This is a sample todo list implemented using pgx as the connector to a PostgreSQL data store.
Create a PostgreSQL database and run structure.sql into it to create the necessary data schema.
createdb todo
psql todo < structure.sql
Build todo:
go build
Connection configuration
The database connection is configured via enviroment variables.
- PGHOST - defaults to localhost
- PGUSER - defaults to current OS user
- PGPASSWORD - defaults to empty string
- PGDATABASE - defaults to user name
You can either export them then run todo:
export PGDATABASE=todo
./todo list
Or you can prefix the todo execution with the environment variables:
PGDATABASE=todo ./todo list
Add a todo item
./todo add 'Learn go'
List tasks
./todo list
Update a task
./todo add 1 'Learn more go'
Delete a task
./todo remove 1
Example Setup and Execution
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ createdb todo
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ psql todo < structure.sql
Expanded display is used automatically.
Timing is on.
Time: 6.363 ms
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ go build
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ export PGDATABASE=todo
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo list
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo add 'Learn Go'
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo list
1. Learn Go
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo update 1 'Learn more Go'
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo list
1. Learn more Go
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo remove 1
jack@hk-47~/dev/go/src/$ ./todo list
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