Diurnal Controller
This controller manipulates the number of replicas maintained by a replication controller throughout the day based on a provided list of times of day (according to ISO 8601) and replica counts. It should be run under a replication controller that is in the same namespace as the replication controller that it is manipulating.
For example, to set the replica counts of the pods with the labels "tier=backend,track=canary" to 10 at noon UTC and 6 at midnight UTC, we can use -labels tier=backend,track=canary -times 00:00Z,12:00Z -counts 6,10
. An example replication controller config can be found here.
Instead of providing replica counts and times of day directly, you may use a script like the one below to generate them using mathematical functions.
from math import *
import os
import sys
def _day_to_2pi(t):
return float(t) * 2 * pi / (24*3600)
def main(args):
if len(args) < 3:
print "Usage: %s sample_interval func" % (args[0],)
print "func should be a function of the variable t, where t will range from 0"
print "to 2pi over the course of the day"
sampling_interval = int(args[1])
exec "def f(t): return " + args[2]
i = 0
times = []
counts = []
while i < 24*60*60:
hours = i / 3600
left = i - hours*3600
min = left / 60
sec = left - min*60
times.append("%dh%dm%ds" % (hours, min, sec))
count = int(round(f(_day_to_2pi(i))))
i += sampling_interval
print "-times %s -counts %s" % (",".join(times), ",".join(counts))
if __name__ == "__main__":