Convert database table to Golang struct
1. Get
go get
2. Configuration
Note:The database field should be underlined in lowercase
// relative path
SavePath: "../../models/model.go",
// json tag
IsGenJsonTag: true,
// Generate one file or files
IsGenInOneFile: true,
// Generate simple database field information like: "int unsigned not null"
// value 1:not generate; 2:simple info
GenDBInfoType: 2,
// json tag type. The necessary conditions:IsGenJsonTag:true.
// 1.UserName 2.user_name 3.userName 4.user-name
JsonTagType: 3,
// sql of creating table in dateabase
IsGenCreateSQL: true,
// custom type relationships will be preferred
// the key is the database type, the value is the golang type
CustomType: map[string]string{
"int": "int",
"int unsigned": "uint32",
"tinyint(1)": "bool",
"json": "json.RawMessage",
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