameSubmitBatchInferFullPrompt ¶
func (*Service) JobRetryAgentDeployToken ¶
func (*Service) JobRetryAgentMintNft ¶
func (*Service) JobRetryAgentMintNftError ¶
func (*Service) JobRunCheck ¶
func (*Service) JobScanAgentTwitterPostForCreateLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) JobScanAgentTwitterPostForGenerateVideo ¶
func (*Service) JobScanAgentTwitterPostForTA ¶
func (*Service) JobScanEventsByChain ¶
func (*Service) JobScanRepliesByLaunchpadTweetID ¶
func (*Service) JobScanTwitterLiked ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateAgentImage ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateMarketPrice ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateMemeUsdPrice ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateOffchainAutoOutput ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateOffchainAutoOutput3Hour ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateOffchainAutoOutputForMission ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateTokenPriceInfo ¶
func (*Service) JobUpdateTwitterAccessToken ¶
func (*Service) LaunchpadErc20TokenTransferEvent ¶
func (*Service) LikeMemeThread ¶
func (s *Service) LikeMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
func (*Service) LookupUserTweets ¶
func (*Service) LookupUserTweetsV1 ¶
func (*Service) LuckyMoneyActionExecuted ¶
func (*Service) LuckyMoneyCollectPost ¶
func (*Service) LuckyMoneyGetPostContent ¶
func (*Service) LuckyMoneyProcessUserReward ¶
func (*Service) LuckyMoneyValidateRewardUser ¶
func (*Service) MemeAddPositionInternal ¶
func (*Service) MemeAddPositionUniswap ¶
func (*Service) MemeBurnPositionUniswap ¶
func (*Service) MemeEventsByTransaction ¶
func (*Service) MemeEventsByTransactionEventResp ¶
func (*Service) MemeRemovePositionInternal ¶
func (*Service) MemeSnapshotTokenHolder ¶
func (*Service) MigrateWalletActionForID ¶
func (*Service) OpenseaCollections ¶
func (s *Service) OpenseaCollections(ctx context.Context, f opensea.OpenSeaFilterCollections) (*opensea.CollectionsResp, error)
func (*Service) OrderpaymentOrderPaidEvent ¶
func (s *Service) OrderpaymentOrderPaidEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *orderpayment.OrderpaymentOrderPaid) error
func (*Service) PauseAgent ¶
func (*Service) PostTwitterAferCreateToken ¶
func (*Service) PreviewAgentSystemPromp ¶
func (*Service) PreviewAgentSystemPrompV1 ¶
func (*Service) PreviewStreamAgentSystemPromptV1 ¶
func (s *Service) PreviewStreamAgentSystemPromptV1(ctx context.Context, writerResponse gin.ResponseWriter, outputChan chan *models.ChatCompletionStreamResponse, errChan chan error, doneChan chan bool)
func (*Service) ProcessDeposit ¶
func (*Service) ProcessMissionTradingAnalytic ¶
func (*Service) ProcessStreamAgentSystemPromptV1 ¶
func (s *Service) ProcessStreamAgentSystemPromptV1(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.PreviewRequest, outputChan chan *models.ChatCompletionStreamResponse, errChan chan error, doneChan chan bool)
func (*Service) ProxyAdminDAOUpgrade ¶
func (*Service) RatingMisstionStore ¶
func (s *Service) RatingMisstionStore(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.MissionStoreRatingReq) error
func (*Service) RedisCached ¶
func (*Service) RedisCachedWithoutHashKey ¶
func (*Service) RefundApiTokenUsage ¶
func (*Service) ReplyAferAutoCreateLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) ReplyAfterJoinLaunchpad ¶
func (*Service) RetrieveKnowledge ¶
func (s *Service) RetrieveKnowledge(agentModel string, messages []openai2.ChatCompletionMessage, knowledgeBases []*models.KnowledgeBase, topK *int, threshold *float64) (string, error)
func (*Service) RetryAgentDeployToken ¶
func (*Service) SampleTwitterAppAuthenCallback ¶
func (*Service) SampleTwitterAppAuthenInstall ¶
func (*Service) SampleTwitterAppGetBTCPrice ¶
func (*Service) SampleTwitterAppTweetMessage ¶
func (*Service) SaveAgentStore ¶
func (s *Service) SaveAgentStore(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, req *serializers.AgentStoreReq) (*models.AgentStore, error)
func (*Service) SaveAgentStoreCallback ¶
func (s *Service) SaveAgentStoreCallback(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.AuthenAgentStoreCallback) error
func (*Service) SaveMissionStore ¶
func (s *Service) SaveMissionStore(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, agentStoreID uint, req *serializers.AgentStoreMissionReq) error
func (*Service) ScanAgentInfraMintHash ¶
func (*Service) ScanAgentTwitterPostForGenerateVideo ¶
func (*Service) ScanAgentTwitterPostForTA ¶
func (*Service) ScanEventsByChain ¶
func (*Service) ScanTokenTransferTxHash ¶
func (*Service) ScanTwitterTweetByParentID ¶
func (*Service) ScanTwitterTweetLiked ¶
func (*Service) SeachTwitterUserByQuery ¶
func (*Service) SearchRecentTweet ¶
func (*Service) SearchRecentTweetV1 ¶
func (*Service) SearchTokenTweet ¶
func (*Service) SearchUsers ¶
func (*Service) SendTeleMsgToChatID ¶
func (*Service) SendTeleMsgToKBChannel ¶
func (*Service) SetRedisCachedWithKey ¶
func (*Service) StoreAddress ¶
func (*Service) StoreDefiAppAuthenInstall ¶
func (*Service) StoreDefiAppGetWallet ¶
func (*Service) StreamRetrieveKnowledge ¶
func (s *Service) StreamRetrieveKnowledge(ctx context.Context, agentModel string, messages []openai2.ChatCompletionMessage, knowledgeBases []*models.KnowledgeBase, topK *int, threshold *float64, outputChan chan *models.ChatCompletionStreamResponse, errChan chan error, doneChan chan bool)
func (*Service) SyncAgentInfoDetailByAgentID ¶
func (*Service) SyncGetTwitterUserByUsername ¶
func (*Service) SystemPromptManagerAgentDataUpdateEvent ¶
func (s *Service) SystemPromptManagerAgentDataUpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *systempromptmanager.SystemPromptManagerAgentDataUpdate) error
func (*Service) SystemPromptManagerAgentURIUpdateEvent ¶
func (s *Service) SystemPromptManagerAgentURIUpdateEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *systempromptmanager.SystemPromptManagerAgentURIUpdate) error
func (*Service) SystemPromptManagerNewTokenEvent ¶
func (s *Service) SystemPromptManagerNewTokenEvent(ctx context.Context, networkID uint64, event *systempromptmanager.SystemPromptManagerNewToken) error
func (*Service) TokenTransferEventsByTransaction ¶
func (*Service) TokenTransferEventsByTransactionV2 ¶
func (*Service) TransferFund ¶
func (*Service) TweetByToken ¶
func (s *Service) TweetByToken(ctx context.Context, agentInfoID uint, req *serializers.AdminTweetReq) error
func (*Service) TweetGetFullText ¶
func (*Service) TweetIsMention ¶
func (*Service) TweetIsMentionNBS ¶
func (*Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForApiSubscription ¶
func (*Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForCreateAgent ¶
func (*Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForInternalData ¶
func (*Service) TwitterOauthCallbackForRelink ¶
func (*Service) TwitterOauthCallbackV1 ¶
func (*Service) UnFollowUsers ¶
func (s *Service) UnFollowUsers(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
func (*Service) UnLikeMemeThread ¶
func (s *Service) UnLikeMemeThread(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.MemeThreadReq) (bool, error)
func (*Service) UnlinkAgentTwitterInfo ¶
func (*Service) UpdateAgentExternalInfo ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateAgentExternalInfo(ctx context.Context, agentID string, req *serializers.AgentExternalInfoReq) (bool, error)
func (*Service) UpdateAgentFarcasterInfo ¶
func (*Service) UpdateAgentInfoInContract ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateAgentInfoInContract(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.UpdateAgentAssistantInContractRequest) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) UpdateAgentScanEventError ¶
func (*Service) UpdateAgentScanEventSuccess ¶
func (*Service) UpdateAgentTwitterInfo ¶
func (*Service) UpdateDataMissionTradeAnalytics ¶
func (*Service) UpdateKnowledgeBaseInContractWithSignature ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateKnowledgeBaseInContractWithSignature(ctx context.Context, info *models.KnowledgeBase, request *serializers.UpdateKnowledgeBaseWithSignatureRequest) (*models.KnowledgeBase, error)
func (*Service) UpdateMemeInfo ¶
func (*Service) UpdateMemeLiquidityPosition ¶
func (*Service) UpdateOffchainAutoOutputForMission ¶
func (*Service) UpdateOffchainAutoOutputV2 ¶
func (*Service) UpdateOffchainAutoOutputV2ForId ¶
func (s *Service) RetryAgentSnapshotPostActionExecuted(ctx context.Context, twitterPostID uint) error { err := s.JobRunCheck( ctx, fmt.Sprintf("RetryAgentSnapshotPostActionExecuted_%d", twitterPostID), func() error { var snapshotPostAction *models.AgentSnapshotPostAction contentLines := []string{} var accessToken, missionToolSet string postIds := []string{} err := daos.WithTransaction( daos.GetDBMainCtx(ctx), func(tx *gorm.DB) error { var err error snapshotPostAction, err = s.dao.FirstAgentSnapshotPostActionByID( tx, twitterPostID, map[string][]interface{}{}, true, ) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } if snapshotPostAction.Status == models.AgentSnapshotPostActionStatusDone { agent, err := s.dao.FirstAgentInfoByID( tx, snapshotPostAction.AgentInfoID, map[string][]interface{}{ "TwitterInfo": {}, }, false, ) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } // var refId, errText string agentSnapshotMission, err := s.dao.FirstAgentSnapshotMissionByID( tx, snapshotPostAction.AgentSnapshotMissionID, map[string][]interface{}{}, false, ) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } missionToolSet = string(agentSnapshotMission.ToolSet) accessToken = agent.TwitterInfo.AccessToken switch snapshotPostAction.Type { case models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeHold, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeBuy, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeSell, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeAnalytic: { switch missionToolSet { case string(models.ToolsetTypeTradeAnalyticsOnTwitter): { err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(snapshotPostAction.Content), &contentLines) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } contentLines = helpers.SplitTextBySentenceAndCharLimitAndRemoveTrailingHashTag(strings.Join(contentLines, ". "), 250) if len(contentLines) <= 0 { return errs.NewError(errs.ErrBadRequest) } refId = snapshotPostAction.RefId postIds = append(postIds, refId) } default: { return errs.NewError(errs.ErrBadRequest) } } } default: { return errs.NewError(errs.ErrBadRequest) } } _ = errText } return nil }, ) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } if len(postIds) > 0 && len(contentLines) > 1 { for i := 1; i < len(contentLines); i++ { var postId string switch snapshotPostAction.Type { case models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTweet, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeQuoteTweet, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeCreateToken, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTweetV2: { postId, err = helpers.ReplyTweetByToken(accessToken, contentLines[i], postIds[0]) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } } case models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeReply, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTweetMulti: { postId, _ = helpers.ReplyTweetByToken(accessToken, contentLines[i], postIds[len(postIds)-1]) } case models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeHold, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeBuy, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeSell, models.AgentSnapshotPostActionTypeTradeAnalytic: { switch missionToolSet { case string(models.ToolsetTypeTradeAnalyticsOnTwitter): { postId, _ = helpers.ReplyTweetByToken(accessToken, contentLines[i], postIds[len(postIds)-1]) } } } } if postId != "" { postIds = append(postIds, postId) err = daos. GetDBMainCtx(ctx). Model(&models.AgentSnapshotPostAction{}). Where("id = ?", twitterPostID). UpdateColumn("ref_ids", strings.Join(postIds, ",")). Error if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } } } } return nil }, ) if err != nil { return errs.NewError(err) } _ = s.UpdateOffchainAutoOutputV2(ctx, twitterPostID) return nil }
func (*Service) UpdateScanBlockError ¶
func (*Service) UpdateScanBlockNumber ¶
func (*Service) UpdateTokenPriceInfo ¶
func (*Service) UpdateTwinStatus ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateTwinStatus(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.UpdateTwinStatusRequest) (*models.AgentInfo, error)
func (*Service) UpdateTwitterAccessToken ¶
func (*Service) UploadDataToLightHouse ¶
func (s *Service) UploadDataToLightHouse(ctx context.Context, address string, req *serializers.DataUploadToLightHouse) (string, error)
func (*Service) UploadMisstionStore ¶
func (s *Service) UploadMisstionStore(ctx context.Context, req *serializers.MissionStoreReq) error
func (*Service) UserSeenMemeNotification ¶
func (*Service) UserUploadFile ¶
func (*Service) UtilityPostTwitter ¶
func (s *Service) UtilityPostTwitter(ctx context.Context, userAddress string, req *serializers.AgentUtilityTwitterReq) (*serializers.AgentUtilityTwitterResp, error)
func (*Service) UtilityTwitterVerifyDeposit ¶
func (*Service) ValidateTweetContentGenerateVideo ¶
func (*Service) ValidateUserStoreFee ¶
func (*Service) ValidatedFollowed ¶
func (*Service) VerifyAddressSignature ¶
Source Files
- agent_abilities_job.go
- agent_abilities_luckymoney.go
- agent_abilities_telebot.go
- agent_abilities_twitter.go
- agent_analytic.go
- agent_balances.go
- agent_brains.go
- agent_create_agent_srv.go
- agent_infer.go
- agent_infer_job.go
- agent_infra.go
- agent_knowledgebase.go
- agent_launchpad.go
- agent_launchpad_job.go
- agent_library.go
- agent_manage.go
- agent_mints.go
- agent_nfts.go
- agent_report.go
- agent_srv.go
- agent_store.go
- agent_token_srv.go
- agent_trading.go
- agent_twin_trains.go
- agent_utilities.go
- api_subscription_srv.go
- blockchain_subcriber.go
- blockchain_subcriber_job.go
- external_wallet_srv.go
- infra_twitter_app.go
- internal_srv.go
- ipfs.go
- job_srv.go
- knowledge_base_job.go
- mission_store.go
- mission_store_events.go
- redis_srv.go
- sample_twitter_app.go
- service.go
- store_trading_app.go
- token_liquidity.go
- token_liquidity_events.go
- token_liquidity_job.go
- twitter_job.go
- user_srv.go
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