Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker.
Requirements: golang >= 1.13
- Clone the repo
- Run
make && make install
Stonks is available on:
Binaries are now available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux under each release
You can now access basic stock graphs for passed stock tickers via the stonks HTTP client (
Try it:
$ curl
It uses Yahoo Finance as a backend so use the ticker format as seen on their website.
Displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal
stonks [flags]
-d, --days int 24 hour period of stocks from X of days ago.
-e, --extra Include extra pre + post time. (Only works for day)
-h, --help help for stonks
-i, --interval string stonks -i X[m|h] (eg 15m, 5m, 1h, 1d) (default "15m")
-n, --name string Optional name for a stonk save
-r, --remove string Remove an item from favourites
-s, --save string Add an item to the default stonks command. (Eg: -s AMD -n "Advanced Micro Devices")
-t, --theme string Display theme for the chart (Options: "line", "dot", "icon")
-v, --version stonks version
-w, --week Display the last week (will set interval to 1d)
-y, --year Display the last year (will set interval to 5d)
--ytd Display the year to date (will set interval to 5d)
$ stonks
Gives graphs and current value/change of saved stocks.
$ stonks -s AMD -n "Advanced Micro Devices"
Add a favourite stock to be tracked with $ stonks
$ stonks -r AMD
Remove a favourite stock
$ stonks AMD
Gives the current stock for each ticker passed that day
$ stonks -w AMD
Gives the current stock for each ticker passed for the past week
$ stonks -d 4 AMD
Gives the current stock for each ticker passed X days ago
The config file is located at ~/.config/stonks.yml
You can change the following options:
default_theme: 0 # 0: Line, 1: Dots, 2: Icons
favourites_height: 12 # Height of the chart in each info panel
standalone_height: 12
Usage with wtfutil
You can use a program such as wtfutil (On Arch Linux: yup -S wtfutil
) to make stonks refresh automatically.
See the sample ~/.config/wtf/config.yml
provided by Gideon Wolfe
background: black
focusable: darkslateblue
focused: blue
normal: gray
checked: yellow
fore: black
back: gray
even: yellow
odd: white
# How _wide_ the columns are, in terminal characters. In this case we have
# four columns, each of which are 35 characters wide.
columns: [33, 33, 33]
# How _high_ the rows are, in terminal lines. In this case we have four rows
# that support ten line of text and one of four.
rows: [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20]
refreshInterval: 1
type: cmdrunner
args: ["tsla", "intc", "--theme", "dot"]
cmd: "stonks"
enabled: true
top: 0
left: 0
height: 2
width: 3
refreshinterval: 10
title: "🤖 Tech"
type: cmdrunner
args: ["jpm", "v", "--theme", "dot"]
cmd: "stonks"
enabled: true
top: 2
left: 0
height: 2
width: 3
refreshinterval: 10