Dyplomat is an example Envoy control plane implementation built on top of go-control-plane that demonstrates how you can use kubernetes informers to build a multi Kubernetes cluster Envoy serivce mesh.
AWS Setup Instructions
This example comes with sample terraform to run a Kubernetes-aware control plane in an AWS VPC with 2 EKS clusters serving traffic across two hello world apps.
An AWS account with credentials set up locally in ~/.aws/credentials
Initialize terraform:
$ cd terraform/
$ terraform init
Configure eks/variables.tf. Fill in your AWS profile to use for auth (from ~/.aws/config), and two subnets in your default VPC for that account that EKS will use to bootstrap the clusters.
Create EKS clusters:
$ terraform apply -target=module.eks
Use the AWS UI to add the security group of the other cluster to each cluster to allow traffic across clusters.