Overview ¶
Package dbclient 定义数据库操作的方法, orm 等。
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AutoTestFileTreeNode
- type AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory
- type AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta
- type AutoTestPlanMember
- type AutoTestScene
- type AutoTestSceneInput
- type AutoTestSceneOutput
- type AutoTestSceneStep
- type AutoTestSpace
- type CodeCoverageExecRecord
- type CodeCoverageExecRecordShort
- type CodeCoverageNodes
- type DBClient
- func (client *DBClient) AddTestPlanV2Step(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2StepAddRequest) (uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) BatchCopyTestCases(req apistructs.TestCaseBatchCopyRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateAutoTestPlanMembers(members []AutoTestPlanMember) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateIssueSubscribers(is []IssueSubscriber) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateIssueTestCaseRelations(rels []IssueTestCaseRelation) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateTestPlanCaseRels(rels []TestPlanCaseRel) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateTestPlanMembers(members []TestPlanMember) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchDeleteIssueSubscribers(issueID int64, userIDs []string) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchDeleteSonarMetricRules(rules []QASonarMetricRules) (err error)
- func (client *DBClient) BatchDeleteTestCases(ids []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchInsertSonarMetricRules(rules []*QASonarMetricRules) (err error)
- func (client *DBClient) BatchQueryIssueLabelIDMap(issueIDs []int64) (map[uint64][]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateIssueExpiryStatus(states []apistructs.IssueStateBelong) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateIssues(req *apistructs.IssueBatchUpdateRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateRecords() error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateTestCases(req apistructs.TestCaseBatchUpdateRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateTestPlanCaseRels(req apistructs.TestPlanCaseRelBatchUpdateRequest) error
- func (db *DBClient) BulkInsert(objects interface{}, excludeColumns ...string) error
- func (client *DBClient) CancelCodeCoverage(projectID uint64, record *CodeCoverageExecRecord) error
- func (client *DBClient) CancelQuoteCertificate(quoteCertificateID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) CheckRelatedSceneSet(setId uint64) (bool, error)
- func (client *DBClient) CheckSceneSetIsExists(setID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) CheckTestPlanCaseRelIDsExistOrNot(planID uint64, caseIDs []uint64) ([]uint64, []uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) CheckTestPlanV2NameExist(name string) error
- func (client *DBClient) CleanIssueRelation(issueID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) CleanTestCasesByTestSetID(projectID, testSetID uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) CleanTestSetFromRecycleBin(testSetID uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) Close() error
- func (db *DBClient) CopyAutoTestSceneStep(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
- func (db *DBClient) CountSceneBySetID(setId uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (db *DBClient) CountSceneBySpaceID(spaceID uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) CountSceneSetByName(name string, spaceId uint64) (int, error)
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNode(node *AutoTestFileTreeNode) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory(node *AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta(meta *AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateAutoTestPlanMember(mem *AutoTestPlanMember) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneInput(input *AutoTestSceneInput) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneInputs(input []AutoTestSceneInput) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneOutput(output *AutoTestSceneOutput) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneOutputs(output []AutoTestSceneOutput) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneStep(step *AutoTestSceneStep) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSpace(space *AutoTestSpace) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
- func (db *DBClient) CreateAutotestScene(node *AutoTestScene) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateBranchRule(branchRule *model.BranchRule) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateCertificate(certificate *model.Certificate) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateCodeCoverage(record *CodeCoverageExecRecord) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateComment(comment *model.Comment) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateFile(file *File) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssue(issue *Issue) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueAppRelation(issueAppRel *IssueAppRelation) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateIssueFilterBookmark(bm *IssueFilterBookmark) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueProperty(property *IssueProperty) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssuePropertyValue(value *IssuePropertyValue) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssuePropertyValues(values []IssuePropertyValue) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueRelations(issueRelation *IssueRelation) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueStage(stages []IssueStage) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueStream(is *IssueStream) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueSubscriber(issueSubscriber *IssueSubscriber) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIssuesState(state *IssueState) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateIteration(Iteration *Iteration) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateLabelRelation(lr *LabelRelation) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateLibReference(libReference *LibReference) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateOrUpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaAddExtraByInode(inode string, addExtra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateOrUpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaPipelineYmlAndSnippetObjByInode(inode, pipelineYml string, snippetAction apistructs.PipelineYmlAction) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateOrUpdateNexusRepository(repo *NexusRepository) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateOrUpdateNexusUser(user *NexusUser) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreatePanel(panel *IssuePanel) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreatePropertyRelation(relation *IssuePropertyRelation) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreatePropertyRelations(relations []IssuePropertyRelation) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreatePublisher(publisher *model.Publisher) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateRecord(record *TestFileRecord) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateSceneSet(sceneSet *SceneSet) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateTestCase(uc *TestCase) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlan(testPlan *TestPlan) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlanCaseRel(testPlanCaseRel *TestPlanCaseRel) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlanMember(mem *TestPlanMember) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlanV2(testPlan *TestPlanV2) error
- func (db *DBClient) CreateTestSet(testset *TestSet) error
- func (client *DBClient) CreateTicket(ticket *model.Ticket) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestFileTreeNodeByInode(inode string) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory(node *AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestPlanMemberByPlanID(planID uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestScene(id uint64) (err error)
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSceneInput(id uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSceneOutput(id uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSceneStep(id uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSpace(space *AutoTestSpace) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSpaceRelation(spaceID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteBranchRule(id int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteBranchRuleByScope(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType, scopeID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteCertificate(certificateID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteFile(id uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteFileRecordByTime(t time.Time) ([]FileUUIDStr, error)
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssue(id uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueAppRelationsByApp(appID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueAppRelationsByComment(commentID int64) error
- func (db *DBClient) DeleteIssueFilterBookmarkByID(id string) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueProperty(orgId int64, propertyIssueType apistructs.PropertyIssueType, id int64, ...) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuePropertyValue(id int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuePropertyValuesByPropertyID(propertyID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueRelation(issueID, relatedIssueID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueSubscriber(issueID int64, userID string) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIDs(ids []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIssueID(issueID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIssueIDs(issueIDs []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByTestCaseIDs(testCaseIds []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByTestPlanCaseRelIDs(testPlanCaseRelIDs []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuesByRequirement(requirementID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuesStage(orgID int64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuesState(id int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuesStateByProjectID(projectID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuesStateRelationByStartID(id int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteIteration(id uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteLabelRelations(refType apistructs.ProjectLabelType, refID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteLabelRelationsByLabel(labelID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteLibReference(libReferenceID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeletePanelByPanelID(panelID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeletePropertyRelationByIssueID(issueID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeletePropertyRelationsByPropertyID(issueID int64, propertyID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeletePublisher(publisherID int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteSceneSet(sceneSet *SceneSet, scenes []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlan(testPlanID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelByTestCaseID(testCaseID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelByTestPlanID(testPlanID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelations(testPlanID uint64, relIDs []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelationsByTestCaseIds(testCaseIds []uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanMemberByPlanID(planID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanV2ByID(testPlanID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanV2Step(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2StepDeleteRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) DeleteTicket(targetID, targetType, ticketType string) error
- func (client *DBClient) FindByPreId(id uint64) (*SceneSet, error)
- func (client *DBClient) FindIssueStream(issueId int) ([]IssueStream, error)
- func (client *DBClient) FindIterations(projectID uint64) (iterations []Iteration, err error)
- func (db *DBClient) FindSceneBySetAndName(setId uint64, name string) ([]AutoTestScene, error)
- func (client *DBClient) FirstFileReady(actionType ...apistructs.FileActionType) (bool, *TestFileRecord, error)
- func (db *DBClient) FuzzySearchAutoTestFileTreeNodes(scope, scopeID string, prefixFuzzy, suffixFuzzy, fuzzy string, ...) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNode, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetAllIssuesByProject(req apistructs.IssueListRequest) ([]IssueItem, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAllTestSets() ([]TestSet, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificateByAppIDAndCertificateID(appID, quoteCertificateID uint64) (*model.AppCertificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificateByApprovalID(approvalID int64) (*model.AppCertificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificateByID(quoteCertificateID uint64) (model.AppCertificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificatesByOrgIDAndName(params *apistructs.AppCertificateListRequest) (int, []model.AppCertificate, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeNodeByInode(inode string) (*AutoTestFileTreeNode, bool, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaByInode(inode string) (*AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta, bool, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeScopeRootDir(scope, scopeID string) (*AutoTestFileTreeNode, bool, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneInput(id uint64) (*AutoTestSceneInput, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneOutput(id uint64) (*AutoTestSceneOutput, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestScenePreByPosition(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) (uint64, uint64, bool, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStep(id uint64) (*AutoTestSceneStep, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepByPreID(preID uint64, preType apistructs.PreType) (*AutoTestSceneStep, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepCount(sceneID []uint64) ([]GetNum, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepNumber(sceneID uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSpace(id uint64) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSpaceStepNumber(spaceID uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestScene(id uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneByName(name string, setID uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneByPreID(preID uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneFirst(setID uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneTx(id uint64, tx *gorm.DB) (*AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSpaceByName(name string, projectID int64) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetBatchUpdateIssues(req *apistructs.IssueBatchUpdateRequest) ([]Issue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetBranchRule(id int64) (model.BranchRule, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetBranchRulesCount(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType) (int64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCertificateByID(certificateID int64) (model.Certificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCertificateByOrgAndName(orgID int64, name string) (*model.Certificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCertificatesByIDs(certificateIDs []int64, params *apistructs.CertificateListRequest) (int, []model.Certificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCertificatesByOrgIDAndName(orgID int64, params *apistructs.CertificateListRequest) (int, []model.Certificate, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetClosedBugState(projectID int64) ([]IssueState, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetClusterOpenTicketsNum(ticketType, targetType, targetID string) (uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCodeCoverageByID(id uint64) (*CodeCoverageExecRecord, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCommentByID(commentID int64) (*model.Comment, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCommentsByTicketID(ticketID int64, pageNo, pageSize int) (int64, []model.Comment, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetCountByCertificateID(certificateID int64) (int64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetEnvConfigByID(configID int64) (*model.ConfigItem, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetEnvConfigByKey(namespaceID int64, key string) (*model.ConfigItem, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetEnvConfigsByNamespaceID(namespaceID int64) ([]model.ConfigItem, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetFile(id uint64) (File, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetFileByUUID(uuid string) (File, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssue(id int64) (Issue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueBugByRange(req apistructs.IssuesStageRequest) ([]Issue, float32, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueByIssueIDs(issueIDs []uint64) ([]Issue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueByState(state int64) (*Issue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueExpiryStatusByProjects(req apistructs.WorkbenchRequest) ([]IssueExpiryStatus, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueLabelsByProjectID(projectID uint64) ([]IssueLabel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueManHourSum(req apistructs.IssuesStageRequest) (apistructs.IssueManHourSumResponse, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueNumByPros(projectIDS []uint64, req apistructs.IssuePagingRequest) ([]apistructs.IssueNum, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueProperties(req apistructs.IssuePropertiesGetRequest) ([]IssueProperty, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertiesByRelation(ID int64) (*IssueProperty, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertiesByTime(orgID int64) ([]IssueProperty, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyByID(id int64) (*IssueProperty, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyByName(orgID int64, Name string, PropertyIssueType apistructs.PropertyIssueType) (*IssueProperty, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyValue(id int64) (*IssuePropertyValue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyValues(orgID int64) ([]IssuePropertyValue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueRelationsByIDs(issueIDs []uint64) ([]IssueRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueStateByID(ID int64) (*IssueState, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueStateByIDs(ID []int64) ([]IssueState, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueStatePermission(role string, st int64, ed int64) (*IssueStateRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSubscriber(issueID int64, userID string) (*IssueSubscriber, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSubscribersByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]IssueSubscriber, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSubscribersSliceByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]string, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSummary(iterationID int64, task, bug, requirement []int64) apistructs.ISummary
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssueWithOutDelete(id int64) (Issue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesByProject(req apistructs.IssuePagingRequest) ([]Issue, uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStage(orgID int64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) ([]IssueStage, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStageByOrgID(orgID int64) ([]IssueStage, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStateRelations(projectID uint64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) ([]IssueStateJoinSQL, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStates(req *apistructs.IssueStatesGetRequest) ([]IssueState, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStatesByProjectID(projectID uint64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) ([]IssueState, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStatesByProjectIDList(projectIDList []uint64) ([]IssueState, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIteration(id uint64) (*Iteration, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetIterationByTitle(projectID uint64, title string) (*Iteration, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetLabelRelationsByLabels(refType apistructs.ProjectLabelType, labelIDs []uint64) ([]LabelRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetLabelRelationsByRef(refType apistructs.ProjectLabelType, refID uint64) ([]LabelRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetLastCommentByTicket(ticketID int64) (*model.Comment, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetLibReference(libReferenceID uint64) (*LibReference, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetMaxOrderNumUnderParentTestSet(projectID, parentID uint64, recycled bool) (int, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNamespaceByName(name string) (*model.ConfigNamespace, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNamespaceRelationByName(name string) (*model.ConfigNamespaceRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNamespaceRelationsByDefaultName(name string) ([]model.ConfigNamespaceRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNamespacesByNames(names []string) ([]model.ConfigNamespace, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNexusRepository(id uint64) (*NexusRepository, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNexusRepositoryByName(name string) (*NexusRepository, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNexusUser(id uint64) (*NexusUser, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetNexusUserByName(name string) (*NexusUser, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetOpenTicketByKey(key string) (*model.Ticket, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetOrgPublishersCount(orgID uint64) (int64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPanelByIssueID(issueID int64) (*IssuePanel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPanelByPanelID(panelID int64) (*IssuePanel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPanelIssuesByPanel(panelID int64, pageNo, pageSize uint64) ([]IssuePanel, uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPanelIssuesID(projectID uint64) ([]int64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPanelIssuesIDByProjectID(projectID uint64) ([]IssuePanel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPanelsByProjectID(projectID uint64) ([]IssuePanel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByID(issueID int64) ([]IssuePropertyRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByIssueID(issueID int64, propertyID int64) (*IssuePropertyRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByPropertyID(propertyID int64) (*IssuePropertyRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPublisherByID(publisherID int64) (model.Publisher, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPublisherByOrgAndName(orgID int64, name string) (*model.Publisher, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPublisherByOrgID(orgID int64) (*model.Publisher, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPublishersByIDs(publisherIDs []int64, params *apistructs.PublisherListRequest) (int, []model.Publisher, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetPublishersByOrgIDAndName(orgID int64, params *apistructs.PublisherListRequest) (int, []model.Publisher, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetReceiversByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]string, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetRecord(id uint64) (*TestFileRecord, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetRelatedIssues(issueID uint64) ([]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetRelatingIssues(issueID uint64) ([]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetSceneSet(id uint64) (*SceneSet, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetSceneSetByPreID(preID uint64) (*SceneSet, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetSonarMetricRules(ID int64) (*QASonarMetricRules, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetStepByTestPlanID(testPlanID uint64, needSort bool) ([]TestPlanV2StepJoin, int64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestCaseByID(id uint64) (*TestCase, error)
- func (client DBClient) GetTestPlan(testPlanID uint64) (*TestPlan, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanByName(projectID uint64, name string) (*TestPlan, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanCaseRel(relID uint64) (*TestPlanCaseRel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanCaseRelByPlanIDAndCaseID(planID, caseID uint64) (*TestPlanCaseRel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanV2ByID(testPlanID uint64) (*TestPlanV2, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanV2Step(ID uint64) (*TestPlanV2StepJoin, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanV2StepByPreID(preID uint64) (*TestPlanV2Step, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByID(id uint64) (*TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByNameAndParentIDAndProjectID(projectID, parentID uint64, recycled bool, name string) (*TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByParentID(parentID, projectID uint64) (*[]TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByParentIDAndProjectIDAsc(parentIDs []uint64, projectID uint64, recycled bool, testSetIDs []uint64) ([]TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByParentIDsAndProjectID(parentIDs []uint64, projectID uint64, recycled bool) ([]TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetDirectoryByID(id uint64) (string, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTicket(ticketID int64) (*model.Ticket, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetTicketByRequestID(requestID string) (*model.Ticket, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetUserAutoTestPlanRole(userID string, testPlanID uint64) (apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole, error)
- func (client *DBClient) GetUserTestPlanRole(userID string, testPlanID uint64) (apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole, error)
- func (db *DBClient) Insert(scene *AutoTestScene, id uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) InsertAutoTestSceneStep(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest, preID uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) IssueStateCount(requirementIDs []int64) ([]apistructs.RequirementGroupResult, error)
- func (client *DBClient) IssueStateCount2(issueIDs []uint64) ([]apistructs.RequirementGroupResult, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeByPinode(pinode string) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNode, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeByPinodeAndNamePrefix(pinode, namePrefix string) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNode, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistoryByinode(inode string) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanMembersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) ([]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanMembersByPlanIDs(testPlanIDs []uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) (map[uint64][]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanOwnersByOwners(owners []string) ([]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanOwnersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64) ([]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneInput(sceneID uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneInput, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneInputByScenes(sceneID []uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneInput, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneOutput(sceneID uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneOutput, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneOutputByScenes(sceneID []uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneOutput, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneStep(sceneID uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneStep, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneSteps(sceneID []uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneStep, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSpaceByProject(projectID int64, pageNo, pageSize int) ([]AutoTestSpace, int, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutotestScene(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) (uint64, []AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutotestSceneTx(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest, tx *gorm.DB) (uint64, []AutoTestScene, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListAutotestScenes(setIDs []uint64) ([]AutoTestScene, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListCodeCoverage(req apistructs.CodeCoverageListRequest) (records []CodeCoverageExecRecordShort, total uint64, err error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListCodeCoverageByStatus(projectID uint64, status []apistructs.CodeCoverageExecStatus) (records []CodeCoverageExecRecord, err error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListEnvConfigsByNamespaceID(namespaceIDList []int64) ([]model.ConfigItem, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListExpiredFiles(expiredAt time.Time) ([]File, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListIssue(req apistructs.IssueListRequest) ([]Issue, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListIssueByIDs(issueIDs []int64) ([]Issue, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListIssueFilterBookmarkByUserIDAndProjectID(userID, projectID string) ([]IssueFilterBookmark, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListIssueTestCaseRelations(req apistructs.IssueTestCaseRelationsListRequest) ([]IssueTestCaseRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListLibReference(req *apistructs.LibReferenceListRequest) (uint64, []LibReference, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListNamespaceByAppID(name string) ([]model.ConfigNamespace, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListNamespaceByName(names []string) ([]model.ConfigNamespace, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListNexusRepositories(req apistructs.NexusRepositoryListRequest) ([]*NexusRepository, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListNexusUsers(req apistructs.NexusUserListRequest) ([]NexusUser, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListRecordsByProject(req apistructs.ListTestFileRecordsRequest) ([]TestFileRecord, map[string]int, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListSonarMetricRules(query *QASonarMetricRules, otherQueryFuncList ...func(sql *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB) (dbRules []QASonarMetricRules, err error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestCasesByIDs(ids []uint64) ([]TestCase, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestCasesByTestSetIDs(req apistructs.TestCaseListRequest) ([]TestCase, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanCaseRels(req apistructs.TestPlanCaseRelListRequest) ([]TestPlanCaseRel, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanCaseRelsCount(testPlanIDs []uint64) (map[uint64]apistructs.TestPlanRelsCount, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByOwnerIDs(ownerIDs []string) ([]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByPartnerIDs(partnerIDs []string) ([]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByUserIDs(userIDs []string, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) ([]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanMembersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanMembersByPlanIDs(testPlanIDs []uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) (map[uint64][]TestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanOwnersByOwners(owners []string) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanOwnersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanPartnersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanTestSetIDs(testPlanID uint64) ([]uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanV2Step(testPlanID, groupID uint64) ([]TestPlanV2StepJoin, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListTestSetByIDs(ids []uint64) ([]TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListTestSets(req apistructs.TestSetListRequest) ([]TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) ListTestSetsRecursive(req apistructs.TestSetListRequest) ([]uint64, []TestSet, error)
- func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestFileTreeNode(inode, pinode, name, updaterID string) error
- func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestScene(id, newPreID, newSetID uint64, tx *gorm.DB) (err error)
- func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStep(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
- func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStepGroup(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
- func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStepToGroup(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) MoveSceneSet(req apistructs.SceneSetRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) MoveTestPlanV2Step(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2StepMoveRequest) error
- func (client *DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanMembers(testPlanID uint64, members []AutoTestPlanMember) error
- func (client *DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanOwner(testPlanID uint64, ownerID string) error
- func (client *DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanPartners(testPlanID uint64, partnerIDs []string) error
- func (client *DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanMembers(testPlanID uint64, members []TestPlanMember) error
- func (client *DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanOwner(testPlanID uint64, ownerID string) error
- func (client *DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanPartners(testPlanID uint64, partnerIDs []string) error
- func (client *DBClient) PagingIssueStream(req *apistructs.IssueStreamPagingRequest) (int64, []IssueStream, error)
- func (client *DBClient) PagingIssues(req apistructs.IssuePagingRequest, queryIDs bool) ([]Issue, uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) PagingIterations(req apistructs.IterationPagingRequest) ([]Iteration, uint64, error)
- func (client *DBClient) PagingPropertyRelationByIDs(issueID []int64) ([]IssuePropertyRelation, error)
- func (client *DBClient) PagingSonarMetricRules(req apistructs.SonarMetricRulesPagingRequest) (*dbclient.Paging, error)
- func (client *DBClient) PagingTestPlan(req apistructs.TestPlanPagingRequest) (uint64, []TestPlan, error)
- func (client *DBClient) PagingTestPlanV2(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2PagingRequest) (int, []*apistructs.TestPlanV2, []string, error)
- func (client *DBClient) QueryBranchRules(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType, scopeID int64) ([]model.BranchRule, error)
- func (client *DBClient) QueryBranchRulesByScope(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType) ([]model.BranchRule, error)
- func (client *DBClient) QuoteCertificate(certificate *model.AppCertificate) error
- func (client *DBClient) RecoverTestCasesByTestSetID(projectID, testSetID uint64) error
- func (db *DBClient) RecoverTestSet(testSetID, targetTestSetID uint64, name string) error
- func (db *DBClient) RecycleTestSet(testSetID uint64, newParentID *uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) RecycledTestCasesByTestSetID(projectID, testSetID uint64) error
- func (client *DBClient) SceneSetsBySpaceID(spaceID uint64) ([]SceneSet, error)
- func (client *DBClient) SoftDeleteEnvConfig(config *model.ConfigItem) error
- func (client *DBClient) SoftDeleteNamespace(namespace *model.ConfigNamespace) error
- func (client *DBClient) SoftDeleteNamespaceRelation(namespaceRelation *model.ConfigNamespaceRelation) error
- func (db *DBClient) Sq() *gorm.DB
- func (db *DBClient) Transaction(f func(tx *gorm.DB) error) error
- func (db *DBClient) Tx() *TX
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateApprovalStatusByApprovalID(approvalID uint64, status apistructs.ApprovalStatus) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeBasicInfo(inode string, updateColumns map[string]interface{}) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateAutoTestPlanMember(mem *AutoTestPlanMember) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutoTestSpace(space *AutoTestSpace) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestScene(node *AutoTestScene) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneInput(input *AutoTestSceneInput) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneOutput(output *AutoTestSceneOutput) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneStep(step *AutoTestSceneStep) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneUpdateAt(sceneID uint64, time time.Time) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneUpdater(sceneID uint64, userID string) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateBranchRule(branchRule *model.BranchRule) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateCertificate(certificate *model.Certificate) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateCodeCoverage(record *CodeCoverageExecRecord) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateComment(comment *model.Comment) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssue(id uint64, fields map[string]interface{}) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuePropertiesIndex(properties []IssueProperty) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueProperty(property *IssueProperty) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuePropertyValue(property *IssuePropertyValue) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueState(state *IssueState) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueStateRelations(projectID int64, issueType apistructs.IssueType, ...) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueStream(is *IssueStream) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueType(issue *Issue) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssues(requirementID uint64, fields map[string]interface{}) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuesStateBelong(id int64, belong apistructs.IssueStateBelong) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuesStateIndex(id int64, index int64) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateIteration(Iteration *Iteration) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateOrAddEnvConfig(config *model.ConfigItem) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateOrAddNamespace(namespace *model.ConfigNamespace) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateOrAddNamespaceRelation(namespaceRelation *model.ConfigNamespaceRelation) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdatePanel(panel *IssuePanel) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdatePropertyRelationArbitraryValue(issueID int64, propertyID int64, value string) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdatePublisher(publisher *model.Publisher) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateQuoteCertificate(certificate *model.AppCertificate) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateRecord(record *TestFileRecord) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateSceneRefSetID(copyRefs apistructs.AutoTestSceneCopyRef) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateSceneSet(sceneSet *SceneSet) (*SceneSet, error)
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateSonarMetricRules(updateObj *QASonarMetricRules) (err error)
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestCase(uc *TestCase) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlan(testPlan *TestPlan) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanMember(mem *TestPlanMember) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanTestCaseRel(testPlanCaseRel *TestPlanCaseRel) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanV2(testPlanID uint64, fields map[string]interface{}) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanV2Step(step TestPlanV2Step) error
- func (db *DBClient) UpdateTestSet(testset *TestSet) error
- func (client *DBClient) UpdateTicket(ticket *model.Ticket) error
- type ExpireType
- type File
- type FileExtra
- type FileUUIDStr
- type GetNum
- type Issue
- type IssueAppRelation
- type IssueExpiryStatus
- type IssueFilterBookmark
- type IssueItem
- type IssueLabel
- type IssuePanel
- type IssueProperty
- type IssuePropertyRelation
- type IssuePropertyValue
- type IssueRelation
- type IssueStage
- type IssueState
- type IssueStateJoinSQL
- type IssueStateRelation
- type IssueStream
- type IssueSubscriber
- type IssueTestCaseRelation
- type Iteration
- type LabelRelation
- type LibReference
- type NexusRepository
- type NexusRepositoryConfig
- type NexusUser
- type NexusUserConfig
- type OSSSnapshot
- type PartnerIDs
- type QASonarMetricRules
- type SceneSet
- type TX
- type TestCase
- type TestCaseStepAndResults
- type TestFileExtra
- type TestFileRecord
- type TestPlan
- type TestPlanCaseRel
- type TestPlanMember
- type TestPlanV2
- type TestPlanV2Join
- type TestPlanV2Step
- type TestPlanV2StepJoin
- type TestSet
Constants ¶
const IsDeleteValue = "Y"
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNotFoundOrg = errors.New("org not found") ErrNotFoundProject = errors.New("project not found") ErrNotFoundApplication = errors.New("application not found") ErrNotFoundMember = errors.New("member not found") ErrNotFoundTicket = errors.New("ticket not found") ErrNotFoundPublisher = errors.New("publisher not found") ErrNotFoundCertificate = errors.New("certificate not found") ErrNotFoundApprove = errors.New("approve not found") ErrNotFoundUsecase = errors.New("usecase not found") )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AutoTestFileTreeNode ¶
type AutoTestFileTreeNode struct { dbengine.BaseModel Type apistructs.UnifiedFileTreeNodeType Scope string ScopeID string Pinode string `gorm:"type:bigint(20)"` // root dir 的 pinode 为 "0",表示无 pinode Inode string `gorm:"type:bigint(20)"` Name string Desc string CreatorID string UpdaterID string }
Inode / Pinode 使用 snowflake uuid
func (AutoTestFileTreeNode) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestFileTreeNode) TableName() string
type AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory ¶
type AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory struct { dbengine.BaseModel Pinode string `gorm:"type:bigint(20)"` // root dir 的 pinode 为 "0",表示无 pinode Inode string `gorm:"type:bigint(20)"` Name string `gorm:"name"` Desc string `gorm:"desc"` CreatorID string `gorm:"creator_id"` UpdaterID string `gorm:"updater_id"` PipelineYml string `gorm:"pipeline_yml"` // 节点的 pipeline yml 文件,pipeline 可以通过 snippetAction 配置 SnippetAction snippetActionType `gorm:"snippet_action"` // 其他用例或计划通过 snippet 方式引用时当前节点时, 根据该参数拼装出 snippet action Extra autoTestFileTreeNodeMetaExtra `gorm:"extra"` }
func (AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory) TableName() string
type AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta ¶
type AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta struct { dbengine.BaseModel Inode string `gorm:"type:bigint(20)"` PipelineYml string // 节点的 pipeline yml 文件,pipeline 可以通过 snippetAction 配置 SnippetAction snippetActionType // 其他用例或计划通过 snippet 方式引用时当前节点时, 根据该参数拼装出 snippet action Extra autoTestFileTreeNodeMetaExtra }
func (AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta) TableName() string
type AutoTestPlanMember ¶
type AutoTestPlanMember struct { dbengine.BaseModel TestPlanID uint64 `json:"testPlanID"` Role apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole `json:"role"` UserID string `json:"userID"` }
AutoTestPlanMember 自动测试计划成员表
func (AutoTestPlanMember) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestPlanMember) TableName() string
type AutoTestScene ¶
type AutoTestScene struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string `gorm:"name"` Description string `gorm:"description"` // 描述 SpaceID uint64 `gorm:"space_id"` // 场景所属测试空间ID SetID uint64 `gorm:"set_id"` // 场景集ID PreID uint64 `gorm:"pre_id"` // 排序的前驱ID CreatorID string `gorm:"creator_id"` UpdaterID string `gorm:"updater_id"` Status apistructs.SceneStatus `gorm:"status"` RefSetID uint64 `gorm:"ref_set_id"` // 引用场景集ID }
func (*AutoTestScene) Convert ¶
func (s *AutoTestScene) Convert() apistructs.AutoTestScene
func (AutoTestScene) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestScene) TableName() string
type AutoTestSceneInput ¶
type AutoTestSceneInput struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string `gorm:"name"` Value string `gorm:"value"` // 默认值 Temp string `gorm:"temp"` // 当前值 Description string `gorm:"description"` // 描述 SceneID uint64 `gorm:"scene_id"` // 场景ID SpaceID uint64 `gorm:"space_id"` // 所属测试空间ID CreatorID string `gorm:"creator_id"` UpdaterID string `gorm:"updater_id"` }
func (AutoTestSceneInput) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestSceneInput) TableName() string
type AutoTestSceneOutput ¶
type AutoTestSceneOutput struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string `gorm:"name"` Value string `gorm:"value"` // 值表达式 Description string `gorm:"description"` // 描述 SceneID uint64 `gorm:"scene_id"` // 场景ID SpaceID uint64 `gorm:"space_id"` // 所属测试空间ID CreatorID string `gorm:"creator_id"` UpdaterID string `gorm:"updater_id"` }
func (AutoTestSceneOutput) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestSceneOutput) TableName() string
type AutoTestSceneStep ¶
type AutoTestSceneStep struct { dbengine.BaseModel Type apistructs.StepAPIType `gorm:"type"` // 类型 Value string `gorm:"value"` // 值 Name string `gorm:"name"` // 名称 PreID uint64 `gorm:"pre_id"` // 排序id PreType apistructs.PreType `gorm:"pre_type"` // 串行/并行类型 SceneID uint64 `gorm:"scene_id"` // 场景ID SpaceID uint64 `gorm:"space_id"` // 所属测试空间ID APISpecID uint64 `gorm:"column:api_spec_id"` // api集市id CreatorID string `gorm:"creator_id"` UpdaterID string `gorm:"updater_id"` }
func (*AutoTestSceneStep) Convert ¶
func (v *AutoTestSceneStep) Convert() *apistructs.AutoTestSceneStep
func (AutoTestSceneStep) TableName ¶
func (AutoTestSceneStep) TableName() string
type AutoTestSpace ¶
type AutoTestSpace struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string ProjectID int64 Description string CreatorID string UpdaterID string Status apistructs.AutoTestSpaceStatus // 被复制的源测试空间 SourceSpaceID *uint64 // DeletedAt 删除时间 DeletedAt *time.Time }
AutoTestSpace 测试空间
type CodeCoverageExecRecord ¶ added in v1.3.1
type CodeCoverageExecRecord struct { dbengine.BaseModel ProjectID uint64 `json:"project_id"` Status apistructs.CodeCoverageExecStatus `json:"status"` ReportStatus apistructs.CodeCoverageExecStatus `json:"report_status"` Msg string `json:"msg"` ReportMsg string `json:"report_msg"` Coverage float64 `json:"coverage"` ReportUrl string `json:"report_url"` ReportTime time.Time `json:"report_time"` ReportContent CodeCoverageNodes `json:"report_content" sql:"TYPE:json"` StartExecutor string `json:"start_executor"` EndExecutor string `json:"end_executor"` TimeBegin time.Time `json:"time_begin"` TimeEnd time.Time `json:"time_end"` }
func (*CodeCoverageExecRecord) Covert ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (c *CodeCoverageExecRecord) Covert() *apistructs.CodeCoverageExecRecordDto
func (CodeCoverageExecRecord) TableName ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (CodeCoverageExecRecord) TableName() string
type CodeCoverageExecRecordShort ¶ added in v1.3.1
type CodeCoverageExecRecordShort struct { dbengine.BaseModel ProjectID uint64 `json:"project_id"` Status apistructs.CodeCoverageExecStatus `json:"status"` ReportStatus apistructs.CodeCoverageExecStatus `json:"report_status"` Msg string `json:"msg"` ReportMsg string `json:"report_msg"` Coverage float64 `json:"coverage"` ReportUrl string `json:"report_url"` StartExecutor string `json:"start_executor"` EndExecutor string `json:"end_executor"` TimeBegin time.Time `json:"time_begin"` TimeEnd time.Time `json:"time_end"` ReportTime time.Time `json:"report_time"` }
func (*CodeCoverageExecRecordShort) Covert ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (c *CodeCoverageExecRecordShort) Covert() apistructs.CodeCoverageExecRecordDto
func (CodeCoverageExecRecordShort) TableName ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (CodeCoverageExecRecordShort) TableName() string
type CodeCoverageNodes ¶ added in v1.3.1
type CodeCoverageNodes []*apistructs.CodeCoverageNode
func (*CodeCoverageNodes) Scan ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (c *CodeCoverageNodes) Scan(input interface{}) error
type DBClient ¶
func (*DBClient) AddTestPlanV2Step ¶
func (client *DBClient) AddTestPlanV2Step(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2StepAddRequest) (uint64, error)
AddTestPlanV2Step Insert a step in the test plan
func (*DBClient) BatchCopyTestCases ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchCopyTestCases(req apistructs.TestCaseBatchCopyRequest) error
func (*DBClient) BatchCreateAutoTestPlanMembers ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateAutoTestPlanMembers(members []AutoTestPlanMember) error
func (*DBClient) BatchCreateIssueSubscribers ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateIssueSubscribers(is []IssueSubscriber) error
BatchCreateIssueSubscribers batch create issue subscriber
func (*DBClient) BatchCreateIssueTestCaseRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateIssueTestCaseRelations(rels []IssueTestCaseRelation) error
BatchCreateIssueTestCaseRelations 批量创建关联关系
func (*DBClient) BatchCreateTestPlanCaseRels ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateTestPlanCaseRels(rels []TestPlanCaseRel) error
func (*DBClient) BatchCreateTestPlanMembers ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchCreateTestPlanMembers(members []TestPlanMember) error
func (*DBClient) BatchDeleteIssueSubscribers ¶
BatchDeleteIssueSubscribers batch delete issue subscriber
func (*DBClient) BatchDeleteSonarMetricRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchDeleteSonarMetricRules(rules []QASonarMetricRules) (err error)
func (*DBClient) BatchDeleteTestCases ¶
func (*DBClient) BatchInsertSonarMetricRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchInsertSonarMetricRules(rules []*QASonarMetricRules) (err error)
func (*DBClient) BatchQueryIssueLabelIDMap ¶
BatchGetIssueLabelIDMap 批量查询 issue label id
func (*DBClient) BatchUpdateIssueExpiryStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateIssueExpiryStatus(states []apistructs.IssueStateBelong) error
func (*DBClient) BatchUpdateIssues ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateIssues(req *apistructs.IssueBatchUpdateRequest) error
BatchUpdateIssues 批量更新 issue
func (*DBClient) BatchUpdateRecords ¶
func (*DBClient) BatchUpdateTestCases ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateTestCases(req apistructs.TestCaseBatchUpdateRequest) error
func (*DBClient) BatchUpdateTestPlanCaseRels ¶
func (client *DBClient) BatchUpdateTestPlanCaseRels(req apistructs.TestPlanCaseRelBatchUpdateRequest) error
BatchUpdateTestPlanCaseRels 批量更新测试计划用例
func (*DBClient) BulkInsert ¶
func (*DBClient) CancelCodeCoverage ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) CancelCodeCoverage(projectID uint64, record *CodeCoverageExecRecord) error
CancelCodeCoverage .
func (*DBClient) CancelQuoteCertificate ¶
CancelQuoteCertificate 取消引用Certificate
func (*DBClient) CheckRelatedSceneSet ¶
func (*DBClient) CheckSceneSetIsExists ¶
CheckSceneSetIsExists check the SceneSet is exists
func (*DBClient) CheckTestPlanCaseRelIDsExistOrNot ¶
func (client *DBClient) CheckTestPlanCaseRelIDsExistOrNot(planID uint64, caseIDs []uint64) ([]uint64, []uint64, error)
CheckTestPlanCaseRelIDsExistOrNot 返回已存在和不存在的 id 列表 return: existIDs, notExistIDs, error
func (*DBClient) CheckTestPlanV2NameExist ¶
CheckTestPlanV2NameExist Check if the name of the test plan is repeated
func (*DBClient) CleanIssueRelation ¶
ClearIssueRelation 清理所有的issue关联关系
func (*DBClient) CleanTestCasesByTestSetID ¶
CleanTestCasesByTestSetID 彻底删除测试集下的测试用例
func (*DBClient) CleanTestSetFromRecycleBin ¶
func (*DBClient) CopyAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) CopyAutoTestSceneStep(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
func (*DBClient) CountSceneBySetID ¶
func (*DBClient) CountSceneBySpaceID ¶
func (*DBClient) CountSceneSetByName ¶
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNode ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNode(node *AutoTestFileTreeNode) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory(node *AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta(meta *AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestPlanMember ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateAutoTestPlanMember(mem *AutoTestPlanMember) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneInput ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneInput(input *AutoTestSceneInput) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneInputs ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneInputs(input []AutoTestSceneInput) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneOutput ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneOutput(output *AutoTestSceneOutput) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneOutputs ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneOutputs(output []AutoTestSceneOutput) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSceneStep(step *AutoTestSceneStep) error
func (*DBClient) CreateAutoTestSpace ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutoTestSpace(space *AutoTestSpace) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
CreateAutoTestSpace 创建测试空间
func (*DBClient) CreateAutotestScene ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateAutotestScene(node *AutoTestScene) error
func (*DBClient) CreateBranchRule ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateBranchRule(branchRule *model.BranchRule) error
CreateBranchRule 创建分支规则
func (*DBClient) CreateCertificate ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateCertificate(certificate *model.Certificate) error
CreateCertificate 创建Certificate
func (*DBClient) CreateCodeCoverage ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) CreateCodeCoverage(record *CodeCoverageExecRecord) error
CreateCodeCoverage .
func (*DBClient) CreateComment ¶
CreateComment 创建工单评论
func (*DBClient) CreateFile ¶
func (*DBClient) CreateIssue ¶
CreateIssue 创建
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueAppRelation ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueAppRelation(issueAppRel *IssueAppRelation) error
CreateIssueAppRelation 创建事件应用关联关系
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueFilterBookmark ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (db *DBClient) CreateIssueFilterBookmark(bm *IssueFilterBookmark) error
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueProperty ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueProperty(property *IssueProperty) error
func (*DBClient) CreateIssuePropertyValue ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssuePropertyValue(value *IssuePropertyValue) error
func (*DBClient) CreateIssuePropertyValues ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssuePropertyValues(values []IssuePropertyValue) error
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueRelations(issueRelation *IssueRelation) error
CreateIssueRelations 创建事件与事件的关联关系
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueStage ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueStage(stages []IssueStage) error
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueStream ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueStream(is *IssueStream) error
CreateIssueStream 创建 issue 事件流
func (*DBClient) CreateIssueSubscriber ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssueSubscriber(issueSubscriber *IssueSubscriber) error
CreateIssueSubscriber Create relationship between issue and subscriber
func (*DBClient) CreateIssuesState ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateIssuesState(state *IssueState) error
func (*DBClient) CreateIteration ¶
CreateIteration 创建
func (*DBClient) CreateLabelRelation ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateLabelRelation(lr *LabelRelation) error
CreateLabelRelation 创建标签关联关系
func (*DBClient) CreateLibReference ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateLibReference(libReference *LibReference) error
CreateLibReference 创建库引用
func (*DBClient) CreateOrUpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaAddExtraByInode ¶
func (*DBClient) CreateOrUpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaPipelineYmlAndSnippetObjByInode ¶
func (db *DBClient) CreateOrUpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaPipelineYmlAndSnippetObjByInode(inode, pipelineYml string, snippetAction apistructs.PipelineYmlAction) error
func (*DBClient) CreateOrUpdateNexusRepository ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateOrUpdateNexusRepository(repo *NexusRepository) error
func (*DBClient) CreateOrUpdateNexusUser ¶
func (*DBClient) CreatePanel ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreatePanel(panel *IssuePanel) error
func (*DBClient) CreatePropertyRelation ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreatePropertyRelation(relation *IssuePropertyRelation) error
func (*DBClient) CreatePropertyRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreatePropertyRelations(relations []IssuePropertyRelation) error
func (*DBClient) CreatePublisher ¶
CreatePublisher 创建Publisher
func (*DBClient) CreateRecord ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateRecord(record *TestFileRecord) error
Create Record
func (*DBClient) CreateSceneSet ¶
Create Scene Set
func (*DBClient) CreateTestCase ¶
CreateTestCase 创建测试用例
func (*DBClient) CreateTestPlan ¶
CreateTestPlan Create test plan
func (*DBClient) CreateTestPlanCaseRel ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlanCaseRel(testPlanCaseRel *TestPlanCaseRel) error
CreateTestPlanCaseRel Create testPlanCaseRel
func (*DBClient) CreateTestPlanMember ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlanMember(mem *TestPlanMember) error
func (*DBClient) CreateTestPlanV2 ¶
func (client *DBClient) CreateTestPlanV2(testPlan *TestPlanV2) error
CreateTestPlanV2 Create test plan
func (*DBClient) CreateTestSet ¶
CreateTestSet insert testset
func (*DBClient) CreateTicket ¶
CreateTicket 创建工单
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestFileTreeNodeByInode ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory ¶
func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory(node *AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory) error
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestPlanMemberByPlanID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestScene ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSceneInput ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSceneOutput ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSpace ¶
func (db *DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSpace(space *AutoTestSpace) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
DeleteAutoTestSpace 删除测试空间
func (*DBClient) DeleteAutoTestSpaceRelation ¶
DeleteAutoTestSpaceRelation 删除测试空间关联
func (*DBClient) DeleteBranchRule ¶
DeleteBranchRule 删除分支规则
func (*DBClient) DeleteBranchRuleByScope ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteBranchRuleByScope(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType, scopeID int64) error
DeleteBranchRuleByScope 批量删除分支规则
func (*DBClient) DeleteCertificate ¶
DeleteCertificate 删除Certificate
func (*DBClient) DeleteFile ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteFileRecordByTime ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteFileRecordByTime(t time.Time) ([]FileUUIDStr, error)
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueAppRelationsByApp ¶
DeleteIssueAppRelationsByApp 根据 appID 删除关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueAppRelationsByComment ¶
DeleteIssueAppRelationsByComment 根据 commentID 删除关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueFilterBookmarkByID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueProperty ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueProperty(orgId int64, propertyIssueType apistructs.PropertyIssueType, id int64, index int64) error
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuePropertyValue ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuePropertyValuesByPropertyID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueRelation ¶
DeleteIssueRelation 删除两条issue之间的关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueSubscriber ¶
DeleteIssueSubscriber Delete issue subscriber
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIDs ¶
DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIDs 根据关联关系 id 删除
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIssueID ¶
DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIssueID 根据 issue id 删除关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIssueIDs ¶
DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByIssueIDs 根据 issue ids 删除关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByTestCaseIDs ¶
DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByCaseIDs 根据 test case id 删除关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByTestPlanCaseRelIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByTestPlanCaseRelIDs(testPlanCaseRelIDs []uint64) error
DeleteIssueTestCaseRelationsByTestPlanCaseRelIDs 根据 测试计划用例 ids 删除
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuesByRequirement ¶
DeleteIssuesByRequirement .
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuesStage ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteIssuesStage(orgID int64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) error
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuesState ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuesStateByProjectID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteIssuesStateRelationByStartID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteIteration ¶
DeleteIteration 删除
func (*DBClient) DeleteLabelRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteLabelRelations(refType apistructs.ProjectLabelType, refID uint64) error
DeleteLabelRelations 删除标签关联关系
func (*DBClient) DeleteLabelRelationsByLabel ¶
DeleteLabelRelationsByLabel 根据 labelID 删除标签
func (*DBClient) DeleteLibReference ¶
DeleteLibReference 删除库引用
func (*DBClient) DeletePanelByPanelID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeletePropertyRelationByIssueID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeletePropertyRelationsByPropertyID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeletePublisher ¶
DeletePublisher 删除Publisher
func (*DBClient) DeleteSceneSet ¶
Delete Sceneset
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlan ¶
DeleteTestPlan Delete test plan
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelByTestCaseID ¶
DeleteTestPlanCaseRelByTestCaseID Delete relations by testCaseID
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelByTestPlanID ¶
DeleteTestPlanCaseRelByTestPlanID Delete relations by testPlanID
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelations ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanCaseRelationsByTestCaseIds ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanMemberByPlanID ¶
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanV2ByID ¶
DeleteTestPlanV2ByID Delete test plan and his all steps by ID
func (*DBClient) DeleteTestPlanV2Step ¶
func (client *DBClient) DeleteTestPlanV2Step(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2StepDeleteRequest) error
DeleteTestPlanV2Step Delete a step in the test plan
func (*DBClient) DeleteTicket ¶
DeleteTicket 删除工单
func (*DBClient) FindIssueStream ¶
func (client *DBClient) FindIssueStream(issueId int) ([]IssueStream, error)
func (*DBClient) FindIterations ¶
func (*DBClient) FindSceneBySetAndName ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (db *DBClient) FindSceneBySetAndName(setId uint64, name string) ([]AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) FirstFileReady ¶
func (client *DBClient) FirstFileReady(actionType ...apistructs.FileActionType) (bool, *TestFileRecord, error)
func (*DBClient) FuzzySearchAutoTestFileTreeNodes ¶
func (*DBClient) GetAllIssuesByProject ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) GetAllIssuesByProject(req apistructs.IssueListRequest) ([]IssueItem, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAllTestSets ¶
func (*DBClient) GetAppCertificateByAppIDAndCertificateID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificateByAppIDAndCertificateID(appID, quoteCertificateID uint64) (*model.AppCertificate, error)
GetAppCertificateByAppIDAndCertificateID 根据certificateID获取应用Certificate信息
func (*DBClient) GetAppCertificateByApprovalID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificateByApprovalID(approvalID int64) (*model.AppCertificate, error)
GetAppCertificateByApprovalID 根据certificateID获取应用Certificate信息
func (*DBClient) GetAppCertificateByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificateByID(quoteCertificateID uint64) (model.AppCertificate, error)
GetAppCertificateByID 根据certificateID获取应用Certificate信息
func (*DBClient) GetAppCertificatesByOrgIDAndName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetAppCertificatesByOrgIDAndName(params *apistructs.AppCertificateListRequest) ( int, []model.AppCertificate, error)
GetAppCertificatesByOrgIDAndName 根据appID和状态获取Certificate列表
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeNodeByInode ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeNodeByInode(inode string) (*AutoTestFileTreeNode, bool, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaByInode ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeNodeMetaByInode(inode string) (*AutoTestFileTreeNodeMeta, bool, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeScopeRootDir ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestFileTreeScopeRootDir(scope, scopeID string) (*AutoTestFileTreeNode, bool, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneInput ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneInput(id uint64) (*AutoTestSceneInput, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneOutput ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneOutput(id uint64) (*AutoTestSceneOutput, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestScenePreByPosition ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestScenePreByPosition(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) (uint64, uint64, bool, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStep(id uint64) (*AutoTestSceneStep, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepByPreID ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepByPreID(preID uint64, preType apistructs.PreType) (*AutoTestSceneStep, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepCount ¶
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSceneStepNumber ¶
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSpace ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutoTestSpace(id uint64) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
GetAutoTestSpace 获取测试空间
func (*DBClient) GetAutoTestSpaceStepNumber ¶
func (*DBClient) GetAutotestScene ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestScene(id uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutotestSceneByName ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneByName(name string, setID uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutotestSceneByPreID ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneByPreID(preID uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutotestSceneFirst ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSceneFirst(setID uint64) (*AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) GetAutotestSceneTx ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (*DBClient) GetAutotestSpaceByName ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetAutotestSpaceByName(name string, projectID int64) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
GetAutotestSpaceByName 通过空间名获取空间
func (*DBClient) GetBatchUpdateIssues ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetBatchUpdateIssues(req *apistructs.IssueBatchUpdateRequest) ([]Issue, error)
GetBatchUpdateIssues 获取待批量更新记录,生成活动记录
func (*DBClient) GetBranchRule ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetBranchRule(id int64) (model.BranchRule, error)
GetBranchRule 获取分支规则
func (*DBClient) GetBranchRulesCount ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetBranchRulesCount(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType) (int64, error)
GetBranchRulesCount 查询分支规则数量
func (*DBClient) GetCertificateByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetCertificateByID(certificateID int64) (model.Certificate, error)
GetCertificateByID 根据certificateID获取Certificate信息
func (*DBClient) GetCertificateByOrgAndName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetCertificateByOrgAndName(orgID int64, name string) (*model.Certificate, error)
GetCertificateByOrgAndName 根据orgID & Certificate名称 获取证书信息
func (*DBClient) GetCertificatesByIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetCertificatesByIDs(certificateIDs []int64, params *apistructs.CertificateListRequest) ( int, []model.Certificate, error)
GetCertificatesByIDs 根据certificateIDs获取Certificate列表
func (*DBClient) GetCertificatesByOrgIDAndName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetCertificatesByOrgIDAndName(orgID int64, params *apistructs.CertificateListRequest) ( int, []model.Certificate, error)
GetCertificatesByOrgIDAndName 根据orgID与名称获取Certificate列表
func (*DBClient) GetClosedBugState ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetClosedBugState(projectID int64) ([]IssueState, error)
GetClosedBugState 获取一个项目下已关闭的bug状态id
func (*DBClient) GetClusterOpenTicketsNum ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetClusterOpenTicketsNum(ticketType, targetType, targetID string) (uint64, error)
GetClusterOpenTicketsNum 获取指定集群open状态的工单总数
func (*DBClient) GetCodeCoverageByID ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) GetCodeCoverageByID(id uint64) (*CodeCoverageExecRecord, error)
GetCodeCoverageByID .
func (*DBClient) GetCommentByID ¶
GetCommentByID 根据commentID获取评论
func (*DBClient) GetCommentsByTicketID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetCommentsByTicketID(ticketID int64, pageNo, pageSize int) (int64, []model.Comment, error)
GetCommentsByTicketID 根据ticketID获取工单评论
func (*DBClient) GetCountByCertificateID ¶
GetCountByCertificateID 根据certificateID获取引用总数
func (*DBClient) GetEnvConfigByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetEnvConfigByID(configID int64) (*model.ConfigItem, error)
GetEnvConfigByID 根据 ID 获取 配置信息
func (*DBClient) GetEnvConfigByKey ¶
GetEnvConfigByKey 根据 namespaceID, key 获取某个配置信息
func (*DBClient) GetEnvConfigsByNamespaceID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetEnvConfigsByNamespaceID(namespaceID int64) ([]model.ConfigItem, error)
GetEnvConfigsByNamespaceID 根据 namespaceID 获取所有配置信息
func (*DBClient) GetIssueBugByRange ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueBugByRange(req apistructs.IssuesStageRequest) ([]Issue, float32, error)
GetIssueByRange 通过迭代或项目获取issue Bug
func (*DBClient) GetIssueByIssueIDs ¶
GetIssueByIssueIDs 通过issueid获取issue
func (*DBClient) GetIssueByState ¶
GetIssueByState 通过状态获取issue
func (*DBClient) GetIssueExpiryStatusByProjects ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueExpiryStatusByProjects(req apistructs.WorkbenchRequest) ([]IssueExpiryStatus, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssueLabelsByProjectID ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueLabelsByProjectID(projectID uint64) ([]IssueLabel, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssueManHourSum ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueManHourSum(req apistructs.IssuesStageRequest) (apistructs.IssueManHourSumResponse, error)
GetIssueManHourSum 事件下所有的任务总和
func (*DBClient) GetIssueNumByPros ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueNumByPros(projectIDS []uint64, req apistructs.IssuePagingRequest) ([]apistructs.IssueNum, error)
GetIssueNumByPros query by IssuePagingRequest and group by project_id to get special issue num
func (*DBClient) GetIssueProperties ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueProperties(req apistructs.IssuePropertiesGetRequest) ([]IssueProperty, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuePropertiesByRelation ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertiesByRelation(ID int64) (*IssueProperty, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuePropertiesByTime ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertiesByTime(orgID int64) ([]IssueProperty, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuePropertyByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyByID(id int64) (*IssueProperty, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuePropertyByName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyByName(orgID int64, Name string, PropertyIssueType apistructs.PropertyIssueType) (*IssueProperty, error)
GetIssuePropertyByName 根据 name 获取 property 信息
func (*DBClient) GetIssuePropertyValue ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyValue(id int64) (*IssuePropertyValue, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuePropertyValues ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuePropertyValues(orgID int64) ([]IssuePropertyValue, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssueRelationsByIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueRelationsByIDs(issueIDs []uint64) ([]IssueRelation, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssueStateByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueStateByID(ID int64) (*IssueState, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssueStateByIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueStateByIDs(ID []int64) ([]IssueState, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssueStatePermission ¶
func (*DBClient) GetIssueSubscriber ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSubscriber(issueID int64, userID string) (*IssueSubscriber, error)
GetIssueSubscriber get subscribers of an issue
func (*DBClient) GetIssueSubscribersByIssueID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSubscribersByIssueID(issueID int64) ([]IssueSubscriber, error)
GetIssueSubscribersByIssueID get subscribers by issueID
func (*DBClient) GetIssueSubscribersSliceByIssueID ¶
GetIssueSubscribersSliceByIssueID get a slice of issue subscribers by issueID
func (*DBClient) GetIssueSummary ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssueSummary(iterationID int64, task, bug, requirement []int64) apistructs.ISummary
GetIssueSummary 获取迭代相关的issue统计信息
func (*DBClient) GetIssueWithOutDelete ¶
GetIssue 查询事件
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesByProject ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesByProject(req apistructs.IssuePagingRequest) ([]Issue, uint64, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesStage ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStage(orgID int64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) ([]IssueStage, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesStageByOrgID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStageByOrgID(orgID int64) ([]IssueStage, error)
GetIssuesStageByOrgID get issuesStage by orgID
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesStateRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStateRelations(projectID uint64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) ([]IssueStateJoinSQL, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesStates ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStates(req *apistructs.IssueStatesGetRequest) ([]IssueState, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesStatesByProjectID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStatesByProjectID(projectID uint64, issueType apistructs.IssueType) ([]IssueState, error)
func (*DBClient) GetIssuesStatesByProjectIDList ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetIssuesStatesByProjectIDList(projectIDList []uint64) ([]IssueState, error)
get all state by projectID list
func (*DBClient) GetIteration ¶
GetIteration Iteration 详情
func (*DBClient) GetIterationByTitle ¶
GetIterationByTitle 根据 title 获取 Iteration 信息
func (*DBClient) GetLabelRelationsByLabels ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetLabelRelationsByLabels(refType apistructs.ProjectLabelType, labelIDs []uint64) ([]LabelRelation, error)
GetLabelRelationsByLabels 获取标签关联关系列表
func (*DBClient) GetLabelRelationsByRef ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetLabelRelationsByRef(refType apistructs.ProjectLabelType, refID uint64) ([]LabelRelation, error)
GetLabelRelationsByRef 获取标签关联关系列表
func (*DBClient) GetLastCommentByTicket ¶
GetLastCommentByTicket 根据 ticketID 获取最新评论
func (*DBClient) GetLibReference ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetLibReference(libReferenceID uint64) (*LibReference, error)
GetLibReference 库引用详情
func (*DBClient) GetMaxOrderNumUnderParentTestSet ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetMaxOrderNumUnderParentTestSet(projectID, parentID uint64, recycled bool) (int, error)
GetMaxOrderNumUnderParentTestSet 返回当前父测试集下的最大 order num 若当前父测试集下没有子测试集,则返回 -1
func (*DBClient) GetNamespaceByName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetNamespaceByName(name string) (*model.ConfigNamespace, error)
GetNamespaceByName 根据 name 获取 namespac
func (*DBClient) GetNamespaceRelationByName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetNamespaceRelationByName(name string) (*model.ConfigNamespaceRelation, error)
GetNamespaceRelationByName 根据 name 获取 namespace 关联关系
func (*DBClient) GetNamespaceRelationsByDefaultName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetNamespaceRelationsByDefaultName(name string) ([]model.ConfigNamespaceRelation, error)
GetNamespaceRelationByDefaultName 根据 defaultName 获取 namespace 关联关系
func (*DBClient) GetNamespacesByNames ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetNamespacesByNames(names []string) ([]model.ConfigNamespace, error)
GetNamespacesByNames 根据 多个names 获取 多个namespace
func (*DBClient) GetNexusRepository ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetNexusRepository(id uint64) (*NexusRepository, error)
func (*DBClient) GetNexusRepositoryByName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetNexusRepositoryByName(name string) (*NexusRepository, error)
func (*DBClient) GetNexusUserByName ¶
func (*DBClient) GetOpenTicketByKey ¶
GetOpenTicketByKey 获取open状态的工单
func (*DBClient) GetOrgPublishersCount ¶
GetPublishersByIDs 获取企业的Publisher个数
func (*DBClient) GetPanelByIssueID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPanelByIssueID(issueID int64) (*IssuePanel, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPanelByPanelID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPanelByPanelID(panelID int64) (*IssuePanel, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPanelIssuesByPanel ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPanelIssuesByPanel(panelID int64, pageNo, pageSize uint64) ([]IssuePanel, uint64, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPanelIssuesID ¶
func (*DBClient) GetPanelIssuesIDByProjectID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPanelIssuesIDByProjectID(projectID uint64) ([]IssuePanel, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPanelsByProjectID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPanelsByProjectID(projectID uint64) ([]IssuePanel, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByID(issueID int64) ([]IssuePropertyRelation, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByIssueID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByIssueID(issueID int64, propertyID int64) (*IssuePropertyRelation, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByPropertyID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPropertyRelationByPropertyID(propertyID int64) (*IssuePropertyRelation, error)
func (*DBClient) GetPublisherByID ¶
GetPublisherByID 根据publisherID获取Publisher信息
func (*DBClient) GetPublisherByOrgAndName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPublisherByOrgAndName(orgID int64, name string) (*model.Publisher, error)
GetPublisherByOrgAndName 根据orgID & Publisher名称 获取Publisher
func (*DBClient) GetPublisherByOrgID ¶
GetPublisherByOrgID 根据orgID 获取Publisher
func (*DBClient) GetPublishersByIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPublishersByIDs(publisherIDs []int64, params *apistructs.PublisherListRequest) ( int, []model.Publisher, error)
GetPublishersByIDs 根据publisherIDs获取Publisher列表
func (*DBClient) GetPublishersByOrgIDAndName ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetPublishersByOrgIDAndName(orgID int64, params *apistructs.PublisherListRequest) ( int, []model.Publisher, error)
GetPublishersByOrgIDAndName 根据orgID与名称获取Publisher列表
func (*DBClient) GetReceiversByIssueID ¶
GetReceiversByIssueID get receivers of issue event
func (*DBClient) GetRecord ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetRecord(id uint64) (*TestFileRecord, error)
Get Record by id
func (*DBClient) GetRelatedIssues ¶
GetRelatedIssues 获取该事件被哪些事件关联了
func (*DBClient) GetRelatingIssues ¶
GetRelatingIssues 获取该事件关联了哪些事件
func (*DBClient) GetSceneSet ¶
Get Sceneset by id
func (*DBClient) GetSceneSetByPreID ¶
func (*DBClient) GetSonarMetricRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetSonarMetricRules(ID int64) (*QASonarMetricRules, error)
func (*DBClient) GetStepByTestPlanID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetStepByTestPlanID(testPlanID uint64, needSort bool) ([]TestPlanV2StepJoin, int64, error)
GetStepByTestPlanID Get steps of test plan if needSort is true then return a sorted list
func (*DBClient) GetTestCaseByID ¶
func (DBClient) GetTestPlan ¶
GetTestPlan Fetch test plan
func (*DBClient) GetTestPlanByName ¶
func (*DBClient) GetTestPlanCaseRel ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanCaseRel(relID uint64) (*TestPlanCaseRel, error)
GetTestPlanCaseRel Fetch testPlanCaseRel
func (*DBClient) GetTestPlanCaseRelByPlanIDAndCaseID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanCaseRelByPlanIDAndCaseID(planID, caseID uint64) (*TestPlanCaseRel, error)
func (*DBClient) GetTestPlanV2ByID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanV2ByID(testPlanID uint64) (*TestPlanV2, error)
GetTestPlanV2ByID Get test plan by id
func (*DBClient) GetTestPlanV2Step ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanV2Step(ID uint64) (*TestPlanV2StepJoin, error)
func (*DBClient) GetTestPlanV2StepByPreID ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetTestPlanV2StepByPreID(preID uint64) (*TestPlanV2Step, error)
func (*DBClient) GetTestSetByID ¶
GetTestSetByID 根据ID获取测试集
func (*DBClient) GetTestSetByNameAndParentIDAndProjectID ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByNameAndParentIDAndProjectID(projectID, parentID uint64, recycled bool, name string) (*TestSet, error)
ListTestSets 根据父ID和项目ID获取测试集
func (*DBClient) GetTestSetByParentID ¶
GetTestSetByParentID 根据父ID和项目ID获取测试集
func (*DBClient) GetTestSetByParentIDAndProjectIDAsc ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByParentIDAndProjectIDAsc(parentIDs []uint64, projectID uint64, recycled bool, testSetIDs []uint64) ([]TestSet, error)
GetTestSetByParentIDAndProjectIDAsc 根据父ID和项目ID获取子测试集信息,升序排列
func (*DBClient) GetTestSetByParentIDsAndProjectID ¶
func (db *DBClient) GetTestSetByParentIDsAndProjectID(parentIDs []uint64, projectID uint64, recycled bool) ([]TestSet, error)
GetTestSetByParentIDsAndProjectID 根据父ID和项目ID获取测试集
func (*DBClient) GetTestSetDirectoryByID ¶
GetTestSetDirectoryByID 根据ID获取测试集的路径
func (*DBClient) GetTicketByRequestID ¶
GetTicketByRequestID 根据requestID header获取记录
func (*DBClient) GetUserAutoTestPlanRole ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetUserAutoTestPlanRole(userID string, testPlanID uint64) (apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole, error)
func (*DBClient) GetUserTestPlanRole ¶
func (client *DBClient) GetUserTestPlanRole(userID string, testPlanID uint64) (apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole, error)
func (*DBClient) InsertAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) InsertAutoTestSceneStep(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest, preID uint64) (uint64, error)
func (*DBClient) IssueStateCount ¶
func (client *DBClient) IssueStateCount(requirementIDs []int64) ([]apistructs.RequirementGroupResult, error)
IssueStateCount 需求下任务统计
func (*DBClient) IssueStateCount2 ¶
func (client *DBClient) IssueStateCount2(issueIDs []uint64) ([]apistructs.RequirementGroupResult, error)
IssueStateCount2 需求关联的任务状态统计
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeByPinode ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeByPinode(pinode string) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNode, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeByPinodeAndNamePrefix ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeByPinodeAndNamePrefix(pinode, namePrefix string) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNode, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistoryByinode ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestFileTreeNodeHistoryByinode(inode string) ([]AutoTestFileTreeNodeHistory, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanMembersByPlanID ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanMembersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) ([]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanMembersByPlanIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanMembersByPlanIDs(testPlanIDs []uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) (map[uint64][]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanOwnersByOwners ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanOwnersByOwners(owners []string) ([]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanOwnersByPlanID ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListAutoTestPlanOwnersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64) ([]AutoTestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneInput ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneInput(sceneID uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneInput, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneInputByScenes ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneInputByScenes(sceneID []uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneInput, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneOutput ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneOutput(sceneID uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneOutput, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneOutputByScenes ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneOutputByScenes(sceneID []uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneOutput, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneStep(sceneID uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneStep, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneSteps ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSceneSteps(sceneID []uint64) ([]AutoTestSceneStep, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutoTestSpaceByProject ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutoTestSpaceByProject(projectID int64, pageNo, pageSize int) ([]AutoTestSpace, int, error)
ListAutoTestSpaceByProject 项目下获取测试空间列表
func (*DBClient) ListAutotestScene ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutotestScene(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) (uint64, []AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutotestSceneTx ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (db *DBClient) ListAutotestSceneTx(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest, tx *gorm.DB) (uint64, []AutoTestScene, error)
func (*DBClient) ListAutotestScenes ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListAutotestScenes(setIDs []uint64) ([]AutoTestScene, error)
ListAutotestScenes 批量查询场景
func (*DBClient) ListCodeCoverage ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) ListCodeCoverage(req apistructs.CodeCoverageListRequest) (records []CodeCoverageExecRecordShort, total uint64, err error)
ListCodeCoverage .
func (*DBClient) ListCodeCoverageByStatus ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) ListCodeCoverageByStatus(projectID uint64, status []apistructs.CodeCoverageExecStatus) (records []CodeCoverageExecRecord, err error)
ListCodeCoverageByStatus .
func (*DBClient) ListEnvConfigsByNamespaceID ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) ListEnvConfigsByNamespaceID(namespaceIDList []int64) ([]model.ConfigItem, error)
func (*DBClient) ListExpiredFiles ¶
func (*DBClient) ListIssue ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListIssue(req apistructs.IssueListRequest) ([]Issue, error)
ListIssue 查询事件列表
func (*DBClient) ListIssueByIDs ¶
func (*DBClient) ListIssueFilterBookmarkByUserIDAndProjectID ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (db *DBClient) ListIssueFilterBookmarkByUserIDAndProjectID(userID, projectID string) ([]IssueFilterBookmark, error)
func (*DBClient) ListIssueTestCaseRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListIssueTestCaseRelations(req apistructs.IssueTestCaseRelationsListRequest) ([]IssueTestCaseRelation, error)
ListIssueTestCaseRelations 查询事件用例关联关系列表
func (*DBClient) ListLibReference ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListLibReference(req *apistructs.LibReferenceListRequest) (uint64, []LibReference, error)
ListLibReference 库引用列表
func (*DBClient) ListNamespaceByAppID ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListNamespaceByAppID(name string) ([]model.ConfigNamespace, error)
ListNamespaceByAppID 修复数据库老数据使用 name = app-2079
func (*DBClient) ListNamespaceByName ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) ListNamespaceByName(names []string) ([]model.ConfigNamespace, error)
func (*DBClient) ListNexusRepositories ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListNexusRepositories(req apistructs.NexusRepositoryListRequest) ([]*NexusRepository, error)
func (*DBClient) ListNexusUsers ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListNexusUsers(req apistructs.NexusUserListRequest) ([]NexusUser, error)
func (*DBClient) ListRecordsByProject ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListRecordsByProject(req apistructs.ListTestFileRecordsRequest) ([]TestFileRecord, map[string]int, error)
Get Records by projectId
func (*DBClient) ListSonarMetricRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListSonarMetricRules(query *QASonarMetricRules, otherQueryFuncList ...func(sql *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB) (dbRules []QASonarMetricRules, err error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestCasesByIDs ¶
func (*DBClient) ListTestCasesByTestSetIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestCasesByTestSetIDs(req apistructs.TestCaseListRequest) ([]TestCase, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanCaseRels ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanCaseRels(req apistructs.TestPlanCaseRelListRequest) ([]TestPlanCaseRel, error)
ListTestPlanCaseRels List testPlanCaseRel
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanCaseRelsCount ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanCaseRelsCount(testPlanIDs []uint64) (map[uint64]apistructs.TestPlanRelsCount, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByOwnerIDs ¶
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByPartnerIDs ¶
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByUserIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanIDsByUserIDs(userIDs []string, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) ([]uint64, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanMembersByPlanID ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanMembersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanMembersByPlanIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanMembersByPlanIDs(testPlanIDs []uint64, roles ...apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole) (map[uint64][]TestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanOwnersByOwners ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanOwnersByOwners(owners []string) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanOwnersByPlanID ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanOwnersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanPartnersByPlanID ¶
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanPartnersByPlanID(testPlanID uint64) ([]TestPlanMember, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanTestSetIDs ¶
ListTestPlanTestSetIDs 获取测试计划下的测试集 ID 列表,从关联关系而来
func (*DBClient) ListTestPlanV2Step ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (client *DBClient) ListTestPlanV2Step(testPlanID, groupID uint64) ([]TestPlanV2StepJoin, error)
ListTestPlanV2Step list testPlan step
func (*DBClient) ListTestSetByIDs ¶
func (*DBClient) ListTestSets ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListTestSets(req apistructs.TestSetListRequest) ([]TestSet, error)
func (*DBClient) ListTestSetsRecursive ¶
func (db *DBClient) ListTestSetsRecursive(req apistructs.TestSetListRequest) ([]uint64, []TestSet, error)
ListTestSetsRecursive 获取测试集列表,可选是否包含子测试集
func (*DBClient) MoveAutoTestFileTreeNode ¶
func (*DBClient) MoveAutoTestScene ¶
like linklist change to node index
func (*DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStep(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
func (*DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStepGroup ¶
func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStepGroup(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
func (*DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStepToGroup ¶
func (db *DBClient) MoveAutoTestSceneStepToGroup(req apistructs.AutotestSceneRequest) error
func (*DBClient) MoveSceneSet ¶
func (client *DBClient) MoveSceneSet(req apistructs.SceneSetRequest) error
func (*DBClient) MoveTestPlanV2Step ¶
func (client *DBClient) MoveTestPlanV2Step(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2StepMoveRequest) error
MoveTestPlanV2Step move a step in the test plan
func (*DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanMembers ¶
func (client *DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanMembers(testPlanID uint64, members []AutoTestPlanMember) error
OverwriteAutoTestPlanMembers 使用新的成员列表覆盖之前的成员列表
func (*DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanOwner ¶
OverwriteAutoTestPlanOwner 使用新的 owner 覆盖之前的 owner
func (*DBClient) OverwriteAutoTestPlanPartners ¶
OverwriteAutoTestPlanPartners 使用新的 partner 列表覆盖之前的 partner 列表
func (*DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanMembers ¶
func (client *DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanMembers(testPlanID uint64, members []TestPlanMember) error
OverwriteTestPlanMembers 使用新的成员列表覆盖之前的成员列表
func (*DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanOwner ¶
OverwriteTestPlanOwner 使用新的 owner 覆盖之前的 owner
func (*DBClient) OverwriteTestPlanPartners ¶
OverwriteTestPlanPartners 使用新的 partner 列表覆盖之前的 partner 列表
func (*DBClient) PagingIssueStream ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingIssueStream(req *apistructs.IssueStreamPagingRequest) (int64, []IssueStream, error)
PagingIssueStream issue 分页查询事件流
func (*DBClient) PagingIssues ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingIssues(req apistructs.IssuePagingRequest, queryIDs bool) ([]Issue, uint64, error)
PagingIssues 分页查询issue queryIDs = true 表示不管req.IDs是否为空都要根据ID查询
func (*DBClient) PagingIterations ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingIterations(req apistructs.IterationPagingRequest) ([]Iteration, uint64, error)
PagingIterations 分页查询
func (*DBClient) PagingPropertyRelationByIDs ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingPropertyRelationByIDs(issueID []int64) ([]IssuePropertyRelation, error)
func (*DBClient) PagingSonarMetricRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingSonarMetricRules(req apistructs.SonarMetricRulesPagingRequest) (*dbclient.Paging, error)
PagingTestPlan List test plan
func (*DBClient) PagingTestPlan ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingTestPlan(req apistructs.TestPlanPagingRequest) (uint64, []TestPlan, error)
PagingTestPlan List test plan
func (*DBClient) PagingTestPlanV2 ¶
func (client *DBClient) PagingTestPlanV2(req *apistructs.TestPlanV2PagingRequest) (int, []*apistructs.TestPlanV2, []string, error)
PagingTestPlanV2 Page query testplan
func (*DBClient) QueryBranchRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) QueryBranchRules(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType, scopeID int64) ([]model.BranchRule, error)
QueryBranchRules 查询分支列表
func (*DBClient) QueryBranchRulesByScope ¶
func (client *DBClient) QueryBranchRulesByScope(scopeType apistructs.ScopeType) ([]model.BranchRule, error)
func (*DBClient) QuoteCertificate ¶
func (client *DBClient) QuoteCertificate(certificate *model.AppCertificate) error
QuoteCertificate 创建应用Certificate
func (*DBClient) RecoverTestCasesByTestSetID ¶
RecoverTestCasesByTestSetID 回收站恢复测试集下的测试用例
func (*DBClient) RecoverTestSet ¶
func (*DBClient) RecycleTestSet ¶
func (*DBClient) RecycledTestCasesByTestSetID ¶
RecycledTestCasesByTestSetID 回收测试集下的测试用例
func (*DBClient) SceneSetsBySpaceID ¶
Get Scenesets by spaceID
func (*DBClient) SoftDeleteEnvConfig ¶
func (client *DBClient) SoftDeleteEnvConfig(config *model.ConfigItem) error
UpdateEnvConfig 更新环境变量配置
func (*DBClient) SoftDeleteNamespace ¶
func (client *DBClient) SoftDeleteNamespace(namespace *model.ConfigNamespace) error
SoftDeleteNamespace 软删除 namespace
func (*DBClient) SoftDeleteNamespaceRelation ¶
func (client *DBClient) SoftDeleteNamespaceRelation(namespaceRelation *model.ConfigNamespaceRelation) error
SoftDeleteNamespace 软删除 namespace
func (*DBClient) Transaction ¶
Transaction Execute Transaction
func (*DBClient) UpdateApprovalStatusByApprovalID ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateApprovalStatusByApprovalID(approvalID uint64, status apistructs.ApprovalStatus) error
UpdateApprovalStatusByApprovalID 更新审批流状态
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutoTestFileTreeNodeBasicInfo ¶
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutoTestPlanMember ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateAutoTestPlanMember(mem *AutoTestPlanMember) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutoTestSpace ¶
func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutoTestSpace(space *AutoTestSpace) (*AutoTestSpace, error)
UpdateAutoTestSpace 更新测试空间
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutotestScene ¶
func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestScene(node *AutoTestScene) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneInput ¶
func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneInput(input *AutoTestSceneInput) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneOutput ¶
func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneOutput(output *AutoTestSceneOutput) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneStep ¶
func (db *DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneStep(step *AutoTestSceneStep) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneUpdateAt ¶
func (*DBClient) UpdateAutotestSceneUpdater ¶
func (*DBClient) UpdateBranchRule ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateBranchRule(branchRule *model.BranchRule) error
UpdateBranchRule 更新分支规则
func (*DBClient) UpdateCertificate ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateCertificate(certificate *model.Certificate) error
UpdateCertificate 更新Certificate
func (*DBClient) UpdateCodeCoverage ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (client *DBClient) UpdateCodeCoverage(record *CodeCoverageExecRecord) error
UpdateCodeCoverage .
func (*DBClient) UpdateComment ¶
UpdateComment 更新工单评论
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssue ¶
UpdateIssue 更新
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssuePropertiesIndex ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuePropertiesIndex(properties []IssueProperty) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssueProperty ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueProperty(property *IssueProperty) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssuePropertyValue ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuePropertyValue(property *IssuePropertyValue) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssueState ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueState(state *IssueState) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssueStateRelations ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueStateRelations(projectID int64, issueType apistructs.IssueType, StateRelations []IssueStateRelation) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssueStream ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssueStream(is *IssueStream) error
UpdateIssueStream 更新 issue 事件流
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssueType ¶
UpdateIssueType 转换issueType
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssues ¶
UpdateIssues 批量更新 issue
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssuesStateBelong ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateIssuesStateBelong(id int64, belong apistructs.IssueStateBelong) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateIssuesStateIndex ¶
func (*DBClient) UpdateIteration ¶
UpdateIteration 更新
func (*DBClient) UpdateOrAddEnvConfig ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateOrAddEnvConfig(config *model.ConfigItem) error
UpdateOrAddEnvConfig 更新环境变量配置
func (*DBClient) UpdateOrAddNamespace ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateOrAddNamespace(namespace *model.ConfigNamespace) error
UpdateOrAddNamespace 更新/添加 namespace
func (*DBClient) UpdateOrAddNamespaceRelation ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateOrAddNamespaceRelation(namespaceRelation *model.ConfigNamespaceRelation) error
UpdateOrAddNamespaceRelation 更新/添加命名空间关联关系
func (*DBClient) UpdatePanel ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdatePanel(panel *IssuePanel) error
func (*DBClient) UpdatePropertyRelationArbitraryValue ¶
func (*DBClient) UpdatePublisher ¶
UpdatePublisher 更新Publisher
func (*DBClient) UpdateQuoteCertificate ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateQuoteCertificate(certificate *model.AppCertificate) error
UpdateQuoteCertificate 更新Certificate
func (*DBClient) UpdateRecord ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateRecord(record *TestFileRecord) error
Update Record
func (*DBClient) UpdateSceneRefSetID ¶
func (db *DBClient) UpdateSceneRefSetID(copyRefs apistructs.AutoTestSceneCopyRef) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateSceneSet ¶
Update Sceneset
func (*DBClient) UpdateSonarMetricRules ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateSonarMetricRules(updateObj *QASonarMetricRules) (err error)
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestCase ¶
UpdateTestCase 更新测试用例
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestPlan ¶
UpdateTestPlan Update test plan
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestPlanMember ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanMember(mem *TestPlanMember) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestPlanTestCaseRel ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanTestCaseRel(testPlanCaseRel *TestPlanCaseRel) error
UpdateTestPlanTestCaseRel Update testPlanCaseRel
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestPlanV2 ¶
UpdateTestPlanV2 Update test plan
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestPlanV2Step ¶
func (client *DBClient) UpdateTestPlanV2Step(step TestPlanV2Step) error
func (*DBClient) UpdateTestSet ¶
UpdateTestSet update testset
type ExpireType ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ExpireType string
const ( ExpireTypeUndefined ExpireType = "Undefined" ExpireTypeExpired ExpireType = "Expired" ExpireTypeExpireIn1Day ExpireType = "ExpireIn1Day" ExpireTypeExpireIn2Days ExpireType = "ExpireIn2Days" ExpireTypeExpireIn7Days ExpireType = "ExpireIn7Days" ExpireTypeExpireIn30Days ExpireType = "ExpireIn30Days" ExpireTypeExpireInFuture ExpireType = "ExpireInFuture" )
func (ExpireType) String ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (e ExpireType) String() string
type File ¶
type File struct { dbengine.BaseModel UUID string // UUID,解决重名问题;用自增 id 在存储介质上容易冲突 DisplayName string // 文件名,用于下载的时候展示 Ext string // 文件后缀,带 dot ByteSize int64 // 文件大小,Byte StorageType storage.Type // 存储类型 FullRelativePath string // 文件相对路径,不包含 网盘挂载点 或 oss bucket From string // 文件来源,例如 issue / gittar mr Creator string // 文件创建者 ID Extra FileExtra // 额外信息,包括存储介质关键信息快照等 ExpiredAt *time.Time // 文件超时自动删除 }
type FileExtra ¶
type FileExtra struct { OSSSnapshot OSSSnapshot `json:"ossSnapshot,omitempty"` IsPublic bool `json:"isPublic,omitempty"` Encrypt bool `json:"encrypt,omitempty"` KMSKeyID string `json:"kmsKeyID,omitempty"` DEKCiphertextBase64 string `json:"dekCiphertextBase64,omitempty"` }
type FileUUIDStr ¶
type FileUUIDStr struct {
ApiFileUUID string
type Issue ¶
type Issue struct { dbengine.BaseModel PlanStartedAt *time.Time // 计划开始时间 PlanFinishedAt *time.Time // 计划结束时间 ProjectID uint64 // 所属项目 ID IterationID int64 // 所属迭代 ID AppID *uint64 // 所属应用 ID RequirementID *int64 // 所属需求 ID Type apistructs.IssueType // issue 类型 Title string // 标题 Content string // 内容 State int64 // 状态 Priority apistructs.IssuePriority // 优先级 Complexity apistructs.IssueComplexity // 复杂度 Severity apistructs.IssueSeverity // 严重程度 Creator string // issue 创建者 ID Assignee string // 分配到 issue 的人,即当前处理人 Source string // issue创建的来源,目前只有工单使用 ManHour string // 工时信息 External bool // 用来区分是通过ui还是bundle创建的 Deleted bool // 是否已删除 Stage string // bug阶段 or 任务类型 的值 Owner string // 负责人 FinishTime *time.Time // 实际结束时间 ExpiryStatus ExpireType ReopenCount int }
Issue .
func (*Issue) GetCanUpdateFields ¶
GetCanUpdateFields 获取所有可以被主动更新的字段
type IssueAppRelation ¶
type IssueAppRelation struct { dbengine.BaseModel IssueID int64 CommentID int64 AppID int64 MRID int64 }
IssueAppRelation 事件应用关联
type IssueExpiryStatus ¶ added in v1.3.0
type IssueExpiryStatus struct { IssueNum uint64 ProjectID uint64 ExpiryStatus ExpireType }
type IssueFilterBookmark ¶ added in v1.3.0
type IssueFilterBookmark struct { ID string `gorm:"primary_key"` CreatedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time Name string UserID string ProjectID string PageKey string // 4 page and each page has 2 variants, thus 8 page for bookmarks FilterEntity string }
IssueFilterBookmark users' bookmark of issue filter
func (IssueFilterBookmark) TableName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (IssueFilterBookmark) TableName() string
type IssueItem ¶ added in v1.3.1
type IssueItem struct { dbengine.BaseModel PlanStartedAt *time.Time // 计划开始时间 PlanFinishedAt *time.Time // 计划结束时间 ProjectID uint64 // 所属项目 ID IterationID int64 // 所属迭代 ID AppID *uint64 // 所属应用 ID RequirementID *int64 // 所属需求 ID Type apistructs.IssueType // issue 类型 Title string // 标题 Content string // 内容 State int64 // 状态 Priority apistructs.IssuePriority // 优先级 Complexity apistructs.IssueComplexity // 复杂度 Severity apistructs.IssueSeverity // 严重程度 Creator string // issue 创建者 ID Assignee string // 分配到 issue 的人,即当前处理人 Source string // issue创建的来源,目前只有工单使用 ManHour string // 工时信息 External bool // 用来区分是通过ui还是bundle创建的 Deleted bool // 是否已删除 Stage string // bug阶段 or 任务类型 的值 Owner string // 负责人 FinishTime *time.Time // 实际结束时间 ExpiryStatus ExpireType ReopenCount int Name string Belong string }
func (*IssueItem) FilterPropertyRetriever ¶ added in v1.3.1
type IssueLabel ¶ added in v1.3.1
type IssueLabel struct { dbengine.BaseModel LabelID uint64 // 标签 id RefType apistructs.ProjectLabelType // 标签作用类型, eg: issue RefID uint64 // 标签关联目标 id Name string // 标签名称 Type apistructs.ProjectLabelType // 标签作用类型 }
type IssuePanel ¶
type IssuePanel struct { dbengine.BaseModel ProjectID uint64 `gorm:"column:project_id"` IssueID int64 `gorm:"column:issue_id"` PanelName string `gorm:"column:panel_name"` Relation int64 `gorm:"column:relation"` }
func (IssuePanel) TableName ¶
func (IssuePanel) TableName() string
type IssueProperty ¶
type IssueProperty struct { dbengine.BaseModel ScopeType apistructs.ScopeType `gorm:"column:scope_type"` // 系统管理员(sys)/企业(org)/项目(project)/应用(app) ScopeID int64 `gorm:"column:scope_id"` // 企业ID/项目ID/应用ID OrgID int64 `gorm:"column:org_id"` // 冗余 OrgID,方便删除企业时删除所有相关issue Required bool `gorm:"column:required"` // 是否是必填项 PropertyType apistructs.PropertyType `gorm:"column:property_type"` // 属性的的类型(单选,多选,文本) PropertyName string `gorm:"column:property_name"` // 属性的名称 DisplayName string `gorm:"column:display_name"` // 属性的展示名称 PropertyIssueType apistructs.PropertyIssueType `gorm:"column:property_issue_type"` // 事件类型 Relation int64 `gorm:"column:relation"` // 关联公用事件 Index int64 `gorm:"column:index"` // 字段排序级 }
IssueProperty 事件属性表
func (IssueProperty) TableName ¶
func (IssueProperty) TableName() string
type IssuePropertyRelation ¶
type IssuePropertyRelation struct { dbengine.BaseModel OrgID int64 `gorm:"column:org_id"` // 冗余 OrgID,方便删除企业时删除所有相关issue ProjectID int64 `gorm:"column:project_id"` IssueID int64 `gorm:"column:issue_id"` // 事件ID PropertyID int64 `gorm:"column:property_id"` // 字段ID PropertyValueID int64 `gorm:"column:property_value_id"` // 枚举值ID ArbitraryValue string `gorm:"column:arbitrary_value"` // 字段自定义输入值 }
IssuePropertyRelation 事件属性实例关联表
func (IssuePropertyRelation) TableName ¶
func (IssuePropertyRelation) TableName() string
type IssuePropertyValue ¶
type IssuePropertyValue struct { dbengine.BaseModel PropertyID int64 `gorm:"column:property_id"` Value string `gorm:"column:value"` Name string `gorm:"column:name"` }
IssuePropertyValue 事件属性值表
func (IssuePropertyValue) TableName ¶
func (IssuePropertyValue) TableName() string
type IssueRelation ¶
IssueRelation 事件事件关联
type IssueStage ¶
type IssueStage struct { dbengine.BaseModel OrgID int64 `gorm:"column:org_id"` IssueType apistructs.IssueType `gorm:"column:issue_type"` Name string `gorm:"column:name"` Value string `gorm:"column:value"` }
func (IssueStage) TableName ¶
func (i IssueStage) TableName() string
type IssueState ¶
type IssueState struct { dbengine.BaseModel ProjectID uint64 `gorm:"column:project_id"` IssueType apistructs.IssueType `gorm:"column:issue_type"` Name string `gorm:"column:name"` Belong apistructs.IssueStateBelong `gorm:"column:belong"` Index int64 `gorm:"column:index"` Role string `gorm:"column:role"` }
func (IssueState) TableName ¶
func (IssueState) TableName() string
type IssueStateJoinSQL ¶
type IssueStateJoinSQL struct { ID int64 `gorm:"primary_key"` ProjectID uint64 `gorm:"column:project_id"` IssueType apistructs.IssueType `gorm:"column:issue_type"` Name string `gorm:"column:name"` Belong apistructs.IssueStateBelong `gorm:"column:belong"` Index int64 `gorm:"column:index"` EndStateID int64 `gorm:"column:end_state_id"` }
type IssueStateRelation ¶
type IssueStateRelation struct { dbengine.BaseModel ProjectID int64 `gorm:"column:project_id"` IssueType apistructs.IssueType `gorm:"column:issue_type"` StartStateID int64 `gorm:"column:start_state_id"` EndStateID int64 `gorm:"column:end_state_id"` }
func (IssueStateRelation) TableName ¶
func (IssueStateRelation) TableName() string
type IssueStream ¶
type IssueStream struct { dbengine.BaseModel IssueID int64 // issue id Operator string // 操作人 StreamType apistructs.IssueStreamType // 通过事件流类型找到对应模板 StreamParams apistructs.ISTParam // 事件流模板值, 参数取值范围见: apistructs.ISTParam }
IssueStream 事件流水表
func (*IssueStream) Convert ¶
func (stream *IssueStream) Convert(content string) apistructs.IssueStream
Convert 事件流格式转换
type IssueSubscriber ¶
IssueSubscriber Issue's subscriber
func (IssueSubscriber) TableName ¶
func (IssueSubscriber) TableName() string
type IssueTestCaseRelation ¶
type IssueTestCaseRelation struct { dbengine.BaseModel IssueID uint64 `json:"issueID"` TestPlanID uint64 `json:"testPlanID"` TestPlanCaseRelID uint64 `json:"testPlanCaseRelID"` TestCaseID uint64 `json:"testCaseID"` CreatorID string `json:"creatorID"` }
IssueTestCaseRelation 事件与用例关联
func (IssueTestCaseRelation) TableName ¶
func (IssueTestCaseRelation) TableName() string
TableName 表名
type Iteration ¶
type Iteration struct { dbengine.BaseModel StartedAt *time.Time // 迭代开始时间 FinishedAt *time.Time // 迭代结束时间 ProjectID uint64 // 所属项目 ID Title string // 标题 Content string // 内容 Creator string // 创建者 ID State apistructs.IterationState // 归档状态 }
func (*Iteration) Convert ¶
func (i *Iteration) Convert() apistructs.Iteration
type LabelRelation ¶
type LabelRelation struct { dbengine.BaseModel LabelID uint64 `json:"label_id"` // 标签 id RefType apistructs.ProjectLabelType `json:"ref_type"` // 标签作用类型, eg: issue RefID uint64 `json:"ref_id"` // 标签关联目标 id }
LabelRelation 标签关联关系
type LibReference ¶
type LibReference struct { dbengine.BaseModel AppID uint64 LibID uint64 LibName string LibDesc string ApprovalID uint64 ApprovalStatus apistructs.ApprovalStatus Creator string }
LibReference 库引用
type NexusRepository ¶
type NexusRepository struct { dbengine.BaseModel OrgID *uint64 `json:"orgID"` // 所属 org ID PublisherID *uint64 `json:"publisherID"` // 所属 publisher ID ClusterName string `json:"clusterName"` // 所属集群 Name string `json:"name"` // unique name Format nexus.RepositoryFormat `json:"format"` // maven2 / npm / ... Type nexus.RepositoryType `json:"type"` // group / proxy / hosted Config NexusRepositoryConfig `json:"config"` // repo config }
func (NexusRepository) TableName ¶
func (NexusRepository) TableName() string
type NexusRepositoryConfig ¶
type NexusRepositoryConfig nexus.Repository
func (*NexusRepositoryConfig) Scan ¶
func (config *NexusRepositoryConfig) Scan(value interface{}) error
type NexusUser ¶
type NexusUser struct { dbengine.BaseModel RepoID *uint64 `json:"repoID"` // 所属 repo,可以为空 PublisherID *uint64 `json:"publisherID"` // 所属 publisher,可以为空 OrgID *uint64 `json:"orgID"` // 所属 org,可以为空 ClusterName string `json:"clusterName"` // 所属集群 Name string `json:"name"` Password string `json:"password"` // 加密存储 Config NexusUserConfig `json:"config"` }
type NexusUserConfig ¶
func (*NexusUserConfig) Scan ¶
func (config *NexusUserConfig) Scan(value interface{}) error
type OSSSnapshot ¶
type PartnerIDs ¶
type PartnerIDs []string
func (*PartnerIDs) Scan ¶
func (ids *PartnerIDs) Scan(value interface{}) error
type QASonarMetricRules ¶
type QASonarMetricRules struct { ID int64 `gorm:"primary_key" json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"created_at" json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt time.Time `gorm:"updated_at" json:"updatedAt"` Description string `gorm:"description" json:"description"` ScopeType string `gorm:"scope_type" json:"scopeType"` ScopeID string `gorm:"scope_id" json:"scopeId"` MetricKeyID int64 `gorm:"metric_key_id" json:"metricKeyId"` MetricValue string `gorm:"metric_value" json:"metricValue"` }
func (QASonarMetricRules) TableName ¶
func (QASonarMetricRules) TableName() string
TableName QASonar对应的数据库表qa_sonar
func (*QASonarMetricRules) ToApi ¶
func (rule *QASonarMetricRules) ToApi() *apistructs.SonarMetricRuleDto
type SceneSet ¶
type TestCase ¶
type TestCase struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string ProjectID uint64 TestSetID uint64 Priority apistructs.TestCasePriority PreCondition string StepAndResults TestCaseStepAndResults Desc string Recycled *bool From apistructs.TestCaseFrom CreatorID string UpdaterID string }
TestCase 测试用例
type TestCaseStepAndResults ¶
type TestCaseStepAndResults []apistructs.TestCaseStepAndResult
func (*TestCaseStepAndResults) Scan ¶
func (sr *TestCaseStepAndResults) Scan(value interface{}) error
type TestFileExtra ¶
type TestFileExtra apistructs.TestFileExtra
func (*TestFileExtra) Scan ¶
func (ex *TestFileExtra) Scan(value interface{}) error
type TestFileRecord ¶
type TestFileRecord struct { dbengine.BaseModel FileName string Description string ApiFileUUID string ProjectID uint64 Type apistructs.FileActionType State apistructs.FileRecordState OperatorID string Extra TestFileExtra }
type TestPlan ¶
type TestPlan struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string Status apistructs.TPStatus // DOING/PAUSE/DONE ProjectID uint64 CreatorID string UpdaterID string Summary string StartedAt *time.Time EndedAt *time.Time Type apistructs.TestPlanType IsArchived bool Inode string }
TestPlan 测试计划
type TestPlanCaseRel ¶
type TestPlanCaseRel struct { dbengine.BaseModel TestPlanID uint64 TestSetID uint64 TestCaseID uint64 ExecStatus apistructs.TestCaseExecStatus CreatorID string UpdaterID string ExecutorID string }
type TestPlanMember ¶
type TestPlanMember struct { dbengine.BaseModel TestPlanID uint64 `json:"testPlanID"` Role apistructs.TestPlanMemberRole `json:"role"` UserID string `json:"userID"` }
TestPlanMember 测试计划成员表
func (TestPlanMember) TableName ¶
func (TestPlanMember) TableName() string
type TestPlanV2 ¶
type TestPlanV2 struct { dbengine.BaseModel Name string Desc string CreatorID string UpdaterID string ProjectID uint64 SpaceID uint64 IsArchived bool ExecuteApiNum int64 PassRate float64 ExecuteTime *time.Time }
TestPlanV2 测试计划V2
func (*TestPlanV2) Convert2DTO ¶
func (tp *TestPlanV2) Convert2DTO() apistructs.TestPlanV2
Convert2DTO convert DAO to DTO
type TestPlanV2Join ¶
type TestPlanV2Join struct { TestPlanV2 SpaceName string }
TestPlanV2Join join dice_autotest_space
func (TestPlanV2Join) Convert2DTO ¶
func (tp TestPlanV2Join) Convert2DTO() *apistructs.TestPlanV2
Convert2DTO convert DAO to DTO
type TestPlanV2Step ¶
type TestPlanV2Step struct { dbengine.BaseModel PlanID uint64 SceneSetID uint64 PreID uint64 GroupID uint64 }
TestPlanV2Step 测试计划V2步骤
type TestPlanV2StepJoin ¶
type TestPlanV2StepJoin struct { TestPlanV2Step SceneSetName string `gorm:"column:name"` }
TestPlanV2StepJoin 测试计划V2步骤join测试集表
func (TestPlanV2StepJoin) Convert2DTO ¶
func (tps TestPlanV2StepJoin) Convert2DTO() *apistructs.TestPlanV2Step
Convert2DTO Convert to apistructs
type TestSet ¶
type TestSet struct { dbengine.BaseModel // 测试集的中文名,可重名 Name string // 上一级的所属测试集id,顶级时为0 ParentID uint64 // 是否回收 Recycled bool // 项目ID ProjectID uint64 // 路径地址 Directory string // 排序编号 OrderNum int // 创建人ID CreatorID string // 更新人ID UpdaterID string }
TestSet 测试集
func FakeRootTestSet ¶
Source Files
- app_certificate.go
- autotest_filetree.go
- autotest_filetree_extras.go
- autotest_filetree_history.go
- autotest_scene.go
- autotest_scene_input.go
- autotest_scene_output.go
- autotest_scene_step.go
- autotest_space.go
- branch_rule.go
- certificate.go
- code_coverage_exec_record.go
- comment.go
- config.go
- dbclient.go
- error.go
- file.go
- file_records.go
- issue.go
- issue_app_relation.go
- issue_filter_bookmark.go
- issue_issue_relation.go
- issue_panel.go
- issue_property.go
- issue_property_relation.go
- issue_property_value.go
- issue_stage.go
- issue_state.go
- issue_stream.go
- issue_subscriber.go
- issue_testplancaserel_rel.go
- iteration.go
- label_relation.go
- lib-reference.go
- namespace.go
- nexus_repository.go
- nexus_user.go
- publisher.go
- sceneset.go
- sonar_metric_rules.go
- testcase.go
- testplan.go
- testplan_member.go
- testplan_memberv2.go
- testplan_testcase_relation.go
- testplan_v2.go
- testplan_v2_step.go
- testset.go
- ticket.go
- tx.go