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Published: Mar 4, 2025 License: LGPL-3.0 Imports: 58 Imported by: 0



Package core implements the Ethereum consensus protocol.



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const (
	TriesInMemory = 128

	// See gas_limit in
	SysCallGasLimit = uint64(30_000_000)


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var (
	// ErrKnownBlock is returned when a block to import is already known locally.
	ErrKnownBlock = errors.New("block already known")

	// ErrBlacklistedHash is returned if a block to import is on the blacklist.
	ErrBlacklistedHash = errors.New("blacklisted hash")

	// ErrNoGenesis is returned when there is no Genesis Block.
	ErrNoGenesis = errors.New("genesis not found in chain")

	// ErrTipAboveFeeCap is a sanity error to ensure no one is able to specify a
	// transaction with a tip higher than the total fee cap.
	ErrTipAboveFeeCap = errors.New("tip higher than fee cap")

	// ErrMaxFeePerBlobGas is returned if the transaction specified a
	// max_fee_per_blob_gas that is below the current blob gas price.
	ErrMaxFeePerBlobGas = errors.New("max fee per blob gas too low")

	// ErrTipVeryHigh is a sanity error to avoid extremely big numbers specified
	// in the tip field.
	ErrTipVeryHigh = errors.New("tip higher than 2^256-1")

	// ErrFeeCapVeryHigh is a sanity error to avoid extremely big numbers specified
	// in the fee cap field.
	ErrFeeCapVeryHigh = errors.New("fee cap higher than 2^256-1")

	// ErrInternalFailure is returned when an unexpected internal error condition
	// prevents execution.
	ErrInternalFailure = errors.New("internal failure")
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var (
	// ErrNonceTooLow is returned if the nonce of a transaction is lower than the
	// one present in the local chain.
	ErrNonceTooLow = errors.New("nonce too low")

	// ErrNonceTooHigh is returned if the nonce of a transaction is higher than the
	// next one expected based on the local chain.
	ErrNonceTooHigh = errors.New("nonce too high")

	// ErrNonceMax is returned if the nonce of a transaction sender account has
	// maximum allowed value and would become invalid if incremented.
	ErrNonceMax = errors.New("nonce has max value")

	// ErrGasLimitReached is returned by the gas pool if the amount of gas required
	// by a transaction is higher than what's left in the block.
	ErrGasLimitReached = errors.New("gas limit reached")

	// ErrBlobGasLimitReached is returned by the gas pool if the amount of blob gas required
	// by a transaction is higher than what's left in the block.
	ErrBlobGasLimitReached = errors.New("blob gas limit reached")

	// ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded is returned if creation transaction provides the init code bigger
	// than init code size limit.
	ErrMaxInitCodeSizeExceeded = errors.New("max initcode size exceeded")

	// ErrInsufficientFunds is returned if the total cost of executing a transaction
	// is higher than the balance of the user's account.
	ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds for gas * price + value")

	// ErrGasUintOverflow is returned when calculating gas usage.
	ErrGasUintOverflow = errors.New("gas uint64 overflow")

	// ErrIntrinsicGas is returned if the transaction is specified to use less gas
	// than required to start the invocation.
	ErrIntrinsicGas = errors.New("intrinsic gas too low")

	// ErrTxTypeNotSupported is returned if a transaction is not supported in the
	// current network configuration.
	ErrTxTypeNotSupported = types.ErrTxTypeNotSupported

	// ErrFeeCapTooLow is returned if the transaction fee cap is less than the
	// the base fee of the block.
	ErrFeeCapTooLow = errors.New("fee cap less than block base fee")

	// ErrSenderNoEOA is returned if the sender of a transaction is a contract.
	// See EIP-3607: Reject transactions from senders with deployed code.
	ErrSenderNoEOA = errors.New("sender not an eoa")

List of evm-call-message pre-checking errors. All state transition messages will be pre-checked before execution. If any invalidation detected, the corresponding error should be returned which is defined here.

- If the pre-checking happens in the miner, then the transaction won't be packed. - If the pre-checking happens in the block processing procedure, then a "BAD BLOCk" error should be emitted.

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var BadHashes = map[libcommon.Hash]bool{
	libcommon.HexToHash("05bef30ef572270f654746da22639a7a0c97dd97a7050b9e252391996aaeb689"): true,
	libcommon.HexToHash("7d05d08cbc596a2e5e4f13b80a743e53e09221b5323c3a61946b20873e58583f"): true,

BadHashes represent a set of manually tracked bad hashes (usually hard forks)

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var DevnetEtherbase = libcommon.HexToAddress("67b1d87101671b127f5f8714789c7192f7ad340e")
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var DevnetSignKey = func(address libcommon.Address) *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
	return DevnetSignPrivateKey

DevnetSignKey is defined like this to allow the devnet process to pre-allocate keys for nodes and then pass the address via --miner.etherbase - the function will be called to retieve the mining key

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var DevnetSignPrivateKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("26e86e45f6fc45ec6e2ecd128cec80fa1d1505e5507dcd2ae58c3130a7a97b48")

Pre-calculated version of:

DevnetSignPrivateKey = crypto.HexToECDSA(sha256.Sum256([]byte("erigon devnet key")))
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var ErrStateTransitionFailed = errors.New("state transition failed")
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var GenerateTrace bool


func AmoyGenesisBlock

func AmoyGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

AmoyGenesisBlock returns the Amoy network genesis block.

func ApplyMessage

func ApplyMessage(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool, refunds bool, gasBailout bool, engine consensus.EngineReader) (
	*evmtypes.ExecutionResult, error)

ApplyMessage computes the new state by applying the given message against the old state within the environment.

ApplyMessage returns the bytes returned by any EVM execution (if it took place), the gas used (which includes gas refunds) and an error if it failed. An error always indicates a core error meaning that the message would always fail for that particular state and would never be accepted within a block. `refunds` is false when it is not required to apply gas refunds `gasBailout` is true when it is not required to fail transaction if the balance is not enough to pay gas. for trace_call to replicate OE/Parity behaviour

func ApplyTransaction

func ApplyTransaction(config *chain.Config, blockHashFunc func(n uint64) libcommon.Hash, engine consensus.EngineReader,
	author *libcommon.Address, gp *GasPool, ibs *state.IntraBlockState, stateWriter state.StateWriter,
	header *types.Header, txn types.Transaction, usedGas, usedBlobGas *uint64, cfg vm.Config,
) (*types.Receipt, []byte, error)

ApplyTransaction attempts to apply a transaction to the given state database and uses the input parameters for its environment. It returns the receipt for the transaction, gas used and an error if the transaction failed, indicating the block was invalid.

func BlockPostValidation

func BlockPostValidation(gasUsed, blobGasUsed uint64, checkReceipts bool, receipts types.Receipts, h *types.Header, isMining bool, txns types.Transactions, chainConfig *chain.Config, logger log.Logger) error

func BorDevnetGenesisBlock

func BorDevnetGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

func BorMainnetGenesisBlock

func BorMainnetGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

BorMainnetGenesisBlock returns the Bor Mainnet network genesis block.

func CalcGasLimit

func CalcGasLimit(parentGasLimit, desiredLimit uint64) uint64

CalcGasLimit computes the gas limit of the next block after parent. It aims to keep the baseline gas close to the provided target, and increase it towards the target if the baseline gas is lower.

func CalcHashRootForTests

func CalcHashRootForTests(tx kv.RwTx, header *types.Header, histV4, trace bool) (hashRoot libcommon.Hash, err error)

func CanTransfer

func CanTransfer(db evmtypes.IntraBlockState, addr libcommon.Address, amount *uint256.Int) (bool, error)

CanTransfer checks whether there are enough funds in the address' account to make a transfer. This does not take the necessary gas in to account to make the transfer valid.

func CheckEip1559TxGasFeeCap

func CheckEip1559TxGasFeeCap(from libcommon.Address, feeCap, tipCap, baseFee *uint256.Int, isFree bool) error

func ChiadoGenesisBlock

func ChiadoGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

func CommitGenesisBlock

func CommitGenesisBlock(db kv.RwDB, genesis *types.Genesis, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) (*chain.Config, *types.Block, error)

CommitGenesisBlock writes or updates the genesis block in db. The block that will be used is:

                     genesis == nil       genesis != nil
db has no genesis |  main-net          |  genesis
db has genesis    |  from DB           |  genesis (if compatible)

The stored chain configuration will be updated if it is compatible (i.e. does not specify a fork block below the local head block). In case of a conflict, the error is a *params.ConfigCompatError and the new, unwritten config is returned.

The returned chain configuration is never nil.

func CommitGenesisBlockWithOverride

func CommitGenesisBlockWithOverride(db kv.RwDB, genesis *types.Genesis, overridePragueTime *big.Int, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) (*chain.Config, *types.Block, error)

func DeveloperGenesisBlock

func DeveloperGenesisBlock(period uint64, faucet libcommon.Address) *types.Genesis

DeveloperGenesisBlock returns the 'geth --dev' genesis block.

func FinalizeBlockExecution

func FinalizeBlockExecution(
	engine consensus.Engine, stateReader state.StateReader,
	header *types.Header, txs types.Transactions, uncles []*types.Header,
	stateWriter state.StateWriter, cc *chain.Config,
	ibs *state.IntraBlockState, receipts types.Receipts,
	withdrawals []*types.Withdrawal, chainReader consensus.ChainReader,
	isMining bool,
	logger log.Logger,
) (newBlock *types.Block, newTxs types.Transactions, newReceipt types.Receipts, retRequests types.FlatRequests, err error)

func GenesisBlockByChainName

func GenesisBlockByChainName(chain string) *types.Genesis

func GenesisBlockForTesting

func GenesisBlockForTesting(db kv.RwDB, addr libcommon.Address, balance *big.Int, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) *types.Block

GenesisBlockForTesting creates and writes a block in which addr has the given wei balance.

func GenesisToBlock

func GenesisToBlock(g *types.Genesis, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) (*types.Block, *state.IntraBlockState, error)

ToBlock creates the genesis block and writes state of a genesis specification to the given database (or discards it if nil).

func GenesisWithAccounts

func GenesisWithAccounts(db kv.RwDB, accs []GenAccount, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) *types.Block

func GetHashFn

func GetHashFn(ref *types.Header, getHeader func(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) *types.Header) func(n uint64) libcommon.Hash

GetHashFn returns a GetHashFunc which retrieves header hashes by number

func GnosisGenesisBlock

func GnosisGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

func HoleskyGenesisBlock

func HoleskyGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

HoleskyGenesisBlock returns the Holesky main net genesis block.

func InitializeBlockExecution

func InitializeBlockExecution(engine consensus.Engine, chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, header *types.Header,
	cc *chain.Config, ibs *state.IntraBlockState, stateWriter state.StateWriter, logger log.Logger, tracer *tracing.Hooks,
) error

func MainnetGenesisBlock

func MainnetGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

MainnetGenesisBlock returns the Ethereum main net genesis block.

func MakeEmptyHeader

func MakeEmptyHeader(parent *types.Header, chainConfig *chain.Config, timestamp uint64, targetGasLimit *uint64) *types.Header

func MustCommitGenesis

func MustCommitGenesis(g *types.Genesis, db kv.RwDB, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) *types.Block

func NewEVMBlockContext

func NewEVMBlockContext(header *types.Header, blockHashFunc func(n uint64) libcommon.Hash,
	engine consensus.EngineReader, author *libcommon.Address, config *chain.Config) evmtypes.BlockContext

NewEVMBlockContext creates a new context for use in the EVM.

func NewEVMTxContext

func NewEVMTxContext(msg Message) evmtypes.TxContext

NewEVMTxContext creates a new transaction context for a single transaction.

func SepoliaGenesisBlock

func SepoliaGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

SepoliaGenesisBlock returns the Sepolia network genesis block.

func SkipAnalysis

func SkipAnalysis(config *chain.Config, blockNumber uint64) bool

func SysCallContract

func SysCallContract(contract libcommon.Address, data []byte, chainConfig *chain.Config, ibs evmtypes.IntraBlockState, header *types.Header, engine consensus.EngineReader, constCall bool) (result []byte, err error)

func SysCallContractWithBlockContext

func SysCallContractWithBlockContext(contract libcommon.Address, data []byte, chainConfig *chain.Config, ibs evmtypes.IntraBlockState, blockContext evmtypes.BlockContext, engine consensus.EngineReader, constCall bool) (result []byte, err error)

func SysCreate

func SysCreate(contract libcommon.Address, data []byte, chainConfig *chain.Config, ibs *state.IntraBlockState, header *types.Header) (result []byte, err error)

SysCreate is a special (system) contract creation methods for genesis constructors.

func TestGenesisBlock

func TestGenesisBlock() *types.Genesis

func WriteGenesisBlock

func WriteGenesisBlock(tx kv.RwTx, genesis *types.Genesis, overridePragueTime *big.Int, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) (*chain.Config, *types.Block, error)

func WriteGenesisState

func WriteGenesisState(g *types.Genesis, tx kv.RwTx, dirs datadir.Dirs, logger log.Logger) (*types.Block, *state.IntraBlockState, error)


type BlockBuilderParameters

type BlockBuilderParameters struct {
	PayloadId             uint64
	ParentHash            libcommon.Hash
	Timestamp             uint64
	PrevRandao            libcommon.Hash
	SuggestedFeeRecipient libcommon.Address
	Withdrawals           []*types.Withdrawal // added in Shapella (EIP-4895)
	ParentBeaconBlockRoot *libcommon.Hash     // added in Dencun (EIP-4788)

Parameters for PoS block building See also

type BlockGen

type BlockGen struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BlockGen creates blocks for testing. See GenerateChain for a detailed explanation.

func (*BlockGen) AddFailedTx

func (b *BlockGen) AddFailedTx(tx types.Transaction)

func (*BlockGen) AddFailedTxWithChain

func (b *BlockGen) AddFailedTxWithChain(getHeader func(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) *types.Header, engine consensus.Engine, txn types.Transaction)

func (*BlockGen) AddTx

func (b *BlockGen) AddTx(tx types.Transaction)

AddTx adds a transaction to the generated block. If no coinbase has been set, the block's coinbase is set to the zero address.

AddTx panics if the transaction cannot be executed. In addition to the protocol-imposed limitations (gas limit, etc.), there are some further limitations on the content of transactions that can be added. Notably, contract code relying on the BLOCKHASH instruction will panic during execution.

func (*BlockGen) AddTxWithChain

func (b *BlockGen) AddTxWithChain(getHeader func(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) *types.Header, engine consensus.Engine, txn types.Transaction)

AddTxWithChain adds a transaction to the generated block. If no coinbase has been set, the block's coinbase is set to the zero address.

AddTxWithChain panics if the transaction cannot be executed. In addition to the protocol-imposed limitations (gas limit, etc.), there are some further limitations on the content of transactions that can be added. If contract code relies on the BLOCKHASH instruction, the block in chain will be returned.

func (*BlockGen) AddUncheckedReceipt

func (b *BlockGen) AddUncheckedReceipt(receipt *types.Receipt)

AddUncheckedReceipt forcefully adds a receipts to the block without a backing transaction.

AddUncheckedReceipt will cause consensus failures when used during real chain processing. This is best used in conjunction with raw block insertion.

func (*BlockGen) AddUncheckedTx

func (b *BlockGen) AddUncheckedTx(tx types.Transaction)

AddUncheckedTx forcefully adds a transaction to the block without any validation.

AddUncheckedTx will cause consensus failures when used during real chain processing. This is best used in conjunction with raw block insertion.

func (*BlockGen) AddUncle

func (b *BlockGen) AddUncle(h *types.Header)

AddUncle adds an uncle header to the generated block.

func (*BlockGen) GetHeader

func (b *BlockGen) GetHeader() *types.Header

func (*BlockGen) GetParent

func (b *BlockGen) GetParent() *types.Block

func (*BlockGen) GetReceipts

func (b *BlockGen) GetReceipts() []*types.Receipt

func (*BlockGen) Number

func (b *BlockGen) Number() *big.Int

Number returns the block number of the block being generated.

func (*BlockGen) OffsetTime

func (b *BlockGen) OffsetTime(seconds int64)

OffsetTime modifies the time instance of a block, implicitly changing its associated difficulty. It's useful to test scenarios where forking is not tied to chain length directly.

func (*BlockGen) PrevBlock

func (b *BlockGen) PrevBlock(index int) *types.Block

PrevBlock returns a previously generated block by number. It panics if num is greater or equal to the number of the block being generated. For index -1, PrevBlock returns the parent block given to GenerateChain.

func (*BlockGen) SetCoinbase

func (b *BlockGen) SetCoinbase(addr libcommon.Address)

SetCoinbase sets the coinbase of the generated block. It can be called at most once.

func (*BlockGen) SetDifficulty

func (b *BlockGen) SetDifficulty(diff *big.Int)

SetDifficulty sets the difficulty field of the generated block. This method is useful for Clique tests where the difficulty does not depend on time. For the ethash tests, please use OffsetTime, which implicitly recalculates the diff.

func (*BlockGen) SetExtra

func (b *BlockGen) SetExtra(data []byte)

SetExtra sets the extra data field of the generated block.

func (*BlockGen) SetNonce

func (b *BlockGen) SetNonce(nonce types.BlockNonce)

SetNonce sets the nonce field of the generated block.

func (*BlockGen) TxNonce

func (b *BlockGen) TxNonce(addr libcommon.Address) uint64

TxNonce returns the next valid transaction nonce for the account at addr. It panics if the account does not exist.

type ChainEvent

type ChainEvent struct {
	Block *types.Block
	Hash  libcommon.Hash
	Logs  []*types.Log

type ChainHeadEvent

type ChainHeadEvent struct{ Block *types.Block }

type ChainPack

type ChainPack struct {
	Headers  []*types.Header
	Blocks   []*types.Block
	Receipts []types.Receipts
	TopBlock *types.Block // Convenience field to access the last block

func GenerateChain

func GenerateChain(config *chain.Config, parent *types.Block, engine consensus.Engine, db kv.RwDB, n int, gen func(int, *BlockGen)) (*ChainPack, error)

GenerateChain creates a chain of n blocks. The first block's parent will be the provided parent. db is used to store intermediate states and should contain the parent's state trie.

The generator function is called with a new block generator for every block. Any transactions and uncles added to the generator become part of the block. If gen is nil, the blocks will be empty and their coinbase will be the zero address.

Blocks created by GenerateChain do not contain valid proof of work values. Inserting them into BlockChain requires use of FakePow or a similar non-validating proof of work implementation.

func (*ChainPack) Copy

func (cp *ChainPack) Copy() *ChainPack

Copy creates a deep copy of the ChainPack.

func (*ChainPack) Length

func (cp *ChainPack) Length() int

func (*ChainPack) NumberOfPoWBlocks

func (cp *ChainPack) NumberOfPoWBlocks() int

func (*ChainPack) Slice

func (cp *ChainPack) Slice(i, j int) *ChainPack

OneBlock returns a ChainPack which contains just one block with given index

type ChainSideEvent

type ChainSideEvent struct {
	Block *types.Block

type EphemeralExecResult

type EphemeralExecResult struct {
	StateRoot        libcommon.Hash        `json:"stateRoot"`
	TxRoot           libcommon.Hash        `json:"txRoot"`
	ReceiptRoot      libcommon.Hash        `json:"receiptsRoot"`
	LogsHash         libcommon.Hash        `json:"logsHash"`
	Bloom            types.Bloom           `json:"logsBloom"        gencodec:"required"`
	Receipts         types.Receipts        `json:"receipts"`
	Rejected         RejectedTxs           `json:"rejected,omitempty"`
	Difficulty       *math.HexOrDecimal256 `json:"currentDifficulty" gencodec:"required"`
	GasUsed          math.HexOrDecimal64   `json:"gasUsed"`
	StateSyncReceipt *types.Receipt        `json:"-"`

func ExecuteBlockEphemerally

func ExecuteBlockEphemerally(
	chainConfig *chain.Config, vmConfig *vm.Config,
	blockHashFunc func(n uint64) libcommon.Hash,
	engine consensus.Engine, block *types.Block,
	stateReader state.StateReader, stateWriter state.WriterWithChangeSets,
	chainReader consensus.ChainReader, getTracer func(txIndex int, txHash libcommon.Hash) (vm.EVMLogger, error),
	logger log.Logger,
) (*EphemeralExecResult, error)

ExecuteBlockEphemerally runs a block from provided stateReader and writes the result to the provided stateWriter

type FakeChainReader

type FakeChainReader struct {
	Cfg *chain.Config
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FakeChainReader) BorEventsByBlock

func (cr *FakeChainReader) BorEventsByBlock(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) []rlp.RawValue

func (*FakeChainReader) BorSpan

func (cr *FakeChainReader) BorSpan(spanId uint64) *heimdall.Span

func (*FakeChainReader) BorStartEventId

func (cr *FakeChainReader) BorStartEventId(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) uint64

func (*FakeChainReader) Config

func (cr *FakeChainReader) Config() *chain.Config

Config returns the chain configuration.

func (*FakeChainReader) CurrentFinalizedHeader

func (cr *FakeChainReader) CurrentFinalizedHeader() *types.Header

func (*FakeChainReader) CurrentHeader

func (cr *FakeChainReader) CurrentHeader() *types.Header

func (*FakeChainReader) CurrentSafeHeader

func (cr *FakeChainReader) CurrentSafeHeader() *types.Header

func (*FakeChainReader) FrozenBlocks

func (cr *FakeChainReader) FrozenBlocks() uint64

func (*FakeChainReader) FrozenBorBlocks

func (cr *FakeChainReader) FrozenBorBlocks() uint64

func (*FakeChainReader) GetBlock

func (cr *FakeChainReader) GetBlock(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block

func (*FakeChainReader) GetHeader

func (cr *FakeChainReader) GetHeader(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) *types.Header

func (*FakeChainReader) GetHeaderByHash

func (cr *FakeChainReader) GetHeaderByHash(hash libcommon.Hash) *types.Header

func (*FakeChainReader) GetHeaderByNumber

func (cr *FakeChainReader) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *types.Header

func (*FakeChainReader) GetTd

func (cr *FakeChainReader) GetTd(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) *big.Int

func (*FakeChainReader) HasBlock

func (cr *FakeChainReader) HasBlock(hash libcommon.Hash, number uint64) bool

type GasPool

type GasPool struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GasPool tracks the amount of gas available during execution of the transactions in a block. The zero value is a pool with zero gas available.

func (*GasPool) AddBlobGas

func (gp *GasPool) AddBlobGas(amount uint64) *GasPool

AddBlobGas makes blob gas available for execution.

func (*GasPool) AddGas

func (gp *GasPool) AddGas(amount uint64) *GasPool

AddGas makes gas available for execution.

func (*GasPool) BlobGas

func (gp *GasPool) BlobGas() uint64

BlobGas returns the amount of blob gas remaining in the pool.

func (*GasPool) Gas

func (gp *GasPool) Gas() uint64

Gas returns the amount of gas remaining in the pool.

func (*GasPool) Reset

func (gp *GasPool) Reset(amount, blobGas uint64)

func (*GasPool) String

func (gp *GasPool) String() string

func (*GasPool) SubBlobGas

func (gp *GasPool) SubBlobGas(amount uint64) error

SubBlobGas deducts the given amount from the pool if enough blob gas is available and returns an error otherwise.

func (*GasPool) SubGas

func (gp *GasPool) SubGas(amount uint64) error

SubGas deducts the given amount from the pool if enough gas is available and returns an error otherwise.

type GenAccount

type GenAccount struct {
	Addr    libcommon.Address
	Balance *big.Int

type Message

type Message interface {
	From() libcommon.Address
	To() *libcommon.Address

	GasPrice() *uint256.Int
	FeeCap() *uint256.Int
	TipCap() *uint256.Int
	Gas() uint64
	BlobGas() uint64
	MaxFeePerBlobGas() *uint256.Int
	Value() *uint256.Int

	Nonce() uint64
	CheckNonce() bool
	Data() []byte
	AccessList() types.AccessList
	BlobHashes() []libcommon.Hash
	Authorizations() []types.Authorization

	IsFree() bool // service transactions on Gnosis are exempt from EIP-1559 mandatory fees

Message represents a message sent to a contract.

type NewTxsEvent

type NewTxsEvent struct{ Txs []types.Transaction }

NewTxsEvent is posted when a batch of transactions enter the transaction pool.

type RejectedTx

type RejectedTx struct {
	Index int    `json:"index"    gencodec:"required"`
	Err   string `json:"error"    gencodec:"required"`

type RejectedTxs

type RejectedTxs []*RejectedTx

type RemovedLogsEvent

type RemovedLogsEvent struct{ Logs []*types.Log }

RemovedLogsEvent is posted when a reorg happens

type StateTransition

type StateTransition struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewStateTransition

func NewStateTransition(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool) *StateTransition

NewStateTransition initialises and returns a new state transition object.

func (*StateTransition) TransitionDb

func (st *StateTransition) TransitionDb(refunds bool, gasBailout bool) (*evmtypes.ExecutionResult, error)

TransitionDb will transition the state by applying the current message and returning the evm execution result with following fields.

  • used gas: total gas used (including gas being refunded)
  • returndata: the returned data from evm
  • concrete execution error: various **EVM** error which aborts the execution, e.g. ErrOutOfGas, ErrExecutionReverted

However if any consensus issue encountered, return the error directly with nil evm execution result.

type SyncMode

type SyncMode string

type TxSenderCacher

type TxSenderCacher struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TxSenderCacher is a helper structure to concurrently ecrecover transaction senders from digital signatures on background threads.

func NewTxSenderCacher

func NewTxSenderCacher(threads int) *TxSenderCacher

NewTxSenderCacher creates a new transaction sender background cacher and starts as many processing goroutines as allowed by the GOMAXPROCS on construction.

func (*TxSenderCacher) Close

func (cacher *TxSenderCacher) Close()


Path Synopsis
Package asm provides support for dealing with EVM assembly instructions (e.g., disassembling them).
Package asm provides support for dealing with EVM assembly instructions (e.g., disassembling them).
Package forkid implements EIP-2124 (
Package forkid implements EIP-2124 (
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie.
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus.
Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus.
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.

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