Banana Auth Vault Plugin
This repository contains sample code for a Hashicorp Vault Auth Plugin based on article
Testing Implementation:
- Create a temporary directory to compile the plugin into and to use as the plugin directory for Vault:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/vault-plugins
- Compile the plugin into the temporary directory:
$ go build -o /tmp/vault-plugins/banana-auth-vault-plugin
- Create a configuration file to point Vault at this plugin directory:
$ tee /tmp/vault.hcl <<EOF
plugin_directory = "/tmp/vault-plugins"
- Start a Vault server in development mode with the configuration:
$ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id="root" -config=/tmp/vault.hcl
- Leave this running and open a new tab or terminal window. Authenticate to Vault:
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''
$ vault auth root
- Calculate and register the SHA256 sum of the plugin in Vault's plugin catalog:
$ SHASUM=$(shasum -a 256 "/tmp/vault-plugins/banana-auth-vault-plugin" | cut -d " " -f1)
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/banana-auth-vault-plugin \
sha_256="$SHASUM" \
$ vault auth enable -path=banana -plugin-name=banana-auth-vault-plugin plugin
- At this point, the plugin is registered and enabled. To test the implementation, submit a login request with an invalid secret:
$ vault write auth/banana/login password="laalaladada"
Error writing data to auth/banana/login: Error making API request.
URL: PUT 403. Errors:
* permission denied
- Now submit a login request with the correct shared secret:
$vault write auth/banana/login password="banana"
Key Value
--- -----
token 244b6510-99f2-a2dd-01c2-90a928a191be
token_accessor 279b6660-ce07-e57e-daaa-86a65d5950a6
token_duration 30stoken_renewable true
token_policies [default]token_meta_song lucille