letarette.sql example project
This is probably the smallest example possible of using letarette.sql to tie a document database to a Letarette service.
The document database in this case is a small SQLite database of articles with the following schema:
create table docs (
id integer primary key,
title text,
txt text,
updated integer
create index docs_updated on docs(updated);
Look at indexrequest.sql and documentrequest.sql for the corresponding index and document request queries to pass to letarette.sql for the full integration implementation.
Creating the test database
A test database can created by the loader.go
program, which loads the articles from an optionally gzip-compressed JSON object stream file. The JSON file should contain one JSON object per line, with objects of the following shape:
{"title": "A nice title", "text": "This is the article text", "date": "2019-01-01T09:35:48.000Z"}
Each article will be given an auto-incremented ID.
To try if out, load 365 recipies from the great book "365 Luncheon Dishes - A Luncheon Dish for Every Day in the Year" to the database recipies.db
go run loader.go recipies.db pg24384.json
The JSON file is converted from pg24384.txt
, originally fetched from the Gutenberg Project at http://www.gutenberg.org/2/4/3/8/24384/.
Running the SQL Document Manager
Now that we have a document database in place, lrsql
can be started with the SQLite settings like this:
LRSQL_DB_DRIVER=sqlite3 LRSQL_DB_CONNECTION=recipies.db lrsql
If there is a Letarette service connected to the default NATS server running on the local machine, it should start indexing the "docs" space with articles from our little database.
to trace the indexing process.