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Published: Jul 29, 2016 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 0



kubernetes enables reading zone data from a kubernetes cluster. Record names are constructed as "myservice.mynamespace.coredns.local" where:

  • "myservice" is the name of the k8s service (this may include multiple DNS labels, such as "c1.myservice"),
  • "mynamespace" is the k8s namespace for the service, and
  • "coredns.local" is the zone configured for kubernetes.

The record name format can be changed by specifying a name template in the Corefile.


kubernetes [zones...]
  • zones zones kubernetes should be authorative for. Overlapping zones are ignored.
kubernetes [zones] {
    endpoint http://localhost:8080


This is the default kubernetes setup, with everything specified in full:

# Serve on port 53
.:53 {
    # use kubernetes middleware for domain "coredns.local"
    kubernetes coredns.local {
        # Use url for k8s API endpoint
        endpoint http://localhost:8080
        # Assemble k8s record names with the template
        template {service}.{namespace}.{zone}
        # Only expose the k8s namespace "demo"
        namespaces demo
#    cache 160 coredns.local
Basic Setup
Launch Kubernetes

Kubernetes is launched using the commands in the following run_k8s.sh script:


# Based on instructions at: http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/docker/

#K8S_VERSION=$(curl -sS https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/latest.txt)


export K8S_VERSION
export ARCH

#DNS_ARGUMENTS="--cluster-dns= --cluster-domain=cluster.local"

docker run -d \
    --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \
    --volume=/sys:/sys:ro \
    --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:rw \
    --volume=/var/lib/kubelet/:/var/lib/kubelet:rw \
    --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw \
    --net=host \
    --pid=host \
    --privileged \
    gcr.io/google_containers/hyperkube-${ARCH}:${K8S_VERSION} \
    /hyperkube kubelet \
    --containerized \
    --hostname-override= \
    --api-servers=http://localhost:8080 \
    --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests \
    --allow-privileged --v=2
Configure kubectl and test

The kubernetes control client can be downloaded from the generic URL: http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/${K8S_VERSION}/bin/${GOOS}/${GOARCH}/${K8S_BINARY}

For example, the kubectl client for Linux can be downloaded using the command: curl -sSL "http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.2.4/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"

The following setup_kubectl.sh script can be stored in the same directory as kubectl to setup kubectl to communicate with kubernetes running on the localhost:


BASEDIR=`readlink -e $(dirname ${0})`

${BASEDIR}/kubectl config set-cluster test-doc --server=http://localhost:8080
${BASEDIR}/kubectl config set-context test-doc --cluster=test-doc
${BASEDIR}/kubectl config use-context test-doc

alias kubctl="${BASEDIR}/kubectl"

Verify that kubectl is working by querying for the kubernetes namespaces:

$ ./kubectl get namespaces
default   Active    8d
test      Active    7d
Launch a kubernetes service and expose the service

The following commands will create a kubernetes namespace "demo", launch an nginx service in the namespace, and expose the service on port 80:

$ ./kubectl create namespace demo
$ ./kubectl get namespace

$ ./kubectl run mynginx --namespace=demo --image=nginx
$ ./kubectl get deployment --namespace=demo

$ ./kubectl expose deployment mynginx --namespace=demo --port=80
$ ./kubectl get service --namespace=demo
Launch CoreDNS

Build CoreDNS and launch using the configuration file in conf/k8sCorefile. This configuration file sets up CoreDNS to use the zone coredns.local for the kubernetes services.

The command to launch CoreDNS is:

$ ./coredns -conf conf/k8sCoreFile

In a separate terminal a dns query can be issued using dig:

$ dig @localhost mynginx.demo.coredns.local

; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-29.el7_2.3 <<>> @localhost mynginx.demo.coredns.local
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 47614
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;mynginx.demo.coredns.local.    IN  A

mynginx.demo.coredns.local. 0   IN  A

;; Query time: 2 msec
;; SERVER: ::1#53(::1)
;; WHEN: Thu Jun 02 11:07:18 PDT 2016
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 71

Implementation Notes/Ideas

Basic Zone Mapping (implemented)

The middleware is configured with a "zone" string. For example: "zone = coredns.local".

The Kubernetes service "myservice" running in "mynamespace" would map to: "myservice.mynamespace.coredns.local".

The middleware should publish an A record for that service and a service record.

Initial implementation just performs the above simple mapping. Subsequent revisions should allow different namespaces to be published under different zones.

For example:

# Serve on port 53
.:53 {
    # use kubernetes middleware for domain "coredns.local"
    kubernetes coredns.local {
        # Use url for k8s API endpoint
        endpoint http://localhost:8080
    # Perform DNS response caching for the coredns.local zone
    # Cache timeout is provided by the integer argument in seconds
    # This works for the kubernetes middleware.)
    #cache 20 coredns.local
    #cache 160 coredns.local
Internal IP or External IP?
  • Should the Corefile configuration allow control over whether the internal IP or external IP is exposed?
  • If the Corefile configuration allows control over internal IP or external IP, then the config should allow users to control the precidence.

For example a service "myservice" running in namespace "mynamespace" with internal IP "" and external IP "".

This example could be published as:

Corefile directive Result
iporder = internal
iporder = external
iporder = external, internal,
iporder = internal, external,
no directive,

Publishing DNS records for singleton services isn't very interesting. Service names are unique within a k8s namespace therefore multiple services will be commonly run with a structured naming scheme.

For example, running multiple nginx services under the names:

Service name


Service name

A DNS query with wildcard support for "nginx" in these examples should return the IP addresses for all services with "nginx" in the service name.


  • How does this relate the the k8s load-balancer configuration?
  • Do wildcards search across namespaces? (Yes)
  • Initial implementation assumes that a namespace maps to the first DNS label below the zone managed by the kubernetes middleware. This assumption may need to be revised. (Template scheme for record names removes this assumption.)


  • SkyDNS compatibility/equivalency:
    • Kubernetes packaging and execution
      • Automate packaging to allow executing in Kubernetes. That is, add Docker container build as target in Makefile. Also include anything else needed to simplify launch as the k8s DNS service. Note: Dockerfile already exists in coredns repo to build the docker image. This work item should identify how to pass configuration and run as a SkyDNS replacement.
      • Identify any kubernetes changes necessary to use coredns as k8s DNS server. That is, how do we consume the "--cluster-dns=" and "--cluster-domain=" arguments.
      • Work out how to pass CoreDNS configuration via kubectl command line and yaml service definition file.
      • Ensure that resolver in each kubernetes container is configured to use coredns instance.
      • Update kubernetes middleware documentation to describe running CoreDNS as a SkyDNS replacement. (Include descriptions of different ways to pass CoreFile to coredns command.)
      • Expose load-balancer IP addresses.
      • Calculate SRV priority based on number of instances running. (See SkyDNS README.md)
    • Functional work
      • (done) Implement wildcard-based lookup. Minimally support *, consider ? as well.
      • (done) Note from Miek on PR 181: "SkyDNS also supports the word any.
      • Implement SkyDNS-style synthetic zones such as "svc" to group k8s objects. (This should be optional behavior.) Also look at "pod" synthetic zones.
      • Implement test cases for SkyDNS equivalent functionality.
    • SkyDNS functionality, as listed in SkyDNS README: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.2/cluster/addons/dns/README.md
      • Expose pods and srv objects.
      • A records in form of pod-ip-address.my-namespace.cluster.local. For example, a pod with ip in the namespace default with a dns name of cluster.local would have an entry: 1-2-3-4.default.pod.cluster.local.
      • SRV records in form of _my-port-name._my-port-protocol.my-namespace.svc.cluster.local CNAME records for both regular services and headless services. See SkyDNS README.
      • A Records and hostname Based on Pod Annotations (k8s beta 1.2 feature). See SkyDNS README.
      • Note: the embedded IP and embedded port record names are weird. I would need to know the IP/port in order to create the query to lookup the name. Presumably these are intended for wildcard queries.
    • Performance
      • Improve lookup to reduce size of query result obtained from k8s API. (namespace-based?, other ideas?)
      • Caching of k8s API dataset.
      • DNS response caching is good, but we should also cache at the http query level as well. (Take a look at https://github.com/patrickmn/go-cache as a potential expiring cache implementation for the http API queries.)
      • Push notifications from k8s for data changes rather than pull via API?
  • Additional features:
    • Implement namespace filtering to different zones. That is, zone "a.b" publishes services from namespace "foo", and zone "x.y" publishes services from namespaces "bar" and "baz". (Basic version implemented -- need test cases.)

    • Reverse IN-ADDR entries for services. (Is there any value in supporting reverse lookup records?

    • How to support label specification in Corefile to allow use of labels to indicate zone? (Is this even useful?) For example, the following configuration exposes all services labeled for the "staging" environment and tenant "customerB" in the zone "customerB.stage.local":

        kubernetes customerB.stage.local {
        	# Use url for k8s API endpoint
        	endpoint http://localhost:8080
        	label "environment" : "staging", "tenant" : "customerB"

      Note: label specification/selection is a killer feature for segmenting test vs staging vs prod environments.

    • Implement IP selection and ordering (internal/external). Related to wildcards and SkyDNS use of CNAMES.

    • Flatten service and namespace names to valid DNS characters. (service names and namespace names in k8s may use uppercase and non-DNS characters. Implement flattening to lower case and mapping of non-DNS characters to DNS characters in a standard way.)

    • Expose arbitrary kubernetes repository data as TXT records?

    • Support custom user-provided templates for k8s names. A string provided in the middleware configuration like {service}.{namespace}.{type} defines the template of how to construct record names for the zone. This example would produce myservice.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local. (Basic template implemented. Need to slice zone out of current template implementation.)

  • DNS Correctness
    • Do we need to generate synthetic zone records for namespaces?
    • Do we need to generate synthetic zone records for the skydns synthetic zones?
  • Test cases
    • Test with CoreDNS caching. CoreDNS caching for DNS response is working using the cache directive. Tested working using 20s cache timeout and A-record queries. Automate testing with cache in place.
    • Automate CoreDNS performance tests. Initially for zone files, and for pre-loaded k8s API cache.
    • Try to get rid of kubernetes launch scripts by moving operations into .travis.yml file.
    • Implement test cases for http data parsing using dependency injection for http get operations.
    • Automate integration testing with kubernetes. (k8s launch and service start-up automation is in middleware/kubernetes/tests)



Package kubernetes provides the kubernetes backend.



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func NormalizeZoneList

func NormalizeZoneList(zones []string) []string

NormalizeZoneList filters the zones argument to remove array items that conflict with other items in zones. For example, providing the following zones array:

[ "a.b.c", "b.c", "a", "e.d.f", "a.b" ]


[ "a.b.c", "a", "e.d.f", "a.b" ]

Zones filted out:

  • "b.c" because "a.b.c" and "b.c" share the common top level "b.c". First listed zone wins if there is a conflict.

Note: This may prove to be too restrictive in practice.

Need to find counter-example use-cases.


type Kubernetes

type Kubernetes struct {
	Next         middleware.Handler
	Zones        []string
	Proxy        proxy.Proxy // Proxy for looking up names during the resolution process
	APIConn      *k8sc.K8sConnector
	NameTemplate *nametemplate.NameTemplate
	Namespaces   []string

func (Kubernetes) A

func (k Kubernetes) A(zone string, state middleware.State, previousRecords []dns.RR) (records []dns.RR, err error)

func (Kubernetes) AAAA

func (k Kubernetes) AAAA(zone string, state middleware.State, previousRecords []dns.RR) (records []dns.RR, err error)

func (Kubernetes) CNAME

func (k Kubernetes) CNAME(zone string, state middleware.State) (records []dns.RR, err error)

Returning CNAME records from kubernetes not implemented.

func (Kubernetes) Err

func (k Kubernetes) Err(zone string, rcode int, state middleware.State) (int, error)

NoData write a nodata response to the client.

func (Kubernetes) Get

func (g Kubernetes) Get(namespace string, nsWildcard bool, servicename string, serviceWildcard bool) ([]k8sc.ServiceItem, error)

Get performs the call to the Kubernetes http API.

func (Kubernetes) MX

func (k Kubernetes) MX(zone string, state middleware.State) (records []dns.RR, extra []dns.RR, err error)

Returning MX records from kubernetes not implemented.

func (Kubernetes) NS

func (k Kubernetes) NS(zone string, state middleware.State) (records, extra []dns.RR, err error)

func (Kubernetes) Records

func (g Kubernetes) Records(name string, exact bool) ([]msg.Service, error)

Records looks up services in kubernetes. If exact is true, it will lookup just this name. This is used when find matches when completing SRV lookups for instance.

func (Kubernetes) SOA

func (k Kubernetes) SOA(zone string, state middleware.State) *dns.SOA

SOA Record returns a SOA record.

func (Kubernetes) SRV

func (k Kubernetes) SRV(zone string, state middleware.State) (records []dns.RR, extra []dns.RR, err error)

SRV returns SRV records from kubernetes. If the Target is not a name but an IP address, a name is created on the fly.

func (Kubernetes) ServeDNS

func (k Kubernetes) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error)

func (Kubernetes) TXT

func (k Kubernetes) TXT(zone string, state middleware.State) (records []dns.RR, err error)

Returning TXT records from kubernetes not implemented.


Path Synopsis
Package kubernetes/util provides helper functions for the kubernetes middleware
Package kubernetes/util provides helper functions for the kubernetes middleware

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