
v0.0.0-...-4702bed Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 13, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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const (

	//friend related
	BlackListFlag         = 1
	ApplicationFriendFlag = 0
	FriendFlag            = 1
	RefuseFriendFlag      = -1

	//Websocket Protocol
	WSGetNewestSeq        = 1001
	WSPullMsgBySeqList    = 1002
	WSSendMsg             = 1003
	WSSendSignalMsg       = 1004
	WSPushMsg             = 2001
	WSKickOnlineMsg       = 2002
	WsLogoutMsg           = 2003
	WsSetBackgroundStatus = 2004
	WSDataError           = 3001

	Text                         = 101
	Picture                      = 102
	Voice                        = 103
	Video                        = 104
	File                         = 105
	AtText                       = 106
	Merger                       = 107
	Card                         = 108
	Location                     = 109
	Custom                       = 110
	Revoke                       = 111
	HasReadReceipt               = 112
	Typing                       = 113
	Quote                        = 114
	GroupHasReadReceipt          = 116
	AdvancedText                 = 117
	AdvancedRevoke               = 118 //影响前者消息
	CustomNotTriggerConversation = 119
	CustomOnlineOnly             = 120
	ReactionMessageModifier      = 121
	ReactionMessageDeleter       = 122

	Common             = 200
	GroupMsg           = 201
	SignalMsg          = 202
	CustomNotification = 203

	NotificationBegin                     = 1000
	DeleteMessageNotification             = 1100
	FriendApplicationApprovedNotification = 1201 //add_friend_response
	FriendApplicationRejectedNotification = 1202 //add_friend_response
	FriendApplicationNotification         = 1203 //add_friend
	FriendAddedNotification               = 1204
	FriendDeletedNotification             = 1205 //delete_friend
	FriendRemarkSetNotification           = 1206 //set_friend_remark?
	BlackAddedNotification                = 1207 //add_black
	BlackDeletedNotification              = 1208 //remove_black
	FriendInfoUpdatedNotification         = 1209

	ConversationOptChangeNotification = 1300 // change conversation opt

	UserNotificationBegin       = 1301
	UserInfoUpdatedNotification = 1303 //SetSelfInfoTip              = 204
	UserNotificationEnd         = 1399
	OANotification              = 1400

	GroupNotificationBegin = 1500

	GroupCreatedNotification                 = 1501
	GroupInfoSetNotification                 = 1502
	JoinGroupApplicationNotification         = 1503
	MemberQuitNotification                   = 1504
	GroupApplicationAcceptedNotification     = 1505
	GroupApplicationRejectedNotification     = 1506
	GroupOwnerTransferredNotification        = 1507
	MemberKickedNotification                 = 1508
	MemberInvitedNotification                = 1509
	MemberEnterNotification                  = 1510
	GroupDismissedNotification               = 1511
	GroupMemberMutedNotification             = 1512
	GroupMemberCancelMutedNotification       = 1513
	GroupMutedNotification                   = 1514
	GroupCancelMutedNotification             = 1515
	GroupMemberInfoSetNotification           = 1516
	GroupMemberSetToAdminNotification        = 1517
	GroupMemberSetToOrdinaryUserNotification = 1518

	SignalingNotificationBegin = 1600
	SignalingNotification      = 1601
	SignalingNotificationEnd   = 1649

	SuperGroupNotificationBegin  = 1650
	SuperGroupUpdateNotification = 1651
	MsgDeleteNotification        = 1652
	SuperGroupNotificationEnd    = 1699

	ConversationPrivateChatNotification = 1701
	ConversationUnreadNotification      = 1702

	OrganizationChangedNotification = 1801

	WorkMomentNotificationBegin = 1900
	WorkMomentNotification      = 1901

	BusinessNotificationBegin = 2000
	BusinessNotification      = 2001
	BusinessNotificationEnd   = 2099

	NotificationEnd = 3000

	MsgNormal  = 1
	MsgDeleted = 4

	UserMsgType = 100
	SysMsgType  = 200

	SingleChatType       = 1
	GroupChatType        = 2
	SuperGroupChatType   = 3
	NotificationChatType = 4
	NormalToken  = 0
	InValidToken = 1
	KickedToken  = 2
	ExpiredToken = 3

	DefalutNotKick = 0
	//Full-end login, but the same end is mutually exclusive
	AllLoginButSameTermKick = 1
	//Only one of the endpoints can log in
	SingleTerminalLogin = 2
	//The web side can be online at the same time, and the other side can only log in at one end
	WebAndOther = 3
	//The PC side is mutually exclusive, and the mobile side is mutually exclusive, but the web side can be online at the same time
	PcMobileAndWeb = 4
	//The PC terminal can be online at the same time,but other terminal only one of the endpoints can login
	PCAndOther = 5

	OnlineStatus  = "online"
	OfflineStatus = "offline"
	Registered    = "registered"
	UnRegistered  = "unregistered"

	ReceiveMessage          = 0
	NotReceiveMessage       = 1
	ReceiveNotNotifyMessage = 2

	IsHistory                  = "history"
	IsPersistent               = "persistent"
	IsOfflinePush              = "offlinePush"
	IsUnreadCount              = "unreadCount"
	IsConversationUpdate       = "conversationUpdate"
	IsSenderSync               = "senderSync"
	IsNotPrivate               = "notPrivate"
	IsSenderConversationUpdate = "senderConversationUpdate"
	IsSenderNotificationPush   = "senderNotificationPush"
	IsReactionFromCache        = "reactionFromCache"

	GroupOk              = 0
	GroupBanChat         = 1
	GroupStatusDismissed = 2
	GroupStatusMuted     = 3

	NormalGroup  = 0
	SuperGroup   = 1
	WorkingGroup = 2

	GroupBaned          = 3
	GroupBanPrivateChat = 4

	JoinByAdmin = 1

	JoinByInvitation = 2
	JoinBySearch     = 3
	JoinByQRCode     = 4

	MinioDurationTimes = 3600
	AwsDurationTimes = 3600
	// verificationCode used for
	VerificationCodeForRegister       = 1
	VerificationCodeForReset          = 2
	VerificationCodeForRegisterSuffix = "_forRegister"
	VerificationCodeForResetSuffix    = "_forReset"

	CallbackBeforeSendSingleMsgCommand                   = "callbackBeforeSendSingleMsgCommand"
	CallbackAfterSendSingleMsgCommand                    = "callbackAfterSendSingleMsgCommand"
	CallbackBeforeSendGroupMsgCommand                    = "callbackBeforeSendGroupMsgCommand"
	CallbackAfterSendGroupMsgCommand                     = "callbackAfterSendGroupMsgCommand"
	CallbackAfterConsumeGroupMsgCommand                  = "callbackAfterConsumeGroupMsgCommand"
	CallbackMsgModifyCommand                             = "callbackMsgModifyCommand"
	CallbackUserOnlineCommand                            = "callbackUserOnlineCommand"
	CallbackUserOfflineCommand                           = "callbackUserOfflineCommand"
	CallbackUserKickOffCommand                           = "callbackUserKickOffCommand"
	CallbackOfflinePushCommand                           = "callbackOfflinePushCommand"
	CallbackOnlinePushCommand                            = "callbackOnlinePushCommand"
	CallbackSuperGroupOnlinePushCommand                  = "callbackSuperGroupOnlinePushCommand"
	CallbackBeforeAddFriendCommand                       = "callbackBeforeAddFriendCommand"
	CallbackBeforeCreateGroupCommand                     = "callbackBeforeCreateGroupCommand"
	CallbackBeforeMemberJoinGroupCommand                 = "callbackBeforeMemberJoinGroupCommand"
	CallbackBeforeSetGroupMemberInfoCommand              = "CallbackBeforeSetGroupMemberInfoCommand"
	CallbackBeforeSetMessageReactionExtensionCommand     = "callbackBeforeSetMessageReactionExtensionCommand"
	CallbackBeforeDeleteMessageReactionExtensionsCommand = "callbackBeforeDeleteMessageReactionExtensionsCommand"
	CallbackGetMessageListReactionExtensionsCommand      = "callbackGetMessageListReactionExtensionsCommand"
	CallbackAddMessageListReactionExtensionsCommand      = "callbackAddMessageListReactionExtensionsCommand"

	SetMessageExtensions = 1
	AddMessageExtensions = 2

	//callback actionCode
	ActionAllow     = 0
	ActionForbidden = 1
	//callback callbackHandleCode
	CallbackHandleSuccess = 0
	CallbackHandleFailed  = 1

	// minioUpload
	OtherType = 1
	VideoType = 2
	ImageType = 3

	// workMoment permission
	WorkMomentPublic            = 0
	WorkMomentPrivate           = 1
	WorkMomentPermissionCanSee  = 2
	WorkMomentPermissionCantSee = 3

	// workMoment sdk notification type
	WorkMomentCommentNotification = 0
	WorkMomentLikeNotification    = 1
	WorkMomentAtUserNotification  = 2

	// sendMsgStaus
	MsgStatusNotExist = 0
	MsgIsSending      = 1
	MsgSendSuccessed  = 2
	MsgSendFailed     = 3
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const (
	WriteDiffusion = 0
	ReadDiffusion  = 1
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const (
	AtAllString       = "AtAllTag"
	AtNormal          = 0
	AtMe              = 1
	AtAll             = 2
	AtAllAtMe         = 3
	GroupNotification = 4
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const (
	FieldRecvMsgOpt    = 1
	FieldIsPinned      = 2
	FieldAttachedInfo  = 3
	FieldIsPrivateChat = 4
	FieldGroupAtType   = 5
	FieldIsNotInGroup  = 6
	FieldEx            = 7
	FieldUnread        = 8
	FieldBurnDuration  = 9
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const (
	AppOrdinaryUsers = 1
	AppAdmin         = 2

	GroupOrdinaryUsers = 1
	GroupOwner         = 2
	GroupAdmin         = 3

	GroupResponseAgree  = 1
	GroupResponseRefuse = -1

	FriendResponseAgree  = 1
	FriendResponseRefuse = -1

	Male   = 1
	Female = 2
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const (
	UnreliableNotification    = 1
	ReliableNotificationNoMsg = 2
	ReliableNotificationMsg   = 3
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const (
	ApplyNeedVerificationInviteDirectly = 0 // 申请需要同意 邀请直接进
	AllNeedVerification                 = 1 //所有人进群需要验证,除了群主管理员邀请进群
	Directly                            = 2 //直接进群
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const (
	GroupRPCRecvSize = 30
	GroupRPCSendSize = 30
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const (
	NoError              = 0
	FormattingError      = 10001
	HasRegistered        = 10002
	NotRegistered        = 10003
	PasswordErr          = 10004
	GetIMTokenErr        = 10005
	RepeatSendCode       = 10006
	MailSendCodeErr      = 10007
	SmsSendCodeErr       = 10008
	CodeInvalidOrExpired = 10009
	RegisterFailed       = 10010
	ResetPasswordFailed  = 10011
	RegisterLimit        = 10012
	LoginLimit           = 10013
	InvitationError      = 10014
	DatabaseError        = 10002
	ServerError          = 10004
	HttpError            = 10005
	IoError              = 10006
	IntentionalError     = 10007
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const (
	//Platform ID
	IOSPlatformID        = 1
	AndroidPlatformID    = 2
	WindowsPlatformID    = 3
	OSXPlatformID        = 4
	WebPlatformID        = 5
	MiniWebPlatformID    = 6
	LinuxPlatformID      = 7
	AndroidPadPlatformID = 8
	IPadPlatformID       = 9
	AdminPlatformID      = 10

	//Platform string match to Platform ID
	IOSPlatformStr        = "IOS"
	AndroidPlatformStr    = "Android"
	WindowsPlatformStr    = "Windows"
	OSXPlatformStr        = "OSX"
	WebPlatformStr        = "Web"
	MiniWebPlatformStr    = "MiniWeb"
	LinuxPlatformStr      = "Linux"
	AndroidPadPlatformStr = "APad"
	IPadPlatformStr       = "IPad"
	AdminPlatformStr      = "Admin"

	//terminal types
	TerminalPC     = "PC"
	TerminalMobile = "Mobile"
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const BigVersion = "v2"
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const CurrentVersion = "v2.3.8-rc0"
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const FriendAcceptTip = "You have successfully become friends, so start chatting"
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const LogFileName = "OpenIM.log"
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const MaxNotificationNum = 500
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const StatisticsTimeInterval = 60
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const (
	TokenKicked = 1001


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var (
	OK        = ErrInfo{0, ""}
	ErrServer = ErrInfo{500, "server error"}

	ErrParseToken = ErrInfo{700, ParseTokenMsg.Error()}

	ErrTencentCredential = ErrInfo{400, ThirdPartyMsg.Error()}

	ErrTokenExpired             = ErrInfo{701, TokenExpiredMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenInvalid             = ErrInfo{702, TokenInvalidMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenMalformed           = ErrInfo{703, TokenMalformedMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenNotValidYet         = ErrInfo{704, TokenNotValidYetMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenUnknown             = ErrInfo{705, TokenUnknownMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenKicked              = ErrInfo{706, TokenUserKickedMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenDifferentPlatformID = ErrInfo{707, TokenDifferentPlatformIDMsg.Error()}
	ErrTokenDifferentUserID     = ErrInfo{708, TokenDifferentUserIDMsg.Error()}

	ErrAccess                = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 801, ErrMsg: AccessMsg.Error()}
	ErrDB                    = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 802, ErrMsg: DBMsg.Error()}
	ErrArgs                  = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 803, ErrMsg: ArgsMsg.Error()}
	ErrStatus                = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 804, ErrMsg: StatusMsg.Error()}
	ErrCallback              = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 809, ErrMsg: CallBackMsg.Error()}
	ErrSendLimit             = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 810, ErrMsg: "send msg limit, to many request, try again later"}
	ErrMessageHasReadDisable = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 811, ErrMsg: "message has read disable"}
	ErrInternal              = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 812, ErrMsg: "internal error"}
	ErrWsConnNotExist        = ErrInfo{ErrCode: 813, ErrMsg: "ws conn not exist"}
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var (
	ParseTokenMsg               = errors.New("parse token failed")
	TokenExpiredMsg             = errors.New("token is timed out, please log in again")
	TokenInvalidMsg             = errors.New("token has been invalidated")
	TokenNotValidYetMsg         = errors.New("token not active yet")
	TokenMalformedMsg           = errors.New("that's not even a token")
	TokenUnknownMsg             = errors.New("couldn't handle this token")
	TokenUserKickedMsg          = errors.New("user has been kicked")
	TokenDifferentPlatformIDMsg = errors.New("different platformID")
	TokenDifferentUserIDMsg     = errors.New("different userID")
	AccessMsg                   = errors.New("no permission")
	StatusMsg                   = errors.New("status is abnormal")
	DBMsg                       = errors.New("db failed")
	ArgsMsg                     = errors.New("args failed")
	CallBackMsg                 = errors.New("callback failed")
	InvitationMsg               = errors.New("invitationCode error")

	ThirdPartyMsg = errors.New("third party error")
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var ContentType2PushContent = map[int64]string{
	Picture:   "[图片]",
	Voice:     "[语音]",
	Video:     "[视频]",
	File:      "[文件]",
	Text:      "你收到了一条文本消息",
	AtText:    "[有人@你]",
	GroupMsg:  "你收到一条群聊消息",
	Common:    "你收到一条新消息",
	SignalMsg: "音视频通话邀请",


func GroupIsBanChat

func GroupIsBanChat(status int32) bool

func GroupIsBanPrivateChat

func GroupIsBanPrivateChat(status int32) bool

func PlatformIDToClass

func PlatformIDToClass(num int) string

func PlatformIDToName

func PlatformIDToName(num int) string

func PlatformNameToClass

func PlatformNameToClass(name string) string

func PlatformNameToID

func PlatformNameToID(name string) int


type ErrInfo

type ErrInfo struct {
	ErrCode int32
	ErrMsg  string

key = errCode, string = errMsg

func (*ErrInfo) Code

func (e *ErrInfo) Code() int32

func (ErrInfo) Error

func (e ErrInfo) Error() string

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