Implementation of linkable ring signatures using elliptic curve cryptography in Go. This prototype is research code and should not be used with sensitive data. It definitely has bugs!
Getting Started
To start using linkable ring signatures, install Go 1.14 or above and build:
$ go build
Run all tests
$ go test ./...
Create keys
Before starting you have to generate the signers public and private keys and a folder with public keys. Create key pairs:
$ lrs --gen
Sign a message
$ lrs --sign /path/to/pubkey/dir /path/to/privkey.priv message.txt
Check if signature is valid
$ lrs --verify /path/to/signature.sig
Check if signatures are created by the same private key
$ lrs --link /path/to/signature1.sig /path/to/signature2.sig
Benchmark 1000 public keys
$ lrs --benchmark 1000
Linked ring signature:
Total avg sign time was 0.771589(0.009996)
Total avg verify time was 0.765127(0.013479)
Simple ECC signature:
Total avg sign time was 0.0001766443(0.0001004724)
Total avg verify time was 0.0000000856(0.0000000311)
This implementation is based on ring-go and the Monero paper Ring Confidential Transactions