This is a sample guideline to pull the tags attached across a GCP orgs using CFT scorecard. The most of the steps here are referred to README in CFT scorecard.
Below are the tools/binary required to get installed beforehand.
Run the following commands to install gcp cli.
# CFT cli for OS X
curl -o cft
# CFT cli for Linux
curl -o cft
# executable
chmod +x cft
# Clone the policy library
git clone --branch feature/gcp-labels
Create folders
The following commands will create the folders to store the GCP label analysis report.
mkdir -p inventory-reports
Set the environment variables
The following commands will set the environments variables used in the gcloud commands.
USER_EMAIL=$(gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)")
Bucket for CAI
gsutil mb -l $REGION -p $PROJECT gs://$BUCKET
API and Permissions
The following commands will enable the Cloud Asset API and grant the permission needed.
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding $ORG_ID --member=user:$USER_EMAIL --role roles/cloudasset.viewer
gsutil iam ch user:$USER_EMAIL:objectViewer gs://$BUCKET
CAI Export
gcloud asset export --organization $ORG_ID --output-path gs://$BUCKET/resource_inventory.json --content-type resource --billing-project $PROJECT
Run Scorecard
./cft scorecard --policy-path policy-library --bucket=$BUCKET --target-project=$PROJECT --output-format csv --output-metadata-fields key,value --output-path inventory-reports
Output File
The analysis report in a csv formate generated by cft cli with the following columns
- Category: Always "Others" in this report
- Constraint: Always "report-labels" indicating it's a label report
- Resource: A fully-qualified name of url to represent a resource
- Message: Resource Type
- key: The key of the label attached to the resource
- value: The value of the label attached to the resource
Parse Result
Running the following command will generate four 6 csv files by parsing the scorecard.csv report
go run scorecard-result-parser.go
Output Files
A csv report to count the occurances key of labels in a org. The columns are:
- Identifier: The key of the label
- Counts: The number of usage of the key
A csv report to count the occurances value of labels in a org
- Identifier: The value of the label
- Counts: The number of usage of the value
A csv report to count the occurances key-value pair of labels in a org, with a format of "key:value"
- Identifier: The key-value pair with a format of "key:value"
- Counts: The number of usage of the key-value pair
A csv report to count the occurances key of labels in a org grouping by resource. The columns are:
- Resource: The name of GCP resource
- Identifier: The key of the label
- Counts: The number of usage of the key
A csv report to count the occurances value of labels in a org grouping by resource
- Resource: The name of GCP resource
- Identifier: The value of the label
- Counts: The number of usage of the value
A csv report to count the occurances key-value pair of labels in a org, with a format of "key:value", grouping by resource
- Resource: The name of GCP resource
- Identifier: The key-value pair with a format of "key:value"
- Counts: The number of usage of the key-value pair
Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.
There is no documentation for this package.