Official ProximaX Sirius Blockchain SDK Library in Golang.

The ProximaX Sirius Catapult Chain Golang SDK works as a lightweight Golang library for interacting with the Sirius Blockchain. It provides a complete library set coverage, and supports synchronous and asynchronous requests.
Getting Started
All catapult stuff starts from importing sdk:
import "github.com/proximax-storage/go-xpx-chain-sdk/sdk"
Then create a Catapult network configuration
For Testnet:
conf, err := sdk.NewConfig("http://localhost:3000",sdk.Testnet)
Or for Mainnet:
conf, err := sdk.NewConfig("http://localhost:3000",sdk.Mainnet)
Construct a new REST Catapult client
client := sdk.NewClient(nil, conf)
Use this client to get current blockchain height
chainHeight, err := client.Blockchain.GetChainHeight(context.Background())
A Context type is the first argument in any service method for specifying
deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values
Wiki / Examples
For more examples, go to our wiki
API docs
If you want to refer to go docs in markdown, check out api docs.
Core Contributors
This library is a fork of nem2-go-sdk which was also contributed by ProximaX Limited to NEM Foundation.
We'd love to get more people involved in the project. Please feel free to raise any issues or PR and we'll review your contribution.
Copyright (c) 2019 ProximaX Limited