Outline Fetch
This app illustrates how to use different transports to fetch a URL in Go.
Direct fetch:
$ go run github.com/ericlindev/outline-sdk/x/examples/fetch@latest https://ipinfo.io
"city": "Amsterdam",
"region": "North Holland",
"country": "NL",
Using a Shadowsocks server:
$ go run github.com/ericlindev/outline-sdk/x/examples/fetch@latest -transport ss://[redacted]@[redacted]:80 https://ipinfo.io
"region": "New Jersey",
"country": "US",
"org": "AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC",
Using a SOCKS5 server:
$ go run github.com/ericlindev/outline-sdk/x/examples/fetch@latest -transport socks5://[redacted]:5703 https://ipinfo.io
"city": "Berlin",
"region": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
Using packet splitting:
$ go run github.com/ericlindev/outline-sdk/x/examples/fetch@latest -transport split:3 https://ipinfo.io
"city": "Amsterdam",
"region": "North Holland",
"country": "NL",
You should see this on Wireshark: