Index ¶
- Constants
- func BoolPtr(b bool) *bool
- func ChunkBatchGetItemInputs(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, chunkSize int) (out []*ddb.BatchGetItemInput)
- func CopyAttributeValue(av types.AttributeValue) types.AttributeValue
- func CopyAttributeValueMap(input map[string]types.AttributeValue) map[string]types.AttributeValue
- func CopyBatchGetItem(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput) *ddb.BatchGetItemInput
- func CopyBatchWriteItemInput(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput) *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput
- func CopyCondition(cnd types.Condition) types.Condition
- func CopyDeleteRequest(input *ddbTypes.DeleteRequest) *ddbTypes.DeleteRequest
- func CopyItemCollectionMetrics(input ddbTypes.ItemCollectionMetrics) ddbTypes.ItemCollectionMetrics
- func CopyKeysAndAttributes(input types.KeysAndAttributes) types.KeysAndAttributes
- func CopyKeysAndAttributesMap(input map[string]types.KeysAndAttributes) map[string]types.KeysAndAttributes
- func CopyListBackupsInput(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput) *ddb.ListBackupsInput
- func CopyListGlobalTablesInput(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput) *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput
- func CopyListTablesInput(input *ddb.ListTablesInput) *ddb.ListTablesInput
- func CopyListTagsOfResourceInput(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput) *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput
- func CopyPutRequest(input *ddbTypes.PutRequest) *ddbTypes.PutRequest
- func CopyQuery(input *ddb.QueryInput) *ddb.QueryInput
- func CopyScan(input *ddb.ScanInput) *ddb.ScanInput
- func CopyWriteRequest(input ddbTypes.WriteRequest) ddbTypes.WriteRequest
- func DurationPtr(dur time.Duration) *time.Duration
- func Int64Ptr(i int64) *int64
- func IntPtr(i int) *int
- func InterfaceValue(v interface{}) interface{}
- func IsEmptyInterface(x interface{}) bool
- func MustYamlString(in interface{}) string
- func NewBatchGetItemInput() *ddb.BatchGetItemInput
- func NewBatchWriteItemInput() *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput
- func NewCreateBackupInput(tableName *string, backupArn *string) *ddb.CreateBackupInput
- func NewDeleteBackupInput(backupArn *string) *ddb.DeleteBackupInput
- func NewDeleteItemInput(tableName *string, key map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ddb.DeleteItemInput
- func NewDeleteTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DeleteTableInput
- func NewDescribeBackupInput(backupArn *string) *ddb.DescribeBackupInput
- func NewDescribeContinuousBackupsInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput
- func NewDescribeContributorInsightsInput(tableName *string, indexName *string) *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput
- func NewDescribeEndpointsInput() *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput
- func NewDescribeExportInput(exportArn *string) *ddb.DescribeExportInput
- func NewDescribeGlobalTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput
- func NewDescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput
- func NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
- func NewDescribeLimitsInput() *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput
- func NewDescribeTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeTableInput
- func NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput
- func NewDescribeTimeToLiveInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput
- func NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput(tableName, streamArn *string) *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
- func NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput(tableName, streamArn *string) *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
- func NewExportTableToPointInTimeInput(bucket, tableArn string) *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput
- func NewGetItemInput(tableName *string, key map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ddb.GetItemInput
- func NewListBackupsInput() *ddb.ListBackupsInput
- func NewListContributorInsightsInput() *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput
- func NewListExportsInput() *ddb.ListExportsInput
- func NewListGlobalTablesInput() *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput
- func NewListTablesInput() *ddb.ListTablesInput
- func NewListTagsOfResourceInput(resourceArn *string) *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput
- func NewPutItemInput(tableName *string, item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ddb.PutItemInput
- func NewQueryInput(tableName *string) *ddb.QueryInput
- func NewRestoreTableFromBackupInput(tableName *string, backupArn *string) *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput
- func NewRestoreTableToPointInTimeInput(tableName *string) *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput
- func NewScanInput(tableName *string) *ddb.ScanInput
- func NewTagResourceInput(resourceArn *string, tags []ddbTypes.Tag) *ddb.TagResourceInput
- func NewTransactGetItemsInput() *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput
- func NewTransactWriteItemsInput() *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput
- func NewUntagResourceInput(resourceArn *string, tagKeys []string) *ddb.UntagResourceInput
- func NewUpdateContinuousBackupsInput(tableName *string, recoveryEnabled bool) *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput
- func NewUpdateContributorInsightsInput(tableName, indexName *string, action ddbTypes.ContributorInsightsAction) *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput
- func NewUpdateGlobalTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput
- func NewUpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput
- func NewUpdateItemInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateItemInput
- func NewUpdateTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateTableInput
- func NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput
- func NewUpdateTimeToLiveInput(tableName *string, specification *types.TimeToLiveSpecification) *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput
- func RandomString(length int) string
- func SplitScanIntoSegments(input *ddb.ScanInput, segments int32) (inputs []*ddb.ScanInput)
- func StringPtr(s string) *string
- func TestTableName() string
- func TimePtr(t time.Time) *time.Time
- type BaseOperation
- func (p *BaseOperation) Await() (interface{}, error)
- func (p *BaseOperation) Done() <-chan struct{}
- func (p *BaseOperation) Duration() time.Duration
- func (p *BaseOperation) GetResponse() (interface{}, error)
- func (p *BaseOperation) GetState() OperationState
- func (p *BaseOperation) ID() string
- func (p *BaseOperation) SetResponse(val interface{}, err error)
- func (p *BaseOperation) SetRunning()
- func (p *BaseOperation) SetState(state OperationState)
- type BatchExecuteStatement
- type BatchExecuteStatementContext
- type BatchExecuteStatementFinalHandler
- type BatchExecuteStatementHandler
- type BatchExecuteStatementHandlerFunc
- type BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare
- type BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc
- type BatchExecuteStatementOutput
- type BatchGetItem
- type BatchGetItemAllFinalHandler
- type BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) AddKey(tableName string, keys[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) AddProjection(projection interface{}) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.BatchGetItemInput, error)
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput)
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetKeysAndAttributes(tableName string, keysAndAttributes ddbTypes.KeysAndAttributes) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetRequestItems(v map[string]ddbTypes.KeysAndAttributes) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- type BatchGetItemContext
- type BatchGetItemFinalHandler
- type BatchGetItemHandler
- type BatchGetItemHandlerFunc
- type BatchGetItemMiddleWare
- type BatchGetItemMiddleWareFunc
- type BatchGetItemOutput
- type BatchWriteItem
- type BatchWriteItemAllFinalHandler
- type BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddDeletes(table string, itemKeys[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddPuts(tableName string, items[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddWriteRequests(tableName string, requests ...ddbTypes.WriteRequest) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) Build() *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetRequestItems(v map[string][]ddbTypes.WriteRequest) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- type BatchWriteItemContext
- type BatchWriteItemFinalHandler
- type BatchWriteItemHandler
- type BatchWriteItemHandlerFunc
- type BatchWriteItemMiddleWare
- type BatchWriteItemMiddleWareFunc
- type BatchWriteItemOutput
- type CreateBackup
- type CreateBackupContext
- type CreateBackupFinalHandler
- type CreateBackupHandler
- type CreateBackupHandlerFunc
- type CreateBackupMiddleWare
- type CreateBackupMiddleWareFunc
- type CreateBackupOutput
- type CreateGlobalTable
- type CreateGlobalTableBuilder
- type CreateGlobalTableContext
- type CreateGlobalTableFinalHandler
- type CreateGlobalTableHandler
- type CreateGlobalTableHandlerFunc
- type CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare
- type CreateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc
- type CreateGlobalTableOutput
- type CreateTable
- type CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddAttributeDefinition(attribute ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddGlobalIndex(gsi ...ddbTypes.GlobalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddLocalIndex(lsi ...ddbTypes.LocalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddTag(key, value string) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddTags(tags ...ddbTypes.Tag) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddTagsFromMap(tags map[string]string) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) Build() (*ddb.CreateTableInput, error)
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetAttributeDefinitions(v []ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetBillingMode(v ddbTypes.BillingMode) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetGlobalSecondaryIndexes(v []ddbTypes.GlobalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetKeySchema(v []ddbTypes.KeySchemaElement) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetLocalSecondaryIndexes(v []ddbTypes.LocalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetProvisionedThroughput(v *ddbTypes.ProvisionedThroughput) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetProvisionedThroughputCapacityUnits(rcu, wcu int64) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetSSESpecification(v *ddbTypes.SSESpecification) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetStreamSpecification(v *ddbTypes.StreamSpecification) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *CreateTableBuilder
- func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetTags(v []ddbTypes.Tag) *CreateTableBuilder
- type CreateTableContext
- type CreateTableFinalHandler
- type CreateTableHandler
- type CreateTableHandlerFunc
- type CreateTableMiddleWare
- type CreateTableMiddleWareFunc
- type CreateTableOutput
- type DeleteBackup
- type DeleteBackupContext
- type DeleteBackupFinalHandler
- type DeleteBackupHandler
- type DeleteBackupHandlerFunc
- type DeleteBackupMiddleWare
- type DeleteBackupMiddleWareFunc
- type DeleteBackupOutput
- type DeleteItem
- type DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) AddCondition(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.DeleteItemInput, error)
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression(v string) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetKey(key map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnValues(v ddbTypes.ReturnValue) *DeleteItemBuilder
- func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *DeleteItemBuilder
- type DeleteItemContext
- type DeleteItemFinalHandler
- type DeleteItemHandler
- type DeleteItemHandlerFunc
- type DeleteItemMiddleWare
- type DeleteItemMiddleWareFunc
- type DeleteItemOutput
- type DeleteTable
- type DeleteTableContext
- type DeleteTableFinalHandler
- type DeleteTableHandler
- type DeleteTableHandlerFunc
- type DeleteTableMiddleWare
- type DeleteTableMiddleWareFunc
- type DeleteTableOutput
- type DescribeBackup
- type DescribeBackupContext
- type DescribeBackupFinalHandler
- type DescribeBackupHandler
- type DescribeBackupHandlerFunc
- type DescribeBackupMiddleWare
- type DescribeBackupMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeBackupOutput
- type DescribeContinuousBackups
- func (op *DescribeContinuousBackups) Await() (*ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput, error)
- func (op *DescribeContinuousBackups) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeContinuousBackups
- func (op *DescribeContinuousBackups) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsContext
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsFinalHandler
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput
- type DescribeContributorInsights
- func (op *DescribeContributorInsights) Await() (*ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsOutput, error)
- func (op *DescribeContributorInsights) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeContributorInsights
- func (op *DescribeContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type DescribeContributorInsightsContext
- type DescribeContributorInsightsFinalHandler
- type DescribeContributorInsightsHandler
- type DescribeContributorInsightsHandlerFunc
- type DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare
- type DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeContributorInsightsOutput
- type DescribeEndpoints
- type DescribeEndpointsContext
- type DescribeEndpointsFinalHandler
- type DescribeEndpointsHandler
- type DescribeEndpointsHandlerFunc
- type DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare
- type DescribeEndpointsMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeEndpointsOutput
- type DescribeExport
- type DescribeExportContext
- type DescribeExportFinalHandler
- type DescribeExportHandler
- type DescribeExportHandlerFunc
- type DescribeExportMiddleWare
- type DescribeExportMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeExportOutput
- type DescribeGlobalTable
- type DescribeGlobalTableContext
- type DescribeGlobalTableFinalHandler
- type DescribeGlobalTableHandler
- type DescribeGlobalTableHandlerFunc
- type DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare
- type DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeGlobalTableOutput
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettings
- func (op *DescribeGlobalTableSettings) Await() (*ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput, error)
- func (op *DescribeGlobalTableSettings) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
- func (op *DescribeGlobalTableSettings) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (op *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) Await() (*ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, error)
- func (op *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (op *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
- type DescribeLimits
- type DescribeLimitsContext
- type DescribeLimitsFinalHandler
- type DescribeLimitsHandler
- type DescribeLimitsHandlerFunc
- type DescribeLimitsMiddleWare
- type DescribeLimitsMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeLimitsOutput
- type DescribeTable
- type DescribeTableContext
- type DescribeTableFinalHandler
- type DescribeTableHandler
- type DescribeTableHandlerFunc
- type DescribeTableMiddleWare
- type DescribeTableMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeTableOutput
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (op *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) Await() (*ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, error)
- func (op *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (op *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput
- type DescribeTimeToLive
- type DescribeTimeToLiveContext
- type DescribeTimeToLiveFinalHandler
- type DescribeTimeToLiveHandler
- type DescribeTimeToLiveHandlerFunc
- type DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare
- type DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc
- type DescribeTimeToLiveOutput
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (op *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) Await() (*ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, error)
- func (op *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (op *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc
- type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (op *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) Await() (*ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, error)
- func (op *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (op *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc
- type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput
- type ExecuteStatement
- type ExecuteStatementContext
- type ExecuteStatementFinalHandler
- type ExecuteStatementHandler
- type ExecuteStatementHandlerFunc
- type ExecuteStatementMiddleWare
- type ExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc
- type ExecuteStatementOutput
- type ExecuteTransaction
- type ExecuteTransactionContext
- type ExecuteTransactionFinalHandler
- type ExecuteTransactionHandler
- type ExecuteTransactionHandlerFunc
- type ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare
- type ExecuteTransactionMiddleWareFunc
- type ExecuteTransactionOutput
- type ExportTableToPointInTime
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeContext
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc
- type ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput
- type GSI
- func (g *GSI) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) GetDynamoGlobalSecondaryIndex() ddb.GlobalSecondaryIndex
- func (g *GSI) GetDynamoKeySchema() []ddb.KeySchemaElement
- func (g *GSI) GetDynamoProjection() *ddb.Projection
- func (g *GSI) IsOnDemand() bool
- func (g *GSI) PartitionKeyName() *string
- func (g *GSI) SetCostUnits(wcus, rcus int64) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SetName(name string) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SetOnDemand() *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SetPartitionKey(pkName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SetSortKey(skName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *GSI
- func (g *GSI) SortKeyName() *string
- type GetItem
- type GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) AddProjection(names interface{}) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.GetItemInput, error)
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetConsistentRead(v bool) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.GetItemInput) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetProjectionExpression(v string) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *GetItemBuilder
- func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *GetItemBuilder
- type GetItemContext
- type GetItemFinalHandler
- type GetItemHandler
- type GetItemHandlerFunc
- type GetItemMiddleWare
- type GetItemMiddleWareFunc
- type GetItemOutput
- type LSI
- func (l *LSI) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *LSI
- func (l *LSI) GetDynamoKeySchema() []ddb.KeySchemaElement
- func (l *LSI) GetDynamoLocalSecondaryIndex() ddb.LocalSecondaryIndex
- func (l *LSI) GetDynamoProjection() *ddb.Projection
- func (l *LSI) PartitionKeyName() *string
- func (l *LSI) SetName(name string) *LSI
- func (l *LSI) SetPartitionKey(pkName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *LSI
- func (l *LSI) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *LSI
- func (l *LSI) SetSortKey(skName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *LSI
- func (l *LSI) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *LSI
- func (l *LSI) SortKeyName() *string
- type ListAllBackupsFinalHandler
- type ListAllGlobalTablesFinalHandler
- type ListAllTablesFinalHandler
- type ListAllTagsOfResourceFinalHandler
- type ListBackups
- type ListBackupsContext
- type ListBackupsFinalHandler
- type ListBackupsHandler
- type ListBackupsHandlerFunc
- type ListBackupsMiddleWare
- type ListBackupsMiddleWareFunc
- type ListBackupsOutput
- type ListContributorInsights
- type ListContributorInsightsContext
- type ListContributorInsightsFinalHandler
- type ListContributorInsightsHandler
- type ListContributorInsightsHandlerFunc
- type ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare
- type ListContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc
- type ListContributorInsightsOutput
- type ListExports
- type ListExportsContext
- type ListExportsFinalHandler
- type ListExportsHandler
- type ListExportsHandlerFunc
- type ListExportsMiddleWare
- type ListExportsMiddleWareFunc
- type ListExportsOutput
- type ListGlobalTables
- type ListGlobalTablesContext
- type ListGlobalTablesFinalHandler
- type ListGlobalTablesHandler
- type ListGlobalTablesHandlerFunc
- type ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare
- type ListGlobalTablesMiddleWareFunc
- type ListGlobalTablesOutput
- type ListTables
- type ListTablesContext
- type ListTablesFinalHandler
- type ListTablesHandler
- type ListTablesHandlerFunc
- type ListTablesMiddleWare
- type ListTablesMiddleWareFunc
- type ListTablesOutput
- type ListTagsOfResource
- type ListTagsOfResourceContext
- type ListTagsOfResourceFinalHandler
- type ListTagsOfResourceHandler
- type ListTagsOfResourceHandlerFunc
- type ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare
- type ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWareFunc
- type ListTagsOfResourceOutput
- type Operation
- type OperationError
- type OperationF
- type OperationState
- type Pool
- func (p *Pool) ActiveCount() uint64
- func (p *Pool) BatchExecuteStatement(input *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementInput, mw ...BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *BatchExecuteStatement
- func (p *Pool) BatchGetItem(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mw ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
- func (p *Pool) BatchGetItemAll(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mw ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
- func (p *Pool) BatchWriteItem(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
- func (p *Pool) BatchWriteItemAll(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
- func (p *Pool) CreateBackup(input *ddb.CreateBackupInput, mw ...CreateBackupMiddleWare) *CreateBackup
- func (p *Pool) CreateGlobalTable(input *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput, mw ...CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *CreateGlobalTable
- func (p *Pool) CreateTable(input *ddb.CreateTableInput, mw ...CreateTableMiddleWare) *CreateTable
- func (p *Pool) DeleteBackup(input *ddb.DeleteBackupInput, mw ...DeleteBackupMiddleWare) *DeleteBackup
- func (p *Pool) DeleteItem(input *ddb.DeleteItemInput, mw ...DeleteItemMiddleWare) *DeleteItem
- func (p *Pool) DeleteTable(input *ddb.DeleteTableInput, mw ...DeleteTableMiddleWare) *DeleteTable
- func (p *Pool) DescribeBackup(input *ddb.DescribeBackupInput, mw ...DescribeBackupMiddleWare) *DescribeBackup
- func (p *Pool) DescribeContinuousBackups(input *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput, ...) *DescribeContinuousBackups
- func (p *Pool) DescribeContributorInsights(input *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput, ...) *DescribeContributorInsights
- func (p *Pool) DescribeEndpoints(input *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput, mw ...DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare) *DescribeEndpoints
- func (p *Pool) DescribeExport(input *ddb.DescribeExportInput, mw ...DescribeExportMiddleWare) *DescribeExport
- func (p *Pool) DescribeGlobalTable(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput, mw ...DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTable
- func (p *Pool) DescribeGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput, ...) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
- func (p *Pool) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, ...) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (p *Pool) DescribeLimits(input *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput, mw ...DescribeLimitsMiddleWare) *DescribeLimits
- func (p *Pool) DescribeTable(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *DescribeTable
- func (p *Pool) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, ...) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (p *Pool) DescribeTimeToLive(input *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput, mw ...DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *DescribeTimeToLive
- func (p *Pool) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, ...) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (p *Pool) Do(ops ...Operation)
- func (p *Pool) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, ...) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (p *Pool) ExecuteStatement(input *ddb.ExecuteStatementInput, mw ...ExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *ExecuteStatement
- func (p *Pool) ExecuteTransaction(input *ddb.ExecuteTransactionInput, mw ...ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare) *ExecuteTransaction
- func (p *Pool) ExportTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput, ...) *ExportTableToPointInTime
- func (p *Pool) GetItem(input *ddb.GetItemInput, mw ...GetItemMiddleWare) *GetItem
- func (p *Pool) ID() string
- func (p *Pool) Limit() uint64
- func (p *Pool) ListAllBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
- func (p *Pool) ListAllGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
- func (p *Pool) ListAllTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
- func (p *Pool) ListAllTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
- func (p *Pool) ListBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
- func (p *Pool) ListContributorInsights(input *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput, ...) *ListContributorInsights
- func (p *Pool) ListExports(input *ddb.ListExportsInput, mw ...ListExportsMiddleWare) *ListExports
- func (p *Pool) ListGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
- func (p *Pool) ListTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
- func (p *Pool) ListTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
- func (p *Pool) PutItem(input *ddb.PutItemInput, mw ...PutItemMiddleWare) *PutItem
- func (p *Pool) Query(input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
- func (p *Pool) QueryAll(input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
- func (p *Pool) RestoreTableFromBackup(input *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput, mw ...RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare) *RestoreTableFromBackup
- func (p *Pool) RestoreTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput, ...) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
- func (p *Pool) Scan(input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
- func (p *Pool) ScanAll(input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
- func (p *Pool) String() string
- func (p *Pool) TableExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableExistsWaiter
- func (p *Pool) TableNotExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableNotExistsWaiter
- func (p *Pool) TagResource(input *ddb.TagResourceInput, mw ...TagResourceMiddleWare) *TagResource
- func (p *Pool) TransactGetItems(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput, mw ...TransactGetItemsMiddleWare) *TransactGetItems
- func (p *Pool) TransactWriteItems(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput, mw ...TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare) *TransactWriteItems
- func (p *Pool) UntagResource(input *ddb.UntagResourceInput, mw ...UntagResourceMiddleWare) *UntagResource
- func (p *Pool) UpdateContinuousBackups(input *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput, ...) *UpdateContinuousBackups
- func (p *Pool) UpdateContributorInsights(input *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput, ...) *UpdateContributorInsights
- func (p *Pool) UpdateGlobalTable(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput, mw ...UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTable
- func (p *Pool) UpdateGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput, ...) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
- func (p *Pool) UpdateItem(input *ddb.UpdateItemInput, mw ...UpdateItemMiddleWare) *UpdateItem
- func (p *Pool) UpdateTable(input *ddb.UpdateTableInput, mw ...UpdateTableMiddleWare) *UpdateTable
- func (p *Pool) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, ...) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (p *Pool) UpdateTimeToLive(input *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput, mw ...UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *UpdateTimeToLive
- func (p *Pool) Wait() <-chan struct{}
- type PutItem
- type PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) AddCondition(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.PutItemInput, error)
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression(v string) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetConditionalOperator(v ddbTypes.ConditionalOperator) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetExpected(v map[string]ddbTypes.ExpectedAttributeValue) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetReturnValues(v ddbTypes.ReturnValue) *PutItemBuilder
- func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *PutItemBuilder
- type PutItemContext
- type PutItemFinalHandler
- type PutItemHandler
- type PutItemHandlerFunc
- type PutItemMiddleWare
- type PutItemMiddleWareFunc
- type PutItemOutput
- type Query
- type QueryAllFinalHandler
- type QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddFilter(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddKeyCondition(cnd expression.KeyConditionBuilder) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddKeyEquals(fieldName string, value interface{}) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddProjection(names interface{}) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) Build() (*ddb.QueryInput, error)
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetAscOrder() *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetAttributesToGet(v []string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetConditionalOperator(v ddbTypes.ConditionalOperator) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetConsistentRead(v bool) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetDescOrder() *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetExclusiveStartKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetFilterExpression(v string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetIndexName(v string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetKeyConditionExpression(v string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetKeyConditions(v map[string]ddbTypes.Condition) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetLimit(v int32) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetProjectionExpression(v string) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetQueryFilter(v map[string]ddbTypes.Condition) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetScanIndexForward(v bool) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetSelect(v ddbTypes.Select) *QueryBuilder
- func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *QueryBuilder
- type QueryContext
- type QueryFinalHandler
- type QueryHandler
- type QueryHandlerFunc
- type QueryMiddleWare
- type QueryMiddleWareFunc
- type QueryOutput
- type RestoreTableFromBackup
- type RestoreTableFromBackupContext
- type RestoreTableFromBackupFinalHandler
- type RestoreTableFromBackupHandler
- type RestoreTableFromBackupHandlerFunc
- type RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare
- type RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWareFunc
- type RestoreTableFromBackupOutput
- type RestoreTableToPointInTime
- func (op *RestoreTableToPointInTime) Await() (*ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput, error)
- func (op *RestoreTableToPointInTime) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
- func (op *RestoreTableToPointInTime) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc
- type RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput
- type Scan
- type ScanAllFinalHandler
- type ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) AddFilter(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) AddProjection(names interface{}) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) Build() (*ddb.ScanInput, error)
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) BuildSegments(segments int32) ([]*ddb.ScanInput, error)
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetConsistentRead(v bool) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetExclusiveStartKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetFilterExpression(v string) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetIndexName(v string) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.ScanInput) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetLimit(v int32) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetProjectionExpression(v string) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetScanFilter(v map[string]ddbTypes.Condition) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetSegment(v int32) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetSelect(v ddbTypes.Select) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *ScanBuilder
- func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetTotalSegments(v int32) *ScanBuilder
- type ScanContext
- type ScanFinalHandler
- type ScanHandler
- type ScanHandlerFunc
- type ScanMiddleWare
- type ScanMiddleWareFunc
- type ScanOutput
- type Session
- func (s *Session) BatchExecuteStatement(input *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementInput, mw ...BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *BatchExecuteStatement
- func (s *Session) BatchGetItem(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, ...) *BatchGetItem
- func (s *Session) BatchGetItemAll(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, ...) *BatchGetItem
- func (s *Session) BatchWriteItem(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
- func (s *Session) BatchWriteItemAll(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
- func (s *Session) CreateBackup(input *ddb.CreateBackupInput, mw ...CreateBackupMiddleWare) *CreateBackup
- func (s *Session) CreateGlobalTable(input *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput, mw ...CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *CreateGlobalTable
- func (s *Session) CreateTable(input *ddb.CreateTableInput, mw ...CreateTableMiddleWare) *CreateTable
- func (s *Session) DeleteBackup(input *ddb.DeleteBackupInput, mw ...DeleteBackupMiddleWare) *DeleteBackup
- func (s *Session) DeleteItem(input *ddb.DeleteItemInput, mw ...DeleteItemMiddleWare) *DeleteItem
- func (s *Session) DeleteTable(input *ddb.DeleteTableInput, mw ...DeleteTableMiddleWare) *DeleteTable
- func (s *Session) DescribeBackup(input *ddb.DescribeBackupInput, mw ...DescribeBackupMiddleWare) *DescribeBackup
- func (s *Session) DescribeContinuousBackups(input *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput, ...) *DescribeContinuousBackups
- func (s *Session) DescribeContributorInsights(input *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput, ...) *DescribeContributorInsights
- func (s *Session) DescribeEndpoints(input *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput, mw ...DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare) *DescribeEndpoints
- func (s *Session) DescribeExport(input *ddb.DescribeExportInput, mw ...DescribeExportMiddleWare) *DescribeExport
- func (s *Session) DescribeGlobalTable(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput, mw ...DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTable
- func (s *Session) DescribeGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput, ...) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
- func (s *Session) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, ...) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (s *Session) DescribeLimits(input *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput, mw ...DescribeLimitsMiddleWare) *DescribeLimits
- func (s *Session) DescribeTable(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *DescribeTable
- func (s *Session) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, ...) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (s *Session) DescribeTimeToLive(input *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput, mw ...DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *DescribeTimeToLive
- func (s *Session) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, ...) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (s *Session) Do(op Operation)
- func (s *Session) DynamoDB() *ddb.Client
- func (s *Session) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, ...) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
- func (s *Session) ExecuteStatement(input *ddb.ExecuteStatementInput, mw ...ExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *ExecuteStatement
- func (s *Session) ExecuteTransaction(input *ddb.ExecuteTransactionInput, mw ...ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare) *ExecuteTransaction
- func (s *Session) ExportTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput, ...) *ExportTableToPointInTime
- func (s *Session) GetItem(input *ddb.GetItemInput, mw ...GetItemMiddleWare) *GetItem
- func (s *Session) ListAllBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
- func (s *Session) ListAllGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
- func (s *Session) ListAllTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
- func (s *Session) ListAllTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
- func (s *Session) ListBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
- func (s *Session) ListContributorInsights(input *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput, ...) *ListContributorInsights
- func (s *Session) ListExports(input *ddb.ListExportsInput, mw ...ListExportsMiddleWare) *ListExports
- func (s *Session) ListGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
- func (s *Session) ListTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
- func (s *Session) ListTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
- func (s *Session) PutItem(input *ddb.PutItemInput, mw ...PutItemMiddleWare) *PutItem
- func (s *Session) Query(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
- func (s *Session) QueryAll(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
- func (s *Session) RestoreTableFromBackup(input *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput, mw ...RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare) *RestoreTableFromBackup
- func (s *Session) RestoreTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput, ...) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
- func (s *Session) Scan(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
- func (s *Session) ScanAll(input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
- func (s *Session) TableExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableExistsWaiter
- func (s *Session) TableNotExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableNotExistsWaiter
- func (s *Session) TagResource(input *ddb.TagResourceInput, mw ...TagResourceMiddleWare) *TagResource
- func (s *Session) TransactGetItems(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput, mw ...TransactGetItemsMiddleWare) *TransactGetItems
- func (s *Session) TransactWriteItems(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput, mw ...TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare) *TransactWriteItems
- func (s *Session) UntagResource(input *ddb.UntagResourceInput, mw ...UntagResourceMiddleWare) *UntagResource
- func (s *Session) UpdateContinuousBackups(input *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput, ...) *UpdateContinuousBackups
- func (s *Session) UpdateContributorInsights(input *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput, ...) *UpdateContributorInsights
- func (s *Session) UpdateGlobalTable(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput, mw ...UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTable
- func (s *Session) UpdateGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput, ...) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
- func (s *Session) UpdateItem(input *ddb.UpdateItemInput, mw ...UpdateItemMiddleWare) *UpdateItem
- func (s *Session) UpdateTable(input *ddb.UpdateTableInput, mw ...UpdateTableMiddleWare) *UpdateTable
- func (s *Session) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, ...) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (s *Session) UpdateTimeToLive(input *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput, mw ...UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *UpdateTimeToLive
- func (s *Session) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Session
- type Table
- func (t *Table) AddGSI(gsi ...*GSI) *Table
- func (t *Table) AddLSI(lsi ...*LSI) *Table
- func (t *Table) AddTag(key, value string) *Table
- func (t *Table) BackupInput(backupName string) *ddb.CreateBackupInput
- func (t *Table) Create() (*CreateTable, error)
- func (t *Table) CreateTableInput() (*ddb.CreateTableInput, error)
- func (t *Table) CreateTableMiddleWare(next CreateTableHandler) CreateTableHandler
- func (t *Table) Delete() *DeleteTable
- func (t *Table) DeleteInput() *ddb.DeleteTableInput
- func (t *Table) DescribeTableInput() *ddb.DescribeTableInput
- func (t *Table) DescribeTableMiddleWare(next DescribeTableHandler) DescribeTableHandler
- func (t *Table) Description() *ddbTypes.TableDescription
- func (t *Table) ExtractAllKeys(avMaps []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue
- func (t *Table) ExtractKeys(avMap map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue
- func (t *Table) ExtractPartitionKeyValue(avMap map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) ddbTypes.AttributeValue
- func (t *Table) ExtractSortKeyValue(avMap map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) ddbTypes.AttributeValue
- func (t *Table) IsOnDemand() bool
- func (t *Table) Name() string
- func (t *Table) NewBackup(backupName string) *CreateBackup
- func (t *Table) NewBatchGetBuilder(items []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue, mws ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItemBuilder
- func (t *Table) NewBatchWriteBuilder(puts []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue, ...) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
- func (t *Table) NewPutItemBuilder() *PutItemBuilder
- func (t *Table) PartitionKeyName() string
- func (t *Table) QueryBuilder() *QueryBuilder
- func (t *Table) RCUs() int64
- func (t *Table) ScanBuilder() *ScanBuilder
- func (t *Table) SetCostUnits(RCUs, WCUs int64) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetName(name string) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetOnDemand() *Table
- func (t *Table) SetPartitionKey(pkName string, attributeType ddbTypes.ScalarAttributeType) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetReadCostUnits(costUnits int64) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetSortKey(skName string, attributeType ddbTypes.ScalarAttributeType) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *Table
- func (t *Table) SetWriteCostUnits(costUnits int64) *Table
- func (t *Table) SortKeyName() string
- func (t *Table) TableExistsWaiter() *TableExistsWaiter
- func (t *Table) TableNotExistsWaiter() *TableNotExistsWaiter
- func (t *Table) UniqueKeyCondition() *expression.ConditionBuilder
- func (t *Table) UpdateWithRemote() *TableExistsWaiter
- func (t *Table) UpdateWithTableDescription(input *ddbTypes.TableDescription)
- func (t *Table) WCUs() int64
- type TableExistsWaiter
- type TableExistsWaiterFinalHandler
- type TableNotExistsWaiter
- type TableNotExistsWaiterFinalHandler
- type TagResource
- type TagResourceBuilder
- type TagResourceContext
- type TagResourceFinalHandler
- type TagResourceHandler
- type TagResourceHandlerFunc
- type TagResourceMiddleWare
- type TagResourceMiddleWareFunc
- type TagResourceOutput
- type TestEmbeddedItem
- type TestItem
- type TestItemMarshaller
- type TransactGetItems
- type TransactGetItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) AddGet(gets ...*ddbTypes.Get) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) Build() *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput
- func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
- type TransactGetItemsContext
- type TransactGetItemsFinalHandler
- type TransactGetItemsHandler
- type TransactGetItemsHandlerFunc
- type TransactGetItemsMiddleWare
- type TransactGetItemsMiddleWareFunc
- type TransactGetItemsOutput
- type TransactWriteItems
- type TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddDelete(del *ddbTypes.Delete, cnd *ddbTypes.ConditionCheck) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddPut(put *ddbTypes.Put, cnd *ddbTypes.ConditionCheck) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddTransactWriteItem(write ddbTypes.TransactWriteItem) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddUpdate(update *ddbTypes.Update, cnd *ddbTypes.ConditionCheck) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) Build() *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
- type TransactWriteItemsContext
- type TransactWriteItemsFinalHandler
- type TransactWriteItemsHandler
- type TransactWriteItemsHandlerFunc
- type TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare
- type TransactWriteItemsMiddleWareFunc
- type TransactWriteItemsOutput
- type UnmarshalMiddleWare
- func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) BatchGetItemMiddleWare(next BatchGetItemHandler) BatchGetItemHandler
- func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) GetItemMiddleWare(next GetItemHandler) GetItemHandler
- func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) QueryMiddleWare(next QueryHandler) QueryHandler
- func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) ScanMiddleWare(next ScanHandler) ScanHandler
- type UntagResource
- type UntagResourceBuilder
- type UntagResourceContext
- type UntagResourceFinalHandler
- type UntagResourceHandler
- type UntagResourceHandlerFunc
- type UntagResourceMiddleWare
- type UntagResourceMiddleWareFunc
- type UntagResourceOutput
- type UpdateContinuousBackups
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsBuilder
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsContext
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsFinalHandler
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput
- type UpdateContributorInsights
- func (op *UpdateContributorInsights) Await() (*ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsOutput, error)
- func (op *UpdateContributorInsights) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateContributorInsights
- func (op *UpdateContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type UpdateContributorInsightsBuilder
- type UpdateContributorInsightsContext
- type UpdateContributorInsightsFinalHandler
- type UpdateContributorInsightsHandler
- type UpdateContributorInsightsHandlerFunc
- type UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare
- type UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateContributorInsightsOutput
- type UpdateGlobalTable
- type UpdateGlobalTableContext
- type UpdateGlobalTableFinalHandler
- type UpdateGlobalTableHandler
- type UpdateGlobalTableHandlerFunc
- type UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare
- type UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateGlobalTableOutput
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettings
- func (op *UpdateGlobalTableSettings) Await() (*ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput, error)
- func (op *UpdateGlobalTableSettings) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
- func (op *UpdateGlobalTableSettings) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput
- type UpdateItem
- type UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Add(field string, value interface{}) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) AddCondition(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) AddItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.UpdateItemInput, error)
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Delete(field string, value interface{}) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) DeleteItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Remove(fields ...string) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Set(field string, value interface{}) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetAttributeUpdates(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValueUpdate) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression(v string) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetConditionalOperator(v ddbTypes.ConditionalOperator) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpected(v map[string]ddbTypes.ExpectedAttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnValues(v ddbTypes.ReturnValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *UpdateItemBuilder
- func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetUpdateExpression(v string) *UpdateItemBuilder
- type UpdateItemContext
- type UpdateItemFinalHandler
- type UpdateItemHandler
- type UpdateItemHandlerFunc
- type UpdateItemMiddleWare
- type UpdateItemMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateItemOutput
- type UpdateTable
- type UpdateTableContext
- type UpdateTableFinalHandler
- type UpdateTableHandler
- type UpdateTableHandlerFunc
- type UpdateTableMiddleWare
- type UpdateTableMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateTableOutput
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (op *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) Await() (*ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, error)
- func (op *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
- func (op *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput
- type UpdateTimeToLive
- type UpdateTimeToLiveContext
- type UpdateTimeToLiveFinalHandler
- type UpdateTimeToLiveHandler
- type UpdateTimeToLiveHandlerFunc
- type UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare
- type UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc
- type UpdateTimeToLiveOutput
Constants ¶
const ( ErrResultAlreadySet = OperationError("result already set") ErrCannotAwait = OperationError("operation cannot await while operation is still pending") ErrAlreadyDone = OperationError("operation cannot be set to waiting when done") )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ChunkBatchGetItemInputs ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ChunkBatchGetItemInputs(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, chunkSize int) (out []*ddb.BatchGetItemInput)
ChunkBatchGetItemInputs chunks the input dynamodb.BatchGetItemBuilder into chunks of the given chunkSize note: chunks are not deep copies!!
func CopyAttributeValue ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyAttributeValue(av types.AttributeValue) types.AttributeValue
CopyAttributeValue creates a deep copy of an attribute value
func CopyAttributeValueMap ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyAttributeValueMap(input map[string]types.AttributeValue) map[string]types.AttributeValue
CopyAttributeValueMap creates a deep copy of a `map[string]ddb.AttributeValue`
func CopyBatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyBatchGetItem(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput) *ddb.BatchGetItemInput
CopyBatchGetItem creates a deep copy of a BatchGetItemInput
func CopyBatchWriteItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyBatchWriteItemInput(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput) *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput
CopyBatchWriteItemInput creates a deep copy of a v
func CopyCondition ¶ added in v0.2.0
CopyCondition copies a Condition
func CopyDeleteRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyDeleteRequest(input *ddbTypes.DeleteRequest) *ddbTypes.DeleteRequest
CopyDeleteRequest creates a deep copy of a DeleteRequest
func CopyItemCollectionMetrics ¶ added in v0.2.11
func CopyItemCollectionMetrics(input ddbTypes.ItemCollectionMetrics) ddbTypes.ItemCollectionMetrics
CopyItemCollectionMetrics creates a deep copy of an item collection metrics
func CopyKeysAndAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyKeysAndAttributes(input types.KeysAndAttributes) types.KeysAndAttributes
CopyKeysAndAttributes creates a deep copy of a KeysAndAttributes
func CopyKeysAndAttributesMap ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyKeysAndAttributesMap(input map[string]types.KeysAndAttributes) map[string]types.KeysAndAttributes
CopyKeysAndAttributesMap creates a deep copy of a map of KeysAndAttributes
func CopyListBackupsInput ¶ added in v0.2.11
func CopyListBackupsInput(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput) *ddb.ListBackupsInput
CopyListBackupsInput makes a copy of the input
func CopyListGlobalTablesInput ¶ added in v0.2.11
func CopyListGlobalTablesInput(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput) *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput
CopyListGlobalTablesInput creates a copy of a ListGlobalTablesInput
func CopyListTablesInput ¶ added in v0.2.11
func CopyListTablesInput(input *ddb.ListTablesInput) *ddb.ListTablesInput
CopyListTablesInput creates a copy of a ListGlobalTablesInput
func CopyListTagsOfResourceInput ¶ added in v0.2.11
func CopyListTagsOfResourceInput(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput) *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput
CopyListTagsOfResourceInput creates a copy of a ListTagsOfResourceInput
func CopyPutRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyPutRequest(input *ddbTypes.PutRequest) *ddbTypes.PutRequest
CopyPutRequest creates a deep copy of a PutRequest
func CopyQuery ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyQuery(input *ddb.QueryInput) *ddb.QueryInput
CopyQuery creates a deep copy of a QueryInput note: CopyQuery does not copy legacy parameters
func CopyScan ¶ added in v0.2.0
CopyScan creates a deep copy of a ScanInput note: CopyScan does not copy legacy parameters
func CopyWriteRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CopyWriteRequest(input ddbTypes.WriteRequest) ddbTypes.WriteRequest
CopyWriteRequest creates a deep copy of a WriteRequest
func DurationPtr ¶
DurationPtr returns a ptr for the provided duration
func InterfaceValue ¶
func InterfaceValue(v interface{}) interface{}
InterfaceValue returns the underlying value of the interface. The second returned value is True if interface was a ptr otherwise it's false
func IsEmptyInterface ¶
func IsEmptyInterface(x interface{}) bool
IsEmptyInterface checks if interface is empty
func MustYamlString ¶ added in v0.2.0
func MustYamlString(in interface{}) string
MustYamlString is a convenience function that generates a yaml string or panics
func NewBatchGetItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchGetItemInput() *ddb.BatchGetItemInput
func NewBatchWriteItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchWriteItemInput() *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput
func NewCreateBackupInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCreateBackupInput(tableName *string, backupArn *string) *ddb.CreateBackupInput
NewCreateBackupInput creates a CreateBackupInput with a given table name and key
func NewDeleteBackupInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteBackupInput(backupArn *string) *ddb.DeleteBackupInput
NewDeleteBackupInput creates a DeleteBackupInput with a given table name and key
func NewDeleteItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteItemInput(tableName *string, key map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ddb.DeleteItemInput
NewDeleteItemInput creates a DeleteItemInput with a given table name and key
func NewDeleteTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DeleteTableInput
NewDeleteTableInput creates a new DeleteTableInput
func NewDescribeBackupInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeBackupInput(backupArn *string) *ddb.DescribeBackupInput
NewDescribeBackupInput creates a new DescribeBackupInput
func NewDescribeContinuousBackupsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeContinuousBackupsInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput
NewDescribeContinuousBackupsInput creates a new DescribeContinuousBackupsInput
func NewDescribeContributorInsightsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeContributorInsightsInput(tableName *string, indexName *string) *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput
NewDescribeContributorInsightsInput creates a new DescribeContributorInsightsInput
func NewDescribeEndpointsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeEndpointsInput() *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput
NewDescribeEndpointsInput creates a new DescribeEndpointsInput
func NewDescribeExportInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeExportInput(exportArn *string) *ddb.DescribeExportInput
NewDescribeExportInput creates a new DescribeExportInput
func NewDescribeGlobalTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeGlobalTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput
NewDescribeGlobalTableInput creates a new DescribeGlobalTableInput
func NewDescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput
NewDescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput creates a new DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput
func NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput creates a new DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
func NewDescribeLimitsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeLimitsInput() *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput
NewDescribeLimitsInput creates a new DescribeLimitsInput
func NewDescribeTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeTableInput
NewDescribeTableInput creates a new DescribeTableInput
func NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput
NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput creates a new DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput
func NewDescribeTimeToLiveInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeTimeToLiveInput(tableName *string) *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput
NewDescribeTimeToLiveInput creates a new DescribeTimeToLiveInput
func NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput(tableName, streamArn *string) *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput creates a new DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
func NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput(tableName, streamArn *string) *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput creates a new EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput
func NewExportTableToPointInTimeInput ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewExportTableToPointInTimeInput(bucket, tableArn string) *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput
NewExportTableToPointInTimeInput creates a new ExportTableToPointInTimeInput with a provided s3 bucket name and table ARN
func NewGetItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewGetItemInput(tableName *string, key map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ddb.GetItemInput
NewGetItemInput creates a new GetItemInput with a table name and key
func NewListBackupsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListBackupsInput() *ddb.ListBackupsInput
NewListBackupsInput creates a new ListBackupsInput
func NewListContributorInsightsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListContributorInsightsInput() *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput
NewListContributorInsightsInput creates a new ListContributorInsightsInput
func NewListExportsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListExportsInput() *ddb.ListExportsInput
NewListExportsInput creates a new ListExportsInput
func NewListGlobalTablesInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListGlobalTablesInput() *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput
NewListGlobalTablesInput creates a new ListTablesInput
func NewListTablesInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListTablesInput() *ddb.ListTablesInput
NewListTablesInput creates a new ListTablesInput
func NewListTagsOfResourceInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListTagsOfResourceInput(resourceArn *string) *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput
NewListTagsOfResourceInput creates a new ListTagsOfResourceInput
func NewPutItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewPutItemInput(tableName *string, item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ddb.PutItemInput
NewPutItemInput creates a new PutItemInput with a given table name and item
func NewQueryInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewQueryInput(tableName *string) *ddb.QueryInput
NewQueryInput creates a new QueryInput with a table name
func NewRestoreTableFromBackupInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewRestoreTableFromBackupInput(tableName *string, backupArn *string) *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput
NewRestoreTableFromBackupInput creates a RestoreTableFromBackupInput with a given table name and key
func NewRestoreTableToPointInTimeInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewRestoreTableToPointInTimeInput(tableName *string) *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput
NewRestoreTableToPointInTimeInput creates a RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput with a given table name and key
func NewScanInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewScanInput creates a new ScanInput with a table name
func NewTagResourceInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTagResourceInput(resourceArn *string, tags []ddbTypes.Tag) *ddb.TagResourceInput
NewTagResourceInput creates a new TagResourceInput with a table name and key
func NewTransactGetItemsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTransactGetItemsInput() *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput
NewTransactGetItemsInput creates a new TransactGetItemsInput with a table name and key
func NewTransactWriteItemsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTransactWriteItemsInput() *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput
NewTransactWriteItemsInput creates a new TransactWriteItemsInput with a table name and key
func NewUntagResourceInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUntagResourceInput(resourceArn *string, tagKeys []string) *ddb.UntagResourceInput
NewUntagResourceInput creates a new UntagResourceInput with a table name and key
func NewUpdateContinuousBackupsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateContinuousBackupsInput(tableName *string, recoveryEnabled bool) *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput
NewUpdateContinuousBackupsInput creates a new UpdateContinuousBackupsInput with a table name and key
func NewUpdateContributorInsightsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateContributorInsightsInput(tableName, indexName *string, action ddbTypes.ContributorInsightsAction) *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput
NewUpdateContributorInsightsInput creates a new UpdateContributorInsightsInput with a table name and key
func NewUpdateGlobalTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateGlobalTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput
NewUpdateGlobalTableInput creates a new UpdateGlobalTableInput
func NewUpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput
NewUpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput creates a new UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput
func NewUpdateItemInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateItemInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateItemInput
func NewUpdateTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateTableInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateTableInput
NewUpdateTableInput creates a new UpdateTableInput
func NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput(tableName *string) *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput
NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput creates a new UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput
func NewUpdateTimeToLiveInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateTimeToLiveInput(tableName *string, specification *types.TimeToLiveSpecification) *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput
NewUpdateTimeToLiveInput creates a new UpdateTimeToLiveInput
func RandomString ¶ added in v0.2.0
RandomString gets a random string from the charset
func SplitScanIntoSegments ¶ added in v0.2.0
SplitScanIntoSegments splits an input into segments, each segment is a deep copy of the original with a unique segment number
func TestTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func TestTableName() string
TestTableName generates a random test table name
Types ¶
type BaseOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
type BaseOperation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BaseOperation represents a request operation a BaseOperation is returned from any Session Execution use <-BaseOperation.Done() to wait for a operation to be done use BaseOperation.Await() to wait for and receive the output from a operation
func NewOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewOperation() *BaseOperation
NewOperation creates a new BaseOperation with a startTime of Now
func (*BaseOperation) Await ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) Await() (interface{}, error)
Await waits for the BaseOperation's result to complete or for the context to be cancelled whichever comes first
func (*BaseOperation) Done ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) Done() <-chan struct{}
Done returns a channel that will emit a struct{}{} when BaseOperation contains a result, an error is encountered, or context was cancelled
func (*BaseOperation) Duration ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) Duration() time.Duration
Duration returns the duration of the operation execution
func (*BaseOperation) GetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) GetResponse() (interface{}, error)
GetResponse returns the GetResponse output and error if Output has not been set yet nil is returned
func (*BaseOperation) GetState ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) GetState() OperationState
GetState gets the current state of the BaseOperation
func (*BaseOperation) ID ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) ID() string
func (*BaseOperation) SetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) SetResponse(val interface{}, err error)
SetResponse sets the response value interface and error and sets the flag to the done state
func (*BaseOperation) SetRunning ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) SetRunning()
SetRunning sets this BaseOperation to OperationRunning state
func (*BaseOperation) SetState ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *BaseOperation) SetState(state OperationState)
SetState sets the state of the BaseOperation
type BatchExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatement struct { *BaseOperation Handler BatchExecuteStatementHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BatchExecuteStatement represents a BatchExecuteStatement operation
func NewBatchExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchExecuteStatement(input *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementInput, mws ...BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *BatchExecuteStatement
NewBatchExecuteStatement creates a new BatchExecuteStatement
func (*BatchExecuteStatement) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *BatchExecuteStatement) Await() (*ddb.BatchExecuteStatementOutput, error)
Await waits for the BatchExecuteStatementPromise to be fulfilled and then returns a BatchExecuteStatementOutput and error
func (*BatchExecuteStatement) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *BatchExecuteStatement) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *BatchExecuteStatement
Invoke invokes the BatchExecuteStatement operation in a goroutine and returns the BatchExecuteStatement
func (*BatchExecuteStatement) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *BatchExecuteStatement) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation implements the Operation interface
type BatchExecuteStatementContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementInput Client *ddb.Client }
BatchExecuteStatementContext represents an exhaustive BatchExecuteStatement operation request context
type BatchExecuteStatementFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementFinalHandler struct{}
BatchExecuteStatementFinalHandler is the final BatchExecuteStatementHandler that executes a dynamodb BatchExecuteStatement operation
func (*BatchExecuteStatementFinalHandler) HandleBatchExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *BatchExecuteStatementFinalHandler) HandleBatchExecuteStatement(ctx *BatchExecuteStatementContext, output *BatchExecuteStatementOutput)
HandleBatchExecuteStatement implements the BatchExecuteStatementHandler
type BatchExecuteStatementHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementHandler interface {
HandleBatchExecuteStatement(ctx *BatchExecuteStatementContext, output *BatchExecuteStatementOutput)
BatchExecuteStatementHandler represents a handler for BatchExecuteStatement requests
type BatchExecuteStatementHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementHandlerFunc func(ctx *BatchExecuteStatementContext, output *BatchExecuteStatementOutput)
BatchExecuteStatementHandlerFunc is a BatchExecuteStatementHandler function
func (BatchExecuteStatementHandlerFunc) HandleBatchExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h BatchExecuteStatementHandlerFunc) HandleBatchExecuteStatement(ctx *BatchExecuteStatementContext, output *BatchExecuteStatementOutput)
HandleBatchExecuteStatement implements BatchExecuteStatementHandler
type BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare interface {
BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare(next BatchExecuteStatementHandler) BatchExecuteStatementHandler
BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping BatchExecuteStatementHandler requests
type BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc func(next BatchExecuteStatementHandler) BatchExecuteStatementHandler
BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc is a functional BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare
func (BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc) BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc) BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare(next BatchExecuteStatementHandler) BatchExecuteStatementHandler
BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare implements the BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare interface
type BatchExecuteStatementOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchExecuteStatementOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BatchExecuteStatementOutput represents the output for the BatchExecuteStatement operation
func (*BatchExecuteStatementOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *BatchExecuteStatementOutput) Get() (out *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*BatchExecuteStatementOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *BatchExecuteStatementOutput) Set(out *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type BatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItem struct { *BaseOperation Handler BatchGetItemHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BatchGetItem represents a BatchGetItem operation
func NewBatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchGetItem(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mws ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
NewBatchGetItem creates a new BatchGetItem
func NewBatchGetItemAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchGetItemAll(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mws ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
NewBatchGetItemAll creates a new BatchGetItemAll
func (*BatchGetItem) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *BatchGetItem) Await() (*ddb.BatchGetItemOutput, error)
Await waits for the BatchGetItemPromise to be fulfilled and then returns a BatchGetItemOutput and error
func (*BatchGetItem) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *BatchGetItem) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *BatchGetItem
Invoke invokes the BatchGetItem operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAllPromise
func (*BatchGetItem) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *BatchGetItem) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the BatchGetItem operation
type BatchGetItemAllFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemAllFinalHandler struct{}
BatchGetItemAllFinalHandler is the final BatchGetItemAllHandler that executes a dynamodb BatchGetItemAll operation
func (*BatchGetItemAllFinalHandler) HandleBatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *BatchGetItemAllFinalHandler) HandleBatchGetItem(ctx *BatchGetItemContext, output *BatchGetItemOutput)
HandleBatchGetItem implements the BatchGetItemHandler
type BatchGetItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemBuilder struct { *ddb.BatchGetItemInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BatchGetItemBuilder used to dynamically build a BatchGetItemBuilder
func NewBatchGetBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchGetBuilder(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput) *BatchGetItemBuilder
NewBatchGetBuilder creates a new BatchGetItemBuilder
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) AddKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) AddKey(tableName string, keys[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *BatchGetItemBuilder
AddKey adds one or more keys to the request item map
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) AddProjection ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) AddProjection(projection interface{}) *BatchGetItemBuilder
AddProjection adds additional field names to the projection
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) AddProjectionNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *BatchGetItemBuilder
AddProjectionNames adds additional field names to the projection with strings
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.BatchGetItemInput, error)
Build builds and returns the dynamodb.BatchGetItemOutput
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) SetInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput)
SetInput sets the BatchGetItemBuilder's dynamodb.BatchGetItemBuilder explicitly
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) SetKeysAndAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetKeysAndAttributes(tableName string, keysAndAttributes ddbTypes.KeysAndAttributes) *BatchGetItemBuilder
SetKeysAndAttributes sets the keys and attributes to get from the given table
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) SetRequestItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetRequestItems(v map[string]ddbTypes.KeysAndAttributes) *BatchGetItemBuilder
SetRequestItems sets the RequestItems field's value.
func (*BatchGetItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchGetItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *BatchGetItemBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
type BatchGetItemContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
BatchGetItemContext represents an exhaustive BatchGetItem operation request context
type BatchGetItemFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemFinalHandler struct{}
BatchGetItemFinalHandler is the final BatchGetItemHandler that executes a dynamodb BatchGetItem operation
func (*BatchGetItemFinalHandler) HandleBatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *BatchGetItemFinalHandler) HandleBatchGetItem(ctx *BatchGetItemContext, output *BatchGetItemOutput)
HandleBatchGetItem implements the BatchGetItemHandler
type BatchGetItemHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemHandler interface {
HandleBatchGetItem(ctx *BatchGetItemContext, output *BatchGetItemOutput)
BatchGetItemHandler represents a handler for BatchGetItem requests
type BatchGetItemHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemHandlerFunc func(ctx *BatchGetItemContext, output *BatchGetItemOutput)
BatchGetItemHandlerFunc is a BatchGetItemHandler function
func (BatchGetItemHandlerFunc) HandleBatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h BatchGetItemHandlerFunc) HandleBatchGetItem(ctx *BatchGetItemContext, output *BatchGetItemOutput)
HandleBatchGetItem implements BatchGetItemHandler
type BatchGetItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemMiddleWare interface {
BatchGetItemMiddleWare(next BatchGetItemHandler) BatchGetItemHandler
BatchGetItemMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping BatchGetItemHandler requests
type BatchGetItemMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemMiddleWareFunc func(next BatchGetItemHandler) BatchGetItemHandler
BatchGetItemMiddleWareFunc is a functional BatchGetItemMiddleWare
func (BatchGetItemMiddleWareFunc) BatchGetItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw BatchGetItemMiddleWareFunc) BatchGetItemMiddleWare(next BatchGetItemHandler) BatchGetItemHandler
BatchGetItemMiddleWare implements the BatchGetItemMiddleWare interface
type BatchGetItemOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchGetItemOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BatchGetItemOutput represents the output for the BatchGetItem opration
func (*BatchGetItemOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *BatchGetItemOutput) Get() (out *ddb.BatchGetItemOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*BatchGetItemOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *BatchGetItemOutput) Set(out *ddb.BatchGetItemOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type BatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItem struct { *BaseOperation Handler BatchWriteItemHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BatchWriteItem represents a BatchWriteItem operation
func NewBatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchWriteItem(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mws ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
NewBatchWriteItem creates a new BatchWriteItem
func NewBatchWriteItemAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchWriteItemAll(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mws ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
NewBatchWriteItemAll creates a new BatchWriteItemAll
func (*BatchWriteItem) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *BatchWriteItem) Await() (*ddb.BatchWriteItemOutput, error)
Await waits for the BatchWriteItemPromise to be fulfilled and then returns a BatchWriteItemOutput and error
func (*BatchWriteItem) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *BatchWriteItem) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *BatchWriteItem
Invoke invokes the BatchWriteItem operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchWriteItemAllPromise
func (*BatchWriteItem) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *BatchWriteItem) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the BatchWriteItem operation
type BatchWriteItemAllFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemAllFinalHandler struct{}
BatchWriteItemAllFinalHandler is the final BatchWriteItemAllHandler that executes a dynamodb BatchWriteItemAll operation
func (*BatchWriteItemAllFinalHandler) HandleBatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *BatchWriteItemAllFinalHandler) HandleBatchWriteItem(ctx *BatchWriteItemContext, output *BatchWriteItemOutput)
HandleBatchWriteItem implements the BatchWriteItemHandler
type BatchWriteItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemBuilder struct {
func NewBatchWriteItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewBatchWriteItemBuilder(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
NewBatchWriteItemBuilder creates a new BatchWriteItemBuilder
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddDeletes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddDeletes(table string, itemKeys[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
AddDeletes adds a delete requests to the input
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddPuts ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddPuts(tableName string, items[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
AddPuts adds multiple put requests from a given input that should be a slice of structs or maps
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddWriteRequests ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) AddWriteRequests(tableName string, requests ...ddbTypes.WriteRequest) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
AddWriteRequests adds one or more WriteRequests for a given table to the input
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) Build() *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput
Build builds the dynamodb.UpdateItemInput
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetRequestItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetRequestItems(v map[string][]ddbTypes.WriteRequest) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
SetRequestItems sets the RequestItems field's value.
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *BatchWriteItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics sets the ReturnItemCollectionMetrics field's value.
type BatchWriteItemContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput Client *ddb.Client }
BatchWriteItemContext represents an exhaustive BatchWriteItem operation request context
type BatchWriteItemFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemFinalHandler struct{}
BatchWriteItemFinalHandler is the final BatchWriteItemHandler that executes a dynamodb BatchWriteItem operation
func (*BatchWriteItemFinalHandler) HandleBatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *BatchWriteItemFinalHandler) HandleBatchWriteItem(ctx *BatchWriteItemContext, output *BatchWriteItemOutput)
HandleBatchWriteItem implements the BatchWriteItemHandler
type BatchWriteItemHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemHandler interface {
HandleBatchWriteItem(ctx *BatchWriteItemContext, output *BatchWriteItemOutput)
BatchWriteItemHandler represents a handler for BatchWriteItem requests
type BatchWriteItemHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemHandlerFunc func(ctx *BatchWriteItemContext, output *BatchWriteItemOutput)
BatchWriteItemHandlerFunc is a BatchWriteItemHandler function
func (BatchWriteItemHandlerFunc) HandleBatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h BatchWriteItemHandlerFunc) HandleBatchWriteItem(ctx *BatchWriteItemContext, output *BatchWriteItemOutput)
HandleBatchWriteItem implements BatchWriteItemHandler
type BatchWriteItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemMiddleWare interface {
BatchWriteItemMiddleWare(next BatchWriteItemHandler) BatchWriteItemHandler
BatchWriteItemMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping BatchWriteItemHandler requests
type BatchWriteItemMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemMiddleWareFunc func(next BatchWriteItemHandler) BatchWriteItemHandler
BatchWriteItemMiddleWareFunc is a functional BatchWriteItemMiddleWare
func (BatchWriteItemMiddleWareFunc) BatchWriteItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw BatchWriteItemMiddleWareFunc) BatchWriteItemMiddleWare(next BatchWriteItemHandler) BatchWriteItemHandler
BatchWriteItemMiddleWare implements the BatchWriteItemMiddleWare interface
type BatchWriteItemOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BatchWriteItemOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BatchWriteItemOutput represents the output for the BatchWriteItem opration
func (*BatchWriteItemOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *BatchWriteItemOutput) Get() (out *ddb.BatchWriteItemOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*BatchWriteItemOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *BatchWriteItemOutput) Set(out *ddb.BatchWriteItemOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type CreateBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackup struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateBackup represents a CreateBackup operation
func NewCreateBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCreateBackup(input *ddb.CreateBackupInput, mws ...CreateBackupMiddleWare) *CreateBackup
NewCreateBackup creates a new CreateBackup
func (*CreateBackup) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *CreateBackup) Await() (*ddb.CreateBackupOutput, error)
Await waits for the CreateBackupOperation to be fulfilled and then returns a CreateBackupOutput and error
func (*CreateBackup) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *CreateBackup) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *CreateBackup
Invoke invokes the CreateBackup operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAllOperation
func (*CreateBackup) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *CreateBackup) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the CreateBackup operation
type CreateBackupContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
CreateBackupContext represents an exhaustive CreateBackup operation request context
type CreateBackupFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackupFinalHandler struct{}
CreateBackupFinalHandler is the final CreateBackupHandler that executes a dynamodb CreateBackup operation
func (*CreateBackupFinalHandler) HandleCreateBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *CreateBackupFinalHandler) HandleCreateBackup(ctx *CreateBackupContext, output *CreateBackupOutput)
HandleCreateBackup implements the CreateBackupHandler
type CreateBackupHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackupHandler interface {
HandleCreateBackup(ctx *CreateBackupContext, output *CreateBackupOutput)
CreateBackupHandler represents a handler for CreateBackup requests
type CreateBackupHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackupHandlerFunc func(ctx *CreateBackupContext, output *CreateBackupOutput)
CreateBackupHandlerFunc is a CreateBackupHandler function
func (CreateBackupHandlerFunc) HandleCreateBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h CreateBackupHandlerFunc) HandleCreateBackup(ctx *CreateBackupContext, output *CreateBackupOutput)
HandleCreateBackup implements CreateBackupHandler
type CreateBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackupMiddleWare interface {
CreateBackupMiddleWare(next CreateBackupHandler) CreateBackupHandler
CreateBackupMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping CreateBackupHandler requests
type CreateBackupMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackupMiddleWareFunc func(next CreateBackupHandler) CreateBackupHandler
CreateBackupMiddleWareFunc is a functional CreateBackupMiddleWare
func (CreateBackupMiddleWareFunc) CreateBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw CreateBackupMiddleWareFunc) CreateBackupMiddleWare(next CreateBackupHandler) CreateBackupHandler
CreateBackupMiddleWare implements the CreateBackupMiddleWare interface
type CreateBackupOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateBackupOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateBackupOutput represents the output for the CreateBackup operation
func (*CreateBackupOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *CreateBackupOutput) Get() (out *ddb.CreateBackupOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*CreateBackupOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *CreateBackupOutput) Set(out *ddb.CreateBackupOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type CreateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateGlobalTable represents a CreateGlobalTable operation
func NewCreateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCreateGlobalTable(input *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput, mws ...CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *CreateGlobalTable
NewCreateGlobalTable creates a new CreateGlobalTable
func (*CreateGlobalTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *CreateGlobalTable) Await() (*ddb.CreateGlobalTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the CreateGlobalTable operation to be fulfilled and then returns a CreateGlobalTableOutput and error
func (*CreateGlobalTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *CreateGlobalTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *CreateGlobalTable
Invoke invokes the CreateGlobalTable operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAll
func (*CreateGlobalTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *CreateGlobalTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the CreateGlobalTable operation
type CreateGlobalTableBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableBuilder struct { *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateGlobalTableBuilder is used to construct a CreateGlobalTableBuilder dynamically
func (*CreateGlobalTableBuilder) AddReplicaInRegion ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateGlobalTableBuilder) AddReplicaInRegion(region string) *CreateGlobalTableBuilder
AddReplicaInRegion adds a Replica with the provided region to the ReplicationGroup
func (*CreateGlobalTableBuilder) AddReplication ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateGlobalTableBuilder) AddReplication(r types.Replica) *CreateGlobalTableBuilder
AddReplication adds a Replica to the ReplicationGroup
func (*CreateGlobalTableBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateGlobalTableBuilder) Build() *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput
Build returns the CreateGlobalTableInput
type CreateGlobalTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput Client *ddb.Client }
CreateGlobalTableContext represents an exhaustive CreateGlobalTable operation request context
type CreateGlobalTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableFinalHandler struct{}
CreateGlobalTableFinalHandler is the final CreateGlobalTableHandler that executes a dynamodb CreateGlobalTable operation
func (*CreateGlobalTableFinalHandler) HandleCreateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *CreateGlobalTableFinalHandler) HandleCreateGlobalTable(ctx *CreateGlobalTableContext, output *CreateGlobalTableOutput)
HandleCreateGlobalTable implements the CreateGlobalTableHandler
type CreateGlobalTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableHandler interface {
HandleCreateGlobalTable(ctx *CreateGlobalTableContext, output *CreateGlobalTableOutput)
CreateGlobalTableHandler represents a handler for CreateGlobalTable requests
type CreateGlobalTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *CreateGlobalTableContext, output *CreateGlobalTableOutput)
CreateGlobalTableHandlerFunc is a CreateGlobalTableHandler function
func (CreateGlobalTableHandlerFunc) HandleCreateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h CreateGlobalTableHandlerFunc) HandleCreateGlobalTable(ctx *CreateGlobalTableContext, output *CreateGlobalTableOutput)
HandleCreateGlobalTable implements CreateGlobalTableHandler
type CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare interface {
CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare(next CreateGlobalTableHandler) CreateGlobalTableHandler
CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping CreateGlobalTableHandler requests
type CreateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc func(next CreateGlobalTableHandler) CreateGlobalTableHandler
CreateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare
func (CreateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc) CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw CreateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc) CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare(h CreateGlobalTableHandler) CreateGlobalTableHandler
CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare implements the CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare interface
type CreateGlobalTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateGlobalTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateGlobalTableOutput represents the output for the CreateGlobalTable operation
func (*CreateGlobalTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *CreateGlobalTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.CreateGlobalTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*CreateGlobalTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *CreateGlobalTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.CreateGlobalTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type CreateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateTable represents a CreateTable operation
func NewCreateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCreateTable(input *ddb.CreateTableInput, mws ...CreateTableMiddleWare) *CreateTable
NewCreateTable creates a new CreateTable
func (*CreateTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *CreateTable) Await() (*ddb.CreateTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the CreateTableOperation to be fulfilled and then returns a CreateTableOutput and error
func (*CreateTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *CreateTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *CreateTable
Invoke invokes the CreateTable operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAllOperation
func (*CreateTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *CreateTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the CreateTable operation
type CreateTableBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableBuilder struct { *ddb.CreateTableInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateTableBuilder is used to construct a CreateTableBuilder dynamically
func NewCreateTableBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewCreateTableBuilder() *CreateTableBuilder
NewCreateTableBuilder creates a new CreateTableBuilder
func (*CreateTableBuilder) AddAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddAttributeDefinition(attribute ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *CreateTableBuilder
AddAttributeDefinition adds an attribute definition to the builder
func (*CreateTableBuilder) AddGlobalIndex ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddGlobalIndex(gsi ...ddbTypes.GlobalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
AddGlobalIndex adds one or more local global indexes to the builder
func (*CreateTableBuilder) AddLocalIndex ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddLocalIndex(lsi ...ddbTypes.LocalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
AddLocalIndex adds one or more local secondary indexes to the builder
func (*CreateTableBuilder) AddTag ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddTag(key, value string) *CreateTableBuilder
AddTag adds a tag to the CreateTableBuilder using a key value pair of strings
func (*CreateTableBuilder) AddTags ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddTags(tags ...ddbTypes.Tag) *CreateTableBuilder
AddTags adds tags to the CreateTableBuilder
func (*CreateTableBuilder) AddTagsFromMap ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) AddTagsFromMap(tags map[string]string) *CreateTableBuilder
AddTagsFromMap adds tags to the CreateTableBuilder using a map of strings
func (*CreateTableBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) Build() (*ddb.CreateTableInput, error)
Build builds the dynamodb.CreateTableBuilder
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetAttributeDefinitions ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetAttributeDefinitions(v []ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *CreateTableBuilder
SetAttributeDefinitions sets the AttributeDefinitions field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetBillingMode ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetBillingMode(v ddbTypes.BillingMode) *CreateTableBuilder
SetBillingMode sets the BillingMode field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetGlobalSecondaryIndexes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetGlobalSecondaryIndexes(v []ddbTypes.GlobalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
SetGlobalSecondaryIndexes sets the GlobalSecondaryIndexes field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetKeySchema ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetKeySchema(v []ddbTypes.KeySchemaElement) *CreateTableBuilder
SetKeySchema sets the KeySchema field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetLocalSecondaryIndexes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetLocalSecondaryIndexes(v []ddbTypes.LocalSecondaryIndex) *CreateTableBuilder
SetLocalSecondaryIndexes sets the LocalSecondaryIndexes field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetProvisionedThroughput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetProvisionedThroughput(v *ddbTypes.ProvisionedThroughput) *CreateTableBuilder
SetProvisionedThroughput sets the ProvisionedThroughput field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetProvisionedThroughputCapacityUnits ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetProvisionedThroughputCapacityUnits(rcu, wcu int64) *CreateTableBuilder
SetProvisionedThroughputCapacityUnits sets the provisioned write and read throughput for this table
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetSSESpecification ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetSSESpecification(v *ddbTypes.SSESpecification) *CreateTableBuilder
SetSSESpecification sets the SSESpecification field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetStreamSpecification ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetStreamSpecification(v *ddbTypes.StreamSpecification) *CreateTableBuilder
SetStreamSpecification sets the StreamSpecification field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *CreateTableBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
func (*CreateTableBuilder) SetTags ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *CreateTableBuilder) SetTags(v []ddbTypes.Tag) *CreateTableBuilder
SetTags sets the Tags field's value.
type CreateTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
CreateTableContext represents an exhaustive CreateTable operation request context
type CreateTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableFinalHandler struct{}
CreateTableFinalHandler is the final CreateTableHandler that executes a dynamodb CreateTable operation
func (*CreateTableFinalHandler) HandleCreateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *CreateTableFinalHandler) HandleCreateTable(ctx *CreateTableContext, output *CreateTableOutput)
HandleCreateTable implements the CreateTableHandler
type CreateTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableHandler interface {
HandleCreateTable(ctx *CreateTableContext, output *CreateTableOutput)
CreateTableHandler represents a handler for CreateTable requests
type CreateTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *CreateTableContext, output *CreateTableOutput)
CreateTableHandlerFunc is a CreateTableHandler function
func (CreateTableHandlerFunc) HandleCreateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h CreateTableHandlerFunc) HandleCreateTable(ctx *CreateTableContext, output *CreateTableOutput)
HandleCreateTable implements CreateTableHandler
type CreateTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableMiddleWare interface {
CreateTableMiddleWare(next CreateTableHandler) CreateTableHandler
CreateTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping CreateTableHandler requests
type CreateTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableMiddleWareFunc func(next CreateTableHandler) CreateTableHandler
CreateTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional CreateTableMiddleWare
func (CreateTableMiddleWareFunc) CreateTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw CreateTableMiddleWareFunc) CreateTableMiddleWare(h CreateTableHandler) CreateTableHandler
CreateTableMiddleWare implements the CreateTableMiddleWare interface
type CreateTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CreateTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateTableOutput represents the output for the CreateTable operation
func (*CreateTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *CreateTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.CreateTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*CreateTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *CreateTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.CreateTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DeleteBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackup struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteBackup represents a DeleteBackup operation
func NewDeleteBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteBackup(input *ddb.DeleteBackupInput, mws ...DeleteBackupMiddleWare) *DeleteBackup
NewDeleteBackup creates a new DeleteBackup
func (*DeleteBackup) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DeleteBackup) Await() (*ddb.DeleteBackupOutput, error)
Await waits for the DeleteBackupOperation to be fulfilled and then returns a DeleteBackupOutput and error
func (*DeleteBackup) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DeleteBackup) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DeleteBackup
Invoke invokes the DeleteBackup operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAllOperation
func (*DeleteBackup) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DeleteBackup) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DeleteBackup operation
type DeleteBackupContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
DeleteBackupContext represents an exhaustive DeleteBackup operation request context
type DeleteBackupFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackupFinalHandler struct{}
DeleteBackupFinalHandler is the final DeleteBackupHandler that executes a dynamodb DeleteBackup operation
func (*DeleteBackupFinalHandler) HandleDeleteBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DeleteBackupFinalHandler) HandleDeleteBackup(ctx *DeleteBackupContext, output *DeleteBackupOutput)
HandleDeleteBackup implements the DeleteBackupHandler
type DeleteBackupHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackupHandler interface {
HandleDeleteBackup(ctx *DeleteBackupContext, output *DeleteBackupOutput)
DeleteBackupHandler represents a handler for DeleteBackup requests
type DeleteBackupHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackupHandlerFunc func(ctx *DeleteBackupContext, output *DeleteBackupOutput)
DeleteBackupHandlerFunc is a DeleteBackupHandler function
func (DeleteBackupHandlerFunc) HandleDeleteBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DeleteBackupHandlerFunc) HandleDeleteBackup(ctx *DeleteBackupContext, output *DeleteBackupOutput)
HandleDeleteBackup implements DeleteBackupHandler
type DeleteBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackupMiddleWare interface {
DeleteBackupMiddleWare(next DeleteBackupHandler) DeleteBackupHandler
DeleteBackupMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DeleteBackupHandler requests
type DeleteBackupMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackupMiddleWareFunc func(next DeleteBackupHandler) DeleteBackupHandler
DeleteBackupMiddleWareFunc is a functional DeleteBackupMiddleWare
func (DeleteBackupMiddleWareFunc) DeleteBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DeleteBackupMiddleWareFunc) DeleteBackupMiddleWare(next DeleteBackupHandler) DeleteBackupHandler
DeleteBackupMiddleWare implements the DeleteBackupMiddleWare interface
type DeleteBackupOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteBackupOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteBackupOutput represents the output for the DeleteBackup operation
func (*DeleteBackupOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DeleteBackupOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DeleteBackupOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DeleteBackupOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DeleteBackupOutput) Set(out *ddb.DeleteBackupOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItem struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteItem represents a DeleteItem operation
func NewDeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteItem(input *ddb.DeleteItemInput, mws ...DeleteItemMiddleWare) *DeleteItem
NewDeleteItem creates a new DeleteItem
func (*DeleteItem) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DeleteItem) Await() (*ddb.DeleteItemOutput, error)
Await waits for the DeleteItem to be fulfilled and then returns a DeleteItemOutput and error
func (*DeleteItem) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DeleteItem) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DeleteItem
Invoke invokes the DeleteItem operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAllOperation
func (*DeleteItem) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DeleteItem) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DeleteItem operation
type DeleteItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemBuilder struct { *ddb.DeleteItemInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteItemBuilder is used for dynamically building a DeleteItemInput
func NewDeleteItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteItemBuilder(input *ddb.DeleteItemInput) *DeleteItemBuilder
NewDeleteItemBuilder creates a new DeleteItemInput with DeleteItemOpt
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) AddCondition ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) AddCondition(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *DeleteItemBuilder
AddCondition adds a condition to this update adding multiple conditions by calling this multiple times will join the conditions with an AND
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.DeleteItemInput, error)
Build builds the dynamodb.DeleteItemInput returns error if expression builder returns an error
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression(v string) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetConditionExpression sets the ConditionExpression field's value.
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeNames sets the ExpressionAttributeNames field's value.
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeValues sets the ExpressionAttributeValues field's value.
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetKey(key map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetKey sets the target key for the item to tbe deleted
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics sets the ReturnItemCollectionMetrics field's value.
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetReturnValues(v ddbTypes.ReturnValue) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetReturnValues sets the ReturnValues field's value.
func (*DeleteItemBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *DeleteItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *DeleteItemBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
type DeleteItemContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
DeleteItemContext represents an exhaustive DeleteItem operation request context
type DeleteItemFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemFinalHandler struct{}
DeleteItemFinalHandler is the final DeleteItemHandler that executes a dynamodb DeleteItem operation
func (*DeleteItemFinalHandler) HandleDeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DeleteItemFinalHandler) HandleDeleteItem(ctx *DeleteItemContext, output *DeleteItemOutput)
HandleDeleteItem implements the DeleteItemHandler
type DeleteItemHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemHandler interface {
HandleDeleteItem(ctx *DeleteItemContext, output *DeleteItemOutput)
DeleteItemHandler represents a handler for DeleteItem requests
type DeleteItemHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemHandlerFunc func(ctx *DeleteItemContext, output *DeleteItemOutput)
DeleteItemHandlerFunc is a DeleteItemHandler function
func (DeleteItemHandlerFunc) HandleDeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DeleteItemHandlerFunc) HandleDeleteItem(ctx *DeleteItemContext, output *DeleteItemOutput)
HandleDeleteItem implements DeleteItemHandler
type DeleteItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemMiddleWare interface {
DeleteItemMiddleWare(next DeleteItemHandler) DeleteItemHandler
DeleteItemMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DeleteItemHandler requests
type DeleteItemMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemMiddleWareFunc func(handler DeleteItemHandler) DeleteItemHandler
DeleteItemMiddleWareFunc is a functional DeleteItemMiddleWare
func (DeleteItemMiddleWareFunc) DeleteItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DeleteItemMiddleWareFunc) DeleteItemMiddleWare(h DeleteItemHandler) DeleteItemHandler
DeleteItemMiddleWare implements the DeleteItemMiddleWare interface
type DeleteItemOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteItemOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteItemOutput represents the output for the DeleteItem opration
func (*DeleteItemOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DeleteItemOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DeleteItemOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DeleteItemOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DeleteItemOutput) Set(out *ddb.DeleteItemOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DeleteTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteTable represents a DeleteTable operation
func NewDeleteTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDeleteTable(input *ddb.DeleteTableInput, mws ...DeleteTableMiddleWare) *DeleteTable
NewDeleteTable creates a new DeleteTable
func (*DeleteTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DeleteTable) Await() (*ddb.DeleteTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the DeleteTable to be fulfilled and then returns a DeleteTableOutput and error
func (*DeleteTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DeleteTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DeleteTable
Invoke invokes the DeleteTable operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAll
func (*DeleteTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DeleteTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DeleteTable operation
type DeleteTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
DeleteTableContext represents an exhaustive DeleteTable operation request context
type DeleteTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTableFinalHandler struct{}
DeleteTableFinalHandler is the final DeleteTableHandler that executes a dynamodb DeleteTable operation
func (*DeleteTableFinalHandler) HandleDeleteTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DeleteTableFinalHandler) HandleDeleteTable(ctx *DeleteTableContext, output *DeleteTableOutput)
HandleDeleteTable implements the DeleteTableHandler
type DeleteTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTableHandler interface {
HandleDeleteTable(ctx *DeleteTableContext, output *DeleteTableOutput)
DeleteTableHandler represents a handler for DeleteTable requests
type DeleteTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *DeleteTableContext, output *DeleteTableOutput)
DeleteTableHandlerFunc is a DeleteTableHandler function
func (DeleteTableHandlerFunc) HandleDeleteTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DeleteTableHandlerFunc) HandleDeleteTable(ctx *DeleteTableContext, output *DeleteTableOutput)
HandleDeleteTable implements DeleteTableHandler
type DeleteTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTableMiddleWare interface {
DeleteTableMiddleWare(next DeleteTableHandler) DeleteTableHandler
DeleteTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DeleteTableHandler requests
type DeleteTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTableMiddleWareFunc func(next DeleteTableHandler) DeleteTableHandler
DeleteTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional DeleteTableMiddleWare
func (DeleteTableMiddleWareFunc) DeleteTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DeleteTableMiddleWareFunc) DeleteTableMiddleWare(next DeleteTableHandler) DeleteTableHandler
DeleteTableMiddleWare implements the DeleteTableMiddleWare interface
type DeleteTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DeleteTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteTableOutput represents the output for the DeleteTable opration
func (*DeleteTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DeleteTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DeleteTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DeleteTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DeleteTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.DeleteTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackup struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeBackup represents a DescribeBackup operation
func NewDescribeBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeBackup(input *ddb.DescribeBackupInput, mws ...DescribeBackupMiddleWare) *DescribeBackup
NewDescribeBackup creates a new DescribeBackup
func (*DescribeBackup) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeBackup) Await() (*ddb.DescribeBackupOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeBackup to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeBackupOutput and error
func (*DescribeBackup) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeBackup) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeBackup
Invoke invokes the DescribeBackup operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAll
func (*DescribeBackup) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeBackup) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeBackup operation
type DescribeBackupContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeBackupInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeBackupContext represents an exhaustive DescribeBackup operation request context
type DescribeBackupFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeBackupFinalHandler is the final DescribeBackupHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeBackup operation
func (*DescribeBackupFinalHandler) HandleDescribeBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeBackupFinalHandler) HandleDescribeBackup(ctx *DescribeBackupContext, output *DescribeBackupOutput)
HandleDescribeBackup implements the DescribeBackupHandler
type DescribeBackupHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupHandler interface {
HandleDescribeBackup(ctx *DescribeBackupContext, output *DescribeBackupOutput)
DescribeBackupHandler represents a handler for DescribeBackup requests
type DescribeBackupHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeBackupContext, output *DescribeBackupOutput)
DescribeBackupHandlerFunc is a DescribeBackupHandler function
func (DescribeBackupHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeBackupHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeBackup(ctx *DescribeBackupContext, output *DescribeBackupOutput)
HandleDescribeBackup implements DescribeBackupHandler
type DescribeBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupMiddleWare interface {
DescribeBackupMiddleWare(next DescribeBackupHandler) DescribeBackupHandler
DescribeBackupMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeBackupHandler requests
type DescribeBackupMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeBackupHandler) DescribeBackupHandler
DescribeBackupMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeBackupMiddleWare
func (DescribeBackupMiddleWareFunc) DescribeBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeBackupMiddleWareFunc) DescribeBackupMiddleWare(next DescribeBackupHandler) DescribeBackupHandler
DescribeBackupMiddleWare implements the DescribeBackupMiddleWare interface
type DescribeBackupOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeBackupOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeBackupOutput represents the output for the DescribeBackup opration
func (*DescribeBackupOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeBackupOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeBackupOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeBackupOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeBackupOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeBackupOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackups struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeContinuousBackups represents a DescribeContinuousBackups operation
func NewDescribeContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeContinuousBackups(input *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput, mws ...DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare) *DescribeContinuousBackups
NewDescribeContinuousBackups creates a new DescribeContinuousBackups
func (*DescribeContinuousBackups) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeContinuousBackups) Await() (*ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeContinuousBackups operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput and error
func (*DescribeContinuousBackups) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeContinuousBackups) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeContinuousBackups
Invoke invokes the DescribeContinuousBackups operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAll
func (*DescribeContinuousBackups) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeContinuousBackups) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeContinuousBackups operation
type DescribeContinuousBackupsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeContinuousBackupsContext represents an exhaustive DescribeContinuousBackups operation request context
type DescribeContinuousBackupsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeContinuousBackupsFinalHandler is the final DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeContinuousBackups operation
func (*DescribeContinuousBackupsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeContinuousBackupsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeContinuousBackups(ctx *DescribeContinuousBackupsContext, output *DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput)
HandleDescribeContinuousBackups implements the DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler
type DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler interface {
HandleDescribeContinuousBackups(ctx *DescribeContinuousBackupsContext, output *DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput)
DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler represents a handler for DescribeContinuousBackups requests
type DescribeContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeContinuousBackupsContext, output *DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput)
DescribeContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc is a DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler function
func (DescribeContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeContinuousBackups(ctx *DescribeContinuousBackupsContext, output *DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput)
HandleDescribeContinuousBackups implements DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler
type DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare interface {
DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare(next DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler) DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler
DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler requests
type DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler) DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler
DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare
func (DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare(next DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler) DescribeContinuousBackupsHandler
DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare implements the DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare interface
type DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput represents the output for the DescribeContinuousBackups opration
func (*DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsights struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeContributorInsights represents a DescribeContributorInsights operation
func NewDescribeContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeContributorInsights(input *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput, mws ...DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *DescribeContributorInsights
NewDescribeContributorInsights creates a new DescribeContributorInsights
func (*DescribeContributorInsights) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeContributorInsights) Await() (*ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeContributorInsights operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeContributorInsightsOutput and error
func (*DescribeContributorInsights) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeContributorInsights) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeContributorInsights
Invoke invokes the DescribeContributorInsights operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAll
func (*DescribeContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeContributorInsights operation
type DescribeContributorInsightsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeContributorInsightsContext represents an exhaustive DescribeContributorInsights operation request context
type DescribeContributorInsightsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeContributorInsightsFinalHandler is the final DescribeContributorInsightsHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeContributorInsights operation
func (*DescribeContributorInsightsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeContributorInsightsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeContributorInsights(ctx *DescribeContributorInsightsContext, output *DescribeContributorInsightsOutput)
HandleDescribeContributorInsights implements the DescribeContributorInsightsHandler
type DescribeContributorInsightsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsHandler interface {
HandleDescribeContributorInsights(ctx *DescribeContributorInsightsContext, output *DescribeContributorInsightsOutput)
DescribeContributorInsightsHandler represents a handler for DescribeContributorInsights requests
type DescribeContributorInsightsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeContributorInsightsContext, output *DescribeContributorInsightsOutput)
DescribeContributorInsightsHandlerFunc is a DescribeContributorInsightsHandler function
func (DescribeContributorInsightsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeContributorInsightsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeContributorInsights(ctx *DescribeContributorInsightsContext, output *DescribeContributorInsightsOutput)
HandleDescribeContributorInsights implements DescribeContributorInsightsHandler
type DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare interface {
DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare(next DescribeContributorInsightsHandler) DescribeContributorInsightsHandler
DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeContributorInsightsHandler requests
type DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeContributorInsightsHandler) DescribeContributorInsightsHandler
DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare
func (DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare(next DescribeContributorInsightsHandler) DescribeContributorInsightsHandler
DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare implements the DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare interface
type DescribeContributorInsightsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeContributorInsightsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeContributorInsightsOutput represents the output for the DescribeContributorInsights opration
func (*DescribeContributorInsightsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeContributorInsightsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeContributorInsightsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeContributorInsightsOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeEndpoints ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpoints struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeEndpoints represents a DescribeEndpoints operation
func NewDescribeEndpoints ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeEndpoints(input *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput, mws ...DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare) *DescribeEndpoints
NewDescribeEndpoints creates a new DescribeEndpoints
func (*DescribeEndpoints) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeEndpoints) Await() (*ddb.DescribeEndpointsOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeEndpoints operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeEndpointsOutput and error
func (*DescribeEndpoints) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeEndpoints) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeEndpoints
Invoke invokes the DescribeEndpoints operation in a goroutine and returns a BatchGetItemAll
func (*DescribeEndpoints) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeEndpoints) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeEndpoints operation
type DescribeEndpointsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeEndpointsContext represents an exhaustive DescribeEndpoints operation request context
type DescribeEndpointsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeEndpointsFinalHandler is the final DescribeEndpointsHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeEndpoints operation
func (*DescribeEndpointsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeEndpoints ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeEndpointsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeEndpoints(ctx *DescribeEndpointsContext, output *DescribeEndpointsOutput)
HandleDescribeEndpoints implements the DescribeEndpointsHandler
type DescribeEndpointsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsHandler interface {
HandleDescribeEndpoints(ctx *DescribeEndpointsContext, output *DescribeEndpointsOutput)
DescribeEndpointsHandler represents a handler for DescribeEndpoints requests
type DescribeEndpointsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeEndpointsContext, output *DescribeEndpointsOutput)
DescribeEndpointsHandlerFunc is a DescribeEndpointsHandler function
func (DescribeEndpointsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeEndpoints ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeEndpointsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeEndpoints(ctx *DescribeEndpointsContext, output *DescribeEndpointsOutput)
HandleDescribeEndpoints implements DescribeEndpointsHandler
type DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare interface {
DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare(next DescribeEndpointsHandler) DescribeEndpointsHandler
DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeEndpointsHandler requests
type DescribeEndpointsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeEndpointsHandler) DescribeEndpointsHandler
DescribeEndpointsMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare
func (DescribeEndpointsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeEndpointsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare(next DescribeEndpointsHandler) DescribeEndpointsHandler
DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare implements the DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare interface
type DescribeEndpointsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeEndpointsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeEndpointsOutput represents the output for the DescribeEndpoints opration
func (*DescribeEndpointsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeEndpointsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeEndpointsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeEndpointsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeEndpointsOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeEndpointsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeExport ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExport struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeExport represents a DescribeExport operation
func NewDescribeExport ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeExport(input *ddb.DescribeExportInput, mws ...DescribeExportMiddleWare) *DescribeExport
NewDescribeExport creates a new DescribeExport
func (*DescribeExport) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeExport) Await() (*ddb.DescribeExportOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeExport operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeExportOutput and error
func (*DescribeExport) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeExport) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeExport
Invoke invokes the DescribeExport operation in a goroutine and returns the DescribeExport operation
func (*DescribeExport) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeExport) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeExport operation
type DescribeExportContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeExportInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeExportContext represents an exhaustive DescribeExport operation request context
type DescribeExportFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeExportFinalHandler is the final DescribeExportHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeExport operation
func (*DescribeExportFinalHandler) HandleDescribeExport ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeExportFinalHandler) HandleDescribeExport(ctx *DescribeExportContext, output *DescribeExportOutput)
HandleDescribeExport implements the DescribeExportHandler
type DescribeExportHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportHandler interface {
HandleDescribeExport(ctx *DescribeExportContext, output *DescribeExportOutput)
DescribeExportHandler represents a handler for DescribeExport requests
type DescribeExportHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeExportContext, output *DescribeExportOutput)
DescribeExportHandlerFunc is a DescribeExportHandler function
func (DescribeExportHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeExport ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeExportHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeExport(ctx *DescribeExportContext, output *DescribeExportOutput)
HandleDescribeExport implements DescribeExportHandler
type DescribeExportMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportMiddleWare interface {
DescribeExportMiddleWare(next DescribeExportHandler) DescribeExportHandler
DescribeExportMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeExportHandler requests
type DescribeExportMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeExportHandler) DescribeExportHandler
DescribeExportMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeExportMiddleWare
func (DescribeExportMiddleWareFunc) DescribeExportMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeExportMiddleWareFunc) DescribeExportMiddleWare(next DescribeExportHandler) DescribeExportHandler
DescribeExportMiddleWare implements the DescribeExportMiddleWare interface
type DescribeExportOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeExportOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeExportOutput represents the output for the DescribeExport operation
func (*DescribeExportOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeExportOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeExportOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeExportOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeExportOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeExportOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeGlobalTable represents a DescribeGlobalTable operation
func NewDescribeGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeGlobalTable(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput, mws ...DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTable
NewDescribeGlobalTable creates a new DescribeGlobalTable
func (*DescribeGlobalTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeGlobalTable) Await() (*ddb.DescribeGlobalTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeGlobalTable to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeGlobalTableOutput and error
func (*DescribeGlobalTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeGlobalTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeGlobalTable
Invoke invokes the DescribeGlobalTable operation in a goroutine and returns a DescribeGlobalTable operation
func (*DescribeGlobalTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeGlobalTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeGlobalTable operation
type DescribeGlobalTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeGlobalTableContext represents an exhaustive DescribeGlobalTable operation request context
type DescribeGlobalTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeGlobalTableFinalHandler is the final DescribeGlobalTableHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeGlobalTable operation
func (*DescribeGlobalTableFinalHandler) HandleDescribeGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeGlobalTableFinalHandler) HandleDescribeGlobalTable(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableOutput)
HandleDescribeGlobalTable implements the DescribeGlobalTableHandler
type DescribeGlobalTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableHandler interface {
HandleDescribeGlobalTable(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableOutput)
DescribeGlobalTableHandler represents a handler for DescribeGlobalTable requests
type DescribeGlobalTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableOutput)
DescribeGlobalTableHandlerFunc is a DescribeGlobalTableHandler function
func (DescribeGlobalTableHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeGlobalTableHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeGlobalTable(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableOutput)
HandleDescribeGlobalTable implements DescribeGlobalTableHandler
type DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare interface {
DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare(next DescribeGlobalTableHandler) DescribeGlobalTableHandler
DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeGlobalTableHandler requests
type DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeGlobalTableHandler) DescribeGlobalTableHandler
DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare
func (DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc) DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc) DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare(next DescribeGlobalTableHandler) DescribeGlobalTableHandler
DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare implements the DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare interface
type DescribeGlobalTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeGlobalTableOutput represents the output for the DescribeGlobalTable operation
func (*DescribeGlobalTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeGlobalTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeGlobalTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeGlobalTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettings struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeGlobalTableSettings represents a DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation
func NewDescribeGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput, mws ...DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
NewDescribeGlobalTableSettings creates a new DescribeGlobalTableSettings
func (*DescribeGlobalTableSettings) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeGlobalTableSettings) Await() (*ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeGlobalTableSettings to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput and error
func (*DescribeGlobalTableSettings) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeGlobalTableSettings) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
Invoke invokes the DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation in a goroutine and returns a DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*DescribeGlobalTableSettings) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeGlobalTableSettings) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext represents an exhaustive DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation request context
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler is the final DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*DescribeGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings implements the DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler interface {
HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler represents a handler for DescribeGlobalTableSettings requests
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc is a DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler function
func (DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings(ctx *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
HandleDescribeGlobalTableSettings implements DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare interface {
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare(next DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler) DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler requests
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler) DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare
func (DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare(next DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler) DescribeGlobalTableSettingsHandler
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare implements the DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare interface
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput represents the output for the DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination represents a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mws ...DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
NewDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination creates a new DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
func (*DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) Await() (*ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput and error
func (*DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
Invoke invokes the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation in a goroutine and returns a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext represents an exhaustive DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation request context
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler is the final DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler) HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler) HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination implements the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler interface {
HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler represents a handler for DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination requests
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc is a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler function
func (DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
HandleDescribeKinesisStreamingDestination implements DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare interface {
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare(next DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler requests
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare
func (DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare(next DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare implements the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare interface
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput represents the output for the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeLimits ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimits struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeLimits represents a DescribeLimits operation
func NewDescribeLimits ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeLimits(input *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput, mws ...DescribeLimitsMiddleWare) *DescribeLimits
NewDescribeLimits creates a new DescribeLimits
func (*DescribeLimits) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeLimits) Await() (*ddb.DescribeLimitsOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeLimits to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeLimitsOutput and error
func (*DescribeLimits) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeLimits) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeLimits
Invoke invokes the DescribeLimits operation in a goroutine and returns a DescribeLimits operation
func (*DescribeLimits) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeLimits) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeLimits operation
type DescribeLimitsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeLimitsContext represents an exhaustive DescribeLimits operation request context
type DescribeLimitsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeLimitsFinalHandler is the final DescribeLimitsHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeLimits operation
func (*DescribeLimitsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeLimits ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeLimitsFinalHandler) HandleDescribeLimits(ctx *DescribeLimitsContext, output *DescribeLimitsOutput)
HandleDescribeLimits implements the DescribeLimitsHandler
type DescribeLimitsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsHandler interface {
HandleDescribeLimits(ctx *DescribeLimitsContext, output *DescribeLimitsOutput)
DescribeLimitsHandler represents a handler for DescribeLimits requests
type DescribeLimitsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeLimitsContext, output *DescribeLimitsOutput)
DescribeLimitsHandlerFunc is a DescribeLimitsHandler function
func (DescribeLimitsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeLimits ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeLimitsHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeLimits(ctx *DescribeLimitsContext, output *DescribeLimitsOutput)
HandleDescribeLimits implements DescribeLimitsHandler
type DescribeLimitsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsMiddleWare interface {
DescribeLimitsMiddleWare(next DescribeLimitsHandler) DescribeLimitsHandler
DescribeLimitsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeLimitsHandler requests
type DescribeLimitsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeLimitsHandler) DescribeLimitsHandler
DescribeLimitsMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeLimitsMiddleWare
func (DescribeLimitsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeLimitsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeLimitsMiddleWareFunc) DescribeLimitsMiddleWare(next DescribeLimitsHandler) DescribeLimitsHandler
DescribeLimitsMiddleWare implements the DescribeLimitsMiddleWare interface
type DescribeLimitsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeLimitsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeLimitsOutput represents the output for the DescribeLimits operation
func (*DescribeLimitsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeLimitsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeLimitsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeLimitsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeLimitsOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeLimitsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeTable represents a DescribeTable operation
func NewDescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeTable(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mws ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *DescribeTable
NewDescribeTable creates a new DescribeTable
func (*DescribeTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeTable) Await() (*ddb.DescribeTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeTable operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeTableOutput and error
func (*DescribeTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeTable
Invoke invokes the DescribeTable operation and this DescribeTable operation
func (*DescribeTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeLimits operation
type DescribeTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeTableInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeTableContext represents an exhaustive DescribeTable operation request context
type DescribeTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeTableFinalHandler is the final DescribeTableHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeTable operation
func (*DescribeTableFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeTableFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTable(ctx *DescribeTableContext, output *DescribeTableOutput)
HandleDescribeTable implements the DescribeTableHandler
type DescribeTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableHandler interface {
HandleDescribeTable(ctx *DescribeTableContext, output *DescribeTableOutput)
DescribeTableHandler represents a handler for DescribeTable requests
type DescribeTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeTableContext, output *DescribeTableOutput)
DescribeTableHandlerFunc is a DescribeTableHandler function
func (DescribeTableHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeTableHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeTable(ctx *DescribeTableContext, output *DescribeTableOutput)
HandleDescribeTable implements DescribeTableHandler
type DescribeTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableMiddleWare interface {
DescribeTableMiddleWare(next DescribeTableHandler) DescribeTableHandler
DescribeTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeTableHandler requests
type DescribeTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeTableHandler) DescribeTableHandler
DescribeTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeTableMiddleWare
func (DescribeTableMiddleWareFunc) DescribeTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeTableMiddleWareFunc) DescribeTableMiddleWare(next DescribeTableHandler) DescribeTableHandler
DescribeTableMiddleWare implements the DescribeTableMiddleWare interface
type DescribeTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeTableOutput represents the output for the DescribeTable opration
func (*DescribeTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling represents a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, mws ...DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
NewDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling creates a new DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
func (*DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) Await() (*ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput and error
func (*DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
Invoke invokes the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation in a goroutine and returns a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext represents an exhaustive DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation request context
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler is the final DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(ctx *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling implements the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler interface {
HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(ctx *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler represents a handler for DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling requests
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc is a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler function
func (DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(ctx *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
HandleDescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling implements DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare interface {
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare(next DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler requests
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare
func (DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare(next DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare implements the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare interface
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput represents the output for the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling opration
func (*DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DescribeTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLive struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DescribeTimeToLive represents a DescribeTimeToLive operation
func NewDescribeTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDescribeTimeToLive(input *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput, mws ...DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *DescribeTimeToLive
NewDescribeTimeToLive creates a new DescribeTimeToLive
func (*DescribeTimeToLive) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeTimeToLive) Await() (*ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveOutput, error)
Await waits for the DescribeTimeToLive operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DescribeTimeToLiveOutput and error
func (*DescribeTimeToLive) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DescribeTimeToLive) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DescribeTimeToLive
Invoke invokes the DescribeTimeToLive operation in a goroutine and returns a DescribeTimeToLive operation
func (*DescribeTimeToLive) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DescribeTimeToLive) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DescribeTimeToLive operation
type DescribeTimeToLiveContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput Client *ddb.Client }
DescribeTimeToLiveContext represents an exhaustive DescribeTimeToLive operation request context
type DescribeTimeToLiveFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveFinalHandler struct{}
DescribeTimeToLiveFinalHandler is the final DescribeTimeToLiveHandler that executes a dynamodb DescribeTimeToLive operation
func (*DescribeTimeToLiveFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DescribeTimeToLiveFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTimeToLive(ctx *DescribeTimeToLiveContext, output *DescribeTimeToLiveOutput)
HandleDescribeTimeToLive implements the DescribeTimeToLiveHandler
type DescribeTimeToLiveHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveHandler interface {
HandleDescribeTimeToLive(ctx *DescribeTimeToLiveContext, output *DescribeTimeToLiveOutput)
DescribeTimeToLiveHandler represents a handler for DescribeTimeToLive requests
type DescribeTimeToLiveHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveHandlerFunc func(ctx *DescribeTimeToLiveContext, output *DescribeTimeToLiveOutput)
DescribeTimeToLiveHandlerFunc is a DescribeTimeToLiveHandler function
func (DescribeTimeToLiveHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DescribeTimeToLiveHandlerFunc) HandleDescribeTimeToLive(ctx *DescribeTimeToLiveContext, output *DescribeTimeToLiveOutput)
HandleDescribeTimeToLive implements DescribeTimeToLiveHandler
type DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare interface {
DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare(next DescribeTimeToLiveHandler) DescribeTimeToLiveHandler
DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DescribeTimeToLiveHandler requests
type DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc func(next DescribeTimeToLiveHandler) DescribeTimeToLiveHandler
DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc is a functional DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare
func (DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc) DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc) DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare(next DescribeTimeToLiveHandler) DescribeTimeToLiveHandler
DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare implements the DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare interface
type DescribeTimeToLiveOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DescribeTimeToLiveOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DescribeTimeToLiveOutput represents the output for the DescribeTimeToLive operation
func (*DescribeTimeToLiveOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeTimeToLiveOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DescribeTimeToLiveOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DescribeTimeToLiveOutput) Set(out *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestination struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DisableKinesisStreamingDestination represents a DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mws ...DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
NewDisableKinesisStreamingDestination creates a new DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
func (*DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) Await() (*ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, error)
Await waits for the DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation to be fulfilled and then returns a DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput and error
func (*DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
Invoke invokes the DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation in a goroutine and returns a DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput Client *ddb.Client }
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext represents an exhaustive DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation request context
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler struct{}
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler is the final DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler that executes a dynamodb DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler) HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler) HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination implements the DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler interface {
HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler represents a handler for DisableKinesisStreamingDestination requests
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc func(ctx *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc is a DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler function
func (DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc) HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc) HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
HandleDisableKinesisStreamingDestination implements DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare interface {
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare(next DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler requests
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc func(next DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc is a functional DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare
func (DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc) DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc) DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare(next DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare implements the DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare interface
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput represents the output for the DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Get() (out *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Set(out *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestination struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EnableKinesisStreamingDestination represents a EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mws ...EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
NewEnableKinesisStreamingDestination creates a new EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) Await() (*ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, error)
Await waits for the EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation to be fulfilled and then returns a EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput and error
func (*EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
Invoke invokes the EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation in a goroutine and returns a EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput Client *ddb.Client }
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext represents an exhaustive EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation request context
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler struct{}
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler is the final EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler that executes a dynamodb EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler) HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationFinalHandler) HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination implements the EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler interface {
HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler represents a handler for EnableKinesisStreamingDestination requests
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc func(ctx *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc is a EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler function
func (EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc) HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandlerFunc) HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination(ctx *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationContext, output *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput)
HandleEnableKinesisStreamingDestination implements EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare interface {
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare(next EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler requests
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc func(next EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc is a functional EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare
func (EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc) EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWareFunc) EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare(next EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler) EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationHandler
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare implements the EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare interface
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput represents the output for the EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Get() (out *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput) Set(out *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatement struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExecuteStatement represents a ExecuteStatement operation
func NewExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewExecuteStatement(input *ddb.ExecuteStatementInput, mws ...ExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *ExecuteStatement
NewExecuteStatement creates a new ExecuteStatement operation
func (*ExecuteStatement) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ExecuteStatement) Await() (*ddb.ExecuteStatementOutput, error)
Await waits for the ExecuteStatement operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ExecuteStatementOutput and error
func (*ExecuteStatement) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ExecuteStatement) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ExecuteStatement
Invoke invokes the ExecuteStatement operation in a goroutine and returns a ExecuteStatement operation
func (*ExecuteStatement) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ExecuteStatement) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ExecuteStatement operation
type ExecuteStatementContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.ExecuteStatementInput Client *ddb.Client }
ExecuteStatementContext represents an exhaustive ExecuteStatement operation request context
type ExecuteStatementFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementFinalHandler struct{}
ExecuteStatementFinalHandler is the final ExecuteStatementHandler that executes a dynamodb ExecuteStatement operation
func (*ExecuteStatementFinalHandler) HandleExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ExecuteStatementFinalHandler) HandleExecuteStatement(ctx *ExecuteStatementContext, output *ExecuteStatementOutput)
HandleExecuteStatement implements the ExecuteStatementHandler
type ExecuteStatementHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementHandler interface {
HandleExecuteStatement(ctx *ExecuteStatementContext, output *ExecuteStatementOutput)
ExecuteStatementHandler represents a handler for ExecuteStatement requests
type ExecuteStatementHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementHandlerFunc func(ctx *ExecuteStatementContext, output *ExecuteStatementOutput)
ExecuteStatementHandlerFunc is a ExecuteStatementHandler function
func (ExecuteStatementHandlerFunc) HandleExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ExecuteStatementHandlerFunc) HandleExecuteStatement(ctx *ExecuteStatementContext, output *ExecuteStatementOutput)
HandleExecuteStatement implements ExecuteStatementHandler
type ExecuteStatementMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementMiddleWare interface {
ExecuteStatementMiddleWare(next ExecuteStatementHandler) ExecuteStatementHandler
ExecuteStatementMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ExecuteStatementHandler requests
type ExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc func(next ExecuteStatementHandler) ExecuteStatementHandler
ExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc is a functional ExecuteStatementMiddleWare
func (ExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc) ExecuteStatementMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ExecuteStatementMiddleWareFunc) ExecuteStatementMiddleWare(next ExecuteStatementHandler) ExecuteStatementHandler
ExecuteStatementMiddleWare implements the ExecuteStatementMiddleWare interface
type ExecuteStatementOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteStatementOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecuteStatementOutput represents the output for the ExecuteStatement operation
func (*ExecuteStatementOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ExecuteStatementOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ExecuteStatementOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ExecuteStatementOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ExecuteStatementOutput) Set(out *ddb.ExecuteStatementOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransaction struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExecuteTransaction represents a ExecuteTransaction operation
func NewExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewExecuteTransaction(input *ddb.ExecuteTransactionInput, mws ...ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare) *ExecuteTransaction
NewExecuteTransaction creates a new ExecuteTransaction operation
func (*ExecuteTransaction) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ExecuteTransaction) Await() (*ddb.ExecuteTransactionOutput, error)
Await waits for the ExecuteTransaction operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ExecuteTransactionOutput and error
func (*ExecuteTransaction) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ExecuteTransaction) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ExecuteTransaction
Invoke invokes the ExecuteTransaction operation in a goroutine and returns a ExecuteTransaction operation
func (*ExecuteTransaction) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ExecuteTransaction) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ExecuteTransaction operation
type ExecuteTransactionContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.ExecuteTransactionInput Client *ddb.Client }
ExecuteTransactionContext represents an exhaustive ExecuteTransaction operation request context
type ExecuteTransactionFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionFinalHandler struct{}
ExecuteTransactionFinalHandler is the final ExecuteTransactionHandler that executes a dynamodb ExecuteTransaction operation
func (*ExecuteTransactionFinalHandler) HandleExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ExecuteTransactionFinalHandler) HandleExecuteTransaction(ctx *ExecuteTransactionContext, output *ExecuteTransactionOutput)
HandleExecuteTransaction implements the ExecuteTransactionHandler
type ExecuteTransactionHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionHandler interface {
HandleExecuteTransaction(ctx *ExecuteTransactionContext, output *ExecuteTransactionOutput)
ExecuteTransactionHandler represents a handler for ExecuteTransaction requests
type ExecuteTransactionHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionHandlerFunc func(ctx *ExecuteTransactionContext, output *ExecuteTransactionOutput)
ExecuteTransactionHandlerFunc is a ExecuteTransactionHandler function
func (ExecuteTransactionHandlerFunc) HandleExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ExecuteTransactionHandlerFunc) HandleExecuteTransaction(ctx *ExecuteTransactionContext, output *ExecuteTransactionOutput)
HandleExecuteTransaction implements ExecuteTransactionHandler
type ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare interface {
ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare(next ExecuteTransactionHandler) ExecuteTransactionHandler
ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ExecuteTransactionHandler requests
type ExecuteTransactionMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionMiddleWareFunc func(next ExecuteTransactionHandler) ExecuteTransactionHandler
ExecuteTransactionMiddleWareFunc is a functional ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare
func (ExecuteTransactionMiddleWareFunc) ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ExecuteTransactionMiddleWareFunc) ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare(next ExecuteTransactionHandler) ExecuteTransactionHandler
ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare implements the ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare interface
type ExecuteTransactionOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExecuteTransactionOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecuteTransactionOutput represents the output for the ExecuteTransaction operation
func (*ExecuteTransactionOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ExecuteTransactionOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ExecuteTransactionOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ExecuteTransactionOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ExecuteTransactionOutput) Set(out *ddb.ExecuteTransactionOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ExportTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTime struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ExportTableToPointInTime represents a ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func NewExportTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewExportTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput, mws ...ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare) *ExportTableToPointInTime
NewExportTableToPointInTime creates a new ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func (*ExportTableToPointInTime) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ExportTableToPointInTime) Await() (*ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput, error)
Await waits for the ExportTableToPointInTime operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput and error
func (*ExportTableToPointInTime) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ExportTableToPointInTime) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ExportTableToPointInTime
Invoke invokes the ExportTableToPointInTime operation in a goroutine and returns a ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func (*ExportTableToPointInTime) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ExportTableToPointInTime) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ExportTableToPointInTime operation
type ExportTableToPointInTimeContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput Client *ddb.Client }
ExportTableToPointInTimeContext represents an exhaustive ExportTableToPointInTime operation request context
type ExportTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler struct{}
ExportTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler is the final ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler that executes a dynamodb ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func (*ExportTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler) HandleExportTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ExportTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler) HandleExportTableToPointInTime(ctx *ExportTableToPointInTimeContext, output *ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput)
HandleExportTableToPointInTime implements the ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler
type ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler interface {
HandleExportTableToPointInTime(ctx *ExportTableToPointInTimeContext, output *ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput)
ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler represents a handler for ExportTableToPointInTime requests
type ExportTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc func(ctx *ExportTableToPointInTimeContext, output *ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput)
ExportTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc is a ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler function
func (ExportTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc) HandleExportTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ExportTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc) HandleExportTableToPointInTime(ctx *ExportTableToPointInTimeContext, output *ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput)
HandleExportTableToPointInTime implements ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler
type ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare interface {
ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare(next ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler) ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler
ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler requests
type ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc func(next ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler) ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler
ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc is a functional ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare
func (ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc) ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc) ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare(next ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler) ExportTableToPointInTimeHandler
ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare implements the ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare interface
type ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput represents the output for the ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func (*ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput) Set(out *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type GSI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GSI struct { IndexName string SortKey *ddb.AttributeDefinition PartitionKey *ddb.AttributeDefinition ProvisionedThroughput *ddb.ProvisionedThroughput Projection []string }
GSI represents a Global Secondary IndexDefinition
func NewGSI ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewGSI create a new Global Secondary IndexDefinition with a given name, key, cost units
func (*GSI) AddProjectionNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddProjectionNames adds projection names to this SortKey
func (*GSI) GetDynamoGlobalSecondaryIndex ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (g *GSI) GetDynamoGlobalSecondaryIndex() ddb.GlobalSecondaryIndex
GetDynamoGlobalSecondaryIndex gets the global secondary IndexDefinition dynamo object
func (*GSI) GetDynamoKeySchema ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (g *GSI) GetDynamoKeySchema() []ddb.KeySchemaElement
GetDynamoKeySchema gets the dynamodb KeySchema
func (*GSI) GetDynamoProjection ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (g *GSI) GetDynamoProjection() *ddb.Projection
GetDynamoProjection gets the dynamodb Projection
func (*GSI) IsOnDemand ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*GSI) PartitionKeyName ¶ added in v0.2.0
PartitionKeyName returns the projection key name for this LSI or nil if not set
func (*GSI) SetCostUnits ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetCostUnits sets the cost units for this global secondary IndexDefinition and turns off on demand pricing if set if wcus and rcus are < 0 e.g. (-1, -1) then on demand pricing is set
func (*GSI) SetOnDemand ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetOnDemand removes provisioned throughput, setting the GSI to ON DEMAND pricing
func (*GSI) SetPartitionKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (g *GSI) SetPartitionKey(pkName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *GSI
SetPartitionKey sets the partition key for this GSI
func (*GSI) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (g *GSI) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *GSI
SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition sets the partition key for this GSI with an AttributeDefinition
func (*GSI) SetSortKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (g *GSI) SetSortKey(skName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *GSI
SetSortKey sets the sortKey key for this GSI
func (*GSI) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (g *GSI) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *GSI
SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition sets the partition key for this GSI with an AttributeDefinition
func (*GSI) SortKeyName ¶ added in v0.2.0
SortKeyName returns the sort key name for this LSI or nil if not set
type GetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItem struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetItem represents a GetItem operation
func NewGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewGetItem(input *ddb.GetItemInput, mws ...GetItemMiddleWare) *GetItem
NewGetItem creates a new GetItem operation
func (*GetItem) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *GetItem) Await() (*ddb.GetItemOutput, error)
Await waits for the GetItem operation to be fulfilled and then returns a GetItemOutput and error
type GetItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemBuilder struct { *ddb.GetItemInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetItemBuilder is used to dynamically build a GetItemInput request
func NewGetItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewGetItemBuilder(input *ddb.GetItemInput) *GetItemBuilder
NewGetItemBuilder returns a new GetItemBuilder for given tableName if tableName is not nil
func (*GetItemBuilder) AddProjection ¶ added in v0.2.9
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) AddProjection(names interface{}) *GetItemBuilder
AddProjection additional fields to the projection
func (*GetItemBuilder) AddProjectionNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *GetItemBuilder
AddProjectionNames adds additional field names to the projection with strings
func (*GetItemBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.GetItemInput, error)
Build returns a dynamodb.GetItemInput
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetConsistentRead ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetConsistentRead(v bool) *GetItemBuilder
SetConsistentRead sets the ConsistentRead field's value.
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *GetItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeNames sets the ExpressionAttributeNames field's value.
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.GetItemInput) *GetItemBuilder
SetInput sets the GetItemBuilder's dynamodb.GetItemInput
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *GetItemBuilder
SetKey sets the Key field's value.
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetProjectionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetProjectionExpression(v string) *GetItemBuilder
SetProjectionExpression sets the ProjectionExpression field's value.
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *GetItemBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*GetItemBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *GetItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *GetItemBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
type GetItemContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetItemContext represents an exhaustive GetItem operation request context
type GetItemFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemFinalHandler struct{}
GetItemFinalHandler is the final GetItemHandler that executes a dynamodb GetItem operation
func (*GetItemFinalHandler) HandleGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *GetItemFinalHandler) HandleGetItem(ctx *GetItemContext, output *GetItemOutput)
HandleGetItem implements the GetItemHandler
type GetItemHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemHandler interface {
HandleGetItem(ctx *GetItemContext, output *GetItemOutput)
GetItemHandler represents a handler for GetItem requests
type GetItemHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemHandlerFunc func(ctx *GetItemContext, output *GetItemOutput)
GetItemHandlerFunc is a GetItemHandler function
func (GetItemHandlerFunc) HandleGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h GetItemHandlerFunc) HandleGetItem(ctx *GetItemContext, output *GetItemOutput)
HandleGetItem implements GetItemHandler
type GetItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemMiddleWare interface {
GetItemMiddleWare(next GetItemHandler) GetItemHandler
GetItemMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping GetItemHandler requests
type GetItemMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemMiddleWareFunc func(next GetItemHandler) GetItemHandler
GetItemMiddleWareFunc is a functional GetItemMiddleWare
func (GetItemMiddleWareFunc) GetItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw GetItemMiddleWareFunc) GetItemMiddleWare(next GetItemHandler) GetItemHandler
GetItemMiddleWare implements the GetItemMiddleWare interface
type GetItemOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetItemOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetItemOutput represents the output for the GetItem operation
func (*GetItemOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *GetItemOutput) Get() (out *ddb.GetItemOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*GetItemOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *GetItemOutput) Set(out *ddb.GetItemOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type LSI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type LSI struct { IndexName string PartitionKey *ddb.AttributeDefinition SortKey *ddb.AttributeDefinition Projection []string }
LSI represents a Local Secondary IndexDefinition
func NewLSI ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewLSI creates a new Local Secondary IndexDefinition with a given name and key
func (*LSI) AddProjectionNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddProjectionNames adds projection names to this SortKey
func (*LSI) GetDynamoKeySchema ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LSI) GetDynamoKeySchema() []ddb.KeySchemaElement
GetDynamoKeySchema gets the dynamodb KeySchema
func (*LSI) GetDynamoLocalSecondaryIndex ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LSI) GetDynamoLocalSecondaryIndex() ddb.LocalSecondaryIndex
GetDynamoLocalSecondaryIndex gets a local secondary IndexDefinition dynamo object representation
func (*LSI) GetDynamoProjection ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LSI) GetDynamoProjection() *ddb.Projection
GetDynamoProjection gets the dynamodb Projection
func (*LSI) PartitionKeyName ¶ added in v0.2.0
PartitionKeyName returns the projection key name for this LSI or nil if not set
func (*LSI) SetPartitionKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *LSI) SetPartitionKey(pkName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *LSI
SetPartitionKey sets the partition key for this local IndexDefinition
func (*LSI) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LSI) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *LSI
SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition sets the partition key for this LSI with an AttributeDefinition
func (*LSI) SetSortKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *LSI) SetSortKey(skName string, attributeType ddb.ScalarAttributeType) *LSI
SetSortKey sets the sortKey key for this local IndexDefinition
func (*LSI) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (l *LSI) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddb.AttributeDefinition) *LSI
SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition sets the partition key for this LSI with an AttributeDefinition
func (*LSI) SortKeyName ¶ added in v0.2.0
SortKeyName returns the sort key name for this LSI or nil if not set
type ListAllBackupsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.11
type ListAllBackupsFinalHandler struct{}
ListAllBackupsFinalHandler is the final ListBackupsHandler that executes a dynamodb ListBackups operation
func (*ListAllBackupsFinalHandler) HandleListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *ListAllBackupsFinalHandler) HandleListBackups(ctx *ListBackupsContext, output *ListBackupsOutput)
HandleListBackups implements the ListBackupsHandler
type ListAllGlobalTablesFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.11
type ListAllGlobalTablesFinalHandler struct{}
ListAllGlobalTablesFinalHandler is the final ListGlobalTablesHandler that executes a dynamodb ListGlobalTables operation
func (*ListAllGlobalTablesFinalHandler) HandleListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *ListAllGlobalTablesFinalHandler) HandleListGlobalTables(ctx *ListGlobalTablesContext, output *ListGlobalTablesOutput)
HandleListGlobalTables implements the ListGlobalTablesHandler
type ListAllTablesFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.11
type ListAllTablesFinalHandler struct{}
ListAllTablesFinalHandler is the final ListTablesHandler that executes a dynamodb ListTables operation
func (*ListAllTablesFinalHandler) HandleListTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *ListAllTablesFinalHandler) HandleListTables(ctx *ListTablesContext, output *ListTablesOutput)
HandleListTables implements the ListTablesHandler
type ListAllTagsOfResourceFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.11
type ListAllTagsOfResourceFinalHandler struct{}
ListAllTagsOfResourceFinalHandler is the final ListTagsOfResourceHandler that executes a dynamodb ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*ListAllTagsOfResourceFinalHandler) HandleListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *ListAllTagsOfResourceFinalHandler) HandleListTagsOfResource(ctx *ListTagsOfResourceContext, output *ListTagsOfResourceOutput)
HandleListTagsOfResource implements the ListTagsOfResourceHandler
type ListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackups struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListBackups represents a ListBackups operation
func NewListAllBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewListAllBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mws ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
NewListAllBackups creates a new ListBackups operation
func NewListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mws ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
NewListBackups creates a new ListBackups operation
func (*ListBackups) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListBackups) Await() (*ddb.ListBackupsOutput, error)
Await waits for the ListBackups operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ListBackupsOutput and error
func (*ListBackups) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListBackups) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ListBackups
Invoke invokes the ListBackups operation in a goroutine and returns a ListBackups operation
func (*ListBackups) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ListBackups) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ListBackups operation
type ListBackupsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
ListBackupsContext represents an exhaustive ListBackups operation request context
type ListBackupsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackupsFinalHandler struct{}
ListBackupsFinalHandler is the final ListBackupsHandler that executes a dynamodb ListBackups operation
func (*ListBackupsFinalHandler) HandleListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ListBackupsFinalHandler) HandleListBackups(ctx *ListBackupsContext, output *ListBackupsOutput)
HandleListBackups implements the ListBackupsHandler
type ListBackupsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackupsHandler interface {
HandleListBackups(ctx *ListBackupsContext, output *ListBackupsOutput)
ListBackupsHandler represents a handler for ListBackups requests
type ListBackupsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackupsHandlerFunc func(ctx *ListBackupsContext, output *ListBackupsOutput)
ListBackupsHandlerFunc is a ListBackupsHandler function
func (ListBackupsHandlerFunc) HandleListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ListBackupsHandlerFunc) HandleListBackups(ctx *ListBackupsContext, output *ListBackupsOutput)
HandleListBackups implements ListBackupsHandler
type ListBackupsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackupsMiddleWare interface {
ListBackupsMiddleWare(next ListBackupsHandler) ListBackupsHandler
ListBackupsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ListBackupsHandler requests
type ListBackupsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackupsMiddleWareFunc func(next ListBackupsHandler) ListBackupsHandler
ListBackupsMiddleWareFunc is a functional ListBackupsMiddleWare
func (ListBackupsMiddleWareFunc) ListBackupsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ListBackupsMiddleWareFunc) ListBackupsMiddleWare(next ListBackupsHandler) ListBackupsHandler
ListBackupsMiddleWare implements the ListBackupsMiddleWare interface
type ListBackupsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListBackupsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListBackupsOutput represents the output for the ListBackups operation
func (*ListBackupsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListBackupsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ListBackupsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ListBackupsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListBackupsOutput) Set(out *ddb.ListBackupsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ListContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsights struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListContributorInsights represents a ListContributorInsights operation
func NewListContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListContributorInsights(input *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput, mws ...ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *ListContributorInsights
NewListContributorInsights creates a new ListContributorInsights operation
func (*ListContributorInsights) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListContributorInsights) Await() (*ddb.ListContributorInsightsOutput, error)
Await waits for the ListContributorInsights operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ListContributorInsightsOutput and error
func (*ListContributorInsights) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListContributorInsights) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ListContributorInsights
Invoke invokes the ListContributorInsights operation in a goroutine and returns a ListContributorInsights operation
func (*ListContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ListContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ListContributorInsights operation
type ListContributorInsightsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput Client *ddb.Client }
ListContributorInsightsContext represents an exhaustive ListContributorInsights operation request context
type ListContributorInsightsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsFinalHandler struct{}
ListContributorInsightsFinalHandler is the final ListContributorInsightsHandler that executes a dynamodb ListContributorInsights operation
func (*ListContributorInsightsFinalHandler) HandleListContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ListContributorInsightsFinalHandler) HandleListContributorInsights(ctx *ListContributorInsightsContext, output *ListContributorInsightsOutput)
HandleListContributorInsights implements the ListContributorInsightsHandler
type ListContributorInsightsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsHandler interface {
HandleListContributorInsights(ctx *ListContributorInsightsContext, output *ListContributorInsightsOutput)
ListContributorInsightsHandler represents a handler for ListContributorInsights requests
type ListContributorInsightsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsHandlerFunc func(ctx *ListContributorInsightsContext, output *ListContributorInsightsOutput)
ListContributorInsightsHandlerFunc is a ListContributorInsightsHandler function
func (ListContributorInsightsHandlerFunc) HandleListContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ListContributorInsightsHandlerFunc) HandleListContributorInsights(ctx *ListContributorInsightsContext, output *ListContributorInsightsOutput)
HandleListContributorInsights implements ListContributorInsightsHandler
type ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare interface {
ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare(next ListContributorInsightsHandler) ListContributorInsightsHandler
ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ListContributorInsightsHandler requests
type ListContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc func(next ListContributorInsightsHandler) ListContributorInsightsHandler
ListContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc is a functional ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare
func (ListContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc) ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ListContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc) ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare(next ListContributorInsightsHandler) ListContributorInsightsHandler
ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare implements the ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare interface
type ListContributorInsightsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListContributorInsightsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListContributorInsightsOutput represents the output for the ListContributorInsights operation
func (*ListContributorInsightsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListContributorInsightsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ListContributorInsightsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ListContributorInsightsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListContributorInsightsOutput) Set(out *ddb.ListContributorInsightsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ListExports ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExports struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListExports represents a ListExports operation
func NewListExports ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListExports(input *ddb.ListExportsInput, mws ...ListExportsMiddleWare) *ListExports
NewListExports creates a new ListExports operation
func (*ListExports) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListExports) Await() (*ddb.ListExportsOutput, error)
Await waits for the ListExports operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ListExportsOutput and error
func (*ListExports) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListExports) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ListExports
Invoke invokes the ListExports operation in a goroutine and returns a ListExports operation
func (*ListExports) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ListExports) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ListExports operation
type ListExportsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
ListExportsContext represents an exhaustive ListExports operation request context
type ListExportsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExportsFinalHandler struct{}
ListExportsFinalHandler is the final ListExportsHandler that executes a dynamodb ListExports operation
func (*ListExportsFinalHandler) HandleListExports ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ListExportsFinalHandler) HandleListExports(ctx *ListExportsContext, output *ListExportsOutput)
HandleListExports implements the ListExportsHandler
type ListExportsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExportsHandler interface {
HandleListExports(ctx *ListExportsContext, output *ListExportsOutput)
ListExportsHandler represents a handler for ListExports requests
type ListExportsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExportsHandlerFunc func(ctx *ListExportsContext, output *ListExportsOutput)
ListExportsHandlerFunc is a ListExportsHandler function
func (ListExportsHandlerFunc) HandleListExports ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ListExportsHandlerFunc) HandleListExports(ctx *ListExportsContext, output *ListExportsOutput)
HandleListExports implements ListExportsHandler
type ListExportsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExportsMiddleWare interface {
ListExportsMiddleWare(next ListExportsHandler) ListExportsHandler
ListExportsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ListExportsHandler requests
type ListExportsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExportsMiddleWareFunc func(next ListExportsHandler) ListExportsHandler
ListExportsMiddleWareFunc is a functional ListExportsMiddleWare
func (ListExportsMiddleWareFunc) ListExportsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ListExportsMiddleWareFunc) ListExportsMiddleWare(next ListExportsHandler) ListExportsHandler
ListExportsMiddleWare implements the ListExportsMiddleWare interface
type ListExportsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListExportsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListExportsOutput represents the output for the ListExports operation
func (*ListExportsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListExportsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ListExportsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ListExportsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListExportsOutput) Set(out *ddb.ListExportsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTables struct { *BaseOperation Handler ListGlobalTablesHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListGlobalTables represents a ListGlobalTables operation
func NewListAllGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewListAllGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mws ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
NewListAllGlobalTables creates a new ListGlobalTables operation that lists ALL tables and combines their outputs
func NewListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mws ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
NewListGlobalTables creates a new ListGlobalTables operation
func (*ListGlobalTables) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListGlobalTables) Await() (*ddb.ListGlobalTablesOutput, error)
Await waits for the ListGlobalTables operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ListGlobalTablesOutput and error
func (*ListGlobalTables) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListGlobalTables) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ListGlobalTables
Invoke invokes the ListGlobalTables operation in a goroutine and returns a ListGlobalTables operation
func (*ListGlobalTables) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ListGlobalTables) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ListGlobalTables operation
type ListGlobalTablesContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput Client *ddb.Client }
ListGlobalTablesContext represents an exhaustive ListGlobalTables operation request context
type ListGlobalTablesFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesFinalHandler struct{}
ListGlobalTablesFinalHandler is the final ListGlobalTablesHandler that executes a dynamodb ListGlobalTables operation
func (*ListGlobalTablesFinalHandler) HandleListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ListGlobalTablesFinalHandler) HandleListGlobalTables(ctx *ListGlobalTablesContext, output *ListGlobalTablesOutput)
HandleListGlobalTables implements the ListGlobalTablesHandler
type ListGlobalTablesHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesHandler interface {
HandleListGlobalTables(ctx *ListGlobalTablesContext, output *ListGlobalTablesOutput)
ListGlobalTablesHandler represents a handler for ListGlobalTables requests
type ListGlobalTablesHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesHandlerFunc func(ctx *ListGlobalTablesContext, output *ListGlobalTablesOutput)
ListGlobalTablesHandlerFunc is a ListGlobalTablesHandler function
func (ListGlobalTablesHandlerFunc) HandleListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ListGlobalTablesHandlerFunc) HandleListGlobalTables(ctx *ListGlobalTablesContext, output *ListGlobalTablesOutput)
HandleListGlobalTables implements ListGlobalTablesHandler
type ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare interface {
ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare(next ListGlobalTablesHandler) ListGlobalTablesHandler
ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ListGlobalTablesHandler requests
type ListGlobalTablesMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesMiddleWareFunc func(next ListGlobalTablesHandler) ListGlobalTablesHandler
ListGlobalTablesMiddleWareFunc is a functional ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare
func (ListGlobalTablesMiddleWareFunc) ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ListGlobalTablesMiddleWareFunc) ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare(next ListGlobalTablesHandler) ListGlobalTablesHandler
ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare implements the ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare interface
type ListGlobalTablesOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListGlobalTablesOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListGlobalTablesOutput represents the output for the ListGlobalTables operation
func (*ListGlobalTablesOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListGlobalTablesOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ListGlobalTablesOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ListGlobalTablesOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListGlobalTablesOutput) Set(out *ddb.ListGlobalTablesOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ListTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTables struct { *BaseOperation Handler ListTablesHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListTables represents a ListTables operation
func NewListAllTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewListAllTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mws ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
NewListAllTables creates a new ListTables operation that lists ALL tables and combines their outputs
func NewListTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mws ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
NewListTables creates a new ListTables operation
func (*ListTables) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListTables) Await() (*ddb.ListTablesOutput, error)
Await waits for the ListTables operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ListTablesOutput and error
func (*ListTables) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListTables) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ListTables
Invoke invokes the ListTables operation in a goroutine and returns a ListTables operation
func (*ListTables) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ListTables) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ListTables operation
type ListTablesContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
ListTablesContext represents an exhaustive ListTables operation request context
type ListTablesFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTablesFinalHandler struct{}
ListTablesFinalHandler is the final ListTablesHandler that executes a dynamodb ListTables operation
func (*ListTablesFinalHandler) HandleListTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ListTablesFinalHandler) HandleListTables(ctx *ListTablesContext, output *ListTablesOutput)
HandleListTables implements the ListTablesHandler
type ListTablesHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTablesHandler interface {
HandleListTables(ctx *ListTablesContext, output *ListTablesOutput)
ListTablesHandler represents a handler for ListTables requests
type ListTablesHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTablesHandlerFunc func(ctx *ListTablesContext, output *ListTablesOutput)
ListTablesHandlerFunc is a ListTablesHandler function
func (ListTablesHandlerFunc) HandleListTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ListTablesHandlerFunc) HandleListTables(ctx *ListTablesContext, output *ListTablesOutput)
HandleListTables implements ListTablesHandler
type ListTablesMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTablesMiddleWare interface {
ListTablesMiddleWare(next ListTablesHandler) ListTablesHandler
ListTablesMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ListTablesHandler requests
type ListTablesMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTablesMiddleWareFunc func(next ListTablesHandler) ListTablesHandler
ListTablesMiddleWareFunc is a functional ListTablesMiddleWare
func (ListTablesMiddleWareFunc) ListTablesMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ListTablesMiddleWareFunc) ListTablesMiddleWare(next ListTablesHandler) ListTablesHandler
ListTablesMiddleWare implements the ListTablesMiddleWare interface
type ListTablesOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTablesOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListTablesOutput represents the output for the ListTables operation
func (*ListTablesOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListTablesOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ListTablesOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ListTablesOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListTablesOutput) Set(out *ddb.ListTablesOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type ListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResource struct { *BaseOperation Handler ListTagsOfResourceHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListTagsOfResource represents a ListTagsOfResource operation
func NewListAllTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewListAllTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mws ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
NewListAllTagsOfResource creates a new ListTagsOfResource operation
func NewListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewListTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mws ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
NewListTagsOfResource creates a new ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*ListTagsOfResource) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListTagsOfResource) Await() (*ddb.ListTagsOfResourceOutput, error)
Await waits for the ListTagsOfResource operation to be fulfilled and then returns a ListTagsOfResourceOutput and error
func (*ListTagsOfResource) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *ListTagsOfResource) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *ListTagsOfResource
Invoke invokes the ListTagsOfResource operation in a goroutine and returns a ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*ListTagsOfResource) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *ListTagsOfResource) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the ListTagsOfResource operation
type ListTagsOfResourceContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput Client *ddb.Client }
ListTagsOfResourceContext represents an exhaustive ListTagsOfResource operation request context
type ListTagsOfResourceFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceFinalHandler struct{}
ListTagsOfResourceFinalHandler is the final ListTagsOfResourceHandler that executes a dynamodb ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*ListTagsOfResourceFinalHandler) HandleListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ListTagsOfResourceFinalHandler) HandleListTagsOfResource(ctx *ListTagsOfResourceContext, output *ListTagsOfResourceOutput)
HandleListTagsOfResource implements the ListTagsOfResourceHandler
type ListTagsOfResourceHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceHandler interface {
HandleListTagsOfResource(ctx *ListTagsOfResourceContext, output *ListTagsOfResourceOutput)
ListTagsOfResourceHandler represents a handler for ListTagsOfResource requests
type ListTagsOfResourceHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceHandlerFunc func(ctx *ListTagsOfResourceContext, output *ListTagsOfResourceOutput)
ListTagsOfResourceHandlerFunc is a ListTagsOfResourceHandler function
func (ListTagsOfResourceHandlerFunc) HandleListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ListTagsOfResourceHandlerFunc) HandleListTagsOfResource(ctx *ListTagsOfResourceContext, output *ListTagsOfResourceOutput)
HandleListTagsOfResource implements ListTagsOfResourceHandler
type ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare interface {
ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare(next ListTagsOfResourceHandler) ListTagsOfResourceHandler
ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ListTagsOfResourceHandler requests
type ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWareFunc func(next ListTagsOfResourceHandler) ListTagsOfResourceHandler
ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWareFunc is a functional ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare
func (ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWareFunc) ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWareFunc) ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare(next ListTagsOfResourceHandler) ListTagsOfResourceHandler
ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare implements the ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare interface
type ListTagsOfResourceOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ListTagsOfResourceOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListTagsOfResourceOutput represents the output for the ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*ListTagsOfResourceOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListTagsOfResourceOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ListTagsOfResourceOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ListTagsOfResourceOutput) Set(out *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type Operation ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Operation interface { InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) SetResponse(output interface{}, err error) SetRunning() }
Operation must be implemented on types that can be executed as an operation in Session or Pool
type OperationError ¶ added in v0.2.11
type OperationError string
OperationError is an error returned by a BaseOperation
func (OperationError) Error ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (e OperationError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface
type OperationF ¶ added in v0.2.0
OperationF is an operation function that implements Operation
func (OperationF) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op OperationF) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation implements Operation
func (OperationF) SetResponse ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op OperationF) SetResponse(interface{}, error)
SetResponse implements Operation but effectively does nothing
func (OperationF) SetRunning ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op OperationF) SetRunning()
SetRunning implements Operation but effectively does nothing
type OperationState ¶ added in v0.2.11
type OperationState uint32
OperationState represents the current state of the BaseOperation
const ( // OperationPending is the default state OperationPending OperationState = iota // OperationRunning is the state when a operation is waiting for a response OperationRunning // OperationDone is the state when a operation has returned OperationDone )
func (OperationState) String ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p OperationState) String() string
String implements stringer
type Pool ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Pool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Pool is a batch request handler that spawns a number of workers to handle requests
func NewPool ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewPool creates a new pool with a context Session connection and limit the context is used for all Executions
func (*Pool) ActiveCount ¶ added in v0.2.0
ActiveCount returns number of active operations
func (*Pool) BatchExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) BatchExecuteStatement(input *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementInput, mw ...BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *BatchExecuteStatement
BatchExecuteStatement executes a BatchExecuteStatement operation with a BatchExecuteStatementInput in this pool and returns the BatchExecuteStatementPromise
func (*Pool) BatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) BatchGetItem(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mw ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
BatchGetItem executes a BatchGetItem operation with a BatchGetItemInput in this pool and returns the BatchGetItem operation
func (*Pool) BatchGetItemAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) BatchGetItemAll(input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mw ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
BatchGetItemAll executes a BatchGetItem operation with a BatchGetItemInput in this pool and returns the BatchGetItem operation
func (*Pool) BatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) BatchWriteItem(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
BatchWriteItem executes a BatchWriteItem operation with a BatchWriteItemInput in this pool and returns the BatchWriteItem operation
func (*Pool) BatchWriteItemAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) BatchWriteItemAll(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
BatchWriteItemAll executes a BatchWriteItem operation with a BatchWriteItemInput in this pool and returns the BatchWriteItem operation
func (*Pool) CreateBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) CreateBackup(input *ddb.CreateBackupInput, mw ...CreateBackupMiddleWare) *CreateBackup
CreateBackup creates a new CreateBackup, passes it to the Pool and then returns the CreateBackup
func (*Pool) CreateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) CreateGlobalTable(input *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput, mw ...CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *CreateGlobalTable
CreateGlobalTable creates a new CreateGlobalTable, passes it to the Pool and then returns the CreateGlobalTable
func (*Pool) CreateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) CreateTable(input *ddb.CreateTableInput, mw ...CreateTableMiddleWare) *CreateTable
CreateTable creates a new CreateTable, passes it to the Pool and then returns the CreateTable
func (*Pool) DeleteBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DeleteBackup(input *ddb.DeleteBackupInput, mw ...DeleteBackupMiddleWare) *DeleteBackup
DeleteBackup creates a new DeleteBackup, passes it to the Pool and then returns the DeleteBackup
func (*Pool) DeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DeleteItem(input *ddb.DeleteItemInput, mw ...DeleteItemMiddleWare) *DeleteItem
DeleteItem executes a DeleteItem operation with a DeleteItemInput in this pool and returns the DeleteItem operation
func (*Pool) DeleteTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DeleteTable(input *ddb.DeleteTableInput, mw ...DeleteTableMiddleWare) *DeleteTable
DeleteTable executes a DeleteTable operation with a DeleteTableInput in this pool and returns the DeleteTable
func (*Pool) DescribeBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeBackup(input *ddb.DescribeBackupInput, mw ...DescribeBackupMiddleWare) *DescribeBackup
DescribeBackup executes a DescribeBackup operation with a DescribeBackupInput in this pool and returns the DescribeBackup
func (*Pool) DescribeContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeContinuousBackups(input *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput, mw ...DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare) *DescribeContinuousBackups
DescribeContinuousBackups executes a DescribeContinuousBackups operation with a DescribeContinuousBackupsInput in this pool and returns the DescribeContinuousBackups
func (*Pool) DescribeContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeContributorInsights(input *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput, mw ...DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *DescribeContributorInsights
DescribeContributorInsights executes a DescribeContributorInsights operation with a DescribeContributorInsightsInput in this pool and returns the DescribeContributorInsights
func (*Pool) DescribeEndpoints ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeEndpoints(input *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput, mw ...DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare) *DescribeEndpoints
DescribeEndpoints executes a DescribeEndpoints operation with a DescribeEndpointsInput in this pool and returns the DescribeEndpoints
func (*Pool) DescribeExport ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeExport(input *ddb.DescribeExportInput, mw ...DescribeExportMiddleWare) *DescribeExport
DescribeExport executes a DescribeExport operation with a DescribeExportInput in this pool and returns the DescribeExport
func (*Pool) DescribeGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeGlobalTable(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput, mw ...DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTable
DescribeGlobalTable executes a DescribeGlobalTable operation with a DescribeGlobalTableInput in this pool and returns the DescribeGlobalTable
func (*Pool) DescribeGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput, mw ...DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
DescribeGlobalTableSettings executes a DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation with a DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput in this pool and returns the DescribeGlobalTableSettings
func (*Pool) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mw ...DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination executes a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation with a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput in this pool and returns the DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
func (*Pool) DescribeLimits ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeLimits(input *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput, mw ...DescribeLimitsMiddleWare) *DescribeLimits
DescribeLimits executes a DescribeLimits operation with a DescribeLimitsInput in this pool and returns the DescribeLimits
func (*Pool) DescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeTable(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *DescribeTable
DescribeTable executes a DescribeTable operation with a DescribeTableInput in this pool and returns the DescribeTable operation
func (*Pool) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, mw ...DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling executes a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation with a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput in this pool and returns the DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*Pool) DescribeTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DescribeTimeToLive(input *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput, mw ...DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *DescribeTimeToLive
DescribeTimeToLive executes a DescribeTimeToLive operation with a DescribeTimeToLiveInput in this pool and returns the DescribeTimeToLive operation
func (*Pool) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mw ...DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
DisableKinesisStreamingDestination executes a DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation with a DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput in this pool and returns the DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
func (*Pool) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mw ...EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
EnableKinesisStreamingDestination executes a EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation with a EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput in this pool and returns the EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*Pool) ExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ExecuteStatement(input *ddb.ExecuteStatementInput, mw ...ExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *ExecuteStatement
ExecuteStatement executes a ExecuteStatement operation with a ExecuteStatementInput in this pool and returns the ExecuteStatement operation
func (*Pool) ExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ExecuteTransaction(input *ddb.ExecuteTransactionInput, mw ...ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare) *ExecuteTransaction
ExecuteTransaction executes a ExecuteTransaction operation with a ExecuteTransactionInput in this pool and returns the ExecuteTransaction operation
func (*Pool) ExportTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ExportTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput, mw ...ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare) *ExportTableToPointInTime
ExportTableToPointInTime executes a ExportTableToPointInTime operation with a ExportTableToPointInTimeInput in this pool and returns the ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func (*Pool) GetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) GetItem(input *ddb.GetItemInput, mw ...GetItemMiddleWare) *GetItem
GetItem executes a GetItem operation with a GetItemInput in this pool and returns the GetItem operation
func (*Pool) ListAllBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *Pool) ListAllBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
ListAllBackups executes a ListBackups operation with a ListBackupsInput in this pool and returns the ListBackups operation
func (*Pool) ListAllGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *Pool) ListAllGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
ListAllGlobalTables executes a ListGlobalTables operation with a ListGlobalTablesInput in this pool and returns the ListGlobalTables operation
func (*Pool) ListAllTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *Pool) ListAllTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
ListAllTables executes a ListTables operation with a ListTablesInput in this pool and returns the ListTables operation
func (*Pool) ListAllTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (p *Pool) ListAllTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
ListAllTagsOfResource executes a ListTagsOfResource operation with a ListTablesInput in this pool and returns the ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*Pool) ListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ListBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
ListBackups executes a ListBackups operation with a ListBackupsInput in this pool and returns the ListBackups operation
func (*Pool) ListContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ListContributorInsights(input *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput, mw ...ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *ListContributorInsights
ListContributorInsights executes a ListContributorInsights operation with a ListContributorInsightsInput in this pool and returns the ListContributorInsights operation
func (*Pool) ListExports ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ListExports(input *ddb.ListExportsInput, mw ...ListExportsMiddleWare) *ListExports
ListExports executes a ListExports operation with a ListExportsInput in this pool and returns the ListExports operation
func (*Pool) ListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ListGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
ListGlobalTables executes a ListGlobalTables operation with a ListGlobalTablesInput in this pool and returns the ListGlobalTables operation
func (*Pool) ListTables ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ListTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
ListTables executes a ListTables operation with a ListTablesInput in this pool and returns the ListTables operation
func (*Pool) ListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ListTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
ListTagsOfResource executes a ListTagsOfResource operation with a ListTagsOfResourceInput in this pool and returns the ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*Pool) PutItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) PutItem(input *ddb.PutItemInput, mw ...PutItemMiddleWare) *PutItem
PutItem executes a PutItem operation with a PutItemInput in this pool and returns the PutItem operation
func (*Pool) Query ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) Query(input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
Query executes a Query operation with a QueryInput in this pool and returns the Query operation
func (*Pool) QueryAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) QueryAll(input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
QueryAll executes a Query operation with a QueryInput in this pool and returns a Query operation that runs as many queries as it takes to get all of the values
func (*Pool) RestoreTableFromBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) RestoreTableFromBackup(input *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput, mw ...RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare) *RestoreTableFromBackup
RestoreTableFromBackup executes a RestoreTableFromBackup operation with a RestoreTableFromBackupInput in this pool and returns the RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func (*Pool) RestoreTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) RestoreTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput, mw ...RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
RestoreTableToPointInTime executes a RestoreTableToPointInTime operation with a RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput in this pool and returns the RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func (*Pool) Scan ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) Scan(input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
Scan executes a Scan operation with a ScanInput in this pool and returns the Scan operation
func (*Pool) ScanAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) ScanAll(input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
ScanAll executes a Scan operation with a ScanInput in this pool and returns a Scan operation that runs as many queries as it takes to get all of the values
func (*Pool) TableExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) TableExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableExistsWaiter
TableExistsWaiter executes a TableExistsWaiter operation with a DescribeTableInput in this pool and returns the TableExistsWaiter operation
func (*Pool) TableNotExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) TableNotExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableNotExistsWaiter
TableNotExistsWaiter executes a TableNotExistsWaiter operation with a DescribeTableInput in this pool and returns the TableNotExistsWaiter operation
func (*Pool) TagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) TagResource(input *ddb.TagResourceInput, mw ...TagResourceMiddleWare) *TagResource
TagResource executes a TagResource operation with a TagResourceInput in this pool and returns the TagResource operation
func (*Pool) TransactGetItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) TransactGetItems(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput, mw ...TransactGetItemsMiddleWare) *TransactGetItems
TransactGetItems executes a TransactGetItems operation with a TransactGetItemsInput in this pool and returns the TransactGetItems operation
func (*Pool) TransactWriteItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) TransactWriteItems(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput, mw ...TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare) *TransactWriteItems
TransactWriteItems executes a TransactWriteItems operation with a TransactWriteItemsInput in this pool and returns the TransactWriteItems operation
func (*Pool) UntagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UntagResource(input *ddb.UntagResourceInput, mw ...UntagResourceMiddleWare) *UntagResource
UntagResource executes a UntagResource operation with a UntagResourceInput in this pool and returns the UntagResource operation
func (*Pool) UpdateContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateContinuousBackups(input *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput, mw ...UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare) *UpdateContinuousBackups
UpdateContinuousBackups executes a UpdateContinuousBackups operation with a UpdateContinuousBackupsInput in this pool and returns the UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func (*Pool) UpdateContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateContributorInsights(input *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput, mw ...UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *UpdateContributorInsights
UpdateContributorInsights executes a UpdateContributorInsights operation with a UpdateContributorInsightsInput in this pool and returns the UpdateContributorInsights operation
func (*Pool) UpdateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateGlobalTable(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput, mw ...UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTable
UpdateGlobalTable executes a UpdateGlobalTable operation with a UpdateGlobalTableInput in this pool and returns the UpdateGlobalTable operation
func (*Pool) UpdateGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput, mw ...UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
UpdateGlobalTableSettings executes a UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation with a UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput in this pool and returns the UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*Pool) UpdateItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateItem(input *ddb.UpdateItemInput, mw ...UpdateItemMiddleWare) *UpdateItem
UpdateItem executes a UpdateItem operation with a UpdateItemInput in this pool and returns the UpdateItem operation
func (*Pool) UpdateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateTable(input *ddb.UpdateTableInput, mw ...UpdateTableMiddleWare) *UpdateTable
UpdateTable executes a UpdateTable operation with a UpdateTableInput in this pool and returns the UpdateTable operation
func (*Pool) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, mw ...UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling executes a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation with a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput in this pool and returns the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*Pool) UpdateTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (p *Pool) UpdateTimeToLive(input *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput, mw ...UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *UpdateTimeToLive
UpdateTimeToLive executes a UpdateTimeToLive operation with a UpdateTimeToLiveInput in this pool and returns the UpdateTimeToLive operation
type PutItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItem struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutItem represents a PutItem operation
func NewPutItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewPutItem(input *ddb.PutItemInput, mws ...PutItemMiddleWare) *PutItem
NewPutItem creates a new PutItem operation
func (*PutItem) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *PutItem) Await() (*ddb.PutItemOutput, error)
Await waits for the PutItem operation to be fulfilled and then returns a PutItemOutput and error
type PutItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemBuilder struct { *ddb.PutItemInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutItemBuilder allows for dynamic building of a PutItem input
func NewPutItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewPutItemBuilder(input *ddb.PutItemInput) *PutItemBuilder
NewPutItemBuilder creates a new PutItemBuilder with PutItemOpt
func (*PutItemBuilder) AddCondition ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) AddCondition(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *PutItemBuilder
AddCondition adds a condition to this put adding multiple conditions by calling this multiple times will join the conditions with an AND
func (*PutItemBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.PutItemInput, error)
Build builds the PutItemInput
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression(v string) *PutItemBuilder
SetConditionExpression sets the ConditionExpression field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetConditionalOperator ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetConditionalOperator(v ddbTypes.ConditionalOperator) *PutItemBuilder
SetConditionalOperator sets the ConditionalOperator field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetExpected ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetExpected(v map[string]ddbTypes.ExpectedAttributeValue) *PutItemBuilder
SetExpected sets the Expected field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *PutItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeNames sets the ExpressionAttributeNames field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *PutItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeValues sets the ExpressionAttributeValues field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *PutItemBuilder
SetItem shadows dynamodb.PutItemInput and sets the item that will be used to build the put input
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *PutItemBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *PutItemBuilder
SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics sets the ReturnItemCollectionMetrics field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetReturnValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetReturnValues(v ddbTypes.ReturnValue) *PutItemBuilder
SetReturnValues sets the ReturnValues field's value.
func (*PutItemBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *PutItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *PutItemBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
type PutItemContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
PutItemContext represents an exhaustive PutItem operation request context
type PutItemFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemFinalHandler struct{}
PutItemFinalHandler is the final PutItemHandler that executes a dynamodb PutItem operation
func (*PutItemFinalHandler) HandlePutItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *PutItemFinalHandler) HandlePutItem(ctx *PutItemContext, output *PutItemOutput)
HandlePutItem implements the PutItemHandler
type PutItemHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemHandler interface {
HandlePutItem(ctx *PutItemContext, output *PutItemOutput)
PutItemHandler represents a handler for PutItem requests
type PutItemHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemHandlerFunc func(ctx *PutItemContext, output *PutItemOutput)
PutItemHandlerFunc is a PutItemHandler function
func (PutItemHandlerFunc) HandlePutItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h PutItemHandlerFunc) HandlePutItem(ctx *PutItemContext, output *PutItemOutput)
HandlePutItem implements PutItemHandler
type PutItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemMiddleWare interface {
PutItemMiddleWare(next PutItemHandler) PutItemHandler
PutItemMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping PutItemHandler requests
type PutItemMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemMiddleWareFunc func(next PutItemHandler) PutItemHandler
PutItemMiddleWareFunc is a functional PutItemMiddleWare
func (PutItemMiddleWareFunc) PutItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw PutItemMiddleWareFunc) PutItemMiddleWare(next PutItemHandler) PutItemHandler
PutItemMiddleWare implements the PutItemMiddleWare interface
type PutItemOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PutItemOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutItemOutput represents the output for the PutItem operation
func (*PutItemOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *PutItemOutput) Get() (out *ddb.PutItemOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*PutItemOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *PutItemOutput) Set(out *ddb.PutItemOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type Query ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Query struct { *BaseOperation Handler QueryHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Query represents a Query operation
func NewQuery ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewQuery(input *ddb.QueryInput, mws ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
NewQuery creates a new Query
func NewQueryAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewQueryAll(input *ddb.QueryInput, mws ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
NewQueryAll creates a new QueryAll
func (*Query) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *Query) Await() (*ddb.QueryOutput, error)
Await waits for the QueryPromise to be fulfilled and then returns a QueryOutput and error
type QueryAllFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryAllFinalHandler struct{}
QueryAllFinalHandler is the final QueryAllHandler that executes a dynamodb QueryAll operation
func (*QueryAllFinalHandler) HandleQuery ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *QueryAllFinalHandler) HandleQuery(ctx *QueryContext, output *QueryOutput)
HandleQuery implements the QueryHandler
type QueryBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryBuilder struct { *ddb.QueryInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
QueryBuilder dynamically constructs a QueryInput
func NewQueryBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewQueryBuilder(input *ddb.QueryInput) *QueryBuilder
NewQueryBuilder creates a new QueryBuilder builder with QueryOpt
func (*QueryBuilder) AddFilter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddFilter(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *QueryBuilder
AddFilter adds a filter condition to this update adding multiple conditions by calling this multiple times will join the conditions with an AND
func (*QueryBuilder) AddKeyCondition ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddKeyCondition(cnd expression.KeyConditionBuilder) *QueryBuilder
AddKeyCondition adds a key condition to this update adding multiple conditions by calling this multiple times will join the conditions with an AND
func (*QueryBuilder) AddKeyEquals ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddKeyEquals(fieldName string, value interface{}) *QueryBuilder
AddKeyEquals adds a equality key condition for the given fieldName and value this is a shortcut for adding an equality condition which is common for queries
func (*QueryBuilder) AddProjection ¶ added in v0.2.9
func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddProjection(names interface{}) *QueryBuilder
AddProjection additional fields to the projection
func (*QueryBuilder) AddProjectionNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *QueryBuilder
AddProjectionNames adds additional field names to the projection
func (*QueryBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) Build() (*ddb.QueryInput, error)
Build builds the dynamodb.QueryInput
func (*QueryBuilder) SetAscOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetAscOrder() *QueryBuilder
SetAscOrder sets the query to return in ascending order
func (*QueryBuilder) SetAttributesToGet ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetAttributesToGet(v []string) *QueryBuilder
SetAttributesToGet sets the AttributesToGet field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetConditionalOperator ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetConditionalOperator(v ddbTypes.ConditionalOperator) *QueryBuilder
SetConditionalOperator sets the ConditionalOperator field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetConsistentRead ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetConsistentRead(v bool) *QueryBuilder
SetConsistentRead sets the ConsistentRead field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetDescOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetDescOrder() *QueryBuilder
SetDescOrder sets the query to return in descending order
func (*QueryBuilder) SetExclusiveStartKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetExclusiveStartKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *QueryBuilder
SetExclusiveStartKey sets the ExclusiveStartKey field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *QueryBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeNames sets the ExpressionAttributeNames field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *QueryBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeValues sets the ExpressionAttributeValues field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetFilterExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetFilterExpression(v string) *QueryBuilder
SetFilterExpression sets the FilterExpression field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetIndexName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetIndexName(v string) *QueryBuilder
SetIndexName sets the IndexName field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetKeyConditionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetKeyConditionExpression(v string) *QueryBuilder
SetKeyConditionExpression sets the KeyConditionExpression field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetKeyConditions ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetKeyConditions(v map[string]ddbTypes.Condition) *QueryBuilder
SetKeyConditions sets the KeyConditions field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetLimit(v int32) *QueryBuilder
SetLimit sets the Limit field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetProjectionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetProjectionExpression(v string) *QueryBuilder
SetProjectionExpression sets the ProjectionExpression field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetQueryFilter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetQueryFilter(v map[string]ddbTypes.Condition) *QueryBuilder
SetQueryFilter sets the QueryFilter field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *QueryBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetScanIndexForward ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetScanIndexForward(v bool) *QueryBuilder
SetScanIndexForward sets the ScanIndexForward field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetSelect ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetSelect(v ddbTypes.Select) *QueryBuilder
SetSelect sets the Select field's value.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *QueryBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *QueryBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
type QueryContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
QueryContext represents an exhaustive Query operation request context
type QueryFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryFinalHandler struct{}
QueryFinalHandler is the final QueryHandler that executes a dynamodb Query operation
func (*QueryFinalHandler) HandleQuery ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *QueryFinalHandler) HandleQuery(ctx *QueryContext, output *QueryOutput)
HandleQuery implements the QueryHandler
type QueryHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryHandler interface {
HandleQuery(ctx *QueryContext, output *QueryOutput)
QueryHandler represents a handler for Query requests
type QueryHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryHandlerFunc func(ctx *QueryContext, output *QueryOutput)
QueryHandlerFunc is a QueryHandler function
func (QueryHandlerFunc) HandleQuery ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h QueryHandlerFunc) HandleQuery(ctx *QueryContext, output *QueryOutput)
HandleQuery implements QueryHandler
type QueryMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryMiddleWare interface {
QueryMiddleWare(next QueryHandler) QueryHandler
QueryMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping QueryHandler requests
type QueryMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryMiddleWareFunc func(next QueryHandler) QueryHandler
QueryMiddleWareFunc is a functional QueryMiddleWare
func (QueryMiddleWareFunc) QueryMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw QueryMiddleWareFunc) QueryMiddleWare(next QueryHandler) QueryHandler
QueryMiddleWare implements the QueryMiddleWare interface
type QueryOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type QueryOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
QueryOutput represents the output for the Query opration
func (*QueryOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *QueryOutput) Get() (out *ddb.QueryOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*QueryOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *QueryOutput) Set(out *ddb.QueryOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type RestoreTableFromBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackup struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RestoreTableFromBackup represents a RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func NewRestoreTableFromBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewRestoreTableFromBackup(input *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput, mws ...RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare) *RestoreTableFromBackup
NewRestoreTableFromBackup creates a new RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func (*RestoreTableFromBackup) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *RestoreTableFromBackup) Await() (*ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupOutput, error)
Await waits for the RestoreTableFromBackup operation to be fulfilled and then returns a RestoreTableFromBackupOutput and error
func (*RestoreTableFromBackup) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *RestoreTableFromBackup) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *RestoreTableFromBackup
Invoke invokes the RestoreTableFromBackup operation in a goroutine and returns a RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func (*RestoreTableFromBackup) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *RestoreTableFromBackup) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the RestoreTableFromBackup operation
type RestoreTableFromBackupContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput Client *ddb.Client }
RestoreTableFromBackupContext represents an exhaustive RestoreTableFromBackup operation request context
type RestoreTableFromBackupFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupFinalHandler struct{}
RestoreTableFromBackupFinalHandler is the final RestoreTableFromBackupHandler that executes a dynamodb RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func (*RestoreTableFromBackupFinalHandler) HandleRestoreTableFromBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *RestoreTableFromBackupFinalHandler) HandleRestoreTableFromBackup(ctx *RestoreTableFromBackupContext, output *RestoreTableFromBackupOutput)
HandleRestoreTableFromBackup implements the RestoreTableFromBackupHandler
type RestoreTableFromBackupHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupHandler interface {
HandleRestoreTableFromBackup(ctx *RestoreTableFromBackupContext, output *RestoreTableFromBackupOutput)
RestoreTableFromBackupHandler represents a handler for RestoreTableFromBackup requests
type RestoreTableFromBackupHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupHandlerFunc func(ctx *RestoreTableFromBackupContext, output *RestoreTableFromBackupOutput)
RestoreTableFromBackupHandlerFunc is a RestoreTableFromBackupHandler function
func (RestoreTableFromBackupHandlerFunc) HandleRestoreTableFromBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h RestoreTableFromBackupHandlerFunc) HandleRestoreTableFromBackup(ctx *RestoreTableFromBackupContext, output *RestoreTableFromBackupOutput)
HandleRestoreTableFromBackup implements RestoreTableFromBackupHandler
type RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare interface {
RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare(next RestoreTableFromBackupHandler) RestoreTableFromBackupHandler
RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping RestoreTableFromBackupHandler requests
type RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWareFunc func(next RestoreTableFromBackupHandler) RestoreTableFromBackupHandler
RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWareFunc is a functional RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare
func (RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWareFunc) RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWareFunc) RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare(next RestoreTableFromBackupHandler) RestoreTableFromBackupHandler
RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare implements the RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare interface
type RestoreTableFromBackupOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableFromBackupOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RestoreTableFromBackupOutput represents the output for the RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func (*RestoreTableFromBackupOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *RestoreTableFromBackupOutput) Get() (out *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*RestoreTableFromBackupOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *RestoreTableFromBackupOutput) Set(out *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type RestoreTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTime struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RestoreTableToPointInTime represents a RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func NewRestoreTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewRestoreTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput, mws ...RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
NewRestoreTableToPointInTime creates a new RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func (*RestoreTableToPointInTime) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *RestoreTableToPointInTime) Await() (*ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput, error)
Await waits for the RestoreTableToPointInTime operation to be fulfilled and then returns a RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput and error
func (*RestoreTableToPointInTime) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *RestoreTableToPointInTime) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
Invoke invokes the RestoreTableToPointInTime operation in a goroutine and returns a RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func (*RestoreTableToPointInTime) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *RestoreTableToPointInTime) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput Client *ddb.Client }
RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext represents an exhaustive RestoreTableToPointInTime operation request context
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler struct{}
RestoreTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler is the final RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler that executes a dynamodb RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func (*RestoreTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler) HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *RestoreTableToPointInTimeFinalHandler) HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime(ctx *RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext, output *RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput)
HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime implements the RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler interface {
HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime(ctx *RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext, output *RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput)
RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler represents a handler for RestoreTableToPointInTime requests
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc func(ctx *RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext, output *RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput)
RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc is a RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler function
func (RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc) HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandlerFunc) HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime(ctx *RestoreTableToPointInTimeContext, output *RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput)
HandleRestoreTableToPointInTime implements RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare interface {
RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare(next RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler) RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler
RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler requests
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc func(next RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler) RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler
RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc is a functional RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare
func (RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc) RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWareFunc) RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare(next RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler) RestoreTableToPointInTimeHandler
RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare implements the RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare interface
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput represents the output for the RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func (*RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput) Get() (out *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput) Set(out *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type Scan ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Scan struct { *BaseOperation Handler ScanHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Scan represents a Scan operation
func NewScan ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewScan(input *ddb.ScanInput, mws ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
NewScan creates a new Scan
func NewScanAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewScanAll(input *ddb.ScanInput, mws ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
NewScanAll creates a new ScanAll
func (*Scan) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *Scan) Await() (*ddb.ScanOutput, error)
Await waits for the ScanPromise to be fulfilled and then returns a ScanOutput and error
type ScanAllFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanAllFinalHandler struct{}
ScanAllFinalHandler is the final ScanAllHandler that executes a dynamodb ScanAll operation
func (*ScanAllFinalHandler) HandleScan ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (h *ScanAllFinalHandler) HandleScan(ctx *ScanContext, output *ScanOutput)
HandleScan implements the ScanHandler
type ScanBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
ScanBuilder extends dynamodb.ScanInput to allow dynamic input building
func NewScanBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewScanBuilder(input *ddb.ScanInput) *ScanBuilder
NewScanBuilder creates a new scan builder with ScanOption
func (*ScanBuilder) AddFilter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) AddFilter(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *ScanBuilder
AddFilter adds a filter condition to the scan adding multiple conditions by calling this multiple times will join the conditions with an AND
func (*ScanBuilder) AddProjection ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) AddProjection(names interface{}) *ScanBuilder
AddProjection adds additional field names to the projection
func (*ScanBuilder) AddProjectionNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) AddProjectionNames(names ...string) *ScanBuilder
AddProjectionNames adds additional field names to the projection with strings
func (*ScanBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) Build() (*ddb.ScanInput, error)
Build builds the dynamodb.ScanInput
func (*ScanBuilder) BuildSegments ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) BuildSegments(segments int32) ([]*ddb.ScanInput, error)
BuildSegments builds the input input with included projection and creates separate inputs for each segment
func (*ScanBuilder) SetConsistentRead ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetConsistentRead(v bool) *ScanBuilder
SetConsistentRead sets the ConsistentRead field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetExclusiveStartKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetExclusiveStartKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ScanBuilder
SetExclusiveStartKey sets the ExclusiveStartKey field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *ScanBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeNames sets the ExpressionAttributeNames field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *ScanBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeValues sets the ExpressionAttributeValues field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetFilterExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetFilterExpression(v string) *ScanBuilder
SetFilterExpression sets the FilterExpression field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetIndexName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetIndexName(v string) *ScanBuilder
SetIndexName sets the IndexName field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.ScanInput) *ScanBuilder
SetInput sets the ScanBuilder's dynamodb.ScanInput
func (*ScanBuilder) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetLimit(v int32) *ScanBuilder
SetLimit sets the Limit field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetProjectionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetProjectionExpression(v string) *ScanBuilder
SetProjectionExpression sets the ProjectionExpression field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *ScanBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetScanFilter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetScanFilter(v map[string]ddbTypes.Condition) *ScanBuilder
SetScanFilter sets the ScanFilter field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetSegment ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetSegment(v int32) *ScanBuilder
SetSegment sets the Segment field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetSelect ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetSelect(v ddbTypes.Select) *ScanBuilder
SetSelect sets the Select field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *ScanBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
func (*ScanBuilder) SetTotalSegments ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *ScanBuilder) SetTotalSegments(v int32) *ScanBuilder
SetTotalSegments sets the TotalSegments field's value.
type ScanContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
ScanContext represents an exhaustive Scan operation request context
type ScanFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanFinalHandler struct{}
ScanFinalHandler is the final ScanHandler that executes a dynamodb Scan operation
func (*ScanFinalHandler) HandleScan ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *ScanFinalHandler) HandleScan(ctx *ScanContext, output *ScanOutput)
HandleScan implements the ScanHandler
type ScanHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanHandler interface {
HandleScan(ctx *ScanContext, output *ScanOutput)
ScanHandler represents a handler for Scan requests
type ScanHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanHandlerFunc func(ctx *ScanContext, output *ScanOutput)
ScanHandlerFunc is a ScanHandler function
func (ScanHandlerFunc) HandleScan ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h ScanHandlerFunc) HandleScan(ctx *ScanContext, output *ScanOutput)
HandleScan implements ScanHandler
type ScanMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanMiddleWare interface {
ScanMiddleWare(next ScanHandler) ScanHandler
ScanMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping ScanHandler requests
type ScanMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanMiddleWareFunc func(next ScanHandler) ScanHandler
ScanMiddleWareFunc is a functional ScanMiddleWare
func (ScanMiddleWareFunc) ScanMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw ScanMiddleWareFunc) ScanMiddleWare(next ScanHandler) ScanHandler
ScanMiddleWare implements the ScanMiddleWare interface
type ScanOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ScanOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ScanOutput represents the output for the Scan opration
func (*ScanOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ScanOutput) Get() (out *ddb.ScanOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*ScanOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *ScanOutput) Set(out *ddb.ScanOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type Session ¶
type Session struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Session represents a client to interact with both dynamodb and dax endpoints
func CreateTestClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func CreateTestClient() *Session
CreateTestClient crates a dyo session for testing
func NewSession ¶ added in v0.2.11
NewSession creates a new Session with provided dynamodb Session
func NewSessionWithConfig ¶ added in v0.2.11
func NewSessionWithConfig(ctx context.Context, config aws.Config, optFns ...func(*ddb.Options)) *Session
NewSessionWithConfig creates a new Session with provided aws.Config
func (*Session) BatchExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) BatchExecuteStatement(input *ddb.BatchExecuteStatementInput, mw ...BatchExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *BatchExecuteStatement
BatchExecuteStatement executes BatchExecuteStatement operation and returns a BatchExecuteStatementPromise
func (*Session) BatchGetItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) BatchGetItem(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mw ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
BatchGetItem executes BatchGetItem operation and returns a BatchGetItem operation
func (*Session) BatchGetItemAll ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) BatchGetItemAll(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.BatchGetItemInput, mw ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItem
BatchGetItemAll executes BatchGetItem operation and returns a BatchGetItem operation
func (*Session) BatchWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) BatchWriteItem(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
BatchWriteItem executes BatchWriteItem operation and returns a BatchWriteItem operation
func (*Session) BatchWriteItemAll ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) BatchWriteItemAll(input *ddb.BatchWriteItemInput, mw ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItem
BatchWriteItemAll executes BatchWriteItem operation and returns a BatchWriteItem operation
func (*Session) CreateBackup ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) CreateBackup(input *ddb.CreateBackupInput, mw ...CreateBackupMiddleWare) *CreateBackup
CreateBackup creates a new CreateBackup, invokes and returns it
func (*Session) CreateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) CreateGlobalTable(input *ddb.CreateGlobalTableInput, mw ...CreateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *CreateGlobalTable
CreateGlobalTable creates a new CreateGlobalTable, invokes and returns it
func (*Session) CreateTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) CreateTable(input *ddb.CreateTableInput, mw ...CreateTableMiddleWare) *CreateTable
CreateTable creates a new CreateTable, invokes and returns it
func (*Session) DeleteBackup ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DeleteBackup(input *ddb.DeleteBackupInput, mw ...DeleteBackupMiddleWare) *DeleteBackup
DeleteBackup creates a new DeleteBackup, invokes and returns it
func (*Session) DeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DeleteItem(input *ddb.DeleteItemInput, mw ...DeleteItemMiddleWare) *DeleteItem
DeleteItem executes DeleteItem operation and returns a DeleteItem operation
func (*Session) DeleteTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DeleteTable(input *ddb.DeleteTableInput, mw ...DeleteTableMiddleWare) *DeleteTable
DeleteTable executes DeleteTable operation and returns a DeleteTable
func (*Session) DescribeBackup ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeBackup(input *ddb.DescribeBackupInput, mw ...DescribeBackupMiddleWare) *DescribeBackup
DescribeBackup executes DescribeBackup operation and returns a DescribeBackup
func (*Session) DescribeContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeContinuousBackups(input *ddb.DescribeContinuousBackupsInput, mw ...DescribeContinuousBackupsMiddleWare) *DescribeContinuousBackups
DescribeContinuousBackups executes DescribeContinuousBackups operation and returns a DescribeContinuousBackups
func (*Session) DescribeContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeContributorInsights(input *ddb.DescribeContributorInsightsInput, mw ...DescribeContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *DescribeContributorInsights
DescribeContributorInsights executes DescribeContributorInsights operation and returns a DescribeContributorInsights
func (*Session) DescribeEndpoints ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeEndpoints(input *ddb.DescribeEndpointsInput, mw ...DescribeEndpointsMiddleWare) *DescribeEndpoints
DescribeEndpoints executes DescribeEndpoints operation and returns a DescribeEndpoints
func (*Session) DescribeExport ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeExport(input *ddb.DescribeExportInput, mw ...DescribeExportMiddleWare) *DescribeExport
DescribeExport executes DescribeExport operation and returns a DescribeExport
func (*Session) DescribeGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeGlobalTable(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableInput, mw ...DescribeGlobalTableMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTable
DescribeGlobalTable executes DescribeGlobalTable operation and returns a DescribeGlobalTable
func (*Session) DescribeGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.DescribeGlobalTableSettingsInput, mw ...DescribeGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare) *DescribeGlobalTableSettings
DescribeGlobalTableSettings executes DescribeGlobalTableSettings operation and returns a DescribeGlobalTableSettings
func (*Session) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mw ...DescribeKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination executes DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination operation and returns a DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination
func (*Session) DescribeLimits ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeLimits(input *ddb.DescribeLimitsInput, mw ...DescribeLimitsMiddleWare) *DescribeLimits
DescribeLimits executes DescribeLimits operation and returns a DescribeLimits
func (*Session) DescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeTable(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *DescribeTable
DescribeTable executes DescribeTable operation and returns a DescribeTable operation
func (*Session) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, mw ...DescribeTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare) *DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling
DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling executes DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation and returns a DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*Session) DescribeTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DescribeTimeToLive(input *ddb.DescribeTimeToLiveInput, mw ...DescribeTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *DescribeTimeToLive
DescribeTimeToLive executes DescribeTimeToLive operation and returns a DescribeTimeToLive operation
func (*Session) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mw ...DisableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *DisableKinesisStreamingDestination
DisableKinesisStreamingDestination executes DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation and returns a DisableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*Session) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination(input *ddb.EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationInput, mw ...EnableKinesisStreamingDestinationMiddleWare) *EnableKinesisStreamingDestination
EnableKinesisStreamingDestination executes EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation and returns a EnableKinesisStreamingDestination operation
func (*Session) ExecuteStatement ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ExecuteStatement(input *ddb.ExecuteStatementInput, mw ...ExecuteStatementMiddleWare) *ExecuteStatement
ExecuteStatement executes ExecuteStatement operation and returns a ExecuteStatement operation
func (*Session) ExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ExecuteTransaction(input *ddb.ExecuteTransactionInput, mw ...ExecuteTransactionMiddleWare) *ExecuteTransaction
ExecuteTransaction executes ExecuteTransaction operation and returns a ExecuteTransaction operation
func (*Session) ExportTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ExportTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.ExportTableToPointInTimeInput, mw ...ExportTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare) *ExportTableToPointInTime
ExportTableToPointInTime executes ExportTableToPointInTime operation and returns a ExportTableToPointInTime operation
func (*Session) GetItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) GetItem(input *ddb.GetItemInput, mw ...GetItemMiddleWare) *GetItem
GetItem executes GetItem operation and returns a GetItem operation
func (*Session) ListAllBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListAllBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
ListAllBackups executes ListBackups operation and returns a ListBackups operation
func (*Session) ListAllGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListAllGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
ListAllGlobalTables executes ListGlobalTables operation and returns a ListGlobalTables operation
func (*Session) ListAllTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListAllTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
ListAllTables executes ListTables operation and returns a ListTables operation
func (*Session) ListAllTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListAllTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
ListAllTagsOfResource executes ListTagsOfResource operation and returns a ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*Session) ListBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListBackups(input *ddb.ListBackupsInput, mw ...ListBackupsMiddleWare) *ListBackups
ListBackups executes ListBackups operation and returns a ListBackups operation
func (*Session) ListContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListContributorInsights(input *ddb.ListContributorInsightsInput, mw ...ListContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *ListContributorInsights
ListContributorInsights executes ListContributorInsights operation and returns a ListContributorInsights operation
func (*Session) ListExports ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListExports(input *ddb.ListExportsInput, mw ...ListExportsMiddleWare) *ListExports
ListExports executes ListExports operation and returns a ListExports operation
func (*Session) ListGlobalTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListGlobalTables(input *ddb.ListGlobalTablesInput, mw ...ListGlobalTablesMiddleWare) *ListGlobalTables
ListGlobalTables executes ListGlobalTables operation and returns a ListGlobalTables operation
func (*Session) ListTables ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListTables(input *ddb.ListTablesInput, mw ...ListTablesMiddleWare) *ListTables
ListTables executes ListTables operation and returns a ListTables operation
func (*Session) ListTagsOfResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ListTagsOfResource(input *ddb.ListTagsOfResourceInput, mw ...ListTagsOfResourceMiddleWare) *ListTagsOfResource
ListTagsOfResource executes ListTagsOfResource operation and returns a ListTagsOfResource operation
func (*Session) PutItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) PutItem(input *ddb.PutItemInput, mw ...PutItemMiddleWare) *PutItem
PutItem executes PutItem operation and returns a PutItem operation
func (*Session) Query ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) Query(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
Query executes Query operation and returns a Query operation
func (*Session) QueryAll ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) QueryAll(ctx context.Context, input *ddb.QueryInput, mw ...QueryMiddleWare) *Query
QueryAll executes Query operation and returns a Query operation that runs as many queries as it takes to get all of the values
func (*Session) RestoreTableFromBackup ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) RestoreTableFromBackup(input *ddb.RestoreTableFromBackupInput, mw ...RestoreTableFromBackupMiddleWare) *RestoreTableFromBackup
RestoreTableFromBackup executes RestoreTableFromBackup operation and returns a RestoreTableFromBackup operation
func (*Session) RestoreTableToPointInTime ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) RestoreTableToPointInTime(input *ddb.RestoreTableToPointInTimeInput, mw ...RestoreTableToPointInTimeMiddleWare) *RestoreTableToPointInTime
RestoreTableToPointInTime executes RestoreTableToPointInTime operation and returns a RestoreTableToPointInTime operation
func (*Session) ScanAll ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) ScanAll(input *ddb.ScanInput, mw ...ScanMiddleWare) *Scan
ScanAll executes Scan operation and returns a Scan operation that runs as many queries as it takes to get all of the values
func (*Session) TableExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) TableExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableExistsWaiter
TableExistsWaiter executes TableExistsWaiter operation and returns a TableExistsWaiter operation
func (*Session) TableNotExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) TableNotExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mw ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableNotExistsWaiter
TableNotExistsWaiter executes TableNotExistsWaiter operation and returns a TableNotExistsWaiter operation
func (*Session) TagResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) TagResource(input *ddb.TagResourceInput, mw ...TagResourceMiddleWare) *TagResource
TagResource executes TagResource operation and returns a TagResource operation
func (*Session) TransactGetItems ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) TransactGetItems(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput, mw ...TransactGetItemsMiddleWare) *TransactGetItems
TransactGetItems executes TransactGetItems operation and returns a TransactGetItems operation
func (*Session) TransactWriteItems ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) TransactWriteItems(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput, mw ...TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare) *TransactWriteItems
TransactWriteItems executes TransactWriteItems operation and returns a TransactWriteItems operation
func (*Session) UntagResource ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UntagResource(input *ddb.UntagResourceInput, mw ...UntagResourceMiddleWare) *UntagResource
UntagResource executes UntagResource operation and returns a UntagResource operation
func (*Session) UpdateContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateContinuousBackups(input *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput, mw ...UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare) *UpdateContinuousBackups
UpdateContinuousBackups executes UpdateContinuousBackups operation and returns a UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func (*Session) UpdateContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateContributorInsights(input *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput, mw ...UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *UpdateContributorInsights
UpdateContributorInsights executes UpdateContributorInsights operation and returns a UpdateContributorInsights operation
func (*Session) UpdateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateGlobalTable(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput, mw ...UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTable
UpdateGlobalTable executes UpdateGlobalTable operation and returns a UpdateGlobalTable operation
func (*Session) UpdateGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput, mw ...UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
UpdateGlobalTableSettings executes UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation and returns a UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*Session) UpdateItem ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateItem(input *ddb.UpdateItemInput, mw ...UpdateItemMiddleWare) *UpdateItem
UpdateItem executes UpdateItem operation and returns a UpdateItem operation
func (*Session) UpdateTable ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateTable(input *ddb.UpdateTableInput, mw ...UpdateTableMiddleWare) *UpdateTable
UpdateTable executes UpdateTable operation and returns a UpdateTable operation
func (*Session) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, mw ...UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling executes UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation and returns a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*Session) UpdateTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (s *Session) UpdateTimeToLive(input *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput, mw ...UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *UpdateTimeToLive
UpdateTimeToLive executes UpdateTimeToLive operation and returns a UpdateTimeToLive operation
type Table ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Table struct { *ddbTypes.TableDescription LastSync time.Time GSIs map[string]*GSI // map of global secondary indexes LSIs map[string]*LSI // map of local secondary indexes PartitionKeyAttributeDefinition *ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition // the Partition Key's AttributeDefinition SortKeyAttributeDefinition *ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition // the Sort Key's AttributeDefinition Tags []ddbTypes.Tag // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Table represents a dynamodb table
func CreateTestTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
CreateTestTable creates the test table
func NewTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
NewTable creates new table with provided table name, table key, and and options Mapper key is required
func (*Table) AddGSI ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddGSI adds a new GSI for this table provided GSI must have an IndexName or this func will panic
func (*Table) AddLSI ¶ added in v0.2.0
AddLSI adds a new LSI attached to this table provided LSI must have an IndexName or this func will panic
func (*Table) BackupInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) BackupInput(backupName string) *ddb.CreateBackupInput
BackupInput creates a CreateBackupInput for this table with a given backup name
func (*Table) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) Create() (*CreateTable, error)
Create creates a new CreateTable operation
func (*Table) CreateTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) CreateTableInput() (*ddb.CreateTableInput, error)
CreateTableInput returns the table builder for this table
func (*Table) CreateTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) CreateTableMiddleWare(next CreateTableHandler) CreateTableHandler
CreateTableMiddleWare returns a CreateTableMiddleWare that will update this table from the create table operation output
func (*Table) Delete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) Delete() *DeleteTable
Delete returns a new DeleteTable operation for this table
func (*Table) DeleteInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) DeleteInput() *ddb.DeleteTableInput
DeleteInput creates a DeleteTableInput for this table
func (*Table) DescribeTableInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) DescribeTableInput() *ddb.DescribeTableInput
DescribeTableInput gets the DescribeTableInput for this table
func (*Table) DescribeTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) DescribeTableMiddleWare(next DescribeTableHandler) DescribeTableHandler
DescribeTableMiddleWare updates this table with the output of the describe table output
func (*Table) Description ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) Description() *ddbTypes.TableDescription
Description returns the table description
func (*Table) ExtractAllKeys ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) ExtractAllKeys(avMaps []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue
ExtractAllKeys extracts all key values from a slice of dynamodb.AttributeValue maps
func (*Table) ExtractKeys ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) ExtractKeys(avMap map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue
ExtractKeys extracts key values from a dynamodb.AttributeValue map
func (*Table) ExtractPartitionKeyValue ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) ExtractPartitionKeyValue(avMap map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) ddbTypes.AttributeValue
ExtractPartitionKeyValue extracts this table's partition key attribute value from a given input panics if this table does not have a partition key
func (*Table) ExtractSortKeyValue ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) ExtractSortKeyValue(avMap map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) ddbTypes.AttributeValue
ExtractSortKeyValue extracts this table's sort key attribute value from a given input panics if this table does not have a partition key
func (*Table) IsOnDemand ¶ added in v0.2.0
IsOnDemand returns true if the table is set to On Demand pricing
func (*Table) Name ¶ added in v0.2.0
Name returns this table's name as a string will panic if name is nil
func (*Table) NewBackup ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) NewBackup(backupName string) *CreateBackup
NewBackup creates a backup operation for this table returns a channel that will return a BackupResult when backup completes
func (*Table) NewBatchGetBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (t *Table) NewBatchGetBuilder(items []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue, mws ...BatchGetItemMiddleWare) *BatchGetItemBuilder
NewBatchGetBuilder returns a new NewBatchGetBuilder for this table with given key items
func (*Table) NewBatchWriteBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (t *Table) NewBatchWriteBuilder(puts []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue, deletes []map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue, mws ...BatchWriteItemMiddleWare) *BatchWriteItemBuilder
NewBatchWriteBuilder returns a new BatchWriteItemBuilder
func (*Table) NewPutItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) NewPutItemBuilder() *PutItemBuilder
NewPutItemBuilder creates a PutBuilder for this table
func (*Table) PartitionKeyName ¶ added in v0.2.0
PartitionKeyName returns the partition key name
func (*Table) QueryBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) QueryBuilder() *QueryBuilder
QueryBuilder returns a new QueryBuilder for this table
func (*Table) ScanBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) ScanBuilder() *ScanBuilder
ScanBuilder returns a new ScanBuilder for this table
func (*Table) SetCostUnits ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetCostUnits sets both the read and write cost units
func (*Table) SetOnDemand ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetOnDemand sets the table to On Demand billing mode
func (*Table) SetPartitionKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) SetPartitionKey(pkName string, attributeType ddbTypes.ScalarAttributeType) *Table
SetPartitionKey sets the partition key for this table
func (*Table) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Table) SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *Table
SetPartitionKeyAttributeDefinition sets the partition key for this Table with an AttributeDefinition
func (*Table) SetReadCostUnits ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetReadCostUnits sets the read cost units for this table
func (*Table) SetSortKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) SetSortKey(skName string, attributeType ddbTypes.ScalarAttributeType) *Table
SetSortKey sets the sortKey key for this table
func (*Table) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *Table) SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition(def *ddbTypes.AttributeDefinition) *Table
SetSortKeyAttributeDefinition sets the sort key for this Table with an AttributeDefinition
func (*Table) SetWriteCostUnits ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetWriteCostUnits sets the write cost units for this table
func (*Table) SortKeyName ¶ added in v0.2.0
SortKeyName returns the table's sort key
func (*Table) TableExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) TableExistsWaiter() *TableExistsWaiter
TableExistsWaiter returns a new TableExistsWaiter for this table
func (*Table) TableNotExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) TableNotExistsWaiter() *TableNotExistsWaiter
TableNotExistsWaiter returns a new TableExistsWaiter for this table
func (*Table) UniqueKeyCondition ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) UniqueKeyCondition() *expression.ConditionBuilder
UniqueKeyCondition returns a Builder that represents a unique key condition
func (*Table) UpdateWithRemote ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) UpdateWithRemote() *TableExistsWaiter
UpdateWithRemote creates a new NewTableExistsWaiter with a callback that updates the table from the remote description
func (*Table) UpdateWithTableDescription ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) UpdateWithTableDescription(input *ddbTypes.TableDescription)
UpdateWithTableDescription sets the table description to the input value
type TableExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TableExistsWaiter struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TableExistsWaiter represents an operation that waits for a table to exist
func NewTableExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTableExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mws ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableExistsWaiter
NewTableExistsWaiter creates a new TableExistsWaiter operation on the given client with a given DescribeTableInput and options
func (*TableExistsWaiter) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TableExistsWaiter) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *TableExistsWaiter
Invoke invokes the TableExistsWaiter operation in a goroutine and returns a TableExistsWaiter operation
func (*TableExistsWaiter) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *TableExistsWaiter) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation implements the Operation interface
type TableExistsWaiterFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TableExistsWaiterFinalHandler struct{}
TableExistsWaiterFinalHandler is the final TableWaiterHandler that executes a dynamodb TableExistsWaiter operation
func (*TableExistsWaiterFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *TableExistsWaiterFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTable(ctx *DescribeTableContext, output *DescribeTableOutput)
HandleDescribeTable implements the DescribeTableHandler
type TableNotExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TableNotExistsWaiter struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TableNotExistsWaiter represents an operation that waits for a table to exist
func NewTableNotExistsWaiter ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTableNotExistsWaiter(input *ddb.DescribeTableInput, mws ...DescribeTableMiddleWare) *TableNotExistsWaiter
NewTableNotExistsWaiter creates a new TableNotExistsWaiter operation on the given client with a given DescribeTableInput and options
func (*TableNotExistsWaiter) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TableNotExistsWaiter) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *TableNotExistsWaiter
Invoke invokes the TableNotExistsWaiter operation in a goroutine and returns a TableNotExistsWaiter operation
func (*TableNotExistsWaiter) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *TableNotExistsWaiter) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the TableNotExistsWaiter operation
type TableNotExistsWaiterFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TableNotExistsWaiterFinalHandler struct{}
TableNotExistsWaiterFinalHandler is the final TableNotExistsWaiterHandler that executes a dynamodb TableNotExistsWaiter operation
func (*TableNotExistsWaiterFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *TableNotExistsWaiterFinalHandler) HandleDescribeTable(ctx *DescribeTableContext, output *DescribeTableOutput)
HandleDescribeTable implements the DescribeTableHandler
type TagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResource struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TagResource represents a TagResource operation
func NewTagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTagResource(input *ddb.TagResourceInput, mws ...TagResourceMiddleWare) *TagResource
NewTagResource creates a new TagResource operation
func (*TagResource) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TagResource) Await() (*ddb.TagResourceOutput, error)
Await waits for the TagResource operation to be fulfilled and then returns a TagResourceOutput and error
func (*TagResource) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TagResource) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *TagResource
Invoke invokes the TagResource operation in a goroutine and returns a TagResource operation
func (*TagResource) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *TagResource) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the TagResource operation
type TagResourceBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceBuilder struct { *ddb.TagResourceInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TagResourceBuilder is used to dynamically build a TagResourceInput request
type TagResourceContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
TagResourceContext represents an exhaustive TagResource operation request context
type TagResourceFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceFinalHandler struct{}
TagResourceFinalHandler is the final TagResourceHandler that executes a dynamodb TagResource operation
func (*TagResourceFinalHandler) HandleTagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *TagResourceFinalHandler) HandleTagResource(ctx *TagResourceContext, output *TagResourceOutput)
HandleTagResource implements the TagResourceHandler
type TagResourceHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceHandler interface {
HandleTagResource(ctx *TagResourceContext, output *TagResourceOutput)
TagResourceHandler represents a handler for TagResource requests
type TagResourceHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceHandlerFunc func(ctx *TagResourceContext, output *TagResourceOutput)
TagResourceHandlerFunc is a TagResourceHandler function
func (TagResourceHandlerFunc) HandleTagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h TagResourceHandlerFunc) HandleTagResource(ctx *TagResourceContext, output *TagResourceOutput)
HandleTagResource implements TagResourceHandler
type TagResourceMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceMiddleWare interface {
TagResourceMiddleWare(next TagResourceHandler) TagResourceHandler
TagResourceMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping TagResourceHandler requests
type TagResourceMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceMiddleWareFunc func(next TagResourceHandler) TagResourceHandler
TagResourceMiddleWareFunc is a functional TagResourceMiddleWare
func (TagResourceMiddleWareFunc) TagResourceMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw TagResourceMiddleWareFunc) TagResourceMiddleWare(next TagResourceHandler) TagResourceHandler
TagResourceMiddleWare implements the TagResourceMiddleWare interface
type TagResourceOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TagResourceOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TagResourceOutput represents the output for the TagResource operation
func (*TagResourceOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *TagResourceOutput) Get() (out *ddb.TagResourceOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*TagResourceOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *TagResourceOutput) Set(out *ddb.TagResourceOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type TestEmbeddedItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
TestEmbeddedItem represents a simple embedded test record used for testing
type TestItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TestItem struct { ID string `dynamodbav:"id"` TimeStamp int64 `dynamodbav:"timestamp"` Embedded *TestEmbeddedItem `dynamodbav:",*"` }
TestItem represents a simple test record used for testing
func GetTestItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTestItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTestItem() *TestItem
NewTestItem creates a new random TestItem
type TestItemMarshaller ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TestItemMarshaller struct { ID string TimeStamp time.Time Embedded *TestEmbeddedItem }
TestItemMarshaller represents a simple test record used for testing with marshalling
func GetMarshalledTestRecords ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetMarshalledTestRecords(cnt int) []*TestItemMarshaller
func NewMarshalledTestItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewMarshalledTestItem() *TestItemMarshaller
NewMarshalledTestItem creates a new random TestItemMarshaller
func (TestItemMarshaller) MarshalAttributeValueMap ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (m TestItemMarshaller) MarshalAttributeValueMap(av map[string]ddbType.AttributeValue) error
MarshalAttributeValueMap implements the encoding.ItemMarshaller interface
func (*TestItemMarshaller) UnmarshalAttributeValueMap ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (m *TestItemMarshaller) UnmarshalAttributeValueMap(avMap map[string]ddbType.AttributeValue) error
UnmarshalAttributeValueMap implements the encoding.ItemUnmarshaller interface
type TransactGetItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItems struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactGetItems represents a TransactGetItems operation
func NewTransactGetItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTransactGetItems(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput, mws ...TransactGetItemsMiddleWare) *TransactGetItems
NewTransactGetItems creates a new TransactGetItems operation
func (*TransactGetItems) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TransactGetItems) Await() (*ddb.TransactGetItemsOutput, error)
Await waits for the TransactGetItems operation to be fulfilled and then returns a TransactGetItemsOutput and error
func (*TransactGetItems) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TransactGetItems) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *TransactGetItems
Invoke invokes the TransactGetItems operation in a goroutine and returns a TransactGetItems operation
func (*TransactGetItems) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *TransactGetItems) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the TransactGetItems operation
type TransactGetItemsBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsBuilder struct { *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactGetItemsBuilder is used to dynamically build a TransactGetItemsInput request
func NewTransactGetItemsBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTransactGetItemsBuilder(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
NewTransactGetItemsBuilder returns a new TransactGetItemsBuilder for given tableName if tableName is not nil
func (*TransactGetItemsBuilder) AddGet ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) AddGet(gets ...*ddbTypes.Get) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
AddGet adds a get request
func (*TransactGetItemsBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) Build() *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput
Build returns a dynamodb.TransactGetItemsInput
func (*TransactGetItemsBuilder) SetInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
SetInput sets the TransactGetItemsBuilder's dynamodb.TransactGetItemsInput
func (*TransactGetItemsBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactGetItemsBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *TransactGetItemsBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
type TransactGetItemsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.TransactGetItemsInput Client *ddb.Client }
TransactGetItemsContext represents an exhaustive TransactGetItems operation request context
type TransactGetItemsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsFinalHandler struct{}
TransactGetItemsFinalHandler is the final TransactGetItemsHandler that executes a dynamodb TransactGetItems operation
func (*TransactGetItemsFinalHandler) HandleTransactGetItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *TransactGetItemsFinalHandler) HandleTransactGetItems(ctx *TransactGetItemsContext, output *TransactGetItemsOutput)
HandleTransactGetItems implements the TransactGetItemsHandler
type TransactGetItemsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsHandler interface {
HandleTransactGetItems(ctx *TransactGetItemsContext, output *TransactGetItemsOutput)
TransactGetItemsHandler represents a handler for TransactGetItems requests
type TransactGetItemsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsHandlerFunc func(ctx *TransactGetItemsContext, output *TransactGetItemsOutput)
TransactGetItemsHandlerFunc is a TransactGetItemsHandler function
func (TransactGetItemsHandlerFunc) HandleTransactGetItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h TransactGetItemsHandlerFunc) HandleTransactGetItems(ctx *TransactGetItemsContext, output *TransactGetItemsOutput)
HandleTransactGetItems implements TransactGetItemsHandler
type TransactGetItemsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsMiddleWare interface {
TransactGetItemsMiddleWare(next TransactGetItemsHandler) TransactGetItemsHandler
TransactGetItemsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping TransactGetItemsHandler requests
type TransactGetItemsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsMiddleWareFunc func(next TransactGetItemsHandler) TransactGetItemsHandler
TransactGetItemsMiddleWareFunc is a functional TransactGetItemsMiddleWare
func (TransactGetItemsMiddleWareFunc) TransactGetItemsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw TransactGetItemsMiddleWareFunc) TransactGetItemsMiddleWare(next TransactGetItemsHandler) TransactGetItemsHandler
TransactGetItemsMiddleWare implements the TransactGetItemsMiddleWare interface
type TransactGetItemsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactGetItemsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactGetItemsOutput represents the output for the TransactGetItems operation
func (*TransactGetItemsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *TransactGetItemsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.TransactGetItemsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*TransactGetItemsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *TransactGetItemsOutput) Set(out *ddb.TransactGetItemsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type TransactWriteItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItems struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactWriteItems represents a TransactWriteItems operation
func NewTransactWriteItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTransactWriteItems(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput, mws ...TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare) *TransactWriteItems
NewTransactWriteItems creates a new TransactWriteItems operation
func (*TransactWriteItems) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TransactWriteItems) Await() (*ddb.TransactWriteItemsOutput, error)
Await waits for the TransactWriteItems operation to be fulfilled and then returns a TransactWriteItemsOutput and error
func (*TransactWriteItems) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *TransactWriteItems) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *TransactWriteItems
Invoke invokes the TransactWriteItems operation in a goroutine and returns a TransactWriteItems operation
func (*TransactWriteItems) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *TransactWriteItems) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the TransactWriteItems operation
type TransactWriteItemsBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsBuilder struct { *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactWriteItemsBuilder is used to dynamically build a TransactWriteItemsInput request
func NewTransactWriteItemsBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewTransactWriteItemsBuilder(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
NewTransactWriteItemsBuilder returns a new TransactWriteItemsBuilder for given tableName if tableName is not nil
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddDelete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddDelete(del *ddbTypes.Delete, cnd *ddbTypes.ConditionCheck) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
AddDelete adds a delete request
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddPut ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddPut(put *ddbTypes.Put, cnd *ddbTypes.ConditionCheck) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
AddPut adds a put request
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddTransactWriteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddTransactWriteItem(write ddbTypes.TransactWriteItem) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
AddTransactWriteItem adds a TransactWriteItem
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddUpdate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) AddUpdate(update *ddbTypes.Update, cnd *ddbTypes.ConditionCheck) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
AddUpdate adds an update request
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) Build() *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput
Build returns a dynamodb.TransactWriteItemsInput
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) SetInput ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) SetInput(input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
SetInput sets the TransactWriteItemsBuilder's dynamodb.TransactWriteItemsInput
func (*TransactWriteItemsBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *TransactWriteItemsBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *TransactWriteItemsBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
type TransactWriteItemsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.TransactWriteItemsInput Client *ddb.Client }
TransactWriteItemsContext represents an exhaustive TransactWriteItems operation request context
type TransactWriteItemsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsFinalHandler struct{}
TransactWriteItemsFinalHandler is the final TransactWriteItemsHandler that executes a dynamodb TransactWriteItems operation
func (*TransactWriteItemsFinalHandler) HandleTransactWriteItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *TransactWriteItemsFinalHandler) HandleTransactWriteItems(ctx *TransactWriteItemsContext, output *TransactWriteItemsOutput)
HandleTransactWriteItems implements the TransactWriteItemsHandler
type TransactWriteItemsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsHandler interface {
HandleTransactWriteItems(ctx *TransactWriteItemsContext, output *TransactWriteItemsOutput)
TransactWriteItemsHandler represents a handler for TransactWriteItems requests
type TransactWriteItemsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsHandlerFunc func(ctx *TransactWriteItemsContext, output *TransactWriteItemsOutput)
TransactWriteItemsHandlerFunc is a TransactWriteItemsHandler function
func (TransactWriteItemsHandlerFunc) HandleTransactWriteItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h TransactWriteItemsHandlerFunc) HandleTransactWriteItems(ctx *TransactWriteItemsContext, output *TransactWriteItemsOutput)
HandleTransactWriteItems implements TransactWriteItemsHandler
type TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare interface {
TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare(next TransactWriteItemsHandler) TransactWriteItemsHandler
TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping TransactWriteItemsHandler requests
type TransactWriteItemsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsMiddleWareFunc func(next TransactWriteItemsHandler) TransactWriteItemsHandler
TransactWriteItemsMiddleWareFunc is a functional TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare
func (TransactWriteItemsMiddleWareFunc) TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw TransactWriteItemsMiddleWareFunc) TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare(next TransactWriteItemsHandler) TransactWriteItemsHandler
TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare implements the TransactWriteItemsMiddleWare interface
type TransactWriteItemsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactWriteItemsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactWriteItemsOutput represents the output for the TransactWriteItems operation
func (*TransactWriteItemsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *TransactWriteItemsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.TransactWriteItemsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*TransactWriteItemsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *TransactWriteItemsOutput) Set(out *ddb.TransactWriteItemsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UnmarshalMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.5
type UnmarshalMiddleWare struct { Unmarshal func(m map[string]types.AttributeValue) error UnmarshalSlice func(ms []map[string]types.AttributeValue) error }
UnmarshalMiddleWare used for unmarshalling the result of get requests
func NewUnmarshaler ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUnmarshaler(target interface{}) *UnmarshalMiddleWare
NewUnmarshaler creates a new Unmarshaler with a given target interface{}
func (*UnmarshalMiddleWare) BatchGetItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) BatchGetItemMiddleWare(next BatchGetItemHandler) BatchGetItemHandler
BatchGetItemMiddleWare implements the BatchGetItemMiddleWare interface
func (*UnmarshalMiddleWare) GetItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) GetItemMiddleWare(next GetItemHandler) GetItemHandler
GetItemMiddleWare implements the GetItemMiddleWare interface
func (*UnmarshalMiddleWare) QueryMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) QueryMiddleWare(next QueryHandler) QueryHandler
QueryMiddleWare implements the QueryMiddleWare interface
func (*UnmarshalMiddleWare) ScanMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.6
func (mw *UnmarshalMiddleWare) ScanMiddleWare(next ScanHandler) ScanHandler
ScanMiddleWare implements the ScanMiddleWare interface
type UntagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResource struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UntagResource represents a UntagResource operation
func NewUntagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUntagResource(input *ddb.UntagResourceInput, mws ...UntagResourceMiddleWare) *UntagResource
NewUntagResource creates a new UntagResource operation
func (*UntagResource) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UntagResource) Await() (*ddb.UntagResourceOutput, error)
Await waits for the UntagResource operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UntagResourceOutput and error
func (*UntagResource) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UntagResource) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UntagResource
Invoke invokes the UntagResource operation in a goroutine and returns a UntagResource operation
func (*UntagResource) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UntagResource) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UntagResource operation
type UntagResourceBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceBuilder struct { *ddb.UntagResourceInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UntagResourceBuilder is used to dynamically build a UntagResourceInput request
type UntagResourceContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UntagResourceInput Client *ddb.Client }
UntagResourceContext represents an exhaustive UntagResource operation request context
type UntagResourceFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceFinalHandler struct{}
UntagResourceFinalHandler is the final UntagResourceHandler that executes a dynamodb UntagResource operation
func (*UntagResourceFinalHandler) HandleUntagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UntagResourceFinalHandler) HandleUntagResource(ctx *UntagResourceContext, output *UntagResourceOutput)
HandleUntagResource implements the UntagResourceHandler
type UntagResourceHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceHandler interface {
HandleUntagResource(ctx *UntagResourceContext, output *UntagResourceOutput)
UntagResourceHandler represents a handler for UntagResource requests
type UntagResourceHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceHandlerFunc func(ctx *UntagResourceContext, output *UntagResourceOutput)
UntagResourceHandlerFunc is a UntagResourceHandler function
func (UntagResourceHandlerFunc) HandleUntagResource ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UntagResourceHandlerFunc) HandleUntagResource(ctx *UntagResourceContext, output *UntagResourceOutput)
HandleUntagResource implements UntagResourceHandler
type UntagResourceMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceMiddleWare interface {
UntagResourceMiddleWare(next UntagResourceHandler) UntagResourceHandler
UntagResourceMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UntagResourceHandler requests
type UntagResourceMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceMiddleWareFunc func(next UntagResourceHandler) UntagResourceHandler
UntagResourceMiddleWareFunc is a functional UntagResourceMiddleWare
func (UntagResourceMiddleWareFunc) UntagResourceMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UntagResourceMiddleWareFunc) UntagResourceMiddleWare(next UntagResourceHandler) UntagResourceHandler
UntagResourceMiddleWare implements the UntagResourceMiddleWare interface
type UntagResourceOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UntagResourceOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UntagResourceOutput represents the output for the UntagResource operation
func (*UntagResourceOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UntagResourceOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UntagResourceOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UntagResourceOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UntagResourceOutput) Set(out *ddb.UntagResourceOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackups struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateContinuousBackups represents a UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func NewUpdateContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateContinuousBackups(input *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput, mws ...UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare) *UpdateContinuousBackups
NewUpdateContinuousBackups creates a new UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func (*UpdateContinuousBackups) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateContinuousBackups) Await() (*ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateContinuousBackups operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput and error
func (*UpdateContinuousBackups) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateContinuousBackups) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateContinuousBackups
Invoke invokes the UpdateContinuousBackups operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func (*UpdateContinuousBackups) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateContinuousBackups) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateContinuousBackups operation
type UpdateContinuousBackupsBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsBuilder struct { *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateContinuousBackupsBuilder is used to dynamically build a UpdateContinuousBackupsInput request
type UpdateContinuousBackupsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsInput Client *ddb.Client }
UpdateContinuousBackupsContext represents an exhaustive UpdateContinuousBackups operation request context
type UpdateContinuousBackupsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateContinuousBackupsFinalHandler is the final UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func (*UpdateContinuousBackupsFinalHandler) HandleUpdateContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateContinuousBackupsFinalHandler) HandleUpdateContinuousBackups(ctx *UpdateContinuousBackupsContext, output *UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput)
HandleUpdateContinuousBackups implements the UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler
type UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler interface {
HandleUpdateContinuousBackups(ctx *UpdateContinuousBackupsContext, output *UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput)
UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler represents a handler for UpdateContinuousBackups requests
type UpdateContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateContinuousBackupsContext, output *UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput)
UpdateContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc is a UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler function
func (UpdateContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateContinuousBackups ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateContinuousBackupsHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateContinuousBackups(ctx *UpdateContinuousBackupsContext, output *UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput)
HandleUpdateContinuousBackups implements UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler
type UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare interface {
UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare(next UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler) UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler
UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler requests
type UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler) UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler
UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare
func (UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc) UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWareFunc) UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare(next UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler) UpdateContinuousBackupsHandler
UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare implements the UpdateContinuousBackupsMiddleWare interface
type UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput represents the output for the UpdateContinuousBackups operation
func (*UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateContinuousBackupsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsights struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateContributorInsights represents a UpdateContributorInsights operation
func NewUpdateContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateContributorInsights(input *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput, mws ...UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare) *UpdateContributorInsights
NewUpdateContributorInsights creates a new UpdateContributorInsights operation
func (*UpdateContributorInsights) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateContributorInsights) Await() (*ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateContributorInsights operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateContributorInsightsOutput and error
func (*UpdateContributorInsights) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateContributorInsights) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateContributorInsights
Invoke invokes the UpdateContributorInsights operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateContributorInsights operation
func (*UpdateContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateContributorInsights) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateContributorInsights operation
type UpdateContributorInsightsBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsBuilder struct { *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateContributorInsightsBuilder is used to dynamically build a UpdateContributorInsightsInput request
type UpdateContributorInsightsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsInput Client *ddb.Client }
UpdateContributorInsightsContext represents an exhaustive UpdateContributorInsights operation request context
type UpdateContributorInsightsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateContributorInsightsFinalHandler is the final UpdateContributorInsightsHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateContributorInsights operation
func (*UpdateContributorInsightsFinalHandler) HandleUpdateContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateContributorInsightsFinalHandler) HandleUpdateContributorInsights(ctx *UpdateContributorInsightsContext, output *UpdateContributorInsightsOutput)
HandleUpdateContributorInsights implements the UpdateContributorInsightsHandler
type UpdateContributorInsightsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsHandler interface {
HandleUpdateContributorInsights(ctx *UpdateContributorInsightsContext, output *UpdateContributorInsightsOutput)
UpdateContributorInsightsHandler represents a handler for UpdateContributorInsights requests
type UpdateContributorInsightsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateContributorInsightsContext, output *UpdateContributorInsightsOutput)
UpdateContributorInsightsHandlerFunc is a UpdateContributorInsightsHandler function
func (UpdateContributorInsightsHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateContributorInsights ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateContributorInsightsHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateContributorInsights(ctx *UpdateContributorInsightsContext, output *UpdateContributorInsightsOutput)
HandleUpdateContributorInsights implements UpdateContributorInsightsHandler
type UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare interface {
UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare(next UpdateContributorInsightsHandler) UpdateContributorInsightsHandler
UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateContributorInsightsHandler requests
type UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateContributorInsightsHandler) UpdateContributorInsightsHandler
UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare
func (UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc) UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWareFunc) UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare(next UpdateContributorInsightsHandler) UpdateContributorInsightsHandler
UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare implements the UpdateContributorInsightsMiddleWare interface
type UpdateContributorInsightsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateContributorInsightsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateContributorInsightsOutput represents the output for the UpdateContributorInsights operation
func (*UpdateContributorInsightsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateContributorInsightsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateContributorInsightsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateContributorInsightsOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateContributorInsightsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateGlobalTable represents a UpdateGlobalTable operation
func NewUpdateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateGlobalTable(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput, mws ...UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTable
NewUpdateGlobalTable creates a new UpdateGlobalTable operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateGlobalTable) Await() (*ddb.UpdateGlobalTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateGlobalTable operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateGlobalTableOutput and error
func (*UpdateGlobalTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateGlobalTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateGlobalTable
Invoke invokes the UpdateGlobalTable operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateGlobalTable operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateGlobalTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateGlobalTable operation
type UpdateGlobalTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableInput Client *ddb.Client }
UpdateGlobalTableContext represents an exhaustive UpdateGlobalTable operation request context
type UpdateGlobalTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateGlobalTableFinalHandler is the final UpdateGlobalTableHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateGlobalTable operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTableFinalHandler) HandleUpdateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateGlobalTableFinalHandler) HandleUpdateGlobalTable(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableOutput)
HandleUpdateGlobalTable implements the UpdateGlobalTableHandler
type UpdateGlobalTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableHandler interface {
HandleUpdateGlobalTable(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableOutput)
UpdateGlobalTableHandler represents a handler for UpdateGlobalTable requests
type UpdateGlobalTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableOutput)
UpdateGlobalTableHandlerFunc is a UpdateGlobalTableHandler function
func (UpdateGlobalTableHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateGlobalTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateGlobalTableHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateGlobalTable(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableOutput)
HandleUpdateGlobalTable implements UpdateGlobalTableHandler
type UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare interface {
UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare(next UpdateGlobalTableHandler) UpdateGlobalTableHandler
UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateGlobalTableHandler requests
type UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateGlobalTableHandler) UpdateGlobalTableHandler
UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare
func (UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc) UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWareFunc) UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare(next UpdateGlobalTableHandler) UpdateGlobalTableHandler
UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare implements the UpdateGlobalTableMiddleWare interface
type UpdateGlobalTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateGlobalTableOutput represents the output for the UpdateGlobalTable operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateGlobalTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateGlobalTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateGlobalTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettings struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateGlobalTableSettings represents a UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func NewUpdateGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateGlobalTableSettings(input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput, mws ...UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
NewUpdateGlobalTableSettings creates a new UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTableSettings) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateGlobalTableSettings) Await() (*ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput and error
func (*UpdateGlobalTableSettings) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateGlobalTableSettings) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateGlobalTableSettings
Invoke invokes the UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTableSettings) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateGlobalTableSettings) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsInput Client *ddb.Client }
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext represents an exhaustive UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation request context
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler is the final UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler) HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsFinalHandler) HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings implements the UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler interface {
HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler represents a handler for UpdateGlobalTableSettings requests
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc is a UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler function
func (UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings(ctx *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsContext, output *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput)
HandleUpdateGlobalTableSettings implements UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare interface {
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare(next UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler) UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler requests
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler) UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare
func (UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc) UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWareFunc) UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare(next UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler) UpdateGlobalTableSettingsHandler
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare implements the UpdateGlobalTableSettingsMiddleWare interface
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput represents the output for the UpdateGlobalTableSettings operation
func (*UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateGlobalTableSettingsOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItem struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateItem represents a UpdateItem operation
func NewUpdateItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateItem(input *ddb.UpdateItemInput, mws ...UpdateItemMiddleWare) *UpdateItem
NewUpdateItem creates a new UpdateItem operation
func (*UpdateItem) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateItem) Await() (*ddb.UpdateItemOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateItem operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateItemOutput and error
func (*UpdateItem) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateItem) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateItem
Invoke invokes the UpdateItem operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateItem operation
func (*UpdateItem) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateItem) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateItem operation
type UpdateItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemBuilder struct { *ddb.UpdateItemInput // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateItemBuilder is used to build an UpdateItemInput
func NewUpdateItemBuilder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateItemBuilder(input *ddb.UpdateItemInput) *UpdateItemBuilder
NewUpdateItemBuilder creates a new UpdateItemBuilder
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) Add ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Add(field string, value interface{}) *UpdateItemBuilder
Add adds an Add operation on this update with the given field name and value
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) AddCondition ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) AddCondition(cnd expression.ConditionBuilder) *UpdateItemBuilder
AddCondition adds a condition to this update adding multiple conditions by calling this multiple times will join the conditions with an AND
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) AddItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) AddItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
AddItem adds an add operation on this update with the given fields and values from an item
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Build() (*ddb.UpdateItemInput, error)
Build builds the dynamodb.UpdateItemInput
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) Delete ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Delete(field string, value interface{}) *UpdateItemBuilder
Delete adds a Delete operation on this update with the given field name and value
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) DeleteItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) DeleteItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
DeleteItem adds a delete operation on this update with the given fields and values from an item
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) Remove ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Remove(fields ...string) *UpdateItemBuilder
Remove adds one or more Remove operations on this update with the given field name
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) Set(field string, value interface{}) *UpdateItemBuilder
Set adds a set operation on this update with the given field and value
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetAttributeUpdates ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetAttributeUpdates(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValueUpdate) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetAttributeUpdates sets the AttributeUpdates field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetConditionExpression(v string) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetConditionExpression sets the ConditionExpression field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetConditionalOperator ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetConditionalOperator(v ddbTypes.ConditionalOperator) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetConditionalOperator sets the ConditionalOperator field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpected ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpected(v map[string]ddbTypes.ExpectedAttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetExpected sets the Expected field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeNames(v map[string]string) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeNames sets the ExpressionAttributeNames field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetExpressionAttributeValues(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetExpressionAttributeValues sets the ExpressionAttributeValues field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetItem(item map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetItem adds a set operation on this update with the given fields and values from an item
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetKey ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetKey(v map[string]ddbTypes.AttributeValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetKey sets the Key field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnConsumedCapacity(v ddbTypes.ReturnConsumedCapacity) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetReturnConsumedCapacity sets the ReturnConsumedCapacity field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics(v ddbTypes.ReturnItemCollectionMetrics) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetReturnItemCollectionMetrics sets the ReturnItemCollectionMetrics field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnValues ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetReturnValues(v ddbTypes.ReturnValue) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetReturnValues sets the ReturnValues field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetTableName ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetTableName(v string) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.
func (*UpdateItemBuilder) SetUpdateExpression ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (bld *UpdateItemBuilder) SetUpdateExpression(v string) *UpdateItemBuilder
SetUpdateExpression sets the UpdateExpression field's value.
type UpdateItemContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
UpdateItemContext represents an exhaustive UpdateItem operation request context
type UpdateItemFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateItemFinalHandler is the final UpdateItemHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateItem operation
func (*UpdateItemFinalHandler) HandleUpdateItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateItemFinalHandler) HandleUpdateItem(ctx *UpdateItemContext, output *UpdateItemOutput)
HandleUpdateItem implements the UpdateItemHandler
type UpdateItemHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemHandler interface {
HandleUpdateItem(ctx *UpdateItemContext, output *UpdateItemOutput)
UpdateItemHandler represents a handler for UpdateItem requests
type UpdateItemHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateItemContext, output *UpdateItemOutput)
UpdateItemHandlerFunc is a UpdateItemHandler function
func (UpdateItemHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateItem ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateItemHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateItem(ctx *UpdateItemContext, output *UpdateItemOutput)
HandleUpdateItem implements UpdateItemHandler
type UpdateItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemMiddleWare interface {
UpdateItemMiddleWare(next UpdateItemHandler) UpdateItemHandler
UpdateItemMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateItemHandler requests
type UpdateItemMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateItemHandler) UpdateItemHandler
UpdateItemMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateItemMiddleWare
func (UpdateItemMiddleWareFunc) UpdateItemMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateItemMiddleWareFunc) UpdateItemMiddleWare(next UpdateItemHandler) UpdateItemHandler
UpdateItemMiddleWare implements the UpdateItemMiddleWare interface
type UpdateItemOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateItemOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateItemOutput represents the output for the UpdateItem operation
func (*UpdateItemOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateItemOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateItemOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateItemOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateItemOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateItemOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTable struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateTable represents a UpdateTable operation
func NewUpdateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateTable(input *ddb.UpdateTableInput, mws ...UpdateTableMiddleWare) *UpdateTable
NewUpdateTable creates a new UpdateTable operation
func (*UpdateTable) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateTable) Await() (*ddb.UpdateTableOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateTable operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateTableOutput and error
func (*UpdateTable) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateTable) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateTable
Invoke invokes the UpdateTable operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateTable operation
func (*UpdateTable) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateTable) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateTable operation
type UpdateTableContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
UpdateTableContext represents an exhaustive UpdateTable operation request context
type UpdateTableFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateTableFinalHandler is the final UpdateTableHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateTable operation
func (*UpdateTableFinalHandler) HandleUpdateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateTableFinalHandler) HandleUpdateTable(ctx *UpdateTableContext, output *UpdateTableOutput)
HandleUpdateTable implements the UpdateTableHandler
type UpdateTableHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableHandler interface {
HandleUpdateTable(ctx *UpdateTableContext, output *UpdateTableOutput)
UpdateTableHandler represents a handler for UpdateTable requests
type UpdateTableHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateTableContext, output *UpdateTableOutput)
UpdateTableHandlerFunc is a UpdateTableHandler function
func (UpdateTableHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateTableHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateTable(ctx *UpdateTableContext, output *UpdateTableOutput)
HandleUpdateTable implements UpdateTableHandler
type UpdateTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableMiddleWare interface {
UpdateTableMiddleWare(next UpdateTableHandler) UpdateTableHandler
UpdateTableMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateTableHandler requests
type UpdateTableMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateTableHandler) UpdateTableHandler
UpdateTableMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateTableMiddleWare
func (UpdateTableMiddleWareFunc) UpdateTableMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateTableMiddleWareFunc) UpdateTableMiddleWare(next UpdateTableHandler) UpdateTableHandler
UpdateTableMiddleWare implements the UpdateTableMiddleWare interface
type UpdateTableOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateTableOutput represents the output for the UpdateTable operation
func (*UpdateTableOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateTableOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateTableOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateTableOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateTableOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateTableOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling represents a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(input *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput, mws ...UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
NewUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling creates a new UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) Await() (*ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput and error
func (*UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling
Invoke invokes the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingInput Client *ddb.Client }
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext represents an exhaustive UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation request context
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler is the final UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler) HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingFinalHandler) HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(ctx *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling implements the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler interface {
HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(ctx *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler represents a handler for UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling requests
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc is a UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler function
func (UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling(ctx *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingContext, output *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput)
HandleUpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling implements UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare interface {
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare(next UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler requests
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare
func (UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWareFunc) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare(next UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingHandler
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare implements the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingMiddleWare interface
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput represents the output for the UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling operation
func (*UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScalingOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
type UpdateTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLive struct { *BaseOperation // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateTimeToLive represents a UpdateTimeToLive operation
func NewUpdateTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewUpdateTimeToLive(input *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput, mws ...UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare) *UpdateTimeToLive
NewUpdateTimeToLive creates a new UpdateTimeToLive operation
func (*UpdateTimeToLive) Await ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateTimeToLive) Await() (*ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveOutput, error)
Await waits for the UpdateTimeToLive operation to be fulfilled and then returns a UpdateTimeToLiveOutput and error
func (*UpdateTimeToLive) Invoke ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (op *UpdateTimeToLive) Invoke(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client) *UpdateTimeToLive
Invoke invokes the UpdateTimeToLive operation in a goroutine and returns a UpdateTimeToLive operation
func (*UpdateTimeToLive) InvokeDynoOperation ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (op *UpdateTimeToLive) InvokeDynoOperation(ctx context.Context, client *ddb.Client)
InvokeDynoOperation invokes the UpdateTimeToLive operation
type UpdateTimeToLiveContext ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveContext struct { context.Context Input *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveInput Client *ddb.Client }
UpdateTimeToLiveContext represents an exhaustive UpdateTimeToLive operation request context
type UpdateTimeToLiveFinalHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveFinalHandler struct{}
UpdateTimeToLiveFinalHandler is the final UpdateTimeToLiveHandler that executes a dynamodb UpdateTimeToLive operation
func (*UpdateTimeToLiveFinalHandler) HandleUpdateTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h *UpdateTimeToLiveFinalHandler) HandleUpdateTimeToLive(ctx *UpdateTimeToLiveContext, output *UpdateTimeToLiveOutput)
HandleUpdateTimeToLive implements the UpdateTimeToLiveHandler
type UpdateTimeToLiveHandler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveHandler interface {
HandleUpdateTimeToLive(ctx *UpdateTimeToLiveContext, output *UpdateTimeToLiveOutput)
UpdateTimeToLiveHandler represents a handler for UpdateTimeToLive requests
type UpdateTimeToLiveHandlerFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveHandlerFunc func(ctx *UpdateTimeToLiveContext, output *UpdateTimeToLiveOutput)
UpdateTimeToLiveHandlerFunc is a UpdateTimeToLiveHandler function
func (UpdateTimeToLiveHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateTimeToLive ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (h UpdateTimeToLiveHandlerFunc) HandleUpdateTimeToLive(ctx *UpdateTimeToLiveContext, output *UpdateTimeToLiveOutput)
HandleUpdateTimeToLive implements UpdateTimeToLiveHandler
type UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare interface {
UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare(next UpdateTimeToLiveHandler) UpdateTimeToLiveHandler
UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare is a middleware function use for wrapping UpdateTimeToLiveHandler requests
type UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc func(next UpdateTimeToLiveHandler) UpdateTimeToLiveHandler
UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc is a functional UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare
func (UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc) UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (mw UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWareFunc) UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare(next UpdateTimeToLiveHandler) UpdateTimeToLiveHandler
UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare implements the UpdateTimeToLiveMiddleWare interface
type UpdateTimeToLiveOutput ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UpdateTimeToLiveOutput struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateTimeToLiveOutput represents the output for the UpdateTimeToLive operation
func (*UpdateTimeToLiveOutput) Get ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateTimeToLiveOutput) Get() (out *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveOutput, err error)
Get gets the output
func (*UpdateTimeToLiveOutput) Set ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (o *UpdateTimeToLiveOutput) Set(out *ddb.UpdateTimeToLiveOutput, err error)
Set sets the output
Source Files
- common.go
- middleware.go
- op.go
- op_BatchExecuteStatement.go
- op_BatchGetItem.go
- op_BatchWriteItem.go
- op_CreateBackup.go
- op_CreateGlobalTable.go
- op_CreateTable.go
- op_DeleteBackup.go
- op_DeleteItem.go
- op_DeleteTable.go
- op_DescribeBackup.go
- op_DescribeContinuousBackups.go
- op_DescribeContributorInsights.go
- op_DescribeEndpoints.go
- op_DescribeExport.go
- op_DescribeGlobalTable.go
- op_DescribeGlobalTableSettings.go
- op_DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination.go
- op_DescribeLimits.go
- op_DescribeTable.go
- op_DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling.go
- op_DescribeTimeToLive.go
- op_DisableKinesisStreamingDestination.go
- op_EnableKinesisStreamingDestination.go
- op_ExecuteStatement.go
- op_ExecuteTransaction.go
- op_ExportTableToPointInTime.go
- op_GetItem.go
- op_ListBackups.go
- op_ListContributorInsights.go
- op_ListExports.go
- op_ListGlobalTables.go
- op_ListTables.go
- op_ListTagsOfResource.go
- op_PutItem.go
- op_Query.go
- op_RestoreTableFromBackup.go
- op_RestoreTableToPointInTime.go
- op_Scan.go
- op_TagResource.go
- op_TransactGetItems.go
- op_TransactWriteItems.go
- op_UnTagResource.go
- op_UpdateContinuousBackups.go
- op_UpdateContributorInsights.go
- op_UpdateGlobalTable.go
- op_UpdateGlobalTableSettings.go
- op_UpdateItem.go
- op_UpdateTable.go
- op_UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling.go
- op_UpdateTimeToLive.go
- pool.go
- session.go
- table.go
- table_index.go
- testing.go
- types.go