Index ¶
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) String() string
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) Code() int
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) Error() string
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) String() string
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) String() string
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) Code() int
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) Error() string
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) GetPayload() *models.ApplicationRegistrationUpsertResponse
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) String() string
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParams() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetApplicationRegistration(applicationRegistration *models.ApplicationRegistrationRequest)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithApplicationRegistration(applicationRegistration *models.ApplicationRegistrationRequest) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithDefaults() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsReader
- type ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) String() string
- type Client
- func (a *Client) ChangeRegistrationDetails(params *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) DeleteApplication(params *DeleteApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*DeleteApplicationOK, error)
- func (a *Client) DisableApplicationAlerting(params *DisableApplicationAlertingParams, ...) (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK, error)
- func (a *Client) EnableApplicationAlerting(params *EnableApplicationAlertingParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetApplication(params *GetApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*GetApplicationOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetApplicationAlertingConfig(params *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams, ...) (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetBuildSecrets(params *GetBuildSecretsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*GetBuildSecretsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetDeployKeyAndSecret(params *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetDeployments(params *GetDeploymentsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*GetDeploymentsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetPrivateImageHubs(params *GetPrivateImageHubsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) IsDeployKeyValid(params *IsDeployKeyValidParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*IsDeployKeyValidOK, error)
- func (a *Client) ListPipelines(params *ListPipelinesParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*ListPipelinesOK, error)
- func (a *Client) ModifyRegistrationDetails(params *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK, error)
- func (a *Client) RegenerateDeployKey(params *RegenerateDeployKeyParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent, error)
- func (a *Client) RestartApplication(params *RestartApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*RestartApplicationOK, error)
- func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
- func (a *Client) StartApplication(params *StartApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*StartApplicationOK, error)
- func (a *Client) StopApplication(params *StopApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*StopApplicationOK, error)
- func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineApplyConfig(params *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams, ...) (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK, error)
- func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineBuild(params *TriggerPipelineBuildParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK, error)
- func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineBuildDeploy(params *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams, ...) (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK, error)
- func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineDeploy(params *TriggerPipelineDeployParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK, error)
- func (a *Client) TriggerPipelinePromote(params *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, ...) (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK, error)
- func (a *Client) UpdateApplicationAlertingConfig(params *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams, ...) (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK, error)
- func (a *Client) UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValue(params *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams, ...) (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK, error)
- func (a *Client) UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValue(params *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams, ...) (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK, error)
- type ClientOption
- type ClientService
- type DeleteApplicationForbidden
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) String() string
- type DeleteApplicationNotFound
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) String() string
- type DeleteApplicationOK
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) Code() int
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) Error() string
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) String() string
- type DeleteApplicationParams
- func NewDeleteApplicationParams() *DeleteApplicationParams
- func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteApplicationParams
- func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeleteApplicationReader
- type DeleteApplicationUnauthorized
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
- type DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) String() string
- type DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) String() string
- type DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) String() string
- type DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) String() string
- type DisableApplicationAlertingOK
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) Code() int
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) Error() string
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) String() string
- type DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParams() *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithAppName(appName string) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithDefaults() *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DisableApplicationAlertingReader
- type DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) String() string
- type EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) String() string
- type EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) String() string
- type EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) String() string
- type EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) String() string
- type EnableApplicationAlertingOK
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) Code() int
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) Error() string
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) String() string
- type EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParams() *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithAppName(appName string) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithDefaults() *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type EnableApplicationAlertingReader
- type EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) String() string
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) String() string
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) String() string
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) String() string
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) String() string
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParams() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithDefaults() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigReader
- type GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) String() string
- type GetApplicationConflict
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationConflict) String() string
- type GetApplicationForbidden
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) String() string
- type GetApplicationInternalServerError
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) String() string
- type GetApplicationNotFound
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) String() string
- type GetApplicationOK
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) GetPayload() *models.Application
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationOK) String() string
- type GetApplicationParams
- func NewGetApplicationParams() *GetApplicationParams
- func NewGetApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationParams
- func NewGetApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationParams
- func NewGetApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationParams
- func (o *GetApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetApplicationReader
- type GetApplicationUnauthorized
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
- type GetBuildSecretsNotFound
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) String() string
- type GetBuildSecretsOK
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) Code() int
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) Error() string
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) GetPayload() []*models.BuildSecret
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) String() string
- type GetBuildSecretsParams
- func NewGetBuildSecretsParams() *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithDefaults() *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetBuildSecretsParams
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetBuildSecretsReader
- type GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) String() string
- type GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) String() string
- type GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) Code() int
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) Error() string
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) GetPayload() *models.DeployKeyAndSecret
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) String() string
- type GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParams() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithDefaults() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetDeployKeyAndSecretReader
- type GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) String() string
- type GetDeploymentsNotFound
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) String() string
- type GetDeploymentsOK
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) Code() int
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) Error() string
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) GetPayload() []*models.DeploymentSummary
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) String() string
- type GetDeploymentsParams
- func NewGetDeploymentsParams() *GetDeploymentsParams
- func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetEnvironment(environment *string)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetLatest(latest *bool)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithDefaults() *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithEnvironment(environment *string) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithLatest(latest *bool) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeploymentsParams
- func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetDeploymentsReader
- type GetDeploymentsUnauthorized
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) String() string
- type GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) String() string
- type GetPrivateImageHubsOK
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) Code() int
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) Error() string
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) GetPayload() []*models.ImageHubSecret
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) String() string
- type GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParams() *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithDefaults() *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetPrivateImageHubsReader
- type GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) String() string
- type IsDeployKeyValidConflict
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) Code() int
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) Error() string
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) String() string
- type IsDeployKeyValidForbidden
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) String() string
- type IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) String() string
- type IsDeployKeyValidNotFound
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) String() string
- type IsDeployKeyValidOK
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) Code() int
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) Error() string
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) String() string
- type IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func NewIsDeployKeyValidParams() *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithAppName(appName string) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithDefaults() *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type IsDeployKeyValidReader
- type IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) String() string
- type ListPipelinesOK
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) Code() int
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) Error() string
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) GetPayload() []string
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ListPipelinesOK) String() string
- type ListPipelinesParams
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithAppName(appName string) *ListPipelinesParams
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListPipelinesParams
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithDefaults() *ListPipelinesParams
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListPipelinesParams
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListPipelinesParams
- func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ListPipelinesReader
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) String() string
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) Code() int
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) Error() string
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) String() string
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) String() string
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) Code() int
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) Error() string
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) GetPayload() *models.ApplicationRegistrationUpsertResponse
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) String() string
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParams() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetPatchRequest(patchRequest *models.ApplicationRegistrationPatchRequest)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithDefaults() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithPatchRequest(patchRequest *models.ApplicationRegistrationPatchRequest) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsReader
- type ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) String() string
- type RegenerateDeployKeyConflict
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) String() string
- type RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) String() string
- type RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) String() string
- type RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParams() *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData(regenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData *models.RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithAppName(appName string) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithDefaults() *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData(regenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData *models.RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type RegenerateDeployKeyReader
- type RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) String() string
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) String() string
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) String() string
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) String() string
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) String() string
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) GetPayload() *models.MachineUser
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) String() string
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParams() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup []string)
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithAppName(appName string) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithDefaults() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup []string) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenReader
- type RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) String() string
- type RestartApplicationNotFound
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) String() string
- type RestartApplicationOK
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) Code() int
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) Error() string
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationOK) String() string
- type RestartApplicationParams
- func NewRestartApplicationParams() *RestartApplicationParams
- func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RestartApplicationParams
- func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RestartApplicationParams
- func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RestartApplicationParams
- func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type RestartApplicationReader
- type RestartApplicationUnauthorized
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
- type StartApplicationNotFound
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) String() string
- type StartApplicationOK
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) Code() int
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) Error() string
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationOK) String() string
- type StartApplicationParams
- func NewStartApplicationParams() *StartApplicationParams
- func NewStartApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *StartApplicationParams
- func NewStartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StartApplicationParams
- func NewStartApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StartApplicationParams
- func (o *StartApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type StartApplicationReader
- type StartApplicationUnauthorized
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
- type StopApplicationNotFound
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) String() string
- type StopApplicationOK
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) Code() int
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) Error() string
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationOK) String() string
- type StopApplicationParams
- func NewStopApplicationParams() *StopApplicationParams
- func NewStopApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *StopApplicationParams
- func NewStopApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StopApplicationParams
- func NewStopApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StopApplicationParams
- func (o *StopApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type StopApplicationReader
- type StopApplicationUnauthorized
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetPipelineParametersApplyConfig(pipelineParametersApplyConfig *models.PipelineParametersApplyConfig)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithPipelineParametersApplyConfig(pipelineParametersApplyConfig *models.PipelineParametersApplyConfig) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigReader
- type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployReader
- type TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineBuildOK
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParams() *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type TriggerPipelineBuildReader
- type TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineDeployOK
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) String() string
- type TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParams() *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetPipelineParametersDeploy(pipelineParametersDeploy *models.PipelineParametersDeploy)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithPipelineParametersDeploy(pipelineParametersDeploy *models.PipelineParametersDeploy) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type TriggerPipelineDeployReader
- type TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) String() string
- type TriggerPipelinePromoteOK
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) Code() int
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) Error() string
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) String() string
- type TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParams() *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetPipelineParametersPromote(pipelineParametersPromote *models.PipelineParametersPromote)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithPipelineParametersPromote(pipelineParametersPromote *models.PipelineParametersPromote) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
- func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type TriggerPipelinePromoteReader
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) String() string
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) String() string
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) String() string
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) String() string
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) String() string
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAlertsConfig(alertsConfig *models.UpdateAlertingConfig)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAlertsConfig(alertsConfig *models.UpdateAlertingConfig) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAppName(appName string) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithDefaults() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigReader
- type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) String() string
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) String() string
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) String() string
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) String() string
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) String() string
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) String() string
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetSecretName(secretName string)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetSecretValue(secretValue *models.SecretParameters)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithAppName(appName string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithDefaults() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithSecretName(secretName string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithSecretValue(secretValue *models.SecretParameters) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueReader
- type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) String() string
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) Code() int
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) Error() string
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) String() string
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) Code() int
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) Error() string
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) String() string
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) Code() int
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) Error() string
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) String() string
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) Code() int
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) Error() string
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) String() string
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) Code() int
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) Error() string
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) String() string
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetAppName(appName string)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetDefaults()
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImageHubSecret(imageHubSecret *models.SecretParameters)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetServerName(serverName string)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithAppName(appName string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithDefaults() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImageHubSecret(imageHubSecret *models.SecretParameters) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithServerName(serverName string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueReader
- type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) Code() int
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) Error() string
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
- func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) String() string
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest struct { }
ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Invalid application
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest creates a ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the change registration details bad request response
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this change registration details bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this change registration details bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this change registration details bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this change registration details bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this change registration details bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) String() string
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict struct { }
ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict creates a ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict with default headers values
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) Code ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the change registration details conflict response
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) Error ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) Error() string
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this change registration details conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this change registration details conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this change registration details conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this change registration details conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this change registration details conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) String ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsConflict) String() string
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound struct { }
ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound creates a ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound with default headers values
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the change registration details not found response
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Error() string
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this change registration details not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this change registration details not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this change registration details not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this change registration details not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this change registration details not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) String ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsNotFound) String() string
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK struct {
Payload *models.ApplicationRegistrationUpsertResponse
ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Change registration operation result
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsOK ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsOK() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsOK creates a ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK with default headers values
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) Code ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the change registration details o k response
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) Error ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) Error() string
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) GetPayload() *models.ApplicationRegistrationUpsertResponse
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this change registration details o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this change registration details o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this change registration details o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this change registration details o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this change registration details o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) String ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK) String() string
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string /* ApplicationRegistration. request for Application to change */ ApplicationRegistration *models.ApplicationRegistrationRequest Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the change registration details operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParams ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParams() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParams creates a new ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext creates a new ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout creates a new ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetApplicationRegistration ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetApplicationRegistration(applicationRegistration *models.ApplicationRegistrationRequest)
SetApplicationRegistration adds the applicationRegistration to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the change registration details params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithApplicationRegistration ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithApplicationRegistration(applicationRegistration *models.ApplicationRegistrationRequest) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithApplicationRegistration adds the applicationRegistration to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithContext adds the context to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithDefaults() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the change registration details params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the change registration details params
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsReader ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChangeRegistrationDetailsReader is a Reader for the ChangeRegistrationDetails structure.
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized ¶
type ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized struct { }
ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized ¶
func NewChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized() *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized
NewChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized creates a ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the change registration details unauthorized response
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this change registration details unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this change registration details unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this change registration details unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this change registration details unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this change registration details unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *ChangeRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) String() string
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client for application API
func (*Client) ChangeRegistrationDetails ¶
func (a *Client) ChangeRegistrationDetails(params *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK, error)
ChangeRegistrationDetails updates application registration
func (*Client) DeleteApplication ¶
func (a *Client) DeleteApplication(params *DeleteApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeleteApplicationOK, error)
DeleteApplication deletes application
func (*Client) DisableApplicationAlerting ¶
func (a *Client) DisableApplicationAlerting(params *DisableApplicationAlertingParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK, error)
DisableApplicationAlerting disables alerting for application namespace
func (*Client) EnableApplicationAlerting ¶
func (a *Client) EnableApplicationAlerting(params *EnableApplicationAlertingParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK, error)
EnableApplicationAlerting enables alerting for application namespace
func (*Client) GetApplication ¶
func (a *Client) GetApplication(params *GetApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetApplicationOK, error)
GetApplication gets the application by name
func (*Client) GetApplicationAlertingConfig ¶
func (a *Client) GetApplicationAlertingConfig(params *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK, error)
GetApplicationAlertingConfig gets alerts configuration for application namespace
func (*Client) GetBuildSecrets ¶
func (a *Client) GetBuildSecrets(params *GetBuildSecretsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetBuildSecretsOK, error)
GetBuildSecrets lists the application build secrets
func (*Client) GetDeployKeyAndSecret ¶
func (a *Client) GetDeployKeyAndSecret(params *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK, error)
GetDeployKeyAndSecret gets deploy key and secret
func (*Client) GetDeployments ¶
func (a *Client) GetDeployments(params *GetDeploymentsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetDeploymentsOK, error)
GetDeployments lists the application deployments
func (*Client) GetPrivateImageHubs ¶
func (a *Client) GetPrivateImageHubs(params *GetPrivateImageHubsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK, error)
GetPrivateImageHubs lists the application private image hubs
func (*Client) IsDeployKeyValid ¶
func (a *Client) IsDeployKeyValid(params *IsDeployKeyValidParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*IsDeployKeyValidOK, error)
IsDeployKeyValid checks if the deploy key is correctly setup for application by cloning the repository
func (*Client) ListPipelines ¶
func (a *Client) ListPipelines(params *ListPipelinesParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*ListPipelinesOK, error)
ListPipelines lists the supported pipelines
func (*Client) ModifyRegistrationDetails ¶
func (a *Client) ModifyRegistrationDetails(params *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK, error)
ModifyRegistrationDetails updates specific field s of an application registration
func (*Client) RegenerateDeployKey ¶
func (a *Client) RegenerateDeployKey(params *RegenerateDeployKeyParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent, error)
RegenerateDeployKey regenerates deploy key
func (*Client) RestartApplication ¶
func (a *Client) RestartApplication(params *RestartApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*RestartApplicationOK, error)
RestartApplication restarts all components in all environments of the application stops all running components in all environments of the application pulls new images from image hub in radix configuration starts all components in all environments of the application again using up to date image
func (*Client) SetTransport ¶
func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
SetTransport changes the transport on the client
func (*Client) StartApplication ¶
func (a *Client) StartApplication(params *StartApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*StartApplicationOK, error)
StartApplication starts all components in all environments of the application
func (*Client) StopApplication ¶
func (a *Client) StopApplication(params *StopApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*StopApplicationOK, error)
StopApplication stops all components in the environment
func (*Client) TriggerPipelineApplyConfig ¶
func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineApplyConfig(params *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK, error)
TriggerPipelineApplyConfig runs a apply config pipeline for a given application
func (*Client) TriggerPipelineBuild ¶
func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineBuild(params *TriggerPipelineBuildParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK, error)
TriggerPipelineBuild runs a build pipeline for a given application and branch
func (*Client) TriggerPipelineBuildDeploy ¶
func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineBuildDeploy(params *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK, error)
TriggerPipelineBuildDeploy runs a build deploy pipeline for a given application and branch
func (*Client) TriggerPipelineDeploy ¶
func (a *Client) TriggerPipelineDeploy(params *TriggerPipelineDeployParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK, error)
TriggerPipelineDeploy runs a deploy pipeline for a given application and environment
func (*Client) TriggerPipelinePromote ¶
func (a *Client) TriggerPipelinePromote(params *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK, error)
TriggerPipelinePromote runs a promote pipeline for a given application and branch
func (*Client) UpdateApplicationAlertingConfig ¶
func (a *Client) UpdateApplicationAlertingConfig(params *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK, error)
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfig updates alerts configuration for application namespace
func (*Client) UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValue ¶
func (a *Client) UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValue(params *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK, error)
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValue updates an application build secret
func (*Client) UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValue ¶
func (a *Client) UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValue(params *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK, error)
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValue updates an application private image hub secret
type ClientOption ¶
type ClientOption func(*runtime.ClientOperation)
ClientOption may be used to customize the behavior of Client methods.
type ClientService ¶
type ClientService interface { ChangeRegistrationDetails(params *ChangeRegistrationDetailsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*ChangeRegistrationDetailsOK, error) DeleteApplication(params *DeleteApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeleteApplicationOK, error) DisableApplicationAlerting(params *DisableApplicationAlertingParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK, error) EnableApplicationAlerting(params *EnableApplicationAlertingParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK, error) GetApplication(params *GetApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetApplicationOK, error) GetApplicationAlertingConfig(params *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK, error) GetBuildSecrets(params *GetBuildSecretsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetBuildSecretsOK, error) GetDeployKeyAndSecret(params *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK, error) GetDeployments(params *GetDeploymentsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetDeploymentsOK, error) GetPrivateImageHubs(params *GetPrivateImageHubsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK, error) IsDeployKeyValid(params *IsDeployKeyValidParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*IsDeployKeyValidOK, error) ListPipelines(params *ListPipelinesParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*ListPipelinesOK, error) ModifyRegistrationDetails(params *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK, error) RegenerateDeployKey(params *RegenerateDeployKeyParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent, error) RestartApplication(params *RestartApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*RestartApplicationOK, error) StartApplication(params *StartApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*StartApplicationOK, error) StopApplication(params *StopApplicationParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*StopApplicationOK, error) TriggerPipelineApplyConfig(params *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK, error) TriggerPipelineBuild(params *TriggerPipelineBuildParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK, error) TriggerPipelineBuildDeploy(params *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK, error) TriggerPipelineDeploy(params *TriggerPipelineDeployParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK, error) TriggerPipelinePromote(params *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK, error) UpdateApplicationAlertingConfig(params *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK, error) UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValue(params *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK, error) UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValue(params *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter, opts ...ClientOption) (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK, error) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport) }
ClientService is the interface for Client methods
func New ¶
func New(transport runtime.ClientTransport, formats strfmt.Registry) ClientService
New creates a new application API client.
func NewClientWithBasicAuth ¶
func NewClientWithBasicAuth(host, basePath, scheme, user, password string) ClientService
New creates a new application API client with basic auth credentials. It takes the following parameters: - host: http host ( - basePath: any base path for the API client ("/v1", "/v3"). - scheme: http scheme ("http", "https"). - user: user for basic authentication header. - password: password for basic authentication header.
func NewClientWithBearerToken ¶
func NewClientWithBearerToken(host, basePath, scheme, bearerToken string) ClientService
New creates a new application API client with a bearer token for authentication. It takes the following parameters: - host: http host ( - basePath: any base path for the API client ("/v1", "/v3"). - scheme: http scheme ("http", "https"). - bearerToken: bearer token for Bearer authentication header.
type DeleteApplicationForbidden ¶
type DeleteApplicationForbidden struct { }
DeleteApplicationForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewDeleteApplicationForbidden ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationForbidden() *DeleteApplicationForbidden
NewDeleteApplicationForbidden creates a DeleteApplicationForbidden with default headers values
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete application forbidden response
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) Error() string
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this delete application forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this delete application forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this delete application forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this delete application forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this delete application forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationForbidden) String ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationForbidden) String() string
type DeleteApplicationNotFound ¶
type DeleteApplicationNotFound struct { }
DeleteApplicationNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewDeleteApplicationNotFound ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationNotFound() *DeleteApplicationNotFound
NewDeleteApplicationNotFound creates a DeleteApplicationNotFound with default headers values
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete application not found response
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) Error() string
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this delete application not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this delete application not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this delete application not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this delete application not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this delete application not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationNotFound) String ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationNotFound) String() string
type DeleteApplicationOK ¶
type DeleteApplicationOK struct { }
DeleteApplicationOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Application deleted ok
func NewDeleteApplicationOK ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationOK() *DeleteApplicationOK
NewDeleteApplicationOK creates a DeleteApplicationOK with default headers values
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete application o k response
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) Error() string
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this delete application o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this delete application o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this delete application o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this delete application o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this delete application o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationOK) String ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationOK) String() string
type DeleteApplicationParams ¶
type DeleteApplicationParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteApplicationParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the delete application operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewDeleteApplicationParams ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationParams() *DeleteApplicationParams
NewDeleteApplicationParams creates a new DeleteApplicationParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteApplicationParams
NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteApplicationParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteApplicationParams
NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteApplicationParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteApplicationParams
NewDeleteApplicationParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteApplicationParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the delete application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *DeleteApplicationParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteApplicationParams
WithContext adds the context to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *DeleteApplicationParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the delete application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteApplicationParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *DeleteApplicationParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *DeleteApplicationParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteApplicationParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete application params
func (*DeleteApplicationParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeleteApplicationReader ¶
type DeleteApplicationReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteApplicationReader is a Reader for the DeleteApplication structure.
func (*DeleteApplicationReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeleteApplicationUnauthorized ¶
type DeleteApplicationUnauthorized struct { }
DeleteApplicationUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewDeleteApplicationUnauthorized ¶
func NewDeleteApplicationUnauthorized() *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized
NewDeleteApplicationUnauthorized creates a DeleteApplicationUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete application unauthorized response
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this delete application unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this delete application unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this delete application unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this delete application unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this delete application unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *DeleteApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
type DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest struct { }
DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Alerting already enabled
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest() *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest
NewDisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest creates a DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest with default headers values
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the disable application alerting bad request response
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Error() string
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this disable application alerting bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this disable application alerting bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this disable application alerting bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this disable application alerting bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this disable application alerting bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) String() string
type DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden struct { }
DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingForbidden ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingForbidden() *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden
NewDisableApplicationAlertingForbidden creates a DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden with default headers values
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the disable application alerting forbidden response
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Error() string
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this disable application alerting forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this disable application alerting forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this disable application alerting forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this disable application alerting forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this disable application alerting forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) String ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingForbidden) String() string
type DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError struct { }
DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError() *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError
NewDisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError creates a DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the disable application alerting internal server error response
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this disable application alerting internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this disable application alerting internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this disable application alerting internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this disable application alerting internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this disable application alerting internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) String() string
type DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound struct { }
DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingNotFound ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingNotFound() *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound
NewDisableApplicationAlertingNotFound creates a DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound with default headers values
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the disable application alerting not found response
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Error() string
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this disable application alerting not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this disable application alerting not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this disable application alerting not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this disable application alerting not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this disable application alerting not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) String ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingNotFound) String() string
type DisableApplicationAlertingOK ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingOK struct {
Payload *models.AlertingConfig
DisableApplicationAlertingOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful disable alerting
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingOK ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingOK() *DisableApplicationAlertingOK
NewDisableApplicationAlertingOK creates a DisableApplicationAlertingOK with default headers values
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) Code ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the disable application alerting o k response
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) Error ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) Error() string
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this disable application alerting o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this disable application alerting o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this disable application alerting o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this disable application alerting o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this disable application alerting o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingOK) String ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingOK) String() string
type DisableApplicationAlertingParams ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DisableApplicationAlertingParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the disable application alerting operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParams ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParams() *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
NewDisableApplicationAlertingParams creates a new DisableApplicationAlertingParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext creates a new DisableApplicationAlertingParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DisableApplicationAlertingParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
NewDisableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout creates a new DisableApplicationAlertingParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the disable application alerting params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithAppName(appName string) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithContext adds the context to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithDefaults() *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the disable application alerting params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DisableApplicationAlertingParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the disable application alerting params
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DisableApplicationAlertingReader ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DisableApplicationAlertingReader is a Reader for the DisableApplicationAlerting structure.
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized ¶
type DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized struct { }
DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized ¶
func NewDisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized() *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized
NewDisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized creates a DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the disable application alerting unauthorized response
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this disable application alerting unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this disable application alerting unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this disable application alerting unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this disable application alerting unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this disable application alerting unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *DisableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) String() string
type EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest struct { }
EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Alerting already enabled
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest() *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest
NewEnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest creates a EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest with default headers values
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the enable application alerting bad request response
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) Error() string
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this enable application alerting bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this enable application alerting bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this enable application alerting bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this enable application alerting bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this enable application alerting bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingBadRequest) String() string
type EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden struct { }
EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingForbidden ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingForbidden() *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden
NewEnableApplicationAlertingForbidden creates a EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden with default headers values
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the enable application alerting forbidden response
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) Error() string
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this enable application alerting forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this enable application alerting forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this enable application alerting forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this enable application alerting forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this enable application alerting forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) String ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingForbidden) String() string
type EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError struct { }
EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError() *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError
NewEnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError creates a EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the enable application alerting internal server error response
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this enable application alerting internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this enable application alerting internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this enable application alerting internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this enable application alerting internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this enable application alerting internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingInternalServerError) String() string
type EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound struct { }
EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingNotFound ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingNotFound() *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound
NewEnableApplicationAlertingNotFound creates a EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound with default headers values
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the enable application alerting not found response
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) Error() string
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this enable application alerting not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this enable application alerting not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this enable application alerting not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this enable application alerting not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this enable application alerting not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) String ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingNotFound) String() string
type EnableApplicationAlertingOK ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingOK struct {
Payload *models.AlertingConfig
EnableApplicationAlertingOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful enable alerting
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingOK ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingOK() *EnableApplicationAlertingOK
NewEnableApplicationAlertingOK creates a EnableApplicationAlertingOK with default headers values
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) Code ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the enable application alerting o k response
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) Error ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) Error() string
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this enable application alerting o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this enable application alerting o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this enable application alerting o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this enable application alerting o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this enable application alerting o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingOK) String ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingOK) String() string
type EnableApplicationAlertingParams ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EnableApplicationAlertingParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the enable application alerting operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParams ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParams() *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
NewEnableApplicationAlertingParams creates a new EnableApplicationAlertingParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithContext creates a new EnableApplicationAlertingParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new EnableApplicationAlertingParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
NewEnableApplicationAlertingParamsWithTimeout creates a new EnableApplicationAlertingParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the enable application alerting params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithAppName(appName string) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithContext adds the context to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithDefaults() *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the enable application alerting params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *EnableApplicationAlertingParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the enable application alerting params
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type EnableApplicationAlertingReader ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EnableApplicationAlertingReader is a Reader for the EnableApplicationAlerting structure.
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized ¶
type EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized struct { }
EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized ¶
func NewEnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized() *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized
NewEnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized creates a EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the enable application alerting unauthorized response
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this enable application alerting unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this enable application alerting unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this enable application alerting unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this enable application alerting unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this enable application alerting unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *EnableApplicationAlertingUnauthorized) String() string
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden struct { }
GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden creates a GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application alerting config forbidden response
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application alerting config forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application alerting config forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application alerting config forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application alerting config forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application alerting config forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) String() string
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError struct { }
GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError creates a GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application alerting config internal server error response
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application alerting config internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application alerting config internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application alerting config internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application alerting config internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application alerting config internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) String() string
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound struct { }
GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound creates a GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application alerting config not found response
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application alerting config not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application alerting config not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application alerting config not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application alerting config not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application alerting config not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) String() string
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK struct {
Payload *models.AlertingConfig
GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful get alerts config
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigOK ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigOK() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigOK creates a GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application alerting config o k response
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application alerting config o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application alerting config o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application alerting config o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application alerting config o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application alerting config o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigOK) String() string
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get application alerting config operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParams ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParams() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParams creates a new GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext creates a new GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get application alerting config params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithContext adds the context to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithDefaults() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get application alerting config params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get application alerting config params
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigReader ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetApplicationAlertingConfigReader is a Reader for the GetApplicationAlertingConfig structure.
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized ¶
type GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized struct { }
GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized() *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized
NewGetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized creates a GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application alerting config unauthorized response
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application alerting config unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application alerting config unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application alerting config unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application alerting config unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application alerting config unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) String() string
type GetApplicationConflict ¶
type GetApplicationConflict struct { }
GetApplicationConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewGetApplicationConflict ¶
func NewGetApplicationConflict() *GetApplicationConflict
NewGetApplicationConflict creates a GetApplicationConflict with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationConflict) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application conflict response
func (*GetApplicationConflict) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationConflict) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationConflict) String() string
type GetApplicationForbidden ¶
type GetApplicationForbidden struct { }
GetApplicationForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewGetApplicationForbidden ¶
func NewGetApplicationForbidden() *GetApplicationForbidden
NewGetApplicationForbidden creates a GetApplicationForbidden with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application forbidden response
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationForbidden) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationForbidden) String() string
type GetApplicationInternalServerError ¶
type GetApplicationInternalServerError struct { }
GetApplicationInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewGetApplicationInternalServerError ¶
func NewGetApplicationInternalServerError() *GetApplicationInternalServerError
NewGetApplicationInternalServerError creates a GetApplicationInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application internal server error response
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationInternalServerError) String() string
type GetApplicationNotFound ¶
type GetApplicationNotFound struct { }
GetApplicationNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetApplicationNotFound ¶
func NewGetApplicationNotFound() *GetApplicationNotFound
NewGetApplicationNotFound creates a GetApplicationNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application not found response
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationNotFound) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationNotFound) String() string
type GetApplicationOK ¶
type GetApplicationOK struct {
Payload *models.Application
GetApplicationOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful get application
func NewGetApplicationOK ¶
func NewGetApplicationOK() *GetApplicationOK
NewGetApplicationOK creates a GetApplicationOK with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationOK) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application o k response
func (*GetApplicationOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) GetPayload() *models.Application
func (*GetApplicationOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationOK) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationOK) String() string
type GetApplicationParams ¶
type GetApplicationParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetApplicationParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get application operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewGetApplicationParams ¶
func NewGetApplicationParams() *GetApplicationParams
NewGetApplicationParams creates a new GetApplicationParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetApplicationParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationParams
NewGetApplicationParamsWithContext creates a new GetApplicationParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationParams
NewGetApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetApplicationParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetApplicationParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationParams
NewGetApplicationParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetApplicationParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetApplicationParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetApplicationParams
WithContext adds the context to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *GetApplicationParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetApplicationParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetApplicationParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetApplicationParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetApplicationParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get application params
func (*GetApplicationParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetApplicationReader ¶
type GetApplicationReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetApplicationReader is a Reader for the GetApplication structure.
func (*GetApplicationReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetApplicationReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetApplicationUnauthorized ¶
type GetApplicationUnauthorized struct { }
GetApplicationUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewGetApplicationUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetApplicationUnauthorized() *GetApplicationUnauthorized
NewGetApplicationUnauthorized creates a GetApplicationUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get application unauthorized response
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get application unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get application unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get application unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get application unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get application unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetApplicationUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *GetApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
type GetBuildSecretsNotFound ¶
type GetBuildSecretsNotFound struct { }
GetBuildSecretsNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetBuildSecretsNotFound ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsNotFound() *GetBuildSecretsNotFound
NewGetBuildSecretsNotFound creates a GetBuildSecretsNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get build secrets not found response
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get build secrets not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get build secrets not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get build secrets not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get build secrets not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get build secrets not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsNotFound) String ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsNotFound) String() string
type GetBuildSecretsOK ¶
type GetBuildSecretsOK struct {
Payload []*models.BuildSecret
GetBuildSecretsOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful operation
func NewGetBuildSecretsOK ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsOK() *GetBuildSecretsOK
NewGetBuildSecretsOK creates a GetBuildSecretsOK with default headers values
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) Code ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get build secrets o k response
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) Error() string
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) GetPayload() []*models.BuildSecret
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get build secrets o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get build secrets o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get build secrets o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get build secrets o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get build secrets o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsOK) String ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsOK) String() string
type GetBuildSecretsParams ¶
type GetBuildSecretsParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of Radix application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetBuildSecretsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get build secrets operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewGetBuildSecretsParams ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsParams() *GetBuildSecretsParams
NewGetBuildSecretsParams creates a new GetBuildSecretsParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetBuildSecretsParams
NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithContext creates a new GetBuildSecretsParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetBuildSecretsParams
NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetBuildSecretsParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetBuildSecretsParams
NewGetBuildSecretsParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetBuildSecretsParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get build secrets params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithContext adds the context to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithDefaults() *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get build secrets params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetBuildSecretsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get build secrets params
func (*GetBuildSecretsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetBuildSecretsReader ¶
type GetBuildSecretsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetBuildSecretsReader is a Reader for the GetBuildSecrets structure.
func (*GetBuildSecretsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized ¶
type GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized struct { }
GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewGetBuildSecretsUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetBuildSecretsUnauthorized() *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized
NewGetBuildSecretsUnauthorized creates a GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get build secrets unauthorized response
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get build secrets unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get build secrets unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get build secrets unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get build secrets unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get build secrets unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *GetBuildSecretsUnauthorized) String() string
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound ¶
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound struct { }
GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound creates a GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get deploy key and secret not found response
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get deploy key and secret not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get deploy key and secret not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get deploy key and secret not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get deploy key and secret not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get deploy key and secret not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) String ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretNotFound) String() string
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK ¶
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK struct {
Payload *models.DeployKeyAndSecret
GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful get deploy key and secret
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretOK ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretOK() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretOK creates a GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK with default headers values
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) Code ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get deploy key and secret o k response
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) Error() string
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) GetPayload() *models.DeployKeyAndSecret
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get deploy key and secret o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get deploy key and secret o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get deploy key and secret o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get deploy key and secret o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get deploy key and secret o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) String ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretOK) String() string
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams ¶
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get deploy key and secret operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParams ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParams() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParams creates a new GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithContext creates a new GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get deploy key and secret params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithContext adds the context to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithDefaults() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get deploy key and secret params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get deploy key and secret params
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretReader ¶
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetDeployKeyAndSecretReader is a Reader for the GetDeployKeyAndSecret structure.
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized ¶
type GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized struct { }
GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized() *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized
NewGetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized creates a GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get deploy key and secret unauthorized response
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get deploy key and secret unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get deploy key and secret unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get deploy key and secret unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get deploy key and secret unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get deploy key and secret unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *GetDeployKeyAndSecretUnauthorized) String() string
type GetDeploymentsNotFound ¶
type GetDeploymentsNotFound struct { }
GetDeploymentsNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetDeploymentsNotFound ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsNotFound() *GetDeploymentsNotFound
NewGetDeploymentsNotFound creates a GetDeploymentsNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get deployments not found response
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get deployments not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get deployments not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get deployments not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get deployments not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get deployments not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsNotFound) String ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsNotFound) String() string
type GetDeploymentsOK ¶
type GetDeploymentsOK struct {
Payload []*models.DeploymentSummary
GetDeploymentsOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful operation
func NewGetDeploymentsOK ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsOK() *GetDeploymentsOK
NewGetDeploymentsOK creates a GetDeploymentsOK with default headers values
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) Code ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get deployments o k response
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) Error() string
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) GetPayload() []*models.DeploymentSummary
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get deployments o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get deployments o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get deployments o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get deployments o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get deployments o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsOK) String ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsOK) String() string
type GetDeploymentsParams ¶
type GetDeploymentsParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of Radix application */ AppName string /* Environment. environment of Radix application */ Environment *string /* Latest. indicator to allow only listing latest */ Latest *bool Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetDeploymentsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get deployments operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewGetDeploymentsParams ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsParams() *GetDeploymentsParams
NewGetDeploymentsParams creates a new GetDeploymentsParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeploymentsParams
NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithContext creates a new GetDeploymentsParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeploymentsParams
NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetDeploymentsParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeploymentsParams
NewGetDeploymentsParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetDeploymentsParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get deployments params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetEnvironment ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetEnvironment(environment *string)
SetEnvironment adds the environment to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetLatest ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetLatest(latest *bool)
SetLatest adds the latest to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithContext adds the context to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithDefaults() *GetDeploymentsParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get deployments params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithEnvironment ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithEnvironment(environment *string) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithEnvironment adds the environment to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithLatest ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithLatest(latest *bool) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithLatest adds the latest to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetDeploymentsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get deployments params
func (*GetDeploymentsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetDeploymentsReader ¶
type GetDeploymentsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetDeploymentsReader is a Reader for the GetDeployments structure.
func (*GetDeploymentsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetDeploymentsUnauthorized ¶
type GetDeploymentsUnauthorized struct { }
GetDeploymentsUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewGetDeploymentsUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetDeploymentsUnauthorized() *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized
NewGetDeploymentsUnauthorized creates a GetDeploymentsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get deployments unauthorized response
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get deployments unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get deployments unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get deployments unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get deployments unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get deployments unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *GetDeploymentsUnauthorized) String() string
type GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound ¶
type GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound struct { }
GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsNotFound ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsNotFound() *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound
NewGetPrivateImageHubsNotFound creates a GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound with default headers values
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get private image hubs not found response
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) Error() string
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get private image hubs not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get private image hubs not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get private image hubs not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get private image hubs not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get private image hubs not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) String ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsNotFound) String() string
type GetPrivateImageHubsOK ¶
type GetPrivateImageHubsOK struct {
Payload []*models.ImageHubSecret
GetPrivateImageHubsOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful operation
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsOK ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsOK() *GetPrivateImageHubsOK
NewGetPrivateImageHubsOK creates a GetPrivateImageHubsOK with default headers values
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) Code ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get private image hubs o k response
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) Error() string
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) GetPayload() []*models.ImageHubSecret
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get private image hubs o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get private image hubs o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get private image hubs o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get private image hubs o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get private image hubs o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsOK) String ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsOK) String() string
type GetPrivateImageHubsParams ¶
type GetPrivateImageHubsParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of Radix application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetPrivateImageHubsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get private image hubs operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParams ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParams() *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
NewGetPrivateImageHubsParams creates a new GetPrivateImageHubsParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithContext creates a new GetPrivateImageHubsParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetPrivateImageHubsParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
NewGetPrivateImageHubsParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetPrivateImageHubsParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get private image hubs params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithContext adds the context to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithDefaults() *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get private image hubs params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetPrivateImageHubsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get private image hubs params
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetPrivateImageHubsReader ¶
type GetPrivateImageHubsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetPrivateImageHubsReader is a Reader for the GetPrivateImageHubs structure.
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized ¶
type GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized struct { }
GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized ¶
func NewGetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized() *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized
NewGetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized creates a GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the get private image hubs unauthorized response
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get private image hubs unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get private image hubs unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get private image hubs unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get private image hubs unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get private image hubs unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *GetPrivateImageHubsUnauthorized) String() string
type IsDeployKeyValidConflict ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidConflict struct { }
IsDeployKeyValidConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidConflict ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidConflict() *IsDeployKeyValidConflict
NewIsDeployKeyValidConflict creates a IsDeployKeyValidConflict with default headers values
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) Code ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the is deploy key valid conflict response
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) Error ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) Error() string
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this is deploy key valid conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this is deploy key valid conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this is deploy key valid conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this is deploy key valid conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this is deploy key valid conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidConflict) String ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidConflict) String() string
type IsDeployKeyValidForbidden ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidForbidden struct { }
IsDeployKeyValidForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidForbidden ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidForbidden() *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden
NewIsDeployKeyValidForbidden creates a IsDeployKeyValidForbidden with default headers values
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the is deploy key valid forbidden response
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) Error() string
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this is deploy key valid forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this is deploy key valid forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this is deploy key valid forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this is deploy key valid forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this is deploy key valid forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) String ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidForbidden) String() string
type IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError struct { }
IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewIsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError() *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError
NewIsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError creates a IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the is deploy key valid internal server error response
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this is deploy key valid internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this is deploy key valid internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this is deploy key valid internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this is deploy key valid internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this is deploy key valid internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidInternalServerError) String() string
type IsDeployKeyValidNotFound ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidNotFound struct { }
IsDeployKeyValidNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewIsDeployKeyValidNotFound ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidNotFound() *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound
NewIsDeployKeyValidNotFound creates a IsDeployKeyValidNotFound with default headers values
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the is deploy key valid not found response
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) Error() string
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this is deploy key valid not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this is deploy key valid not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this is deploy key valid not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this is deploy key valid not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this is deploy key valid not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) String ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidNotFound) String() string
type IsDeployKeyValidOK ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidOK struct { }
IsDeployKeyValidOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Deploy key is valid
func NewIsDeployKeyValidOK ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidOK() *IsDeployKeyValidOK
NewIsDeployKeyValidOK creates a IsDeployKeyValidOK with default headers values
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) Code ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the is deploy key valid o k response
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) Error ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) Error() string
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this is deploy key valid o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this is deploy key valid o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this is deploy key valid o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this is deploy key valid o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this is deploy key valid o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidOK) String ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidOK) String() string
type IsDeployKeyValidParams ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IsDeployKeyValidParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the is deploy key valid operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParams ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParams() *IsDeployKeyValidParams
NewIsDeployKeyValidParams creates a new IsDeployKeyValidParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithContext ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithContext creates a new IsDeployKeyValidParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new IsDeployKeyValidParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
NewIsDeployKeyValidParamsWithTimeout creates a new IsDeployKeyValidParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the is deploy key valid params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithAppName(appName string) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithContext adds the context to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithDefaults() *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the is deploy key valid params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *IsDeployKeyValidParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the is deploy key valid params
func (*IsDeployKeyValidParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type IsDeployKeyValidReader ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IsDeployKeyValidReader is a Reader for the IsDeployKeyValid structure.
func (*IsDeployKeyValidReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized ¶
type IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized struct { }
IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewIsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized ¶
func NewIsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized() *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized
NewIsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized creates a IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the is deploy key valid unauthorized response
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this is deploy key valid unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this is deploy key valid unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this is deploy key valid unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this is deploy key valid unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this is deploy key valid unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *IsDeployKeyValidUnauthorized) String() string
type ListPipelinesOK ¶
type ListPipelinesOK struct {
Payload []string
ListPipelinesOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful operation
func NewListPipelinesOK ¶
func NewListPipelinesOK() *ListPipelinesOK
NewListPipelinesOK creates a ListPipelinesOK with default headers values
func (*ListPipelinesOK) Code ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the list pipelines o k response
func (*ListPipelinesOK) Error ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) Error() string
func (*ListPipelinesOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) GetPayload() []string
func (*ListPipelinesOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this list pipelines o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ListPipelinesOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this list pipelines o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ListPipelinesOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this list pipelines o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ListPipelinesOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this list pipelines o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*ListPipelinesOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this list pipelines o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*ListPipelinesOK) String ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesOK) String() string
type ListPipelinesParams ¶
type ListPipelinesParams struct { /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListPipelinesParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the list pipelines operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewListPipelinesParams ¶
func NewListPipelinesParams() *ListPipelinesParams
NewListPipelinesParams creates a new ListPipelinesParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewListPipelinesParamsWithContext ¶
func NewListPipelinesParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListPipelinesParams
NewListPipelinesParamsWithContext creates a new ListPipelinesParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewListPipelinesParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewListPipelinesParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListPipelinesParams
NewListPipelinesParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ListPipelinesParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewListPipelinesParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewListPipelinesParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListPipelinesParams
NewListPipelinesParamsWithTimeout creates a new ListPipelinesParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ListPipelinesParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the list pipelines params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ListPipelinesParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithAppName(appName string) *ListPipelinesParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListPipelinesParams
WithContext adds the context to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithDefaults() *ListPipelinesParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the list pipelines params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ListPipelinesParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListPipelinesParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListPipelinesParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the list pipelines params
func (*ListPipelinesParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ListPipelinesReader ¶
type ListPipelinesReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListPipelinesReader is a Reader for the ListPipelines structure.
func (*ListPipelinesReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ListPipelinesReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest struct { }
ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Invalid application
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest creates a ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest with default headers values
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the modify registration details bad request response
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) Error() string
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this modify registration details bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this modify registration details bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this modify registration details bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this modify registration details bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this modify registration details bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsBadRequest) String() string
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict struct { }
ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict creates a ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict with default headers values
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) Code ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the modify registration details conflict response
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) Error ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) Error() string
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this modify registration details conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this modify registration details conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this modify registration details conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this modify registration details conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this modify registration details conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) String ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsConflict) String() string
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound struct { }
ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound creates a ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound with default headers values
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the modify registration details not found response
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) Error() string
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this modify registration details not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this modify registration details not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this modify registration details not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this modify registration details not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this modify registration details not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) String ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsNotFound) String() string
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK struct {
Payload *models.ApplicationRegistrationUpsertResponse
ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Modifying registration operation details
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsOK ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsOK() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsOK creates a ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK with default headers values
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) Code ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the modify registration details o k response
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) Error ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) Error() string
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) GetPayload() *models.ApplicationRegistrationUpsertResponse
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this modify registration details o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this modify registration details o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this modify registration details o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this modify registration details o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this modify registration details o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) String ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsOK) String() string
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string /* PatchRequest. Request for Application to patch */ PatchRequest *models.ApplicationRegistrationPatchRequest Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the modify registration details operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParams ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParams() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParams creates a new ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithContext creates a new ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsParamsWithTimeout creates a new ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the modify registration details params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetPatchRequest ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetPatchRequest(patchRequest *models.ApplicationRegistrationPatchRequest)
SetPatchRequest adds the patchRequest to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithAppName(appName string) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithContext adds the context to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithDefaults() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the modify registration details params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithPatchRequest ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithPatchRequest(patchRequest *models.ApplicationRegistrationPatchRequest) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithPatchRequest adds the patchRequest to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the modify registration details params
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsReader ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ModifyRegistrationDetailsReader is a Reader for the ModifyRegistrationDetails structure.
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized ¶
type ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized struct { }
ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized ¶
func NewModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized() *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized
NewModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized creates a ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the modify registration details unauthorized response
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this modify registration details unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this modify registration details unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this modify registration details unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this modify registration details unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this modify registration details unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *ModifyRegistrationDetailsUnauthorized) String() string
type RegenerateDeployKeyConflict ¶
type RegenerateDeployKeyConflict struct { }
RegenerateDeployKeyConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyConflict ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyConflict() *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict
NewRegenerateDeployKeyConflict creates a RegenerateDeployKeyConflict with default headers values
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate deploy key conflict response
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) Error() string
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate deploy key conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate deploy key conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate deploy key conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate deploy key conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate deploy key conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyConflict) String() string
type RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent ¶
type RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent struct { }
RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent describes a response with status code 204, with default header values.
Successfully regenerated deploy key and set shared secret
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyNoContent ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyNoContent() *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent
NewRegenerateDeployKeyNoContent creates a RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent with default headers values
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate deploy key no content response
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) Error() string
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate deploy key no content response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate deploy key no content response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate deploy key no content response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate deploy key no content response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate deploy key no content response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNoContent) String() string
type RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound ¶
type RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound struct { }
RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyNotFound ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyNotFound() *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound
NewRegenerateDeployKeyNotFound creates a RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound with default headers values
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate deploy key not found response
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) Error() string
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate deploy key not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate deploy key not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate deploy key not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate deploy key not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate deploy key not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyNotFound) String() string
type RegenerateDeployKeyParams ¶
type RegenerateDeployKeyParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of application */ AppName string /* RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData. Regenerate deploy key and secret data */ RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData *models.RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RegenerateDeployKeyParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the regenerate deploy key operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParams ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParams() *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
NewRegenerateDeployKeyParams creates a new RegenerateDeployKeyParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithContext ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithContext creates a new RegenerateDeployKeyParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new RegenerateDeployKeyParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
NewRegenerateDeployKeyParamsWithTimeout creates a new RegenerateDeployKeyParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the regenerate deploy key params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData(regenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData *models.RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData)
SetRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData adds the regenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithAppName(appName string) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithContext adds the context to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithDefaults() *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the regenerate deploy key params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData(regenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData *models.RegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithRegenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData adds the regenerateDeployKeyAndSecretData to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateDeployKeyParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the regenerate deploy key params
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type RegenerateDeployKeyReader ¶
type RegenerateDeployKeyReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegenerateDeployKeyReader is a Reader for the RegenerateDeployKey structure.
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized ¶
type RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized struct { }
RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized ¶
func NewRegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized() *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized
NewRegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized creates a RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate deploy key unauthorized response
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate deploy key unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate deploy key unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate deploy key unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate deploy key unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate deploy key unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateDeployKeyUnauthorized) String() string
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict struct { }
RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict creates a RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict with default headers values
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate machine user token conflict response
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) Error() string
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate machine user token conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate machine user token conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate machine user token conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate machine user token conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate machine user token conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenConflict) String() string
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden struct { }
RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden creates a RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden with default headers values
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate machine user token forbidden response
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) Error() string
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate machine user token forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate machine user token forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate machine user token forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate machine user token forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate machine user token forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenForbidden) String() string
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError struct { }
RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError creates a RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate machine user token internal server error response
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate machine user token internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate machine user token internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate machine user token internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate machine user token internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate machine user token internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenInternalServerError) String() string
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound struct { }
RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound creates a RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound with default headers values
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate machine user token not found response
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) Error() string
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate machine user token not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate machine user token not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate machine user token not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate machine user token not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate machine user token not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenNotFound) String() string
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK struct {
Payload *models.MachineUser
RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful regenerate machine-user token
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenOK ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenOK() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenOK creates a RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK with default headers values
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate machine user token o k response
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) Error() string
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) GetPayload() *models.MachineUser
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate machine user token o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate machine user token o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate machine user token o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate machine user token o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate machine user token o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenOK) String() string
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test group (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup []string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the regenerate machine user token operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParams ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParams() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParams creates a new RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithContext ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithContext creates a new RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenParamsWithTimeout creates a new RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the regenerate machine user token params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup []string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithAppName(appName string) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithContext adds the context to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithDefaults() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the regenerate machine user token params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup []string) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the regenerate machine user token params
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenReader ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegenerateMachineUserTokenReader is a Reader for the RegenerateMachineUserToken structure.
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized ¶
type RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized struct { }
RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized ¶
func NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized() *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized
NewRegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized creates a RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the regenerate machine user token unauthorized response
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this regenerate machine user token unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this regenerate machine user token unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this regenerate machine user token unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this regenerate machine user token unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this regenerate machine user token unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *RegenerateMachineUserTokenUnauthorized) String() string
type RestartApplicationNotFound ¶
type RestartApplicationNotFound struct { }
RestartApplicationNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewRestartApplicationNotFound ¶
func NewRestartApplicationNotFound() *RestartApplicationNotFound
NewRestartApplicationNotFound creates a RestartApplicationNotFound with default headers values
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the restart application not found response
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) Error() string
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this restart application not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this restart application not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this restart application not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this restart application not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this restart application not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationNotFound) String ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationNotFound) String() string
type RestartApplicationOK ¶
type RestartApplicationOK struct { }
RestartApplicationOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Application started ok
func NewRestartApplicationOK ¶
func NewRestartApplicationOK() *RestartApplicationOK
NewRestartApplicationOK creates a RestartApplicationOK with default headers values
func (*RestartApplicationOK) Code ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the restart application o k response
func (*RestartApplicationOK) Error ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) Error() string
func (*RestartApplicationOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this restart application o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this restart application o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*RestartApplicationOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this restart application o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this restart application o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this restart application o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationOK) String ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationOK) String() string
type RestartApplicationParams ¶
type RestartApplicationParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RestartApplicationParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the restart application operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewRestartApplicationParams ¶
func NewRestartApplicationParams() *RestartApplicationParams
NewRestartApplicationParams creates a new RestartApplicationParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithContext ¶
func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RestartApplicationParams
NewRestartApplicationParamsWithContext creates a new RestartApplicationParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RestartApplicationParams
NewRestartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new RestartApplicationParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewRestartApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RestartApplicationParams
NewRestartApplicationParamsWithTimeout creates a new RestartApplicationParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the restart application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *RestartApplicationParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RestartApplicationParams
WithContext adds the context to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *RestartApplicationParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the restart application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RestartApplicationParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *RestartApplicationParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *RestartApplicationParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RestartApplicationParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the restart application params
func (*RestartApplicationParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type RestartApplicationReader ¶
type RestartApplicationReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RestartApplicationReader is a Reader for the RestartApplication structure.
func (*RestartApplicationReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type RestartApplicationUnauthorized ¶
type RestartApplicationUnauthorized struct { }
RestartApplicationUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewRestartApplicationUnauthorized ¶
func NewRestartApplicationUnauthorized() *RestartApplicationUnauthorized
NewRestartApplicationUnauthorized creates a RestartApplicationUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the restart application unauthorized response
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this restart application unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this restart application unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this restart application unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this restart application unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this restart application unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*RestartApplicationUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *RestartApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
type StartApplicationNotFound ¶
type StartApplicationNotFound struct { }
StartApplicationNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewStartApplicationNotFound ¶
func NewStartApplicationNotFound() *StartApplicationNotFound
NewStartApplicationNotFound creates a StartApplicationNotFound with default headers values
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the start application not found response
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) Error() string
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this start application not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this start application not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this start application not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this start application not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this start application not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*StartApplicationNotFound) String ¶
func (o *StartApplicationNotFound) String() string
type StartApplicationOK ¶
type StartApplicationOK struct { }
StartApplicationOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Application started ok
func NewStartApplicationOK ¶
func NewStartApplicationOK() *StartApplicationOK
NewStartApplicationOK creates a StartApplicationOK with default headers values
func (*StartApplicationOK) Code ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the start application o k response
func (*StartApplicationOK) Error ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) Error() string
func (*StartApplicationOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this start application o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*StartApplicationOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this start application o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*StartApplicationOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this start application o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*StartApplicationOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this start application o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*StartApplicationOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this start application o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*StartApplicationOK) String ¶
func (o *StartApplicationOK) String() string
type StartApplicationParams ¶
type StartApplicationParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StartApplicationParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the start application operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewStartApplicationParams ¶
func NewStartApplicationParams() *StartApplicationParams
NewStartApplicationParams creates a new StartApplicationParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewStartApplicationParamsWithContext ¶
func NewStartApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *StartApplicationParams
NewStartApplicationParamsWithContext creates a new StartApplicationParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewStartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewStartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StartApplicationParams
NewStartApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new StartApplicationParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewStartApplicationParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewStartApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StartApplicationParams
NewStartApplicationParamsWithTimeout creates a new StartApplicationParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the start application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *StartApplicationParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *StartApplicationParams
WithContext adds the context to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *StartApplicationParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the start application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StartApplicationParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *StartApplicationParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *StartApplicationParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StartApplicationParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the start application params
func (*StartApplicationParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *StartApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type StartApplicationReader ¶
type StartApplicationReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StartApplicationReader is a Reader for the StartApplication structure.
func (*StartApplicationReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *StartApplicationReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type StartApplicationUnauthorized ¶
type StartApplicationUnauthorized struct { }
StartApplicationUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewStartApplicationUnauthorized ¶
func NewStartApplicationUnauthorized() *StartApplicationUnauthorized
NewStartApplicationUnauthorized creates a StartApplicationUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the start application unauthorized response
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this start application unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this start application unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this start application unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this start application unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this start application unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*StartApplicationUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *StartApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
type StopApplicationNotFound ¶
type StopApplicationNotFound struct { }
StopApplicationNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewStopApplicationNotFound ¶
func NewStopApplicationNotFound() *StopApplicationNotFound
NewStopApplicationNotFound creates a StopApplicationNotFound with default headers values
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the stop application not found response
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) Error() string
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this stop application not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this stop application not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this stop application not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this stop application not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this stop application not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*StopApplicationNotFound) String ¶
func (o *StopApplicationNotFound) String() string
type StopApplicationOK ¶
type StopApplicationOK struct { }
StopApplicationOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Application stopped ok
func NewStopApplicationOK ¶
func NewStopApplicationOK() *StopApplicationOK
NewStopApplicationOK creates a StopApplicationOK with default headers values
func (*StopApplicationOK) Code ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the stop application o k response
func (*StopApplicationOK) Error ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) Error() string
func (*StopApplicationOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this stop application o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*StopApplicationOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this stop application o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*StopApplicationOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this stop application o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*StopApplicationOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this stop application o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*StopApplicationOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this stop application o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*StopApplicationOK) String ¶
func (o *StopApplicationOK) String() string
type StopApplicationParams ¶
type StopApplicationParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StopApplicationParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the stop application operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewStopApplicationParams ¶
func NewStopApplicationParams() *StopApplicationParams
NewStopApplicationParams creates a new StopApplicationParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewStopApplicationParamsWithContext ¶
func NewStopApplicationParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *StopApplicationParams
NewStopApplicationParamsWithContext creates a new StopApplicationParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewStopApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewStopApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StopApplicationParams
NewStopApplicationParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new StopApplicationParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewStopApplicationParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewStopApplicationParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StopApplicationParams
NewStopApplicationParamsWithTimeout creates a new StopApplicationParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the stop application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithAppName(appName string) *StopApplicationParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *StopApplicationParams
WithContext adds the context to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithDefaults() *StopApplicationParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the stop application params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StopApplicationParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *StopApplicationParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *StopApplicationParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StopApplicationParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the stop application params
func (*StopApplicationParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *StopApplicationParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type StopApplicationReader ¶
type StopApplicationReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StopApplicationReader is a Reader for the StopApplication structure.
func (*StopApplicationReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *StopApplicationReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type StopApplicationUnauthorized ¶
type StopApplicationUnauthorized struct { }
StopApplicationUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewStopApplicationUnauthorized ¶
func NewStopApplicationUnauthorized() *StopApplicationUnauthorized
NewStopApplicationUnauthorized creates a StopApplicationUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the stop application unauthorized response
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this stop application unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this stop application unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this stop application unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this stop application unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this stop application unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*StopApplicationUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *StopApplicationUnauthorized) String() string
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden ¶
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden struct { }
TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden creates a TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline apply config forbidden response
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigForbidden) String() string
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound ¶
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound struct { }
TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound creates a TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline apply config not found response
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigNotFound) String() string
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK ¶
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK struct {
Payload *models.JobSummary
TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful trigger pipeline
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK creates a TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline apply config o k response
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline apply config o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigOK) String() string
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams ¶
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* PipelineParametersApplyConfig. Pipeline parameters */ PipelineParametersApplyConfig *models.PipelineParametersApplyConfig /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the trigger pipeline apply config operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams creates a new TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithContext ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithContext creates a new TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
NewTriggerPipelineApplyConfigParamsWithTimeout creates a new TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline apply config params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetPipelineParametersApplyConfig ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetPipelineParametersApplyConfig(pipelineParametersApplyConfig *models.PipelineParametersApplyConfig)
SetPipelineParametersApplyConfig adds the pipelineParametersApplyConfig to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline apply config params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithPipelineParametersApplyConfig ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithPipelineParametersApplyConfig(pipelineParametersApplyConfig *models.PipelineParametersApplyConfig) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithPipelineParametersApplyConfig adds the pipelineParametersApplyConfig to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline apply config params
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigReader ¶
type TriggerPipelineApplyConfigReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TriggerPipelineApplyConfigReader is a Reader for the TriggerPipelineApplyConfig structure.
func (*TriggerPipelineApplyConfigReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineApplyConfigReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden struct { }
TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden creates a TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline build deploy forbidden response
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployForbidden) String() string
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound struct { }
TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound creates a TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline build deploy not found response
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployNotFound) String() string
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK struct {
Payload *models.JobSummary
TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful trigger pipeline
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK creates a TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline build deploy o k response
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline build deploy o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployOK) String() string
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* PipelineParametersBuild. Pipeline parameters */ PipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the trigger pipeline build deploy operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithContext ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithContext creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildDeployParamsWithTimeout creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline build deploy params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetPipelineParametersBuild ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild)
SetPipelineParametersBuild adds the pipelineParametersBuild to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline build deploy params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithPipelineParametersBuild ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithPipelineParametersBuild adds the pipelineParametersBuild to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline build deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployReader ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildDeployReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TriggerPipelineBuildDeployReader is a Reader for the TriggerPipelineBuildDeploy structure.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildDeployReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildDeployReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden struct { }
TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildForbidden ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildForbidden() *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden
NewTriggerPipelineBuildForbidden creates a TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline build forbidden response
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline build forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline build forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline build forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline build forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline build forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildForbidden) String() string
type TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound struct { }
TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildNotFound ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildNotFound() *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound
NewTriggerPipelineBuildNotFound creates a TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline build not found response
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline build not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline build not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline build not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline build not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline build not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildNotFound) String() string
type TriggerPipelineBuildOK ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildOK struct {
Payload *models.JobSummary
TriggerPipelineBuildOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful trigger pipeline
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildOK ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildOK() *TriggerPipelineBuildOK
NewTriggerPipelineBuildOK creates a TriggerPipelineBuildOK with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline build o k response
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline build o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline build o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline build o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline build o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline build o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildOK) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildOK) String() string
type TriggerPipelineBuildParams ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* PipelineParametersBuild. Pipeline parameters */ PipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TriggerPipelineBuildParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the trigger pipeline build operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParams ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParams() *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildParams creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithContext ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithContext creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
NewTriggerPipelineBuildParamsWithTimeout creates a new TriggerPipelineBuildParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline build params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetPipelineParametersBuild ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild)
SetPipelineParametersBuild adds the pipelineParametersBuild to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline build params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithPipelineParametersBuild ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithPipelineParametersBuild(pipelineParametersBuild *models.PipelineParametersBuild) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithPipelineParametersBuild adds the pipelineParametersBuild to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineBuildParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline build params
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type TriggerPipelineBuildReader ¶
type TriggerPipelineBuildReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TriggerPipelineBuildReader is a Reader for the TriggerPipelineBuild structure.
func (*TriggerPipelineBuildReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineBuildReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden ¶
type TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden struct { }
TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployForbidden ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployForbidden() *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden
NewTriggerPipelineDeployForbidden creates a TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline deploy forbidden response
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployForbidden) String() string
type TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound ¶
type TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound struct { }
TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployNotFound ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployNotFound() *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound
NewTriggerPipelineDeployNotFound creates a TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline deploy not found response
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployNotFound) String() string
type TriggerPipelineDeployOK ¶
type TriggerPipelineDeployOK struct {
Payload *models.JobSummary
TriggerPipelineDeployOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful trigger pipeline
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployOK ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployOK() *TriggerPipelineDeployOK
NewTriggerPipelineDeployOK creates a TriggerPipelineDeployOK with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline deploy o k response
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline deploy o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployOK) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployOK) String() string
type TriggerPipelineDeployParams ¶
type TriggerPipelineDeployParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* PipelineParametersDeploy. Pipeline parameters */ PipelineParametersDeploy *models.PipelineParametersDeploy /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TriggerPipelineDeployParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the trigger pipeline deploy operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParams ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParams() *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineDeployParams creates a new TriggerPipelineDeployParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithContext ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithContext creates a new TriggerPipelineDeployParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new TriggerPipelineDeployParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
NewTriggerPipelineDeployParamsWithTimeout creates a new TriggerPipelineDeployParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline deploy params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetPipelineParametersDeploy ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetPipelineParametersDeploy(pipelineParametersDeploy *models.PipelineParametersDeploy)
SetPipelineParametersDeploy adds the pipelineParametersDeploy to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline deploy params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithPipelineParametersDeploy ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithPipelineParametersDeploy(pipelineParametersDeploy *models.PipelineParametersDeploy) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithPipelineParametersDeploy adds the pipelineParametersDeploy to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelineDeployParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline deploy params
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type TriggerPipelineDeployReader ¶
type TriggerPipelineDeployReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TriggerPipelineDeployReader is a Reader for the TriggerPipelineDeploy structure.
func (*TriggerPipelineDeployReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelineDeployReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound ¶
type TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound struct { }
TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound ¶
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound() *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound
NewTriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound creates a TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline promote not found response
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline promote not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline promote not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline promote not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline promote not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline promote not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteNotFound) String() string
type TriggerPipelinePromoteOK ¶
type TriggerPipelinePromoteOK struct {
Payload *models.JobSummary
TriggerPipelinePromoteOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful trigger pipeline
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteOK ¶
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteOK() *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK
NewTriggerPipelinePromoteOK creates a TriggerPipelinePromoteOK with default headers values
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) Code ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the trigger pipeline promote o k response
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) Error ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) Error() string
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) GetPayload() *models.JobSummary
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this trigger pipeline promote o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this trigger pipeline promote o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this trigger pipeline promote o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this trigger pipeline promote o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this trigger pipeline promote o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) String ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteOK) String() string
type TriggerPipelinePromoteParams ¶
type TriggerPipelinePromoteParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* PipelineParametersPromote. Pipeline parameters */ PipelineParametersPromote *models.PipelineParametersPromote /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TriggerPipelinePromoteParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the trigger pipeline promote operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParams ¶
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParams() *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParams creates a new TriggerPipelinePromoteParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithContext ¶
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithContext creates a new TriggerPipelinePromoteParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new TriggerPipelinePromoteParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
NewTriggerPipelinePromoteParamsWithTimeout creates a new TriggerPipelinePromoteParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline promote params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetPipelineParametersPromote ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetPipelineParametersPromote(pipelineParametersPromote *models.PipelineParametersPromote)
SetPipelineParametersPromote adds the pipelineParametersPromote to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithAppName(appName string) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithContext adds the context to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithDefaults() *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the trigger pipeline promote params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithPipelineParametersPromote ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithPipelineParametersPromote(pipelineParametersPromote *models.PipelineParametersPromote) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithPipelineParametersPromote adds the pipelineParametersPromote to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the trigger pipeline promote params
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type TriggerPipelinePromoteReader ¶
type TriggerPipelinePromoteReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TriggerPipelinePromoteReader is a Reader for the TriggerPipelinePromote structure.
func (*TriggerPipelinePromoteReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *TriggerPipelinePromoteReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest struct { }
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Invalid configuration
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest creates a UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest with default headers values
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update application alerting config bad request response
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) Error() string
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update application alerting config bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update application alerting config bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update application alerting config bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update application alerting config bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update application alerting config bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigBadRequest) String() string
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden struct { }
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden creates a UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden with default headers values
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update application alerting config forbidden response
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) Error() string
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update application alerting config forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update application alerting config forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update application alerting config forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update application alerting config forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update application alerting config forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) String ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigForbidden) String() string
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError struct { }
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError creates a UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError with default headers values
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update application alerting config internal server error response
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) Error() string
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update application alerting config internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update application alerting config internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update application alerting config internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update application alerting config internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update application alerting config internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) String ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigInternalServerError) String() string
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound struct { }
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound creates a UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound with default headers values
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update application alerting config not found response
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) Error() string
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update application alerting config not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update application alerting config not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update application alerting config not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update application alerting config not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update application alerting config not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) String ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigNotFound) String() string
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK struct {
Payload *models.AlertingConfig
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Successful alerts config update
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK creates a UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK with default headers values
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update application alerting config o k response
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) Error() string
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) GetPayload ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) GetPayload() *models.AlertingConfig
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update application alerting config o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update application alerting config o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update application alerting config o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update application alerting config o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update application alerting config o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) String ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigOK) String() string
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AlertsConfig. Alerts configuration */ AlertsConfig *models.UpdateAlertingConfig /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the update application alerting config operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams creates a new UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithContext creates a new UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParamsWithTimeout creates a new UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAlertsConfig ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAlertsConfig(alertsConfig *models.UpdateAlertingConfig)
SetAlertsConfig adds the alertsConfig to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the update application alerting config params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAlertsConfig ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAlertsConfig(alertsConfig *models.UpdateAlertingConfig) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithAlertsConfig adds the alertsConfig to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithAppName(appName string) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithContext adds the context to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithDefaults() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the update application alerting config params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the update application alerting config params
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigReader ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigReader is a Reader for the UpdateApplicationAlertingConfig structure.
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized ¶
type UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized struct { }
UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized ¶
func NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized() *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized
NewUpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized creates a UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update application alerting config unauthorized response
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update application alerting config unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update application alerting config unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update application alerting config unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update application alerting config unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update application alerting config unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *UpdateApplicationAlertingConfigUnauthorized) String() string
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest struct { }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Invalid application
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest creates a UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest with default headers values
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update build secrets secret value bad request response
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) Error() string
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update build secrets secret value bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update build secrets secret value bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update build secrets secret value bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update build secrets secret value bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update build secrets secret value bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueBadRequest) String() string
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict struct { }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict creates a UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict with default headers values
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update build secrets secret value conflict response
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) Error() string
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update build secrets secret value conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update build secrets secret value conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update build secrets secret value conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update build secrets secret value conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update build secrets secret value conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) String ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueConflict) String() string
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden struct { }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden creates a UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden with default headers values
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update build secrets secret value forbidden response
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) Error() string
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update build secrets secret value forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update build secrets secret value forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update build secrets secret value forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update build secrets secret value forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update build secrets secret value forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) String ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueForbidden) String() string
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound struct { }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound creates a UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound with default headers values
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update build secrets secret value not found response
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) Error() string
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update build secrets secret value not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update build secrets secret value not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update build secrets secret value not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update build secrets secret value not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update build secrets secret value not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) String ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueNotFound) String() string
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK struct { }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK creates a UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK with default headers values
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update build secrets secret value o k response
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) Error() string
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update build secrets secret value o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update build secrets secret value o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update build secrets secret value o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update build secrets secret value o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update build secrets secret value o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) String ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueOK) String() string
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string /* SecretName. name of secret */ SecretName string /* SecretValue. New secret value */ SecretValue *models.SecretParameters Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the update build secrets secret value operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams creates a new UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithContext ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithContext creates a new UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout creates a new UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the update build secrets secret value params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetSecretName ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetSecretName(secretName string)
SetSecretName adds the secretName to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetSecretValue ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetSecretValue(secretValue *models.SecretParameters)
SetSecretValue adds the secretValue to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithAppName(appName string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithContext adds the context to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithDefaults() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the update build secrets secret value params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithSecretName ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithSecretName(secretName string) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithSecretName adds the secretName to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithSecretValue ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithSecretValue(secretValue *models.SecretParameters) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithSecretValue adds the secretValue to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the update build secrets secret value params
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueReader ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueReader is a Reader for the UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValue structure.
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized ¶
type UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized struct { }
UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized ¶
func NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized() *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized
NewUpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized creates a UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update build secrets secret value unauthorized response
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update build secrets secret value unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update build secrets secret value unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update build secrets secret value unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update build secrets secret value unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update build secrets secret value unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *UpdateBuildSecretsSecretValueUnauthorized) String() string
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest struct { }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Invalid application
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest creates a UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest with default headers values
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) Code ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update private image hubs secret value bad request response
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) Error ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) Error() string
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update private image hubs secret value bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update private image hubs secret value bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update private image hubs secret value bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) String ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueBadRequest) String() string
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict struct { }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict describes a response with status code 409, with default header values.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict creates a UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict with default headers values
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) Code ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update private image hubs secret value conflict response
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) Error ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) Error() string
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value conflict response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update private image hubs secret value conflict response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update private image hubs secret value conflict response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value conflict response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update private image hubs secret value conflict response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) String ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueConflict) String() string
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden struct { }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden describes a response with status code 403, with default header values.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden creates a UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden with default headers values
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) Code ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update private image hubs secret value forbidden response
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) Error ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) Error() string
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value forbidden response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update private image hubs secret value forbidden response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update private image hubs secret value forbidden response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value forbidden response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update private image hubs secret value forbidden response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) String ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueForbidden) String() string
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound struct { }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
Not found
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound creates a UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound with default headers values
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) Code ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update private image hubs secret value not found response
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) Error ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) Error() string
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value not found response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update private image hubs secret value not found response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update private image hubs secret value not found response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value not found response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update private image hubs secret value not found response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) String ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueNotFound) String() string
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK struct { }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK creates a UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK with default headers values
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) Code ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update private image hubs secret value o k response
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) Error ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) Error() string
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value o k response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update private image hubs secret value o k response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update private image hubs secret value o k response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value o k response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update private image hubs secret value o k response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) String ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueOK) String() string
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams struct { /* ImpersonateGroup. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of a comma-seperated list of test groups (Required if Impersonate-User is set) */ ImpersonateGroup *string /* ImpersonateUser. Works only with custom setup of cluster. Allow impersonation of test users (Required if Impersonate-Group is set) */ ImpersonateUser *string /* AppName. Name of application */ AppName string /* ImageHubSecret. New secret value */ ImageHubSecret *models.SecretParameters /* ServerName. server name to update */ ServerName string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the update private image hubs secret value operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams creates a new UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithContext ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithContext creates a new UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParamsWithTimeout creates a new UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetAppName ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetAppName(appName string)
SetAppName adds the appName to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetDefaults ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the update private image hubs secret value params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImageHubSecret ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImageHubSecret(imageHubSecret *models.SecretParameters)
SetImageHubSecret adds the imageHubSecret to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string)
SetImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string)
SetImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetServerName ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetServerName(serverName string)
SetServerName adds the serverName to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithAppName ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithAppName(appName string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithAppName adds the appName to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithContext adds the context to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithDefaults ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithDefaults() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the update private image hubs secret value params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImageHubSecret ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImageHubSecret(imageHubSecret *models.SecretParameters) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithImageHubSecret adds the imageHubSecret to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateGroup ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateGroup(impersonateGroup *string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithImpersonateGroup adds the impersonateGroup to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateUser ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithImpersonateUser(impersonateUser *string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithImpersonateUser adds the impersonateUser to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithServerName ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithServerName(serverName string) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithServerName adds the serverName to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the update private image hubs secret value params
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueReader ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueReader is a Reader for the UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValue structure.
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized ¶
type UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized struct { }
UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized describes a response with status code 401, with default header values.
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized ¶
func NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized() *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized
NewUpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized creates a UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized with default headers values
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) Code ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the update private image hubs secret value unauthorized response
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) Error ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) Error() string
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsClientError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value unauthorized response has a 4xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsCode ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this update private image hubs secret value unauthorized response a status code equal to that given
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsRedirect ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this update private image hubs secret value unauthorized response has a 3xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsServerError ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this update private image hubs secret value unauthorized response has a 5xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsSuccess ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this update private image hubs secret value unauthorized response has a 2xx status code
func (*UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) String ¶
func (o *UpdatePrivateImageHubsSecretValueUnauthorized) String() string
Source Files
- application_client.go
- change_registration_details_parameters.go
- change_registration_details_responses.go
- delete_application_parameters.go
- delete_application_responses.go
- disable_application_alerting_parameters.go
- disable_application_alerting_responses.go
- enable_application_alerting_parameters.go
- enable_application_alerting_responses.go
- get_application_alerting_config_parameters.go
- get_application_alerting_config_responses.go
- get_application_parameters.go
- get_application_responses.go
- get_build_secrets_parameters.go
- get_build_secrets_responses.go
- get_deploy_key_and_secret_parameters.go
- get_deploy_key_and_secret_responses.go
- get_deployments_parameters.go
- get_deployments_responses.go
- get_private_image_hubs_parameters.go
- get_private_image_hubs_responses.go
- is_deploy_key_valid_parameters.go
- is_deploy_key_valid_responses.go
- list_pipelines_parameters.go
- list_pipelines_responses.go
- modify_registration_details_parameters.go
- modify_registration_details_responses.go
- regenerate_deploy_key_parameters.go
- regenerate_deploy_key_responses.go
- regenerate_machine_user_token_parameters.go
- regenerate_machine_user_token_responses.go
- restart_application_parameters.go
- restart_application_responses.go
- start_application_parameters.go
- start_application_responses.go
- stop_application_parameters.go
- stop_application_responses.go
- trigger_pipeline_apply_config_parameters.go
- trigger_pipeline_apply_config_responses.go
- trigger_pipeline_build_deploy_parameters.go
- trigger_pipeline_build_deploy_responses.go
- trigger_pipeline_build_parameters.go
- trigger_pipeline_build_responses.go
- trigger_pipeline_deploy_parameters.go
- trigger_pipeline_deploy_responses.go
- trigger_pipeline_promote_parameters.go
- trigger_pipeline_promote_responses.go
- update_application_alerting_config_parameters.go
- update_application_alerting_config_responses.go
- update_build_secrets_secret_value_parameters.go
- update_build_secrets_secret_value_responses.go
- update_private_image_hubs_secret_value_parameters.go
- update_private_image_hubs_secret_value_responses.go