Index ¶
- Constants
- func ConvertStateToMySQLErrorCode(state vterrors.State) string
- func ConvertStateToMySQLState(state vterrors.State) string
- func IsConnErr(err error) bool
- func IsConnLostDuringQuery(err error) bool
- func IsEphemeralError(err error) bool
- func IsSchemaApplyError(err error) bool
- func IsTooManyConnectionsErr(err error) bool
- func NewSQLErrorFromError(err error) error
- type ErrorCode
- type SQLError
Constants ¶
const ( // Vitess specific errors, (100-999) ERNotReplica = ErrorCode(100) ERNonAtomicCommit = ErrorCode(301) // unknown ERUnknownError = ErrorCode(1105) // internal ERInternalError = ErrorCode(1815) // unimplemented ERNotSupportedYet = ErrorCode(1235) ERUnsupportedPS = ErrorCode(1295) // resource exhausted ERDiskFull = ErrorCode(1021) EROutOfMemory = ErrorCode(1037) EROutOfSortMemory = ErrorCode(1038) ERConCount = ErrorCode(1040) EROutOfResources = ErrorCode(1041) ERRecordFileFull = ErrorCode(1114) ERHostIsBlocked = ErrorCode(1129) ERCantCreateThread = ErrorCode(1135) ERTooManyDelayedThreads = ErrorCode(1151) ERNetPacketTooLarge = ErrorCode(1153) ERTooManyUserConnections = ErrorCode(1203) ERLockTableFull = ErrorCode(1206) ERUserLimitReached = ErrorCode(1226) // deadline exceeded ERLockWaitTimeout = ErrorCode(1205) // unavailable ERServerShutdown = ErrorCode(1053) // not found ERDbDropExists = ErrorCode(1008) ERCantFindFile = ErrorCode(1017) ERFormNotFound = ErrorCode(1029) ERKeyNotFound = ErrorCode(1032) ERBadFieldError = ErrorCode(1054) ERNoSuchThread = ErrorCode(1094) ERUnknownTable = ErrorCode(1109) ERCantFindUDF = ErrorCode(1122) ERNonExistingGrant = ErrorCode(1141) ERNoSuchTable = ErrorCode(1146) ERNonExistingTableGrant = ErrorCode(1147) ERKeyDoesNotExist = ErrorCode(1176) // permissions ERDBAccessDenied = ErrorCode(1044) ERAccessDeniedError = ErrorCode(1045) ERKillDenied = ErrorCode(1095) ERNoPermissionToCreateUsers = ErrorCode(1211) ERSpecifiedAccessDenied = ErrorCode(1227) // failed precondition ERNoDb = ErrorCode(1046) ERNoSuchIndex = ErrorCode(1082) ERCantDropFieldOrKey = ErrorCode(1091) ERTableNotLockedForWrite = ErrorCode(1099) ERTableNotLocked = ErrorCode(1100) ERTooBigSelect = ErrorCode(1104) ERNotAllowedCommand = ErrorCode(1148) ERTooLongString = ErrorCode(1162) ERDelayedInsertTableLocked = ErrorCode(1165) ERDupUnique = ErrorCode(1169) ERRequiresPrimaryKey = ErrorCode(1173) ERCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction = ErrorCode(1179) ERReadOnlyTransaction = ErrorCode(1207) ERCannotAddForeign = ErrorCode(1215) ERNoReferencedRow = ErrorCode(1216) ERRowIsReferenced = ErrorCode(1217) ERCantUpdateWithReadLock = ErrorCode(1223) ERNoDefault = ErrorCode(1230) ERMasterFatalReadingBinlog = ErrorCode(1236) EROperandColumns = ErrorCode(1241) ERSubqueryNo1Row = ErrorCode(1242) ERUnknownStmtHandler = ErrorCode(1243) ERWarnDataOutOfRange = ErrorCode(1264) ERNonUpdateableTable = ErrorCode(1288) ERFeatureDisabled = ErrorCode(1289) EROptionPreventsStatement = ErrorCode(1290) ERDuplicatedValueInType = ErrorCode(1291) ERSPDoesNotExist = ErrorCode(1305) ERNoDefaultForField = ErrorCode(1364) ErSPNotVarArg = ErrorCode(1414) ERRowIsReferenced2 = ErrorCode(1451) ErNoReferencedRow2 = ErrorCode(1452) ERDupIndex = ErrorCode(1831) ERInnodbReadOnly = ErrorCode(1874) // already exists ERDbCreateExists = ErrorCode(1007) ERTableExists = ErrorCode(1050) ERDupEntry = ErrorCode(1062) ERFileExists = ErrorCode(1086) ERUDFExists = ErrorCode(1125) // aborted ERGotSignal = ErrorCode(1078) ERForcingClose = ErrorCode(1080) ERAbortingConnection = ErrorCode(1152) ERLockDeadlock = ErrorCode(1213) // invalid arg ERUnknownComError = ErrorCode(1047) ERBadNullError = ErrorCode(1048) ERBadDb = ErrorCode(1049) ERBadTable = ErrorCode(1051) ERNonUniq = ErrorCode(1052) ERWrongFieldWithGroup = ErrorCode(1055) ERWrongGroupField = ErrorCode(1056) ERWrongSumSelect = ErrorCode(1057) ERWrongValueCount = ErrorCode(1058) ERTooLongIdent = ErrorCode(1059) ERDupFieldName = ErrorCode(1060) ERDupKeyName = ErrorCode(1061) ERWrongFieldSpec = ErrorCode(1063) ERParseError = ErrorCode(1064) EREmptyQuery = ErrorCode(1065) ERNonUniqTable = ErrorCode(1066) ERInvalidDefault = ErrorCode(1067) ERMultiplePriKey = ErrorCode(1068) ERTooManyKeys = ErrorCode(1069) ERTooManyKeyParts = ErrorCode(1070) ERTooLongKey = ErrorCode(1071) ERKeyColumnDoesNotExist = ErrorCode(1072) ERBlobUsedAsKey = ErrorCode(1073) ERTooBigFieldLength = ErrorCode(1074) ERWrongAutoKey = ErrorCode(1075) ERWrongFieldTerminators = ErrorCode(1083) ERBlobsAndNoTerminated = ErrorCode(1084) ERTextFileNotReadable = ErrorCode(1085) ERWrongSubKey = ErrorCode(1089) ERCantRemoveAllFields = ErrorCode(1090) ERUpdateTableUsed = ErrorCode(1093) ERNoTablesUsed = ErrorCode(1096) ERTooBigSet = ErrorCode(1097) ERBlobCantHaveDefault = ErrorCode(1101) ERWrongDbName = ErrorCode(1102) ERWrongTableName = ErrorCode(1103) ERUnknownProcedure = ErrorCode(1106) ERWrongParamCountToProcedure = ErrorCode(1107) ERWrongParametersToProcedure = ErrorCode(1108) ERFieldSpecifiedTwice = ErrorCode(1110) ERInvalidGroupFuncUse = ErrorCode(1111) ERTableMustHaveColumns = ErrorCode(1113) ERUnknownCharacterSet = ErrorCode(1115) ERTooManyTables = ErrorCode(1116) ERTooManyFields = ErrorCode(1117) ERTooBigRowSize = ErrorCode(1118) ERWrongOuterJoin = ErrorCode(1120) ERNullColumnInIndex = ErrorCode(1121) ERFunctionNotDefined = ErrorCode(1128) ERWrongValueCountOnRow = ErrorCode(1136) ERInvalidUseOfNull = ErrorCode(1138) ERRegexpError = ErrorCode(1139) ERMixOfGroupFuncAndFields = ErrorCode(1140) ERIllegalGrantForTable = ErrorCode(1144) ERSyntaxError = ErrorCode(1149) ERWrongColumnName = ErrorCode(1166) ERWrongKeyColumn = ErrorCode(1167) ERBlobKeyWithoutLength = ErrorCode(1170) ERPrimaryCantHaveNull = ErrorCode(1171) ERTooManyRows = ErrorCode(1172) ERLockOrActiveTransaction = ErrorCode(1192) ERUnknownSystemVariable = ErrorCode(1193) ERSetConstantsOnly = ErrorCode(1204) ERWrongArguments = ErrorCode(1210) ERWrongUsage = ErrorCode(1221) ERWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect = ErrorCode(1222) ERDupArgument = ErrorCode(1225) ERLocalVariable = ErrorCode(1228) ERGlobalVariable = ErrorCode(1229) ERWrongValueForVar = ErrorCode(1231) ERWrongTypeForVar = ErrorCode(1232) ERVarCantBeRead = ErrorCode(1233) ERCantUseOptionHere = ErrorCode(1234) ERIncorrectGlobalLocalVar = ErrorCode(1238) ERWrongFKDef = ErrorCode(1239) ERKeyRefDoNotMatchTableRef = ErrorCode(1240) ERCyclicReference = ErrorCode(1245) ERIllegalReference = ErrorCode(1247) ERDerivedMustHaveAlias = ErrorCode(1248) ERTableNameNotAllowedHere = ErrorCode(1250) ERCollationCharsetMismatch = ErrorCode(1253) ERWarnDataTruncated = ErrorCode(1265) ERCantAggregate2Collations = ErrorCode(1267) ERCantAggregate3Collations = ErrorCode(1270) ERCantAggregateNCollations = ErrorCode(1271) ERVariableIsNotStruct = ErrorCode(1272) ERUnknownCollation = ErrorCode(1273) ERWrongNameForIndex = ErrorCode(1280) ERWrongNameForCatalog = ErrorCode(1281) ERBadFTColumn = ErrorCode(1283) ERTruncatedWrongValue = ErrorCode(1292) ERTooMuchAutoTimestampCols = ErrorCode(1293) ERInvalidOnUpdate = ErrorCode(1294) ERUnknownTimeZone = ErrorCode(1298) ERInvalidCharacterString = ErrorCode(1300) ERQueryInterrupted = ErrorCode(1317) ERViewWrongList = ErrorCode(1353) ERTruncatedWrongValueForField = ErrorCode(1366) ERIllegalValueForType = ErrorCode(1367) ERDataTooLong = ErrorCode(1406) ErrWrongValueForType = ErrorCode(1411) ERNoSuchUser = ErrorCode(1449) ERForbidSchemaChange = ErrorCode(1450) ERWrongValue = ErrorCode(1525) ERDataOutOfRange = ErrorCode(1690) ERInvalidJSONText = ErrorCode(3140) ERInvalidJSONTextInParams = ErrorCode(3141) ERInvalidJSONBinaryData = ErrorCode(3142) ERInvalidJSONCharset = ErrorCode(3144) ERInvalidCastToJSON = ErrorCode(3147) ERJSONValueTooBig = ErrorCode(3150) ERJSONDocumentTooDeep = ErrorCode(3157) ERLockNowait = ErrorCode(3572) ERRegexpStringNotTerminated = ErrorCode(3684) ERRegexpBufferOverflow = ErrorCode(3684) ERRegexpIllegalArgument = ErrorCode(3685) ERRegexpIndexOutOfBounds = ErrorCode(3686) ERRegexpInternal = ErrorCode(3687) ERRegexpRuleSyntax = ErrorCode(3688) ERRegexpBadEscapeSequence = ErrorCode(3689) ERRegexpUnimplemented = ErrorCode(3690) ERRegexpMismatchParen = ErrorCode(3691) ERRegexpBadInterval = ErrorCode(3692) ERRRegexpMaxLtMin = ErrorCode(3693) ERRegexpInvalidBackRef = ErrorCode(3694) ERRegexpLookBehindLimit = ErrorCode(3695) ERRegexpMissingCloseBracket = ErrorCode(3696) ERRegexpInvalidRange = ErrorCode(3697) ERRegexpStackOverflow = ErrorCode(3698) ERRegexpTimeOut = ErrorCode(3699) ERRegexpPatternTooBig = ErrorCode(3700) ERRegexpInvalidCaptureGroup = ErrorCode(3887) ERRegexpInvalidFlag = ErrorCode(3900) ERCharacterSetMismatch = ErrorCode(3995) ERWrongParametersToNativeFct = ErrorCode(1583) // max execution time exceeded ERQueryTimeout = ErrorCode(3024) ErrCantCreateGeometryObject = ErrorCode(1416) ErrGISDataWrongEndianess = ErrorCode(3055) ErrNotImplementedForCartesianSRS = ErrorCode(3704) ErrNotImplementedForProjectedSRS = ErrorCode(3705) ErrNonPositiveRadius = ErrorCode(3706) // server not available ERServerIsntAvailable = ErrorCode(3168) )
Error codes for server-side errors. Originally found in include/mysql/mysqld_error.h and The below are in sorted order by value, grouped by vterror code they should be bucketed into. See above reference for more information on each code.
const ( // SSUnknownSqlstate is ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION in // include/mysql/sql_state.h, but: // const char *unknown_sqlstate= "HY000" // in client.c. So using that one. SSUnknownSQLState = "HY000" // SSNetError is network related error SSNetError = "08S01" // SSWrongNumberOfColumns is related to columns error SSWrongNumberOfColumns = "21000" // SSWrongValueCountOnRow is related to columns count mismatch error SSWrongValueCountOnRow = "21S01" // SSDataTooLong is ER_DATA_TOO_LONG SSDataTooLong = "22001" // SSDataOutOfRange is ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE SSDataOutOfRange = "22003" // SSConstraintViolation is constraint violation SSConstraintViolation = "23000" // SSCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction is // ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION SSCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction = "25000" // SSAccessDeniedError is ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR SSAccessDeniedError = "28000" // SSNoDB is ER_NO_DB_ERROR SSNoDB = "3D000" // SSLockDeadlock is ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK SSLockDeadlock = "40001" // SSClientError is the state on client errors SSClientError = "42000" // SSDupFieldName is ER_DUP_FIELD_NAME SSDupFieldName = "42S21" // SSBadFieldError is ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR SSBadFieldError = "42S22" // SSUnknownTable is ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE SSUnknownTable = "42S02" // SSQueryInterrupted is ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED; SSQueryInterrupted = "70100" )
Sql states for errors. Originally found in include/mysql/sql_state.h
const ( // CRUnknownError is CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR CRUnknownError = ErrorCode(2000) // CRConnectionError is CR_CONNECTION_ERROR // This is returned if a connection via a Unix socket fails. CRConnectionError = ErrorCode(2002) // CRConnHostError is CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR // This is returned if a connection via a TCP socket fails. CRConnHostError = ErrorCode(2003) // CRUnknownHost is CR_UNKNOWN_HOST // This is returned if the host name cannot be resolved. CRUnknownHost = ErrorCode(2005) // CRServerGone is CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR. // This is returned if the client tries to send a command but it fails. CRServerGone = ErrorCode(2006) // CRVersionError is CR_VERSION_ERROR // This is returned if the server versions don't match what we support. CRVersionError = ErrorCode(2007) // CRServerHandshakeErr is CR_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_ERR CRServerHandshakeErr = ErrorCode(2012) // CRServerLost is CR_SERVER_LOST. // Used when: // - the client cannot write an initial auth packet. // - the client cannot read an initial auth packet. // - the client cannot read a response from the server. // This happens when a running query is killed. CRServerLost = ErrorCode(2013) // CRCommandsOutOfSync is CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC // Sent when the streaming calls are not done in the right order. CRCommandsOutOfSync = ErrorCode(2014) // CRNamedPipeStateError is CR_NAMEDPIPESETSTATE_ERROR. // This is the highest possible number for a connection error. CRNamedPipeStateError = ErrorCode(2018) // CRCantReadCharset is CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET CRCantReadCharset = ErrorCode(2019) // CRSSLConnectionError is CR_SSL_CONNECTION_ERROR CRSSLConnectionError = ErrorCode(2026) // CRMalformedPacket is CR_MALFORMED_PACKET CRMalformedPacket = ErrorCode(2027) )
Error codes for client-side errors. Originally found in include/mysql/errmsg.h and
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ConvertStateToMySQLErrorCode ¶
ConvertStateToMySQLErrorCode returns MySQL error code for the given vterrors.State If the state is == 0, an empty string is returned
func ConvertStateToMySQLState ¶
ConvertStateToMySQLState returns MySQL state for the given vterrors.State If the state is == 0, an empty string is returned
func IsConnLostDuringQuery ¶
IsConnLostDuringQuery returns true if the error is a CRServerLost error. Happens most commonly when a query is killed MySQL server-side.
func IsEphemeralError ¶
IsEphemeralError returns true if the error is ephemeral and the caller should retry if possible. Note: non-SQL errors are always treated as ephemeral.
func IsSchemaApplyError ¶
IsSchemaApplyError returns true when given error is a MySQL error applying schema change
func IsTooManyConnectionsErr ¶
IsTooManyConnectionsErr returns true if the error is due to too many connections.
func NewSQLErrorFromError ¶
NewSQLErrorFromError returns a *SQLError from the provided error. If it's not the right type, it still tries to get it from a regexp. Notes about the `error` return type: The function really returns *SQLError or `nil`. Seemingly, the function could just return `*SQLError` type. However, it really must return `error`. The reason is the way `golang` treats `nil` interfaces vs `nil` implementing values. If this function were to return a nil `*SQLError`, the following undesired behavior would happen:
var err error err = NewSQLErrorFromError(nil) // returns a nil `*SQLError` if err != nil { doSomething() // this actually runs }
Types ¶
type SQLError ¶
SQLError is the error structure returned from calling a db library function
func NewSQLError ¶
NewSQLError creates a new SQLError. If sqlState is left empty, it will default to "HY000" (general error). TODO: Should be aligned with vterrors, stack traces and wrapping