Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type AWSApiGatewayAccount
- type AWSApiGatewayApiKey
- type AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey
- type AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer
- type AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping
- type AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate
- type AWSApiGatewayDeployment
- type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting
- type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription
- type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart
- type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location
- type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion
- type AWSApiGatewayDomainName
- type AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration
- type AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse
- type AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse
- type AWSApiGatewayModel
- type AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator
- type AWSApiGatewayResource
- type AWSApiGatewayRestApi
- type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration
- type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location
- type AWSApiGatewayStage
- type AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings
- type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings
- type AWSApiGatewayVpcLink
- type AWSAppSyncApiKey
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig
- type AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig
- type AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema
- type AWSAppSyncResolver
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSAthenaNamedQuery
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty
- type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice
- type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter
- type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment
- type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration
- type AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction
- type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment
- type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes
- type AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost
- type AWSBatchJobQueue
- type AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder
- type AWSBudgetsBudget
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber
- type AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod
- type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate
- type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption
- type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2
- type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository
- type AWSCloudFormationCustomResource
- type AWSCloudFormationStack
- type AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition
- type AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
- type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig
- type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners
- type AWSCloudTrailTrail
- type AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource
- type AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector
- type AWSCloudWatchAlarm
- type AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension
- type AWSCloudWatchDashboard
- type AWSCodeBuildProject
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_Source
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth
- type AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig
- type AWSCodeCommitRepository
- type AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger
- type AWSCodeDeployApplication
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo
- type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties
- type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration
- type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams
- type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync
- type AWSCognitoUserPool
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolClient
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment
- type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration
- type AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints
- type AWSConfigConfigRule
- type AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope
- type AWSConfigConfigRule_Source
- type AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail
- type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder
- type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup
- type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel
- type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties
- type AWSDAXCluster
- type AWSDAXParameterGroup
- type AWSDAXSubnetGroup
- type AWSDMSCertificate
- type AWSDMSEndpoint
- type AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings
- type AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings
- type AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings
- type AWSDMSEventSubscription
- type AWSDMSReplicationInstance
- type AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup
- type AWSDMSReplicationTask
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject
- type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag
- type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
- type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings
- type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD
- type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings
- type AWSDynamoDBTable
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification
- type AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification
- type AWSEC2CustomerGateway
- type AWSEC2DHCPOptions
- type AWSEC2EIP
- type AWSEC2EIPAssociation
- type AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway
- type AWSEC2FlowLog
- type AWSEC2Host
- type AWSEC2Instance
- type AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter
- type AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_Ebs
- type AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address
- type AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface
- type AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice
- type AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation
- type AWSEC2Instance_Volume
- type AWSEC2InternetGateway
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions
- type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification
- type AWSEC2NatGateway
- type AWSEC2NetworkAcl
- type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry
- type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp
- type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterface
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address
- type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type AWSEC2PlacementGroup
- type AWSEC2Route
- type AWSEC2RouteTable
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroup
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress
- type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification
- type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement
- type AWSEC2Subnet
- type AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock
- type AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
- type AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- type AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation
- type AWSEC2VPC
- type AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock
- type AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
- type AWSEC2VPCEndpoint
- type AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment
- type AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection
- type AWSEC2VPNConnection
- type AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute
- type AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification
- type AWSEC2VPNGateway
- type AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
- type AWSEC2Volume
- type AWSEC2VolumeAttachment
- type AWSECRRepository
- type AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy
- type AWSECSCluster
- type AWSECSService
- type AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration
- type AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration
- type AWSECSService_LoadBalancer
- type AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration
- type AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint
- type AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy
- type AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume
- type AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom
- type AWSEFSFileSystem
- type AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag
- type AWSEFSMountTarget
- type AWSEKSCluster
- type AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster
- type AWSEMRCluster_Application
- type AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy
- type AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
- type AWSEMRCluster_Configuration
- type AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension
- type AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger
- type AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig
- type AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification
- type AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification
- type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration
- type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification
- type AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration
- type AWSEMRStep
- type AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig
- type AWSEMRStep_KeyValue
- type AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster
- type AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup
- type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup
- type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration
- type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup
- type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting
- type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription
- type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions
- type AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions
- type AWSEventsRule
- type AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters
- type AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer
- type AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters
- type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters
- type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget
- type AWSEventsRule_Target
- type AWSGameLiftAlias
- type AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy
- type AWSGameLiftBuild
- type AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location
- type AWSGameLiftFleet
- type AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission
- type AWSGlueClassifier
- type AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier
- type AWSGlueConnection
- type AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput
- type AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements
- type AWSGlueCrawler
- type AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget
- type AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target
- type AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule
- type AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy
- type AWSGlueCrawler_Targets
- type AWSGlueDatabase
- type AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput
- type AWSGlueDevEndpoint
- type AWSGlueJob
- type AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList
- type AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty
- type AWSGlueJob_JobCommand
- type AWSGluePartition
- type AWSGluePartition_Column
- type AWSGluePartition_Order
- type AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput
- type AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo
- type AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo
- type AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor
- type AWSGlueTable
- type AWSGlueTable_Column
- type AWSGlueTable_Order
- type AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo
- type AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo
- type AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor
- type AWSGlueTable_TableInput
- type AWSGlueTrigger
- type AWSGlueTrigger_Action
- type AWSGlueTrigger_Condition
- type AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate
- type AWSGuardDutyDetector
- type AWSGuardDutyFilter
- type AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition
- type AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria
- type AWSGuardDutyIPSet
- type AWSGuardDutyMaster
- type AWSGuardDutyMember
- type AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet
- type AWSIAMAccessKey
- type AWSIAMGroup
- type AWSIAMGroup_Policy
- type AWSIAMInstanceProfile
- type AWSIAMManagedPolicy
- type AWSIAMPolicy
- type AWSIAMRole
- type AWSIAMRole_Policy
- type AWSIAMUser
- type AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition
- type AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile
- type AWSIAMUser_Policy
- type AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget
- type AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate
- type AWSInspectorResourceGroup
- type AWSIoTCertificate
- type AWSIoTPolicy
- type AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
- type AWSIoTThing
- type AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment
- type AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload
- type AWSIoTTopicRule
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_Action
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction
- type AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload
- type AWSKMSAlias
- type AWSKMSKey
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn
- type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration
- type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions
- type AWSKinesisStream
- type AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption
- type AWSLambdaAlias
- type AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration
- type AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight
- type AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping
- type AWSLambdaFunction
- type AWSLambdaFunction_Code
- type AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig
- type AWSLambdaFunction_Environment
- type AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig
- type AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig
- type AWSLambdaPermission
- type AWSLambdaVersion
- type AWSLogsDestination
- type AWSLogsLogGroup
- type AWSLogsLogStream
- type AWSLogsMetricFilter
- type AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation
- type AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter
- type AWSNeptuneDBCluster
- type AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup
- type AWSNeptuneDBInstance
- type AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup
- type AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup
- type AWSOpsWorksApp
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_Source
- type AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice
- type AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksStack
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_Source
- type AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager
- type AWSOpsWorksUserProfile
- type AWSOpsWorksVolume
- type AWSRDSDBCluster
- type AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup
- type AWSRDSDBInstance
- type AWSRDSDBParameterGroup
- type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup
- type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress
- type AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup
- type AWSRDSEventSubscription
- type AWSRDSOptionGroup
- type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration
- type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting
- type AWSRedshiftCluster
- type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup
- type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter
- type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
- type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
- type AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
- type AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig
- type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig
- type AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC
- type AWSRoute53RecordSet
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation
- type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet
- type AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget
- type AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation
- type AWSS3Bucket
- type AWSS3BucketPolicy
- type AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload
- type AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation
- type AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption
- type AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_DataExport
- type AWSS3Bucket_Destination
- type AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition
- type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter
- type AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo
- type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination
- type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition
- type AWSS3Bucket_Rule
- type AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter
- type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault
- type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule
- type AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria
- type AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects
- type AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis
- type AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter
- type AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_Transition
- type AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration
- type AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration
- type AWSSDBDomain
- type AWSSESConfigurationSet
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination
- type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination
- type AWSSESReceiptFilter
- type AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter
- type AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter
- type AWSSESReceiptRule
- type AWSSESReceiptRuleSet
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_Action
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction
- type AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction
- type AWSSESTemplate
- type AWSSESTemplate_Template
- type AWSSNSSubscription
- type AWSSNSTopic
- type AWSSNSTopicPolicy
- type AWSSNSTopic_Subscription
- type AWSSQSQueue
- type AWSSQSQueuePolicy
- type AWSSSMAssociation
- type AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation
- type AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues
- type AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation
- type AWSSSMAssociation_Target
- type AWSSSMDocument
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target
- type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters
- type AWSSSMParameter
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule
- type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup
- type AWSServerlessApi
- type AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri
- type AWSServerlessApi_S3Location
- type AWSServerlessFunction
- type AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri
- type AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue
- type AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource
- type AWSServerlessFunction_Events
- type AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment
- type AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument
- type AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_Policies
- type AWSServerlessFunction_Properties
- type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event
- type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location
- type AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter
- type AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent
- type AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig
- type AWSServerlessSimpleTable
- type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey
- type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput
- type AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct
- type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter
- type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint
- type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint
- type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation
- type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare
- type AWSServiceCatalogTagOption
- type AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord
- type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig
- type AWSStepFunctionsActivity
- type AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine
- type AWSWAFByteMatchSet
- type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFIPSet
- type AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor
- type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor
- type AWSWAFRegionalRule
- type AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate
- type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint
- type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action
- type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule
- type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet
- type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFRule
- type AWSWAFRule_Predicate
- type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet
- type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint
- type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
- type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple
- type AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule
- type AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction
- type AWSWAFXssMatchSet
- type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch
- type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple
- type AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace
- type Tag
- type Template
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAccount, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayApiKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDeployment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDomainName, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayMethod, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayModel, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayResource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRestApi, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayStage, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayVpcLink, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncApiKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncDataSource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncResolver, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName(name string) (AWSAthenaNamedQuery, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSBatchComputeEnvironment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobDefinition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobQueue, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName(name string) (AWSBudgetsBudget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSCertificateManagerCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName(name string) (AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationCustomResource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationStack, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontDistribution, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName(name string) (AWSCloudTrailTrail, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchAlarm, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchDashboard, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName(name string) (AWSCodeBuildProject, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSCodeCommitRepository, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployApplication, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelinePipeline, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPool, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolClient, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUser, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPool, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName(name string) (AWSConfigDeliveryChannel, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXClusterWithName(name string) (AWSDAXCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSDMSCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEventSubscription, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationTask, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSDataPipelinePipeline, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName(name string) (AWSDynamoDBTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2CustomerGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName(name string) (AWSEC2DHCPOptions, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EIPAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EIPWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EIP, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName(name string) (AWSEC2FlowLog, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2HostWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Host, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Instance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2InternetGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSEC2LaunchTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NatGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAcl, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterface, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2PlacementGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName(name string) (AWSEC2RouteTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Route, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SpotFleet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Subnet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPC, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnection, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGateway, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VolumeAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Volume, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSECRRepository, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSECSCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECSServiceWithName(name string) (AWSECSService, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSECSTaskDefinition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName(name string) (AWSEFSFileSystem, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName(name string) (AWSEFSMountTarget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEKSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEKSCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEMRCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRStepWithName(name string) (AWSEMRStep, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName(name string) (AWSElasticsearchDomain, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSEventsRuleWithName(name string) (AWSEventsRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftAlias, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftBuild, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftFleet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName(name string) (AWSGlueClassifier, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSGlueConnection, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueCrawler, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDatabase, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDevEndpoint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueJobWithName(name string) (AWSGlueJob, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGluePartitionWithName(name string) (AWSGluePartition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTableWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTrigger, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyDetector, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyIPSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMaster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMember, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMAccessKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMGroupWithName(name string) (AWSIAMGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName(name string) (AWSIAMInstanceProfile, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMManagedPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMRoleWithName(name string) (AWSIAMRole, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUser, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorResourceGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSIoTCertificate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThing, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName(name string) (AWSIoTTopicRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKMSAliasWithName(name string) (AWSKMSAlias, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKMSKeyWithName(name string) (AWSKMSKey, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisStream, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaAlias, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaFunction, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaPermission, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaVersion, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSLogsDestination, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogStream, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsMetricFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksApp, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksLayer, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksStack, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksUserProfile, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksVolume, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSRDSEventSubscription, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSOptionGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftCluster, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HealthCheck, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HostedZone, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSS3BucketPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketWithName(name string) (AWSS3Bucket, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSDBDomainWithName(name string) (AWSSDBDomain, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptFilter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRuleSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSESTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSSESTemplate, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSSNSSubscription, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopicPolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopic, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueuePolicy, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueueWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueue, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSSSMAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName(name string) (AWSSSMDocument, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName(name string) (AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMParameterWithName(name string) (AWSSSMParameter, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName(name string) (AWSSSMPatchBaseline, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessApiWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessApi, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessFunction, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessSimpleTable, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOption, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryService, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsActivity, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFByteMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFIPSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalIPSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACL, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRule, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFWebACL, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFXssMatchSet, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName(name string) (AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace, error)
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAccount
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayApiKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDeployment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDomainName
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayMethod
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayModel
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayResource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRestApi
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayStage
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayVpcLink
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncApiKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncDataSource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncResolver
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources() map[string]AWSAthenaNamedQuery
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSBatchComputeEnvironment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobDefinition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobQueue
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources() map[string]AWSBudgetsBudget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSCertificateManagerCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources() map[string]AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationCustomResource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationStack
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontDistribution
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources() map[string]AWSCloudTrailTrail
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchAlarm
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchDashboard
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources() map[string]AWSCodeBuildProject
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSCodeCommitRepository
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployApplication
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelinePipeline
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPool
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolClient
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPool
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUser
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources() map[string]AWSConfigDeliveryChannel
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources() map[string]AWSDAXCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources() map[string]AWSDMSCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources() map[string]AWSDMSEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSDMSEventSubscription
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationTask
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSDataPipelinePipeline
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources() map[string]AWSDynamoDBTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2CustomerGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources() map[string]AWSEC2DHCPOptions
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2EIPAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPResources() map[string]AWSEC2EIP
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources() map[string]AWSEC2FlowLog
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2HostResources() map[string]AWSEC2Host
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources() map[string]AWSEC2Instance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2InternetGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources() map[string]AWSEC2LaunchTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2NatGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAcl
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterface
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2PlacementGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2Route
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources() map[string]AWSEC2RouteTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources() map[string]AWSEC2SpotFleet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources() map[string]AWSEC2Subnet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPC
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnection
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGateway
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VolumeAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources() map[string]AWSEC2Volume
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSECRRepository
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSClusterResources() map[string]AWSECSCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSServiceResources() map[string]AWSECSService
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSECSTaskDefinition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources() map[string]AWSEFSFileSystem
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources() map[string]AWSEFSMountTarget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources() map[string]AWSEKSCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources() map[string]AWSEMRCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRStepResources() map[string]AWSEMRStep
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources() map[string]AWSElasticsearchDomain
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources() map[string]AWSEventsRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftAlias
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftBuild
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftFleet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources() map[string]AWSGlueClassifier
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources() map[string]AWSGlueConnection
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources() map[string]AWSGlueCrawler
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources() map[string]AWSGlueDatabase
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources() map[string]AWSGlueDevEndpoint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueJobResources() map[string]AWSGlueJob
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources() map[string]AWSGluePartition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTableResources() map[string]AWSGlueTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources() map[string]AWSGlueTrigger
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyDetector
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyIPSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMaster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMember
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources() map[string]AWSIAMAccessKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources() map[string]AWSIAMGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources() map[string]AWSIAMInstanceProfile
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMManagedPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources() map[string]AWSIAMRole
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserResources() map[string]AWSIAMUser
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources() map[string]AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources() map[string]AWSInspectorResourceGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources() map[string]AWSIoTCertificate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingResources() map[string]AWSIoTThing
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources() map[string]AWSIoTTopicRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources() map[string]AWSKMSAlias
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKMSKeyResources() map[string]AWSKMSKey
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisStream
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources() map[string]AWSLambdaAlias
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources() map[string]AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaFunction
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaPermission
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaVersion
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources() map[string]AWSLogsDestination
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogStream
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsMetricFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksApp
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksLayer
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksStack
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksUserProfile
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksVolume
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSRDSEventSubscription
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSOptionGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftCluster
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HealthCheck
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HostedZone
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources() map[string]AWSS3BucketPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketResources() map[string]AWSS3Bucket
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources() map[string]AWSSDBDomain
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptFilter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRuleSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources() map[string]AWSSESTemplate
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSSNSSubscription
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopicPolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopic
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueuePolicy
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueue
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources() map[string]AWSSSMAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources() map[string]AWSSSMDocument
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources() map[string]AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources() map[string]AWSSSMParameter
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources() map[string]AWSSSMPatchBaseline
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources() map[string]AWSServerlessApi
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources() map[string]AWSServerlessFunction
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources() map[string]AWSServerlessSimpleTable
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOption
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryService
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsActivity
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFByteMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFIPSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalIPSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACL
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRule
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFWebACL
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFXssMatchSet
- func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources() map[string]AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace
- func (t *Template) JSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (t *Template) YAML() ([]byte, error)
- type Transform
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AWSApiGatewayAccount ¶
type AWSApiGatewayAccount struct { // CloudWatchRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchRoleArn string `json:"CloudWatchRoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayAccount AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Account) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayAccount) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAccount) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAccount) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey ¶
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey struct { // CustomerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomerId string `json:"CustomerId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // GenerateDistinctId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GenerateDistinctId bool `json:"GenerateDistinctId,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StageKeys AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageKeys []AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey `json:"StageKeys,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayApiKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey ¶
type AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey struct { // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey.StageKey) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayApiKey_StageKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer ¶
type AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer struct { // AuthType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthType string `json:"AuthType,omitempty"` // AuthorizerCredentials AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerCredentials string `json:"AuthorizerCredentials,omitempty"` // AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds int `json:"AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // AuthorizerUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerUri string `json:"AuthorizerUri,omitempty"` // IdentitySource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IdentitySource string `json:"IdentitySource,omitempty"` // IdentityValidationExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IdentityValidationExpression string `json:"IdentityValidationExpression,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ProviderARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProviderARNs []string `json:"ProviderARNs,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping ¶
type AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping struct { // BasePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BasePath string `json:"BasePath,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Stage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Stage string `json:"Stage,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate ¶
type AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StageDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageDescription *AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription `json:"StageDescription,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDeployment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting struct { // CacheDataEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheDataEncrypted bool `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // CacheTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheTtlInSeconds int `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // CachingEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachingEnabled bool `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // DataTraceEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTraceEnabled bool `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // HttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpMethod string `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // LoggingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingLevel string `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // MetricsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsEnabled bool `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // ThrottlingBurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingBurstLimit int `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // ThrottlingRateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingRateLimit float64 `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.MethodSetting) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription struct { // CacheClusterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterEnabled bool `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheClusterSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterSize string `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // CacheDataEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheDataEncrypted bool `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // CacheTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheTtlInSeconds int `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // CachingEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachingEnabled bool `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // ClientCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientCertificateId string `json:"ClientCertificateId,omitempty"` // DataTraceEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTraceEnabled bool `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentationVersion string `json:"DocumentationVersion,omitempty"` // LoggingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingLevel string `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // MethodSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodSettings []AWSApiGatewayDeployment_MethodSetting `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // MetricsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsEnabled bool `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // ThrottlingBurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingBurstLimit int `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // ThrottlingRateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingRateLimit float64 `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.StageDescription) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDeployment_StageDescription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart struct { // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Properties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Properties string `json:"Properties,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location struct { // Method AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Method string `json:"Method,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationPart.Location) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart_Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DocumentationVersion string `json:"DocumentationVersion,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DocumentationVersion) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName ¶
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointConfiguration *AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration `json:"EndpointConfiguration,omitempty"` // RegionalCertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegionalCertificateArn string `json:"RegionalCertificateArn,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDomainName AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration struct { // Types AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Types []string `json:"Types,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName.EndpointConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayDomainName_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse struct { // ResponseParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseParameters map[string]string `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // ResponseTemplates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseTemplates map[string]string `json:"ResponseTemplates,omitempty"` // ResponseType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResponseType string `json:"ResponseType,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayMethod ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod struct { // ApiKeyRequired AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiKeyRequired bool `json:"ApiKeyRequired,omitempty"` // AuthorizationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizationType string `json:"AuthorizationType,omitempty"` // AuthorizerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthorizerId string `json:"AuthorizerId,omitempty"` // HttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HttpMethod string `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // Integration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Integration *AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration `json:"Integration,omitempty"` // MethodResponses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodResponses []AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse `json:"MethodResponses,omitempty"` // OperationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OperationName string `json:"OperationName,omitempty"` // RequestModels AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestModels map[string]string `json:"RequestModels,omitempty"` // RequestParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestParameters map[string]bool `json:"RequestParameters,omitempty"` // RequestValidatorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestValidatorId string `json:"RequestValidatorId,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration struct { // CacheKeyParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheKeyParameters []string `json:"CacheKeyParameters,omitempty"` // CacheNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheNamespace string `json:"CacheNamespace,omitempty"` // ContentHandling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentHandling string `json:"ContentHandling,omitempty"` // Credentials AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Credentials string `json:"Credentials,omitempty"` // IntegrationHttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IntegrationHttpMethod string `json:"IntegrationHttpMethod,omitempty"` // IntegrationResponses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IntegrationResponses []AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse `json:"IntegrationResponses,omitempty"` // PassthroughBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PassthroughBehavior string `json:"PassthroughBehavior,omitempty"` // RequestParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestParameters map[string]string `json:"RequestParameters,omitempty"` // RequestTemplates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestTemplates map[string]string `json:"RequestTemplates,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Uri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Uri string `json:"Uri,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method.Integration) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod_Integration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse struct { // ContentHandling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentHandling string `json:"ContentHandling,omitempty"` // ResponseParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseParameters map[string]string `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // ResponseTemplates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseTemplates map[string]string `json:"ResponseTemplates,omitempty"` // SelectionPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SelectionPattern string `json:"SelectionPattern,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method.IntegrationResponse) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod_IntegrationResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse ¶
type AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse struct { // ResponseModels AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseModels map[string]string `json:"ResponseModels,omitempty"` // ResponseParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseParameters map[string]bool `json:"ResponseParameters,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Method.MethodResponse) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayMethod_MethodResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayModel ¶
type AWSApiGatewayModel struct { // ContentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentType string `json:"ContentType,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // Schema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schema interface{} `json:"Schema,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayModel AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Model) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayModel) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayModel) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayModel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayModel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayModel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayModel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // ValidateRequestBody AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidateRequestBody bool `json:"ValidateRequestBody,omitempty"` // ValidateRequestParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidateRequestParameters bool `json:"ValidateRequestParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayResource ¶
type AWSApiGatewayResource struct { // ParentId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParentId string `json:"ParentId,omitempty"` // PathPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PathPart string `json:"PathPart,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayResource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Resource) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayResource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayResource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayResource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi ¶
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi struct { // ApiKeySourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiKeySourceType string `json:"ApiKeySourceType,omitempty"` // BinaryMediaTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BinaryMediaTypes []string `json:"BinaryMediaTypes,omitempty"` // Body AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Body interface{} `json:"Body,omitempty"` // BodyS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BodyS3Location *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location `json:"BodyS3Location,omitempty"` // CloneFrom AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloneFrom string `json:"CloneFrom,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointConfiguration *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration `json:"EndpointConfiguration,omitempty"` // FailOnWarnings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailOnWarnings bool `json:"FailOnWarnings,omitempty"` // MinimumCompressionSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumCompressionSize int `json:"MinimumCompressionSize,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]string `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Policy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policy interface{} `json:"Policy,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRestApi AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration struct { // Types AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Types []string `json:"Types,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.EndpointConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_EndpointConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location ¶
type AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // ETag AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ETag string `json:"ETag,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayRestApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayStage ¶
type AWSApiGatewayStage struct { // CacheClusterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterEnabled bool `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheClusterSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterSize string `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // ClientCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientCertificateId string `json:"ClientCertificateId,omitempty"` // DeploymentId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentId string `json:"DeploymentId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DocumentationVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentationVersion string `json:"DocumentationVersion,omitempty"` // MethodSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MethodSettings []AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting `json:"MethodSettings,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayStage AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Stage) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting ¶
type AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting struct { // CacheDataEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheDataEncrypted bool `json:"CacheDataEncrypted,omitempty"` // CacheTtlInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheTtlInSeconds int `json:"CacheTtlInSeconds,omitempty"` // CachingEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachingEnabled bool `json:"CachingEnabled,omitempty"` // DataTraceEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTraceEnabled bool `json:"DataTraceEnabled,omitempty"` // HttpMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpMethod string `json:"HttpMethod,omitempty"` // LoggingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingLevel string `json:"LoggingLevel,omitempty"` // MetricsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsEnabled bool `json:"MetricsEnabled,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // ThrottlingBurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingBurstLimit int `json:"ThrottlingBurstLimit,omitempty"` // ThrottlingRateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThrottlingRateLimit float64 `json:"ThrottlingRateLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::Stage.MethodSetting) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayStage_MethodSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan struct { // ApiStages AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiStages []AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage `json:"ApiStages,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Quota AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Quota *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings `json:"Quota,omitempty"` // Throttle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Throttle *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings `json:"Throttle,omitempty"` // UsagePlanName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UsagePlanName string `json:"UsagePlanName,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey struct { // KeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyId string `json:"KeyId,omitempty"` // KeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyType string `json:"KeyType,omitempty"` // UsagePlanId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UsagePlanId string `json:"UsagePlanId,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Stage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Stage string `json:"Stage,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.ApiStage) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ApiStage) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings struct { // Limit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Limit int `json:"Limit,omitempty"` // Offset AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Offset int `json:"Offset,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Period string `json:"Period,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.QuotaSettings) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_QuotaSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings ¶
type AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings struct { // BurstLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BurstLimit int `json:"BurstLimit,omitempty"` // RateLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RateLimit float64 `json:"RateLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan.ThrottleSettings) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan_ThrottleSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApiGatewayVpcLink ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApiGatewayVpcLink struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // TargetArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArns []string `json:"TargetArns,omitempty"` }
AWSApiGatewayVpcLink AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink) See:
func (*AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApiGatewayVpcLink) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncApiKey ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncApiKey struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Expires AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Expires float64 `json:"Expires,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncApiKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::ApiKey) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncApiKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAppSyncApiKey) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncApiKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncApiKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncApiKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncDataSource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DynamoDBConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDBConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig `json:"DynamoDBConfig,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig `json:"ElasticsearchConfig,omitempty"` // LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaConfig *AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig `json:"LambdaConfig,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig struct { // AwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AwsRegion string `json:"AwsRegion,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` // UseCallerCredentials AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseCallerCredentials bool `json:"UseCallerCredentials,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.DynamoDBConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_DynamoDBConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig struct { // AwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AwsRegion string `json:"AwsRegion,omitempty"` // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.ElasticsearchConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_ElasticsearchConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig struct { // LambdaFunctionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LambdaFunctionArn string `json:"LambdaFunctionArn,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::DataSource.LambdaConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncDataSource_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi struct { // AuthenticationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AuthenticationType string `json:"AuthenticationType,omitempty"` // LogConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogConfig *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig `json:"LogConfig,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OpenIDConnectConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OpenIDConnectConfig *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig `json:"OpenIDConnectConfig,omitempty"` // UserPoolConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolConfig *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig `json:"UserPoolConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig struct { // CloudWatchLogsRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLogsRoleArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsRoleArn,omitempty"` // FieldLogLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FieldLogLevel string `json:"FieldLogLevel,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.LogConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_LogConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig struct { // AuthTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthTTL float64 `json:"AuthTTL,omitempty"` // ClientId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // IatTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IatTTL float64 `json:"IatTTL,omitempty"` // Issuer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Issuer string `json:"Issuer,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.OpenIDConnectConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_OpenIDConnectConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig struct { // AppIdClientRegex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AppIdClientRegex string `json:"AppIdClientRegex,omitempty"` // AwsRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsRegion string `json:"AwsRegion,omitempty"` // DefaultAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultAction string `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi.UserPoolConfig) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi_UserPoolConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // Definition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Definition string `json:"Definition,omitempty"` // DefinitionS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefinitionS3Location string `json:"DefinitionS3Location,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAppSyncResolver ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAppSyncResolver struct { // ApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApiId string `json:"ApiId,omitempty"` // DataSourceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataSourceName string `json:"DataSourceName,omitempty"` // FieldName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldName string `json:"FieldName,omitempty"` // RequestMappingTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestMappingTemplate string `json:"RequestMappingTemplate,omitempty"` // RequestMappingTemplateS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestMappingTemplateS3Location string `json:"RequestMappingTemplateS3Location,omitempty"` // ResponseMappingTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseMappingTemplate string `json:"ResponseMappingTemplate,omitempty"` // ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location string `json:"ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location,omitempty"` // TypeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TypeName string `json:"TypeName,omitempty"` }
AWSAppSyncResolver AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AppSync::Resolver) See:
func (*AWSAppSyncResolver) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncResolver) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAppSyncResolver) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncResolver) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAppSyncResolver) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAppSyncResolver) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // ScalableDimension AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalableDimension string `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // ScheduledActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduledActions []AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction `json:"ScheduledActions,omitempty"` // ServiceNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceNamespace string `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget.ScalableTargetAction) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction struct { // EndTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndTime string `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // ScalableTargetAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalableTargetAction *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScalableTargetAction `json:"ScalableTargetAction,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // ScheduledActionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScheduledActionName string `json:"ScheduledActionName,omitempty"` // StartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartTime string `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget.ScheduledAction) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget_ScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy struct { // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // PolicyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyType string `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // ScalableDimension AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalableDimension string `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // ScalingTargetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalingTargetId string `json:"ScalingTargetId,omitempty"` // ServiceNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceNamespace string `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` // StepScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"StepScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` // TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification struct { // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.CustomizedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification struct { // PredefinedMetricType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PredefinedMetricType string `json:"PredefinedMetricType,omitempty"` // ResourceLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLabel string `json:"ResourceLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.PredefinedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment struct { // MetricIntervalLowerBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalLowerBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalLowerBound,omitempty"` // MetricIntervalUpperBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalUpperBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalUpperBound,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.StepAdjustment) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // Cooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cooldown int `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // MetricAggregationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricAggregationType string `json:"MetricAggregationType,omitempty"` // MinAdjustmentMagnitude AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinAdjustmentMagnitude int `json:"MinAdjustmentMagnitude,omitempty"` // StepAdjustments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepAdjustments []AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment `json:"StepAdjustments,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomizedMetricSpecification *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification `json:"CustomizedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableScaleIn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableScaleIn bool `json:"DisableScaleIn,omitempty"` // PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PredefinedMetricSpecification *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification `json:"PredefinedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // ScaleInCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleInCooldown int `json:"ScaleInCooldown,omitempty"` // ScaleOutCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleOutCooldown int `json:"ScaleOutCooldown,omitempty"` // TargetValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetValue float64 `json:"TargetValue,omitempty"` }
AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAthenaNamedQuery ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAthenaNamedQuery struct { // Database AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Database string `json:"Database,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // QueryString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: QueryString string `json:"QueryString,omitempty"` }
AWSAthenaNamedQuery AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Athena::NamedQuery) See:
func (*AWSAthenaNamedQuery) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAthenaNamedQuery) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAthenaNamedQuery) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAthenaNamedQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAthenaNamedQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAthenaNamedQuery) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup struct { // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // Cooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cooldown string `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // DesiredCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredCapacity string `json:"DesiredCapacity,omitempty"` // HealthCheckGracePeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckGracePeriod int `json:"HealthCheckGracePeriod,omitempty"` // HealthCheckType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckType string `json:"HealthCheckType,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // LaunchConfigurationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchConfigurationName string `json:"LaunchConfigurationName,omitempty"` // LifecycleHookSpecificationList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleHookSpecificationList []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification `json:"LifecycleHookSpecificationList,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerNames []string `json:"LoadBalancerNames,omitempty"` // MaxSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxSize string `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // MetricsCollection AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsCollection []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection `json:"MetricsCollection,omitempty"` // MinSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinSize string `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // NotificationConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationConfigurations []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration `json:"NotificationConfigurations,omitempty"` // PlacementGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementGroup string `json:"PlacementGroup,omitempty"` // ServiceLinkedRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceLinkedRoleARN string `json:"ServiceLinkedRoleARN,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TargetGroupARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupARNs []string `json:"TargetGroupARNs,omitempty"` // TerminationPolicies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TerminationPolicies []string `json:"TerminationPolicies,omitempty"` // VPCZoneIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCZoneIdentifier []string `json:"VPCZoneIdentifier,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification struct { // DefaultResult AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultResult string `json:"DefaultResult,omitempty"` // HeartbeatTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HeartbeatTimeout int `json:"HeartbeatTimeout,omitempty"` // LifecycleHookName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LifecycleHookName string `json:"LifecycleHookName,omitempty"` // LifecycleTransition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LifecycleTransition string `json:"LifecycleTransition,omitempty"` // NotificationMetadata AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationMetadata string `json:"NotificationMetadata,omitempty"` // NotificationTargetARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTargetARN string `json:"NotificationTargetARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.LifecycleHookSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_LifecycleHookSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection struct { // Granularity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Granularity string `json:"Granularity,omitempty"` // Metrics AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Metrics []string `json:"Metrics,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.MetricsCollection) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_MetricsCollection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration struct { // NotificationTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTypes []string `json:"NotificationTypes,omitempty"` // TopicARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TopicARN string `json:"TopicARN,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.NotificationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty ¶
type AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // PropagateAtLaunch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PropagateAtLaunch bool `json:"PropagateAtLaunch,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.TagProperty) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup_TagProperty) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // ClassicLinkVPCId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClassicLinkVPCId string `json:"ClassicLinkVPCId,omitempty"` // ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups []string `json:"ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile string `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // InstanceMonitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceMonitoring bool `json:"InstanceMonitoring,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // LaunchConfigurationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchConfigurationName string `json:"LaunchConfigurationName,omitempty"` // PlacementTenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementTenancy string `json:"PlacementTenancy,omitempty"` // RamDiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamDiskId string `json:"RamDiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.BlockDevice) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice bool `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook ¶
type AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook struct { // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // DefaultResult AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultResult string `json:"DefaultResult,omitempty"` // HeartbeatTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HeartbeatTimeout int `json:"HeartbeatTimeout,omitempty"` // LifecycleHookName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleHookName string `json:"LifecycleHookName,omitempty"` // LifecycleTransition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LifecycleTransition string `json:"LifecycleTransition,omitempty"` // NotificationMetadata AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationMetadata string `json:"NotificationMetadata,omitempty"` // NotificationTargetARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTargetARN string `json:"NotificationTargetARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan struct { // ApplicationSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationSource *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource `json:"ApplicationSource,omitempty"` // ScalingInstructions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingInstructions []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction `json:"ScalingInstructions,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource struct { // CloudFormationStackARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudFormationStackARN string `json:"CloudFormationStackARN,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.ApplicationSource) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ApplicationSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification struct { // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification struct { // PredefinedScalingMetricType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PredefinedScalingMetricType string `json:"PredefinedScalingMetricType,omitempty"` // ResourceLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLabel string `json:"ResourceLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // ScalableDimension AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalableDimension string `json:"ScalableDimension,omitempty"` // ServiceNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceNamespace string `json:"ServiceNamespace,omitempty"` // TargetTrackingConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetTrackingConfigurations []AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration `json:"TargetTrackingConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.ScalingInstruction) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_ScalingInstruction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration struct { // CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification `json:"CustomizedScalingMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableScaleIn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableScaleIn bool `json:"DisableScaleIn,omitempty"` // EstimatedInstanceWarmup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EstimatedInstanceWarmup int `json:"EstimatedInstanceWarmup,omitempty"` // PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification `json:"PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // ScaleInCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleInCooldown int `json:"ScaleInCooldown,omitempty"` // ScaleOutCooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleOutCooldown int `json:"ScaleOutCooldown,omitempty"` // TargetValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetValue float64 `json:"TargetValue,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScalingPlans::ScalingPlan.TargetTrackingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // Cooldown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cooldown string `json:"Cooldown,omitempty"` // EstimatedInstanceWarmup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EstimatedInstanceWarmup int `json:"EstimatedInstanceWarmup,omitempty"` // MetricAggregationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricAggregationType string `json:"MetricAggregationType,omitempty"` // MinAdjustmentMagnitude AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinAdjustmentMagnitude int `json:"MinAdjustmentMagnitude,omitempty"` // PolicyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyType string `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` // StepAdjustments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepAdjustments []AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment `json:"StepAdjustments,omitempty"` // TargetTrackingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetTrackingConfiguration *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration `json:"TargetTrackingConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification struct { // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.CustomizedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification struct { // PredefinedMetricType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PredefinedMetricType string `json:"PredefinedMetricType,omitempty"` // ResourceLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLabel string `json:"ResourceLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.PredefinedMetricSpecification) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment ¶
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment struct { // MetricIntervalLowerBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalLowerBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalLowerBound,omitempty"` // MetricIntervalUpperBound AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricIntervalUpperBound float64 `json:"MetricIntervalUpperBound,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.StepAdjustment) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_StepAdjustment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration struct { // CustomizedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomizedMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_CustomizedMetricSpecification `json:"CustomizedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableScaleIn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableScaleIn bool `json:"DisableScaleIn,omitempty"` // PredefinedMetricSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PredefinedMetricSpecification *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_PredefinedMetricSpecification `json:"PredefinedMetricSpecification,omitempty"` // TargetValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetValue float64 `json:"TargetValue,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy.TargetTrackingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy_TargetTrackingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction ¶
type AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction struct { // AutoScalingGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoScalingGroupName string `json:"AutoScalingGroupName,omitempty"` // DesiredCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredCapacity int `json:"DesiredCapacity,omitempty"` // EndTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndTime string `json:"EndTime,omitempty"` // MaxSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxSize int `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // MinSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinSize int `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // Recurrence AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Recurrence string `json:"Recurrence,omitempty"` // StartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartTime string `json:"StartTime,omitempty"` }
AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction) See:
func (*AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment ¶
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment struct { // ComputeEnvironmentName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComputeEnvironmentName string `json:"ComputeEnvironmentName,omitempty"` // ComputeResources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComputeResources *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources `json:"ComputeResources,omitempty"` // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchComputeEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment) See:
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources ¶
type AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources struct { // BidPercentage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPercentage int `json:"BidPercentage,omitempty"` // DesiredvCpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredvCpus int `json:"DesiredvCpus,omitempty"` // Ec2KeyPair AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2KeyPair string `json:"Ec2KeyPair,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceRole string `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty"` // InstanceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceTypes []string `json:"InstanceTypes,omitempty"` // MaxvCpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxvCpus int `json:"MaxvCpus,omitempty"` // MinvCpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinvCpus int `json:"MinvCpus,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SpotIamFleetRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotIamFleetRole string `json:"SpotIamFleetRole,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags interface{} `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment.ComputeResources) See:
func (*AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition struct { // ContainerProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ContainerProperties *AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties `json:"ContainerProperties,omitempty"` // JobDefinitionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobDefinitionName string `json:"JobDefinitionName,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // RetryStrategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetryStrategy *AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy `json:"RetryStrategy,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties struct { // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Command []string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment []AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // JobRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobRoleArn string `json:"JobRoleArn,omitempty"` // Memory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Memory int `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // MountPoints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoints []AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints `json:"MountPoints,omitempty"` // Privileged AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Privileged bool `json:"Privileged,omitempty"` // ReadonlyRootFilesystem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadonlyRootFilesystem bool `json:"ReadonlyRootFilesystem,omitempty"` // Ulimits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ulimits []AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit `json:"Ulimits,omitempty"` // User AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: User string `json:"User,omitempty"` // Vcpus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Vcpus int `json:"Vcpus,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.ContainerProperties) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Environment) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints struct { // ContainerPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPath string `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // ReadOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadOnly bool `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` // SourceVolume AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceVolume string `json:"SourceVolume,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.MountPoints) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_MountPoints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy struct { // Attempts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attempts int `json:"Attempts,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.RetryStrategy) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_RetryStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout struct { // AttemptDurationSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttemptDurationSeconds int `json:"AttemptDurationSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Timeout) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Timeout) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit struct { // HardLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HardLimit int `json:"HardLimit,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SoftLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SoftLimit int `json:"SoftLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Ulimit) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes struct { // Host AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Host *AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost `json:"Host,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.Volumes) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_Volumes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost ¶
type AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost struct { // SourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourcePath string `json:"SourcePath,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobDefinition.VolumesHost) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobDefinition_VolumesHost) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBatchJobQueue ¶
type AWSBatchJobQueue struct { // ComputeEnvironmentOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComputeEnvironmentOrder []AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder `json:"ComputeEnvironmentOrder,omitempty"` // JobQueueName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobQueueName string `json:"JobQueueName,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobQueue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobQueue) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder ¶
type AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder struct { // ComputeEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComputeEnvironment string `json:"ComputeEnvironment,omitempty"` // Order AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Order int `json:"Order,omitempty"` }
AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Batch::JobQueue.ComputeEnvironmentOrder) See:
func (*AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSBatchJobQueue_ComputeEnvironmentOrder) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget struct { // Budget AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Budget *AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData `json:"Budget,omitempty"` // NotificationsWithSubscribers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationsWithSubscribers []AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers `json:"NotificationsWithSubscribers,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData struct { // BudgetLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BudgetLimit *AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend `json:"BudgetLimit,omitempty"` // BudgetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BudgetName string `json:"BudgetName,omitempty"` // BudgetType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BudgetType string `json:"BudgetType,omitempty"` // CostFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CostFilters interface{} `json:"CostFilters,omitempty"` // CostTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CostTypes *AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes `json:"CostTypes,omitempty"` // TimePeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimePeriod *AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod `json:"TimePeriod,omitempty"` // TimeUnit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeUnit string `json:"TimeUnit,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.BudgetData) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_BudgetData) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes struct { // IncludeCredit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeCredit bool `json:"IncludeCredit,omitempty"` // IncludeDiscount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeDiscount bool `json:"IncludeDiscount,omitempty"` // IncludeOtherSubscription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeOtherSubscription bool `json:"IncludeOtherSubscription,omitempty"` // IncludeRecurring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeRecurring bool `json:"IncludeRecurring,omitempty"` // IncludeRefund AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeRefund bool `json:"IncludeRefund,omitempty"` // IncludeSubscription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeSubscription bool `json:"IncludeSubscription,omitempty"` // IncludeSupport AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeSupport bool `json:"IncludeSupport,omitempty"` // IncludeTax AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeTax bool `json:"IncludeTax,omitempty"` // IncludeUpfront AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeUpfront bool `json:"IncludeUpfront,omitempty"` // UseAmortized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseAmortized bool `json:"UseAmortized,omitempty"` // UseBlended AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseBlended bool `json:"UseBlended,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.CostTypes) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_CostTypes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // NotificationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NotificationType string `json:"NotificationType,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // ThresholdType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThresholdType string `json:"ThresholdType,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.Notification) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers struct { // Notification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Notification *AWSBudgetsBudget_Notification `json:"Notification,omitempty"` // Subscribers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subscribers []AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber `json:"Subscribers,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.NotificationWithSubscribers) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_NotificationWithSubscribers) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend struct { // Amount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Amount float64 `json:"Amount,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.Spend) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_Spend) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber struct { // Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"` // SubscriptionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubscriptionType string `json:"SubscriptionType,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.Subscriber) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_Subscriber) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod struct { // End AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: End string `json:"End,omitempty"` // Start AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Start string `json:"Start,omitempty"` }
AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Budgets::Budget.TimePeriod) See:
func (*AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSBudgetsBudget_TimePeriod) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate ¶
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // DomainValidationOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainValidationOptions []AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption `json:"DomainValidationOptions,omitempty"` // SubjectAlternativeNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubjectAlternativeNames []string `json:"SubjectAlternativeNames,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // ValidationMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidationMethod string `json:"ValidationMethod,omitempty"` }
AWSCertificateManagerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate) See:
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption ¶
type AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // ValidationDomain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ValidationDomain string `json:"ValidationDomain,omitempty"` }
AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate.DomainValidationOption) See:
func (*AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCertificateManagerCertificate_DomainValidationOption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 struct { // AutomaticStopTimeMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomaticStopTimeMinutes int `json:"AutomaticStopTimeMinutes,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OwnerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OwnerArn string `json:"OwnerArn,omitempty"` // Repositories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Repositories []AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository `json:"Repositories,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2) See:
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository struct { // PathComponent AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PathComponent string `json:"PathComponent,omitempty"` // RepositoryUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RepositoryUrl string `json:"RepositoryUrl,omitempty"` }
AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cloud9::EnvironmentEC2.Repository) See:
func (*AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2_Repository) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFormationCustomResource ¶
type AWSCloudFormationCustomResource struct { // ServiceToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceToken string `json:"ServiceToken,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFormationCustomResource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationCustomResource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFormationStack ¶
type AWSCloudFormationStack struct { // NotificationARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationARNs []string `json:"NotificationARNs,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]string `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TemplateURL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TemplateURL string `json:"TemplateURL,omitempty"` // TimeoutInMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeoutInMinutes int `json:"TimeoutInMinutes,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFormationStack AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::Stack) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationStack) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationStack) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFormationStack) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationStack) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationStack) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationStack) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition ¶
type AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition struct { // Count AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Count int `json:"Count,omitempty"` // Handle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Handle string `json:"Handle,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Timeout string `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle ¶
type AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle struct { }
AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle) See:
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity struct { // CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig `json:"CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity_CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution struct { // DistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DistributionConfig *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig `json:"DistributionConfig,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior struct { // AllowedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedMethods []string `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // CachedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachedMethods []string `json:"CachedMethods,omitempty"` // Compress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compress bool `json:"Compress,omitempty"` // DefaultTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultTTL float64 `json:"DefaultTTL,omitempty"` // ForwardedValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ForwardedValues *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues `json:"ForwardedValues,omitempty"` // LambdaFunctionAssociations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaFunctionAssociations []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation `json:"LambdaFunctionAssociations,omitempty"` // MaxTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxTTL float64 `json:"MaxTTL,omitempty"` // MinTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinTTL float64 `json:"MinTTL,omitempty"` // PathPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PathPattern string `json:"PathPattern,omitempty"` // SmoothStreaming AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmoothStreaming bool `json:"SmoothStreaming,omitempty"` // TargetOriginId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetOriginId string `json:"TargetOriginId,omitempty"` // TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TrustedSigners []string `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` // ViewerProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ViewerProtocolPolicy string `json:"ViewerProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CacheBehavior) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies struct { // Forward AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Forward string `json:"Forward,omitempty"` // WhitelistedNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WhitelistedNames []string `json:"WhitelistedNames,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Cookies) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse struct { // ErrorCachingMinTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ErrorCachingMinTTL float64 `json:"ErrorCachingMinTTL,omitempty"` // ErrorCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ErrorCode int `json:"ErrorCode,omitempty"` // ResponseCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponseCode int `json:"ResponseCode,omitempty"` // ResponsePagePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResponsePagePath string `json:"ResponsePagePath,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CustomErrorResponse) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig struct { // HTTPPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPPort int `json:"HTTPPort,omitempty"` // HTTPSPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPSPort int `json:"HTTPSPort,omitempty"` // OriginKeepaliveTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginKeepaliveTimeout int `json:"OriginKeepaliveTimeout,omitempty"` // OriginProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OriginProtocolPolicy string `json:"OriginProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` // OriginReadTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginReadTimeout int `json:"OriginReadTimeout,omitempty"` // OriginSSLProtocols AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginSSLProtocols []string `json:"OriginSSLProtocols,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.CustomOriginConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior struct { // AllowedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedMethods []string `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // CachedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CachedMethods []string `json:"CachedMethods,omitempty"` // Compress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compress bool `json:"Compress,omitempty"` // DefaultTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultTTL float64 `json:"DefaultTTL,omitempty"` // ForwardedValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ForwardedValues *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues `json:"ForwardedValues,omitempty"` // LambdaFunctionAssociations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaFunctionAssociations []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation `json:"LambdaFunctionAssociations,omitempty"` // MaxTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxTTL float64 `json:"MaxTTL,omitempty"` // MinTTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinTTL float64 `json:"MinTTL,omitempty"` // SmoothStreaming AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmoothStreaming bool `json:"SmoothStreaming,omitempty"` // TargetOriginId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetOriginId string `json:"TargetOriginId,omitempty"` // TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TrustedSigners []string `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` // ViewerProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ViewerProtocolPolicy string `json:"ViewerProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.DefaultCacheBehavior) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig struct { // Aliases AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Aliases []string `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // CacheBehaviors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheBehaviors []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CacheBehavior `json:"CacheBehaviors,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // CustomErrorResponses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomErrorResponses []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomErrorResponse `json:"CustomErrorResponses,omitempty"` // DefaultCacheBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultCacheBehavior *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DefaultCacheBehavior `json:"DefaultCacheBehavior,omitempty"` // DefaultRootObject AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultRootObject string `json:"DefaultRootObject,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // HttpVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpVersion string `json:"HttpVersion,omitempty"` // IPV6Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPV6Enabled bool `json:"IPV6Enabled,omitempty"` // Logging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logging *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging `json:"Logging,omitempty"` // Origins AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Origins []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin `json:"Origins,omitempty"` // PriceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PriceClass string `json:"PriceClass,omitempty"` // Restrictions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Restrictions *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions `json:"Restrictions,omitempty"` // ViewerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ViewerCertificate *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate `json:"ViewerCertificate,omitempty"` // WebACLId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WebACLId string `json:"WebACLId,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.DistributionConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_DistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues struct { // Cookies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cookies *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Cookies `json:"Cookies,omitempty"` // Headers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Headers []string `json:"Headers,omitempty"` // QueryString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: QueryString bool `json:"QueryString,omitempty"` // QueryStringCacheKeys AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueryStringCacheKeys []string `json:"QueryStringCacheKeys,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.ForwardedValues) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ForwardedValues) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction struct { // Locations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Locations []string `json:"Locations,omitempty"` // RestrictionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RestrictionType string `json:"RestrictionType,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.GeoRestriction) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation struct { // EventType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventType string `json:"EventType,omitempty"` // LambdaFunctionARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaFunctionARN string `json:"LambdaFunctionARN,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LambdaFunctionAssociation) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LambdaFunctionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // HTTPPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPPort int `json:"HTTPPort,omitempty"` // HTTPSPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HTTPSPort int `json:"HTTPSPort,omitempty"` // OriginProtocolPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OriginProtocolPolicy string `json:"OriginProtocolPolicy,omitempty"` // OriginSSLProtocols AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginSSLProtocols []string `json:"OriginSSLProtocols,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LegacyCustomOrigin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyCustomOrigin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // OriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginAccessIdentity string `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.LegacyS3Origin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_LegacyS3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // IncludeCookies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeCookies bool `json:"IncludeCookies,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Logging) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin struct { // CustomOriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomOriginConfig *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_CustomOriginConfig `json:"CustomOriginConfig,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // OriginCustomHeaders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginCustomHeaders []AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader `json:"OriginCustomHeaders,omitempty"` // OriginPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginPath string `json:"OriginPath,omitempty"` // S3OriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3OriginConfig *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig `json:"S3OriginConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Origin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Origin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader struct { // HeaderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderName string `json:"HeaderName,omitempty"` // HeaderValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderValue string `json:"HeaderValue,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.OriginCustomHeader) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_OriginCustomHeader) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions struct { // GeoRestriction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GeoRestriction *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_GeoRestriction `json:"GeoRestriction,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.Restrictions) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_Restrictions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig struct { // OriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OriginAccessIdentity string `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.S3OriginConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_S3OriginConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate ¶
type AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate struct { // AcmCertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcmCertificateArn string `json:"AcmCertificateArn,omitempty"` // CloudFrontDefaultCertificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudFrontDefaultCertificate bool `json:"CloudFrontDefaultCertificate,omitempty"` // IamCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamCertificateId string `json:"IamCertificateId,omitempty"` // MinimumProtocolVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumProtocolVersion string `json:"MinimumProtocolVersion,omitempty"` // SslSupportMethod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslSupportMethod string `json:"SslSupportMethod,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::Distribution.ViewerCertificate) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudFrontDistribution_ViewerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution struct { // StreamingDistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StreamingDistributionConfig *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig `json:"StreamingDistributionConfig,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.Logging) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // OriginAccessIdentity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OriginAccessIdentity string `json:"OriginAccessIdentity,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.S3Origin) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig struct { // Aliases AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Aliases []string `json:"Aliases,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Logging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logging *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_Logging `json:"Logging,omitempty"` // PriceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PriceClass string `json:"PriceClass,omitempty"` // S3Origin AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Origin *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_S3Origin `json:"S3Origin,omitempty"` // TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TrustedSigners *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners `json:"TrustedSigners,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.StreamingDistributionConfig) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_StreamingDistributionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners struct { // AwsAccountNumbers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsAccountNumbers []string `json:"AwsAccountNumbers,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudFront::StreamingDistribution.TrustedSigners) See:
func (*AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution_TrustedSigners) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudTrailTrail ¶
type AWSCloudTrailTrail struct { // CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLogsRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLogsRoleArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsRoleArn,omitempty"` // EnableLogFileValidation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableLogFileValidation bool `json:"EnableLogFileValidation,omitempty"` // EventSelectors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventSelectors []AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector `json:"EventSelectors,omitempty"` // IncludeGlobalServiceEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeGlobalServiceEvents bool `json:"IncludeGlobalServiceEvents,omitempty"` // IsLogging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IsLogging bool `json:"IsLogging,omitempty"` // IsMultiRegionTrail AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IsMultiRegionTrail bool `json:"IsMultiRegionTrail,omitempty"` // KMSKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSKeyId string `json:"KMSKeyId,omitempty"` // S3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BucketName string `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // S3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3KeyPrefix string `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // SnsTopicName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnsTopicName string `json:"SnsTopicName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TrailName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TrailName string `json:"TrailName,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudTrailTrail AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudTrail::Trail) See:
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudTrail::Trail.DataResource) See:
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector struct { // DataResources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataResources []AWSCloudTrailTrail_DataResource `json:"DataResources,omitempty"` // IncludeManagementEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeManagementEvents bool `json:"IncludeManagementEvents,omitempty"` // ReadWriteType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadWriteType string `json:"ReadWriteType,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudTrail::Trail.EventSelector) See:
func (*AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCloudTrailTrail_EventSelector) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm ¶
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm struct { // ActionsEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ActionsEnabled bool `json:"ActionsEnabled,omitempty"` // AlarmActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmActions []string `json:"AlarmActions,omitempty"` // AlarmDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmDescription string `json:"AlarmDescription,omitempty"` // AlarmName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmName string `json:"AlarmName,omitempty"` // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile string `json:"EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile,omitempty"` // EvaluationPeriods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EvaluationPeriods int `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // ExtendedStatistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtendedStatistic string `json:"ExtendedStatistic,omitempty"` // InsufficientDataActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InsufficientDataActions []string `json:"InsufficientDataActions,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // OKActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OKActions []string `json:"OKActions,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Period int `json:"Period,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // TreatMissingData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TreatMissingData string `json:"TreatMissingData,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudWatchAlarm AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm) See:
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension ¶
type AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.Dimension) See:
func (*AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchAlarm_Dimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCloudWatchDashboard ¶
type AWSCloudWatchDashboard struct { // DashboardBody AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DashboardBody string `json:"DashboardBody,omitempty"` // DashboardName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DashboardName string `json:"DashboardName,omitempty"` }
AWSCloudWatchDashboard AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard) See:
func (*AWSCloudWatchDashboard) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchDashboard) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCloudWatchDashboard) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchDashboard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCloudWatchDashboard) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCloudWatchDashboard) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeBuildProject ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject struct { // Artifacts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Artifacts *AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts `json:"Artifacts,omitempty"` // BadgeEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BadgeEnabled bool `json:"BadgeEnabled,omitempty"` // Cache AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cache *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache `json:"Cache,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionKey string `json:"EncryptionKey,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Environment *AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // Source AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Source *AWSCodeBuildProject_Source `json:"Source,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TimeoutInMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeoutInMinutes int `json:"TimeoutInMinutes,omitempty"` // Triggers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Triggers *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers `json:"Triggers,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts struct { // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // NamespaceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NamespaceType string `json:"NamespaceType,omitempty"` // Packaging AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Packaging string `json:"Packaging,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Artifacts) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_Artifacts) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment struct { // ComputeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComputeType string `json:"ComputeType,omitempty"` // EnvironmentVariables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnvironmentVariables []AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable `json:"EnvironmentVariables,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // PrivilegedMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivilegedMode bool `json:"PrivilegedMode,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Environment) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.EnvironmentVariable) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache struct { // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.ProjectCache) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectCache) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers struct { // Webhook AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Webhook bool `json:"Webhook,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.ProjectTriggers) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_ProjectTriggers) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Source ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_Source struct { // Auth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Auth *AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth `json:"Auth,omitempty"` // BuildSpec AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BuildSpec string `json:"BuildSpec,omitempty"` // GitCloneDepth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GitCloneDepth int `json:"GitCloneDepth,omitempty"` // InsecureSsl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InsecureSsl bool `json:"InsecureSsl,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.Source) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth ¶
type AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth struct { // Resource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Resource string `json:"Resource,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.SourceAuth) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_SourceAuth) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeBuild::Project.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeBuildProject_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeCommitRepository ¶
type AWSCodeCommitRepository struct { // RepositoryDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RepositoryDescription string `json:"RepositoryDescription,omitempty"` // RepositoryName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RepositoryName string `json:"RepositoryName,omitempty"` // Triggers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Triggers []AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger `json:"Triggers,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeCommitRepository AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeCommit::Repository) See:
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger ¶
type AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger struct { // Branches AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Branches []string `json:"Branches,omitempty"` // CustomData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomData string `json:"CustomData,omitempty"` // DestinationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationArn string `json:"DestinationArn,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Events []string `json:"Events,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeCommit::Repository.RepositoryTrigger) See:
func (*AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeCommitRepository_RepositoryTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployApplication ¶
type AWSCodeDeployApplication struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // ComputePlatform AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComputePlatform string `json:"ComputePlatform,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployApplication AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::Application) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployApplication) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployApplication) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodeDeployApplication) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployApplication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeDeployApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployApplication) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig struct { // DeploymentConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentConfigName string `json:"DeploymentConfigName,omitempty"` // MinimumHealthyHosts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumHealthyHosts *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts `json:"MinimumHealthyHosts,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value int `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentConfig.MinimumHealthyHosts) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig_MinimumHealthyHosts) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup struct { // AlarmConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmConfiguration *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration `json:"AlarmConfiguration,omitempty"` // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // AutoRollbackConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoRollbackConfiguration *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration `json:"AutoRollbackConfiguration,omitempty"` // AutoScalingGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingGroups []string `json:"AutoScalingGroups,omitempty"` // Deployment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Deployment *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment `json:"Deployment,omitempty"` // DeploymentConfigName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentConfigName string `json:"DeploymentConfigName,omitempty"` // DeploymentGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentGroupName string `json:"DeploymentGroupName,omitempty"` // DeploymentStyle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentStyle *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle `json:"DeploymentStyle,omitempty"` // Ec2TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2TagFilters []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter `json:"Ec2TagFilters,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerInfo *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo `json:"LoadBalancerInfo,omitempty"` // OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter `json:"OnPremisesInstanceTagFilters,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // TriggerConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerConfigurations []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig `json:"TriggerConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.Alarm) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration struct { // Alarms AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Alarms []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Alarm `json:"Alarms,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // IgnorePollAlarmFailure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IgnorePollAlarmFailure bool `json:"IgnorePollAlarmFailure,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.AlarmConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AlarmConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Events []string `json:"Events,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.AutoRollbackConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_AutoRollbackConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IgnoreApplicationStopFailures AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IgnoreApplicationStopFailures bool `json:"IgnoreApplicationStopFailures,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Revision *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation `json:"Revision,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.Deployment) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_Deployment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle struct { // DeploymentOption AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentOption string `json:"DeploymentOption,omitempty"` // DeploymentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentType string `json:"DeploymentType,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.DeploymentStyle) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_DeploymentStyle) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.EC2TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_EC2TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.ELBInfo) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation struct { // CommitId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CommitId string `json:"CommitId,omitempty"` // Repository AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Repository string `json:"Repository,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.GitHubLocation) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo struct { // ElbInfoList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElbInfoList []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_ELBInfo `json:"ElbInfoList,omitempty"` // TargetGroupInfoList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupInfoList []AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo `json:"TargetGroupInfoList,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.LoadBalancerInfo) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_LoadBalancerInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation struct { // GitHubLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GitHubLocation *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_GitHubLocation `json:"GitHubLocation,omitempty"` // RevisionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RevisionType string `json:"RevisionType,omitempty"` // S3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Location *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location `json:"S3Location,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.RevisionLocation) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_RevisionLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // BundleType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BundleType string `json:"BundleType,omitempty"` // ETag AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ETag string `json:"ETag,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.TargetGroupInfo) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TargetGroupInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig ¶
type AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig struct { // TriggerEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerEvents []string `json:"TriggerEvents,omitempty"` // TriggerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerName string `json:"TriggerName,omitempty"` // TriggerTargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TriggerTargetArn string `json:"TriggerTargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup.TriggerConfig) See:
func (*AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup_TriggerConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType struct { // Category AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Category string `json:"Category,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties []AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // InputArtifactDetails AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InputArtifactDetails *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails `json:"InputArtifactDetails,omitempty"` // OutputArtifactDetails AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OutputArtifactDetails *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails `json:"OutputArtifactDetails,omitempty"` // Provider AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Provider string `json:"Provider,omitempty"` // Settings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Settings *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings `json:"Settings,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails struct { // MaximumCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaximumCount int `json:"MaximumCount,omitempty"` // MinimumCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinimumCount int `json:"MinimumCount,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.ArtifactDetails) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ArtifactDetails) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key bool `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Queryable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Queryable bool `json:"Queryable,omitempty"` // Required AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Required bool `json:"Required,omitempty"` // Secret AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Secret bool `json:"Secret,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.ConfigurationProperties) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_ConfigurationProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings ¶
type AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings struct { // EntityUrlTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EntityUrlTemplate string `json:"EntityUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // ExecutionUrlTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionUrlTemplate string `json:"ExecutionUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // RevisionUrlTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RevisionUrlTemplate string `json:"RevisionUrlTemplate,omitempty"` // ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl string `json:"ThirdPartyConfigurationUrl,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType.Settings) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType_Settings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline struct { // ArtifactStore AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ArtifactStore *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore `json:"ArtifactStore,omitempty"` // DisableInboundStageTransitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableInboundStageTransitions []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition `json:"DisableInboundStageTransitions,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RestartExecutionOnUpdate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestartExecutionOnUpdate bool `json:"RestartExecutionOnUpdate,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Stages AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Stages []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration `json:"Stages,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration struct { // ActionTypeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ActionTypeId *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId `json:"ActionTypeId,omitempty"` // Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configuration interface{} `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // InputArtifacts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputArtifacts []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact `json:"InputArtifacts,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OutputArtifacts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputArtifacts []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact `json:"OutputArtifacts,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // RunOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RunOrder int `json:"RunOrder,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.ActionDeclaration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId struct { // Category AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Category string `json:"Category,omitempty"` // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // Provider AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Provider string `json:"Provider,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.ActionTypeId) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionTypeId) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore struct { // EncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionKey *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey `json:"EncryptionKey,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.ArtifactStore) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ArtifactStore) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.BlockerDeclaration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.EncryptionKey) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_EncryptionKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.InputArtifact) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_InputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.OutputArtifact) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_OutputArtifact) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_ActionDeclaration `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Blockers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Blockers []AWSCodePipelinePipeline_BlockerDeclaration `json:"Blockers,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.StageDeclaration) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageDeclaration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition ¶
type AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition struct { // Reason AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Reason string `json:"Reason,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` }
AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline.StageTransition) See:
func (*AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCodePipelinePipeline_StageTransition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool struct { // AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities bool `json:"AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities,omitempty"` // CognitoEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CognitoEvents interface{} `json:"CognitoEvents,omitempty"` // CognitoIdentityProviders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CognitoIdentityProviders []AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider `json:"CognitoIdentityProviders,omitempty"` // CognitoStreams AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CognitoStreams *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams `json:"CognitoStreams,omitempty"` // DeveloperProviderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeveloperProviderName string `json:"DeveloperProviderName,omitempty"` // IdentityPoolName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IdentityPoolName string `json:"IdentityPoolName,omitempty"` // OpenIdConnectProviderARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OpenIdConnectProviderARNs []string `json:"OpenIdConnectProviderARNs,omitempty"` // PushSync AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PushSync *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync `json:"PushSync,omitempty"` // SamlProviderARNs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SamlProviderARNs []string `json:"SamlProviderARNs,omitempty"` // SupportedLoginProviders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportedLoginProviders interface{} `json:"SupportedLoginProviders,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment struct { // IdentityPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IdentityPoolId string `json:"IdentityPoolId,omitempty"` // RoleMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleMappings interface{} `json:"RoleMappings,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Roles interface{} `json:"Roles,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule struct { // Claim AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Claim string `json:"Claim,omitempty"` // MatchType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MatchType string `json:"MatchType,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.MappingRule) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping struct { // AmbiguousRoleResolution AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmbiguousRoleResolution string `json:"AmbiguousRoleResolution,omitempty"` // RulesConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RulesConfiguration *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType `json:"RulesConfiguration,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.RoleMapping) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RoleMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType struct { // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_MappingRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment.RulesConfigurationType) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment_RulesConfigurationType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider struct { // ClientId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientId string `json:"ClientId,omitempty"` // ProviderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProviderName string `json:"ProviderName,omitempty"` // ServerSideTokenCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerSideTokenCheck bool `json:"ServerSideTokenCheck,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.CognitoIdentityProvider) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoIdentityProvider) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams struct { // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamName string `json:"StreamName,omitempty"` // StreamingStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamingStatus string `json:"StreamingStatus,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.CognitoStreams) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_CognitoStreams) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync ¶
type AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync struct { // ApplicationArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationArns []string `json:"ApplicationArns,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool.PushSync) See:
func (*AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoIdentityPool_PushSync) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool struct { // AdminCreateUserConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdminCreateUserConfig *AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig `json:"AdminCreateUserConfig,omitempty"` // AliasAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AliasAttributes []string `json:"AliasAttributes,omitempty"` // AutoVerifiedAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoVerifiedAttributes []string `json:"AutoVerifiedAttributes,omitempty"` // DeviceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceConfiguration *AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration `json:"DeviceConfiguration,omitempty"` // EmailConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailConfiguration *AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration `json:"EmailConfiguration,omitempty"` // EmailVerificationMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailVerificationMessage string `json:"EmailVerificationMessage,omitempty"` // EmailVerificationSubject AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailVerificationSubject string `json:"EmailVerificationSubject,omitempty"` // LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaConfig *AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig `json:"LambdaConfig,omitempty"` // MfaConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MfaConfiguration string `json:"MfaConfiguration,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies *AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // Schema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schema []AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute `json:"Schema,omitempty"` // SmsAuthenticationMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmsAuthenticationMessage string `json:"SmsAuthenticationMessage,omitempty"` // SmsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmsConfiguration *AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration `json:"SmsConfiguration,omitempty"` // SmsVerificationMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SmsVerificationMessage string `json:"SmsVerificationMessage,omitempty"` // UserPoolName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolName string `json:"UserPoolName,omitempty"` // UserPoolTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserPoolTags interface{} `json:"UserPoolTags,omitempty"` // UsernameAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UsernameAttributes []string `json:"UsernameAttributes,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolClient ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolClient struct { // ClientName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientName string `json:"ClientName,omitempty"` // ExplicitAuthFlows AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExplicitAuthFlows []string `json:"ExplicitAuthFlows,omitempty"` // GenerateSecret AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GenerateSecret bool `json:"GenerateSecret,omitempty"` // ReadAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadAttributes []string `json:"ReadAttributes,omitempty"` // RefreshTokenValidity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RefreshTokenValidity float64 `json:"RefreshTokenValidity,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` // WriteAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WriteAttributes []string `json:"WriteAttributes,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolClient AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolClient) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // Precedence AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Precedence float64 `json:"Precedence,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolGroup) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser struct { // DesiredDeliveryMediums AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredDeliveryMediums []string `json:"DesiredDeliveryMediums,omitempty"` // ForceAliasCreation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ForceAliasCreation bool `json:"ForceAliasCreation,omitempty"` // MessageAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MessageAction string `json:"MessageAction,omitempty"` // UserAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserAttributes []AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType `json:"UserAttributes,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` // ValidationData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidationData []AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType `json:"ValidationData,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolUser AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment struct { // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // UserPoolId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserPoolId string `json:"UserPoolId,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser.AttributeType) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPoolUser_AttributeType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig struct { // AllowAdminCreateUserOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowAdminCreateUserOnly bool `json:"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly,omitempty"` // InviteMessageTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InviteMessageTemplate *AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate `json:"InviteMessageTemplate,omitempty"` // UnusedAccountValidityDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UnusedAccountValidityDays float64 `json:"UnusedAccountValidityDays,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.AdminCreateUserConfig) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_AdminCreateUserConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration struct { // ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice bool `json:"ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice,omitempty"` // DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt bool `json:"DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.DeviceConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_DeviceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration struct { // ReplyToEmailAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplyToEmailAddress string `json:"ReplyToEmailAddress,omitempty"` // SourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceArn string `json:"SourceArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.EmailConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_EmailConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate struct { // EmailMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailMessage string `json:"EmailMessage,omitempty"` // EmailSubject AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmailSubject string `json:"EmailSubject,omitempty"` // SMSMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SMSMessage string `json:"SMSMessage,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.InviteMessageTemplate) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_InviteMessageTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig struct { // CreateAuthChallenge AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreateAuthChallenge string `json:"CreateAuthChallenge,omitempty"` // CustomMessage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomMessage string `json:"CustomMessage,omitempty"` // DefineAuthChallenge AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefineAuthChallenge string `json:"DefineAuthChallenge,omitempty"` // PostAuthentication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PostAuthentication string `json:"PostAuthentication,omitempty"` // PostConfirmation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PostConfirmation string `json:"PostConfirmation,omitempty"` // PreAuthentication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreAuthentication string `json:"PreAuthentication,omitempty"` // PreSignUp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreSignUp string `json:"PreSignUp,omitempty"` // VerifyAuthChallengeResponse AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VerifyAuthChallengeResponse string `json:"VerifyAuthChallengeResponse,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.LambdaConfig) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_LambdaConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints struct { // MaxValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxValue string `json:"MaxValue,omitempty"` // MinValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinValue string `json:"MinValue,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.NumberAttributeConstraints) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy struct { // MinimumLength AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumLength int `json:"MinimumLength,omitempty"` // RequireLowercase AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireLowercase bool `json:"RequireLowercase,omitempty"` // RequireNumbers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireNumbers bool `json:"RequireNumbers,omitempty"` // RequireSymbols AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireSymbols bool `json:"RequireSymbols,omitempty"` // RequireUppercase AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequireUppercase bool `json:"RequireUppercase,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.PasswordPolicy) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies struct { // PasswordPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PasswordPolicy *AWSCognitoUserPool_PasswordPolicy `json:"PasswordPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.Policies) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute struct { // AttributeDataType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttributeDataType string `json:"AttributeDataType,omitempty"` // DeveloperOnlyAttribute AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeveloperOnlyAttribute bool `json:"DeveloperOnlyAttribute,omitempty"` // Mutable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mutable bool `json:"Mutable,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // NumberAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberAttributeConstraints *AWSCognitoUserPool_NumberAttributeConstraints `json:"NumberAttributeConstraints,omitempty"` // Required AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Required bool `json:"Required,omitempty"` // StringAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StringAttributeConstraints *AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints `json:"StringAttributeConstraints,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.SchemaAttribute) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_SchemaAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration struct { // ExternalId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExternalId string `json:"ExternalId,omitempty"` // SnsCallerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnsCallerArn string `json:"SnsCallerArn,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.SmsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints ¶
type AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints struct { // MaxLength AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxLength string `json:"MaxLength,omitempty"` // MinLength AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinLength string `json:"MinLength,omitempty"` }
AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Cognito::UserPool.StringAttributeConstraints) See:
func (*AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSCognitoUserPool_StringAttributeConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigRule ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule struct { // ConfigRuleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigRuleName string `json:"ConfigRuleName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // InputParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputParameters interface{} `json:"InputParameters,omitempty"` // MaximumExecutionFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumExecutionFrequency string `json:"MaximumExecutionFrequency,omitempty"` // Scope AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Scope *AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope `json:"Scope,omitempty"` // Source AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Source *AWSConfigConfigRule_Source `json:"Source,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope struct { // ComplianceResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComplianceResourceId string `json:"ComplianceResourceId,omitempty"` // ComplianceResourceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComplianceResourceTypes []string `json:"ComplianceResourceTypes,omitempty"` // TagKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagKey string `json:"TagKey,omitempty"` // TagValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagValue string `json:"TagValue,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule.Scope) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule_Scope) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Source ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule_Source struct { // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // SourceDetails AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDetails []AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail `json:"SourceDetails,omitempty"` // SourceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SourceIdentifier string `json:"SourceIdentifier,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule.Source) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail ¶
type AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail struct { // EventSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EventSource string `json:"EventSource,omitempty"` // MaximumExecutionFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumExecutionFrequency string `json:"MaximumExecutionFrequency,omitempty"` // MessageType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MessageType string `json:"MessageType,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigRule.SourceDetail) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigRule_SourceDetail) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder ¶
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RecordingGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordingGroup *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup `json:"RecordingGroup,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup ¶
type AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup struct { // AllSupported AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllSupported bool `json:"AllSupported,omitempty"` // IncludeGlobalResourceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IncludeGlobalResourceTypes bool `json:"IncludeGlobalResourceTypes,omitempty"` // ResourceTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceTypes []string `json:"ResourceTypes,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder.RecordingGroup) See:
func (*AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder_RecordingGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel ¶
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel struct { // ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties `json:"ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // S3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BucketName string `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // S3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3KeyPrefix string `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // SnsTopicARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnsTopicARN string `json:"SnsTopicARN,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigDeliveryChannel AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel) See:
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties ¶
type AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties struct { // DeliveryFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryFrequency string `json:"DeliveryFrequency,omitempty"` }
AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel.ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties) See:
func (*AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSConfigDeliveryChannel_ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDAXCluster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDAXCluster struct { // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // ClusterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterName string `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // IAMRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IAMRoleARN string `json:"IAMRoleARN,omitempty"` // NodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NodeType string `json:"NodeType,omitempty"` // NotificationTopicARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTopicARN string `json:"NotificationTopicARN,omitempty"` // ParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterGroupName string `json:"ParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // ReplicationFactor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationFactor int `json:"ReplicationFactor,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetGroupName string `json:"SubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags interface{} `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSDAXCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDAXCluster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDAXCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDAXParameterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDAXParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterGroupName string `json:"ParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // ParameterNameValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterNameValues interface{} `json:"ParameterNameValues,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::ParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSDAXParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDAXParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDAXParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDAXSubnetGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDAXSubnetGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetGroupName string `json:"SubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSDAXSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DAX::SubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSDAXSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDAXSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDAXSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDAXSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSCertificate ¶
type AWSDMSCertificate struct { // CertificateIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateIdentifier string `json:"CertificateIdentifier,omitempty"` // CertificatePem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificatePem string `json:"CertificatePem,omitempty"` // CertificateWallet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateWallet string `json:"CertificateWallet,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Certificate) See:
func (*AWSDMSCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDMSCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSEndpoint ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // DynamoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDbSettings *AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings `json:"DynamoDbSettings,omitempty"` // EndpointIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointIdentifier string `json:"EndpointIdentifier,omitempty"` // EndpointType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EndpointType string `json:"EndpointType,omitempty"` // EngineName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineName string `json:"EngineName,omitempty"` // ExtraConnectionAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraConnectionAttributes string `json:"ExtraConnectionAttributes,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // MongoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MongoDbSettings *AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings `json:"MongoDbSettings,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // S3Settings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Settings *AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings `json:"S3Settings,omitempty"` // ServerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerName string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"` // SslMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslMode string `json:"SslMode,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings struct { // ServiceAccessRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceAccessRoleArn string `json:"ServiceAccessRoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint.DynamoDbSettings) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint_DynamoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings struct { // AuthMechanism AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthMechanism string `json:"AuthMechanism,omitempty"` // AuthSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthSource string `json:"AuthSource,omitempty"` // AuthType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthType string `json:"AuthType,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // DocsToInvestigate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocsToInvestigate string `json:"DocsToInvestigate,omitempty"` // ExtractDocId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtractDocId string `json:"ExtractDocId,omitempty"` // NestingLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NestingLevel string `json:"NestingLevel,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // ServerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerName string `json:"ServerName,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint.MongoDbSettings) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint_MongoDbSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings ¶
type AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings struct { // BucketFolder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketFolder string `json:"BucketFolder,omitempty"` // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // CompressionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CompressionType string `json:"CompressionType,omitempty"` // CsvDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CsvDelimiter string `json:"CsvDelimiter,omitempty"` // CsvRowDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CsvRowDelimiter string `json:"CsvRowDelimiter,omitempty"` // ExternalTableDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExternalTableDefinition string `json:"ExternalTableDefinition,omitempty"` // ServiceAccessRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceAccessRoleArn string `json:"ServiceAccessRoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::Endpoint.S3Settings) See:
func (*AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEndpoint_S3Settings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDMSEventSubscription ¶
type AWSDMSEventSubscription struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // EventCategories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventCategories []string `json:"EventCategories,omitempty"` // SnsTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SnsTopicArn string `json:"SnsTopicArn,omitempty"` // SourceIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceIds []string `json:"SourceIds,omitempty"` // SourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceType string `json:"SourceType,omitempty"` // SubscriptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubscriptionName string `json:"SubscriptionName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSEventSubscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::EventSubscription) See:
func (*AWSDMSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDMSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSReplicationInstance ¶
type AWSDMSReplicationInstance struct { // AllocatedStorage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocatedStorage int `json:"AllocatedStorage,omitempty"` // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowMajorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // MultiAZ AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MultiAZ bool `json:"MultiAZ,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // ReplicationInstanceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationInstanceClass string `json:"ReplicationInstanceClass,omitempty"` // ReplicationInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationInstanceIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSReplicationInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance) See:
func (*AWSDMSReplicationInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDMSReplicationInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSReplicationInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup struct { // ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription string `json:"ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDMSReplicationTask ¶
type AWSDMSReplicationTask struct { // CdcStartTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CdcStartTime float64 `json:"CdcStartTime,omitempty"` // MigrationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MigrationType string `json:"MigrationType,omitempty"` // ReplicationInstanceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationInstanceArn string `json:"ReplicationInstanceArn,omitempty"` // ReplicationTaskIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationTaskIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationTaskIdentifier,omitempty"` // ReplicationTaskSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationTaskSettings string `json:"ReplicationTaskSettings,omitempty"` // SourceEndpointArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SourceEndpointArn string `json:"SourceEndpointArn,omitempty"` // TableMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableMappings string `json:"TableMappings,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TargetEndpointArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetEndpointArn string `json:"TargetEndpointArn,omitempty"` }
AWSDMSReplicationTask AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask) See:
func (*AWSDMSReplicationTask) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationTask) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDMSReplicationTask) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDMSReplicationTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDMSReplicationTask) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline struct { // Activate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Activate bool `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ParameterObjects AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterObjects []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject `json:"ParameterObjects,omitempty"` // ParameterValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ParameterValues []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue `json:"ParameterValues,omitempty"` // PipelineObjects AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PipelineObjects []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject `json:"PipelineObjects,omitempty"` // PipelineTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PipelineTags []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag `json:"PipelineTags,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // RefValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RefValue string `json:"RefValue,omitempty"` // StringValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StringValue string `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.Field) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // StringValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StringValue string `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.ParameterAttribute) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Attributes []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterAttribute `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.ParameterObject) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterObject) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // StringValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StringValue string `json:"StringValue,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.ParameterValue) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_ParameterValue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject struct { // Fields AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Fields []AWSDataPipelinePipeline_Field `json:"Fields,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.PipelineObject) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineObject) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag ¶
type AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline.PipelineTag) See:
func (*AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDataPipelinePipeline_PipelineTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD struct { // CreateAlias AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreateAlias bool `json:"CreateAlias,omitempty"` // Edition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Edition string `json:"Edition,omitempty"` // EnableSso AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSso bool `json:"EnableSso,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // ShortName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ShortName string `json:"ShortName,omitempty"` // VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcSettings *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings `json:"VpcSettings,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings struct { // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::MicrosoftAD.VpcSettings) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD struct { // CreateAlias AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreateAlias bool `json:"CreateAlias,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnableSso AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSso bool `json:"EnableSso,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // ShortName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ShortName string `json:"ShortName,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Size string `json:"Size,omitempty"` // VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcSettings *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings `json:"VpcSettings,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings ¶
type AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings struct { // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD.VpcSettings) See:
func (*AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD_VpcSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable struct { // AttributeDefinitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttributeDefinitions []AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition `json:"AttributeDefinitions,omitempty"` // GlobalSecondaryIndexes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GlobalSecondaryIndexes []AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex `json:"GlobalSecondaryIndexes,omitempty"` // KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeySchema []AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // LocalSecondaryIndexes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LocalSecondaryIndexes []AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex `json:"LocalSecondaryIndexes,omitempty"` // PointInTimeRecoverySpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PointInTimeRecoverySpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification `json:"PointInTimeRecoverySpecification,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProvisionedThroughput *AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` // SSESpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SSESpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification `json:"SSESpecification,omitempty"` // StreamSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamSpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification `json:"StreamSpecification,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TimeToLiveSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeToLiveSpecification *AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification `json:"TimeToLiveSpecification,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition struct { // AttributeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeName string `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // AttributeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeType string `json:"AttributeType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.AttributeDefinition) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_AttributeDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex struct { // IndexName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexName string `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeySchema []AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Projection AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Projection *AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection `json:"Projection,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProvisionedThroughput *AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.GlobalSecondaryIndex) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_GlobalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema struct { // AttributeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeName string `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // KeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyType string `json:"KeyType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.KeySchema) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex struct { // IndexName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexName string `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // KeySchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeySchema []AWSDynamoDBTable_KeySchema `json:"KeySchema,omitempty"` // Projection AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Projection *AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection `json:"Projection,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.LocalSecondaryIndex) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_LocalSecondaryIndex) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification struct { // PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled bool `json:"PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.PointInTimeRecoverySpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_PointInTimeRecoverySpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection struct { // NonKeyAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NonKeyAttributes []string `json:"NonKeyAttributes,omitempty"` // ProjectionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProjectionType string `json:"ProjectionType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.Projection) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_Projection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput struct { // ReadCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReadCapacityUnits int64 `json:"ReadCapacityUnits,omitempty"` // WriteCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: WriteCapacityUnits int64 `json:"WriteCapacityUnits,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.ProvisionedThroughput) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification struct { // SSEEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SSEEnabled bool `json:"SSEEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.SSESpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_SSESpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification ¶
type AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification struct { // StreamViewType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StreamViewType string `json:"StreamViewType,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.StreamSpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_StreamSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification struct { // AttributeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AttributeName string `json:"AttributeName,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::DynamoDB::Table.TimeToLiveSpecification) See:
func (*AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSDynamoDBTable_TimeToLiveSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2CustomerGateway ¶
type AWSEC2CustomerGateway struct { // BgpAsn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BgpAsn int `json:"BgpAsn,omitempty"` // IpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpAddress string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2CustomerGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2CustomerGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2CustomerGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2CustomerGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2CustomerGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2CustomerGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2CustomerGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2DHCPOptions ¶
type AWSEC2DHCPOptions struct { // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // DomainNameServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainNameServers []string `json:"DomainNameServers,omitempty"` // NetbiosNameServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetbiosNameServers []string `json:"NetbiosNameServers,omitempty"` // NetbiosNodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetbiosNodeType int `json:"NetbiosNodeType,omitempty"` // NtpServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NtpServers []string `json:"NtpServers,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2DHCPOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions) See:
func (*AWSEC2DHCPOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2DHCPOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2DHCPOptions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2DHCPOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2DHCPOptions) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2EIP ¶
type AWSEC2EIP struct { // Domain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Domain string `json:"Domain,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2EIP AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::EIP) See:
func (*AWSEC2EIP) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2EIP) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2EIP) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2EIPAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2EIPAssociation struct { // AllocationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocationId string `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // EIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EIP string `json:"EIP,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2EIPAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2EIPAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EIPAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2EIPAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EIPAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2EIPAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EIPAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway ¶
type AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway struct { // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2FlowLog ¶
type AWSEC2FlowLog struct { // DeliverLogsPermissionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeliverLogsPermissionArn string `json:"DeliverLogsPermissionArn,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // ResourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceType string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` // TrafficType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TrafficType string `json:"TrafficType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2FlowLog AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::FlowLog) See:
func (*AWSEC2FlowLog) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2FlowLog) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2FlowLog) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2FlowLog) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2FlowLog) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2FlowLog) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Host ¶
type AWSEC2Host struct { // AutoPlacement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoPlacement string `json:"AutoPlacement,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Host AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Host) See:
func (*AWSEC2Host) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Host) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2Host) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Host) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Host) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Host) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Instance ¶
type AWSEC2Instance struct { // AdditionalInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalInfo string `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Affinity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Affinity string `json:"Affinity,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreditSpecification *AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification `json:"CreditSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableApiTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableApiTermination bool `json:"DisableApiTermination,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // ElasticGpuSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticGpuSpecifications []AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification `json:"ElasticGpuSpecifications,omitempty"` // HostId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostId string `json:"HostId,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile string `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior string `json:"InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplate *AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification `json:"LaunchTemplate,omitempty"` // Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monitoring bool `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaces AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaces []AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // PlacementGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementGroupName string `json:"PlacementGroupName,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // RamdiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamdiskId string `json:"RamdiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SourceDestCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDestCheck bool `json:"SourceDestCheck,omitempty"` // SsmAssociations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SsmAssociations []AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation `json:"SsmAssociations,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Tenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tenancy string `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []AWSEC2Instance_Volume `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2Instance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Instance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value []string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.AssociationParameter) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSEC2Instance_Ebs `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice *AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification struct { // CPUCredits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CPUCredits string `json:"CPUCredits,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.CreditSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_Ebs ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_Ebs struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_Ebs AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.Ebs) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.ElasticGpuSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.InstanceIpv6Address) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // LaunchTemplateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateId string `json:"LaunchTemplateId,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.LaunchTemplateSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_LaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceIndex string `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // GroupSet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupSet []string `json:"GroupSet,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2Instance_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.NetworkInterface) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice struct { }
AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.NoDevice) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_NoDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.PrivateIpAddressSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation struct { // AssociationParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociationParameters []AWSEC2Instance_AssociationParameter `json:"AssociationParameters,omitempty"` // DocumentName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DocumentName string `json:"DocumentName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.SsmAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_SsmAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Instance_Volume ¶
type AWSEC2Instance_Volume struct { // Device AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Device string `json:"Device,omitempty"` // VolumeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeId string `json:"VolumeId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Instance_Volume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Instance.Volume) See:
func (*AWSEC2Instance_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Instance_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2InternetGateway ¶
type AWSEC2InternetGateway struct { // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2InternetGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::InternetGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2InternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2InternetGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2InternetGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2InternetGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2InternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2InternetGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate struct { // LaunchTemplateData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateData *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData `json:"LaunchTemplateData,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice string `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification struct { // CpuCredits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CpuCredits string `json:"CpuCredits,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.CreditSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ebs) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ebs) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.ElasticGpuSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.IamInstanceProfile) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions struct { // MarketType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MarketType string `json:"MarketType,omitempty"` // SpotOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotOptions *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions `json:"SpotOptions,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.InstanceMarketOptions) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Ipv6Add) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData struct { // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // CreditSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CreditSpecification *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_CreditSpecification `json:"CreditSpecification,omitempty"` // DisableApiTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableApiTermination bool `json:"DisableApiTermination,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // ElasticGpuSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticGpuSpecifications []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_ElasticGpuSpecification `json:"ElasticGpuSpecifications,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_IamInstanceProfile `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior string `json:"InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior,omitempty"` // InstanceMarketOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceMarketOptions *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_InstanceMarketOptions `json:"InstanceMarketOptions,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monitoring *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaces AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaces []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // Placement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Placement *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // RamDiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamDiskId string `json:"RamDiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // TagSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagSpecifications []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification `json:"TagSpecifications,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.LaunchTemplateData) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_LaunchTemplateData) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Monitoring) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Monitoring) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceIndex int `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Ipv6Add `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.NetworkInterface) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement struct { // Affinity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Affinity string `json:"Affinity,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // HostId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostId string `json:"HostId,omitempty"` // Tenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tenancy string `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.Placement) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_Placement) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.PrivateIpAdd) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_PrivateIpAdd) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions struct { // InstanceInterruptionBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceInterruptionBehavior string `json:"InstanceInterruptionBehavior,omitempty"` // MaxPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxPrice string `json:"MaxPrice,omitempty"` // SpotInstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotInstanceType string `json:"SpotInstanceType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.SpotOptions) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_SpotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification struct { // ResourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceType string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate.TagSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2LaunchTemplate_TagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NatGateway ¶
type AWSEC2NatGateway struct { // AllocationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllocationId string `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NatGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NatGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2NatGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NatGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2NatGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NatGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NatGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NatGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkAcl ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAcl struct { // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAcl AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAcl) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAcl) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAcl) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAcl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAcl) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAcl) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry struct { // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Egress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Egress bool `json:"Egress,omitempty"` // Icmp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Icmp *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp `json:"Icmp,omitempty"` // Ipv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6CidrBlock string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // NetworkAclId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkAclId string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty"` // PortRange AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PortRange *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange `json:"PortRange,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol int `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // RuleAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleAction string `json:"RuleAction,omitempty"` // RuleNumber AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleNumber int `json:"RuleNumber,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp struct { // Code AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Code int `json:"Code,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type int `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry.Icmp) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_Icmp) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange struct { // From AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: From int `json:"From,omitempty"` // To AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: To int `json:"To,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry.PortRange) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry_PortRange) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // GroupSet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupSet []string `json:"GroupSet,omitempty"` // InterfaceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InterfaceType string `json:"InterfaceType,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses *AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SourceDestCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDestCheck bool `json:"SourceDestCheck,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterface AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceIndex string `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfaceAttachment) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission struct { // AwsAccountId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AwsAccountId string `json:"AwsAccountId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // Permission AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Permission string `json:"Permission,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterfacePermission) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface.InstanceIpv6Address) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface.PrivateIpAddressSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2NetworkInterface_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2PlacementGroup ¶
type AWSEC2PlacementGroup struct { // Strategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Strategy string `json:"Strategy,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2PlacementGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup) See:
func (*AWSEC2PlacementGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2PlacementGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2PlacementGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2PlacementGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2PlacementGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2PlacementGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Route ¶
type AWSEC2Route struct { // DestinationCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationCidrBlock string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty"` // DestinationIpv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationIpv6CidrBlock string `json:"DestinationIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId string `json:"EgressOnlyInternetGatewayId,omitempty"` // GatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GatewayId string `json:"GatewayId,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // NatGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NatGatewayId string `json:"NatGatewayId,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // RouteTableId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RouteTableId string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty"` // VpcPeeringConnectionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcPeeringConnectionId string `json:"VpcPeeringConnectionId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Route AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Route) See:
func (*AWSEC2Route) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Route) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2Route) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Route) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Route) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Route) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2RouteTable ¶
type AWSEC2RouteTable struct { // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2RouteTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::RouteTable) See:
func (*AWSEC2RouteTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2RouteTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2RouteTable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2RouteTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2RouteTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2RouteTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup struct { // GroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupDescription string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupEgress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupEgress []AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress `json:"SecurityGroupEgress,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIngress []AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress `json:"SecurityGroupIngress,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DestinationPrefixListId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationPrefixListId string `json:"DestinationPrefixListId,omitempty"` // DestinationSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationSecurityGroupId string `json:"DestinationSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // GroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupId string `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // GroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupId string `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupName string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DestinationPrefixListId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationPrefixListId string `json:"DestinationPrefixListId,omitempty"` // DestinationSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationSecurityGroupId string `json:"DestinationSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.Egress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Egress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress ¶
type AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress struct { // CidrIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIp string `json:"CidrIp,omitempty"` // CidrIpv6 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrIpv6 string `json:"CidrIpv6,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // IpProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpProtocol string `json:"IpProtocol,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupName string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.Ingress) See:
func (*AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet struct { // SpotFleetRequestConfigData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SpotFleetRequestConfigData *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData `json:"SpotFleetRequestConfigData,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice string `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.EbsBlockDevice) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification struct { // LaunchTemplateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateId string `json:"LaunchTemplateId,omitempty"` // LaunchTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateName string `json:"LaunchTemplateName,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier struct { // GroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupId string `json:"GroupId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.GroupIdentifier) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.IamInstanceProfileSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address struct { // Ipv6Address AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6Address string `json:"Ipv6Address,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.InstanceIpv6Address) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification struct { // AssociatePublicIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociatePublicIpAddress bool `json:"AssociatePublicIpAddress,omitempty"` // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DeviceIndex AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceIndex int `json:"DeviceIndex,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // Ipv6AddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6AddressCount int `json:"Ipv6AddressCount,omitempty"` // Ipv6Addresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6Addresses []AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceIpv6Address `json:"Ipv6Addresses,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaceId string `json:"NetworkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddresses AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateIpAddresses []AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification `json:"PrivateIpAddresses,omitempty"` // SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int `json:"SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig struct { // LaunchTemplateSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchTemplateSpecification *AWSEC2SpotFleet_FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification `json:"LaunchTemplateSpecification,omitempty"` // Overrides AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Overrides []AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides `json:"Overrides,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.LaunchTemplateConfig) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity float64 `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.LaunchTemplateOverrides) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_LaunchTemplateOverrides) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification struct { // Primary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Primary bool `json:"Primary,omitempty"` // PrivateIpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrivateIpAddress string `json:"PrivateIpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.PrivateIpAddressSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_PrivateIpAddressSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification struct { // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSEC2SpotFleet_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // IamInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamInstanceProfile *AWSEC2SpotFleet_IamInstanceProfileSpecification `json:"IamInstanceProfile,omitempty"` // ImageId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ImageId string `json:"ImageId,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // KernelId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KernelId string `json:"KernelId,omitempty"` // KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyName string `json:"KeyName,omitempty"` // Monitoring AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monitoring *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring `json:"Monitoring,omitempty"` // NetworkInterfaces AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkInterfaces []AWSEC2SpotFleet_InstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification `json:"NetworkInterfaces,omitempty"` // Placement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Placement *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // RamdiskId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RamdiskId string `json:"RamdiskId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []AWSEC2SpotFleet_GroupIdentifier `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // TagSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagSpecifications []AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification `json:"TagSpecifications,omitempty"` // UserData AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserData string `json:"UserData,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity float64 `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetLaunchSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetMonitoring) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetMonitoring) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData struct { // AllocationStrategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocationStrategy string `json:"AllocationStrategy,omitempty"` // ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy string `json:"ExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy,omitempty"` // IamFleetRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IamFleetRole string `json:"IamFleetRole,omitempty"` // LaunchSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchSpecifications []AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetLaunchSpecification `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // ReplaceUnhealthyInstances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplaceUnhealthyInstances bool `json:"ReplaceUnhealthyInstances,omitempty"` // SpotPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SpotPrice string `json:"SpotPrice,omitempty"` // TargetCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetCapacity int `json:"TargetCapacity,omitempty"` // TerminateInstancesWithExpiration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TerminateInstancesWithExpiration bool `json:"TerminateInstancesWithExpiration,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // ValidFrom AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidFrom string `json:"ValidFrom,omitempty"` // ValidUntil AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ValidUntil string `json:"ValidUntil,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetRequestConfigData) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetRequestConfigData) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification struct { // ResourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceType string `json:"ResourceType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotFleetTagSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotFleetTagSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement ¶
type AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SpotFleet.SpotPlacement) See:
func (*AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SpotFleet_SpotPlacement) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2Subnet ¶
type AWSEC2Subnet struct { // AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation bool `json:"AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // Ipv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ipv6CidrBlock string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // MapPublicIpOnLaunch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MapPublicIpOnLaunch bool `json:"MapPublicIpOnLaunch,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Subnet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Subnet) See:
func (*AWSEC2Subnet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Subnet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2Subnet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Subnet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Subnet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Subnet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock ¶
type AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock struct { // Ipv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ipv6CidrBlock string `json:"Ipv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SubnetCidrBlock) See:
func (*AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation struct { // NetworkAclId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NetworkAclId string `json:"NetworkAclId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation struct { // RouteTableId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RouteTableId string `json:"RouteTableId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation struct { // BranchInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BranchInterfaceId string `json:"BranchInterfaceId,omitempty"` // GREKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GREKey int `json:"GREKey,omitempty"` // TrunkInterfaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TrunkInterfaceId string `json:"TrunkInterfaceId,omitempty"` // VLANId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VLANId int `json:"VLANId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::TrunkInterfaceAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPC ¶
type AWSEC2VPC struct { // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // EnableDnsHostnames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableDnsHostnames bool `json:"EnableDnsHostnames,omitempty"` // EnableDnsSupport AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableDnsSupport bool `json:"EnableDnsSupport,omitempty"` // InstanceTenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceTenancy string `json:"InstanceTenancy,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPC AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPC) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPC) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPC) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPC) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock ¶
type AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock struct { // AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock bool `json:"AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock,omitempty"` // CidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CidrBlock string `json:"CidrBlock,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCCidrBlock) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation ¶
type AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation struct { // DhcpOptionsId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DhcpOptionsId string `json:"DhcpOptionsId,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCEndpoint ¶
type AWSEC2VPCEndpoint struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // RouteTableIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RouteTableIds []string `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty"` // ServiceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceName string `json:"ServiceName,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment ¶
type AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment struct { // InternetGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InternetGatewayId string `json:"InternetGatewayId,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` // VpnGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpnGatewayId string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection ¶
type AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection struct { // PeerOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PeerOwnerId string `json:"PeerOwnerId,omitempty"` // PeerRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PeerRoleArn string `json:"PeerRoleArn,omitempty"` // PeerVpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PeerVpcId string `json:"PeerVpcId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNConnection ¶
type AWSEC2VPNConnection struct { // CustomerGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CustomerGatewayId string `json:"CustomerGatewayId,omitempty"` // StaticRoutesOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StaticRoutesOnly bool `json:"StaticRoutesOnly,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // VpnGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpnGatewayId string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` // VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications []AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification `json:"VpnTunnelOptionsSpecifications,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNConnection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNConnection) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute ¶
type AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute struct { // DestinationCidrBlock AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationCidrBlock string `json:"DestinationCidrBlock,omitempty"` // VpnConnectionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpnConnectionId string `json:"VpnConnectionId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNConnectionRoute) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification struct { // Required: false // See: PreSharedKey string `json:"PreSharedKey,omitempty"` // TunnelInsideCidr AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TunnelInsideCidr string `json:"TunnelInsideCidr,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNConnection.VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEC2VPNConnection_VpnTunnelOptionsSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEC2VPNGateway ¶
type AWSEC2VPNGateway struct { // AmazonSideAsn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmazonSideAsn int64 `json:"AmazonSideAsn,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNGateway AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNGateway) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNGateway) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGateway) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPNGateway) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGateway) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNGateway) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGateway) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation ¶
type AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation struct { // RouteTableIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RouteTableIds []string `json:"RouteTableIds,omitempty"` // VpnGatewayId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpnGatewayId string `json:"VpnGatewayId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) See:
func (*AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2Volume ¶
type AWSEC2Volume struct { // AutoEnableIO AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoEnableIO bool `json:"AutoEnableIO,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2Volume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::Volume) See:
func (*AWSEC2Volume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Volume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2Volume) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Volume) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2Volume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2Volume) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEC2VolumeAttachment ¶
type AWSEC2VolumeAttachment struct { // Device AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Device string `json:"Device,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // VolumeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeId string `json:"VolumeId,omitempty"` }
AWSEC2VolumeAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment) See:
func (*AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEC2VolumeAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECRRepository ¶
type AWSECRRepository struct { // LifecyclePolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecyclePolicy *AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy `json:"LifecyclePolicy,omitempty"` // RepositoryName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RepositoryName string `json:"RepositoryName,omitempty"` // RepositoryPolicyText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RepositoryPolicyText interface{} `json:"RepositoryPolicyText,omitempty"` }
AWSECRRepository AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECR::Repository) See:
func (*AWSECRRepository) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECRRepository) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSECRRepository) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECRRepository) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECRRepository) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECRRepository) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy struct { // LifecyclePolicyText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecyclePolicyText string `json:"LifecyclePolicyText,omitempty"` // RegistryId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegistryId string `json:"RegistryId,omitempty"` }
AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECR::Repository.LifecyclePolicy) See:
func (*AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECRRepository_LifecyclePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSCluster ¶
type AWSECSCluster struct { // ClusterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterName string `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` }
AWSECSCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSECSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSECSCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECSCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECSService ¶
type AWSECSService struct { // Cluster AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cluster string `json:"Cluster,omitempty"` // DeploymentConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeploymentConfiguration *AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration `json:"DeploymentConfiguration,omitempty"` // DesiredCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DesiredCount int `json:"DesiredCount,omitempty"` // HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds int `json:"HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds,omitempty"` // LaunchType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchType string `json:"LaunchType,omitempty"` // LoadBalancers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancers []AWSECSService_LoadBalancer `json:"LoadBalancers,omitempty"` // NetworkConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkConfiguration *AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration `json:"NetworkConfiguration,omitempty"` // PlacementConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementConstraints []AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint `json:"PlacementConstraints,omitempty"` // PlacementStrategies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementStrategies []AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy `json:"PlacementStrategies,omitempty"` // PlatformVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlatformVersion string `json:"PlatformVersion,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // ServiceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceName string `json:"ServiceName,omitempty"` // ServiceRegistries AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRegistries []AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry `json:"ServiceRegistries,omitempty"` // TaskDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskDefinition string `json:"TaskDefinition,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service) See:
func (*AWSECSService) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSECSService) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSService) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECSService) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSService) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration struct { // AssignPublicIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssignPublicIp string `json:"AssignPublicIp,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.AwsVpcConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration ¶
type AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration struct { // MaximumPercent AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumPercent int `json:"MaximumPercent,omitempty"` // MinimumHealthyPercent AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinimumHealthyPercent int `json:"MinimumHealthyPercent,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.DeploymentConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_DeploymentConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_LoadBalancer ¶
type AWSECSService_LoadBalancer struct { // ContainerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerName string `json:"ContainerName,omitempty"` // ContainerPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ContainerPort int `json:"ContainerPort,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerName string `json:"LoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // TargetGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupArn string `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_LoadBalancer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.LoadBalancer) See:
func (*AWSECSService_LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration struct { // AwsvpcConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsvpcConfiguration *AWSECSService_AwsVpcConfiguration `json:"AwsvpcConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.NetworkConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSService_NetworkConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint ¶
type AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint struct { // Expression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Expression string `json:"Expression,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.PlacementConstraint) See:
func (*AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_PlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy ¶
type AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy struct { // Field AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Field string `json:"Field,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.PlacementStrategy) See:
func (*AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSService_PlacementStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry struct { // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // RegistryArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RegistryArn string `json:"RegistryArn,omitempty"` }
AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::Service.ServiceRegistry) See:
func (*AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSService_ServiceRegistry) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition struct { // ContainerDefinitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerDefinitions []AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition `json:"ContainerDefinitions,omitempty"` // Cpu AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cpu string `json:"Cpu,omitempty"` // ExecutionRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionRoleArn string `json:"ExecutionRoleArn,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Memory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Memory string `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // NetworkMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NetworkMode string `json:"NetworkMode,omitempty"` // PlacementConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlacementConstraints []AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint `json:"PlacementConstraints,omitempty"` // RequiresCompatibilities AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequiresCompatibilities []string `json:"RequiresCompatibilities,omitempty"` // TaskRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskRoleArn string `json:"TaskRoleArn,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition struct { // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Command []string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Cpu AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Cpu int `json:"Cpu,omitempty"` // DisableNetworking AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableNetworking bool `json:"DisableNetworking,omitempty"` // DnsSearchDomains AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DnsSearchDomains []string `json:"DnsSearchDomains,omitempty"` // DnsServers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DnsServers []string `json:"DnsServers,omitempty"` // DockerLabels AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DockerLabels map[string]string `json:"DockerLabels,omitempty"` // DockerSecurityOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DockerSecurityOptions []string `json:"DockerSecurityOptions,omitempty"` // EntryPoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EntryPoint []string `json:"EntryPoint,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment []AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Essential AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Essential bool `json:"Essential,omitempty"` // ExtraHosts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraHosts []AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry `json:"ExtraHosts,omitempty"` // HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheck *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck `json:"HealthCheck,omitempty"` // Hostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Hostname string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // Image AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Image string `json:"Image,omitempty"` // Links AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Links []string `json:"Links,omitempty"` // LinuxParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LinuxParameters *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters `json:"LinuxParameters,omitempty"` // LogConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogConfiguration *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration `json:"LogConfiguration,omitempty"` // Memory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Memory int `json:"Memory,omitempty"` // MemoryReservation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemoryReservation int `json:"MemoryReservation,omitempty"` // MountPoints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoints []AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint `json:"MountPoints,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // PortMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PortMappings []AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping `json:"PortMappings,omitempty"` // Privileged AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Privileged bool `json:"Privileged,omitempty"` // ReadonlyRootFilesystem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadonlyRootFilesystem bool `json:"ReadonlyRootFilesystem,omitempty"` // Ulimits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ulimits []AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit `json:"Ulimits,omitempty"` // User AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: User string `json:"User,omitempty"` // VolumesFrom AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesFrom []AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom `json:"VolumesFrom,omitempty"` // WorkingDirectory AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WorkingDirectory string `json:"WorkingDirectory,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.ContainerDefinition) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_ContainerDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device struct { // ContainerPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPath string `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // HostPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostPath string `json:"HostPath,omitempty"` // Permissions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Permissions []string `json:"Permissions,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.Device) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck struct { // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Command []string `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Interval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Interval int `json:"Interval,omitempty"` // Retries AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Retries int `json:"Retries,omitempty"` // StartPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartPeriod int `json:"StartPeriod,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.HealthCheck) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry struct { // Hostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Hostname string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // IpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpAddress string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.HostEntry) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostEntry) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties struct { // SourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourcePath string `json:"SourcePath,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.HostVolumeProperties) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities struct { // Add AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Add []string `json:"Add,omitempty"` // Drop AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Drop []string `json:"Drop,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.KernelCapabilities) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.KeyValuePair) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_KeyValuePair) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters struct { // Capabilities AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Capabilities *AWSECSTaskDefinition_KernelCapabilities `json:"Capabilities,omitempty"` // Devices AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Devices []AWSECSTaskDefinition_Device `json:"Devices,omitempty"` // InitProcessEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InitProcessEnabled bool `json:"InitProcessEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.LinuxParameters) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LinuxParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration struct { // LogDriver AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogDriver string `json:"LogDriver,omitempty"` // Options AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Options map[string]string `json:"Options,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.LogConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_LogConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint struct { // ContainerPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPath string `json:"ContainerPath,omitempty"` // ReadOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadOnly bool `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` // SourceVolume AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceVolume string `json:"SourceVolume,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.MountPoint) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_MountPoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping struct { // ContainerPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContainerPort int `json:"ContainerPort,omitempty"` // HostPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostPort int `json:"HostPort,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.PortMapping) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_PortMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint struct { // Expression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Expression string `json:"Expression,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_TaskDefinitionPlacementConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit struct { // HardLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HardLimit int `json:"HardLimit,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SoftLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SoftLimit int `json:"SoftLimit,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.Ulimit) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_Ulimit) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume struct { // Host AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Host *AWSECSTaskDefinition_HostVolumeProperties `json:"Host,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.Volume) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_Volume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom ¶
type AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom struct { // ReadOnly AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadOnly bool `json:"ReadOnly,omitempty"` // SourceContainer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceContainer string `json:"SourceContainer,omitempty"` }
AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.VolumeFrom) See:
func (*AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSECSTaskDefinition_VolumeFrom) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEFSFileSystem ¶
type AWSEFSFileSystem struct { // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // FileSystemTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FileSystemTags []AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag `json:"FileSystemTags,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // PerformanceMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PerformanceMode string `json:"PerformanceMode,omitempty"` }
AWSEFSFileSystem AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EFS::FileSystem) See:
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag ¶
type AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EFS::FileSystem.ElasticFileSystemTag) See:
func (*AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEFSFileSystem_ElasticFileSystemTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEFSMountTarget ¶
type AWSEFSMountTarget struct { // FileSystemId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FileSystemId string `json:"FileSystemId,omitempty"` // IpAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IpAddress string `json:"IpAddress,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSEFSMountTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EFS::MountTarget) See:
func (*AWSEFSMountTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEFSMountTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEFSMountTarget) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEFSMountTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEFSMountTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEFSMountTarget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEKSCluster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEKSCluster struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ResourcesVpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourcesVpcConfig *AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig `json:"ResourcesVpcConfig,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEKSCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EKS::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSEKSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEKSCluster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEKSCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EKS::Cluster.ResourcesVpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEKSCluster_ResourcesVpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster ¶
type AWSEMRCluster struct { // AdditionalInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalInfo interface{} `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Applications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Applications []AWSEMRCluster_Application `json:"Applications,omitempty"` // AutoScalingRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingRole string `json:"AutoScalingRole,omitempty"` // BootstrapActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BootstrapActions []AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig `json:"BootstrapActions,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // CustomAmiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomAmiId string `json:"CustomAmiId,omitempty"` // EbsRootVolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsRootVolumeSize int `json:"EbsRootVolumeSize,omitempty"` // Instances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Instances *AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig `json:"Instances,omitempty"` // JobFlowRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JobFlowRole string `json:"JobFlowRole,omitempty"` // LogUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogUri string `json:"LogUri,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ReleaseLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReleaseLabel string `json:"ReleaseLabel,omitempty"` // ScaleDownBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScaleDownBehavior string `json:"ScaleDownBehavior,omitempty"` // SecurityConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityConfiguration string `json:"SecurityConfiguration,omitempty"` // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VisibleToAllUsers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VisibleToAllUsers bool `json:"VisibleToAllUsers,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEMRCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRCluster_Application ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_Application struct { // AdditionalInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalInfo map[string]string `json:"AdditionalInfo,omitempty"` // Args AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Args []string `json:"Args,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_Application AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.Application) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_Application) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_Application) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy struct { // Constraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Constraints *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints `json:"Constraints,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.AutoScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ScriptBootstrapAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScriptBootstrapAction *AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig `json:"ScriptBootstrapAction,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.BootstrapActionConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_BootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // EvaluationPeriods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluationPeriods int `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Period int `json:"Period,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_Configuration ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_Configuration struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties map[string]string `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_Configuration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.Configuration) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig struct { // VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeSpecification *AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // VolumesPerInstance AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesPerInstance int `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.EbsBlockDeviceConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration struct { // EbsBlockDeviceConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsBlockDeviceConfigs []AWSEMRCluster_EbsBlockDeviceConfig `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.EbsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig struct { // InstanceTypeConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceTypeConfigs []AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig `json:"InstanceTypeConfigs,omitempty"` // LaunchSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchSpecifications *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // TargetOnDemandCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetOnDemandCapacity int `json:"TargetOnDemandCapacity,omitempty"` // TargetSpotCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetSpotCapacity int `json:"TargetSpotCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceFleetConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications struct { // SpotSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SpotSpecification *AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification `json:"SpotSpecification,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig struct { // AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingPolicy *AWSEMRCluster_AutoScalingPolicy `json:"AutoScalingPolicy,omitempty"` // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceGroupConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig struct { // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice float64 `json:"BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRCluster_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRCluster_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity int `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.InstanceTypeConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig struct { // AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups []string `json:"AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups []string `json:"AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // CoreInstanceFleet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoreInstanceFleet *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig `json:"CoreInstanceFleet,omitempty"` // CoreInstanceGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoreInstanceGroup *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig `json:"CoreInstanceGroup,omitempty"` // Ec2KeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2KeyName string `json:"Ec2KeyName,omitempty"` // Ec2SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ec2SubnetId string `json:"Ec2SubnetId,omitempty"` // EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup string `json:"EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup string `json:"EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // HadoopVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HadoopVersion string `json:"HadoopVersion,omitempty"` // MasterInstanceFleet AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterInstanceFleet *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceFleetConfig `json:"MasterInstanceFleet,omitempty"` // MasterInstanceGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterInstanceGroup *AWSEMRCluster_InstanceGroupConfig `json:"MasterInstanceGroup,omitempty"` // Placement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Placement *AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType `json:"Placement,omitempty"` // ServiceAccessSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceAccessSecurityGroup string `json:"ServiceAccessSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // TerminationProtected AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TerminationProtected bool `json:"TerminationProtected,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.JobFlowInstancesConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_JobFlowInstancesConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.PlacementType) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_PlacementType) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction struct { // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingAction) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingConstraints) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Trigger AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Trigger *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger `json:"Trigger,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingRule) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger struct { // CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudWatchAlarmDefinition *AWSEMRCluster_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition `json:"CloudWatchAlarmDefinition,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScalingTrigger) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig struct { // Args AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Args []string `json:"Args,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.ScriptBootstrapActionConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_ScriptBootstrapActionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // CoolDown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoolDown int `json:"CoolDown,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification struct { // BlockDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDurationMinutes int `json:"BlockDurationMinutes,omitempty"` // TimeoutAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutAction string `json:"TimeoutAction,omitempty"` // TimeoutDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutDurationMinutes int `json:"TimeoutDurationMinutes,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.SpotProvisioningSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SizeInGB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInGB int `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Cluster.VolumeSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRCluster_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig struct { // ClusterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterId string `json:"ClusterId,omitempty"` // InstanceFleetType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceFleetType string `json:"InstanceFleetType,omitempty"` // InstanceTypeConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceTypeConfigs []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig `json:"InstanceTypeConfigs,omitempty"` // LaunchSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LaunchSpecifications *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications `json:"LaunchSpecifications,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // TargetOnDemandCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetOnDemandCapacity int `json:"TargetOnDemandCapacity,omitempty"` // TargetSpotCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetSpotCapacity int `json:"TargetSpotCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties map[string]string `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.Configuration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig struct { // VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeSpecification *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // VolumesPerInstance AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesPerInstance int `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.EbsBlockDeviceConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration struct { // EbsBlockDeviceConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsBlockDeviceConfigs []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.EbsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications struct { // SpotSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SpotSpecification *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification `json:"SpotSpecification,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceFleetProvisioningSpecifications) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig struct { // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice float64 `json:"BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // WeightedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WeightedCapacity int `json:"WeightedCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.InstanceTypeConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_InstanceTypeConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification struct { // BlockDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDurationMinutes int `json:"BlockDurationMinutes,omitempty"` // TimeoutAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutAction string `json:"TimeoutAction,omitempty"` // TimeoutDurationMinutes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TimeoutDurationMinutes int `json:"TimeoutDurationMinutes,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.SpotProvisioningSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_SpotProvisioningSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SizeInGB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInGB int `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig.VolumeSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig struct { // AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingPolicy *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy `json:"AutoScalingPolicy,omitempty"` // BidPrice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BidPrice string `json:"BidPrice,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` // EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsConfiguration *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration `json:"EbsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // InstanceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceRole string `json:"InstanceRole,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // JobFlowId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JobFlowId string `json:"JobFlowId,omitempty"` // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy struct { // Constraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Constraints *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints `json:"Constraints,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.AutoScalingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_AutoScalingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // Dimensions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Dimensions []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension `json:"Dimensions,omitempty"` // EvaluationPeriods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluationPeriods int `json:"EvaluationPeriods,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // Period AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Period int `json:"Period,omitempty"` // Statistic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Statistic string `json:"Statistic,omitempty"` // Threshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Threshold float64 `json:"Threshold,omitempty"` // Unit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // ConfigurationProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationProperties map[string]string `json:"ConfigurationProperties,omitempty"` // Configurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configurations []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration `json:"Configurations,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.Configuration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_Configuration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig struct { // VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeSpecification *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification `json:"VolumeSpecification,omitempty"` // VolumesPerInstance AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumesPerInstance int `json:"VolumesPerInstance,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.EbsBlockDeviceConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration struct { // EbsBlockDeviceConfigs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsBlockDeviceConfigs []AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsBlockDeviceConfig `json:"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.EbsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_EbsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.MetricDimension) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_MetricDimension) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction struct { // Market AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Market string `json:"Market,omitempty"` // SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration `json:"SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingAction) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints struct { // MaxCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxCapacity int `json:"MaxCapacity,omitempty"` // MinCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MinCapacity int `json:"MinCapacity,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingConstraints) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingConstraints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Trigger AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Trigger *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger `json:"Trigger,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingRule) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger struct { // CloudWatchAlarmDefinition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudWatchAlarmDefinition *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_CloudWatchAlarmDefinition `json:"CloudWatchAlarmDefinition,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.ScalingTrigger) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_ScalingTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration struct { // AdjustmentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdjustmentType string `json:"AdjustmentType,omitempty"` // CoolDown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CoolDown int `json:"CoolDown,omitempty"` // ScalingAdjustment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScalingAdjustment int `json:"ScalingAdjustment,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_SimpleScalingPolicyConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification ¶
type AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SizeInGB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInGB int `json:"SizeInGB,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig.VolumeSpecification) See:
func (*AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig_VolumeSpecification) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration ¶
type AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SecurityConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityConfiguration interface{} `json:"SecurityConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRStep ¶
type AWSEMRStep struct { // ActionOnFailure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ActionOnFailure string `json:"ActionOnFailure,omitempty"` // HadoopJarStep AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HadoopJarStep *AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig `json:"HadoopJarStep,omitempty"` // JobFlowId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: JobFlowId string `json:"JobFlowId,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRStep AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Step) See:
func (*AWSEMRStep) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEMRStep) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEMRStep) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig ¶
type AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig struct { // Args AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Args []string `json:"Args,omitempty"` // Jar AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Jar string `json:"Jar,omitempty"` // MainClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MainClass string `json:"MainClass,omitempty"` // StepProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StepProperties []AWSEMRStep_KeyValue `json:"StepProperties,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Step.HadoopJarStepConfig) See:
func (*AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep_HadoopJarStepConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEMRStep_KeyValue ¶
type AWSEMRStep_KeyValue struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSEMRStep_KeyValue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::EMR::Step.KeyValue) See:
func (*AWSEMRStep_KeyValue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEMRStep_KeyValue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster ¶
type AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster struct { // AZMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AZMode string `json:"AZMode,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // CacheNodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CacheNodeType string `json:"CacheNodeType,omitempty"` // CacheParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheParameterGroupName string `json:"CacheParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // CacheSecurityGroupNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSecurityGroupNames []string `json:"CacheSecurityGroupNames,omitempty"` // CacheSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSubnetGroupName string `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // ClusterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterName string `json:"ClusterName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // NotificationTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTopicArn string `json:"NotificationTopicArn,omitempty"` // NumCacheNodes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NumCacheNodes int `json:"NumCacheNodes,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredAvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredAvailabilityZone string `json:"PreferredAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // PreferredAvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredAvailabilityZones []string `json:"PreferredAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // SnapshotArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotArns []string `json:"SnapshotArns,omitempty"` // SnapshotName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotName string `json:"SnapshotName,omitempty"` // SnapshotRetentionLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotRetentionLimit int `json:"SnapshotRetentionLimit,omitempty"` // SnapshotWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotWindow string `json:"SnapshotWindow,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup struct { // CacheParameterGroupFamily AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CacheParameterGroupFamily string `json:"CacheParameterGroupFamily,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Properties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Properties map[string]string `json:"Properties,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::ParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup struct { // AtRestEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AtRestEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"AtRestEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // AuthToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AuthToken string `json:"AuthToken,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutomaticFailoverEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomaticFailoverEnabled bool `json:"AutomaticFailoverEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheNodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheNodeType string `json:"CacheNodeType,omitempty"` // CacheParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheParameterGroupName string `json:"CacheParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // CacheSecurityGroupNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSecurityGroupNames []string `json:"CacheSecurityGroupNames,omitempty"` // CacheSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSubnetGroupName string `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // NodeGroupConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NodeGroupConfiguration []AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration `json:"NodeGroupConfiguration,omitempty"` // NotificationTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationTopicArn string `json:"NotificationTopicArn,omitempty"` // NumCacheClusters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumCacheClusters int `json:"NumCacheClusters,omitempty"` // NumNodeGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumNodeGroups int `json:"NumNodeGroups,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredCacheClusterAZs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredCacheClusterAZs []string `json:"PreferredCacheClusterAZs,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PrimaryClusterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrimaryClusterId string `json:"PrimaryClusterId,omitempty"` // ReplicasPerNodeGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicasPerNodeGroup int `json:"ReplicasPerNodeGroup,omitempty"` // ReplicationGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicationGroupDescription string `json:"ReplicationGroupDescription,omitempty"` // ReplicationGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationGroupId string `json:"ReplicationGroupId,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SnapshotArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotArns []string `json:"SnapshotArns,omitempty"` // SnapshotName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotName string `json:"SnapshotName,omitempty"` // SnapshotRetentionLimit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotRetentionLimit int `json:"SnapshotRetentionLimit,omitempty"` // SnapshotWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotWindow string `json:"SnapshotWindow,omitempty"` // SnapshottingClusterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshottingClusterId string `json:"SnapshottingClusterId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TransitEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TransitEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"TransitEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration ¶
type AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration struct { // PrimaryAvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrimaryAvailabilityZone string `json:"PrimaryAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // ReplicaAvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicaAvailabilityZones []string `json:"ReplicaAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // ReplicaCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicaCount int `json:"ReplicaCount,omitempty"` // Slots AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Slots string `json:"Slots,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup.NodeGroupConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup_NodeGroupConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress struct { // CacheSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CacheSecurityGroupName string `json:"CacheSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::SecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup struct { // CacheSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheSubnetGroupName string `json:"CacheSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ResourceLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceLifecycleConfig *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig `json:"ResourceLifecycleConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SourceBundle AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SourceBundle *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle `json:"SourceBundle,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle struct { // S3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Bucket string `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Key string `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion.SourceBundle) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion_SourceBundle) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig struct { // ServiceRole AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRole string `json:"ServiceRole,omitempty"` // VersionLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VersionLifecycleConfig *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig `json:"VersionLifecycleConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig struct { // MaxAgeRule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxAgeRule *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule `json:"MaxAgeRule,omitempty"` // MaxCountRule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxCountRule *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule `json:"MaxCountRule,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule struct { // DeleteSourceFromS3 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteSourceFromS3 bool `json:"DeleteSourceFromS3,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // MaxAgeInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxAgeInDays int `json:"MaxAgeInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxAgeRule) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxAgeRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule struct { // DeleteSourceFromS3 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteSourceFromS3 bool `json:"DeleteSourceFromS3,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // MaxCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxCount int `json:"MaxCount,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application.MaxCountRule) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication_MaxCountRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnvironmentId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnvironmentId string `json:"EnvironmentId,omitempty"` // OptionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionSettings []AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // PlatformArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlatformArn string `json:"PlatformArn,omitempty"` // SolutionStackName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SolutionStackName string `json:"SolutionStackName,omitempty"` // SourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceConfiguration *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration `json:"SourceConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting struct { // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // OptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionName string `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // ResourceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceName string `json:"ResourceName,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.ConfigurationOptionSetting) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_ConfigurationOptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // TemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate.SourceConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate_SourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // CNAMEPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CNAMEPrefix string `json:"CNAMEPrefix,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnvironmentName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnvironmentName string `json:"EnvironmentName,omitempty"` // OptionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionSettings []AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // PlatformArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PlatformArn string `json:"PlatformArn,omitempty"` // SolutionStackName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SolutionStackName string `json:"SolutionStackName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` // Tier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tier *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier `json:"Tier,omitempty"` // VersionLabel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VersionLabel string `json:"VersionLabel,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting struct { // Namespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Namespace string `json:"Namespace,omitempty"` // OptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionName string `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // ResourceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceName string `json:"ResourceName,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.OptionSetting) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier ¶
type AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.Tier) See:
func (*AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment_Tier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer struct { // AccessLoggingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessLoggingPolicy *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy `json:"AccessLoggingPolicy,omitempty"` // AppCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AppCookieStickinessPolicy []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy `json:"AppCookieStickinessPolicy,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // ConnectionDrainingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConnectionDrainingPolicy *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy `json:"ConnectionDrainingPolicy,omitempty"` // ConnectionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConnectionSettings *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings `json:"ConnectionSettings,omitempty"` // CrossZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CrossZone bool `json:"CrossZone,omitempty"` // HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheck *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck `json:"HealthCheck,omitempty"` // Instances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Instances []string `json:"Instances,omitempty"` // LBCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LBCookieStickinessPolicy []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy `json:"LBCookieStickinessPolicy,omitempty"` // Listeners AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Listeners []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners `json:"Listeners,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerName string `json:"LoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // Scheme AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Scheme string `json:"Scheme,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy struct { // EmitInterval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EmitInterval int `json:"EmitInterval,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // S3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BucketName string `json:"S3BucketName,omitempty"` // S3BucketPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BucketPrefix string `json:"S3BucketPrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.AccessLoggingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AccessLoggingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // CookieName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CookieName string `json:"CookieName,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.AppCookieStickinessPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_AppCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.ConnectionDrainingPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionDrainingPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings struct { // IdleTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IdleTimeout int `json:"IdleTimeout,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.ConnectionSettings) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_ConnectionSettings) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck struct { // HealthyThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HealthyThreshold string `json:"HealthyThreshold,omitempty"` // Interval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Interval string `json:"Interval,omitempty"` // Target AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Target string `json:"Target,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Timeout string `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // UnhealthyThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UnhealthyThreshold string `json:"UnhealthyThreshold,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.HealthCheck) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy struct { // CookieExpirationPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CookieExpirationPeriod string `json:"CookieExpirationPeriod,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.LBCookieStickinessPolicy) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_LBCookieStickinessPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners struct { // InstancePort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstancePort string `json:"InstancePort,omitempty"` // InstanceProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceProtocol string `json:"InstanceProtocol,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LoadBalancerPort string `json:"LoadBalancerPort,omitempty"` // PolicyNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyNames []string `json:"PolicyNames,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // SSLCertificateId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SSLCertificateId string `json:"SSLCertificateId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.Listeners) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Listeners) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Attributes []interface{} `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // InstancePorts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstancePorts []string `json:"InstancePorts,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerPorts AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerPorts []string `json:"LoadBalancerPorts,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // PolicyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyType string `json:"PolicyType,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.Policies) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer_Policies) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener struct { // Certificates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Certificates []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate `json:"Certificates,omitempty"` // DefaultActions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultActions []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action `json:"DefaultActions,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LoadBalancerArn string `json:"LoadBalancerArn,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // SslPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslPolicy string `json:"SslPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate struct { // Certificates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Certificates []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate `json:"Certificates,omitempty"` // ListenerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ListenerArn string `json:"ListenerArn,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate.Certificate) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Conditions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Conditions []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` // ListenerArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ListenerArn string `json:"ListenerArn,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action struct { // TargetGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetGroupArn string `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.Action) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition struct { // Field AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Field string `json:"Field,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule.RuleCondition) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule_RuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action struct { // TargetGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetGroupArn string `json:"TargetGroupArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Action) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate struct { // CertificateArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CertificateArn string `json:"CertificateArn,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener.Certificate) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener_Certificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer struct { // IpAddressType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IpAddressType string `json:"IpAddressType,omitempty"` // LoadBalancerAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBalancerAttributes []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute `json:"LoadBalancerAttributes,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Scheme AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Scheme string `json:"Scheme,omitempty"` // SecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroups []string `json:"SecurityGroups,omitempty"` // SubnetMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetMappings []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping `json:"SubnetMappings,omitempty"` // Subnets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subnets []string `json:"Subnets,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerAttribute) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_LoadBalancerAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping struct { // AllocationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllocationId string `json:"AllocationId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer.SubnetMapping) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer_SubnetMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup struct { // HealthCheckIntervalSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds int `json:"HealthCheckIntervalSeconds,omitempty"` // HealthCheckPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckPath string `json:"HealthCheckPath,omitempty"` // HealthCheckPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckPort string `json:"HealthCheckPort,omitempty"` // HealthCheckProtocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckProtocol string `json:"HealthCheckProtocol,omitempty"` // HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds int `json:"HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds,omitempty"` // HealthyThresholdCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthyThresholdCount int `json:"HealthyThresholdCount,omitempty"` // Matcher AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Matcher *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher `json:"Matcher,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // TargetGroupAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetGroupAttributes []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute `json:"TargetGroupAttributes,omitempty"` // TargetType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetType string `json:"TargetType,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Targets []AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription `json:"Targets,omitempty"` // UnhealthyThresholdCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UnhealthyThresholdCount int `json:"UnhealthyThresholdCount,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher struct { // HttpCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HttpCode string `json:"HttpCode,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.Matcher) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_Matcher) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetDescription) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetDescription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute ¶
type AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetGroupAttribute) See:
func (*AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup_TargetGroupAttribute) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain struct { // AccessPolicies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessPolicies interface{} `json:"AccessPolicies,omitempty"` // AdvancedOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AdvancedOptions map[string]string `json:"AdvancedOptions,omitempty"` // DomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainName string `json:"DomainName,omitempty"` // EBSOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EBSOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions `json:"EBSOptions,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchClusterConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchClusterConfig *AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig `json:"ElasticsearchClusterConfig,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchVersion string `json:"ElasticsearchVersion,omitempty"` // EncryptionAtRestOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionAtRestOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions `json:"EncryptionAtRestOptions,omitempty"` // SnapshotOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions `json:"SnapshotOptions,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VPCOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCOptions *AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions `json:"VPCOptions,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions struct { // EBSEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EBSEnabled bool `json:"EBSEnabled,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.EBSOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EBSOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig struct { // DedicatedMasterCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DedicatedMasterCount int `json:"DedicatedMasterCount,omitempty"` // DedicatedMasterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DedicatedMasterEnabled bool `json:"DedicatedMasterEnabled,omitempty"` // DedicatedMasterType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DedicatedMasterType string `json:"DedicatedMasterType,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // ZoneAwarenessEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ZoneAwarenessEnabled bool `json:"ZoneAwarenessEnabled,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.ElasticsearchClusterConfig) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_ElasticsearchClusterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.EncryptionAtRestOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_EncryptionAtRestOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions ¶
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions struct { // AutomatedSnapshotStartHour AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomatedSnapshotStartHour int `json:"AutomatedSnapshotStartHour,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.SnapshotOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_SnapshotOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain.VPCOptions) See:
func (*AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSElasticsearchDomain_VPCOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule ¶
type AWSEventsRule struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EventPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventPattern interface{} `json:"EventPattern,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // ScheduleExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduleExpression string `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Targets []AWSEventsRule_Target `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSEventsRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSEventsRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters struct { // TaskCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskCount int `json:"TaskCount,omitempty"` // TaskDefinitionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskDefinitionArn string `json:"TaskDefinitionArn,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.EcsParameters) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer struct { // InputPathsMap AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputPathsMap map[string]string `json:"InputPathsMap,omitempty"` // InputTemplate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InputTemplate string `json:"InputTemplate,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.InputTransformer) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters struct { // PartitionKeyPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PartitionKeyPath string `json:"PartitionKeyPath,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.KinesisParameters) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters struct { // RunCommandTargets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RunCommandTargets []AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget `json:"RunCommandTargets,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandParameters) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.RunCommandTarget) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSEventsRule_RunCommandTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSEventsRule_Target ¶
type AWSEventsRule_Target struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // EcsParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EcsParameters *AWSEventsRule_EcsParameters `json:"EcsParameters,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // InputPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputPath string `json:"InputPath,omitempty"` // InputTransformer AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputTransformer *AWSEventsRule_InputTransformer `json:"InputTransformer,omitempty"` // KinesisParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisParameters *AWSEventsRule_KinesisParameters `json:"KinesisParameters,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // RunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RunCommandParameters *AWSEventsRule_RunCommandParameters `json:"RunCommandParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSEventsRule_Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Events::Rule.Target) See:
func (*AWSEventsRule_Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSEventsRule_Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGameLiftAlias ¶
type AWSGameLiftAlias struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RoutingStrategy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoutingStrategy *AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy `json:"RoutingStrategy,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftAlias AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Alias) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy ¶
type AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy struct { // FleetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FleetId string `json:"FleetId,omitempty"` // Message AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Alias.RoutingStrategy) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftAlias_RoutingStrategy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGameLiftBuild ¶
type AWSGameLiftBuild struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StorageLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageLocation *AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location `json:"StorageLocation,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftBuild AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Build) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location ¶
type AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Build.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftBuild_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGameLiftFleet ¶
type AWSGameLiftFleet struct { // BuildId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BuildId string `json:"BuildId,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DesiredEC2Instances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DesiredEC2Instances int `json:"DesiredEC2Instances,omitempty"` // EC2InboundPermissions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2InboundPermissions []AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission `json:"EC2InboundPermissions,omitempty"` // EC2InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EC2InstanceType string `json:"EC2InstanceType,omitempty"` // LogPaths AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogPaths []string `json:"LogPaths,omitempty"` // MaxSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxSize int `json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` // MinSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MinSize int `json:"MinSize,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ServerLaunchParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerLaunchParameters string `json:"ServerLaunchParameters,omitempty"` // ServerLaunchPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServerLaunchPath string `json:"ServerLaunchPath,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftFleet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Fleet) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission ¶
type AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission struct { // FromPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FromPort int `json:"FromPort,omitempty"` // IpRange AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpRange string `json:"IpRange,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // ToPort AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ToPort int `json:"ToPort,omitempty"` }
AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GameLift::Fleet.IpPermission) See:
func (*AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSGameLiftFleet_IpPermission) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueClassifier ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueClassifier struct { // GrokClassifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GrokClassifier *AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier `json:"GrokClassifier,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueClassifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Classifier) See:
func (*AWSGlueClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueClassifier) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueClassifier) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier struct { // Classification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Classification string `json:"Classification,omitempty"` // CustomPatterns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomPatterns string `json:"CustomPatterns,omitempty"` // GrokPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GrokPattern string `json:"GrokPattern,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Classifier.GrokClassifier) See:
func (*AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueClassifier_GrokClassifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueConnection ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueConnection struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // ConnectionInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionInput *AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput `json:"ConnectionInput,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueConnection AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Connection) See:
func (*AWSGlueConnection) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueConnection) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueConnection) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput struct { // ConnectionProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionProperties interface{} `json:"ConnectionProperties,omitempty"` // ConnectionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConnectionType string `json:"ConnectionType,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // MatchCriteria AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MatchCriteria []string `json:"MatchCriteria,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // PhysicalConnectionRequirements AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PhysicalConnectionRequirements *AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements `json:"PhysicalConnectionRequirements,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Connection.ConnectionInput) See:
func (*AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection_ConnectionInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements struct { // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIdList AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIdList []string `json:"SecurityGroupIdList,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Connection.PhysicalConnectionRequirements) See:
func (*AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueConnection_PhysicalConnectionRequirements) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler struct { // Classifiers AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Classifiers []string `json:"Classifiers,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schedule *AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // SchemaChangePolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SchemaChangePolicy *AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy `json:"SchemaChangePolicy,omitempty"` // TablePrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TablePrefix string `json:"TablePrefix,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Targets *AWSGlueCrawler_Targets `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueCrawler) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueCrawler) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget struct { // ConnectionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConnectionName string `json:"ConnectionName,omitempty"` // Exclusions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Exclusions []string `json:"Exclusions,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.JdbcTarget) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target struct { // Exclusions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Exclusions []string `json:"Exclusions,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.S3Target) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule struct { // ScheduleExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduleExpression string `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.Schedule) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_Schedule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy struct { // DeleteBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteBehavior string `json:"DeleteBehavior,omitempty"` // UpdateBehavior AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UpdateBehavior string `json:"UpdateBehavior,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.SchemaChangePolicy) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_SchemaChangePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueCrawler_Targets ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueCrawler_Targets struct { // JdbcTargets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JdbcTargets []AWSGlueCrawler_JdbcTarget `json:"JdbcTargets,omitempty"` // S3Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Targets []AWSGlueCrawler_S3Target `json:"S3Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueCrawler_Targets AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Crawler.Targets) See:
func (*AWSGlueCrawler_Targets) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueCrawler_Targets) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueDatabase ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueDatabase struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // DatabaseInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseInput *AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput `json:"DatabaseInput,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueDatabase AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Database) See:
func (*AWSGlueDatabase) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueDatabase) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueDatabase) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // LocationUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LocationUri string `json:"LocationUri,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Database.DatabaseInput) See:
func (*AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDatabase_DatabaseInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueDevEndpoint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueDevEndpoint struct { // EndpointName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EndpointName string `json:"EndpointName,omitempty"` // ExtraJarsS3Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraJarsS3Path string `json:"ExtraJarsS3Path,omitempty"` // ExtraPythonLibsS3Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtraPythonLibsS3Path string `json:"ExtraPythonLibsS3Path,omitempty"` // NumberOfNodes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfNodes int `json:"NumberOfNodes,omitempty"` // PublicKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PublicKey string `json:"PublicKey,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueDevEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::DevEndpoint) See:
func (*AWSGlueDevEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDevEndpoint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueDevEndpoint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDevEndpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueDevEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueDevEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueJob ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob struct { // AllocatedCapacity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocatedCapacity float64 `json:"AllocatedCapacity,omitempty"` // Command AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Command *AWSGlueJob_JobCommand `json:"Command,omitempty"` // Connections AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Connections *AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList `json:"Connections,omitempty"` // DefaultArguments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultArguments interface{} `json:"DefaultArguments,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ExecutionProperty AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionProperty *AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty `json:"ExecutionProperty,omitempty"` // LogUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogUri string `json:"LogUri,omitempty"` // MaxRetries AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxRetries float64 `json:"MaxRetries,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueJob) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueJob) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList struct { // Connections AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Connections []string `json:"Connections,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job.ConnectionsList) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob_ConnectionsList) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty struct { // MaxConcurrentRuns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxConcurrentRuns float64 `json:"MaxConcurrentRuns,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job.ExecutionProperty) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueJob_JobCommand ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueJob_JobCommand struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // ScriptLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScriptLocation string `json:"ScriptLocation,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueJob_JobCommand AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Job.JobCommand) See:
func (*AWSGlueJob_JobCommand) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueJob_JobCommand) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // PartitionInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PartitionInput *AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput `json:"PartitionInput,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGluePartition) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGluePartition) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGluePartition_Column ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_Column struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_Column AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.Column) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_Column) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_Column) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_Order ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_Order struct { // Column AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Column string `json:"Column,omitempty"` // SortOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SortOrder int `json:"SortOrder,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_Order AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.Order) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_Order) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_Order) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput struct { // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageDescriptor *AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor `json:"StorageDescriptor,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.PartitionInput) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_PartitionInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerializationLibrary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerializationLibrary string `json:"SerializationLibrary,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.SerdeInfo) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo struct { // SkewedColumnNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnNames []string `json:"SkewedColumnNames,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps interface{} `json:"SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValues []string `json:"SkewedColumnValues,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.SkewedInfo) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor struct { // BucketColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketColumns []string `json:"BucketColumns,omitempty"` // Columns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Columns []AWSGluePartition_Column `json:"Columns,omitempty"` // Compressed AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compressed bool `json:"Compressed,omitempty"` // InputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputFormat string `json:"InputFormat,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // NumberOfBuckets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfBuckets int `json:"NumberOfBuckets,omitempty"` // OutputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputFormat string `json:"OutputFormat,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerdeInfo *AWSGluePartition_SerdeInfo `json:"SerdeInfo,omitempty"` // SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedInfo *AWSGluePartition_SkewedInfo `json:"SkewedInfo,omitempty"` // SortColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SortColumns []AWSGluePartition_Order `json:"SortColumns,omitempty"` // StoredAsSubDirectories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StoredAsSubDirectories bool `json:"StoredAsSubDirectories,omitempty"` }
AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Partition.StorageDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGluePartition_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable struct { // CatalogId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CatalogId string `json:"CatalogId,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // TableInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableInput *AWSGlueTable_TableInput `json:"TableInput,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueTable) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueTable_Column ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_Column struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_Column AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.Column) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_Column) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_Column) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_Order ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_Order struct { // Column AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Column string `json:"Column,omitempty"` // SortOrder AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SortOrder int `json:"SortOrder,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_Order AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.Order) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_Order) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_Order) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerializationLibrary AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerializationLibrary string `json:"SerializationLibrary,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.SerdeInfo) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo struct { // SkewedColumnNames AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnNames []string `json:"SkewedColumnNames,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps interface{} `json:"SkewedColumnValueLocationMaps,omitempty"` // SkewedColumnValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedColumnValues []string `json:"SkewedColumnValues,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.SkewedInfo) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor struct { // BucketColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketColumns []string `json:"BucketColumns,omitempty"` // Columns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Columns []AWSGlueTable_Column `json:"Columns,omitempty"` // Compressed AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Compressed bool `json:"Compressed,omitempty"` // InputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputFormat string `json:"InputFormat,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // NumberOfBuckets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfBuckets int `json:"NumberOfBuckets,omitempty"` // OutputFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputFormat string `json:"OutputFormat,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // SerdeInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SerdeInfo *AWSGlueTable_SerdeInfo `json:"SerdeInfo,omitempty"` // SkewedInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SkewedInfo *AWSGlueTable_SkewedInfo `json:"SkewedInfo,omitempty"` // SortColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SortColumns []AWSGlueTable_Order `json:"SortColumns,omitempty"` // StoredAsSubDirectories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StoredAsSubDirectories bool `json:"StoredAsSubDirectories,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.StorageDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTable_TableInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTable_TableInput struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // PartitionKeys AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PartitionKeys []AWSGlueTable_Column `json:"PartitionKeys,omitempty"` // Retention AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Retention int `json:"Retention,omitempty"` // StorageDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageDescriptor *AWSGlueTable_StorageDescriptor `json:"StorageDescriptor,omitempty"` // TableType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TableType string `json:"TableType,omitempty"` // ViewExpandedText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ViewExpandedText string `json:"ViewExpandedText,omitempty"` // ViewOriginalText AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ViewOriginalText string `json:"ViewOriginalText,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTable_TableInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Table.TableInput) See:
func (*AWSGlueTable_TableInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTable_TableInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTrigger ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSGlueTrigger_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Predicate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Predicate *AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate `json:"Predicate,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGlueTrigger) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGlueTrigger) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGlueTrigger_Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger_Action struct { // Arguments AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arguments interface{} `json:"Arguments,omitempty"` // JobName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobName string `json:"JobName,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger.Action) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTrigger_Condition ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger_Condition struct { // JobName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JobName string `json:"JobName,omitempty"` // LogicalOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogicalOperator string `json:"LogicalOperator,omitempty"` // State AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: State string `json:"State,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger_Condition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger.Condition) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate struct { // Conditions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Conditions []AWSGlueTrigger_Condition `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` // Logical AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Logical string `json:"Logical,omitempty"` }
AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Glue::Trigger.Predicate) See:
func (*AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGlueTrigger_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGuardDutyDetector ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyDetector struct { // Enable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enable bool `json:"Enable,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyDetector AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Detector) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyDetector) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyDetector) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGuardDutyDetector) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyDetector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyDetector) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyDetector) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyFilter struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action string `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // FindingCriteria AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FindingCriteria *AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria `json:"FindingCriteria,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Rank AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rank int `json:"Rank,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Filter) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition struct { // Eq AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Eq []string `json:"Eq,omitempty"` // Gte AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Gte int `json:"Gte,omitempty"` // Lt AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Lt int `json:"Lt,omitempty"` // Lte AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Lte int `json:"Lte,omitempty"` // Neq AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Neq []string `json:"Neq,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Filter.Condition) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria struct { // Criterion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Criterion interface{} `json:"Criterion,omitempty"` // ItemType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ItemType *AWSGuardDutyFilter_Condition `json:"ItemType,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Filter.FindingCriteria) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyFilter_FindingCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSGuardDutyIPSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyIPSet struct { // Activate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Activate bool `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // Format AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyIPSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::IPSet) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGuardDutyIPSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyIPSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyIPSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyIPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyMaster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyMaster struct { // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // InvitationId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InvitationId string `json:"InvitationId,omitempty"` // MasterId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MasterId string `json:"MasterId,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyMaster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Master) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyMaster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMaster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGuardDutyMaster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMaster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyMaster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMaster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyMember ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyMember struct { // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // DisableEmailNotification AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisableEmailNotification bool `json:"DisableEmailNotification,omitempty"` // Email AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Email string `json:"Email,omitempty"` // MemberId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MemberId string `json:"MemberId,omitempty"` // Message AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyMember AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::Member) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyMember) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMember) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGuardDutyMember) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMember) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyMember) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyMember) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet struct { // Activate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Activate bool `json:"Activate,omitempty"` // DetectorId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DetectorId string `json:"DetectorId,omitempty"` // Format AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Location string `json:"Location,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::GuardDuty::ThreatIntelSet) See:
func (*AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMAccessKey ¶
type AWSIAMAccessKey struct { // Serial AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Serial int `json:"Serial,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // UserName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMAccessKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::AccessKey) See:
func (*AWSIAMAccessKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMAccessKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMAccessKey) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMAccessKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMAccessKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMAccessKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMGroup ¶
type AWSIAMGroup struct { // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyArns []string `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSIAMGroup_Policy `json:"Policies,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Group) See:
func (*AWSIAMGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMGroup_Policy ¶
type AWSIAMGroup_Policy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMGroup_Policy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Group.Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMGroup_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMGroup_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIAMInstanceProfile ¶
type AWSIAMInstanceProfile struct { // InstanceProfileName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceProfileName string `json:"InstanceProfileName,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Roles []string `json:"Roles,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMInstanceProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile) See:
func (*AWSIAMInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMInstanceProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMInstanceProfile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMInstanceProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMInstanceProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMInstanceProfile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMManagedPolicy ¶
type AWSIAMManagedPolicy struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyName string `json:"ManagedPolicyName,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Roles []string `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Users []string `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMManagedPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy) See:
func (*AWSIAMManagedPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMManagedPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMManagedPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMManagedPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMManagedPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMManagedPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMPolicy ¶
type AWSIAMPolicy struct { // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // Roles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Roles []string `json:"Roles,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Users []string `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMRole ¶
type AWSIAMRole struct { // AssumeRolePolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AssumeRolePolicyDocument interface{} `json:"AssumeRolePolicyDocument,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyArns []string `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // MaxSessionDuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxSessionDuration int `json:"MaxSessionDuration,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSIAMRole_Policy `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // RoleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleName string `json:"RoleName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMRole AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Role) See:
func (*AWSIAMRole) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMRole) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMRole) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMRole_Policy ¶
type AWSIAMRole_Policy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMRole_Policy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::Role.Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMRole_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMRole_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIAMUser ¶
type AWSIAMUser struct { // Groups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Groups []string `json:"Groups,omitempty"` // LoginProfile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoginProfile *AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile `json:"LoginProfile,omitempty"` // ManagedPolicyArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManagedPolicyArns []string `json:"ManagedPolicyArns,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies []AWSIAMUser_Policy `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // UserName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUser AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::User) See:
func (*AWSIAMUser) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMUser) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition ¶
type AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition struct { // GroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupName string `json:"GroupName,omitempty"` // Users AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Users []string `json:"Users,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition) See:
func (*AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile ¶
type AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile struct { // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // PasswordResetRequired AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PasswordResetRequired bool `json:"PasswordResetRequired,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::User.LoginProfile) See:
func (*AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser_LoginProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIAMUser_Policy ¶
type AWSIAMUser_Policy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIAMUser_Policy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IAM::User.Policy) See:
func (*AWSIAMUser_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIAMUser_Policy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget struct { // AssessmentTargetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssessmentTargetName string `json:"AssessmentTargetName,omitempty"` // ResourceGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceGroupArn string `json:"ResourceGroupArn,omitempty"` }
AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTarget) See:
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate struct { // AssessmentTargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AssessmentTargetArn string `json:"AssessmentTargetArn,omitempty"` // AssessmentTemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssessmentTemplateName string `json:"AssessmentTemplateName,omitempty"` // DurationInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DurationInSeconds int `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` // RulesPackageArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RulesPackageArns []string `json:"RulesPackageArns,omitempty"` // UserAttributesForFindings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserAttributesForFindings []Tag `json:"UserAttributesForFindings,omitempty"` }
AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Inspector::AssessmentTemplate) See:
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSInspectorResourceGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSInspectorResourceGroup struct { // ResourceGroupTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceGroupTags []Tag `json:"ResourceGroupTags,omitempty"` }
AWSInspectorResourceGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Inspector::ResourceGroup) See:
func (*AWSInspectorResourceGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorResourceGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSInspectorResourceGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorResourceGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSInspectorResourceGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSInspectorResourceGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTCertificate ¶
type AWSIoTCertificate struct { // CertificateSigningRequest AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CertificateSigningRequest string `json:"CertificateSigningRequest,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTCertificate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Certificate) See:
func (*AWSIoTCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTCertificate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIoTCertificate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTCertificate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTCertificate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTCertificate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTPolicy ¶
type AWSIoTPolicy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Policy) See:
func (*AWSIoTPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIoTPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment ¶
type AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment struct { // PolicyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyName string `json:"PolicyName,omitempty"` // Principal AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment) See:
func (*AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTThing ¶
type AWSIoTThing struct { // AttributePayload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AttributePayload *AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload `json:"AttributePayload,omitempty"` // ThingName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThingName string `json:"ThingName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTThing AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Thing) See:
func (*AWSIoTThing) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIoTThing) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTThing) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment ¶
type AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment struct { // Principal AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // ThingName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ThingName string `json:"ThingName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment) See:
func (*AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload ¶
type AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::Thing.AttributePayload) See:
func (*AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTThing_AttributePayload) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule struct { // RuleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RuleName string `json:"RuleName,omitempty"` // TopicRulePayload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TopicRulePayload *AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload `json:"TopicRulePayload,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSIoTTopicRule_Action ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_Action struct { // CloudwatchAlarm AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudwatchAlarm *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction `json:"CloudwatchAlarm,omitempty"` // CloudwatchMetric AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudwatchMetric *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction `json:"CloudwatchMetric,omitempty"` // DynamoDB AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDB *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction `json:"DynamoDB,omitempty"` // DynamoDBv2 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DynamoDBv2 *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action `json:"DynamoDBv2,omitempty"` // Elasticsearch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Elasticsearch *AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction `json:"Elasticsearch,omitempty"` // Firehose AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Firehose *AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction `json:"Firehose,omitempty"` // Kinesis AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Kinesis *AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction `json:"Kinesis,omitempty"` // Lambda AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Lambda *AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction `json:"Lambda,omitempty"` // Republish AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Republish *AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction `json:"Republish,omitempty"` // S3 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3 *AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action `json:"S3,omitempty"` // Sns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sns *AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction `json:"Sns,omitempty"` // Sqs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sqs *AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction `json:"Sqs,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.Action) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction struct { // AlarmName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AlarmName string `json:"AlarmName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StateReason AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StateReason string `json:"StateReason,omitempty"` // StateValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StateValue string `json:"StateValue,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.CloudwatchAlarmAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchAlarmAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction struct { // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // MetricNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricNamespace string `json:"MetricNamespace,omitempty"` // MetricTimestamp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricTimestamp string `json:"MetricTimestamp,omitempty"` // MetricUnit AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricUnit string `json:"MetricUnit,omitempty"` // MetricValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricValue string `json:"MetricValue,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.CloudwatchMetricAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_CloudwatchMetricAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction struct { // HashKeyField AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HashKeyField string `json:"HashKeyField,omitempty"` // HashKeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HashKeyType string `json:"HashKeyType,omitempty"` // HashKeyValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HashKeyValue string `json:"HashKeyValue,omitempty"` // PayloadField AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PayloadField string `json:"PayloadField,omitempty"` // RangeKeyField AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RangeKeyField string `json:"RangeKeyField,omitempty"` // RangeKeyType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RangeKeyType string `json:"RangeKeyType,omitempty"` // RangeKeyValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RangeKeyValue string `json:"RangeKeyValue,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.DynamoDBAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action struct { // PutItem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PutItem *AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput `json:"PutItem,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.DynamoDBv2Action) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_DynamoDBv2Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction struct { // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Index AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Index string `json:"Index,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.ElasticsearchAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_ElasticsearchAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction struct { // DeliveryStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeliveryStreamName string `json:"DeliveryStreamName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Separator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Separator string `json:"Separator,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.FirehoseAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_FirehoseAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction struct { // PartitionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PartitionKey string `json:"PartitionKey,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StreamName string `json:"StreamName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.KinesisAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_KinesisAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction struct { // FunctionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FunctionArn string `json:"FunctionArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.LambdaAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput struct { // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.PutItemInput) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_PutItemInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction struct { // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // Topic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topic string `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.RepublishAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_RepublishAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.S3Action) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction struct { // MessageFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MessageFormat string `json:"MessageFormat,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.SnsAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_SnsAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction struct { // QueueUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: QueueUrl string `json:"QueueUrl,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // UseBase64 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseBase64 bool `json:"UseBase64,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.SqsAction) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_SqsAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload ¶
type AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Actions []AWSIoTTopicRule_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // AwsIotSqlVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsIotSqlVersion string `json:"AwsIotSqlVersion,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // RuleDisabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleDisabled bool `json:"RuleDisabled,omitempty"` // Sql AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Sql string `json:"Sql,omitempty"` }
AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::IoT::TopicRule.TopicRulePayload) See:
func (*AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSIoTTopicRule_TopicRulePayload) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKMSAlias ¶
type AWSKMSAlias struct { // AliasName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AliasName string `json:"AliasName,omitempty"` // TargetKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetKeyId string `json:"TargetKeyId,omitempty"` }
AWSKMSAlias AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KMS::Alias) See:
func (*AWSKMSAlias) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKMSAlias) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKMSAlias) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKMSAlias) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKMSAlias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKMSAlias) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKMSKey ¶
type AWSKMSKey struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // EnableKeyRotation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableKeyRotation bool `json:"EnableKeyRotation,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // KeyPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyPolicy interface{} `json:"KeyPolicy,omitempty"` // KeyUsage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyUsage string `json:"KeyUsage,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSKMSKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KMS::Key) See:
func (*AWSKMSKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKMSKey) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKMSKey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication struct { // ApplicationCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationCode string `json:"ApplicationCode,omitempty"` // ApplicationDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationDescription string `json:"ApplicationDescription,omitempty"` // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Inputs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Inputs []AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input `json:"Inputs,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // Output AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Output *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output `json:"Output,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema struct { // RecordFormatType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordFormatType string `json:"RecordFormatType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.DestinationSchema) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.KinesisFirehoseOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.KinesisStreamsOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.LambdaOutput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output struct { // DestinationSchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationSchema *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_DestinationSchema `json:"DestinationSchema,omitempty"` // KinesisFirehoseOutput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisFirehoseOutput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisFirehoseOutput `json:"KinesisFirehoseOutput,omitempty"` // KinesisStreamsOutput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisStreamsOutput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_KinesisStreamsOutput `json:"KinesisStreamsOutput,omitempty"` // LambdaOutput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaOutput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_LambdaOutput `json:"LambdaOutput,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput.Output) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput_Output) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource struct { // ApplicationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ApplicationName string `json:"ApplicationName,omitempty"` // ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReferenceDataSource *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource `json:"ReferenceDataSource,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters struct { // RecordColumnDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumnDelimiter string `json:"RecordColumnDelimiter,omitempty"` // RecordRowDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowDelimiter string `json:"RecordRowDelimiter,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.CSVMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters struct { // RecordRowPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowPath string `json:"RecordRowPath,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.JSONMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters struct { // CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CSVMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_CSVMappingParameters `json:"CSVMappingParameters,omitempty"` // JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JSONMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_JSONMappingParameters `json:"JSONMappingParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.MappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn struct { // Mapping AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mapping string `json:"Mapping,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SqlType string `json:"SqlType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.RecordColumn) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat struct { // MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_MappingParameters `json:"MappingParameters,omitempty"` // RecordFormatType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormatType string `json:"RecordFormatType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.RecordFormat) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource struct { // ReferenceSchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReferenceSchema *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema `json:"ReferenceSchema,omitempty"` // S3ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3ReferenceDataSource *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource `json:"S3ReferenceDataSource,omitempty"` // TableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TableName string `json:"TableName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.ReferenceDataSource) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema struct { // RecordColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumns []AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordColumn `json:"RecordColumns,omitempty"` // RecordEncoding AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordEncoding string `json:"RecordEncoding,omitempty"` // RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormat *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_RecordFormat `json:"RecordFormat,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.ReferenceSchema) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_ReferenceSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource struct { // BucketARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketARN string `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // FileKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FileKey string `json:"FileKey,omitempty"` // ReferenceRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReferenceRoleARN string `json:"ReferenceRoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationReferenceDataSource.S3ReferenceDataSource) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource_S3ReferenceDataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters struct { // RecordColumnDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumnDelimiter string `json:"RecordColumnDelimiter,omitempty"` // RecordRowDelimiter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowDelimiter string `json:"RecordRowDelimiter,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.CSVMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input struct { // InputParallelism AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputParallelism *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism `json:"InputParallelism,omitempty"` // InputProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration `json:"InputProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // InputSchema AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InputSchema *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema `json:"InputSchema,omitempty"` // KinesisFirehoseInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisFirehoseInput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput `json:"KinesisFirehoseInput,omitempty"` // KinesisStreamsInput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisStreamsInput *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput `json:"KinesisStreamsInput,omitempty"` // NamePrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NamePrefix string `json:"NamePrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.Input) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_Input) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputLambdaProcessor) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism struct { // Count AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Count int `json:"Count,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputParallelism) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputParallelism) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration struct { // InputLambdaProcessor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputLambdaProcessor *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputLambdaProcessor `json:"InputLambdaProcessor,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputProcessingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema struct { // RecordColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordColumns []AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn `json:"RecordColumns,omitempty"` // RecordEncoding AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordEncoding string `json:"RecordEncoding,omitempty"` // RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormat *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat `json:"RecordFormat,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.InputSchema) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_InputSchema) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters struct { // RecordRowPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordRowPath string `json:"RecordRowPath,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.JSONMappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.KinesisFirehoseInput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisFirehoseInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput struct { // ResourceARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceARN string `json:"ResourceARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.KinesisStreamsInput) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_KinesisStreamsInput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters struct { // CSVMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CSVMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_CSVMappingParameters `json:"CSVMappingParameters,omitempty"` // JSONMappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: JSONMappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_JSONMappingParameters `json:"JSONMappingParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.MappingParameters) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn struct { // Mapping AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mapping string `json:"Mapping,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SqlType string `json:"SqlType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.RecordColumn) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordColumn) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat ¶
type AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat struct { // MappingParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MappingParameters *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_MappingParameters `json:"MappingParameters,omitempty"` // RecordFormatType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RecordFormatType string `json:"RecordFormatType,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisAnalytics::Application.RecordFormat) See:
func (*AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication_RecordFormat) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream struct { // DeliveryStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryStreamName string `json:"DeliveryStreamName,omitempty"` // DeliveryStreamType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeliveryStreamType string `json:"DeliveryStreamType,omitempty"` // ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration `json:"ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration `json:"ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration `json:"KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration,omitempty"` // RedshiftDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RedshiftDestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration `json:"RedshiftDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // S3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3DestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3DestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` // SplunkDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SplunkDestinationConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration `json:"SplunkDestinationConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints struct { // IntervalInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IntervalInSeconds int `json:"IntervalInSeconds,omitempty"` // SizeInMBs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInMBs int `json:"SizeInMBs,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.BufferingHints) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // LogStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogStreamName string `json:"LogStreamName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.CloudWatchLoggingOptions) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand struct { // CopyOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CopyOptions string `json:"CopyOptions,omitempty"` // DataTableColumns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataTableColumns string `json:"DataTableColumns,omitempty"` // DataTableName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataTableName string `json:"DataTableName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.CopyCommand) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints struct { // IntervalInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IntervalInSeconds int `json:"IntervalInSeconds,omitempty"` // SizeInMBs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeInMBs int `json:"SizeInMBs,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchBufferingHints) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration struct { // BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BufferingHints *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchBufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // DomainARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DomainARN string `json:"DomainARN,omitempty"` // IndexName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexName string `json:"IndexName,omitempty"` // IndexRotationPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IndexRotationPeriod string `json:"IndexRotationPeriod,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RetryOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions `json:"RetryOptions,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // S3BackupMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3BackupMode string `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` // S3Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Configuration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` // TypeName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TypeName string `json:"TypeName,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions struct { // DurationInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DurationInSeconds int `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ElasticsearchRetryOptions) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ElasticsearchRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration struct { // KMSEncryptionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSEncryptionConfig *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig `json:"KMSEncryptionConfig,omitempty"` // NoEncryptionConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoEncryptionConfig string `json:"NoEncryptionConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.EncryptionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration struct { // BucketARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketARN string `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BufferingHints *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // CompressionFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CompressionFormat string `json:"CompressionFormat,omitempty"` // EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // S3BackupConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BackupConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3BackupConfiguration,omitempty"` // S3BackupMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BackupMode string `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig struct { // AWSKMSKeyARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AWSKMSKeyARN string `json:"AWSKMSKeyARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.KMSEncryptionConfig) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KMSEncryptionConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration struct { // KinesisStreamARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KinesisStreamARN string `json:"KinesisStreamARN,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Processors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Processors []AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor `json:"Processors,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ProcessingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor struct { // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters []AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.Processor) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_Processor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter struct { // ParameterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterName string `json:"ParameterName,omitempty"` // ParameterValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterValue string `json:"ParameterValue,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.ProcessorParameter) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessorParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration struct { // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // ClusterJDBCURL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterJDBCURL string `json:"ClusterJDBCURL,omitempty"` // CopyCommand AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CopyCommand *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CopyCommand `json:"CopyCommand,omitempty"` // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` // S3Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Configuration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.RedshiftDestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_RedshiftDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration ¶
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration struct { // BucketARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketARN string `json:"BucketARN,omitempty"` // BufferingHints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BufferingHints *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_BufferingHints `json:"BufferingHints,omitempty"` // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // CompressionFormat AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CompressionFormat string `json:"CompressionFormat,omitempty"` // EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_EncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // RoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleARN string `json:"RoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.S3DestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration struct { // CloudWatchLoggingOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchLoggingOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_CloudWatchLoggingOptions `json:"CloudWatchLoggingOptions,omitempty"` // HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds int `json:"HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds,omitempty"` // HECEndpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HECEndpoint string `json:"HECEndpoint,omitempty"` // HECEndpointType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HECEndpointType string `json:"HECEndpointType,omitempty"` // HECToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HECToken string `json:"HECToken,omitempty"` // ProcessingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProcessingConfiguration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_ProcessingConfiguration `json:"ProcessingConfiguration,omitempty"` // RetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetryOptions *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions `json:"RetryOptions,omitempty"` // S3BackupMode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3BackupMode string `json:"S3BackupMode,omitempty"` // S3Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Configuration *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_S3DestinationConfiguration `json:"S3Configuration,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.SplunkDestinationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkDestinationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions struct { // DurationInSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DurationInSeconds int `json:"DurationInSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.SplunkRetryOptions) See:
func (*AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream_SplunkRetryOptions) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSKinesisStream ¶
type AWSKinesisStream struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RetentionPeriodHours AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetentionPeriodHours int `json:"RetentionPeriodHours,omitempty"` // ShardCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ShardCount int `json:"ShardCount,omitempty"` // StreamEncryption AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StreamEncryption *AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption `json:"StreamEncryption,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisStream AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Kinesis::Stream) See:
func (*AWSKinesisStream) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisStream) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSKinesisStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSKinesisStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSKinesisStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption struct { // EncryptionType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EncryptionType string `json:"EncryptionType,omitempty"` // KeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: KeyId string `json:"KeyId,omitempty"` }
AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Kinesis::Stream.StreamEncryption) See:
func (*AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSKinesisStream_StreamEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaAlias ¶
type AWSLambdaAlias struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // FunctionVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionVersion string `json:"FunctionVersion,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RoutingConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingConfig *AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration `json:"RoutingConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaAlias AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Alias) See:
func (*AWSLambdaAlias) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLambdaAlias) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaAlias) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration struct { // AdditionalVersionWeights AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AdditionalVersionWeights []AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight `json:"AdditionalVersionWeights,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Alias.AliasRoutingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias_AliasRoutingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight struct { // FunctionVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionVersion string `json:"FunctionVersion,omitempty"` // FunctionWeight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionWeight float64 `json:"FunctionWeight,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Alias.VersionWeight) See:
func (*AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSLambdaAlias_VersionWeight) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping ¶
type AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // EventSourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EventSourceArn string `json:"EventSourceArn,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // StartingPosition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StartingPosition string `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping) See:
func (*AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaFunction ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction struct { // Code AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Code *AWSLambdaFunction_Code `json:"Code,omitempty"` // DeadLetterConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeadLetterConfig *AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig `json:"DeadLetterConfig,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment *AWSLambdaFunction_Environment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // Handler AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Handler string `json:"Handler,omitempty"` // KmsKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyArn string `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // MemorySize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemorySize int `json:"MemorySize,omitempty"` // ReservedConcurrentExecutions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReservedConcurrentExecutions int `json:"ReservedConcurrentExecutions,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Runtime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Runtime string `json:"Runtime,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // TracingConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TracingConfig *AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig `json:"TracingConfig,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLambdaFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaFunction_Code ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_Code struct { // S3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Bucket string `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Key string `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` // S3ObjectVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3ObjectVersion string `json:"S3ObjectVersion,omitempty"` // ZipFile AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ZipFile string `json:"ZipFile,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_Code AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.Code) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_Code) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_Code) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig struct { // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.DeadLetterConfig) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_Environment ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_Environment struct { // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_Environment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.Environment) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_Environment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig struct { // Mode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Mode string `json:"Mode,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.TracingConfig) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_TracingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig ¶
type AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Function.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLambdaPermission ¶
type AWSLambdaPermission struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action string `json:"Action,omitempty"` // EventSourceToken AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventSourceToken string `json:"EventSourceToken,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // Principal AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Principal string `json:"Principal,omitempty"` // SourceAccount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceAccount string `json:"SourceAccount,omitempty"` // SourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceArn string `json:"SourceArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaPermission AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Permission) See:
func (*AWSLambdaPermission) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaPermission) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLambdaPermission) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaPermission) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaPermission) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaPermission) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLambdaVersion ¶
type AWSLambdaVersion struct { // CodeSha256 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CodeSha256 string `json:"CodeSha256,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` }
AWSLambdaVersion AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Lambda::Version) See:
func (*AWSLambdaVersion) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaVersion) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLambdaVersion) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaVersion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLambdaVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLambdaVersion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsDestination ¶
type AWSLogsDestination struct { // DestinationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationName string `json:"DestinationName,omitempty"` // DestinationPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationPolicy string `json:"DestinationPolicy,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::Destination) See:
func (*AWSLogsDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLogsDestination) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsDestination) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsDestination) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsLogGroup ¶
type AWSLogsLogGroup struct { // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // RetentionInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RetentionInDays int `json:"RetentionInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsLogGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::LogGroup) See:
func (*AWSLogsLogGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLogsLogGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsLogGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsLogStream ¶
type AWSLogsLogStream struct { // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // LogStreamName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogStreamName string `json:"LogStreamName,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsLogStream AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::LogStream) See:
func (*AWSLogsLogStream) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogStream) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLogsLogStream) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsLogStream) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsLogStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsMetricFilter ¶
type AWSLogsMetricFilter struct { // FilterPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FilterPattern string `json:"FilterPattern,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // MetricTransformations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricTransformations []AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation `json:"MetricTransformations,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsMetricFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::MetricFilter) See:
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation ¶
type AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation struct { // DefaultValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultValue float64 `json:"DefaultValue,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // MetricNamespace AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricNamespace string `json:"MetricNamespace,omitempty"` // MetricValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricValue string `json:"MetricValue,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::MetricFilter.MetricTransformation) See:
func (*AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsMetricFilter_MetricTransformation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter ¶
type AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter struct { // DestinationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DestinationArn string `json:"DestinationArn,omitempty"` // FilterPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FilterPattern string `json:"FilterPattern,omitempty"` // LogGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LogGroupName string `json:"LogGroupName,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter) See:
func (*AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBCluster ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBCluster struct { // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // BackupRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BackupRetentionPeriod int `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBClusterParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterParameterGroupName string `json:"DBClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // IamAuthEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamAuthEnabled bool `json:"IamAuthEnabled,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredBackupWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredBackupWindow string `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // SnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // StorageEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageEncrypted bool `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBCluster) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSNeptuneDBCluster) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBClusterParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBInstance ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBInstance struct { // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowMajorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBInstanceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBInstanceClass string `json:"DBInstanceClass,omitempty"` // DBInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBInstanceIdentifier string `json:"DBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBParameterGroupName string `json:"DBParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSnapshotIdentifier string `json:"DBSnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBInstance) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSNeptuneDBInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup struct { // DBSubnetGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSubnetGroupDescription string `json:"DBSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Neptune::DBSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksApp ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp struct { // AppSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AppSource *AWSOpsWorksApp_Source `json:"AppSource,omitempty"` // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // DataSources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataSources []AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource `json:"DataSources,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Domains AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Domains []string `json:"Domains,omitempty"` // EnableSsl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSsl bool `json:"EnableSsl,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment []AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Shortname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Shortname string `json:"Shortname,omitempty"` // SslConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SslConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration `json:"SslConfiguration,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource struct { // Arn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Arn string `json:"Arn,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.DataSource) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_DataSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Secure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Secure bool `json:"Secure,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.EnvironmentVariable) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_EnvironmentVariable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksApp_Source ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_Source struct { // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Revision string `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // SshKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshKey string `json:"SshKey,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Url AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Url string `json:"Url,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.Source) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration struct { // Certificate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Certificate string `json:"Certificate,omitempty"` // Chain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Chain string `json:"Chain,omitempty"` // PrivateKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrivateKey string `json:"PrivateKey,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::App.SslConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksApp_SslConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment ¶
type AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment struct { // ElasticLoadBalancerName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ElasticLoadBalancerName string `json:"ElasticLoadBalancerName,omitempty"` // LayerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LayerId string `json:"LayerId,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::ElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksInstance ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance struct { // AgentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AgentVersion string `json:"AgentVersion,omitempty"` // AmiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AmiId string `json:"AmiId,omitempty"` // Architecture AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Architecture string `json:"Architecture,omitempty"` // AutoScalingType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoScalingType string `json:"AutoScalingType,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // BlockDeviceMappings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BlockDeviceMappings []AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping `json:"BlockDeviceMappings,omitempty"` // EbsOptimized AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EbsOptimized bool `json:"EbsOptimized,omitempty"` // ElasticIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticIps []string `json:"ElasticIps,omitempty"` // Hostname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Hostname string `json:"Hostname,omitempty"` // InstallUpdatesOnBoot AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstallUpdatesOnBoot bool `json:"InstallUpdatesOnBoot,omitempty"` // InstanceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` // LayerIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: LayerIds []string `json:"LayerIds,omitempty"` // Os AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Os string `json:"Os,omitempty"` // RootDeviceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RootDeviceType string `json:"RootDeviceType,omitempty"` // SshKeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshKeyName string `json:"SshKeyName,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // SubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubnetId string `json:"SubnetId,omitempty"` // Tenancy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tenancy string `json:"Tenancy,omitempty"` // TimeBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeBasedAutoScaling *AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling `json:"TimeBasedAutoScaling,omitempty"` // VirtualizationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualizationType string `json:"VirtualizationType,omitempty"` // Volumes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Volumes []string `json:"Volumes,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping struct { // DeviceName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName,omitempty"` // Ebs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Ebs *AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice `json:"Ebs,omitempty"` // NoDevice AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoDevice string `json:"NoDevice,omitempty"` // VirtualName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VirtualName string `json:"VirtualName,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.BlockDeviceMapping) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance_BlockDeviceMapping) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice struct { // DeleteOnTermination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeleteOnTermination bool `json:"DeleteOnTermination,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // SnapshotId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotId string `json:"SnapshotId,omitempty"` // VolumeSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeSize int `json:"VolumeSize,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.EbsBlockDevice) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance_EbsBlockDevice) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling ¶
type AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling struct { // Friday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Friday map[string]string `json:"Friday,omitempty"` // Monday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Monday map[string]string `json:"Monday,omitempty"` // Saturday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Saturday map[string]string `json:"Saturday,omitempty"` // Sunday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sunday map[string]string `json:"Sunday,omitempty"` // Thursday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Thursday map[string]string `json:"Thursday,omitempty"` // Tuesday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tuesday map[string]string `json:"Tuesday,omitempty"` // Wednesday AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Wednesday map[string]string `json:"Wednesday,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Instance.TimeBasedAutoScaling) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksInstance_TimeBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer struct { // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // AutoAssignElasticIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoAssignElasticIps bool `json:"AutoAssignElasticIps,omitempty"` // AutoAssignPublicIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AutoAssignPublicIps bool `json:"AutoAssignPublicIps,omitempty"` // CustomInstanceProfileArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomInstanceProfileArn string `json:"CustomInstanceProfileArn,omitempty"` // CustomJson AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomJson interface{} `json:"CustomJson,omitempty"` // CustomRecipes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomRecipes *AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes `json:"CustomRecipes,omitempty"` // CustomSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"CustomSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // EnableAutoHealing AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EnableAutoHealing bool `json:"EnableAutoHealing,omitempty"` // InstallUpdatesOnBoot AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstallUpdatesOnBoot bool `json:"InstallUpdatesOnBoot,omitempty"` // LifecycleEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleEventConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration `json:"LifecycleEventConfiguration,omitempty"` // LoadBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadBasedAutoScaling *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling `json:"LoadBasedAutoScaling,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Packages AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Packages []string `json:"Packages,omitempty"` // Shortname AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Shortname string `json:"Shortname,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // UseEbsOptimizedInstances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseEbsOptimizedInstances bool `json:"UseEbsOptimizedInstances,omitempty"` // VolumeConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeConfigurations []AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration `json:"VolumeConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds struct { // CpuThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CpuThreshold float64 `json:"CpuThreshold,omitempty"` // IgnoreMetricsTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IgnoreMetricsTime int `json:"IgnoreMetricsTime,omitempty"` // InstanceCount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceCount int `json:"InstanceCount,omitempty"` // LoadThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoadThreshold float64 `json:"LoadThreshold,omitempty"` // MemoryThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemoryThreshold float64 `json:"MemoryThreshold,omitempty"` // ThresholdsWaitTime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ThresholdsWaitTime int `json:"ThresholdsWaitTime,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.AutoScalingThresholds) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration struct { // ShutdownEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ShutdownEventConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration `json:"ShutdownEventConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.LifecycleEventConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LifecycleEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling struct { // DownScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DownScaling *AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds `json:"DownScaling,omitempty"` // Enable AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enable bool `json:"Enable,omitempty"` // UpScaling AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UpScaling *AWSOpsWorksLayer_AutoScalingThresholds `json:"UpScaling,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.LoadBasedAutoScaling) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_LoadBasedAutoScaling) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes struct { // Configure AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configure []string `json:"Configure,omitempty"` // Deploy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Deploy []string `json:"Deploy,omitempty"` // Setup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Setup []string `json:"Setup,omitempty"` // Shutdown AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Shutdown []string `json:"Shutdown,omitempty"` // Undeploy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Undeploy []string `json:"Undeploy,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.Recipes) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_Recipes) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration struct { // DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained bool `json:"DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained,omitempty"` // ExecutionTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExecutionTimeout int `json:"ExecutionTimeout,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.ShutdownEventConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_ShutdownEventConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration struct { // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // MountPoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoint string `json:"MountPoint,omitempty"` // NumberOfDisks AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfDisks int `json:"NumberOfDisks,omitempty"` // RaidLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RaidLevel int `json:"RaidLevel,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // VolumeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeType string `json:"VolumeType,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Layer.VolumeConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksLayer_VolumeConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack struct { // AgentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AgentVersion string `json:"AgentVersion,omitempty"` // Attributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Attributes map[string]string `json:"Attributes,omitempty"` // ChefConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ChefConfiguration *AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration `json:"ChefConfiguration,omitempty"` // CloneAppIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloneAppIds []string `json:"CloneAppIds,omitempty"` // ClonePermissions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClonePermissions bool `json:"ClonePermissions,omitempty"` // ConfigurationManager AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ConfigurationManager *AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager `json:"ConfigurationManager,omitempty"` // CustomCookbooksSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomCookbooksSource *AWSOpsWorksStack_Source `json:"CustomCookbooksSource,omitempty"` // CustomJson AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CustomJson interface{} `json:"CustomJson,omitempty"` // DefaultAvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultAvailabilityZone string `json:"DefaultAvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // DefaultInstanceProfileArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultInstanceProfileArn string `json:"DefaultInstanceProfileArn,omitempty"` // DefaultOs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultOs string `json:"DefaultOs,omitempty"` // DefaultRootDeviceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultRootDeviceType string `json:"DefaultRootDeviceType,omitempty"` // DefaultSshKeyName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultSshKeyName string `json:"DefaultSshKeyName,omitempty"` // DefaultSubnetId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefaultSubnetId string `json:"DefaultSubnetId,omitempty"` // EcsClusterArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EcsClusterArn string `json:"EcsClusterArn,omitempty"` // ElasticIps AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticIps []AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp `json:"ElasticIps,omitempty"` // HostnameTheme AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostnameTheme string `json:"HostnameTheme,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // RdsDbInstances AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RdsDbInstances []AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance `json:"RdsDbInstances,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // SourceStackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceStackId string `json:"SourceStackId,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // UseCustomCookbooks AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseCustomCookbooks bool `json:"UseCustomCookbooks,omitempty"` // UseOpsworksSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UseOpsworksSecurityGroups bool `json:"UseOpsworksSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcId string `json:"VpcId,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration struct { // BerkshelfVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BerkshelfVersion string `json:"BerkshelfVersion,omitempty"` // ManageBerkshelf AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ManageBerkshelf bool `json:"ManageBerkshelf,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.ChefConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_ChefConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp struct { // Ip AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ip string `json:"Ip,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.ElasticIp) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_ElasticIp) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance struct { // DbPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DbPassword string `json:"DbPassword,omitempty"` // DbUser AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DbUser string `json:"DbUser,omitempty"` // RdsDbInstanceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RdsDbInstanceArn string `json:"RdsDbInstanceArn,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.RdsDbInstance) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_RdsDbInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_Source ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_Source struct { // Password AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` // Revision AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Revision string `json:"Revision,omitempty"` // SshKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshKey string `json:"SshKey,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Url AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Url string `json:"Url,omitempty"` // Username AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Username string `json:"Username,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_Source AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.Source) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_Source) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_Source) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager ¶
type AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Stack.StackConfigurationManager) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksStack_StackConfigurationManager) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSOpsWorksUserProfile ¶
type AWSOpsWorksUserProfile struct { // AllowSelfManagement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowSelfManagement bool `json:"AllowSelfManagement,omitempty"` // IamUserArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IamUserArn string `json:"IamUserArn,omitempty"` // SshPublicKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshPublicKey string `json:"SshPublicKey,omitempty"` // SshUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SshUsername string `json:"SshUsername,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksUserProfile AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::UserProfile) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksUserProfile) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSOpsWorksVolume ¶
type AWSOpsWorksVolume struct { // Ec2VolumeId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Ec2VolumeId string `json:"Ec2VolumeId,omitempty"` // MountPoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MountPoint string `json:"MountPoint,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StackId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StackId string `json:"StackId,omitempty"` }
AWSOpsWorksVolume AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::OpsWorks::Volume) See:
func (*AWSOpsWorksVolume) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksVolume) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSOpsWorksVolume) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksVolume) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSOpsWorksVolume) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSOpsWorksVolume) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBCluster ¶
type AWSRDSDBCluster struct { // AvailabilityZones AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZones []string `json:"AvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // BackupRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BackupRetentionPeriod int `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBClusterParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterParameterGroupName string `json:"DBClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // DatabaseName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DatabaseName string `json:"DatabaseName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // MasterUserPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUserPassword string `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // MasterUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUsername string `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredBackupWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredBackupWindow string `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // ReplicationSourceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationSourceIdentifier string `json:"ReplicationSourceIdentifier,omitempty"` // SnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // StorageEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageEncrypted bool `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBCluster) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBInstance ¶
type AWSRDSDBInstance struct { // AllocatedStorage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllocatedStorage string `json:"AllocatedStorage,omitempty"` // AllowMajorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowMajorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowMajorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutoMinorVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutoMinorVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AutoMinorVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // BackupRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BackupRetentionPeriod string `json:"BackupRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // CharacterSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CharacterSetName string `json:"CharacterSetName,omitempty"` // CopyTagsToSnapshot AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CopyTagsToSnapshot bool `json:"CopyTagsToSnapshot,omitempty"` // DBClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBClusterIdentifier string `json:"DBClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBInstanceClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBInstanceClass string `json:"DBInstanceClass,omitempty"` // DBInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBInstanceIdentifier string `json:"DBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBName string `json:"DBName,omitempty"` // DBParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBParameterGroupName string `json:"DBParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // DBSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSecurityGroups []string `json:"DBSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // DBSnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSnapshotIdentifier string `json:"DBSnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // Domain AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Domain string `json:"Domain,omitempty"` // DomainIAMRoleName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DomainIAMRoleName string `json:"DomainIAMRoleName,omitempty"` // Engine AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Engine string `json:"Engine,omitempty"` // EngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EngineVersion string `json:"EngineVersion,omitempty"` // Iops AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Iops int `json:"Iops,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // LicenseModel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LicenseModel string `json:"LicenseModel,omitempty"` // MasterUserPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUserPassword string `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // MasterUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MasterUsername string `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // MonitoringInterval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MonitoringInterval int `json:"MonitoringInterval,omitempty"` // MonitoringRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MonitoringRoleArn string `json:"MonitoringRoleArn,omitempty"` // MultiAZ AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MultiAZ bool `json:"MultiAZ,omitempty"` // OptionGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionGroupName string `json:"OptionGroupName,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port string `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredBackupWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredBackupWindow string `json:"PreferredBackupWindow,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // SourceDBInstanceIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceDBInstanceIdentifier string `json:"SourceDBInstanceIdentifier,omitempty"` // SourceRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceRegion string `json:"SourceRegion,omitempty"` // StorageEncrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageEncrypted bool `json:"StorageEncrypted,omitempty"` // StorageType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageType string `json:"StorageType,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Timezone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timezone string `json:"Timezone,omitempty"` // VPCSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCSecurityGroups []string `json:"VPCSecurityGroups,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBInstance) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBInstance) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBParameterGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Family AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Family string `json:"Family,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]string `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup struct { // DBSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSecurityGroupIngress []AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress `json:"DBSecurityGroupIngress,omitempty"` // EC2VpcId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2VpcId string `json:"EC2VpcId,omitempty"` // GroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: GroupDescription string `json:"GroupDescription,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress struct { // CIDRIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CIDRIP string `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // DBSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSecurityGroupName string `json:"DBSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress ¶
type AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress struct { // CIDRIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CIDRIP string `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupId,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup.Ingress) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup_Ingress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup struct { // DBSubnetGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBSubnetGroupDescription string `json:"DBSubnetGroupDescription,omitempty"` // DBSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSubnetGroupName string `json:"DBSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSEventSubscription ¶
type AWSRDSEventSubscription struct { // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // EventCategories AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EventCategories []string `json:"EventCategories,omitempty"` // SnsTopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SnsTopicArn string `json:"SnsTopicArn,omitempty"` // SourceIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceIds []string `json:"SourceIds,omitempty"` // SourceType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceType string `json:"SourceType,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSEventSubscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::EventSubscription) See:
func (*AWSRDSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSEventSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSEventSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSEventSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSOptionGroup ¶
type AWSRDSOptionGroup struct { // EngineName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EngineName string `json:"EngineName,omitempty"` // MajorEngineVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MajorEngineVersion string `json:"MajorEngineVersion,omitempty"` // OptionConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionConfigurations []AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration `json:"OptionConfigurations,omitempty"` // OptionGroupDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionGroupDescription string `json:"OptionGroupDescription,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSOptionGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::OptionGroup) See:
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration ¶
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration struct { // DBSecurityGroupMemberships AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DBSecurityGroupMemberships []string `json:"DBSecurityGroupMemberships,omitempty"` // OptionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OptionName string `json:"OptionName,omitempty"` // OptionSettings AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionSettings *AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting `json:"OptionSettings,omitempty"` // OptionVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionVersion string `json:"OptionVersion,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupMemberships AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupMemberships []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupMemberships,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::OptionGroup.OptionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting ¶
type AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::RDS::OptionGroup.OptionSetting) See:
func (*AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRDSOptionGroup_OptionSetting) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRedshiftCluster ¶
type AWSRedshiftCluster struct { // AllowVersionUpgrade AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowVersionUpgrade bool `json:"AllowVersionUpgrade,omitempty"` // AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod int `json:"AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // AvailabilityZone AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AvailabilityZone string `json:"AvailabilityZone,omitempty"` // ClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterIdentifier string `json:"ClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // ClusterParameterGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterParameterGroupName string `json:"ClusterParameterGroupName,omitempty"` // ClusterSecurityGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterSecurityGroups []string `json:"ClusterSecurityGroups,omitempty"` // ClusterSubnetGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterSubnetGroupName string `json:"ClusterSubnetGroupName,omitempty"` // ClusterType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterType string `json:"ClusterType,omitempty"` // ClusterVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClusterVersion string `json:"ClusterVersion,omitempty"` // DBName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DBName string `json:"DBName,omitempty"` // ElasticIp AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ElasticIp string `json:"ElasticIp,omitempty"` // Encrypted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encrypted bool `json:"Encrypted,omitempty"` // HsmClientCertificateIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HsmClientCertificateIdentifier string `json:"HsmClientCertificateIdentifier,omitempty"` // HsmConfigurationIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HsmConfigurationIdentifier string `json:"HsmConfigurationIdentifier,omitempty"` // IamRoles AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IamRoles []string `json:"IamRoles,omitempty"` // KmsKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyId string `json:"KmsKeyId,omitempty"` // LoggingProperties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingProperties *AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties `json:"LoggingProperties,omitempty"` // MasterUserPassword AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MasterUserPassword string `json:"MasterUserPassword,omitempty"` // MasterUsername AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MasterUsername string `json:"MasterUsername,omitempty"` // NodeType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NodeType string `json:"NodeType,omitempty"` // NumberOfNodes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NumberOfNodes int `json:"NumberOfNodes,omitempty"` // OwnerAccount AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OwnerAccount string `json:"OwnerAccount,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // PreferredMaintenanceWindow AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PreferredMaintenanceWindow string `json:"PreferredMaintenanceWindow,omitempty"` // PubliclyAccessible AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PubliclyAccessible bool `json:"PubliclyAccessible,omitempty"` // SnapshotClusterIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotClusterIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotClusterIdentifier,omitempty"` // SnapshotIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SnapshotIdentifier string `json:"SnapshotIdentifier,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VpcSecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcSecurityGroupIds []string `json:"VpcSecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftCluster AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::Cluster) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // ParameterGroupFamily AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterGroupFamily string `json:"ParameterGroupFamily,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters []AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter struct { // ParameterName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterName string `json:"ParameterName,omitempty"` // ParameterValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterValue string `json:"ParameterValue,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterParameterGroup.Parameter) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup_Parameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroup) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress struct { // CIDRIP AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CIDRIP string `json:"CIDRIP,omitempty"` // ClusterSecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ClusterSecurityGroupName string `json:"ClusterSecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupName string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupName,omitempty"` // EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId string `json:"EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterSecurityGroupIngress) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup ¶
type AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::ClusterSubnetGroup) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties ¶
type AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // S3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3KeyPrefix string `json:"S3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Redshift::Cluster.LoggingProperties) See:
func (*AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRedshiftCluster_LoggingProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck struct { // HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HealthCheckConfig *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig `json:"HealthCheckConfig,omitempty"` // HealthCheckTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckTags []AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag `json:"HealthCheckTags,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.AlarmIdentifier) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig struct { // AlarmIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AlarmIdentifier *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_AlarmIdentifier `json:"AlarmIdentifier,omitempty"` // ChildHealthChecks AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ChildHealthChecks []string `json:"ChildHealthChecks,omitempty"` // EnableSNI AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableSNI bool `json:"EnableSNI,omitempty"` // FailureThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailureThreshold int `json:"FailureThreshold,omitempty"` // FullyQualifiedDomainName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FullyQualifiedDomainName string `json:"FullyQualifiedDomainName,omitempty"` // HealthThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthThreshold int `json:"HealthThreshold,omitempty"` // IPAddress AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPAddress string `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` // InsufficientDataHealthStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InsufficientDataHealthStatus string `json:"InsufficientDataHealthStatus,omitempty"` // Inverted AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Inverted bool `json:"Inverted,omitempty"` // MeasureLatency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MeasureLatency bool `json:"MeasureLatency,omitempty"` // Port AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Port int `json:"Port,omitempty"` // Regions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Regions []string `json:"Regions,omitempty"` // RequestInterval AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RequestInterval int `json:"RequestInterval,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // SearchString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SearchString string `json:"SearchString,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.HealthCheckConfig) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag ¶
type AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HealthCheck.HealthCheckTag) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HealthCheck_HealthCheckTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone struct { // HostedZoneConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneConfig *AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig `json:"HostedZoneConfig,omitempty"` // HostedZoneTags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneTags []AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag `json:"HostedZoneTags,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // QueryLoggingConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueryLoggingConfig *AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig `json:"QueryLoggingConfig,omitempty"` // VPCs AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VPCs []AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC `json:"VPCs,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.HostedZoneConfig) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.HostedZoneTag) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_HostedZoneTag) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig struct { // CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn string `json:"CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.QueryLoggingConfig) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_QueryLoggingConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC ¶
type AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC struct { // VPCId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VPCId string `json:"VPCId,omitempty"` // VPCRegion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: VPCRegion string `json:"VPCRegion,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::HostedZone.VPC) See:
func (*AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53HostedZone_VPC) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSet ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSet struct { // AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AliasTarget *AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget `json:"AliasTarget,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Failover AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Failover string `json:"Failover,omitempty"` // GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GeoLocation *AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation `json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` // HealthCheckId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckId string `json:"HealthCheckId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneName string `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // ResourceRecords AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceRecords []string `json:"ResourceRecords,omitempty"` // SetIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SetIdentifier string `json:"SetIdentifier,omitempty"` // TTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TTL string `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Weight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Weight int `json:"Weight,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSet) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneName string `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // RecordSets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RecordSets []AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet `json:"RecordSets,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // EvaluateTargetHealth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluateTargetHealth bool `json:"EvaluateTargetHealth,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.AliasTarget) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation struct { // ContinentCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContinentCode string `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // CountryCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CountryCode string `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // SubdivisionCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubdivisionCode string `json:"SubdivisionCode,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.GeoLocation) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet struct { // AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AliasTarget *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_AliasTarget `json:"AliasTarget,omitempty"` // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // Failover AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Failover string `json:"Failover,omitempty"` // GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GeoLocation *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_GeoLocation `json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` // HealthCheckId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckId string `json:"HealthCheckId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` // HostedZoneName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostedZoneName string `json:"HostedZoneName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // ResourceRecords AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourceRecords []string `json:"ResourceRecords,omitempty"` // SetIdentifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SetIdentifier string `json:"SetIdentifier,omitempty"` // TTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TTL string `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Weight AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Weight int `json:"Weight,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup.RecordSet) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup_RecordSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget struct { // DNSName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DNSName string `json:"DNSName,omitempty"` // EvaluateTargetHealth AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EvaluateTargetHealth bool `json:"EvaluateTargetHealth,omitempty"` // HostedZoneId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostedZoneId string `json:"HostedZoneId,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSet.AliasTarget) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet_AliasTarget) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation ¶
type AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation struct { // ContinentCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContinentCode string `json:"ContinentCode,omitempty"` // CountryCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CountryCode string `json:"CountryCode,omitempty"` // SubdivisionCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubdivisionCode string `json:"SubdivisionCode,omitempty"` }
AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Route53::RecordSet.GeoLocation) See:
func (*AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSRoute53RecordSet_GeoLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket ¶
type AWSS3Bucket struct { // AccelerateConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccelerateConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration `json:"AccelerateConfiguration,omitempty"` // AccessControl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessControl string `json:"AccessControl,omitempty"` // AnalyticsConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AnalyticsConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration `json:"AnalyticsConfigurations,omitempty"` // BucketEncryption AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketEncryption *AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption `json:"BucketEncryption,omitempty"` // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // CorsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CorsConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration `json:"CorsConfiguration,omitempty"` // InventoryConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InventoryConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration `json:"InventoryConfigurations,omitempty"` // LifecycleConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LifecycleConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration `json:"LifecycleConfiguration,omitempty"` // LoggingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration `json:"LoggingConfiguration,omitempty"` // MetricsConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MetricsConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration `json:"MetricsConfigurations,omitempty"` // NotificationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration `json:"NotificationConfiguration,omitempty"` // ReplicationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplicationConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration `json:"ReplicationConfiguration,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // VersioningConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VersioningConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration `json:"VersioningConfiguration,omitempty"` // WebsiteConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WebsiteConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration `json:"WebsiteConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSS3Bucket) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSS3Bucket) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSS3BucketPolicy ¶
type AWSS3BucketPolicy struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` }
AWSS3BucketPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::BucketPolicy) See:
func (*AWSS3BucketPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3BucketPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSS3BucketPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSS3BucketPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSS3BucketPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSS3BucketPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload struct { // DaysAfterInitiation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DaysAfterInitiation int `json:"DaysAfterInitiation,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration struct { // AccelerationStatus AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AccelerationStatus string `json:"AccelerationStatus,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AccelerateConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AccelerateConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation struct { // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AccessControlTranslation) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // StorageClassAnalysis AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StorageClassAnalysis *AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis `json:"StorageClassAnalysis,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.AnalyticsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_AnalyticsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption struct { // ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration []AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule `json:"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.BucketEncryption) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_BucketEncryption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration struct { // CorsRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CorsRules []AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule `json:"CorsRules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.CorsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_CorsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule struct { // AllowedHeaders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedHeaders []string `json:"AllowedHeaders,omitempty"` // AllowedMethods AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllowedMethods []string `json:"AllowedMethods,omitempty"` // AllowedOrigins AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: AllowedOrigins []string `json:"AllowedOrigins,omitempty"` // ExposedHeaders AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExposedHeaders []string `json:"ExposedHeaders,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // MaxAge AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaxAge int `json:"MaxAge,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.CorsRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_CorsRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_DataExport ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_DataExport struct { // Destination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Destination *AWSS3Bucket_Destination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // OutputSchemaVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OutputSchemaVersion string `json:"OutputSchemaVersion,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_DataExport AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.DataExport) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_DataExport) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_DataExport) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_Destination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_Destination struct { // BucketAccountId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BucketAccountId string `json:"BucketAccountId,omitempty"` // BucketArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketArn string `json:"BucketArn,omitempty"` // Format AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Format string `json:"Format,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_Destination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.Destination) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_Destination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_Destination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration struct { // ReplicaKmsKeyID AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ReplicaKmsKeyID string `json:"ReplicaKmsKeyID,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.EncryptionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.FilterRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration struct { // Destination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Destination *AWSS3Bucket_Destination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // IncludedObjectVersions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IncludedObjectVersions string `json:"IncludedObjectVersions,omitempty"` // OptionalFields AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OptionalFields []string `json:"OptionalFields,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // ScheduleFrequency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ScheduleFrequency string `json:"ScheduleFrequency,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.InventoryConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_InventoryConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration struct { // Event AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Function AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Function string `json:"Function,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.LambdaConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration struct { // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSS3Bucket_Rule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.LifecycleConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_LifecycleConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration struct { // DestinationBucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DestinationBucketName string `json:"DestinationBucketName,omitempty"` // LogFilePrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LogFilePrefix string `json:"LogFilePrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.LoggingConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_LoggingConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration struct { // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.MetricsConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_MetricsConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition struct { // StorageClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StorageClass string `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // TransitionInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TransitionInDays int `json:"TransitionInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.NoncurrentVersionTransition) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration struct { // LambdaConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_LambdaConfiguration `json:"LambdaConfigurations,omitempty"` // QueueConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueueConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration `json:"QueueConfigurations,omitempty"` // TopicConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicConfigurations []AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration `json:"TopicConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.NotificationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter struct { // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Key *AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.NotificationFilter) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration struct { // Event AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Queue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Queue string `json:"Queue,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.QueueConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_QueueConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo struct { // HostName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RedirectAllRequestsTo) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule struct { // HostName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HostName string `json:"HostName,omitempty"` // HttpRedirectCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpRedirectCode string `json:"HttpRedirectCode,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // ReplaceKeyPrefixWith AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplaceKeyPrefixWith string `json:"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith,omitempty"` // ReplaceKeyWith AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReplaceKeyWith string `json:"ReplaceKeyWith,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RedirectRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration struct { // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ReplicationConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination struct { // AccessControlTranslation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AccessControlTranslation *AWSS3Bucket_AccessControlTranslation `json:"AccessControlTranslation,omitempty"` // Account AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Account string `json:"Account,omitempty"` // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // EncryptionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EncryptionConfiguration *AWSS3Bucket_EncryptionConfiguration `json:"EncryptionConfiguration,omitempty"` // StorageClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StorageClass string `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ReplicationDestination) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule struct { // Destination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Destination *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationDestination `json:"Destination,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // SourceSelectionCriteria AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourceSelectionCriteria *AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria `json:"SourceSelectionCriteria,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ReplicationRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ReplicationRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule struct { // RedirectRule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RedirectRule *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectRule `json:"RedirectRule,omitempty"` // RoutingRuleCondition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingRuleCondition *AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition `json:"RoutingRuleCondition,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RoutingRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition struct { // HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals string `json:"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals,omitempty"` // KeyPrefixEquals AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KeyPrefixEquals string `json:"KeyPrefixEquals,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.RoutingRuleCondition) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRuleCondition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_Rule ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_Rule struct { // AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload *AWSS3Bucket_AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload `json:"AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload,omitempty"` // ExpirationDate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExpirationDate string `json:"ExpirationDate,omitempty"` // ExpirationInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ExpirationInDays int `json:"ExpirationInDays,omitempty"` // Id AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` // NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays int `json:"NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays,omitempty"` // NoncurrentVersionTransition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoncurrentVersionTransition *AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition `json:"NoncurrentVersionTransition,omitempty"` // NoncurrentVersionTransitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NoncurrentVersionTransitions []AWSS3Bucket_NoncurrentVersionTransition `json:"NoncurrentVersionTransitions,omitempty"` // Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Prefix string `json:"Prefix,omitempty"` // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // TagFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TagFilters []AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter `json:"TagFilters,omitempty"` // Transition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Transition *AWSS3Bucket_Transition `json:"Transition,omitempty"` // Transitions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Transitions []AWSS3Bucket_Transition `json:"Transitions,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.Rule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter struct { // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules []AWSS3Bucket_FilterRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.S3KeyFilter) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_S3KeyFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault struct { // KMSMasterKeyID AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KMSMasterKeyID string `json:"KMSMasterKeyID,omitempty"` // SSEAlgorithm AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SSEAlgorithm string `json:"SSEAlgorithm,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule struct { // ServerSideEncryptionByDefault AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServerSideEncryptionByDefault *AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionByDefault `json:"ServerSideEncryptionByDefault,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.ServerSideEncryptionRule) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_ServerSideEncryptionRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria struct { // SseKmsEncryptedObjects AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SseKmsEncryptedObjects *AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects `json:"SseKmsEncryptedObjects,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.SourceSelectionCriteria) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_SourceSelectionCriteria) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects struct { // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.SseKmsEncryptedObjects) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_SseKmsEncryptedObjects) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis struct { // DataExport AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DataExport *AWSS3Bucket_DataExport `json:"DataExport,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.StorageClassAnalysis) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_StorageClassAnalysis) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.TagFilter) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_TagFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration struct { // Event AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSS3Bucket_NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Topic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topic string `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.TopicConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_TopicConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_Transition ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_Transition struct { // StorageClass AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StorageClass string `json:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // TransitionDate AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TransitionDate string `json:"TransitionDate,omitempty"` // TransitionInDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TransitionInDays int `json:"TransitionInDays,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_Transition AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.Transition) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_Transition) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_Transition) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration struct { // Status AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.VersioningConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_VersioningConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration ¶
type AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration struct { // ErrorDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ErrorDocument string `json:"ErrorDocument,omitempty"` // IndexDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IndexDocument string `json:"IndexDocument,omitempty"` // RedirectAllRequestsTo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RedirectAllRequestsTo *AWSS3Bucket_RedirectAllRequestsTo `json:"RedirectAllRequestsTo,omitempty"` // RoutingRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RoutingRules []AWSS3Bucket_RoutingRule `json:"RoutingRules,omitempty"` }
AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::S3::Bucket.WebsiteConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSS3Bucket_WebsiteConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSDBDomain ¶
type AWSSDBDomain struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` }
AWSSDBDomain AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SDB::Domain) See:
func (*AWSSDBDomain) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSDBDomain) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSDBDomain) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSDBDomain) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSDBDomain) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSDBDomain) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESConfigurationSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSet) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination struct { // ConfigurationSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ConfigurationSetName string `json:"ConfigurationSetName,omitempty"` // EventDestination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: EventDestination *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination `json:"EventDestination,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination struct { // DimensionConfigurations AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DimensionConfigurations []AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration `json:"DimensionConfigurations,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.CloudWatchDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration struct { // DefaultDimensionValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultDimensionValue string `json:"DefaultDimensionValue,omitempty"` // DimensionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DimensionName string `json:"DimensionName,omitempty"` // DimensionValueSource AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DimensionValueSource string `json:"DimensionValueSource,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.DimensionConfiguration) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_DimensionConfiguration) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination struct { // CloudWatchDestination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CloudWatchDestination *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_CloudWatchDestination `json:"CloudWatchDestination,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // KinesisFirehoseDestination AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KinesisFirehoseDestination *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination `json:"KinesisFirehoseDestination,omitempty"` // MatchingEventTypes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MatchingEventTypes []string `json:"MatchingEventTypes,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.EventDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_EventDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination struct { // DeliveryStreamARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DeliveryStreamARN string `json:"DeliveryStreamARN,omitempty"` // IAMRoleARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IAMRoleARN string `json:"IAMRoleARN,omitempty"` }
AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination.KinesisFirehoseDestination) See:
func (*AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination_KinesisFirehoseDestination) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptFilter struct { // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Filter *AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter struct { // IpFilter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: IpFilter *AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter `json:"IpFilter,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter.Filter) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter_Filter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter struct { // Cidr AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Cidr string `json:"Cidr,omitempty"` // Policy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Policy string `json:"Policy,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter.IpFilter) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptFilter_IpFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule struct { // After AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: After string `json:"After,omitempty"` // Rule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rule *AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule `json:"Rule,omitempty"` // RuleSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleSetName string `json:"RuleSetName,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESReceiptRuleSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRuleSet struct { // RuleSetName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RuleSetName string `json:"RuleSetName,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRuleSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRuleSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Action struct { // AddHeaderAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AddHeaderAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction `json:"AddHeaderAction,omitempty"` // BounceAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BounceAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction `json:"BounceAction,omitempty"` // LambdaAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LambdaAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction `json:"LambdaAction,omitempty"` // S3Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Action *AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action `json:"S3Action,omitempty"` // SNSAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SNSAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction `json:"SNSAction,omitempty"` // StopAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StopAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction `json:"StopAction,omitempty"` // WorkmailAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WorkmailAction *AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction `json:"WorkmailAction,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.Action) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction struct { // HeaderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderName string `json:"HeaderName,omitempty"` // HeaderValue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: HeaderValue string `json:"HeaderValue,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.AddHeaderAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_AddHeaderAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction struct { // Message AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` // Sender AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Sender string `json:"Sender,omitempty"` // SmtpReplyCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SmtpReplyCode string `json:"SmtpReplyCode,omitempty"` // StatusCode AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StatusCode string `json:"StatusCode,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.BounceAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_BounceAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction struct { // FunctionArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FunctionArn string `json:"FunctionArn,omitempty"` // InvocationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InvocationType string `json:"InvocationType,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.LambdaAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_LambdaAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule struct { // Actions AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Actions []AWSSESReceiptRule_Action `json:"Actions,omitempty"` // Enabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Enabled bool `json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Recipients AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Recipients []string `json:"Recipients,omitempty"` // ScanEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScanEnabled bool `json:"ScanEnabled,omitempty"` // TlsPolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TlsPolicy string `json:"TlsPolicy,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.Rule) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action struct { // BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BucketName string `json:"BucketName,omitempty"` // KmsKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyArn string `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // ObjectKeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ObjectKeyPrefix string `json:"ObjectKeyPrefix,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.S3Action) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_S3Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction struct { // Encoding AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Encoding string `json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.SNSAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_SNSAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction struct { // Scope AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Scope string `json:"Scope,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.StopAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_StopAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction struct { // OrganizationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: OrganizationArn string `json:"OrganizationArn,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.WorkmailAction) See:
func (*AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESReceiptRule_WorkmailAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSESTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESTemplate struct { // Template AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Template *AWSSESTemplate_Template `json:"Template,omitempty"` }
AWSSESTemplate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::Template) See:
func (*AWSSESTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSESTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSESTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSESTemplate_Template ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSESTemplate_Template struct { // HtmlPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HtmlPart string `json:"HtmlPart,omitempty"` // SubjectPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SubjectPart string `json:"SubjectPart,omitempty"` // TemplateName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName,omitempty"` // TextPart AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TextPart string `json:"TextPart,omitempty"` }
AWSSESTemplate_Template AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SES::Template.Template) See:
func (*AWSSESTemplate_Template) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSESTemplate_Template) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSNSSubscription ¶
type AWSSNSSubscription struct { // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // TopicArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicArn string `json:"TopicArn,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSSubscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::Subscription) See:
func (*AWSSNSSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSSubscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSNSSubscription) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSSubscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSNSSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSNSTopic ¶
type AWSSNSTopic struct { // DisplayName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // Subscription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Subscription []AWSSNSTopic_Subscription `json:"Subscription,omitempty"` // TopicName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TopicName string `json:"TopicName,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSTopic AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::Topic) See:
func (*AWSSNSTopic) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSNSTopic) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSNSTopic) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSNSTopicPolicy ¶
type AWSSNSTopicPolicy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // Topics AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topics []string `json:"Topics,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSTopicPolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy) See:
func (*AWSSNSTopicPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopicPolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSNSTopicPolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopicPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSNSTopicPolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopicPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSNSTopic_Subscription ¶
type AWSSNSTopic_Subscription struct { // Endpoint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Endpoint string `json:"Endpoint,omitempty"` // Protocol AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Protocol string `json:"Protocol,omitempty"` }
AWSSNSTopic_Subscription AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SNS::Topic.Subscription) See:
func (*AWSSNSTopic_Subscription) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSNSTopic_Subscription) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSQSQueue ¶
type AWSSQSQueue struct { // ContentBasedDeduplication AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ContentBasedDeduplication bool `json:"ContentBasedDeduplication,omitempty"` // DelaySeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DelaySeconds int `json:"DelaySeconds,omitempty"` // FifoQueue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FifoQueue bool `json:"FifoQueue,omitempty"` // KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds int `json:"KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds,omitempty"` // KmsMasterKeyId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsMasterKeyId string `json:"KmsMasterKeyId,omitempty"` // MaximumMessageSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaximumMessageSize int `json:"MaximumMessageSize,omitempty"` // MessageRetentionPeriod AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MessageRetentionPeriod int `json:"MessageRetentionPeriod,omitempty"` // QueueName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: QueueName string `json:"QueueName,omitempty"` // ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds int `json:"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds,omitempty"` // RedrivePolicy AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RedrivePolicy interface{} `json:"RedrivePolicy,omitempty"` // VisibilityTimeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VisibilityTimeout int `json:"VisibilityTimeout,omitempty"` }
AWSSQSQueue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SQS::Queue) See:
func (*AWSSQSQueue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSQSQueue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSQSQueue) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSQSQueuePolicy ¶
type AWSSQSQueuePolicy struct { // PolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PolicyDocument interface{} `json:"PolicyDocument,omitempty"` // Queues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Queues []string `json:"Queues,omitempty"` }
AWSSQSQueuePolicy AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy) See:
func (*AWSSQSQueuePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueuePolicy) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSQSQueuePolicy) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueuePolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSQSQueuePolicy) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSQSQueuePolicy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMAssociation ¶
type AWSSSMAssociation struct { // AssociationName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AssociationName string `json:"AssociationName,omitempty"` // DocumentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentVersion string `json:"DocumentVersion,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OutputLocation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputLocation *AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation `json:"OutputLocation,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters map[string]AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // ScheduleExpression AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ScheduleExpression string `json:"ScheduleExpression,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Targets []AWSSSMAssociation_Target `json:"Targets,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSSMAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation struct { // S3Location AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Location *AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation `json:"S3Location,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_InstanceAssociationOutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues ¶
type AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues struct { // ParameterValues AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ParameterValues []string `json:"ParameterValues,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.ParameterValues) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_ParameterValues) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation struct { // OutputS3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3BucketName string `json:"OutputS3BucketName,omitempty"` // OutputS3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3KeyPrefix string `json:"OutputS3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.S3OutputLocation) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_S3OutputLocation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMAssociation_Target ¶
type AWSSSMAssociation_Target struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMAssociation_Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Association.Target) See:
func (*AWSSSMAssociation_Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMAssociation_Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMDocument ¶
type AWSSSMDocument struct { // Content AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Content interface{} `json:"Content,omitempty"` // DocumentType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentType string `json:"DocumentType,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMDocument AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Document) See:
func (*AWSSSMDocument) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMDocument) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSSMDocument) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMDocument) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMDocument) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // LoggingInfo AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: LoggingInfo *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo `json:"LoggingInfo,omitempty"` // MaxConcurrency AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxConcurrency string `json:"MaxConcurrency,omitempty"` // MaxErrors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MaxErrors string `json:"MaxErrors,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // Targets AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Targets []AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target `json:"Targets,omitempty"` // TaskArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskArn string `json:"TaskArn,omitempty"` // TaskInvocationParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskInvocationParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters `json:"TaskInvocationParameters,omitempty"` // TaskParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TaskParameters interface{} `json:"TaskParameters,omitempty"` // TaskType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TaskType string `json:"TaskType,omitempty"` // WindowId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: WindowId string `json:"WindowId,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo struct { // Region AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Region string `json:"Region,omitempty"` // S3Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Bucket string `json:"S3Bucket,omitempty"` // S3Prefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: S3Prefix string `json:"S3Prefix,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.LoggingInfo) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_LoggingInfo) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters struct { // DocumentVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentVersion string `json:"DocumentVersion,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters struct { // ClientContext AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ClientContext string `json:"ClientContext,omitempty"` // Payload AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Payload string `json:"Payload,omitempty"` // Qualifier AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Qualifier string `json:"Qualifier,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters struct { // Comment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Comment string `json:"Comment,omitempty"` // DocumentHash AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentHash string `json:"DocumentHash,omitempty"` // DocumentHashType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DocumentHashType string `json:"DocumentHashType,omitempty"` // NotificationConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationConfig *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig `json:"NotificationConfig,omitempty"` // OutputS3BucketName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3BucketName string `json:"OutputS3BucketName,omitempty"` // OutputS3KeyPrefix AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OutputS3KeyPrefix string `json:"OutputS3KeyPrefix,omitempty"` // Parameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Parameters interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` // ServiceRoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ServiceRoleArn string `json:"ServiceRoleArn,omitempty"` // TimeoutSeconds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TimeoutSeconds int `json:"TimeoutSeconds,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters struct { // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig struct { // NotificationArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NotificationArn string `json:"NotificationArn,omitempty"` // NotificationEvents AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationEvents []string `json:"NotificationEvents,omitempty"` // NotificationType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationType string `json:"NotificationType,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.NotificationConfig) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_NotificationConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.Target) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_Target) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters struct { // MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters,omitempty"` // MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters `json:"MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::MaintenanceWindowTask.TaskInvocationParameters) See:
func (*AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationParameters) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMParameter ¶
type AWSSSMParameter struct { // AllowedPattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AllowedPattern string `json:"AllowedPattern,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::Parameter) See:
func (*AWSSSMParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSSSMParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSSMParameter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMParameter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSSSMParameter) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline struct { // ApprovalRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovalRules *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup `json:"ApprovalRules,omitempty"` // ApprovedPatches AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovedPatches []string `json:"ApprovedPatches,omitempty"` // ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel string `json:"ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel,omitempty"` // ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity bool `json:"ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // GlobalFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: GlobalFilters *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup `json:"GlobalFilters,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // OperatingSystem AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: OperatingSystem string `json:"OperatingSystem,omitempty"` // PatchGroups AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchGroups []string `json:"PatchGroups,omitempty"` // RejectedPatches AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RejectedPatches []string `json:"RejectedPatches,omitempty"` // Sources AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Sources []AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource `json:"Sources,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Values AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Values []string `json:"Values,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchFilter) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup struct { // PatchFilters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchFilters []AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilter `json:"PatchFilters,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchFilterGroup) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup struct { }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchGroup) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource struct { // Configuration AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Configuration string `json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Products AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Products []string `json:"Products,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.PatchSource) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule struct { // ApproveAfterDays AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ApproveAfterDays int `json:"ApproveAfterDays,omitempty"` // ComplianceLevel AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ComplianceLevel string `json:"ComplianceLevel,omitempty"` // EnableNonSecurity AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: EnableNonSecurity bool `json:"EnableNonSecurity,omitempty"` // PatchFilterGroup AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchFilterGroup *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_PatchFilterGroup `json:"PatchFilterGroup,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.Rule) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup struct { // PatchRules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PatchRules []AWSSSMPatchBaseline_Rule `json:"PatchRules,omitempty"` }
AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::SSM::PatchBaseline.RuleGroup) See:
func (*AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSSSMPatchBaseline_RuleGroup) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessApi ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessApi struct { // CacheClusterEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterEnabled bool `json:"CacheClusterEnabled,omitempty"` // CacheClusterSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: CacheClusterSize string `json:"CacheClusterSize,omitempty"` // DefinitionBody AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefinitionBody interface{} `json:"DefinitionBody,omitempty"` // DefinitionUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DefinitionUri *AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri `json:"DefinitionUri,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // StageName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StageName string `json:"StageName,omitempty"` // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessApi AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Api) See:
func (*AWSServerlessApi) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServerlessApi) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServerlessApi) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri struct { String *string S3Location *AWSServerlessApi_S3Location }
AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri is a helper struct that can hold either a String or S3Location value
func (*AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi_DefinitionUri) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessApi_S3Location ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessApi_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version int `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessApi_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Api.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSServerlessApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessApi_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction struct { // CodeUri AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: CodeUri *AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri `json:"CodeUri,omitempty"` // DeadLetterQueue AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: DeadLetterQueue *AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue `json:"DeadLetterQueue,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Environment AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Environment *AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment `json:"Environment,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Events map[string]AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource `json:"Events,omitempty"` // FunctionName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FunctionName string `json:"FunctionName,omitempty"` // Handler AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Handler string `json:"Handler,omitempty"` // KmsKeyArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: KmsKeyArn string `json:"KmsKeyArn,omitempty"` // MemorySize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: MemorySize int `json:"MemorySize,omitempty"` // Policies AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Policies *AWSServerlessFunction_Policies `json:"Policies,omitempty"` // Role AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Role string `json:"Role,omitempty"` // Runtime AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Runtime string `json:"Runtime,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags map[string]string `json:"Tags,omitempty"` // Timeout AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Timeout int `json:"Timeout,omitempty"` // Tracing AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tracing string `json:"Tracing,omitempty"` // VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VpcConfig *AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig `json:"VpcConfig,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServerlessFunction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServerlessFunction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent struct { // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.AlexaSkillEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent struct { // Method AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Method string `json:"Method,omitempty"` // Path AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Path string `json:"Path,omitempty"` // RestApiId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RestApiId string `json:"RestApiId,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.ApiEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent struct { // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // InputPath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InputPath string `json:"InputPath,omitempty"` // Pattern AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Pattern interface{} `json:"Pattern,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.CloudWatchEventEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri struct { String *string S3Location *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location }
AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri is a helper struct that can hold either a String or S3Location value
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_CodeUri) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue struct { // TargetArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TargetArn string `json:"TargetArn,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.DeadLetterQueue) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_DeadLetterQueue) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // StartingPosition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StartingPosition string `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` // Stream AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Stream string `json:"Stream,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.DynamoDBEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource struct { // Properties AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Properties *AWSServerlessFunction_Properties `json:"Properties,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.EventSource) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_EventSource) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_Events ¶ added in v1.1.0
AWSServerlessFunction_Events is a helper struct that can hold either a String or String value
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Events) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Events) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Events) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Events) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment struct { // Variables AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Variables map[string]string `json:"Variables,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.FunctionEnvironment) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_FunctionEnvironment) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument struct { // Statement AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Statement interface{} `json:"Statement,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.IAMPolicyDocument) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent struct { // AwsIotSqlVersion AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AwsIotSqlVersion string `json:"AwsIotSqlVersion,omitempty"` // Sql AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Sql string `json:"Sql,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.IoTRuleEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent struct { // BatchSize AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: BatchSize int `json:"BatchSize,omitempty"` // StartingPosition AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: StartingPosition string `json:"StartingPosition,omitempty"` // Stream AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Stream string `json:"Stream,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.KinesisEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_Policies ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_Policies struct { String *string StringArray *[]string IAMPolicyDocument *AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument IAMPolicyDocumentArray *[]AWSServerlessFunction_IAMPolicyDocument }
AWSServerlessFunction_Policies is a helper struct that can hold either a String, String, IAMPolicyDocument, or IAMPolicyDocument value
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Policies) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_Properties ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessFunction_Properties struct { S3Event *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event SNSEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent KinesisEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_KinesisEvent DynamoDBEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_DynamoDBEvent ApiEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_ApiEvent ScheduleEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent CloudWatchEventEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_CloudWatchEventEvent IoTRuleEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_IoTRuleEvent AlexaSkillEvent *AWSServerlessFunction_AlexaSkillEvent }
AWSServerlessFunction_Properties is a helper struct that can hold either a S3Event, SNSEvent, KinesisEvent, DynamoDBEvent, ApiEvent, ScheduleEvent, CloudWatchEventEvent, IoTRuleEvent, or AlexaSkillEvent value
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_Properties) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
Hook into the marshaller
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Events AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Events *AWSServerlessFunction_Events `json:"Events,omitempty"` // Filter AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Filter *AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter `json:"Filter,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.S3Event) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Event) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location struct { // Bucket AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Bucket string `json:"Bucket,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Version AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Version int `json:"Version,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.S3Location) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_S3Location) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter struct { // S3Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: S3Key string `json:"S3Key,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.S3NotificationFilter) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_S3NotificationFilter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent struct { // Topic AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Topic string `json:"Topic,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.SNSEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_SNSEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent struct { // Input AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Input string `json:"Input,omitempty"` // Schedule AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Schedule string `json:"Schedule,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.ScheduleEvent) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_ScheduleEvent) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig ¶
type AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig struct { // SecurityGroupIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"SecurityGroupIds,omitempty"` // SubnetIds AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SubnetIds []string `json:"SubnetIds,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::Function.VpcConfig) See:
func (*AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSServerlessFunction_VpcConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable struct { // PrimaryKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PrimaryKey *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey `json:"PrimaryKey,omitempty"` // ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisionedThroughput *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput `json:"ProvisionedThroughput,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessSimpleTable AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable) See:
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable.PrimaryKey) See:
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_PrimaryKey) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput struct { // ReadCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ReadCapacityUnits int `json:"ReadCapacityUnits,omitempty"` // WriteCapacityUnits AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: WriteCapacityUnits int `json:"WriteCapacityUnits,omitempty"` }
AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable.ProvisionedThroughput) See:
func (*AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServerlessSimpleTable_ProvisionedThroughput) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare struct { // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::AcceptedPortfolioShare) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Distributor AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Distributor string `json:"Distributor,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Owner AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` // ProvisioningArtifactParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProvisioningArtifactParameters []AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties `json:"ProvisioningArtifactParameters,omitempty"` // SupportDescription AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportDescription string `json:"SupportDescription,omitempty"` // SupportEmail AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportEmail string `json:"SupportEmail,omitempty"` // SupportUrl AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SupportUrl string `json:"SupportUrl,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Info AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Info interface{} `json:"Info,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct.ProvisioningArtifactProperties) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct_ProvisioningArtifactProperties) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // NotificationArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: NotificationArns []string `json:"NotificationArns,omitempty"` // PathId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: PathId string `json:"PathId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // ProductName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProductName string `json:"ProductName,omitempty"` // ProvisionedProductName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisionedProductName string `json:"ProvisionedProductName,omitempty"` // ProvisioningArtifactId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisioningArtifactId string `json:"ProvisioningArtifactId,omitempty"` // ProvisioningArtifactName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisioningArtifactName string `json:"ProvisioningArtifactName,omitempty"` // ProvisioningParameters AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ProvisioningParameters []AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter `json:"ProvisioningParameters,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProvisionedProduct.ProvisioningParameter) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct_ProvisioningParameter) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // NotificationArns AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NotificationArns []string `json:"NotificationArns,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchNotificationConstraint) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Rules string `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchTemplateConstraint) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DisplayName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty"` // ProviderName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProviderName string `json:"ProviderName,omitempty"` // Tags AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Tags []Tag `json:"Tags,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // PrincipalARN AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrincipalARN string `json:"PrincipalARN,omitempty"` // PrincipalType AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PrincipalType string `json:"PrincipalType,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioPrincipalAssociation) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation struct { // AcceptLanguage AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // PortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` // ProductId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ProductId string `json:"ProductId,omitempty"` // SourcePortfolioId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SourcePortfolioId string `json:"SourcePortfolioId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare struct { // Required: false // See: AcceptLanguage string `json:"AcceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Required: true // See: AccountId string `json:"AccountId,omitempty"` // Required: true // See: PortfolioId string `json:"PortfolioId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioShare) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOption ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOption struct { // Active AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Active bool `json:"Active,omitempty"` // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogTagOption AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOption) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOption) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation struct { // ResourceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceId string `json:"ResourceId,omitempty"` // TagOptionId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TagOptionId string `json:"TagOptionId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceCatalog::TagOptionAssociation) See:
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance struct { // InstanceAttributes AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: InstanceAttributes interface{} `json:"InstanceAttributes,omitempty"` // InstanceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: InstanceId string `json:"InstanceId,omitempty"` // ServiceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ServiceId string `json:"ServiceId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Instance) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Vpc AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Vpc string `json:"Vpc,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PrivateDnsNamespace) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::PublicDnsNamespace) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService struct { // Description AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` // DnsConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DnsConfig *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig `json:"DnsConfig,omitempty"` // HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: HealthCheckConfig *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig `json:"HealthCheckConfig,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig struct { // DnsRecords AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DnsRecords []AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord `json:"DnsRecords,omitempty"` // NamespaceId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: NamespaceId string `json:"NamespaceId,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.DnsConfig) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord struct { // TTL AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TTL string `json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.DnsRecord) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_DnsRecord) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig struct { // FailureThreshold AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: FailureThreshold float64 `json:"FailureThreshold,omitempty"` // ResourcePath AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ResourcePath string `json:"ResourcePath,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::ServiceDiscovery::Service.HealthCheckConfig) See:
func (*AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (r *AWSServiceDiscoveryService_HealthCheckConfig) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSStepFunctionsActivity ¶
type AWSStepFunctionsActivity struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSStepFunctionsActivity AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::StepFunctions::Activity) See:
func (*AWSStepFunctionsActivity) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsActivity) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSStepFunctionsActivity) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsActivity) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSStepFunctionsActivity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsActivity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine ¶
type AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine struct { // DefinitionString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefinitionString string `json:"DefinitionString,omitempty"` // RoleArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RoleArn string `json:"RoleArn,omitempty"` // StateMachineName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: StateMachineName string `json:"StateMachineName,omitempty"` }
AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine) See:
func (*AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet struct { // ByteMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ByteMatchTuples []AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple `json:"ByteMatchTuples,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFByteMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // PositionalConstraint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PositionalConstraint string `json:"PositionalConstraint,omitempty"` // TargetString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetString string `json:"TargetString,omitempty"` // TargetStringBase64 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetStringBase64 string `json:"TargetStringBase64,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet.ByteMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::ByteMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFIPSet ¶
type AWSWAFIPSet struct { // IPSetDescriptors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPSetDescriptors []AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor `json:"IPSetDescriptors,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFIPSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::IPSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFIPSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFIPSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor ¶
type AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::IPSet.IPSetDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet struct { // ByteMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: ByteMatchTuples []AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple `json:"ByteMatchTuples,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // PositionalConstraint AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: PositionalConstraint string `json:"PositionalConstraint,omitempty"` // TargetString AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetString string `json:"TargetString,omitempty"` // TargetStringBase64 AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: TargetStringBase64 string `json:"TargetStringBase64,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet.ByteMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_ByteMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::ByteMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet struct { // IPSetDescriptors AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: IPSetDescriptors []AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor `json:"IPSetDescriptors,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalIPSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet.IPSetDescriptor) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalIPSet_IPSetDescriptor) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalRule ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalRule struct { // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Predicates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Predicates []AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate `json:"Predicates,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::Rule) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate struct { // DataId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataId string `json:"DataId,omitempty"` // Negated AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Negated bool `json:"Negated,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::Rule.Predicate) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SizeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SizeConstraints []AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint `json:"SizeConstraints,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SizeConstraintSet.SizeConstraint) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlInjectionMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SqlInjectionMatchTuples []AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple `json:"SqlInjectionMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::SqlInjectionMatchSet.SqlInjectionMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL struct { // DefaultAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultAction *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Rules []AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACL AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation struct { // ResourceArn AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ResourceArn string `json:"ResourceArn,omitempty"` // WebACLId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: WebACLId string `json:"WebACLId,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACLAssociation) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL.Action) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Action `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // RuleId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleId string `json:"RuleId,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL.Rule) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalWebACL_Rule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // XssMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: XssMatchTuples []AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple `json:"XssMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAFRegional::XssMatchSet.XssMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFRule ¶
type AWSWAFRule struct { // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Predicates AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Predicates []AWSWAFRule_Predicate `json:"Predicates,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::Rule) See:
func (*AWSWAFRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFRule) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFRule_Predicate ¶
type AWSWAFRule_Predicate struct { // DataId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DataId string `json:"DataId,omitempty"` // Negated AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Negated bool `json:"Negated,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFRule_Predicate AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::Rule.Predicate) See:
func (*AWSWAFRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFRule_Predicate) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet ¶
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SizeConstraints AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: SizeConstraints []AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint `json:"SizeConstraints,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint ¶
type AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint struct { // ComparisonOperator AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: ComparisonOperator string `json:"ComparisonOperator,omitempty"` // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // Size AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Size int `json:"Size,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SizeConstraintSet.SizeConstraint) See:
func (*AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet_SizeConstraint) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // SqlInjectionMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: SqlInjectionMatchTuples []AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple `json:"SqlInjectionMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::SqlInjectionMatchSet.SqlInjectionMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet_SqlInjectionMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFWebACL struct { // DefaultAction AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DefaultAction *AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction `json:"DefaultAction,omitempty"` // MetricName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: MetricName string `json:"MetricName,omitempty"` // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // Rules AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Rules []AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule `json:"Rules,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFWebACL AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::WebACL) See:
func (*AWSWAFWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFWebACL) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFWebACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule ¶
type AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule struct { // Action AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Action *AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction `json:"Action,omitempty"` // Priority AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Priority int `json:"Priority,omitempty"` // RuleId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: RuleId string `json:"RuleId,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::WebACL.ActivatedRule) See:
func (*AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL_ActivatedRule) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction ¶
type AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction struct { // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::WebACL.WafAction) See:
func (*AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFWebACL_WafAction) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet ¶
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet struct { // Name AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` // XssMatchTuples AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: XssMatchTuples []AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple `json:"XssMatchTuples,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFXssMatchSet AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet) See:
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch ¶
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch struct { // Data AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: Data string `json:"Data,omitempty"` // Type AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet.FieldToMatch) See:
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple ¶
type AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple struct { // FieldToMatch AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: FieldToMatch *AWSWAFXssMatchSet_FieldToMatch `json:"FieldToMatch,omitempty"` // TextTransformation AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: TextTransformation string `json:"TextTransformation,omitempty"` }
AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WAF::XssMatchSet.XssMatchTuple) See:
func (*AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWAFXssMatchSet_XssMatchTuple) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace ¶
type AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace struct { // BundleId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: BundleId string `json:"BundleId,omitempty"` // DirectoryId AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: DirectoryId string `json:"DirectoryId,omitempty"` // RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // UserName AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: UserName string `json:"UserName,omitempty"` // UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled bool `json:"UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled,omitempty"` // VolumeEncryptionKey AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: false // See: VolumeEncryptionKey string `json:"VolumeEncryptionKey,omitempty"` }
AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace AWS CloudFormation Resource (AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace) See:
func (*AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
func (r *AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) AWSCloudFormationType() string
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
func (*AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a custom JSON marshalling hook that embeds this object into an AWS CloudFormation JSON resource's 'Properties' field and adds a 'Type'.
func (*AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom JSON unmarshalling hook that strips the outer AWS CloudFormation resource object, and just keeps the 'Properties' field.
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { // Key AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Key string `json:"Key,omitempty"` // Value AWS CloudFormation Property // Required: true // See: Value string `json:"Value,omitempty"` }
Tag AWS CloudFormation Resource (Tag) See:
func (*Tag) AWSCloudFormationType ¶
AWSCloudFormationType returns the AWS CloudFormation resource type
type Template ¶
type Template struct { AWSTemplateFormatVersion string `json:"AWSTemplateFormatVersion,omitempty"` Transform *Transform `json:"Transform,omitempty"` Description string `json:"Description,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]interface{} `json:"Metadata,omitempty"` Parameters map[string]interface{} `json:"Parameters,omitempty"` Mappings map[string]interface{} `json:"Mappings,omitempty"` Conditions map[string]interface{} `json:"Conditions,omitempty"` Resources map[string]interface{} `json:"Resources,omitempty"` Outputs map[string]interface{} `json:"Outputs,omitempty"` }
Template represents an AWS CloudFormation template see:
func NewTemplate ¶
func NewTemplate() *Template
NewTemplate creates a new AWS CloudFormation template struct
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAccount, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayAccountWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAccount items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayApiKey, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayApiKeyWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDeployment, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDeploymentWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDeployment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayDomainName, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayDomainNameWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDomainName items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayMethod, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayMethodWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayMethod items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayModel, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayModelWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayModel items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayResource, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayResourceWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayRestApi, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayRestApiWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRestApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayStage, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayStageWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayStage items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName(name string) (AWSApiGatewayVpcLink, error)
GetAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkWithName retrieves all AWSApiGatewayVpcLink items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncApiKey, error)
GetAWSAppSyncApiKeyWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncDataSource, error)
GetAWSAppSyncDataSourceWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi, error)
GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema, error)
GetAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName(name string) (AWSAppSyncResolver, error)
GetAWSAppSyncResolverWithName retrieves all AWSAppSyncResolver items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget, error)
GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetWithName retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
GetAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName(name string) (AWSAthenaNamedQuery, error)
GetAWSAthenaNamedQueryWithName retrieves all AWSAthenaNamedQuery items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName(name string) (AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction, error)
GetAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionWithName retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSBatchComputeEnvironment, error)
GetAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentWithName retrieves all AWSBatchComputeEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobDefinition, error)
GetAWSBatchJobDefinitionWithName retrieves all AWSBatchJobDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName(name string) (AWSBatchJobQueue, error)
GetAWSBatchJobQueueWithName retrieves all AWSBatchJobQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName(name string) (AWSBudgetsBudget, error)
GetAWSBudgetsBudgetWithName retrieves all AWSBudgetsBudget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSCertificateManagerCertificate, error)
GetAWSCertificateManagerCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSCertificateManagerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName(name string) (AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2, error)
GetAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2WithName retrieves all AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationCustomResource, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationCustomResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationStack, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationStackWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition, error)
GetAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity, error)
GetAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontDistribution, error)
GetAWSCloudFrontDistributionWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFrontDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName(name string) (AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution, error)
GetAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionWithName retrieves all AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName(name string) (AWSCloudTrailTrail, error)
GetAWSCloudTrailTrailWithName retrieves all AWSCloudTrailTrail items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchAlarm, error)
GetAWSCloudWatchAlarmWithName retrieves all AWSCloudWatchAlarm items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName(name string) (AWSCloudWatchDashboard, error)
GetAWSCloudWatchDashboardWithName retrieves all AWSCloudWatchDashboard items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName(name string) (AWSCodeBuildProject, error)
GetAWSCodeBuildProjectWithName retrieves all AWSCodeBuildProject items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSCodeCommitRepository, error)
GetAWSCodeCommitRepositoryWithName retrieves all AWSCodeCommitRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployApplication, error)
GetAWSCodeDeployApplicationWithName retrieves all AWSCodeDeployApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig, error)
GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigWithName retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup, error)
GetAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupWithName retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType, error)
GetAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeWithName retrieves all AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSCodePipelinePipeline, error)
GetAWSCodePipelinePipelineWithName retrieves all AWSCodePipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment, error)
GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoIdentityPool, error)
GetAWSCognitoIdentityPoolWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolClient, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolClientWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolClient items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPoolUser, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolUserWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName(name string) (AWSCognitoUserPool, error)
GetAWSCognitoUserPoolWithName retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigRule, error)
GetAWSConfigConfigRuleWithName retrieves all AWSConfigConfigRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName(name string) (AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder, error)
GetAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderWithName retrieves all AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName(name string) (AWSConfigDeliveryChannel, error)
GetAWSConfigDeliveryChannelWithName retrieves all AWSConfigDeliveryChannel items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDAXClusterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXClusterWithName(name string) (AWSDAXCluster, error)
GetAWSDAXClusterWithName retrieves all AWSDAXCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSDAXParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSDAXParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDAXSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSDAXSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSDAXSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSDMSCertificate, error)
GetAWSDMSCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSDMSCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEndpoint, error)
GetAWSDMSEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSDMSEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSDMSEventSubscription, error)
GetAWSDMSEventSubscriptionWithName retrieves all AWSDMSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationInstance, error)
GetAWSDMSReplicationInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName(name string) (AWSDMSReplicationTask, error)
GetAWSDMSReplicationTaskWithName retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName(name string) (AWSDataPipelinePipeline, error)
GetAWSDataPipelinePipelineWithName retrieves all AWSDataPipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD, error)
GetAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADWithName retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName(name string) (AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD, error)
GetAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADWithName retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName(name string) (AWSDynamoDBTable, error)
GetAWSDynamoDBTableWithName retrieves all AWSDynamoDBTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2CustomerGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2CustomerGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2CustomerGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName(name string) (AWSEC2DHCPOptions, error)
GetAWSEC2DHCPOptionsWithName retrieves all AWSEC2DHCPOptions items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EIPAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2EIPAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2EIPAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2EIPWithName ¶
GetAWSEC2EIPWithName retrieves all AWSEC2EIP items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName(name string) (AWSEC2FlowLog, error)
GetAWSEC2FlowLogWithName retrieves all AWSEC2FlowLog items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2HostWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2HostWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Host, error)
GetAWSEC2HostWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Host items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Instance, error)
GetAWSEC2InstanceWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Instance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2InternetGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2InternetGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2InternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSEC2LaunchTemplate, error)
GetAWSEC2LaunchTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSEC2LaunchTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NatGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2NatGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NatGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkAcl, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkAclWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAcl items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName(name string) (AWSEC2NetworkInterface, error)
GetAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceWithName retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterface items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2PlacementGroup, error)
GetAWSEC2PlacementGroupWithName retrieves all AWSEC2PlacementGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName(name string) (AWSEC2RouteTable, error)
GetAWSEC2RouteTableWithName retrieves all AWSEC2RouteTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2RouteWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2RouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Route, error)
GetAWSEC2RouteWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Route items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress, error)
GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSEC2SecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SpotFleet, error)
GetAWSEC2SpotFleetWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SpotFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Subnet, error)
GetAWSEC2SubnetWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Subnet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCEndpoint, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection, error)
GetAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPCWithName ¶
GetAWSEC2VPCWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPC items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNConnection, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNConnectionWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VPNGateway, error)
GetAWSEC2VPNGatewayWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSEC2VolumeAttachment, error)
GetAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSEC2VolumeAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName(name string) (AWSEC2Volume, error)
GetAWSEC2VolumeWithName retrieves all AWSEC2Volume items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName(name string) (AWSECRRepository, error)
GetAWSECRRepositoryWithName retrieves all AWSECRRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECSClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSECSCluster, error)
GetAWSECSClusterWithName retrieves all AWSECSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECSServiceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECSServiceWithName(name string) (AWSECSService, error)
GetAWSECSServiceWithName retrieves all AWSECSService items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName(name string) (AWSECSTaskDefinition, error)
GetAWSECSTaskDefinitionWithName retrieves all AWSECSTaskDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName(name string) (AWSEFSFileSystem, error)
GetAWSEFSFileSystemWithName retrieves all AWSEFSFileSystem items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName(name string) (AWSEFSMountTarget, error)
GetAWSEFSMountTargetWithName retrieves all AWSEFSMountTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEKSClusterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSEKSClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEKSCluster, error)
GetAWSEKSClusterWithName retrieves all AWSEKSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRClusterWithName(name string) (AWSEMRCluster, error)
GetAWSEMRClusterWithName retrieves all AWSEMRCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig, error)
GetAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigWithName retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName(name string) (AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig, error)
GetAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigWithName retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName(name string) (AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration, error)
GetAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationWithName retrieves all AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEMRStepWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEMRStepWithName(name string) (AWSEMRStep, error)
GetAWSEMRStepWithName retrieves all AWSEMRStep items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName(name string) (AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment, error)
GetAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentWithName retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup, error)
GetAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName(name string) (AWSElasticsearchDomain, error)
GetAWSElasticsearchDomainWithName retrieves all AWSElasticsearchDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSEventsRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSEventsRuleWithName(name string) (AWSEventsRule, error)
GetAWSEventsRuleWithName retrieves all AWSEventsRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftAlias, error)
GetAWSGameLiftAliasWithName retrieves all AWSGameLiftAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftBuild, error)
GetAWSGameLiftBuildWithName retrieves all AWSGameLiftBuild items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName(name string) (AWSGameLiftFleet, error)
GetAWSGameLiftFleetWithName retrieves all AWSGameLiftFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName(name string) (AWSGlueClassifier, error)
GetAWSGlueClassifierWithName retrieves all AWSGlueClassifier items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName(name string) (AWSGlueConnection, error)
GetAWSGlueConnectionWithName retrieves all AWSGlueConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueCrawler, error)
GetAWSGlueCrawlerWithName retrieves all AWSGlueCrawler items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDatabase, error)
GetAWSGlueDatabaseWithName retrieves all AWSGlueDatabase items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName(name string) (AWSGlueDevEndpoint, error)
GetAWSGlueDevEndpointWithName retrieves all AWSGlueDevEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueJobWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueJobWithName(name string) (AWSGlueJob, error)
GetAWSGlueJobWithName retrieves all AWSGlueJob items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGluePartitionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGluePartitionWithName(name string) (AWSGluePartition, error)
GetAWSGluePartitionWithName retrieves all AWSGluePartition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueTableWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTableWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTable, error)
GetAWSGlueTableWithName retrieves all AWSGlueTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName(name string) (AWSGlueTrigger, error)
GetAWSGlueTriggerWithName retrieves all AWSGlueTrigger items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyDetector, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyDetectorWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyDetector items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyFilter, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyFilterWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyIPSet, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyIPSetWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMaster, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyMasterWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMaster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyMember, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyMemberWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMember items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName(name string) (AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet, error)
GetAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetWithName retrieves all AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMAccessKey, error)
GetAWSIAMAccessKeyWithName retrieves all AWSIAMAccessKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMGroupWithName(name string) (AWSIAMGroup, error)
GetAWSIAMGroupWithName retrieves all AWSIAMGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName(name string) (AWSIAMInstanceProfile, error)
GetAWSIAMInstanceProfileWithName retrieves all AWSIAMInstanceProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMManagedPolicy, error)
GetAWSIAMManagedPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSIAMManagedPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIAMPolicy, error)
GetAWSIAMPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSIAMPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMRoleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMRoleWithName(name string) (AWSIAMRole, error)
GetAWSIAMRoleWithName retrieves all AWSIAMRole items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition, error)
GetAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionWithName retrieves all AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIAMUserWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIAMUserWithName(name string) (AWSIAMUser, error)
GetAWSIAMUserWithName retrieves all AWSIAMUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget, error)
GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetWithName retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate, error)
GetAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName(name string) (AWSInspectorResourceGroup, error)
GetAWSInspectorResourceGroupWithName retrieves all AWSInspectorResourceGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName(name string) (AWSIoTCertificate, error)
GetAWSIoTCertificateWithName retrieves all AWSIoTCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment, error)
GetAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSIoTPolicy, error)
GetAWSIoTPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSIoTPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment, error)
GetAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTThingWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTThingWithName(name string) (AWSIoTThing, error)
GetAWSIoTThingWithName retrieves all AWSIoTThing items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName(name string) (AWSIoTTopicRule, error)
GetAWSIoTTopicRuleWithName retrieves all AWSIoTTopicRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKMSAliasWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKMSAliasWithName(name string) (AWSKMSAlias, error)
GetAWSKMSAliasWithName retrieves all AWSKMSAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKMSKeyWithName ¶
GetAWSKMSKeyWithName retrieves all AWSKMSKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput, error)
GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource, error)
GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication, error)
GetAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream, error)
GetAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName(name string) (AWSKinesisStream, error)
GetAWSKinesisStreamWithName retrieves all AWSKinesisStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaAlias, error)
GetAWSLambdaAliasWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping, error)
GetAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaFunction, error)
GetAWSLambdaFunctionWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaPermission, error)
GetAWSLambdaPermissionWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaPermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName(name string) (AWSLambdaVersion, error)
GetAWSLambdaVersionWithName retrieves all AWSLambdaVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSLogsDestination, error)
GetAWSLogsDestinationWithName retrieves all AWSLogsDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogGroup, error)
GetAWSLogsLogGroupWithName retrieves all AWSLogsLogGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName(name string) (AWSLogsLogStream, error)
GetAWSLogsLogStreamWithName retrieves all AWSLogsLogStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsMetricFilter, error)
GetAWSLogsMetricFilterWithName retrieves all AWSLogsMetricFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName(name string) (AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter, error)
GetAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterWithName retrieves all AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBCluster, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBClusterWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBInstance, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksApp, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksAppWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksApp items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksInstance, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksLayer, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksLayerWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksLayer items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksStack, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksStackWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksUserProfile, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksUserProfileWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksUserProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName(name string) (AWSOpsWorksVolume, error)
GetAWSOpsWorksVolumeWithName retrieves all AWSOpsWorksVolume items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBCluster, error)
GetAWSRDSDBClusterWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBInstance, error)
GetAWSRDSDBInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSRDSEventSubscription, error)
GetAWSRDSEventSubscriptionWithName retrieves all AWSRDSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRDSOptionGroup, error)
GetAWSRDSOptionGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRDSOptionGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName(name string) (AWSRedshiftCluster, error)
GetAWSRedshiftClusterWithName retrieves all AWSRedshiftCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HealthCheck, error)
GetAWSRoute53HealthCheckWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53HealthCheck items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53HostedZone, error)
GetAWSRoute53HostedZoneWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53HostedZone items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup, error)
GetAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName(name string) (AWSRoute53RecordSet, error)
GetAWSRoute53RecordSetWithName retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSS3BucketPolicy, error)
GetAWSS3BucketPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSS3BucketPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSS3BucketWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSS3BucketWithName(name string) (AWSS3Bucket, error)
GetAWSS3BucketWithName retrieves all AWSS3Bucket items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSDBDomainWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSDBDomainWithName(name string) (AWSSDBDomain, error)
GetAWSSDBDomainWithName retrieves all AWSSDBDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination, error)
GetAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationWithName retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESConfigurationSet, error)
GetAWSSESConfigurationSetWithName retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptFilter, error)
GetAWSSESReceiptFilterWithName retrieves all AWSSESReceiptFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRuleSet, error)
GetAWSSESReceiptRuleSetWithName retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRuleSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName(name string) (AWSSESReceiptRule, error)
GetAWSSESReceiptRuleWithName retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSESTemplateWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSESTemplateWithName(name string) (AWSSESTemplate, error)
GetAWSSESTemplateWithName retrieves all AWSSESTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName(name string) (AWSSNSSubscription, error)
GetAWSSNSSubscriptionWithName retrieves all AWSSNSSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopicPolicy, error)
GetAWSSNSTopicPolicyWithName retrieves all AWSSNSTopicPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSNSTopicWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSNSTopicWithName(name string) (AWSSNSTopic, error)
GetAWSSNSTopicWithName retrieves all AWSSNSTopic items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueuePolicy, error)
GetAWSSQSQueuePolicyWithName retrieves all AWSSQSQueuePolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSQSQueueWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSQSQueueWithName(name string) (AWSSQSQueue, error)
GetAWSSQSQueueWithName retrieves all AWSSQSQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSSSMAssociation, error)
GetAWSSSMAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSSSMAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName(name string) (AWSSSMDocument, error)
GetAWSSSMDocumentWithName retrieves all AWSSSMDocument items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName(name string) (AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask, error)
GetAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskWithName retrieves all AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMParameterWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMParameterWithName(name string) (AWSSSMParameter, error)
GetAWSSSMParameterWithName retrieves all AWSSSMParameter items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName(name string) (AWSSSMPatchBaseline, error)
GetAWSSSMPatchBaselineWithName retrieves all AWSSSMPatchBaseline items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServerlessApiWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessApiWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessApi, error)
GetAWSServerlessApiWithName retrieves all AWSServerlessApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessFunction, error)
GetAWSServerlessFunctionWithName retrieves all AWSServerlessFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName(name string) (AWSServerlessSimpleTable, error)
GetAWSServerlessSimpleTableWithName retrieves all AWSServerlessSimpleTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName(name string) (AWSServiceCatalogTagOption, error)
GetAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionWithName retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOption items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName(name string) (AWSServiceDiscoveryService, error)
GetAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceWithName retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryService items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsActivity, error)
GetAWSStepFunctionsActivityWithName retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsActivity items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName(name string) (AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine, error)
GetAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineWithName retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFByteMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFByteMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFIPSet, error)
GetAWSWAFIPSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalIPSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalIPSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalRule, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalRuleWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalWebACL, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalWebACLWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFRuleWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFRuleWithName(name string) (AWSWAFRule, error)
GetAWSWAFRuleWithName retrieves all AWSWAFRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet, error)
GetAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName(name string) (AWSWAFWebACL, error)
GetAWSWAFWebACLWithName retrieves all AWSWAFWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName(name string) (AWSWAFXssMatchSet, error)
GetAWSWAFXssMatchSetWithName retrieves all AWSWAFXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName ¶
func (t *Template) GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName(name string) (AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace, error)
GetAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceWithName retrieves all AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace items from an AWS CloudFormation template whose logical ID matches the provided name. Returns an error if not found.
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAccount
GetAllAWSApiGatewayAccountResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAccount items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayApiKey
GetAllAWSApiGatewayApiKeyResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer
GetAllAWSApiGatewayAuthorizerResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayAuthorizer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping
GetAllAWSApiGatewayBasePathMappingResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayBasePathMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate
GetAllAWSApiGatewayClientCertificateResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayClientCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDeployment
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDeploymentResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDeployment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationPartResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationPart items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersionResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDocumentationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayDomainName
GetAllAWSApiGatewayDomainNameResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayDomainName items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse
GetAllAWSApiGatewayGatewayResponseResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayGatewayResponse items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayMethod
GetAllAWSApiGatewayMethodResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayMethod items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayModel
GetAllAWSApiGatewayModelResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayModel items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator
GetAllAWSApiGatewayRequestValidatorResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRequestValidator items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayResource
GetAllAWSApiGatewayResourceResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayRestApi
GetAllAWSApiGatewayRestApiResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayRestApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayStage
GetAllAWSApiGatewayStageResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayStage items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey
GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKeyResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlanKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan
GetAllAWSApiGatewayUsagePlanResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayUsagePlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources() map[string]AWSApiGatewayVpcLink
GetAllAWSApiGatewayVpcLinkResources retrieves all AWSApiGatewayVpcLink items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncApiKey
GetAllAWSAppSyncApiKeyResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncApiKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncDataSource
GetAllAWSAppSyncDataSourceResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi
GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLApiResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema
GetAllAWSAppSyncGraphQLSchemaResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncGraphQLSchema items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources() map[string]AWSAppSyncResolver
GetAllAWSAppSyncResolverResources retrieves all AWSAppSyncResolver items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget
GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargetResources retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy
GetAllAWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources retrieves all AWSApplicationAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources() map[string]AWSAthenaNamedQuery
GetAllAWSAthenaNamedQueryResources retrieves all AWSAthenaNamedQuery items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup
GetAllAWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroupResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration
GetAllAWSAutoScalingLaunchConfigurationResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook
GetAllAWSAutoScalingLifecycleHookResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingLifecycleHook items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan
GetAllAWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlanResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingPlansScalingPlan items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy
GetAllAWSAutoScalingScalingPolicyResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScalingPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources() map[string]AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction
GetAllAWSAutoScalingScheduledActionResources retrieves all AWSAutoScalingScheduledAction items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSBatchComputeEnvironment
GetAllAWSBatchComputeEnvironmentResources retrieves all AWSBatchComputeEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobDefinition
GetAllAWSBatchJobDefinitionResources retrieves all AWSBatchJobDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources() map[string]AWSBatchJobQueue
GetAllAWSBatchJobQueueResources retrieves all AWSBatchJobQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources() map[string]AWSBudgetsBudget
GetAllAWSBudgetsBudgetResources retrieves all AWSBudgetsBudget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSCertificateManagerCertificate
GetAllAWSCertificateManagerCertificateResources retrieves all AWSCertificateManagerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources() map[string]AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2
GetAllAWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2Resources retrieves all AWSCloud9EnvironmentEC2 items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationCustomResource
GetAllAWSCloudFormationCustomResourceResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationCustomResource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationStack
GetAllAWSCloudFormationStackResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle
GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandleResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitConditionHandle items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition
GetAllAWSCloudFormationWaitConditionResources retrieves all AWSCloudFormationWaitCondition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
GetAllAWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResources retrieves all AWSCloudFrontCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontDistribution
GetAllAWSCloudFrontDistributionResources retrieves all AWSCloudFrontDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources() map[string]AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution
GetAllAWSCloudFrontStreamingDistributionResources retrieves all AWSCloudFrontStreamingDistribution items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources() map[string]AWSCloudTrailTrail
GetAllAWSCloudTrailTrailResources retrieves all AWSCloudTrailTrail items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchAlarm
GetAllAWSCloudWatchAlarmResources retrieves all AWSCloudWatchAlarm items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources() map[string]AWSCloudWatchDashboard
GetAllAWSCloudWatchDashboardResources retrieves all AWSCloudWatchDashboard items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources() map[string]AWSCodeBuildProject
GetAllAWSCodeBuildProjectResources retrieves all AWSCodeBuildProject items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSCodeCommitRepository
GetAllAWSCodeCommitRepositoryResources retrieves all AWSCodeCommitRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployApplication
GetAllAWSCodeDeployApplicationResources retrieves all AWSCodeDeployApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig
GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfigResources retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources() map[string]AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup
GetAllAWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroupResources retrieves all AWSCodeDeployDeploymentGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType
GetAllAWSCodePipelineCustomActionTypeResources retrieves all AWSCodePipelineCustomActionType items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSCodePipelinePipeline
GetAllAWSCodePipelinePipelineResources retrieves all AWSCodePipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPool
GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolResources retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment
GetAllAWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSCognitoIdentityPoolRoleAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolClient
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolClientResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolClient items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolGroupResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPool
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPool items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUser
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment
GetAllAWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSCognitoUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigRule
GetAllAWSConfigConfigRuleResources retrieves all AWSConfigConfigRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources() map[string]AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder
GetAllAWSConfigConfigurationRecorderResources retrieves all AWSConfigConfigurationRecorder items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources() map[string]AWSConfigDeliveryChannel
GetAllAWSConfigDeliveryChannelResources retrieves all AWSConfigDeliveryChannel items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources() map[string]AWSDAXCluster
GetAllAWSDAXClusterResources retrieves all AWSDAXCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXParameterGroup
GetAllAWSDAXParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSDAXParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDAXSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSDAXSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSDAXSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources() map[string]AWSDMSCertificate
GetAllAWSDMSCertificateResources retrieves all AWSDMSCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources() map[string]AWSDMSEndpoint
GetAllAWSDMSEndpointResources retrieves all AWSDMSEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSDMSEventSubscription
GetAllAWSDMSEventSubscriptionResources retrieves all AWSDMSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationInstance
GetAllAWSDMSReplicationInstanceResources retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources() map[string]AWSDMSReplicationTask
GetAllAWSDMSReplicationTaskResources retrieves all AWSDMSReplicationTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources() map[string]AWSDataPipelinePipeline
GetAllAWSDataPipelinePipelineResources retrieves all AWSDataPipelinePipeline items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD
GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftADResources retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceMicrosoftAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources() map[string]AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD
GetAllAWSDirectoryServiceSimpleADResources retrieves all AWSDirectoryServiceSimpleAD items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources() map[string]AWSDynamoDBTable
GetAllAWSDynamoDBTableResources retrieves all AWSDynamoDBTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2CustomerGateway
GetAllAWSEC2CustomerGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2CustomerGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources() map[string]AWSEC2DHCPOptions
GetAllAWSEC2DHCPOptionsResources retrieves all AWSEC2DHCPOptions items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2EIPAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2EIPAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2EIPAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2EIPResources ¶
GetAllAWSEC2EIPResources retrieves all AWSEC2EIP items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway
GetAllAWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2EgressOnlyInternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources() map[string]AWSEC2FlowLog
GetAllAWSEC2FlowLogResources retrieves all AWSEC2FlowLog items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2HostResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2HostResources() map[string]AWSEC2Host
GetAllAWSEC2HostResources retrieves all AWSEC2Host items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources() map[string]AWSEC2Instance
GetAllAWSEC2InstanceResources retrieves all AWSEC2Instance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2InternetGateway
GetAllAWSEC2InternetGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2InternetGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources() map[string]AWSEC2LaunchTemplate
GetAllAWSEC2LaunchTemplateResources retrieves all AWSEC2LaunchTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2NatGateway
GetAllAWSEC2NatGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2NatGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclEntryResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAclEntry items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkAcl
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkAclResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkAcl items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfaceAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermissionResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterfacePermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources() map[string]AWSEC2NetworkInterface
GetAllAWSEC2NetworkInterfaceResources retrieves all AWSEC2NetworkInterface items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2PlacementGroup
GetAllAWSEC2PlacementGroupResources retrieves all AWSEC2PlacementGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2Route
GetAllAWSEC2RouteResources retrieves all AWSEC2Route items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources() map[string]AWSEC2RouteTable
GetAllAWSEC2RouteTableResources retrieves all AWSEC2RouteTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress
GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupEgressResources retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupEgress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSEC2SecurityGroup
GetAllAWSEC2SecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSEC2SecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources() map[string]AWSEC2SpotFleet
GetAllAWSEC2SpotFleetResources retrieves all AWSEC2SpotFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetCidrBlockResources retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetNetworkAclAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources() map[string]AWSEC2Subnet
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetResources retrieves all AWSEC2Subnet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2SubnetRouteTableAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2TrunkInterfaceAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock
GetAllAWSEC2VPCCidrBlockResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCCidrBlock items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation
GetAllAWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociationResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCEndpoint
GetAllAWSEC2VPCEndpointResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment
GetAllAWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCGatewayAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection
GetAllAWSEC2VPCPeeringConnectionResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPCPeeringConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPCResources ¶
GetAllAWSEC2VPCResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPC items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnection
GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute
GetAllAWSEC2VPNConnectionRouteResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNConnectionRoute items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGateway
GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGateway items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources() map[string]AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation
GetAllAWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagationResources retrieves all AWSEC2VPNGatewayRoutePropagation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSEC2VolumeAttachment
GetAllAWSEC2VolumeAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSEC2VolumeAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources() map[string]AWSEC2Volume
GetAllAWSEC2VolumeResources retrieves all AWSEC2Volume items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources() map[string]AWSECRRepository
GetAllAWSECRRepositoryResources retrieves all AWSECRRepository items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECSClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSClusterResources() map[string]AWSECSCluster
GetAllAWSECSClusterResources retrieves all AWSECSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECSServiceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSServiceResources() map[string]AWSECSService
GetAllAWSECSServiceResources retrieves all AWSECSService items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources() map[string]AWSECSTaskDefinition
GetAllAWSECSTaskDefinitionResources retrieves all AWSECSTaskDefinition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources() map[string]AWSEFSFileSystem
GetAllAWSEFSFileSystemResources retrieves all AWSEFSFileSystem items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources() map[string]AWSEFSMountTarget
GetAllAWSEFSMountTargetResources retrieves all AWSEFSMountTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources() map[string]AWSEKSCluster
GetAllAWSEKSClusterResources retrieves all AWSEKSCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources() map[string]AWSEMRCluster
GetAllAWSEMRClusterResources retrieves all AWSEMRCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig
GetAllAWSEMRInstanceFleetConfigResources retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceFleetConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources() map[string]AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig
GetAllAWSEMRInstanceGroupConfigResources retrieves all AWSEMRInstanceGroupConfig items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources() map[string]AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration
GetAllAWSEMRSecurityConfigurationResources retrieves all AWSEMRSecurityConfiguration items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEMRStepResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEMRStepResources() map[string]AWSEMRStep
GetAllAWSEMRStepResources retrieves all AWSEMRStep items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster
GetAllAWSElastiCacheCacheClusterResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheCacheCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheReplicationGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheReplicationGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheSecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSElastiCacheSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSElastiCacheSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersionResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkApplicationVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplateResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkConfigurationTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources() map[string]AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment
GetAllAWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironmentResources retrieves all AWSElasticBeanstalkEnvironment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancerResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificateResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRuleResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2ListenerRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancerResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources() map[string]AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup
GetAllAWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroupResources retrieves all AWSElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources() map[string]AWSElasticsearchDomain
GetAllAWSElasticsearchDomainResources retrieves all AWSElasticsearchDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources() map[string]AWSEventsRule
GetAllAWSEventsRuleResources retrieves all AWSEventsRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftAlias
GetAllAWSGameLiftAliasResources retrieves all AWSGameLiftAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftBuild
GetAllAWSGameLiftBuildResources retrieves all AWSGameLiftBuild items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources() map[string]AWSGameLiftFleet
GetAllAWSGameLiftFleetResources retrieves all AWSGameLiftFleet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources() map[string]AWSGlueClassifier
GetAllAWSGlueClassifierResources retrieves all AWSGlueClassifier items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources() map[string]AWSGlueConnection
GetAllAWSGlueConnectionResources retrieves all AWSGlueConnection items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources() map[string]AWSGlueCrawler
GetAllAWSGlueCrawlerResources retrieves all AWSGlueCrawler items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources() map[string]AWSGlueDatabase
GetAllAWSGlueDatabaseResources retrieves all AWSGlueDatabase items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources() map[string]AWSGlueDevEndpoint
GetAllAWSGlueDevEndpointResources retrieves all AWSGlueDevEndpoint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueJobResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueJobResources() map[string]AWSGlueJob
GetAllAWSGlueJobResources retrieves all AWSGlueJob items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources() map[string]AWSGluePartition
GetAllAWSGluePartitionResources retrieves all AWSGluePartition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueTableResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTableResources() map[string]AWSGlueTable
GetAllAWSGlueTableResources retrieves all AWSGlueTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources() map[string]AWSGlueTrigger
GetAllAWSGlueTriggerResources retrieves all AWSGlueTrigger items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyDetector
GetAllAWSGuardDutyDetectorResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyDetector items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyFilter
GetAllAWSGuardDutyFilterResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyIPSet
GetAllAWSGuardDutyIPSetResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMaster
GetAllAWSGuardDutyMasterResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMaster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyMember
GetAllAWSGuardDutyMemberResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyMember items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources() map[string]AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet
GetAllAWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSetResources retrieves all AWSGuardDutyThreatIntelSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources() map[string]AWSIAMAccessKey
GetAllAWSIAMAccessKeyResources retrieves all AWSIAMAccessKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources() map[string]AWSIAMGroup
GetAllAWSIAMGroupResources retrieves all AWSIAMGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources() map[string]AWSIAMInstanceProfile
GetAllAWSIAMInstanceProfileResources retrieves all AWSIAMInstanceProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMManagedPolicy
GetAllAWSIAMManagedPolicyResources retrieves all AWSIAMManagedPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIAMPolicy
GetAllAWSIAMPolicyResources retrieves all AWSIAMPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources() map[string]AWSIAMRole
GetAllAWSIAMRoleResources retrieves all AWSIAMRole items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserResources() map[string]AWSIAMUser
GetAllAWSIAMUserResources retrieves all AWSIAMUser items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources() map[string]AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition
GetAllAWSIAMUserToGroupAdditionResources retrieves all AWSIAMUserToGroupAddition items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget
GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTargetResources retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTarget items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources() map[string]AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate
GetAllAWSInspectorAssessmentTemplateResources retrieves all AWSInspectorAssessmentTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources() map[string]AWSInspectorResourceGroup
GetAllAWSInspectorResourceGroupResources retrieves all AWSInspectorResourceGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources() map[string]AWSIoTCertificate
GetAllAWSIoTCertificateResources retrieves all AWSIoTCertificate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment
GetAllAWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSIoTPolicyPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources() map[string]AWSIoTPolicy
GetAllAWSIoTPolicyResources retrieves all AWSIoTPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment
GetAllAWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSIoTThingPrincipalAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTThingResources() map[string]AWSIoTThing
GetAllAWSIoTThingResources retrieves all AWSIoTThing items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources() map[string]AWSIoTTopicRule
GetAllAWSIoTTopicRuleResources retrieves all AWSIoTTopicRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources() map[string]AWSKMSAlias
GetAllAWSKMSAliasResources retrieves all AWSKMSAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKMSKeyResources ¶
GetAllAWSKMSKeyResources retrieves all AWSKMSKey items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput
GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutputResources retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationOutput items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource
GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSourceResources retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationReferenceDataSource items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources() map[string]AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication
GetAllAWSKinesisAnalyticsApplicationResources retrieves all AWSKinesisAnalyticsApplication items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream
GetAllAWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStreamResources retrieves all AWSKinesisFirehoseDeliveryStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources() map[string]AWSKinesisStream
GetAllAWSKinesisStreamResources retrieves all AWSKinesisStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources() map[string]AWSLambdaAlias
GetAllAWSLambdaAliasResources retrieves all AWSLambdaAlias items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources() map[string]AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping
GetAllAWSLambdaEventSourceMappingResources retrieves all AWSLambdaEventSourceMapping items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaFunction
GetAllAWSLambdaFunctionResources retrieves all AWSLambdaFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaPermission
GetAllAWSLambdaPermissionResources retrieves all AWSLambdaPermission items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources() map[string]AWSLambdaVersion
GetAllAWSLambdaVersionResources retrieves all AWSLambdaVersion items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources() map[string]AWSLogsDestination
GetAllAWSLogsDestinationResources retrieves all AWSLogsDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogGroup
GetAllAWSLogsLogGroupResources retrieves all AWSLogsLogGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources() map[string]AWSLogsLogStream
GetAllAWSLogsLogStreamResources retrieves all AWSLogsLogStream items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsMetricFilter
GetAllAWSLogsMetricFilterResources retrieves all AWSLogsMetricFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources() map[string]AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter
GetAllAWSLogsSubscriptionFilterResources retrieves all AWSLogsSubscriptionFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBCluster
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBClusterResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBInstance
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBInstanceResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSNeptuneDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksApp
GetAllAWSOpsWorksAppResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksApp items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment
GetAllAWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachmentResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksElasticLoadBalancerAttachment items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksInstance
GetAllAWSOpsWorksInstanceResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksLayer
GetAllAWSOpsWorksLayerResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksLayer items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksStack
GetAllAWSOpsWorksStackResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksStack items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksUserProfile
GetAllAWSOpsWorksUserProfileResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksUserProfile items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources() map[string]AWSOpsWorksVolume
GetAllAWSOpsWorksVolumeResources retrieves all AWSOpsWorksVolume items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBCluster
GetAllAWSRDSDBClusterResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBInstance
GetAllAWSRDSDBInstanceResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBParameterGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBSecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSRDSDBSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSDBSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSRDSEventSubscription
GetAllAWSRDSEventSubscriptionResources retrieves all AWSRDSEventSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources() map[string]AWSRDSOptionGroup
GetAllAWSRDSOptionGroupResources retrieves all AWSRDSOptionGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroupResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterParameterGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftCluster
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftCluster items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngressResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupIngress items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroupResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSecurityGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup
GetAllAWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroupResources retrieves all AWSRedshiftClusterSubnetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HealthCheck
GetAllAWSRoute53HealthCheckResources retrieves all AWSRoute53HealthCheck items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources() map[string]AWSRoute53HostedZone
GetAllAWSRoute53HostedZoneResources retrieves all AWSRoute53HostedZone items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup
GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetGroupResources retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSetGroup items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources() map[string]AWSRoute53RecordSet
GetAllAWSRoute53RecordSetResources retrieves all AWSRoute53RecordSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources() map[string]AWSS3BucketPolicy
GetAllAWSS3BucketPolicyResources retrieves all AWSS3BucketPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSS3BucketResources() map[string]AWSS3Bucket
GetAllAWSS3BucketResources retrieves all AWSS3Bucket items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources() map[string]AWSSDBDomain
GetAllAWSSDBDomainResources retrieves all AWSSDBDomain items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination
GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestinationResources retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSetEventDestination items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources() map[string]AWSSESConfigurationSet
GetAllAWSSESConfigurationSetResources retrieves all AWSSESConfigurationSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptFilter
GetAllAWSSESReceiptFilterResources retrieves all AWSSESReceiptFilter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRule
GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleResources retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources() map[string]AWSSESReceiptRuleSet
GetAllAWSSESReceiptRuleSetResources retrieves all AWSSESReceiptRuleSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources() map[string]AWSSESTemplate
GetAllAWSSESTemplateResources retrieves all AWSSESTemplate items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources() map[string]AWSSNSSubscription
GetAllAWSSNSSubscriptionResources retrieves all AWSSNSSubscription items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopicPolicy
GetAllAWSSNSTopicPolicyResources retrieves all AWSSNSTopicPolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources() map[string]AWSSNSTopic
GetAllAWSSNSTopicResources retrieves all AWSSNSTopic items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueuePolicy
GetAllAWSSQSQueuePolicyResources retrieves all AWSSQSQueuePolicy items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources() map[string]AWSSQSQueue
GetAllAWSSQSQueueResources retrieves all AWSSQSQueue items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources() map[string]AWSSSMAssociation
GetAllAWSSSMAssociationResources retrieves all AWSSSMAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources() map[string]AWSSSMDocument
GetAllAWSSSMDocumentResources retrieves all AWSSSMDocument items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources() map[string]AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask
GetAllAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTaskResources retrieves all AWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources() map[string]AWSSSMParameter
GetAllAWSSSMParameterResources retrieves all AWSSSMParameter items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources() map[string]AWSSSMPatchBaseline
GetAllAWSSSMPatchBaselineResources retrieves all AWSSSMPatchBaseline items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources() map[string]AWSServerlessApi
GetAllAWSServerlessApiResources retrieves all AWSServerlessApi items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources() map[string]AWSServerlessFunction
GetAllAWSServerlessFunctionResources retrieves all AWSServerlessFunction items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources() map[string]AWSServerlessSimpleTable
GetAllAWSServerlessSimpleTableResources retrieves all AWSServerlessSimpleTable items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShareResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogAcceptedPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProductResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProductResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogCloudFormationProvisionedProduct items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraintResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchNotificationConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraintResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchRoleConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraintResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogLaunchTemplateConstraint items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociationResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioPrincipalAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociationResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioProductAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolio items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShareResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogPortfolioShare items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociationResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOptionAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources() map[string]AWSServiceCatalogTagOption
GetAllAWSServiceCatalogTagOptionResources retrieves all AWSServiceCatalogTagOption items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryInstanceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryInstance items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespaceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPrivateDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespaceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryPublicDnsNamespace items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources() map[string]AWSServiceDiscoveryService
GetAllAWSServiceDiscoveryServiceResources retrieves all AWSServiceDiscoveryService items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsActivity
GetAllAWSStepFunctionsActivityResources retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsActivity items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources() map[string]AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine
GetAllAWSStepFunctionsStateMachineResources retrieves all AWSStepFunctionsStateMachine items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFByteMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFByteMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFIPSet
GetAllAWSWAFIPSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalByteMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalIPSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalIPSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalIPSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalRule
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalRuleResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociationResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACLAssociation items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalWebACL
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalWebACLResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFRegionalXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources() map[string]AWSWAFRule
GetAllAWSWAFRuleResources retrieves all AWSWAFRule items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet
GetAllAWSWAFSizeConstraintSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFSizeConstraintSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFSqlInjectionMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources() map[string]AWSWAFWebACL
GetAllAWSWAFWebACLResources retrieves all AWSWAFWebACL items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources() map[string]AWSWAFXssMatchSet
GetAllAWSWAFXssMatchSetResources retrieves all AWSWAFXssMatchSet items from an AWS CloudFormation template
func (*Template) GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources ¶
func (t *Template) GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources() map[string]AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace
GetAllAWSWorkSpacesWorkspaceResources retrieves all AWSWorkSpacesWorkspace items from an AWS CloudFormation template
Source Files ¶
- aws-apigateway-account.go
- aws-apigateway-apikey.go
- aws-apigateway-apikey_stagekey.go
- aws-apigateway-authorizer.go
- aws-apigateway-basepathmapping.go
- aws-apigateway-clientcertificate.go
- aws-apigateway-deployment.go
- aws-apigateway-deployment_methodsetting.go
- aws-apigateway-deployment_stagedescription.go
- aws-apigateway-documentationpart.go
- aws-apigateway-documentationpart_location.go
- aws-apigateway-documentationversion.go
- aws-apigateway-domainname.go
- aws-apigateway-domainname_endpointconfiguration.go
- aws-apigateway-gatewayresponse.go
- aws-apigateway-method.go
- aws-apigateway-method_integration.go
- aws-apigateway-method_integrationresponse.go
- aws-apigateway-method_methodresponse.go
- aws-apigateway-model.go
- aws-apigateway-requestvalidator.go
- aws-apigateway-resource.go
- aws-apigateway-restapi.go
- aws-apigateway-restapi_endpointconfiguration.go
- aws-apigateway-restapi_s3location.go
- aws-apigateway-stage.go
- aws-apigateway-stage_methodsetting.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan_apistage.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan_quotasettings.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplan_throttlesettings.go
- aws-apigateway-usageplankey.go
- aws-apigateway-vpclink.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalabletarget.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalabletarget_scalabletargetaction.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalabletarget_scheduledaction.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_customizedmetricspecification.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_metricdimension.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_predefinedmetricspecification.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_stepadjustment.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_stepscalingpolicyconfiguration.go
- aws-applicationautoscaling-scalingpolicy_targettrackingscalingpolicyconfiguration.go
- aws-appsync-apikey.go
- aws-appsync-datasource.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_dynamodbconfig.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_elasticsearchconfig.go
- aws-appsync-datasource_lambdaconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi_logconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi_openidconnectconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlapi_userpoolconfig.go
- aws-appsync-graphqlschema.go
- aws-appsync-resolver.go
- aws-athena-namedquery.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_lifecyclehookspecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_metricscollection.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_notificationconfiguration.go
- aws-autoscaling-autoscalinggroup_tagproperty.go
- aws-autoscaling-launchconfiguration.go
- aws-autoscaling-launchconfiguration_blockdevice.go
- aws-autoscaling-launchconfiguration_blockdevicemapping.go
- aws-autoscaling-lifecyclehook.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_customizedmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_metricdimension.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_predefinedmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_stepadjustment.go
- aws-autoscaling-scalingpolicy_targettrackingconfiguration.go
- aws-autoscaling-scheduledaction.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_applicationsource.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_customizedscalingmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_metricdimension.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_predefinedscalingmetricspecification.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_scalinginstruction.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_tagfilter.go
- aws-autoscalingplans-scalingplan_targettrackingconfiguration.go
- aws-batch-computeenvironment.go
- aws-batch-computeenvironment_computeresources.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_containerproperties.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_environment.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_mountpoints.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_retrystrategy.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_timeout.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_ulimit.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_volumes.go
- aws-batch-jobdefinition_volumeshost.go
- aws-batch-jobqueue.go
- aws-batch-jobqueue_computeenvironmentorder.go
- aws-budgets-budget.go
- aws-budgets-budget_budgetdata.go
- aws-budgets-budget_costtypes.go
- aws-budgets-budget_notification.go
- aws-budgets-budget_notificationwithsubscribers.go
- aws-budgets-budget_spend.go
- aws-budgets-budget_subscriber.go
- aws-budgets-budget_timeperiod.go
- aws-certificatemanager-certificate.go
- aws-certificatemanager-certificate_domainvalidationoption.go
- aws-cloud9-environmentec2.go
- aws-cloud9-environmentec2_repository.go
- aws-cloudformation-customresource.go
- aws-cloudformation-stack.go
- aws-cloudformation-waitcondition.go
- aws-cloudformation-waitconditionhandle.go
- aws-cloudfront-cloudfrontoriginaccessidentity.go
- aws-cloudfront-cloudfrontoriginaccessidentity_cloudfrontoriginaccessidentityconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_cachebehavior.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_cookies.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_customerrorresponse.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_customoriginconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_defaultcachebehavior.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_distributionconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_forwardedvalues.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_georestriction.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_lambdafunctionassociation.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_legacycustomorigin.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_legacys3origin.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_logging.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_origin.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_origincustomheader.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_restrictions.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_s3originconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-distribution_viewercertificate.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_logging.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_s3origin.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_streamingdistributionconfig.go
- aws-cloudfront-streamingdistribution_trustedsigners.go
- aws-cloudtrail-trail.go
- aws-cloudtrail-trail_dataresource.go
- aws-cloudtrail-trail_eventselector.go
- aws-cloudwatch-alarm.go
- aws-cloudwatch-alarm_dimension.go
- aws-cloudwatch-dashboard.go
- aws-codebuild-project.go
- aws-codebuild-project_artifacts.go
- aws-codebuild-project_environment.go
- aws-codebuild-project_environmentvariable.go
- aws-codebuild-project_projectcache.go
- aws-codebuild-project_projecttriggers.go
- aws-codebuild-project_source.go
- aws-codebuild-project_sourceauth.go
- aws-codebuild-project_vpcconfig.go
- aws-codecommit-repository.go
- aws-codecommit-repository_repositorytrigger.go
- aws-codedeploy-application.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentconfig.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentconfig_minimumhealthyhosts.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_alarm.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_alarmconfiguration.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_autorollbackconfiguration.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_deployment.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_deploymentstyle.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_ec2tagfilter.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_elbinfo.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_githublocation.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_loadbalancerinfo.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_revisionlocation.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_s3location.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_tagfilter.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_targetgroupinfo.go
- aws-codedeploy-deploymentgroup_triggerconfig.go
- aws-codepipeline-customactiontype.go
- aws-codepipeline-customactiontype_artifactdetails.go
- aws-codepipeline-customactiontype_configurationproperties.go
- aws-codepipeline-customactiontype_settings.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_actiondeclaration.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_actiontypeid.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_artifactstore.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_blockerdeclaration.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_encryptionkey.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_inputartifact.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_outputartifact.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_stagedeclaration.go
- aws-codepipeline-pipeline_stagetransition.go
- aws-cognito-identitypool.go
- aws-cognito-identitypool_cognitoidentityprovider.go
- aws-cognito-identitypool_cognitostreams.go
- aws-cognito-identitypool_pushsync.go
- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment.go
- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment_mappingrule.go
- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment_rolemapping.go
- aws-cognito-identitypoolroleattachment_rulesconfigurationtype.go
- aws-cognito-userpool.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_admincreateuserconfig.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_deviceconfiguration.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_emailconfiguration.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_invitemessagetemplate.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_lambdaconfig.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_numberattributeconstraints.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_passwordpolicy.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_policies.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_schemaattribute.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_smsconfiguration.go
- aws-cognito-userpool_stringattributeconstraints.go
- aws-cognito-userpoolclient.go
- aws-cognito-userpoolgroup.go
- aws-cognito-userpooluser.go
- aws-cognito-userpooluser_attributetype.go
- aws-cognito-userpoolusertogroupattachment.go
- aws-config-configrule.go
- aws-config-configrule_scope.go
- aws-config-configrule_source.go
- aws-config-configrule_sourcedetail.go
- aws-config-configurationrecorder.go
- aws-config-configurationrecorder_recordinggroup.go
- aws-config-deliverychannel.go
- aws-config-deliverychannel_configsnapshotdeliveryproperties.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_field.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_parameterattribute.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_parameterobject.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_parametervalue.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_pipelineobject.go
- aws-datapipeline-pipeline_pipelinetag.go
- aws-dax-cluster.go
- aws-dax-parametergroup.go
- aws-dax-subnetgroup.go
- aws-directoryservice-microsoftad.go
- aws-directoryservice-microsoftad_vpcsettings.go
- aws-directoryservice-simplead.go
- aws-directoryservice-simplead_vpcsettings.go
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- aws-dms-endpoint_mongodbsettings.go
- aws-dms-endpoint_s3settings.go
- aws-dms-eventsubscription.go
- aws-dms-replicationinstance.go
- aws-dms-replicationsubnetgroup.go
- aws-dms-replicationtask.go
- aws-dynamodb-table.go
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- aws-dynamodb-table_globalsecondaryindex.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_keyschema.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_localsecondaryindex.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_pointintimerecoveryspecification.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_projection.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_provisionedthroughput.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_ssespecification.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_streamspecification.go
- aws-dynamodb-table_timetolivespecification.go
- aws-ec2-customergateway.go
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- aws-ec2-eip.go
- aws-ec2-eipassociation.go
- aws-ec2-flowlog.go
- aws-ec2-host.go
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- aws-ec2-instance_associationparameter.go
- aws-ec2-instance_blockdevicemapping.go
- aws-ec2-instance_creditspecification.go
- aws-ec2-instance_ebs.go
- aws-ec2-instance_elasticgpuspecification.go
- aws-ec2-instance_instanceipv6address.go
- aws-ec2-instance_launchtemplatespecification.go
- aws-ec2-instance_networkinterface.go
- aws-ec2-instance_nodevice.go
- aws-ec2-instance_privateipaddressspecification.go
- aws-ec2-instance_ssmassociation.go
- aws-ec2-instance_volume.go
- aws-ec2-internetgateway.go
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- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_creditspecification.go
- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_ebs.go
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- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_iaminstanceprofile.go
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- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_launchtemplatedata.go
- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_monitoring.go
- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_networkinterface.go
- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_placement.go
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- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_spotoptions.go
- aws-ec2-launchtemplate_tagspecification.go
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- aws-ec2-networkaclentry_portrange.go
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- aws-ec2-networkinterface_instanceipv6address.go
- aws-ec2-networkinterface_privateipaddressspecification.go
- aws-ec2-networkinterfaceattachment.go
- aws-ec2-networkinterfacepermission.go
- aws-ec2-placementgroup.go
- aws-ec2-route.go
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- aws-ec2-securitygroup_ingress.go
- aws-ec2-securitygroupegress.go
- aws-ec2-securitygroupingress.go
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- aws-ec2-spotfleet_launchtemplateoverrides.go
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- aws-ec2-spotfleet_spotfleetlaunchspecification.go
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- aws-ec2-spotfleet_spotfleettagspecification.go
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- aws-ec2-subnetroutetableassociation.go
- aws-ec2-trunkinterfaceassociation.go
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- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_hostvolumeproperties.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_kernelcapabilities.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_keyvaluepair.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_linuxparameters.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_logconfiguration.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_mountpoint.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_portmapping.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_taskdefinitionplacementconstraint.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_ulimit.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_volume.go
- aws-ecs-taskdefinition_volumefrom.go
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- aws-efs-filesystem_elasticfilesystemtag.go
- aws-efs-mounttarget.go
- aws-eks-cluster.go
- aws-eks-cluster_resourcesvpcconfig.go
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- aws-elasticache-replicationgroup_nodegroupconfiguration.go
- aws-elasticache-securitygroup.go
- aws-elasticache-securitygroupingress.go
- aws-elasticache-subnetgroup.go
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- aws-elasticbeanstalk-application_applicationresourcelifecycleconfig.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-application_applicationversionlifecycleconfig.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-application_maxagerule.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-application_maxcountrule.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-applicationversion.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-applicationversion_sourcebundle.go
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- aws-elasticbeanstalk-configurationtemplate_configurationoptionsetting.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-configurationtemplate_sourceconfiguration.go
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- aws-elasticbeanstalk-environment_optionsetting.go
- aws-elasticbeanstalk-environment_tier.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancing-loadbalancer_appcookiestickinesspolicy.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancing-loadbalancer_connectiondrainingpolicy.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancing-loadbalancer_connectionsettings.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancing-loadbalancer_healthcheck.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancing-loadbalancer_lbcookiestickinesspolicy.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancing-loadbalancer_policies.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listener_action.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listener_certificate.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenercertificate.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenercertificate_certificate.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenerrule.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenerrule_action.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-listenerrule_rulecondition.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-loadbalancer.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-loadbalancer_loadbalancerattribute.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-loadbalancer_subnetmapping.go
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- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-targetgroup_matcher.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-targetgroup_targetdescription.go
- aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-targetgroup_targetgroupattribute.go
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- aws-elasticsearch-domain_encryptionatrestoptions.go
- aws-elasticsearch-domain_snapshotoptions.go
- aws-elasticsearch-domain_vpcoptions.go
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- aws-emr-cluster_autoscalingpolicy.go
- aws-emr-cluster_bootstrapactionconfig.go
- aws-emr-cluster_cloudwatchalarmdefinition.go
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- aws-emr-cluster_ebsconfiguration.go
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- aws-emr-cluster_jobflowinstancesconfig.go
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- aws-emr-cluster_scalingtrigger.go
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- aws-emr-cluster_volumespecification.go
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- aws-emr-instancefleetconfig_ebsconfiguration.go
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- aws-emr-securityconfiguration.go
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- aws-events-rule_kinesisparameters.go
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- aws-events-rule_runcommandtarget.go
- aws-events-rule_target.go
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- aws-gamelift-alias_routingstrategy.go
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- aws-gamelift-fleet.go
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- aws-glue-connection_physicalconnectionrequirements.go
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- aws-glue-crawler_targets.go
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- aws-glue-partition_serdeinfo.go
- aws-glue-partition_skewedinfo.go
- aws-glue-partition_storagedescriptor.go
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- aws-glue-trigger_condition.go
- aws-glue-trigger_predicate.go
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- aws-guardduty-filter_findingcriteria.go
- aws-guardduty-ipset.go
- aws-guardduty-master.go
- aws-guardduty-member.go
- aws-guardduty-threatintelset.go
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- aws-iam-user_policy.go
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- aws-inspector-assessmenttarget.go
- aws-inspector-assessmenttemplate.go
- aws-inspector-resourcegroup.go
- aws-iot-certificate.go
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- aws-iot-topicrule_topicrulepayload.go
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- aws-kinesisanalytics-applicationoutput_output.go
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- aws-opsworks-instance_ebsblockdevice.go
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- aws-opsworks-layer_recipes.go
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- aws-opsworks-layer_volumeconfiguration.go
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- aws-opsworks-stack_elasticip.go
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- aws-opsworks-stack_stackconfigurationmanager.go
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- aws-redshift-clustersecuritygroup.go
- aws-redshift-clustersecuritygroupingress.go
- aws-redshift-clustersubnetgroup.go
- aws-route53-healthcheck.go
- aws-route53-healthcheck_alarmidentifier.go
- aws-route53-healthcheck_healthcheckconfig.go
- aws-route53-healthcheck_healthchecktag.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_hostedzoneconfig.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_hostedzonetag.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_queryloggingconfig.go
- aws-route53-hostedzone_vpc.go
- aws-route53-recordset.go
- aws-route53-recordset_aliastarget.go
- aws-route53-recordset_geolocation.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup_aliastarget.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup_geolocation.go
- aws-route53-recordsetgroup_recordset.go
- aws-s3-bucket.go
- aws-s3-bucket_abortincompletemultipartupload.go
- aws-s3-bucket_accelerateconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_accesscontroltranslation.go
- aws-s3-bucket_analyticsconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_bucketencryption.go
- aws-s3-bucket_corsconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_corsrule.go
- aws-s3-bucket_dataexport.go
- aws-s3-bucket_destination.go
- aws-s3-bucket_encryptionconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_filterrule.go
- aws-s3-bucket_inventoryconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_lambdaconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_lifecycleconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_loggingconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_metricsconfiguration.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_notificationconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_notificationfilter.go
- aws-s3-bucket_queueconfiguration.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_redirectrule.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_replicationdestination.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_routingrulecondition.go
- aws-s3-bucket_rule.go
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- aws-s3-bucket_serversideencryptionbydefault.go
- aws-s3-bucket_serversideencryptionrule.go
- aws-s3-bucket_sourceselectioncriteria.go
- aws-s3-bucket_ssekmsencryptedobjects.go
- aws-s3-bucket_storageclassanalysis.go
- aws-s3-bucket_tagfilter.go
- aws-s3-bucket_topicconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_transition.go
- aws-s3-bucket_versioningconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucket_websiteconfiguration.go
- aws-s3-bucketpolicy.go
- aws-sdb-domain.go
- aws-serverless-api.go
- aws-serverless-api_s3location.go
- aws-serverless-function.go
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- aws-serverless-function_apievent.go
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- aws-serverless-function_functionenvironment.go
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- aws-serverless-function_s3event.go
- aws-serverless-function_s3location.go
- aws-serverless-function_s3notificationfilter.go
- aws-serverless-function_scheduleevent.go
- aws-serverless-function_snsevent.go
- aws-serverless-function_vpcconfig.go
- aws-serverless-simpletable.go
- aws-serverless-simpletable_primarykey.go
- aws-serverless-simpletable_provisionedthroughput.go
- aws-servicecatalog-acceptedportfolioshare.go
- aws-servicecatalog-cloudformationproduct.go
- aws-servicecatalog-cloudformationproduct_provisioningartifactproperties.go
- aws-servicecatalog-cloudformationprovisionedproduct.go
- aws-servicecatalog-cloudformationprovisionedproduct_provisioningparameter.go
- aws-servicecatalog-launchnotificationconstraint.go
- aws-servicecatalog-launchroleconstraint.go
- aws-servicecatalog-launchtemplateconstraint.go
- aws-servicecatalog-portfolio.go
- aws-servicecatalog-portfolioprincipalassociation.go
- aws-servicecatalog-portfolioproductassociation.go
- aws-servicecatalog-portfolioshare.go
- aws-servicecatalog-tagoption.go
- aws-servicecatalog-tagoptionassociation.go
- aws-servicediscovery-instance.go
- aws-servicediscovery-privatednsnamespace.go
- aws-servicediscovery-publicdnsnamespace.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service_dnsconfig.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service_dnsrecord.go
- aws-servicediscovery-service_healthcheckconfig.go
- aws-ses-configurationset.go
- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination.go
- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination_cloudwatchdestination.go
- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination_dimensionconfiguration.go
- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination_eventdestination.go
- aws-ses-configurationseteventdestination_kinesisfirehosedestination.go
- aws-ses-receiptfilter.go
- aws-ses-receiptfilter_filter.go
- aws-ses-receiptfilter_ipfilter.go
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- aws-ses-receiptrule_action.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_addheaderaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_bounceaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_lambdaaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_rule.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_s3action.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_snsaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_stopaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptrule_workmailaction.go
- aws-ses-receiptruleset.go
- aws-ses-template.go
- aws-ses-template_template.go
- aws-sns-subscription.go
- aws-sns-topic.go
- aws-sns-topic_subscription.go
- aws-sns-topicpolicy.go
- aws-sqs-queue.go
- aws-sqs-queuepolicy.go
- aws-ssm-association.go
- aws-ssm-association_instanceassociationoutputlocation.go
- aws-ssm-association_parametervalues.go
- aws-ssm-association_s3outputlocation.go
- aws-ssm-association_target.go
- aws-ssm-document.go
- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask.go
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- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask_maintenancewindowautomationparameters.go
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- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask_maintenancewindowruncommandparameters.go
- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask_maintenancewindowstepfunctionsparameters.go
- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask_notificationconfig.go
- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask_target.go
- aws-ssm-maintenancewindowtask_taskinvocationparameters.go
- aws-ssm-parameter.go
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- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_patchfilter.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_patchfiltergroup.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_patchgroup.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_patchsource.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_rule.go
- aws-ssm-patchbaseline_rulegroup.go
- aws-stepfunctions-activity.go
- aws-stepfunctions-statemachine.go
- aws-waf-bytematchset.go
- aws-waf-bytematchset_bytematchtuple.go
- aws-waf-bytematchset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-waf-ipset.go
- aws-waf-ipset_ipsetdescriptor.go
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- aws-waf-rule_predicate.go
- aws-waf-sizeconstraintset.go
- aws-waf-sizeconstraintset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-waf-sizeconstraintset_sizeconstraint.go
- aws-waf-sqlinjectionmatchset.go
- aws-waf-sqlinjectionmatchset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-waf-sqlinjectionmatchset_sqlinjectionmatchtuple.go
- aws-waf-webacl.go
- aws-waf-webacl_activatedrule.go
- aws-waf-webacl_wafaction.go
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- aws-waf-xssmatchset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-waf-xssmatchset_xssmatchtuple.go
- aws-wafregional-bytematchset.go
- aws-wafregional-bytematchset_bytematchtuple.go
- aws-wafregional-bytematchset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-wafregional-ipset.go
- aws-wafregional-ipset_ipsetdescriptor.go
- aws-wafregional-rule.go
- aws-wafregional-rule_predicate.go
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- aws-wafregional-sizeconstraintset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-wafregional-sizeconstraintset_sizeconstraint.go
- aws-wafregional-sqlinjectionmatchset.go
- aws-wafregional-sqlinjectionmatchset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-wafregional-sqlinjectionmatchset_sqlinjectionmatchtuple.go
- aws-wafregional-webacl.go
- aws-wafregional-webacl_action.go
- aws-wafregional-webacl_rule.go
- aws-wafregional-webaclassociation.go
- aws-wafregional-xssmatchset.go
- aws-wafregional-xssmatchset_fieldtomatch.go
- aws-wafregional-xssmatchset_xssmatchtuple.go
- aws-workspaces-workspace.go
- awsserverlessapi_definitionuri.go
- awsserverlessfunction_codeuri.go
- awsserverlessfunction_events.go
- awsserverlessfunction_policies.go
- awsserverlessfunction_properties.go
- tag.go
- template.go