
v1.72.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 24, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 13



Package defaults is a generated GoMock package.



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const (
	OAuthProxyAuxiliaryComponentType   = "oauth"
	OAuthProxyAuxiliaryComponentSuffix = "aux-oauth"
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const (
	// AzureACRServicePrincipleSecretName name of the secret containing ACR authentication information, consumed by az cli
	AzureACRServicePrincipleSecretName = "radix-sp-acr-azure"

	// AzureACRServicePrincipleBuildahSecretName name of the secret containing ACR authentication information, consumed by buildah
	AzureACRServicePrincipleBuildahSecretName = "radix-sp-buildah-azure"

	// AzureACRTokenPasswordAppRegistrySecretName name of the secret containing Cache ACR authentication information, consumed by buildah
	AzureACRTokenPasswordAppRegistrySecretName = "radix-app-registry"

	GitPrivateKeySecretName = "git-ssh-keys"
	GitPrivateKeySecretKey  = "id_rsa"
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const (
	// RadixGitCommitHashKey GitHub commit hash for pipeline build source
	RadixGitCommitHashKey = "git-commit-hash"
	// RadixGitTagsKey GitHub tags for pipeline build source
	RadixGitTagsKey = "git-tags"
	// RadixGitChangedFolders List of changed files folders in the GitHub source
	RadixGitChangedFolders = "git-changed-folders"
	// RadixGitChangedChangedRadixConfig Indicates if Radix config file is changed in the GitHub source
	RadixGitChangedChangedRadixConfig = "git-changed-radixconfig"
	GitPublicKeyConfigMapName         = "git-ssh-public-key"
	GitPublicKeyConfigMapKey          = "public_key"
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const (
	// OperatorDNSZoneEnvironmentVariable The DNS zone used fro creating ingress of the cluster
	OperatorDNSZoneEnvironmentVariable = "DNS_ZONE"

	// OperatorAppAliasBaseURLEnvironmentVariable The base url for any app alias of the cluster
	OperatorAppAliasBaseURLEnvironmentVariable = "APP_ALIAS_BASE_URL"

	// OperatorClusterTypeEnvironmentVariable The type of cluster dev|playground|prod
	OperatorClusterTypeEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_CLUSTER_TYPE"

	// DeploymentsHistoryLimitEnvironmentVariable Controls the number of RDs we can have in a environment
	DeploymentsHistoryLimitEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_DEPLOYMENTS_PER_ENVIRONMENT_HISTORY_LIMIT"

	// PipelineJobsHistoryLimitEnvironmentVariable Controls the number of RJs should exist in an app namespace, per groups by environment and status
	PipelineJobsHistoryLimitEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PIPELINE_JOBS_HISTORY_LIMIT"

	// PipelineJobsHistoryPeriodLimitEnvironmentVariable Controls how long an RJ should exist in an app namespace, per groups by environment and status
	PipelineJobsHistoryPeriodLimitEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PIPELINE_JOBS_HISTORY_PERIOD_LIMIT"

	// ClusternameEnvironmentVariable The name of the cluster
	ClusternameEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_CLUSTERNAME"

	// ContainerRegistryEnvironmentVariable The name of the container registry
	ContainerRegistryEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_CONTAINER_REGISTRY"

	// AppContainerRegistryEnvironmentVariable The name of the app container registry
	AppContainerRegistryEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_APP_CONTAINER_REGISTRY"

	// AzureSubscriptionIdEnvironmentVariable The Azure subscription ID
	AzureSubscriptionIdEnvironmentVariable = "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"

	// EnvironmentnameEnvironmentVariable The name of the environment for the application
	EnvironmentnameEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_ENVIRONMENT"

	// PublicEndpointEnvironmentVariable The environment variable holding the public endpoint of the component
	PublicEndpointEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME"

	// CanonicalEndpointEnvironmentVariable Variable to hold the cluster spcific ingress
	CanonicalEndpointEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_CANONICAL_DOMAIN_NAME"

	// RadixAppEnvironmentVariable The environment variable holding the name of the app
	RadixAppEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_APP"

	// RadixComponentEnvironmentVariable The environment variable holding the name of the component
	RadixComponentEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_COMPONENT"

	// RadixPortsEnvironmentVariable The environment variable holding the available ports of the component
	RadixPortsEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PORTS"

	// RadixPortNamesEnvironmentVariable The environment variable holding the available port names of the component
	RadixPortNamesEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PORT_NAMES"

	// RadixDNSZoneEnvironmentVariable The environment variable on a radix app giving the dns zone. Will be equal to OperatorDNSZoneEnvironmentVariable
	RadixDNSZoneEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_DNS_ZONE"

	// RadixZoneEnvironmentVariable The environment variable on a radix app giving the radix zone.
	RadixZoneEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_ZONE"

	// RadixClusterTypeEnvironmentVariable The type of cluster dev|playground|prod. Will be equal to OperatorClusterTypeEnvironmentVariable
	RadixClusterTypeEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_CLUSTER_TYPE"

	// RadixCommitHashEnvironmentVariable Contains the commit id of the build
	RadixCommitHashEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_GIT_COMMIT_HASH"

	// RadixGitTagsEnvironmentVariable Contains a list of git tags which the RADIX_GIT_COMMIT_HASH points to
	RadixGitTagsEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_GIT_TAGS"

	// RadixComponentEnvironmentVariable The environment variable holding the name of the scheduled job
	RadixScheduleJobNameEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_JOB_NAME"

	// RadixRestartEnvironmentVariable Environment variable to indicate that a restart was triggered
	RadixRestartEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_RESTART_TRIGGERED"

	// RadixImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable Points to the image builder
	RadixImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_IMAGE_BUILDER"

	// OperatorRadixJobSchedulerEnvironmentVariable Points to the image used to deploy job scheduler REST API for RD jobs
	OperatorRadixJobSchedulerEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_JOB_SCHEDULER"

	// RadixDeploymentEnvironmentVariable Name of Radix Deployment
	RadixDeploymentEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_DEPLOYMENT"

	// RadixComponentsToDeployVariable The optional list of components, which need to be deployed instead of all components
	RadixComponentsToDeployVariable = "RADIX_COMPONENTS_TO_DEPLOY"

	// RadixPromoteDeploymentEnvironmentVariable Name of Radix Deployment for pipeline
	RadixPromoteDeploymentEnvironmentVariable = "DEPLOYMENT_NAME"

	// RadixPromoteFromEnvironmentEnvironmentVariable Name of Radix environment for pipeline promote from
	RadixPromoteFromEnvironmentEnvironmentVariable = "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"

	// RadixPipelineJobToEnvironmentEnvironmentVariable Name of Radix environment for pipeline build-deploy or promote to
	RadixPipelineJobToEnvironmentEnvironmentVariable = "TO_ENVIRONMENT"

	// RadixPromoteSourceDeploymentCommitHashEnvironmentVariable Git commit hash of source deployment in promote jobs
	RadixPromoteSourceDeploymentCommitHashEnvironmentVariable = "SOURCE_DEPLOYMENT_GIT_COMMIT_HASH"

	// RadixPromoteSourceDeploymentBranchEnvironmentVariable Git branch of source deployment in promote jobs
	RadixPromoteSourceDeploymentBranchEnvironmentVariable = "SOURCE_DEPLOYMENT_GIT_BRANCH"

	// RadixImageTagNameEnvironmentVariable Image tag name for Radix application components
	RadixImageTagNameEnvironmentVariable = "IMAGE_TAG_NAME"

	// RadixGithubWebhookCommitId Value of the git commit hash sent from GitHub webhook
	RadixGithubWebhookCommitId = "RADIX_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_COMMIT_ID"

	// RadixActiveClusterEgressIpsEnvironmentVariable IPs assigned to the cluster
	RadixActiveClusterEgressIpsEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_ACTIVE_CLUSTER_EGRESS_IPS"

	// RadixOAuthProxyDefaultOIDCIssuerURLEnvironmentVariable Default OIDC issuer URL for OAuth Proxy
	RadixOAuthProxyDefaultOIDCIssuerURLEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_OAUTH_PROXY_DEFAULT_OIDC_ISSUER_URL"

	// RadixOAuthProxyImageEnvironmentVariable specifies the name and tag of the OAuth Proxy image
	RadixOAuthProxyImageEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_OAUTH_PROXY_IMAGE"

	// RadixTektonPipelineImageEnvironmentVariable Points to the utility image for preparing radixconfig copying
	// /config/file to/map and preparing Tekton resources
	RadixTektonPipelineImageEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_TEKTON_IMAGE"

	// RadixConfigFileEnvironmentVariable Path to a radixconfig.yaml
	// to be loaded from Radix application config branch
	RadixConfigFileEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_FILE_NAME"

	// RadixImageTagEnvironmentVariable Image tag for the built component
	RadixImageTagEnvironmentVariable = "IMAGE_TAG"

	// RadixPushImageEnvironmentVariable Push an image for the built component to an ACR
	RadixPushImageEnvironmentVariable = "PUSH_IMAGE"

	// RadixOverrideUseBuildCacheVariable override default or configured build cache option
	RadixOverrideUseBuildCacheVariable = "OVERRIDE_USE_BUILD_CACHE"

	// RadixPipelineJobEnvironmentVariable Radix pipeline job name
	RadixPipelineJobEnvironmentVariable = "JOB_NAME"

	// RadixConfigConfigMapEnvironmentVariable Name of a ConfigMap with loaded radixconfig.yaml
	RadixConfigConfigMapEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_CONFIG_CONFIGMAP"

	// RadixGitConfigMapEnvironmentVariable Name of a ConfigMap with git commit hash and git tags
	RadixGitConfigMapEnvironmentVariable = "GIT_CONFIGMAP"

	// RadixBranchEnvironmentVariable Branch of the Radix application to process in a pipeline
	RadixBranchEnvironmentVariable = "BRANCH"

	// RadixConfigBranchEnvironmentVariable Branch of the Radix application config
	RadixConfigBranchEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_CONFIG_BRANCH"

	// RadixCommitIdEnvironmentVariable Commit ID of the Radix application to process in a pipeline
	RadixCommitIdEnvironmentVariable = "COMMIT_ID"

	// RadixPipelineTypeEnvironmentVariable Pipeline type
	RadixPipelineTypeEnvironmentVariable = "PIPELINE_TYPE"

	// RadixPipelineTargetEnvironmentsVariable Pipeline target environments
	RadixPipelineTargetEnvironmentsVariable = "TARGET_ENVIRONMENTS"

	// RadixPipelineActionEnvironmentVariable Pipeline action: prepare, run
	RadixPipelineActionEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PIPELINE_ACTION"

	RadixPipelineApplyConfigDeployExternalDNSFlag = "APPLY_CONFIG_DEPLOY_EXTERNALDNS"

	// OperatorTenantIdEnvironmentVariable Tenant-id of the subscription
	OperatorTenantIdEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_TENANT_ID"

	// KubernetesApiPortEnvironmentVariable Port which the K8s API server listens to for HTTPS
	KubernetesApiPortEnvironmentVariable = "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT"

	// LogLevel Log level: ERROR, WARN, INFO (default), DEBUG
	LogLevel = "LOG_LEVEL"

	// PodSecurityStandardAppNamespaceEnforceLevelEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard enforce level for app namespaces

	// PodSecurityStandardEnforceLevelEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard enforce level for environment namespaces
	PodSecurityStandardEnforceLevelEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_PODSECURITYSTANDARD_ENFORCE_LEVEL"

	// PodSecurityStandardEnforceVersionEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard enforce version for app and environment namespaces
	PodSecurityStandardEnforceVersionEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_PODSECURITYSTANDARD_ENFORCE_VERSION"

	// PodSecurityStandardAuditLevelEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard audit level for app and environment namespaces
	PodSecurityStandardAuditLevelEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_PODSECURITYSTANDARD_AUDIT_LEVEL"

	// PodSecurityStandardAuditVersionEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard audit version for app and environment namespaces
	PodSecurityStandardAuditVersionEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_PODSECURITYSTANDARD_AUDIT_VERSION"

	// PodSecurityStandardWarnLevelEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard warn level for app and environment namespaces
	PodSecurityStandardWarnLevelEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_PODSECURITYSTANDARD_WARN_LEVEL"

	// PodSecurityStandardWarnVersionEnvironmentVariable Pod Security Standard warn version for app and environment namespaces
	PodSecurityStandardWarnVersionEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_PODSECURITYSTANDARD_WARN_VERSION"

	// SeccompProfileFileNameEnvironmentVariable Filename of the seccomp profile injected by daemonset, relative to the /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp directory
	SeccompProfileFileNameEnvironmentVariable = "SECCOMP_PROFILE_FILENAME"

	// Deprecated: Radix no longer uses the buildah image directly. Use RadixBuildKitImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable
	// RadixBuildahImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable The container image used for running the buildah engine
	RadixBuildahImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_BUILDAH_IMAGE_BUILDER"

	// RadixBuildKitImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable Repository and tag for the buildkit image builder
	RadixBuildKitImageBuilderEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_BUILDKIT_IMAGE_BUILDER"

	// RadixReservedAppDNSAliasesEnvironmentVariable The list of DNS aliases, reserved for Radix platform Radix application
	RadixReservedAppDNSAliasesEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_RESERVED_APP_DNS_ALIASES"

	// RadixReservedDNSAliasesEnvironmentVariable The list of DNS aliases, reserved for Radix platform services
	RadixReservedDNSAliasesEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_RESERVED_DNS_ALIASES"

	// RadixCertificateAutomationClusterIssuerVariable Name of cluster isser to use for certificate automation

	// RadixCertificateAutomationDurationVariable Defines duration for certificates issued by cluster issuer

	// RadixCertificateAutomationRenewBeforeVariable Defines renew_before for certificates issued by cluster issuer

	// RadixGitCloneNsLookupImageEnvironmentVariable The container image containing nslookup, used in pipeline git clone init containers
	RadixGitCloneNsLookupImageEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PIPELINE_GIT_CLONE_NSLOOKUP_IMAGE"

	// RadixGitCloneGitImageEnvironmentVariable The container image containing git, used in pipeline git clone init containers
	RadixGitCloneGitImageEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PIPELINE_GIT_CLONE_GIT_IMAGE"

	// RadixGitCloneBashImageEnvironmentVariable The container image containing bash, used in pipeline git clone init containers
	RadixGitCloneBashImageEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_PIPELINE_GIT_CLONE_BASH_IMAGE"

	// RadixExternalRegistryDefaultAuthEnvironmentVariable Name of the secret containing default credentials for external container registries.
	// Used when pulling images for components and jobs and for pulling images in Dockerfiles when building with buildah.
	RadixExternalRegistryDefaultAuthEnvironmentVariable = "RADIX_EXTERNAL_REGISTRY_DEFAULT_AUTH_SECRET"

	// RadixOrphanedEnvironmentsRetentionPeriodVariable The duration for which orphaned environments are retained

	// RadixOrphanedEnvironmentsCleanupCronVariable The cron expression for cleaning up orphaned environments
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const (
	OAuthProxyPortName                  = "http"
	OAuthProxyPortNumber          int32 = 4180
	AuthUrlAnnotation                   = ""
	AuthSigninAnnotation                = ""
	AuthResponseHeadersAnnotation       = ""
	OAuthProxyProviderOIDC              = "oidc"
	OAuthProxyProviderEntraId           = "entra-id"
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const (
	// RegistrationControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable Number of parallel threads for registration controller
	RegistrationControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable = "REGISTRATION_CONTROLLER_THREADS"

	// ApplicationControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable Number of parallel threads for application controller
	ApplicationControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable = "APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_THREADS"

	// EnvironmentControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable Number of parallel threads for environment controller
	EnvironmentControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable = "ENVIRONMENT_CONTROLLER_THREADS"

	// DeploymentControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable Number of parallel threads for deployment controller
	DeploymentControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable = "DEPLOYMENT_CONTROLLER_THREADS"

	// JobControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable Number of parallel threads for job controller
	JobControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable = "JOB_CONTROLLER_THREADS"

	// AlertControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable Number of parallel threads for alert controller
	AlertControllerThreadsEnvironmentVariable = "ALERT_CONTROLLER_THREADS"

	// KubeClientRateLimitBurstEnvironmentVariable Rate limit for burst for k8s client
	KubeClientRateLimitBurstEnvironmentVariable = "KUBE_CLIENT_RATE_LIMIT_BURST"

	// KubeClientRateLimitQpsEnvironmentVariable Rate limit for queries per second for k8s client
	KubeClientRateLimitQpsEnvironmentVariable = "KUBE_CLIENT_RATE_LIMIT_QPS"
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const (
	// DefaultReplicas Hold the default replicas for the deployment if nothing is stated in the radix config
	DefaultReplicas int32 = 1
	// DefaultNodeSelectorArchitecture Hold the default architecture for the deployment if nothing is stated in the radix config
	DefaultNodeSelectorArchitecture = "amd64"
	// DefaultNodeSelectorOS Hold the default OS for the deployment if nothing is stated in the radix config
	DefaultNodeSelectorOS = "linux"
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const (

Environment variables that define default readiness probe parameters for containers

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const (
	OperatorDefaultUserGroupEnvironmentVariable             = "RADIXOPERATOR_DEFAULT_USER_GROUP"
	OperatorEnvLimitDefaultMemoryEnvironmentVariable        = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_ENV_LIMITS_DEFAULT_MEMORY"
	OperatorEnvLimitDefaultRequestMemoryEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_ENV_LIMITS_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MEMORY"
	OperatorEnvLimitDefaultRequestCPUEnvironmentVariable    = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_ENV_LIMITS_DEFAULT_REQUEST_CPU"

	OperatorAppLimitDefaultMemoryEnvironmentVariable        = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_LIMITS_DEFAULT_MEMORY"
	OperatorAppLimitDefaultRequestMemoryEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_LIMITS_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MEMORY"
	OperatorAppLimitDefaultRequestCPUEnvironmentVariable    = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_LIMITS_DEFAULT_REQUEST_CPU"

	OperatorAppBuilderResourcesLimitsMemoryEnvironmentVariable   = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_BUILDER_RESOURCES_LIMITS_MEMORY"
	OperatorAppBuilderResourcesRequestsMemoryEnvironmentVariable = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_BUILDER_RESOURCES_REQUESTS_MEMORY"
	OperatorAppBuilderResourcesRequestsCPUEnvironmentVariable    = "RADIXOPERATOR_APP_BUILDER_RESOURCES_REQUESTS_CPU"

Environment variables that define default resources (limits and requests) for containers and environments See

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const (
	// RadixGithubWebhookRoleName Name of the cluster role with RBAC for radix-github-webhook service account
	RadixGithubWebhookRoleName = "radix-webhook"

	// RadixGithubWebhookServiceAccountName Name of the service account representing the webhook
	RadixGithubWebhookServiceAccountName = "radix-github-webhook"

	// RadixAPIRoleName Name of the cluster role with RBAC for radix-api service account
	RadixAPIRoleName = "radix-api"

	// RadixAccessValidationRoleName Name of the cluster role with RBAC for AD access validation
	RadixAccessValidationRoleName = "radix-access-validation"

	// RadixAPIServiceAccountName Name of the service account representing the Radix API
	RadixAPIServiceAccountName = "radix-api"

	// AppAdminRoleName Name of role which grants access to manage the CI/CD of their applications
	AppAdminRoleName = "radix-app-admin"

	// AppReaderRoleName Name of role which grants read access to the CI/CD of their applications
	AppReaderRoleName = "radix-app-reader"

	// AppAdminEnvironmentRoleName Name of role which grants access to manage their running Radix applications
	AppAdminEnvironmentRoleName = "radix-app-admin-envs"

	// AppReaderEnvironmentsRoleName Name of role which grants read access to their running Radix applications
	AppReaderEnvironmentsRoleName = "radix-app-reader-envs"

	// PipelineServiceAccountName Service account name for the pipeline
	PipelineServiceAccountName = "radix-pipeline"

	// PipelineAppRoleName Role to update the radix config from repo and execute the outer pipeline
	PipelineAppRoleName = "radix-pipeline-app"

	// PipelineEnvRoleName Give radix-pipeline service account inside app namespace access to make deployments through radix-pipeline-runner clusterrole
	PipelineEnvRoleName = "radix-pipeline-env"

	// RadixTektonServiceAccountName Service account name for radix-tekton jobs
	RadixTektonServiceAccountName = "radix-tekton"

	// RadixTektonAppRoleName Role of user to apply radixconfig to configmap and process Tekton objects
	RadixTektonAppRoleName = "radix-tekton-app"

	// RadixTektonEnvRoleName Role to get app environment data for prepare pipeline job
	RadixTektonEnvRoleName = "radix-tekton-env"

	// RadixPipelineRRRoleNamePrefix Role of to get RadixRegistrations for pipeline job
	RadixPipelineRRRoleNamePrefix = "radix-pipeline-rr"

	// RadixPipelineRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix Role of to get RadixDNSAliases for pipeline job
	RadixPipelineRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix = "radix-pipeline-rda"

	// RadixApplicationAdminRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix Role of to get RadixDNSAliases for application admin
	RadixApplicationAdminRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix = "radix-platform-user-rda"

	// RadixApplicationReaderRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix Role of to get RadixDNSAliases for application reader
	RadixApplicationReaderRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix = "radix-platform-user-rda-reader"

	// RadixTektonRRRoleNamePrefix Role of to get RadixRegistrations for prepare pipeline job
	RadixTektonRRRoleNamePrefix = "radix-tekton-rr"

	// RadixTektonRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix Role of to get RadixDNSAliases for prepare pipeline job
	RadixTektonRadixDNSAliasRoleNamePrefix = "radix-tekton-rda"

	// PlatformUserRoleName Name of platform user cluster role
	PlatformUserRoleName = "radix-platform-user"

	// RadixJobSchedulerRoleName Name of the cluster role with RBAC for radix-job-scheduler service account
	RadixJobSchedulerRoleName = "radix-job-scheduler"

	// RadixJobSchedulerServiceName Name of the service account representing the Radix Job Scheduler
	RadixJobSchedulerServiceName = "radix-job-scheduler"
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const (

Environment variables that define default rolling update parameters for containers

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const (
	// BuildSecretPrefix All build secrets will be mounted with this prefix
	BuildSecretPrefix = "BUILD_SECRET_"

	// BuildSecretsName Name of the secret in the app namespace holding all build secrets
	BuildSecretsName = "build-secrets"

	// BuildSecretDefaultData When the build secrets hold radix_undefined, it means they have not been set yet
	BuildSecretDefaultData = "radix_undefined"

	// BlobFuseCredsAccountKeyPartSuffix Account key suffix of secret listed
	BlobFuseCredsAccountKeyPartSuffix = "-accountkey"

	// BlobFuseCredsAccountNamePartSuffix Account name suffix of secret listed
	BlobFuseCredsAccountNamePartSuffix = "-accountname"

	// BlobFuseCredsAccountKeyPart Account key part of secret data
	BlobFuseCredsAccountKeyPart = "accountkey"

	// BlobFuseCredsAccountNamePart Account name part of secret data
	BlobFuseCredsAccountNamePart = "accountname"

	// CsiAzureCredsAccountKeyPartSuffix Account key suffix of secret listed
	CsiAzureCredsAccountKeyPartSuffix = "-accountkey"

	// CsiAzureCredsAccountNamePartSuffix Account name suffix of secret listed
	CsiAzureCredsAccountNamePartSuffix = "-accountname"

	// CsiAzureCredsAccountKeyPart Account key part of secret data
	CsiAzureCredsAccountKeyPart = "accountkey"

	// CsiAzureCredsAccountNamePart Account name part of secret data
	CsiAzureCredsAccountNamePart = "accountname"

	// OAuthCookieSecretKeyName defines the name of the key which holds the secret used by OAuth to encrypt the session cookie
	OAuthCookieSecretKeyName = "CookieSecret"

	// OAuthClientSecretKeyName defines the name of the key which holds the OAuth clientid secret
	OAuthClientSecretKeyName = "ClientSecret"

	// OAuthRedisPasswordKeyName defines the name of the key which holds the Redis password used by OAuth to store session data
	OAuthRedisPasswordKeyName = "RedisPassword"

	// CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientIdSuffix Client ID suffix of secret listed
	CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientIdSuffix = "-azkv-clientid"

	// CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientSecretSuffix Client secret suffix of secret listed
	CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientSecretSuffix = "-azkv-clientsecret"

	// CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientIdPart Client ID part of secret data for Azure Key Vault
	CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientIdPart = "clientid"

	// CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientSecretPart Client secret part of secret data for Azure Key Vault
	CsiAzureKeyVaultCredsClientSecretPart = "clientsecret"

	// CsiSecretProviderClassParameterKeyVaultName Azure Key vault parameter name for a CSI SecretProviderClass
	CsiSecretProviderClassParameterKeyVaultName = "keyvaultName"

	// TLSSecretName Secret name for the Radix wildcard TLS cert
	TLSSecretName = "radix-wildcard-tls-cert"

	// SecretDefaultData default secret content
	SecretDefaultData = "xx"

	// SecretUsedBySecretStoreDriverLabel Label used to mark secrets used by secret store driver
	SecretUsedBySecretStoreDriverLabel = ""
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const DefaultRadixConfigFileName = "radixconfig.yaml"

DefaultRadixConfigFileName Default name for the radix configuration file

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const PrivateImageHubReaderRoleName = "radix-private-image-hubs-reader"

PrivateImageHubReaderRoleName name of private image hub reader role

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const PrivateImageHubSecretName = "radix-private-image-hubs"

PrivateImageHubSecretName name of private image hub secret - contain secret with all private image hubs credentials for an app

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const RadixCacheLayerNamePrefix = "radix-cache"

RadixCacheLayerNamePrefix The name of the cache artifact

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const RadixJobSchedulerPortName = "scheduler-port"
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const RadixJobTimeLimitSeconds = 43200 // 12 hours
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const RadixPipelineJobPipelineContainerName = "radix-pipeline"

RadixPipelineJobPipelineContainerName The container name of the Radix pipeline orchestration job

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const RadixPipelineJobPreparePipelinesContainerName = "prepare-pipelines"

RadixPipelineJobPreparePipelinesContainerName The container name of the pipeline job, reading the RadixApplication from the Radix configuration file and preparing the Sub-pipleine, if it is configured

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const RadixPipelineJobRunPipelinesContainerName = "run-pipelines"

RadixPipelineJobRunPipelinesContainerName The container name of the pipeline job, running the Sub-pipleine, if it is configured


This section is empty.


func GetAlertControllerThreads added in v1.21.6

func GetAlertControllerThreads() (int, error)

GetAlertControllerThreads returns number of alert controller threads

func GetApplicationControllerThreads added in v1.21.6

func GetApplicationControllerThreads() (int, error)

GetApplicationControllerThreads returns number of application controller threads

func GetBlobFuseCredsSecretName added in v1.7.1

func GetBlobFuseCredsSecretName(componentName string, volumeMountName string) string

GetBlobFuseCredsSecretName Helper method

func GetCsiAzureKeyVaultCredsSecretName added in v1.17.2

func GetCsiAzureKeyVaultCredsSecretName(componentName, azureKeyVaultName string) string

GetCsiAzureKeyVaultCredsSecretName Gets credentials secret for CSI Azure Key vault

func GetCsiAzureVolumeMountCredsSecretName added in v1.19.0

func GetCsiAzureVolumeMountCredsSecretName(componentName, radixVolumeMountName string) string

GetCsiAzureVolumeMountCredsSecretName Gets credentials secret for CSI Azure Volume mount

func GetDefaultCPURequest

func GetDefaultCPURequest() *resource.Quantity

GetDefaultCPURequest Gets the default container CPU request defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultCPURequestForAppNamespace added in v1.5.21

func GetDefaultCPURequestForAppNamespace() *resource.Quantity

GetDefaultCPURequestForAppNamespace Gets the default container CPU request for app namespaces defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultMemoryLimit

func GetDefaultMemoryLimit() *resource.Quantity

GetDefaultMemoryLimit Gets the default container memory limit defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultMemoryLimitForAppNamespace added in v1.5.21

func GetDefaultMemoryLimitForAppNamespace() *resource.Quantity

GetDefaultMemoryLimitForAppNamespace Gets the default container memory limit for app namespaces defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultMemoryRequest

func GetDefaultMemoryRequest() *resource.Quantity

GetDefaultMemoryRequest Gets the default container memory request defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultMemoryRequestForAppNamespace added in v1.5.21

func GetDefaultMemoryRequestForAppNamespace() *resource.Quantity

GetDefaultMemoryRequestForAppNamespace Gets the default container memory request for app namespaces defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultReadinessProbeInitialDelaySeconds

func GetDefaultReadinessProbeInitialDelaySeconds() (int32, error)

GetDefaultReadinessProbeInitialDelaySeconds Gets the default readiness probe initial delay seconds defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultReadinessProbePeriodSeconds

func GetDefaultReadinessProbePeriodSeconds() (int32, error)

GetDefaultReadinessProbePeriodSeconds Gets the default readiness probe period seconds defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultRollingUpdateMaxSurge

func GetDefaultRollingUpdateMaxSurge() (string, error)

GetDefaultRollingUpdateMaxSurge Gets the default rolling update max surge defined as an environment variable

func GetDefaultRollingUpdateMaxUnavailable

func GetDefaultRollingUpdateMaxUnavailable() (string, error)

GetDefaultRollingUpdateMaxUnavailable Gets the default rolling update max unavailable defined as an environment variable

func GetDeploymentControllerThreads added in v1.21.6

func GetDeploymentControllerThreads() (int, error)

GetDeploymentControllerThreads returns number of deployment controller threads

func GetEnvVar added in v1.21.6

func GetEnvVar(name string) (string, error)

GetEnvVar returns the string value of an environment variable. Error is returned if environment variable is not set.

func GetEnvironmentControllerThreads added in v1.21.6

func GetEnvironmentControllerThreads() (int, error)

GetEnvironmentControllerThreads returns number of environment controller threads

func GetIntEnvVar added in v1.21.6

func GetIntEnvVar(name string) (int, error)

GetIntEnvVar returns the integer value of an environment variable. Error is returned if environment variable is not set, or if the value is not a valid integer.

func GetJobAuxKubeDeployName added in v1.69.0

func GetJobAuxKubeDeployName(jobName string) string

GetJobAuxKubeDeployName Get the aux kube deployment name for a job component

func GetJobControllerThreads added in v1.21.6

func GetJobControllerThreads() (int, error)

GetJobControllerThreads returns number of job controller threads

func GetKubeClientRateLimitBurst added in v1.21.6

func GetKubeClientRateLimitBurst() (int, error)

GetKubeClientRateLimitBurst returns rate limit for burst for k8s client

func GetKubeClientRateLimitQps added in v1.21.6

func GetKubeClientRateLimitQps() (float32, error)

GetKubeClientRateLimitQps returns rate limit for queries per second for k8s client

func GetRegistrationControllerThreads added in v1.21.6

func GetRegistrationControllerThreads() (int, error)

GetRegistrationControllerThreads returns number of registration controller threads

func GetResourcesLimitsMemoryForAppBuilderNamespace added in v1.41.9

func GetResourcesLimitsMemoryForAppBuilderNamespace() *resource.Quantity

GetResourcesLimitsMemoryForAppBuilderNamespace Gets the default container memory limit for builder job in app namespaces defined as an environment variable

func GetResourcesRequestsCPUForAppBuilderNamespace added in v1.41.9

func GetResourcesRequestsCPUForAppBuilderNamespace() *resource.Quantity

GetResourcesRequestsCPUForAppBuilderNamespace Gets the default container CPU request for builder job in app namespaces defined as an environment variable

func GetResourcesRequestsMemoryForAppBuilderNamespace added in v1.41.9

func GetResourcesRequestsMemoryForAppBuilderNamespace() *resource.Quantity

GetResourcesRequestsMemoryForAppBuilderNamespace Gets the default container memory request for builder job in app namespaces defined as an environment variable


type MockOAuth2Config added in v1.18.0

type MockOAuth2Config struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockOAuth2Config is a mock of OAuth2Config interface.

func NewMockOAuth2Config added in v1.18.0

func NewMockOAuth2Config(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOAuth2Config

NewMockOAuth2Config creates a new mock instance.

func (*MockOAuth2Config) EXPECT added in v1.18.0

EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.

func (*MockOAuth2Config) MergeWith added in v1.18.0

func (m *MockOAuth2Config) MergeWith(source *v1.OAuth2) (*v1.OAuth2, error)

MergeWith mocks base method.

type MockOAuth2ConfigMockRecorder added in v1.18.0

type MockOAuth2ConfigMockRecorder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockOAuth2ConfigMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOAuth2Config.

func (*MockOAuth2ConfigMockRecorder) MergeWith added in v1.18.0

func (mr *MockOAuth2ConfigMockRecorder) MergeWith(source interface{}) *gomock.Call

MergeWith indicates an expected call of MergeWith.

type OAuth2Config added in v1.18.0

type OAuth2Config interface {
	MergeWith(source *v1.OAuth2) (*v1.OAuth2, error)

OAuth2Config is implemented by any value that has as MergeWith method The MergeWith method takes an OAuth2 object as input and merges it with an existing OAuth2 object The result of the merge is returned to the caller. The source object must not be modified

func NewOAuth2Config added in v1.18.0

func NewOAuth2Config(options ...OAuth2ConfigOptions) OAuth2Config

NewOAuth2Config returns a new object that implements OAuth2Config

type OAuth2ConfigOptions added in v1.18.0

type OAuth2ConfigOptions func(cfg *oauth2Config)

OAuth2ConfigOptions defines configuration function for NewOAuth2Config

func WithOAuth2Defaults added in v1.18.0

func WithOAuth2Defaults() OAuth2ConfigOptions

WithOIDCIssuerURL sets the default OAuth2 values

func WithOIDCIssuerURL added in v1.18.0

func WithOIDCIssuerURL(url string) OAuth2ConfigOptions

WithOIDCIssuerURL configures the OIDC.IssuerURL


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