In this step:
We will get a user from mongodb
First we will get the user id from the URL
id := p.ByName("id")
Next we will Verify that the id is an ObjectId
if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(id) {
w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) // 404
ObjectIdHex returns an ObjectId from the provided hex representation.
oid := bson.ObjectIdHex(id)
Now we will create an empty user to store the results in
u := models.User{}
And then we will get the user information
if err := uc.session.DB("go-web-dev-db").C("users").FindId(oid).One(&u); err != nil {
Run this code
- Start your server
POST a user to mongodb
Enter this at the terminal
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"James Bond","gender":"male","age":32}' http://localhost:8080/user
-X is short for --request
Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server.
-H is short for --header
-d is short for --data
GET a user from mongodb
Enter this at the terminal
curl http://localhost:8080/user/<enter-user-id-here>