Usage demo • Installation • Usage • CI Status • Contributing • License
is a tool for Redis orchestration.
Usage demo

We highly recommend you checkout Requirements before RDS installation. It can save you from useless work.
sudo yum install -y https://pkgs.kaos.st/kaos-repo-latest.el$(grep 'CPE_NAME' /etc/os-release | tr -d '"' | cut -d':' -f5).noarch.rpm
sudo yum install rds rds-sync redis70
Run sudo rds go
command and follow the instructions. Check out the FAQ section of our wiki for common questions about using RDS.
About Redis versions
RDS supports the next versions of Redis and Sentinel:
← ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ
RDS packages do not have Redis as a dependency, so you can install it from any source (package, sources, prebuilt binaries…).
ESSENTIAL KAOS YUM/DNF Repository provides pinned (pinned to a specific version, for example, 7.0.x) and unpinned versions of the Redis package:
← ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ
Usage: rds {options} {command}
Basic commands
create Create new Redis instance
destroy id Destroy (delete) Redis instance
edit id Edit metadata for instance
start id Start Redis instance
stop id force Stop Redis instance
restart id Restart Redis instance
kill id Kill Redis instance
status id Show current status of Redis instance
cli id:db command Run CLI connected to Redis instance
cpu id period Calculate instance CPU usage
memory id Show instance memory usage
info id section… Show system info about Redis instance
stats-command id Show statistics based on the command type
stats-latency id Show latency statistics based on the command type
stats-error id Show error statistics
clients id filter Show list of connected clients
track id interval Show interactive info about Redis instance
conf id filter… Show configuration of Redis instance
list filter… Show list of all Redis instances
log source Show RDS or Redis instance logs
stats Show overall statistics
top field num Show instances top
top-diff file field num Compare current and dumped top data
top-dump file Dump top data to file
slowlog-get id num Show last entries from slow log
slowlog-reset id Clear slow log
tag-add id tag Add tag to instance
tag-remove id tag Remove tag from instance
check Check for dead instances
Backup commands
backup-create id Create snapshot of RDB file
backup-restore id Restore instance data from snapshot
backup-clean id Remove all backup snapshots
backup-list id List backup snapshots
Superuser commands
go Generate superuser access credentials
batch-create csv-file Create many instances at once
batch-edit id… Edit many instances at once
stop-all Stop all instances
start-all Start all instances
restart-all Restart all instances
reload id Reload configuration for one or all instances
regen id Regenerate configuration file for one or all instances
state-save file Save state of all instances
state-restore file Restore state of all instances
maintenance flag Enable or disable maintenance mode
Replication commands
replication Show replication info
replication-role-set target-role Change node role
Sentinel commands
sentinel-start Start Redis Sentinel daemon
sentinel-stop Stop Redis Sentinel daemon
sentinel-status Show status of Redis Sentinel daemon
sentinel-info id Show info from Sentinel for some instance
sentinel-master id Show IP of master instance
sentinel-check id Check Sentinel configuration
sentinel-reset Reset state in Sentinel for all instances
sentinel-switch-master id Switch instance to master role
Common commands
help command Show command usage info
settings section… Show settings from global configuration file
gen-token Generate authentication token for sync daemon
validate-templates Validate Redis and Sentinel templates
--secure, -s Create secure Redis instance with auth support (create)
--disable-saves, -ds Disable saves for created instance (create)
--private, -p Force access to private data (conf/cli/settings)
--extra, -x Print extra info (list)
--tags, -t tag… List of tags (create)
--format, -f format Output format (text/json/xml)
--yes, -y Automatically answer yes for all questions
--pager, -P Enable pager for long output
--simple, -S Simplify output (useful for copy-paste)
--raw, -R Force raw output (useful for scripts)
--no-color, -nc Disable colors in output
--help, -h Show this help message
--version, -v Show information about version
--verbose-version, -vv Show verbose information about version
CI Status
Branch |
Status |
master |
develop |
Before contributing to this project please read our Contributing Guidelines.
Apache License, Version 2.0