Overview ¶
setup_oauth2 is a tool for creating a gads configuration file config.json from the installed application credential stored in credentials.json. The utility will open the Google consent page asking you to grant permission to the application. Login as your MCC account user. Once you have granted permission you will be provided with an authorization code to copy back to the tool.
The generated config.json will look something like this
{ "oauth2.Config": { "ClientID": "", "ClientSecret": "fa74ehgyjhtrrjtbrsu56hHjhhrtger", "Endpoint": { "AuthURL": "", "TokenURL": "" }, "RedirectURL": "oob", "Scopes": [ "" ] }, "oauth2.Token": { "access_token": "jfdsalkfjdskalfjdaksfdasfdsahrtsrgf", "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": "g65wurefej87ruy4fcyfdsafdsafdsafsdaf4fu", "expiry": "2015-03-05T00:13:23.382907238+09:00" }, "gads.Auth": { "CustomerId": "INSERT_YOUR_CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE", "DeveloperToken": "INSERT_YOUR_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE", "UserAgent": "tests (Golang 1.4" } }
You will need to add you customer id (which you can find by logging into the "My Client Center" and your developer token.
You can find details on how to create the credentials here. You can download credentials.json from the google developer console under
"API's & auth" > "Credentials" > "OAuth" > "Client ID for native application" > "Download JSON"