This directory contains a protoc plugin that generates an
OpenAPI description for a REST API that corresponds to a
Protocol Buffer service.
go install
protoc sample.proto -I=. --openapi_out=.
This runs the plugin for a file named sample.proto which
refers to additional .proto files in the same directory as
sample.proto. Output is written to the current directory.
version: version number text, e.g. 1.2.3
default: 0.0.1
title: name of the API
default: empty string or service name if there is only one service
description: description of the API
default: empty string or service description if there is only one service
naming: naming convention. Use "proto" for passing names directly from the proto files
default: json
json: will turn field updated_at to updatedAt
proto: keep field updated_at as it is
fq_schema_naming: schema naming convention. If "true", generates fully-qualified schema names by prefixing them with the proto message package name
default: false
false: keep message Book as it is
true: turn message Book to google.example.library.v1.Book, it is useful when there are same named message in different package
enum_type: type for enum serialization. Use "string" for string-based serialization
default: integer
integer: setting type to integer
type: integer
format: enum
string: setting type to string, and list available values in enum
default: 2, this depth only used in query parameters, usually 2 is enough
default_response: add default response. If "true", automatically adds a default response to operations which use the google.rpc.Status message.
Useful if you use envoy or grpc-gateway to transcode as they use this type for their default error responses.
default: true, this option will add this default response for each method as following: