Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Fprintf[T ~string](w io.Writer, format T, args ...any) (int, error)
- func Printf[T ~string](format T, args ...any)
- type Builder
- func (b *Builder) Cap() Int
- func (b *Builder) Grow(n Int)
- func (b *Builder) Len() Int
- func (b *Builder) Reset()
- func (b *Builder) String() String
- func (b *Builder) Write(str String) *Builder
- func (b *Builder) WriteByte(c byte) *Builder
- func (b *Builder) WriteBytes(bs Bytes) *Builder
- func (b *Builder) WriteRune(r rune) *Builder
- func (b *Builder) WriteString(str string) *Builder
- type Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Add(obs Bytes) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) AddPrefix(obs Bytes) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Clone() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Cmp(obs Bytes) cmp.Ordering
- func (bs Bytes) Contains(obs Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) ContainsAll(obss ...Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) ContainsAny(obss ...Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) ContainsAnyChars(chars String) bool
- func (bs Bytes) ContainsRune(r rune) bool
- func (bs Bytes) Count(obs Bytes) Int
- func (bs Bytes) Empty() bool
- func (bs Bytes) Eq(obs Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) EqFold(obs Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) Fields() SeqSlice[Bytes]
- func (bs Bytes) FieldsBy(fn func(r rune) bool) SeqSlice[Bytes]
- func (bs Bytes) Gt(obs Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) Hash() bhash
- func (bs Bytes) Index(obs Bytes) Int
- func (bs Bytes) IndexByte(b byte) Int
- func (bs Bytes) IndexRune(r rune) Int
- func (bs Bytes) LastIndex(obs Bytes) Int
- func (bs Bytes) LastIndexByte(b byte) Int
- func (bs Bytes) Len() Int
- func (bs Bytes) LenRunes() Int
- func (bs Bytes) Lower() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Lt(obs Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) Map(fn func(rune) rune) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Ne(obs Bytes) bool
- func (bs Bytes) NormalizeNFC() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) NotEmpty() bool
- func (bs Bytes) Print() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Println() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Reader() *bytes.Reader
- func (bs Bytes) Regexp() regexpb
- func (bs Bytes) Repeat(count Int) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Replace(oldB, newB Bytes, n Int) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) ReplaceAll(oldB, newB Bytes) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Reverse() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Runes() []rune
- func (bs Bytes) Split(sep ...Bytes) SeqSlice[Bytes]
- func (bs Bytes) SplitAfter(sep Bytes) SeqSlice[Bytes]
- func (bs Bytes) Std() []byte
- func (bs Bytes) String() String
- func (bs Bytes) StripPrefix(cutset Bytes) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) StripSuffix(cutset Bytes) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Title() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Transform(fn func(Bytes) Bytes) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Trim() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) TrimEnd() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) TrimEndSet(cutset String) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) TrimSet(cutset String) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) TrimStart() Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) TrimStartSet(cutset String) Bytes
- func (bs Bytes) Upper() Bytes
- type Dir
- func (d *Dir) Chown(uid, gid int) Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) Copy(dest String, followLinks ...bool) Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) Create(mode ...os.FileMode) Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) CreateAll(mode ...os.FileMode) Result[*Dir]
- func (*Dir) CreateTemp(args ...String) Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) Exist() bool
- func (d *Dir) Glob() SeqResult[*File]
- func (d *Dir) IsLink() bool
- func (d *Dir) Join(elem ...String) Result[String]
- func (d *Dir) Lstat() Result[fs.FileInfo]
- func (d *Dir) Move(newpath String) Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) Path() Result[String]
- func (d *Dir) Print() *Dir
- func (d *Dir) Println() *Dir
- func (d *Dir) Read() SeqResult[*File]
- func (d *Dir) Remove() Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) Rename(newpath String) Result[*Dir]
- func (d *Dir) SetPath(path String) *Dir
- func (d *Dir) Stat() Result[fs.FileInfo]
- func (d *Dir) String() String
- func (*Dir) Temp() *Dir
- func (d *Dir) Walk(walker func(f *File) error) error
- type ErrFileClosed
- type ErrFileNotExist
- type File
- func (f *File) Append(content String, mode ...os.FileMode) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Chmod(mode os.FileMode) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Chown(uid, gid int) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Chunks(size Int) SeqResult[String]
- func (f *File) Close() error
- func (f *File) Copy(dest String, mode ...os.FileMode) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Create() Result[*File]
- func (*File) CreateTemp(args ...String) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Decode() fdecode
- func (f *File) Dir() Result[*Dir]
- func (f *File) Encode() fencode
- func (f *File) Exist() bool
- func (f *File) Ext() String
- func (f *File) Guard() *File
- func (f *File) IsDir() bool
- func (f *File) IsLink() bool
- func (f *File) Lines() SeqResult[String]
- func (f *File) Lstat() Result[fs.FileInfo]
- func (f *File) MimeType() Result[String]
- func (f *File) Move(newpath String) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Name() String
- func (f *File) Open() Result[*File]
- func (f *File) OpenFile(flag int, perm fs.FileMode) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Path() Result[String]
- func (f *File) Print() *File
- func (f *File) Println() *File
- func (f *File) Read() Result[String]
- func (f *File) Remove() Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Rename(newpath String) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Seek(offset int64, whence int) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) Split() (*Dir, *File)
- func (f *File) Stat() Result[fs.FileInfo]
- func (f *File) Std() *os.File
- func (f *File) Write(content String, mode ...os.FileMode) Result[*File]
- func (f *File) WriteFromReader(scr io.Reader, mode ...os.FileMode) Result[*File]
- type Float
- func (f Float) Abs() Float
- func (f Float) Add(b Float) Float
- func (f Float) BigFloat() *big.Float
- func (f Float) Bytes() Bytes
- func (f Float) Cmp(b Float) cmp.Ordering
- func (f Float) Div(b Float) Float
- func (f Float) Eq(b Float) bool
- func (f Float) Float32() float32
- func (f Float) Gt(b Float) bool
- func (f Float) Hash() fhash
- func (f Float) Int() Int
- func (f Float) IsZero() bool
- func (f Float) Lt(b Float) bool
- func (f Float) Max(b ...Float) Float
- func (f Float) Min(b ...Float) Float
- func (f Float) Mul(b Float) Float
- func (f Float) Ne(b Float) bool
- func (f Float) Print() Float
- func (f Float) Println() Float
- func (f Float) Round() Int
- func (f Float) RoundDecimal(precision Int) Float
- func (f Float) Std() float64
- func (f Float) String() String
- func (f Float) Sub(b Float) Float
- func (f Float) Transform(fn func(Float) Float) Float
- func (f Float) UInt64() uint64
- type Int
- func (i Int) Abs() Int
- func (i Int) Add(b Int) Int
- func (i Int) BigInt() *big.Int
- func (i Int) Binary() String
- func (i Int) Bytes() Bytes
- func (i Int) Cmp(b Int) cmp.Ordering
- func (i Int) Div(b Int) Int
- func (i Int) Eq(b Int) bool
- func (i Int) Float() Float
- func (i Int) Gt(b Int) bool
- func (i Int) Gte(b Int) bool
- func (i Int) Hash() ihash
- func (i Int) Hex() String
- func (i Int) Int16() int16
- func (i Int) Int32() int32
- func (i Int) Int64() int64
- func (i Int) Int8() int8
- func (i Int) IsNegative() bool
- func (i Int) IsPositive() bool
- func (i Int) IsZero() bool
- func (i Int) Lt(b Int) bool
- func (i Int) Lte(b Int) bool
- func (i Int) Max(b ...Int) Int
- func (i Int) Min(b ...Int) Int
- func (i Int) Mul(b Int) Int
- func (i Int) Ne(b Int) bool
- func (i Int) Octal() String
- func (i Int) Print() Int
- func (i Int) Println() Int
- func (i Int) Random() Int
- func (i Int) RandomRange(to Int) Int
- func (i Int) Rem(b Int) Int
- func (i Int) Std() int
- func (i Int) String() String
- func (i Int) Sub(b Int) Int
- func (i Int) Transform(fn func(Int) Int) Int
- func (i Int) UInt() uint
- func (i Int) UInt16() uint16
- func (i Int) UInt32() uint32
- func (i Int) UInt64() uint64
- func (i Int) UInt8() uint8
- type Map
- func (m Map[K, V]) Clear() Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Clone() Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
- func (m Map[K, V]) Copy(src Map[K, V]) Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Delete(keys ...K) Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Empty() bool
- func (m Map[K, V]) Eq(other Map[K, V]) bool
- func (m Map[K, V]) Get(k K) Option[V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) GetOrSet(key K, defaultValue V) V
- func (m Map[K, V]) Invert() Map[any, K]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Iter() SeqMap[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Keys() Slice[K]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Len() Int
- func (m Map[K, V]) Ne(other Map[K, V]) bool
- func (m Map[K, V]) NotEmpty() bool
- func (m Map[K, V]) Print() Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Println() Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Std() map[K]V
- func (m Map[K, V]) String() string
- func (m Map[K, V]) ToMapOrd() MapOrd[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) ToMapSafe() *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Transform(fn func(Map[K, V]) Map[K, V]) Map[K, V]
- func (m Map[K, V]) Values() Slice[V]
- type MapOrd
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) AsAny() MapOrd[any, any]
- func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Clear() MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Clone() MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
- func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Copy(src MapOrd[K, V]) MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Delete(keys ...K) MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Empty() bool
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Eq(other MapOrd[K, V]) bool
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Get(key K) Option[V]
- func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) GetOrSet(key K, defaultValue V) V
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Invert() MapOrd[V, K]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Iter() SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) IterReverse() SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Keys() Slice[K]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Len() Int
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Ne(other MapOrd[K, V]) bool
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) NotEmpty() bool
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Print() MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Println() MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) *MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Shuffle()
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) SortBy(fn func(a, b Pair[K, V]) cmp.Ordering) MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) SortByKey(fn func(a, b K) cmp.Ordering) MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) SortByValue(fn func(a, b V) cmp.Ordering) MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) String() string
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Transform(fn func(MapOrd[K, V]) MapOrd[K, V]) MapOrd[K, V]
- func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Values() Slice[V]
- type MapSafe
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Clear() *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Clone() *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Copy(src *MapSafe[K, V]) *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Delete(keys ...K) *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Empty() bool
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Eq(other *MapSafe[K, V]) bool
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Get(key K) Option[V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) GetOrSet(key K, defaultValue V) V
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Invert() *MapSafe[any, K]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Iter() SeqMap[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Keys() Slice[K]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Len() Int
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Ne(other *MapSafe[K, V]) bool
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) NotEmpty() bool
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Print() *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Println() *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) *MapSafe[K, V]
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) String() string
- func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Values() Slice[V]
- type Named
- type Option
- type Pair
- type Pool
- func (p *Pool[T]) ActiveTasks() int
- func (p *Pool[T]) Cancel(err ...error)
- func (p *Pool[T]) CancelOnError() *Pool[T]
- func (p *Pool[T]) Cause() error
- func (p *Pool[T]) ClearMetrics()
- func (p *Pool[T]) ClearResults()
- func (p *Pool[T]) Context(ctx context.Context) *Pool[T]
- func (p *Pool[T]) FailedTasks() int
- func (p *Pool[T]) GetContext() context.Context
- func (p *Pool[T]) Go(fn func() Result[T])
- func (p *Pool[T]) Limit(workers int) *Pool[T]
- func (p *Pool[T]) Reset()
- func (p *Pool[T]) TotalTasks() int
- func (p *Pool[T]) Wait() Slice[Result[T]]
- type Result
- func (r Result[T]) Err() error
- func (r Result[T]) Expect(msg string) T
- func (r Result[T]) IsErr() bool
- func (r Result[T]) IsOk() bool
- func (r Result[T]) Ok() T
- func (r Result[T]) Option() Option[T]
- func (r Result[T]) Result() (T, error)
- func (r Result[T]) String() string
- func (r Result[T]) Then(fn func(T) Result[T]) Result[T]
- func (r Result[T]) ThenOf(fn func(T) (T, error)) Result[T]
- func (r Result[T]) Unwrap() T
- func (r Result[T]) UnwrapOr(value T) T
- type SeqMap
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqMap[K, V]) SeqMap[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Collect() Map[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Count() Int
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Exclude(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMap[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Filter(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMap[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Find(fn func(k K, v V) bool) (r Option[Pair[K, V]])
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) ForEach(fn func(k K, v V))
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Inspect(fn func(k K, v V)) SeqMap[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Keys() SeqSlice[K]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Map(transform func(K, V) (K, V)) SeqMap[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Pull() (func() (K, V, bool), func())
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Range(fn func(k K, v V) bool)
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Take(n uint) SeqMap[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Values() SeqSlice[V]
- type SeqMapOrd
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Collect() MapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Count() Int
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Exclude(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Filter(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Find(fn func(k K, v V) bool) (r Option[Pair[K, V]])
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) ForEach(fn func(k K, v V))
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Inspect(fn func(k K, v V)) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Keys() SeqSlice[K]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Map(transform func(K, V) (K, V)) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Pull() (func() (K, V, bool), func())
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Range(fn func(k K, v V) bool)
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Skip(n uint) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SortBy(fn func(a, b Pair[K, V]) cmp.Ordering) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SortByKey(fn func(a, b K) cmp.Ordering) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SortByValue(fn func(a, b V) cmp.Ordering) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) StepBy(n uint) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Take(n uint) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) ToChan(ctxs ...context.Context) chan Pair[K, V]
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Unzip() (SeqSlice[K], SeqSlice[V])
- func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Values() SeqSlice[V]
- type SeqResult
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) All(fn func(v V) bool) Result[bool]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Any(fn func(v V) bool) Result[bool]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqResult[V]) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Collect() Result[Slice[V]]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Count() Int
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Dedup() SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Exclude(fn func(V) bool) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Filter(fn func(V) bool) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Find(fn func(V) bool) Result[Option[V]]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) ForEach(fn func(v Result[V]))
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Inspect(fn func(v V)) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Intersperse(sep V) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Map(transform func(V) V) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Pull() (func() (Result[V], bool), func())
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Range(fn func(v Result[V]) bool)
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Skip(n uint) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) StepBy(n uint) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Take(n uint) SeqResult[V]
- func (seq SeqResult[V]) Unique() SeqResult[V]
- type SeqSet
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqSet[V]) SeqSet[V]
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Collect() Set[V]
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Count() Int
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Exclude(fn func(V) bool) SeqSet[V]
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Filter(fn func(V) bool) SeqSet[V]
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Find(fn func(v V) bool) (r Option[V])
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) ForEach(fn func(v V))
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Inspect(fn func(v V)) SeqSet[V]
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Map(transform func(V) V) SeqSet[V]
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Pull() (func() (V, bool), func())
- func (seq SeqSet[V]) Range(fn func(v V) bool)
- type SeqSlice
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) All(fn func(v V) bool) bool
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Any(fn func(V) bool) bool
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqSlice[V]) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Chunks(n Int) SeqSlices[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Collect() Slice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Combinations(size Int) SeqSlices[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Count() Int
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Counter() SeqMapOrd[V, Int]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Cycle() SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Dedup() SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Enumerate() SeqMapOrd[Int, V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Exclude(fn func(V) bool) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Filter(fn func(V) bool) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Find(fn func(v V) bool) (r Option[V])
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Flatten() SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Fold(init V, fn func(acc, val V) V) V
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) ForEach(fn func(v V))
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Inspect(fn func(v V)) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Intersperse(sep V) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Map(transform func(V) V) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Partition(fn func(v V) bool) (Slice[V], Slice[V])
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Permutations() SeqSlices[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Pull() (func() (V, bool), func())
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Range(fn func(v V) bool)
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Skip(n uint) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) SortBy(fn func(a, b V) cmp.Ordering) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) StepBy(n uint) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Take(n uint) SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) ToChan(ctxs ...context.Context) chan V
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Unique() SeqSlice[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Windows(n Int) SeqSlices[V]
- func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Zip(two SeqSlice[V]) SeqMapOrd[V, V]
- type SeqSlices
- type Set
- func (s Set[T]) Add(values ...T) Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Clear() Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Clone() Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Contains(v T) bool
- func (s Set[T]) ContainsAll(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) ContainsAny(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) Difference(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Empty() bool
- func (s Set[T]) Eq(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) Intersection(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Iter() SeqSet[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Len() Int
- func (s Set[T]) Ne(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) NotEmpty() bool
- func (s Set[T]) Print() Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Println() Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Remove(values ...T) Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) String() string
- func (s Set[T]) Subset(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) Superset(other Set[T]) bool
- func (s Set[T]) SymmetricDifference(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
- func (s Set[T]) ToSlice() Slice[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Transform(fn func(Set[T]) Set[T]) Set[T]
- func (s Set[T]) Union(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
- type Slice
- func (sl Slice[T]) AddUnique(elems ...T) Slice[T]
- func (sl *Slice[T]) AddUniqueInPlace(elems ...T)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Append(elems ...T) Slice[T]
- func (sl *Slice[T]) AppendInPlace(elems ...T)
- func (sl Slice[T]) AsAny() Slice[any]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Cap() Int
- func (sl Slice[T]) Clip() Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Clone() Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Contains(val T) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) ContainsAll(values ...T) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) ContainsAny(values ...T) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) ContainsBy(fn func(t T) bool) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) Cut(start, end Int) Slice[T]
- func (sl *Slice[T]) CutInPlace(start, end Int)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Delete(i Int) Slice[T]
- func (sl *Slice[T]) DeleteInPlace(i Int)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Empty() bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) Eq(other Slice[T]) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) EqBy(other Slice[T], fn func(x, y T) bool) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) Fill(val T)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Get(index Int) T
- func (sl Slice[T]) Grow(n Int) Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Index(val T) Int
- func (sl Slice[T]) IndexBy(fn func(t T) bool) Int
- func (sl Slice[T]) Insert(i Int, values ...T) Slice[T]
- func (sl *Slice[T]) InsertInPlace(i Int, values ...T)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Iter() SeqSlice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) IterReverse() SeqSlice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Join(sep ...T) String
- func (sl Slice[T]) Last() T
- func (sl Slice[T]) LastIndex() Int
- func (sl Slice[T]) Len() Int
- func (sl Slice[T]) MaxBy(fn func(a, b T) cmp.Ordering) T
- func (sl Slice[T]) MinBy(fn func(a, b T) cmp.Ordering) T
- func (sl Slice[T]) Ne(other Slice[T]) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) NeBy(other Slice[T], fn func(x, y T) bool) bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) NotEmpty() bool
- func (sl Slice[T]) Pop() (T, Slice[T])
- func (sl Slice[T]) Print() Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Println() Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Random() T
- func (sl Slice[T]) RandomRange(from, to Int) Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) RandomSample(sequence Int) Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Replace(i, j Int, values ...T) Slice[T]
- func (sl *Slice[T]) ReplaceInPlace(i, j Int, values ...T)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Reverse()
- func (sl Slice[T]) Set(index Int, val T)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Shuffle()
- func (sl Slice[T]) SortBy(fn func(a, b T) cmp.Ordering)
- func (sl Slice[T]) Std() []T
- func (sl Slice[T]) String() string
- func (sl Slice[T]) SubSlice(start, end Int, step ...Int) Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Swap(i, j Int)
- func (sl Slice[T]) ToStringSlice() []string
- func (sl Slice[T]) Transform(fn func(Slice[T]) Slice[T]) Slice[T]
- func (sl Slice[T]) Unpack(vars ...*T)
- type String
- func (s String) Append(str String) String
- func (s String) Builder() *Builder
- func (s String) Bytes() Bytes
- func (s String) Center(length Int, pad String) String
- func (s String) Chars() SeqSlice[String]
- func (s String) Chunks(size Int) Slice[String]
- func (s String) Cmp(str String) cmp.Ordering
- func (s String) Compress() compress
- func (s String) Contains(substr String) bool
- func (s String) ContainsAll(substrs ...String) bool
- func (s String) ContainsAny(substrs ...String) bool
- func (s String) ContainsAnyChars(chars String) bool
- func (s String) ContainsRune(r rune) bool
- func (s String) Count(substr String) Int
- func (s String) Cut(start, end String, rmtags ...bool) (String, String)
- func (s String) Decode() decode
- func (s String) Decompress() decompress
- func (s String) Empty() bool
- func (s String) Encode() encode
- func (s String) EndsWith(suffix String) bool
- func (s String) EndsWithAny(suffixes ...String) bool
- func (s String) Eq(str String) bool
- func (s String) EqFold(str String) bool
- func (s String) Fields() SeqSlice[String]
- func (s String) FieldsBy(fn func(r rune) bool) SeqSlice[String]
- func (s String) Format(format String) String
- func (s String) Gt(str String) bool
- func (s String) Gte(str String) bool
- func (s String) Hash() shash
- func (s String) Index(substr String) Int
- func (s String) IndexRune(r rune) Int
- func (s String) IsASCII() bool
- func (s String) IsDigit() bool
- func (s String) LastIndex(substr String) Int
- func (s String) LeftJustify(length Int, pad String) String
- func (s String) Len() Int
- func (s String) LenRunes() Int
- func (s String) Lines() SeqSlice[String]
- func (s String) Lower() String
- func (s String) Lt(str String) bool
- func (s String) Lte(str String) bool
- func (s String) Map(fn func(rune) rune) String
- func (s String) Max(b ...String) String
- func (s String) Min(b ...String) String
- func (s String) Ne(str String) bool
- func (s String) NormalizeNFC() String
- func (s String) NotEmpty() bool
- func (s String) Prepend(str String) String
- func (s String) Print() String
- func (s String) Println() String
- func (String) Random(length Int, letters ...String) String
- func (s String) Reader() *strings.Reader
- func (s String) Regexp() regexps
- func (s String) Remove(matches ...String) String
- func (s String) Repeat(count Int) String
- func (s String) Replace(oldS, newS String, n Int) String
- func (s String) ReplaceAll(oldS, newS String) String
- func (s String) ReplaceMulti(oldnew ...String) String
- func (s String) ReplaceNth(oldS, newS String, n Int) String
- func (s String) Reverse() String
- func (s String) RightJustify(length Int, pad String) String
- func (s String) Runes() Slice[rune]
- func (s String) Similarity(str String) Float
- func (s String) Split(sep ...String) SeqSlice[String]
- func (s String) SplitAfter(sep String) SeqSlice[String]
- func (s String) SplitN(sep String, n Int) Slice[String]
- func (s String) StartsWith(prefix String) bool
- func (s String) StartsWithAny(prefixes ...String) bool
- func (s String) Std() string
- func (s String) StripPrefix(prefix String) String
- func (s String) StripSuffix(suffix String) String
- func (s String) SubString(start, end Int, step ...Int) String
- func (s String) Title() String
- func (s String) ToBigInt() Option[*big.Int]
- func (s String) ToFloat() Result[Float]
- func (s String) ToInt() Result[Int]
- func (s String) Transform(fn func(String) String) String
- func (s String) Trim() String
- func (s String) TrimEnd() String
- func (s String) TrimEndSet(cutset String) String
- func (s String) TrimSet(cutset String) String
- func (s String) TrimStart() String
- func (s String) TrimStartSet(cutset String) String
- func (s String) Truncate(max Int) String
- func (s String) Upper() String
Constants ¶
const ( ASCII_LETTERS String = ASCII_LOWERCASE + ASCII_UPPERCASE ASCII_LOWERCASE String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ASCII_UPPERCASE String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" DIGITS String = "0123456789" HEXDIGITS String = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" OCTDIGITS String = "01234567" PUNCTUATION String = `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^{|}~` + "`" FileDefault os.FileMode = 0o644 FileCreate os.FileMode = 0o666 DirDefault os.FileMode = 0o755 FullAccess os.FileMode = 0o777 PathSeperator = String(os.PathSeparator) )
Variables ¶
var ( // Print writes the output to standard output using the default formats for its operands. // It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. // func Print(a ...any) (int, error) { return fmt.Print(a...) } Print = fmt.Print // Println writes the output to standard output followed by a newline using the default formats for its operands. // It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. Println = fmt.Println // Fprint writes the output to w using the default formats for its operands. // It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. Fprint = fmt.Fprint // Fprintln writes the output to w followed by a newline using the default formats for its operands. // It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. Fprintln = fmt.Fprintln )
var SkipWalk = errors.New("skip")
SkipWalk is used as a return value from the walker function to indicate that the file or directory named in the call should be skipped. It is not returned as an error by any function.
var StopWalk = errors.New("stop")
StopWalk is used as a return value from the walker function to indicate that all remaining files and directories should be skipped. It is not returned as an error by any function.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Builder ¶ added in v1.0.62
type Builder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Builder represents a string builder.
func NewBuilder ¶ added in v1.0.62
func NewBuilder() *Builder
NewBuilder creates a new instance of Builder.
func (*Builder) Cap ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (b *Builder) Cap() Int
Cap returns the current capacity of the builder.
func (*Builder) Grow ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (b *Builder) Grow(n Int)
Grow increases the capacity of the builder by n bytes.
func (*Builder) Len ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (b *Builder) Len() Int
Len returns the current length of the string in the builder.
func (*Builder) Reset ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (b *Builder) Reset()
Reset clears the content of the Builder, resetting it to an empty state.
func (*Builder) String ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (b *Builder) String() String
String returns the content of the builder as a string.
func (*Builder) Write ¶ added in v1.0.62
Write appends a String to the current state of the builder.
func (*Builder) WriteByte ¶ added in v1.0.62
WriteByte appends a byte to the current state of the builder.
func (*Builder) WriteBytes ¶ added in v1.0.62
WriteBytes appends a byte slice to the current state of the builder.
func (*Builder) WriteRune ¶ added in v1.0.62
WriteRune appends a rune to the current state of the builder.
func (*Builder) WriteString ¶ added in v1.0.124
Write appends a string to the current state of the builder.
type Bytes ¶
type Bytes []byte
Bytes is an alias for the []byte type.
func (Bytes) Add ¶
func (bs Bytes) Add(obs Bytes) Bytes
Add appends the given Bytes to the current Bytes.
func (Bytes) AddPrefix ¶
func (bs Bytes) AddPrefix(obs Bytes) Bytes
AddPrefix prepends the given Bytes to the current Bytes.
func (Bytes) Clone ¶
func (bs Bytes) Clone() Bytes
Clone creates a new Bytes instance with the same content as the current Bytes.
func (Bytes) Cmp ¶ added in v1.0.70
Cmp compares the Bytes with another Bytes and returns an cmp.Ordering.
func (Bytes) Contains ¶
func (bs Bytes) Contains(obs Bytes) bool
Contains checks if the Bytes contains the specified Bytes.
func (Bytes) ContainsAll ¶
func (bs Bytes) ContainsAll(obss ...Bytes) bool
ContainsAll checks if the Bytes contains all of the specified Bytes.
func (Bytes) ContainsAny ¶
func (bs Bytes) ContainsAny(obss ...Bytes) bool
ContainsAny checks if the Bytes contains any of the specified Bytes.
func (Bytes) ContainsAnyChars ¶
func (bs Bytes) ContainsAnyChars(chars String) bool
ContainsAnyChars checks if the given Bytes contains any characters from the input String.
func (Bytes) ContainsRune ¶
ContainsRune checks if the Bytes contains the specified rune.
func (Bytes) Count ¶
func (bs Bytes) Count(obs Bytes) Int
Count counts the number of occurrences of the specified Bytes in the Bytes.
func (Bytes) Eq ¶
func (bs Bytes) Eq(obs Bytes) bool
Eq checks if the Bytes is equal to another Bytes.
func (Bytes) EqFold ¶
func (bs Bytes) EqFold(obs Bytes) bool
EqFold compares two Bytes slices case-insensitively.
func (Bytes) Fields ¶ added in v1.0.77
func (bs Bytes) Fields() SeqSlice[Bytes]
Fields splits the Bytes into a slice of substrings, removing any whitespace, and returns the iterator.
func (Bytes) FieldsBy ¶ added in v1.0.77
FieldsBy splits the Bytes into a slice of substrings using a custom function to determine the field boundaries, and returns the iterator.
func (Bytes) Gt ¶
func (bs Bytes) Gt(obs Bytes) bool
Gt checks if the Bytes is greater than another Bytes.
func (Bytes) Hash ¶
func (bs Bytes) Hash() bhash
Hash returns a bhash struct wrapping the given Bytes.
func (Bytes) Index ¶
func (bs Bytes) Index(obs Bytes) Int
Index returns the index of the first instance of obs in bs, or -1 if bs is not present in obs.
func (Bytes) IndexByte ¶
func (bs Bytes) IndexByte(b byte) Int
IndexByte returns the index of the first instance of the byte b in bs, or -1 if b is not present in bs.
func (Bytes) IndexRune ¶
func (bs Bytes) IndexRune(r rune) Int
IndexRune returns the index of the first instance of the rune r in bs, or -1 if r is not present in bs.
func (Bytes) LastIndex ¶
func (bs Bytes) LastIndex(obs Bytes) Int
LastIndex returns the index of the last instance of obs in bs, or -1 if obs is not present in bs.
func (Bytes) LastIndexByte ¶
func (bs Bytes) LastIndexByte(b byte) Int
LastIndexByte returns the index of the last instance of the byte b in bs, or -1 if b is not present in bs.
func (Bytes) LenRunes ¶
func (bs Bytes) LenRunes() Int
LenRunes returns the number of runes in the Bytes.
func (Bytes) Lt ¶
func (bs Bytes) Lt(obs Bytes) bool
Lt checks if the Bytes is less than another Bytes.
func (Bytes) Ne ¶
func (bs Bytes) Ne(obs Bytes) bool
Ne checks if the Bytes is not equal to another Bytes.
func (Bytes) NormalizeNFC ¶
func (bs Bytes) NormalizeNFC() Bytes
NormalizeNFC returns a new Bytes with its Unicode characters normalized using the NFC form.
func (Bytes) Print ¶
func (bs Bytes) Print() Bytes
Print writes the content of the Bytes to the standard output (console) and returns the Bytes unchanged.
func (Bytes) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (bs Bytes) Println() Bytes
Println writes the content of the Bytes to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Bytes unchanged.
func (Bytes) Regexp ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (bs Bytes) Regexp() regexpb
Regexp wraps a Bytes into an re struct to provide regex-related methods.
func (Bytes) Repeat ¶
func (bs Bytes) Repeat(count Int) Bytes
Repeat returns a new Bytes consisting of the current Bytes repeated 'count' times.
func (Bytes) Replace ¶
func (bs Bytes) Replace(oldB, newB Bytes, n Int) Bytes
Replace replaces the first 'n' occurrences of 'oldB' with 'newB' in the Bytes.
func (Bytes) ReplaceAll ¶
func (bs Bytes) ReplaceAll(oldB, newB Bytes) Bytes
ReplaceAll replaces all occurrences of 'oldB' with 'newB' in the Bytes.
func (Bytes) Reverse ¶
func (bs Bytes) Reverse() Bytes
Reverse returns a new Bytes with the order of its runes reversed.
func (Bytes) Runes ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (bs Bytes) Runes() []rune
Runes returns the Bytes as a slice of runes.
func (Bytes) Split ¶
func (bs Bytes) Split(sep ...Bytes) SeqSlice[Bytes]
Split splits the Bytes by the specified separator and returns the iterator.
func (Bytes) SplitAfter ¶ added in v1.0.77
func (bs Bytes) SplitAfter(sep Bytes) SeqSlice[Bytes]
SplitAfter splits the Bytes after each instance of the specified separator and returns the iterator.
func (Bytes) String ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (bs Bytes) String() String
String returns the Bytes as an String.
func (Bytes) StripPrefix ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (bs Bytes) StripPrefix(cutset Bytes) Bytes
StripPrefix trims the specified Bytes prefix from the Bytes.
func (Bytes) StripSuffix ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (bs Bytes) StripSuffix(cutset Bytes) Bytes
StripSuffix trims the specified Bytes suffix from the Bytes.
func (Bytes) Transform ¶ added in v1.0.89
func (bs Bytes) Transform(fn func(Bytes) Bytes) Bytes
Transform applies a transformation function to the Bytes and returns the result.
func (Bytes) Trim ¶
func (bs Bytes) Trim() Bytes
Trim trims leading and trailing white space from the Bytes.
func (Bytes) TrimEnd ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (bs Bytes) TrimEnd() Bytes
TrimEnd removes trailing white space from the Bytes.
func (Bytes) TrimEndSet ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (bs Bytes) TrimEndSet(cutset String) Bytes
TrimEndSet removes the specified set of characters from the end of the Bytes.
func (Bytes) TrimSet ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (bs Bytes) TrimSet(cutset String) Bytes
TrimSet trims the specified set of characters from both the beginning and end of the Bytes.
func (Bytes) TrimStart ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (bs Bytes) TrimStart() Bytes
TrimStart removes leading white space from the Bytes.
func (Bytes) TrimStartSet ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (bs Bytes) TrimStartSet(cutset String) Bytes
TrimStartSet removes the specified set of characters from the beginning of the Bytes.
type Dir ¶
type Dir struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Dir is a struct representing a directory path.
func (*Dir) Chown ¶
Chown changes the ownership of the directory to the specified UID and GID. It uses os.Chown to modify ownership and returns a Result[*Dir] indicating success or failure.
func (*Dir) Copy ¶
Copy copies the contents of the current directory to the destination directory.
- dest (String): The destination directory where the contents of the current directory should be copied.
- followLinks (optional): A boolean indicating whether to follow symbolic links during the walk. If true, symbolic links are followed; otherwise, they are skipped.
- Result[*Dir]: A Result type containing either a pointer to a new Dir instance representing the destination directory or an error.
Example usage:
sourceDir := g.NewDir("path/to/source") destinationDirResult := sourceDir.Copy("path/to/destination") if destinationDirResult.IsErr() { // Handle error } destinationDir := destinationDirResult.Ok()
func (*Dir) Create ¶
Create creates a new directory with the specified mode (optional).
- mode (os.FileMode, optional): The file mode for the new directory. If not provided, it defaults to DirDefault (0755).
- *Dir: A pointer to the Dir instance on which the method was called.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") createdDir := dir.Create(0755) // Optional mode argument
func (*Dir) CreateAll ¶
CreateAll creates all directories along the given path, with the specified mode (optional).
- mode ...os.FileMode (optional): The file mode to be used when creating the directories. If not provided, it defaults to the value of DirDefault constant (0755).
- *Dir: A pointer to the Dir instance representing the created directories.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") dir.CreateAll() dir.CreateAll(0755)
func (*Dir) CreateTemp ¶
func (*Dir) CreateTemp(args ...String) Result[*Dir]
CreateTemp creates a new temporary directory in the specified directory with the specified name pattern and returns a Result, which contains a pointer to the Dir or an error if the operation fails. If no directory is specified, the default directory for temporary directories is used. If no name pattern is specified, the default pattern "*" is used.
- args ...String: A variadic parameter specifying the directory and/or name pattern for the temporary directory.
- *Dir: A pointer to the Dir representing the temporary directory.
Example usage:
d := g.NewDir("") tmpdir := d.CreateTemp() // Creates a temporary directory with default settings tmpdirWithDir := d.CreateTemp("mydir") // Creates a temporary directory in "mydir" directory tmpdirWithPattern := d.CreateTemp("", "tmp") // Creates a temporary directory with "tmp" pattern
func (*Dir) Exist ¶
func (d *Dir) Exist() bool
Exist checks if the current directory exists.
- bool: true if the current directory exists, false otherwise.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") exists := dir.Exist()
func (*Dir) Glob ¶
func (d *Dir) Glob() SeqResult[*File]
Glob iterates over files in the current directory matching a specified pattern and yields File instances for each match. This method utilizes a lazy evaluation strategy, processing files as they are needed.
- SeqResult[*File]: A sequence of Result[*File] instances representing the files that match the provided pattern in the current directory. It returns an error if the glob operation fails.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory/*.txt") files := dir.Glob() for file := range files { fmt.Println(file.Ok().Name()) }
func (*Dir) Join ¶
func (d *Dir) Join(elem ...String) Result[String]
Join joins the current directory path with the given path elements, returning the joined path.
- elem (...String): One or more String values representing path elements to be joined with the current directory path.
- String: The resulting joined path as an String.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") joinedPath := dir.Join("subdir", "file.txt")
func (*Dir) Lstat ¶
Lstat retrieves information about the symbolic link represented by the Dir instance. It returns a Result[fs.FileInfo] containing details about the symbolic link's metadata. Unlike Stat, Lstat does not follow the link and provides information about the link itself.
func (*Dir) Move ¶
func (d *Dir) Move(newpath String) Result[*Dir]
Move function simply calls Dir.Rename
func (*Dir) Path ¶
func (d *Dir) Path() Result[String]
Path returns the absolute path of the current directory.
- String: The absolute path of the current directory as an String. If an error occurs while converting the path to an absolute path, the error is stored in d.err, which can be checked using the Error() method.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") absPath := dir.Path()
func (*Dir) Print ¶
func (d *Dir) Print() *Dir
Print writes the content of the Dir to the standard output (console) and returns the Dir unchanged.
func (*Dir) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (d *Dir) Println() *Dir
Println writes the content of the Dir to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Dir unchanged.
func (*Dir) Read ¶
func (d *Dir) Read() SeqResult[*File]
Read iterates over the content of the current directory and yields File instances for each entry. This method uses a lazy evaluation strategy where each file is processed one at a time as it is needed.
- SeqResult[*File]: A sequence of Result[*File] instances representing each file and directory in the current directory. It returns an error if reading the directory fails.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") files := dir.Read() for file := range files { fmt.Println(file.Ok().Name()) }
func (*Dir) Remove ¶
func (d *Dir) Remove() Result[*Dir]
Remove attempts to delete the directory and its contents. It returns a Result, which contains either the *Dir or an error. If the directory does not exist, Remove returns a successful Result with *Dir set. Any error that occurs during removal will be of type *PathError.
func (*Dir) Rename ¶
func (d *Dir) Rename(newpath String) Result[*Dir]
Rename renames the current directory to the new path.
- newpath String: The new path for the directory.
- *Dir: A pointer to the Dir instance representing the renamed directory. If an error occurs, the original Dir instance is returned with the error stored in d.err, which can be checked using the Error() method.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") dir.Rename("path/to/new_directory")
func (*Dir) SetPath ¶
func (d *Dir) SetPath(path String) *Dir
SetPath sets the path of the current directory.
- path (String): The new path to be set for the current directory.
- *Dir: A pointer to the updated Dir instance with the new path.
Example usage:
dir := g.NewDir("path/to/directory") dir.SetPath("new/path/to/directory")
func (*Dir) Stat ¶
Stat retrieves information about the directory represented by the Dir instance. It returns a Result[fs.FileInfo] containing details about the directory's metadata.
func (*Dir) String ¶ added in v1.0.86
func (d *Dir) String() String
String returns the String representation of the current directory's path.
func (*Dir) Temp ¶
func (*Dir) Temp() *Dir
Temp returns the default directory to use for temporary files.
On Unix systems, it returns $TMPDIR if non-empty, else /tmp. On Windows, it uses GetTempPath, returning the first non-empty value from %TMP%, %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%, or the Windows directory. On Plan 9, it returns /tmp.
The directory is neither guaranteed to exist nor have accessible permissions.
func (*Dir) Walk ¶
Walk recursively traverses the directory structure and applies the walker function to each file and directory.
- walker: A function that takes a *File as an argument and returns an error. It is applied to each file and directory encountered during the walk.
- error: An error indicating any issues that occurred during the walk. If no errors occurred, it returns nil.
type ErrFileClosed ¶
type ErrFileClosed struct{ Msg string }
ErrFileClosed represents an error for when a file is already closed.
func (*ErrFileClosed) Error ¶
func (e *ErrFileClosed) Error() string
Error returns the error message for ErrFileClosed.
type ErrFileNotExist ¶
type ErrFileNotExist struct{ Msg string }
ErrFileNotExist represents an error for when a file does not exist.
func (*ErrFileNotExist) Error ¶
func (e *ErrFileNotExist) Error() string
Error returns the error message for ErrFileNotExist.
type File ¶
type File struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
File is a struct that represents a file along with an iterator for reading lines.
func NewFile ¶
func NewFile(name String) *File
NewFile returns a new File instance with the given name.
func (*File) Append ¶
Append appends the given content to the file, with the specified mode (optional). If no FileMode is provided, the default FileMode (0644) is used. Don't forget to close the file!
func (*File) Chunks ¶ added in v1.0.57
func (f *File) Chunks(size Int) SeqResult[String]
Chunks returns a new iterator instance that can be used to read the file in fixed-size chunks of the specified size in bytes.
- size (int): The size of each chunk in bytes.
Example usage:
// Open a new file with the specified name "text.txt" g.NewFile("text.txt"). Chunks(100). // Read the file in chunks of 100 bytes Map(g.String.Upper). // Convert each chunk to uppercase ForEach( // For each line, print it func(func(s Result[String]) { s.Ok().Print() }) // Output: // UPPERCASED_CHUNK1 // UPPERCASED_CHUNK2 // UPPERCASED_CHUNK3
func (*File) Close ¶
func (f *File) Close() error
Close closes the File and unlocks its underlying file, if it is not already closed.
func (*File) Copy ¶
Copy copies the file to the specified destination, with the specified mode (optional). If no mode is provided, the default FileMode (0644) is used.
func (*File) Create ¶
func (f *File) Create() Result[*File]
Create is similar to os.Create, but it returns a write-locked file. Don't forget to close the file!
func (*File) CreateTemp ¶
func (*File) CreateTemp(args ...String) Result[*File]
CreateTemp creates a new temporary file in the specified directory with the specified name pattern and returns a Result, which contains a pointer to the File or an error if the operation fails. If no directory is specified, the default directory for temporary files is used. If no name pattern is specified, the default pattern "*" is used.
- args ...String: A variadic parameter specifying the directory and/or name pattern for the temporary file.
- *File: A pointer to the File representing the temporary file.
Example usage:
f := g.NewFile("") tmpfile := f.CreateTemp() // Creates a temporary file with default settings tmpfileWithDir := f.CreateTemp("mydir") // Creates a temporary file in "mydir" directory tmpfileWithPattern := f.CreateTemp("", "tmp") // Creates a temporary file with "tmp" pattern
func (*File) Decode ¶ added in v1.0.85
func (f *File) Decode() fdecode
Decode returns an fdecode struct wrapping the given file for decoding.
func (*File) Dir ¶
func (f *File) Dir() Result[*Dir]
Dir returns the directory the file is in as an Dir instance.
func (*File) Encode ¶ added in v1.0.85
func (f *File) Encode() fencode
Encode returns an fencode struct wrapping the given file for encoding.
func (*File) Guard ¶
func (f *File) Guard() *File
Guard sets a lock on the file to protect it from concurrent access. It returns the File instance with the guard enabled.
func (*File) Lines ¶
func (f *File) Lines() SeqResult[String]
Lines returns a new iterator instance that can be used to read the file line by line.
Example usage:
// Open a new file with the specified name "text.txt" g.NewFile("text.txt"). Lines(). // Read the file line by line Skip(3). // Skip the first 3 lines Exclude(f.Zero). // Exclude lines that are empty or contain only whitespaces Dedup(). // Remove consecutive duplicate lines Map(g.String.Upper). // Convert each line to uppercase ForEach( // For each line, print it func(func(s Result[String]) { s.Ok().Print() }) // Output: // UPPERCASED_LINE4 // UPPERCASED_LINE5 // UPPERCASED_LINE6
func (*File) Lstat ¶
Lstat retrieves information about the symbolic link represented by the *File instance. It returns a Result[fs.FileInfo] containing details about the symbolic link's metadata. Unlike Stat, Lstat does not follow the link and provides information about the link itself.
func (*File) MimeType ¶
func (f *File) MimeType() Result[String]
MimeType returns the MIME type of the file as Result[String].
func (*File) Move ¶
func (f *File) Move(newpath String) Result[*File]
Move function simply calls File.Rename
func (*File) Open ¶
func (f *File) Open() Result[*File]
Open is like os.Open, but returns a read-locked file. Don't forget to close the file!
func (*File) OpenFile ¶
OpenFile is like os.OpenFile, but returns a locked file. If flag includes os.O_WRONLY or os.O_RDWR, the file is write-locked otherwise, it is read-locked. Don't forget to close the file!
func (*File) Path ¶
func (f *File) Path() Result[String]
Path returns the absolute path of the file.
func (*File) Print ¶
func (f *File) Print() *File
Print writes the content of the File to the standard output (console) and returns the File unchanged.
func (*File) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (f *File) Println() *File
Println writes the content of the File to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the File unchanged.
func (*File) Read ¶
func (f *File) Read() Result[String]
Read opens the named file with a read-lock and returns its contents.
func (*File) Rename ¶
func (f *File) Rename(newpath String) Result[*File]
Rename renames the file to the specified new path.
func (*File) Seek ¶
Seek sets the file offset for the next Read or Write operation. The offset is specified by the 'offset' parameter, and the 'whence' parameter determines the reference point for the offset.
The 'offset' parameter specifies the new offset in bytes relative to the reference point determined by 'whence'. If 'whence' is set to io.SeekStart, io.SeekCurrent, or io.SeekEnd, the offset is relative to the start of the file, the current offset, or the end of the file, respectively.
If the file is not open, this method will attempt to open it. If the open operation fails, an error is returned.
If the Seek operation fails, the file is closed, and an error is returned.
file := g.NewFile("example.txt") result := file.Seek(100, io.SeekStart) if result.Err() != nil { log.Fatal(result.Err()) }
- offset: The new offset in bytes.
- whence: The reference point for the offset (io.SeekStart, io.SeekCurrent, or io.SeekEnd).
Don't forget to close the file!
func (*File) Split ¶
func (f *File) Split() (*Dir, *File)
Split splits the file path into its directory and file components.
func (*File) Stat ¶
Stat returns the fs.FileInfo of the file. It calls the file's Stat method if the file is open, or os.Stat otherwise.
func (*File) Std ¶
Std returns the underlying *os.File instance. Don't forget to close the file with g.File().Close()!
type Float ¶
type Float float64
Float is an alias for the float64 type.
func NewFloat ¶
func NewFloat[T constraints.Float | constraints.Integer](float T) Float
NewFloat creates a new Float with the provided value.
func (Float) Float32 ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (f Float) Float32() float32
Float32 returns the Float as a float32.
func (Float) Gt ¶
func (f Float) Gt(b Float) bool
Gt checks if the Float is greater than the specified Float.
func (Float) Hash ¶
func (f Float) Hash() fhash
Hash returns a fhash struct wrapping the given Float.
func (Float) Lt ¶
func (f Float) Lt(b Float) bool
Lt checks if the Float is less than the specified Float.
func (Float) Mul ¶
func (f Float) Mul(b Float) Float
Mul multiplies two Floats and returns the result.
func (Float) Print ¶
func (f Float) Print() Float
Print writes the value of the Float to the standard output (console) and returns the Float unchanged.
func (Float) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (f Float) Println() Float
Println writes the value of the Float to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Float unchanged.
func (Float) Round ¶
func (f Float) Round() Int
Round rounds the Float to the nearest integer and returns the result as an Int.
func (Float) RoundDecimal ¶
func (f Float) RoundDecimal(precision Int) Float
RoundDecimal rounds the Float value to the specified number of decimal places.
The function takes the number of decimal places (precision) as an argument and returns a new Float value rounded to that number of decimals. This is achieved by multiplying the Float value by a power of 10 equal to the desired precision, rounding the result, and then dividing the rounded result by the same power of 10.
- precision (Int): The number of decimal places to round the Float value to.
- Float: A new Float value rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
Example usage:
f := g.Float(3.14159) rounded := f.RoundDecimal(2) // rounded will be 3.14
func (Float) String ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (f Float) String() String
String returns the Float as an String.
func (Float) Sub ¶
func (f Float) Sub(b Float) Float
Sub subtracts two Floats and returns the result.
type Int ¶
type Int int
Int is an alias for the int type.
func NewInt ¶
func NewInt[T constraints.Integer | rune | byte](i T) Int
NewInt creates a new Int with the provided int value.
func (Int) Binary ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (i Int) Binary() String
Binary returns the Int as a binary string.
func (Int) Gte ¶
func (i Int) Gte(b Int) bool
Gte checks if the Int is greater than or equal to the specified Int.
func (Int) Hex ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (i Int) Hex() String
Hex returns the Int as a hexadecimal string.
func (Int) Lte ¶
func (i Int) Lte(b Int) bool
Lte checks if the Int is less than or equal to the specified Int.
func (Int) Octal ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (i Int) Octal() String
Octal returns the Int as an octal string.
func (Int) Print ¶
func (i Int) Print() Int
Print writes the value of the Int to the standard output (console) and returns the Int unchanged.
func (Int) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (i Int) Println() Int
Println writes the value of the Int to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Int unchanged.
func (Int) RandomRange ¶
func (i Int) RandomRange(to Int) Int
RandomRange returns a random Int in the range [from, to].
func (Int) Rem ¶
func (i Int) Rem(b Int) Int
Rem returns the remainder of the division between the receiver and the input value.
func (Int) String ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (i Int) String() String
String returns the Int as an String.
func (Int) Transform ¶ added in v1.0.89
func (i Int) Transform(fn func(Int) Int) Int
Transform applies a transformation function to the Int and returns the result.
func (Int) UInt16 ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (i Int) UInt16() uint16
UInt16 returns the Int as a uint16.
func (Int) UInt32 ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (i Int) UInt32() uint32
UInt32 returns the Int as a uint32.
type Map ¶
type Map[K comparable, V any] map[K]V
Map is a generic alias for a map.
func NewMap ¶
func NewMap[K comparable, V any](size ...Int) Map[K, V]
NewMap creates a new Map of the specified size or an empty Map if no size is provided.
func (Map[K, V]) Clear ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Clear() Map[K, V]
Clear removes all key-value pairs from the Map.
func (Map[K, V]) Clone ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Clone() Map[K, V]
Clone creates a new Map that is a copy of the original Map.
func (Map[K, V]) Contains ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
Contains checks if the Map contains the specified key.
func (Map[K, V]) Copy ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Copy(src Map[K, V]) Map[K, V]
Copy copies the source Map's key-value pairs to the target Map.
func (Map[K, V]) Delete ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Delete(keys ...K) Map[K, V]
Delete removes the specified keys from the Map.
func (Map[K, V]) Get ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Get(k K) Option[V]
Get retrieves the value associated with the given key.
func (Map[K, V]) GetOrSet ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) GetOrSet(key K, defaultValue V) V
GetOrSet returns the value for a key. If the key exists in the Map, it returns the associated value. If the key does not exist, it sets the key to the provided default value and returns that value. This function is useful when you want to both retrieve and potentially set a default value for keys that may or may not be present in the Map.
- key K: The key for which to retrieve the value.
- defaultValue V: The default value to return if the key does not exist in the Map. If the key is not found, this default value will also be set for the key in the Map.
- V: The value associated with the key if it exists in the Map, or the default value if the key is not found.
Eaxmple usage:
// Create a new ordered Map called "gos" with string keys and integer pointers as values gos := g.NewMap[string, *int]() // Use GetOrSet to set the value for the key "root" to 3 if it doesn't exist, // and then print whether the value is equal to 3. gos.GetOrSet("root", ref.Of(3)) fmt.Println(*gos.Get("root") == 3) // Should print "true" // Use GetOrSet to retrieve the value for the key "root" (which is 3), multiply it by 2, // and then print whether the value is equal to 6. *gos.GetOrSet("root", ref.Of(10)) *= 2 fmt.Println(*gos.Get("root") == 6) // Should print "true"
In this example, you first create an ordered Map "gos" with string keys and integer pointers as values. Then, you use GetOrSet to set and retrieve values for the key "root" with default values of 3 and perform multiplication operations, demonstrating the behavior of GetOrSet.
func (Map[K, V]) Invert ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Invert() Map[any, K]
Invert inverts the keys and values of the Map, returning a new Map with values as keys and keys as values. Note that the inverted Map will have 'any' as the key type, since not all value types are guaranteed to be comparable.
func (Map[K, V]) Iter ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Iter() SeqMap[K, V]
Iter returns an iterator (SeqMap[K, V]) for the Map, allowing for sequential iteration over its key-value pairs. It is commonly used in combination with higher-order functions, such as 'ForEach', to perform operations on each key-value pair of the Map.
- SeqMap[K, V], which can be used for sequential iteration over the key-value pairs of the Map.
Example usage:
myMap := g.Map[string, int]{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3} iterator := myMap.Iter() iterator.ForEach(func(key string, value int) { // Perform some operation on each key-value pair fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", key, value) })
The 'Iter' method provides a convenient way to traverse the key-value pairs of a Map in a functional style, enabling operations like mapping or filtering.
func (Map[K, V]) Len ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Len() Int
Len returns the number of key-value pairs in the Map.
func (Map[K, V]) Ne ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Ne(other Map[K, V]) bool
Ne checks if two Maps are not equal.
func (Map[K, V]) NotEmpty ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) NotEmpty() bool
NotEmpty checks if the Map is not empty.
func (Map[K, V]) Print ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Print() Map[K, V]
Print writes the key-value pairs of the Map to the standard output (console) and returns the Map unchanged.
func (Map[K, V]) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (m Map[K, V]) Println() Map[K, V]
Println writes the key-value pairs of the Map to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Map unchanged.
func (Map[K, V]) Set ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) Map[K, V]
Set sets the value for the given key in the Map.
func (Map[K, V]) String ¶
func (m Map[K, V]) String() string
String returns a string representation of the Map.
func (Map[K, V]) ToMapOrd ¶ added in v1.0.114
func (m Map[K, V]) ToMapOrd() MapOrd[K, V]
ToMapOrd converts a standard Map to an ordered Map.
func (Map[K, V]) ToMapSafe ¶ added in v1.0.114
func (m Map[K, V]) ToMapSafe() *MapSafe[K, V]
ToMapSafe converts a standard Map to a thread-safe Map.
type MapOrd ¶
MapOrd is a generic alias for a slice of ordered key-value pairs.
func MapOrdFromStd ¶
func MapOrdFromStd[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) MapOrd[K, V]
MapOrdFromStd converts a standard Go map to an ordered Map. The resulting ordered Map will maintain the order of its key-value pairs based on the order of insertion. This function is useful when you want to create an ordered Map from an existing Go map.
- m map[K]V: The input Go map to be converted to an ordered Map.
- MapOrd[K, V]: New ordered Map containing the same key-value pairs as the input Go map.
Example usage:
mapOrd := g.MapOrdFromStd[string, int](goMap)
Converts the standard Go map 'map[K]V' to an ordered Map.
func NewMapOrd ¶
func NewMapOrd[K, V any](size ...Int) MapOrd[K, V]
NewMapOrd creates a new ordered Map with the specified size (if provided). An ordered Map is an Map that maintains the order of its key-value pairs based on the insertion order. If no size is provided, the default size will be used.
- size (Optional) The initial size of the ordered Map. If not provided, a default size will be used.
- MapOrd[K, V]: Ordered Map with the specified initial size (or default size if not provided).
Example usage:
mapOrd := g.NewMapOrd[string, int](10)
Creates a new ordered Map with an initial size of 10.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) AsAny ¶ added in v1.0.134
AsAny converts each key-value pair in the MapOrd to the 'any' type. It returns a new MapOrd[any, any], where both keys and values are of type 'any'. This is especially useful for working with dynamic formatting tools like Sprintf, where modifiers such as $get can access elements without strict typing constraints.
mo := NewMapOrd[string, int]() mo. Set("a", 1). Set("b", 2) Printf("{1.$get(a)} -> {1.$get(b)}\n", mo.AsAny()) // Output: "a -> 1"
func (*MapOrd[K, V]) Clear ¶
func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Clear() MapOrd[K, V]
Clear removes all key-value pairs from the ordered Map.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Clone ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Clone() MapOrd[K, V]
Clone creates a new ordered Map with the same key-value pairs.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Contains ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
Contains checks if the ordered Map contains the specified key.
func (*MapOrd[K, V]) Copy ¶
func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Copy(src MapOrd[K, V]) MapOrd[K, V]
Copy copies key-value pairs from the source ordered Map to the current ordered Map.
func (*MapOrd[K, V]) Delete ¶
func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Delete(keys ...K) MapOrd[K, V]
Delete removes the specified keys from the ordered Map.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Empty ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Empty() bool
Empty checks if the ordered Map is empty.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Eq ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Eq(other MapOrd[K, V]) bool
Eq compares the current ordered Map to another ordered Map and returns true if they are equal.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Get ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Get(key K) Option[V]
Get retrieves the value for the specified key, along with a boolean indicating whether the key was found in the ordered Map. This function is useful when you want to access the value associated with a key in the ordered Map, and also check if the key exists in the map.
- key K: The key to search for in the ordered Map.
- V: The value associated with the specified key if found, or the zero value for the value type if the key is not found.
- bool: A boolean value indicating whether the key was found in the ordered Map.
Example usage:
value, found := mo.Get("some_key")
Retrieves the value associated with the key "some_key" and checks if the key exists in the ordered Map.
func (*MapOrd[K, V]) GetOrSet ¶
func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) GetOrSet(key K, defaultValue V) V
GetOrSet returns the value for a key. If the key does not exist, it returns the default value instead and also sets the default value for the key in the ordered Map. This function is useful when you want to access the value associated with a key in the ordered Map, and if the key does not exist, you want to return a specified default value and set that default value for the key.
- key K: The key to search for in the ordered Map.
- defaultValue V: The default value to return if the key is not found in the ordered Map. If the key is not found, this default value will also be set for the key in the ordered Map.
- V: The value associated with the specified key if found, or the provided default value if the key is not found.
Example usage:
value := mo.GetOrSet("some_key", "default_value")
Retrieves the value associated with the key "some_key" or returns "default_value" if the key is not found, and sets "default_value" as the value for "some_key" in the ordered Map if it's not present.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Invert ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Invert() MapOrd[V, K]
Invert inverts the key-value pairs in the ordered Map, creating a new ordered Map with the values as keys and the original keys as values.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Iter ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Iter() SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Iter returns an iterator (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) for the ordered Map, allowing for sequential iteration over its key-value pairs. It is commonly used in combination with higher-order functions, such as 'ForEach', to perform operations on each key-value pair of the ordered Map.
A SeqMapOrd[K, V], which can be used for sequential iteration over the key-value pairs of the ordered Map.
Example usage:
iter := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() iter. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Iter() iter.ForEach(func(k, v int) { // Process key-value pair })
The 'Iter' method provides a convenient way to traverse the key-value pairs of an ordered Map in a functional style, enabling operations like mapping or filtering.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) IterReverse ¶ added in v1.0.96
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) IterReverse() SeqMapOrd[K, V]
IterReverse returns an iterator (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) for the ordered Map that allows for sequential iteration over its key-value pairs in reverse order. This method is useful when you need to process the elements from the last to the first.
A SeqMapOrd[K, V], which can be used for sequential iteration over the key-value pairs of the ordered Map in reverse order.
Example usage:
iter := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() iter. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). IterReverse() iter.ForEach(func(k, v int) { // Process key-value pair in reverse order fmt.Println("Key:", k, "Value:", v) })
The 'IterReverse' method complements the 'Iter' method by providing a way to access the elements in a reverse sequence, offering additional flexibility in data processing scenarios.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Keys ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Keys() Slice[K]
Keys returns an Slice containing all the keys in the ordered Map.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Len ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Len() Int
Len returns the number of key-value pairs in the ordered Map.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Ne ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Ne(other MapOrd[K, V]) bool
Ne compares the current ordered Map to another ordered Map and returns true if they are not equal.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) NotEmpty ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) NotEmpty() bool
NotEmpty checks if the ordered Map is not empty.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Print ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Print() MapOrd[K, V]
Print writes the key-value pairs of the MapOrd to the standard output (console) and returns the MapOrd unchanged.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Println() MapOrd[K, V]
Println writes the key-value pairs of the MapOrd to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the MapOrd unchanged.
func (*MapOrd[K, V]) Set ¶
func (mo *MapOrd[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) *MapOrd[K, V]
Set sets the value for the specified key in the ordered Map.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) Shuffle ¶ added in v1.0.88
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) Shuffle()
Shuffle randomly reorders the elements of the ordered Map. It operates in place and affects the original order of the map's entries.
The function uses the crypto/rand package to generate random indices.
func (MapOrd[K, V]) SortBy ¶
SortBy sorts the ordered Map by a custom comparison function.
- fn func(a, b Pair[K, V]) cmp.Ordering: The custom comparison function used for sorting the ordered Map.
- MapOrd[K, V]: Same ordered Map, sorted according to the custom comparison function.
Example usage:
hmapo.SortBy(func(a, b g.Pair[g.String, g.Int]) cmp.Ordering { return a.Key.Cmp(b.Key) }) hmapo.SortBy(func(a, b g.Pair[g.String, g.Int]) cmp.Ordering { return a.Value.Cmp(b.Value) })
func (MapOrd[K, V]) SortByKey ¶ added in v1.0.73
SortByKey sorts the ordered MapOrd[K, V] by the keys using a custom comparison function.
- fn func(a, b K) cmp.Ordering: The custom comparison function used for sorting the keys.
- MapOrd[K, V]: The same ordered MapOrd, sorted by the keys according to the custom comparison function.
Example usage:
hmapo.SortByKey(func(a, b g.String) cmp.Ordering { return a.Cmp(b) })
func (MapOrd[K, V]) SortByValue ¶ added in v1.0.73
SortByValue sorts the ordered MapOrd[K, V] by the values using a custom comparison function.
- fn func(a, b V) cmp.Ordering: The custom comparison function used for sorting the values.
- MapOrd[K, V]: The same ordered MapOrd, sorted by the values according to the custom comparison function.
Example usage:
hmapo.SortByValue(func(a, b g.Int) cmp.Ordering { return a.Cmp(b) })
func (MapOrd[K, V]) String ¶
func (mo MapOrd[K, V]) String() string
String returns a string representation of the ordered Map.
type MapSafe ¶ added in v1.0.111
type MapSafe[K comparable, V any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MapSafe is a thread-safe wrapper around a generic map. It provides synchronized access to the underlying map to ensure data consistency in concurrent environments.
func NewMapSafe ¶ added in v1.0.111
func NewMapSafe[K comparable, V any](size ...Int) *MapSafe[K, V]
NewMapSafe creates a new instance of MapSafe with an optional initial size.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Clear ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Clear() *MapSafe[K, V]
Clear removes all key-value pairs from the MapSafe.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Clone ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Clone() *MapSafe[K, V]
Clone creates a new MapSafe that is a copy of the original MapSafe.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Contains ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool
Contains checks if the MapSafe contains the specified key.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Copy ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Copy(src *MapSafe[K, V]) *MapSafe[K, V]
Copy copies the source MapSafe's key-value pairs to the target MapSafe.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Delete(keys ...K) *MapSafe[K, V]
Delete removes the specified keys from the MapSafe.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Empty ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Empty() bool
Empty checks if the MapSafe is empty.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Eq(other *MapSafe[K, V]) bool
Eq checks if two MapSafes are equal.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Get ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Get(key K) Option[V]
Get retrieves the value associated with the given key.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) GetOrSet ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) GetOrSet(key K, defaultValue V) V
GetOrSet retrieves the value for a key, or sets it to a default value if the key does not exist.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Invert ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Invert() *MapSafe[any, K]
Invert inverts the keys and values of the MapSafe, returning a new MapSafe with values as keys and keys as values. Note that the inverted Map will have 'any' as the key type, since not all value types are guaranteed to be comparable.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Iter ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Iter() SeqMap[K, V]
Iter provides a thread-safe iterator over the MapSafe's key-value pairs.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Keys ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Keys() Slice[K]
Keys returns a slice of the MapSafe's keys.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Len ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Len() Int
Len returns the number of key-value pairs in the MapSafe.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Ne ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Ne(other *MapSafe[K, V]) bool
Ne checks if two MapSafes are not equal.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) NotEmpty ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) NotEmpty() bool
NotEmpty checks if the MapSafe is not empty.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Print ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Print() *MapSafe[K, V]
Print writes the key-value pairs of the MapSafe to the standard output (console) and returns the MapSafe unchanged.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Println() *MapSafe[K, V]
Println writes the key-value pairs of the MapSafe to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the MapSafe unchanged.
func (*MapSafe[K, V]) Set ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (ms *MapSafe[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) *MapSafe[K, V]
Set sets the value for the given key in the MapSafe.
type Named ¶ added in v1.0.130
Named is a map-like type that stores key-value pairs for resolving named placeholders in Sprintf.
type Option ¶
type Option[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Option is a generic struct for representing an optional value.
func OptionOf ¶ added in v1.0.97
OptionOf creates an Option[T] based on the provided value and status flag. If ok is true, it returns an Option containing the value. Otherwise, it returns an Option representing no value.
func TransformOption ¶ added in v1.0.93
func TransformOption[T, U any](o Option[T], fn func(T) Option[U]) Option[U]
TransformOption applies the given function to the value inside the Option, producing a new Option with the transformed value. If the input Option is None, the output Option will also be None. Parameters:
- o: The input Option to map over.
- fn: The function to apply to the value inside the Option.
A new Option with the transformed value.
func (Option[T]) Expect ¶
func (o Option[T]) Expect(msg string) T
Expect returns the value held in the Option. If the Option contains a nil value, it panics with the provided message.
func (Option[T]) IsNone ¶
func (o Option[T]) IsNone() bool
IsNone returns true if the Option contains a nil value.
func (Option[T]) IsSome ¶
func (o Option[T]) IsSome() bool
IsSome returns true if the Option contains a non-nil value.
func (Option[T]) String ¶ added in v1.0.60
func (o Option[T]) String() string
String returns a string representation of the Option. If the Option contains a value, it returns a string in the format "Some(value)". Otherwise, it returns "None".
func (Option[T]) Then ¶
func (o Option[T]) Then(fn func(T) Option[T]) Option[T]
Then applies the function fn to the value inside the Option and returns a new Option. If the Option is None, it returns the same Option without applying fn.
type Pair ¶
type Pair[K, V any] struct { Key K // Key of the pair. Value V // Value associated with the key. }
Pair is a struct representing a key-value Pair for MapOrd.
type Pool ¶ added in v1.0.98
type Pool[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Pool[T any] is a goroutine pool that allows parallel task execution.
func NewPool ¶ added in v1.0.98
func NewPool[T any]() *Pool[T]
NewPool[T any] creates a new goroutine pool.
func (*Pool[T]) ActiveTasks ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) ActiveTasks() int
ActiveTasks returns the current number of tasks that are still running.
func (*Pool[T]) Cancel ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) Cancel(err ...error)
Cancel cancels all tasks in the pool.
func (*Pool[T]) CancelOnError ¶ added in v1.0.107
func (p *Pool[T]) CancelOnError() *Pool[T]
CancelOnError enables cancellation of remaining tasks on failure.
func (*Pool[T]) Cause ¶ added in v1.0.107
func (p *Pool[T]) Cause() error
Cause returns the reason for the cancellation of the pool's context. It retrieves the underlying cause of the context's termination if the context has been canceled. If the pool's context is still active, it returns nil.
func (*Pool[T]) ClearMetrics ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) ClearMetrics()
ClearMetrics resets both total tasks and failed tasks counters to zero.
func (*Pool[T]) ClearResults ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) ClearResults()
ClearResults removes all stored task results from the pool.
func (*Pool[T]) Context ¶ added in v1.0.98
Context replaces the pool’s context with the provided context. If ctx is nil, context.Background() is used by default.
func (*Pool[T]) FailedTasks ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) FailedTasks() int
FailedTasks returns the number of tasks that have completed with an error.
func (*Pool[T]) GetContext ¶ added in v1.0.110
GetContext returns the current context associated with the pool.
func (*Pool[T]) Go ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) Go(fn func() Result[T])
Go launches an asynchronous task fn() in its own goroutine.
func (*Pool[T]) Limit ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) Limit(workers int) *Pool[T]
Limit sets the maximum number of concurrently running tasks.
func (*Pool[T]) Reset ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) Reset()
Reset restores the pool to its initial state: cancels all tasks, clears results and metrics, and creates a new context. If there are any active tasks, it will panic.
func (*Pool[T]) TotalTasks ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (p *Pool[T]) TotalTasks() int
TotalTasks returns the total number of tasks that have been submitted.
type Result ¶
type Result[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Result is a generic struct for representing a result value along with an error.
func ResultOf ¶ added in v1.0.52
ResultOf returns a new Result[T] based on the provided value and error. If err is not nil, it returns an Result containing the error. Otherwise, it returns an Result containing the value.
func TransformResult ¶ added in v1.0.93
TransformResult applies the given function to the value inside the Result, producing a new Result with the transformed value. If the input Result contains a value, the provided function is applied to it. If the input Result contains an error, the output Result will also contain the same error. Parameters:
- r: The input Result to map over.
- fn: The function that returns a Result to apply to the value inside the Result.
A new Result with the transformed value, or the same error if the input Result contained an error.
func TransformResultOf ¶ added in v1.0.93
TransformResultOf applies the given function to the value inside the Result, producing a new Result with the transformed value. If the input Result contains a value, the provided function is applied to it. If the input Result contains an error, the output Result will also contain the same error. Parameters:
- r: The input Result to map over.
- fn: The function that returns a tuple (U, error) to apply to the value inside the Result.
A new Result with the transformed value, or the same error if the input Result contained an error.
func (Result[T]) Expect ¶
Expect returns the value held in the Result. If the Result contains an error, it panics with the provided message.
func (Result[T]) Option ¶ added in v1.0.52
func (r Result[T]) Option() Option[T]
Option converts a Result into an Option. If the Result contains an error, it returns None. If the Result contains a value, it returns Some with the value. Parameters:
- r: The input Result to convert into an Option.
An Option representing the value of the Result, if any.
func (Result[T]) String ¶ added in v1.0.60
String returns a string representation of the Result. If the Result is Ok, it returns a string in the format "Ok(value)". Otherwise, it returns "Err(result error)".
func (Result[T]) Then ¶
Then applies the function fn to the value inside the Result and returns a new Result. If the Result contains an error, it returns the same Result without applying fn.
func (Result[T]) ThenOf ¶ added in v1.0.52
ThenOf applies the function fn to the value inside the Result, expecting fn to return a tuple (T, error), and returns a new Result based on the returned tuple. If the Result contains an error, it returns the same Result without applying fn.
type SeqMap ¶ added in v1.0.63
type SeqMap[K comparable, V any] iter.Seq2[K, V]
SeqMap is an iterator over sequences of pairs of values, most commonly key-value pairs.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Chain ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqMap[K, V]) SeqMap[K, V]
Chain creates a new iterator by concatenating the current iterator with other iterators.
The function concatenates the key-value pairs from the current iterator with the key-value pairs from the provided iterators, producing a new iterator containing all concatenated elements.
- seqs ([]SeqMap[K, V]): Other iterators to be concatenated with the current iterator.
- SeqMap[K, V]: A new iterator containing elements from the current iterator and the provided iterators.
Example usage:
iter1 := g.NewMap[int, string]().Set(1, "a").Iter() iter2 := g.NewMap[int, string]().Set(2, "b").Iter() // Concatenating iterators and collecting the result. iter1.Chain(iter2).Collect().Print()
Output: Map{1:a, 2:b} // The output order may vary as Map is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain elements from both iterators.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Collect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Collect() Map[K, V]
Collect collects all key-value pairs from the iterator and returns a Map.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Count ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Count() Int
Count consumes the iterator, counting the number of iterations and returning it.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Exclude ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Exclude(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMap[K, V]
Exclude returns a new iterator excluding elements that satisfy the provided function.
This function creates a new iterator excluding key-value pairs for which the provided function returns true. It iterates through the current iterator, applying the function to each key-value pair. If the function returns true for a key-value pair, it will be excluded from the resulting iterator.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function applied to each key-value pair to determine exclusion.
- SeqMap[K, V]: An iterator excluding elements that satisfy the given function.
Example usage:
m := g.NewMap[int, int](). Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) notEven := m.Iter(). Exclude( func(k, v int) bool { return v%2 == 0 }). Collect() notEven.Print()
Output: Map{1:1, 3:3, 5:5} // The output order may vary as Map is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will exclude elements for which the function returns true.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Filter ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Filter(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMap[K, V]
Filter returns a new iterator containing only the elements that satisfy the provided function.
This function creates a new iterator containing key-value pairs for which the provided function returns true. It iterates through the current iterator, applying the function to each key-value pair. If the function returns true for a key-value pair, it will be included in the resulting iterator.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function applied to each key-value pair to determine inclusion.
- SeqMap[K, V]: An iterator containing elements that satisfy the given function.
m := g.NewMap[int, int](). Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) even := m.Iter(). Filter( func(k, v int) bool { return v%2 == 0 }). Collect() even.Print()
Output: Map{2:2, 4:4} // The output order may vary as Map is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain elements for which the function returns true.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Find ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Find(fn func(k K, v V) bool) (r Option[Pair[K, V]])
Find searches for an element in the iterator that satisfies the provided function.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator and returns the first element for which the provided function returns true.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function used to test elements for a condition.
- Option[K, V]: An Option containing the first element that satisfies the condition; None if not found.
Example usage:
m := g.NewMap[int, int]() m.Set(1, 1) f := m.Iter().Find(func(_ int, v int) bool { return v == 1 }) if f.IsSome() { print(f.Some().Key) }
The resulting Option may contain the first element that satisfies the condition, or None if not found.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) ForEach ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) ForEach(fn func(k K, v V))
ForEach iterates through all elements and applies the given function to each key-value pair.
This function traverses the entire iterator and applies the provided function to each key-value pair. It iterates through the current iterator, executing the function on each key-value pair.
- fn (func(K, V)): The function to be applied to each key-value pair in the iterator.
Example usage:
m := g.NewMap[int, int](). Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) mmap := m.Iter(). Map( func(k, v int) (int, int) { return k * k, v * v }). Collect() mmap.Print()
Output: Map{1:1, 4:4, 9:9, 16:16, 25:25} // The output order may vary as Map is not ordered.
The function fn will be executed for each key-value pair in the iterator.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Inspect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Inspect(fn func(k K, v V)) SeqMap[K, V]
Inspect creates a new iterator that wraps around the current iterator and allows inspecting each key-value pair as it passes through.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Keys ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Keys() SeqSlice[K]
Keys returns an iterator containing all the keys in the ordered Map.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Map ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Map(transform func(K, V) (K, V)) SeqMap[K, V]
Map creates a new iterator by applying the given function to each key-value pair.
This function generates a new iterator by traversing the current iterator and applying the provided function to each key-value pair. It transforms the key-value pairs according to the given function.
- fn (func(K, V) (K, V)): The function to be applied to each key-value pair in the iterator. It takes a key-value pair and returns a new transformed key-value pair.
- SeqMap[K, V]: A new iterator containing key-value pairs transformed by the provided function.
Example usage:
m := g.NewMap[int, int](). Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) mmap := m.Iter(). Map( func(k, v int) (int, int) { return k * k, v * v }). Collect() mmap.Print()
Output: Map{1:1, 4:4, 9:9, 16:16, 25:25} // The output order may vary as Map is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain key-value pairs transformed by the given function.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Pull ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Pull() (func() (K, V, bool), func())
Pull converts the “push-style” iterator sequence seq into a “pull-style” iterator accessed by the two functions next and stop.
Next returns the next pair in the sequence and a boolean indicating whether the pair is valid. When the sequence is over, next returns a pair of zero values and false. It is valid to call next after reaching the end of the sequence or after calling stop. These calls will continue to return a pair of zero values and false.
Stop ends the iteration. It must be called when the caller is no longer interested in next values and next has not yet signaled that the sequence is over (with a false boolean return). It is valid to call stop multiple times and when next has already returned false.
It is an error to call next or stop from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func (SeqMap[K, V]) Range ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMap[K, V]) Range(fn func(k K, v V) bool)
The iteration will stop when the provided function returns false for an element.
type SeqMapOrd ¶ added in v1.0.63
SeqMapOrd is an iterator over sequences of ordered pairs of values, most commonly ordered key-value pairs.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Chain ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Chain concatenates the current iterator with other iterators, returning a new iterator.
The function creates a new iterator that combines the elements of the current iterator with elements from the provided iterators in the order they are given.
- seqs ([]seqMapOrd[K, V]): Other iterators to be concatenated with the current iterator.
- SeqMapOrd[K, V]: A new iterator containing elements from the current iterator and the provided iterators.
Example usage:
iter1 := g.NewMapOrd[int, string]() iter1.Set(1, "a").Iter() iter2 := g.NewMapOrd[int, string]() iter2.Set(2, "b").Iter() // Concatenating iterators and collecting the result. iter1.Chain(iter2).Collect().Print()
Output: MapOrd{1:a, 2:b}
The resulting iterator will contain elements from both iterators in the specified order.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Collect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Collect() MapOrd[K, V]
Collect collects all key-value pairs from the iterator and returns a MapOrd.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Count ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Count() Int
Count consumes the iterator, counting the number of iterations and returning it.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Exclude ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Exclude(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Exclude returns a new iterator excluding elements that satisfy the provided function.
The function creates a new iterator excluding elements from the current iterator for which the provided function returns true.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function used to determine exclusion criteria for elements.
- SeqMapOrd[K, V]: A new iterator excluding elements that satisfy the given condition.
Example usage:
mo := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() mo. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) notEven := mo.Iter(). Exclude( func(k, v int) bool { return v%2 == 0 }). Collect() notEven.Print()
Output: MapOrd{1:1, 3:3, 5:5}
The resulting iterator will exclude elements based on the provided condition.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Filter ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Filter(fn func(K, V) bool) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Filter returns a new iterator containing only the elements that satisfy the provided function.
The function creates a new iterator including elements from the current iterator for which the provided function returns true.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function used to determine inclusion criteria for elements.
- SeqMapOrd[K, V]: A new iterator containing elements that satisfy the given condition.
Example usage:
mo := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() mo. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) even := mo.Iter(). Filter( func(k, v int) bool { return v%2 == 0 }). Collect() even.Print()
Output: MapOrd{2:2, 4:4}
The resulting iterator will include elements based on the provided condition.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Find ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Find(fn func(k K, v V) bool) (r Option[Pair[K, V]])
Find searches for an element in the iterator that satisfies the provided function.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator and returns the first element for which the provided function returns true.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function used to test elements for a condition.
- Option[K, V]: An Option containing the first element that satisfies the condition; None if not found.
Example usage:
m := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() m.Set(1, 1) f := m.Iter().Find(func(_ int, v int) bool { return v == 1 }) if f.IsSome() { print(f.Some().Key) }
The resulting Option may contain the first element that satisfies the condition, or None if not found.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) ForEach ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) ForEach(fn func(k K, v V))
ForEach iterates through all elements and applies the given function to each key-value pair.
The function applies the provided function to each key-value pair in the iterator.
- fn (func(K, V)): The function to be applied to each key-value pair in the iterator.
Example usage:
iter := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() iter. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5). Iter() iter.ForEach(func(key K, val V) { // Process key-value pair })
The provided function will be applied to each key-value pair in the iterator.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Inspect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Inspect(fn func(k K, v V)) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Inspect creates a new iterator that wraps around the current iterator and allows inspecting each key-value pair as it passes through.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Keys ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Keys() SeqSlice[K]
Keys returns an iterator containing all the keys in the ordered Map.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Map ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Map(transform func(K, V) (K, V)) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Map creates a new iterator by applying the given function to each key-value pair.
The function creates a new iterator by applying the provided function to each key-value pair in the iterator.
- fn (func(K, V) (K, V)): The function used to transform each key-value pair in the iterator.
- SeqMapOrd[K, V]: A new iterator containing transformed key-value pairs.
Example usage:
mo := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() mo. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5) momap := mo.Iter(). Map( func(k, v int) (int, int) { return k * k, v * v }). Collect() momap.Print()
Output: MapOrd{1:1, 4:4, 9:9, 16:16, 25:25}
The resulting iterator will contain transformed key-value pairs.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Pull ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Pull() (func() (K, V, bool), func())
Pull converts the “push-style” iterator sequence seq into a “pull-style” iterator accessed by the two functions next and stop.
Next returns the next pair in the sequence and a boolean indicating whether the pair is valid. When the sequence is over, next returns a pair of zero values and false. It is valid to call next after reaching the end of the sequence or after calling stop. These calls will continue to return a pair of zero values and false.
Stop ends the iteration. It must be called when the caller is no longer interested in next values and next has not yet signaled that the sequence is over (with a false boolean return). It is valid to call stop multiple times and when next has already returned false.
It is an error to call next or stop from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Range ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Range(fn func(k K, v V) bool)
Range iterates through elements until the given function returns false.
The function iterates through the key-value pairs in the iterator, applying the provided function to each pair. It continues iterating until the function returns false.
- fn (func(K, V) bool): The function to be applied to each key-value pair in the iterator.
Example usage:
iter := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() iter. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5). Iter() iter.Range(func(k, v int) bool { fmt.Println(v) // Replace this with the function logic you need. return v < 5 // Replace this with the condition for continuing iteration. })
The iteration will stop when the provided function returns false.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Skip ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Skip(n uint) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
iter := g.NewMapOrd[int, string]() iter. Set(1, "a"). Set(2, "b"). Set(3, "c"). Set(4, "d"). Iter() // Skipping the first two elements and collecting the rest. iter.Skip(2).Collect().Print()
Output: MapOrd{3:c, 4:d}
The resulting iterator will start after skipping the specified number of elements.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SortBy ¶ added in v1.0.63
SortBy applies a custom sorting function to the elements in the iterator and returns a new iterator containing the sorted elements.
The sorting function 'fn' should take two arguments, 'a' and 'b', of type Pair[K, V], and return true if 'a' should be ordered before 'b', and false otherwise.
m := g.NewMapOrd[g.Int, g.String]() m. Set(6, "bb"). Set(0, "dd"). Set(1, "aa"). Set(5, "xx"). Set(2, "cc"). Set(3, "ff"). Set(4, "zz"). Iter(). SortBy( func(a, b g.Pair[g.Int, g.String]) cmp.Ordering { return a.Key.Cmp(b.Key) // return a.Value.Cmp(b.Value) }). Collect(). Print()
Output: MapOrd{0:dd, 1:aa, 2:cc, 3:ff, 4:zz, 5:xx, 6:bb}
The returned iterator is of type SeqMapOrd[K, V], which implements the iterator interface for further iteration over the sorted elements.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SortByKey ¶ added in v1.0.73
SortByKey applies a custom sorting function to the keys in the iterator and returns a new iterator containing the sorted elements.
The sorting function 'fn' should take two arguments, 'a' and 'b', of type K, and return true if 'a' should be ordered before 'b', and false otherwise.
m := g.NewMapOrd[g.Int, g.String]() m. Set(6, "bb"). Set(0, "dd"). Set(1, "aa"). Set(5, "xx"). Set(2, "cc"). Set(3, "ff"). Set(4, "zz"). Iter(). SortByKey(g.Int.Cmp). Collect(). Print()
Output: MapOrd{0:dd, 1:aa, 2:cc, 3:ff, 4:zz, 5:xx, 6:bb}
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) SortByValue ¶ added in v1.0.73
SortByValue applies a custom sorting function to the values in the iterator and returns a new iterator containing the sorted elements.
The sorting function 'fn' should take two arguments, 'a' and 'b', of type V, and return true if 'a' should be ordered before 'b', and false otherwise.
m := g.NewMapOrd[g.Int, g.String]() m. Set(6, "bb"). Set(0, "dd"). Set(1, "aa"). Set(5, "xx"). Set(2, "cc"). Set(3, "ff"). Set(4, "zz"). Iter(). SortByValue(g.String.Cmp). Collect(). Print()
Output: MapOrd{1:aa, 6:bb, 2:cc, 0:dd, 3:ff, 5:xx, 4:zz}
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) StepBy ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) StepBy(n uint) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
StepBy creates a new iterator that iterates over every N-th element of the original iterator. This function is useful when you want to skip a specific number of elements between each iteration.
Parameters: - n int: The step size, indicating how many elements to skip between each iteration.
Returns: - SeqMapOrd[K, V]: A new iterator that produces key-value pairs from the original iterator with a step size of N.
Example usage:
mapIter := g.MapOrd[string, int]{{"one", 1}, {"two", 2}, {"three", 3}}.Iter() iter := mapIter.StepBy(2) result := iter.Collect() result.Print()
Output: MapOrd{one:1, three:3}
The resulting iterator will produce key-value pairs from the original iterator with a step size of N.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Take ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqMapOrd[K, V]) Take(n uint) SeqMapOrd[K, V]
Take returns a new iterator with the first n elements. The function creates a new iterator containing the first n elements from the original iterator.
func (SeqMapOrd[K, V]) ToChan ¶ added in v1.0.69
ToChan converts the iterator into a channel, optionally with context(s).
The function converts the key-value pairs from the iterator into a channel, allowing iterative processing using channels. It can be used to stream key-value pairs for concurrent or asynchronous operations.
- ctxs (...context.Context): Optional context(s) that can be used to cancel or set deadlines for the operation.
- chan Pair[K, V]: A channel emitting key-value pairs from the iterator.
Example usage:
iter := g.NewMapOrd[int, int]() iter. Set(1, 1). Set(2, 2). Set(3, 3). Set(4, 4). Set(5, 5). Iter() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() // Ensure cancellation to avoid goroutine leaks. ch := iter.ToChan(ctx) for pair := range ch { // Process key-value pair from the channel }
The function converts the iterator into a channel to allow sequential or concurrent processing of key-value pairs.
type SeqResult ¶ added in v1.0.115
SeqResult is an iterator over sequences of Result[V] values.
func (SeqResult[V]) All ¶ added in v1.0.115
All checks whether all Ok values in the sequence satisfy the provided condition.
If an Err is encountered in the sequence, that Err is immediately returned. Otherwise, it returns Ok(true) if all Ok values satisfy the function, or Ok(false) if at least one does not.
func (SeqResult[V]) Any ¶ added in v1.0.115
Any checks whether any Ok value in the sequence satisfies the provided condition.
If an Err is encountered, that Err is immediately returned. Otherwise, it returns Ok(true) if at least one Ok value satisfies the function, or Ok(false) if none do.
func (SeqResult[V]) Chain ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqResult[V]) SeqResult[V]
Chain concatenates this sequence with other sequences, returning a new sequence of Result[V].
The function yields all elements (Ok or Err) from the current sequence, then from each of the provided sequences in order. If an Err is encountered, it is yielded immediately, ending further iteration.
func (SeqResult[V]) Collect ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Collect() Result[Slice[V]]
Collect gathers all Ok values from the iterator into a Slice. If any value is Err, the first such Err is returned immediately.
func (SeqResult[V]) Count ¶ added in v1.0.116
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Count() Int
Count consumes the entire sequence, counting how many times the yield function is invoked. Err elements do not stop the count but are still passed to the yield function (which returns false immediately, stopping iteration).
func (SeqResult[V]) Dedup ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Dedup() SeqResult[V]
Dedup removes consecutive duplicates of Ok values from the sequence, returning a new sequence.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded immediately and iteration stops. Consecutive Ok duplicates (based on equality) are filtered out so only the first occurrence is yielded.
func (SeqResult[V]) Exclude ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Exclude(fn func(V) bool) SeqResult[V]
Exclude returns a new sequence that excludes Ok elements which satisfy the provided function.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded as Err (and stops iteration). Only Ok elements for which 'fn' returns false are yielded downstream.
func (SeqResult[V]) Filter ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Filter(fn func(V) bool) SeqResult[V]
Filter returns a new sequence containing only the Ok elements that satisfy the provided function.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded immediately as Err (and stops further iteration). Only Ok elements for which fn returns true are yielded downstream as Ok.
func (SeqResult[V]) Find ¶ added in v1.0.116
Find searches the sequence for the first Ok value that satisfies the provided function.
If an Err is encountered, it returns that Err immediately. If a matching Ok value is found, iteration stops and we return Ok(Some(...)). If no matching Ok value is found, it returns Ok(None).
func (SeqResult[V]) ForEach ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) ForEach(fn func(v Result[V]))
ForEach applies a function to each Result in the sequence (Ok or Err) without modifying the sequence.
The iteration continues over all elements, passing them to fn for side effects.
func (SeqResult[V]) Inspect ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Inspect(fn func(v V)) SeqResult[V]
Inspect calls fn for every Ok value without changing it. An Err immediately stops iteration by returning false.
func (SeqResult[V]) Intersperse ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Intersperse(sep V) SeqResult[V]
Intersperse inserts the provided Ok separator between each Ok element of the sequence.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded as Err and iteration stops immediately. For Ok elements, after the first yield, a separator is inserted before each subsequent Ok value.
func (SeqResult[V]) Map ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Map(transform func(V) V) SeqResult[V]
Map transforms each Ok value in the sequence using the given function, returning a new sequence of Result.
If an Err is encountered, it is passed downstream as-is and ends the iteration (yield returns false).
func (SeqResult[V]) Pull ¶ added in v1.0.115
Pull converts the “push-style” sequence of Result[V] into a “pull-style” iterator accessed by two functions: next and stop.
The next function returns the next Result[V] in the sequence and a boolean indicating whether the value is valid. When the sequence is over, next returns the zero value and false. It is valid to call next after reaching the end of the sequence or after calling stop. These calls will continue to return the zero value and false.
The stop function ends the iteration. It must be called when the caller is no longer interested in next values and next has not yet signaled that the sequence is over. It is valid to call stop multiple times and after next has already returned false.
It is an error to call next or stop from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func (SeqResult[V]) Range ¶ added in v1.0.115
Range iterates through elements until the given function returns false.
For each element (Ok or Err), fn is called. If fn returns false, iteration stops immediately.
func (SeqResult[V]) Skip ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Skip(n uint) SeqResult[V]
Skip returns a new sequence that skips the first n Ok elements.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded as is and iteration stops. Once n Ok elements have been skipped, subsequent elements (Ok or Err) are yielded normally.
func (SeqResult[V]) StepBy ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) StepBy(n uint) SeqResult[V]
StepBy creates a new sequence that yields every nth Ok element from the original sequence.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded immediately and stops iteration. For Ok elements, only every n-th element is yielded.
func (SeqResult[V]) Take ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Take(n uint) SeqResult[V]
Take returns a new sequence with the first n Ok elements. If an Err is encountered, it is yielded immediately and iteration stops. After n Ok elements are yielded, the sequence ends.
func (SeqResult[V]) Unique ¶ added in v1.0.115
func (seq SeqResult[V]) Unique() SeqResult[V]
Unique returns a new sequence that contains only the first occurrence of each distinct Ok value.
If an Err is encountered, it is yielded immediately and iteration stops. Future occurrences of a previously seen Ok value are skipped.
type SeqSet ¶ added in v1.0.63
type SeqSet[V comparable] iter.Seq[V]
SeqSet is an iterator over sequences of unique values.
func (SeqSet[V]) Chain ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqSet[V]) SeqSet[V]
Chain concatenates the current iterator with other iterators, returning a new iterator.
The function creates a new iterator that combines the elements of the current iterator with elements from the provided iterators in the order they are given.
- seqs ([]SeqSet[V]): Other iterators to be concatenated with the current iterator.
- SeqSet[V]: A new iterator containing elements from the current iterator and the provided iterators.
Example usage:
iter1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3).Iter() iter2 := g.SetOf(4, 5, 6).Iter() iter1.Chain(iter2).Collect().Print()
Output: Set{3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2} // The output order may vary as the Set type is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain elements from both iterators.
func (SeqSet[V]) Collect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Collect() Set[V]
Collect gathers all elements from the iterator into a Set.
func (SeqSet[V]) Count ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Count() Int
Count consumes the iterator, counting the number of iterations and returning it.
func (SeqSet[V]) Exclude ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Exclude(fn func(V) bool) SeqSet[V]
Exclude returns a new iterator excluding elements that satisfy the provided function.
The function applies the provided function to each element of the iterator. If the function returns true for an element, that element is excluded from the resulting iterator.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function to be applied to each element of the iterator to determine if it should be excluded from the result.
- SeqSet[V]: A new iterator containing the elements that do not satisfy the given condition.
Example usage:
set := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) notEven := set.Iter(). Exclude( func(val int) bool { return val%2 == 0 }). Collect() notEven.Print()
Output: Set{1, 3, 5} // The output order may vary as the Set type is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain only the elements that do not satisfy the provided function.
func (SeqSet[V]) Filter ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Filter(fn func(V) bool) SeqSet[V]
Filter returns a new iterator containing only the elements that satisfy the provided function.
The function applies the provided function to each element of the iterator. If the function returns true for an element, that element is included in the resulting iterator.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function to be applied to each element of the iterator to determine if it should be included in the result.
- SeqSet[V]: A new iterator containing the elements that satisfy the given condition.
Example usage:
set := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) even := set.Iter(). Filter( func(val int) bool { return val%2 == 0 }). Collect() even.Print()
Output: Set{2, 4} // The output order may vary as the Set type is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain only the elements that satisfy the provided function.
func (SeqSet[V]) Find ¶ added in v1.0.114
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Find(fn func(v V) bool) (r Option[V])
Find searches for an element in the iterator that satisfies the provided function.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator and returns the first element for which the provided function returns true.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function used to test elements for a condition.
- Option[V]: An Option containing the first element that satisfies the condition; None if not found.
Example usage:
iter := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).Iter() found := iter.Find( func(i int) bool { return i == 2 }) if found.IsSome() { fmt.Println("Found:", found.Some()) } else { fmt.Println("Not found.") }
The resulting Option may contain the first element that satisfies the condition, or None if not found.
func (SeqSet[V]) ForEach ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) ForEach(fn func(v V))
ForEach iterates through all elements and applies the given function to each.
The function applies the provided function to each element of the iterator.
- fn (func(V)): The function to apply to each element.
Example usage:
iter := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3).Iter() iter.ForEach(func(val V) { fmt.Println(val) // Replace this with the function logic you need. })
The provided function will be applied to each element in the iterator.
func (SeqSet[V]) Inspect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Inspect(fn func(v V)) SeqSet[V]
Inspect creates a new iterator that wraps around the current iterator and allows inspecting each element as it passes through.
func (SeqSet[V]) Map ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Map(transform func(V) V) SeqSet[V]
Map transforms each element in the iterator using the given function.
The function creates a new iterator by applying the provided function to each element of the original iterator.
- fn (func(V) V): The function used to transform elements.
- SeqSet[V]: A new iterator containing elements transformed by the provided function.
Example usage:
set := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3) doubled := set.Iter(). Map( func(val int) int { return val * 2 }). Collect() doubled.Print()
Output: Set{2, 4, 6} // The output order may vary as the Set type is not ordered.
The resulting iterator will contain elements transformed by the provided function.
func (SeqSet[V]) Pull ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Pull() (func() (V, bool), func())
Pull converts the “push-style” iterator sequence seq into a “pull-style” iterator accessed by the two functions next and stop.
Next returns the next value in the sequence and a boolean indicating whether the value is valid. When the sequence is over, next returns the zero V and false. It is valid to call next after reaching the end of the sequence or after calling stop. These calls will continue to return the zero V and false.
Stop ends the iteration. It must be called when the caller is no longer interested in next values and next has not yet signaled that the sequence is over (with a false boolean return). It is valid to call stop multiple times and when next has already returned false.
It is an error to call next or stop from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func (SeqSet[V]) Range ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSet[V]) Range(fn func(v V) bool)
Range iterates through elements until the given function returns false.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator and applies the provided function to each element. The iteration will stop when the provided function returns false for an element.
Params: - fn (func(V) bool): The function that evaluates elements for continuation of iteration.
Example usage:
iter := g.SetOf(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5).Iter()
iter.Range(func(v int) bool { if v == 3 { return false } print(v) return true })
type SeqSlice ¶ added in v1.0.63
SeqSlice is an iterator over sequences of individual values.
func FromChan ¶ added in v1.0.69
func FromChan[V any](ch <-chan V) SeqSlice[V]
FromChan converts a channel into an iterator.
This function takes a channel as input and converts its elements into an iterator, allowing seamless integration of channels into iterator-based processing pipelines. It continuously reads from the channel until it's closed, yielding each element to the provided yield function.
Parameters: - ch (<-chan V): The input channel to convert into an iterator.
Returns: - SeqSlice[V]: An iterator that yields elements from the channel.
Example usage:
ch := make(chan int) go func() { defer close(ch) for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ { ch <- i } }() // Convert the channel into an iterator and apply filtering and mapping operations. g.FromChan(ch). Filter(func(i int) bool { return i%2 == 0 }). // Filter even numbers. Map(func(i int) int { return i * 2 }). // Double each element. Collect(). // Collect the results into a slice. Print() // Print the collected results.
Output: Slice[4, 8]
The resulting iterator will yield elements from the provided channel, filtering out odd numbers, doubling each even number, and finally collecting the results into a slice.
func (SeqSlice[V]) All ¶ added in v1.0.63
All checks whether all elements in the iterator satisfy the provided condition. This function is useful when you want to determine if all elements in an iterator meet a specific criteria.
Parameters: - fn func(V) bool: A function that returns a boolean indicating whether the element satisfies the condition.
Returns: - bool: True if all elements in the iterator satisfy the condition, false otherwise.
Example usage:
slice := g.SliceOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2) isPositive := func(num int) bool { return num > 0 } allPositive := slice.Iter().All(isPositive)
The resulting allPositive will be true if all elements returned by the iterator are positive.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Any ¶ added in v1.0.63
Any checks whether any element in the iterator satisfies the provided condition. This function is useful when you want to determine if at least one element in an iterator meets a specific criteria.
Parameters: - fn func(V) bool: A function that returns a boolean indicating whether the element satisfies the condition.
Returns: - bool: True if at least one element in the iterator satisfies the condition, false otherwise.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 3, 5, 7, 9} isEven := func(num int) bool { return num%2 == 0 } anyEven := slice.Iter().Any(isEven)
The resulting anyEven will be true if at least one element returned by the iterator is even.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Chain ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Chain(seqs ...SeqSlice[V]) SeqSlice[V]
Chain concatenates the current iterator with other iterators, returning a new iterator.
The function creates a new iterator that combines the elements of the current iterator with elements from the provided iterators in the order they are given.
- seqs ([]SeqSlice[V]): Other iterators to be concatenated with the current iterator.
- sequence[V]: A new iterator containing elements from the current iterator and the provided iterators.
Example usage:
iter1 := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3}.Iter() iter2 := g.Slice[int]{4, 5, 6}.Iter() iter1.Chain(iter2).Collect().Print()
Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
The resulting iterator will contain elements from both iterators in the specified order.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Chunks ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Chunks(n Int) SeqSlices[V]
Chunks returns an iterator that yields chunks of elements of the specified size.
The function creates a new iterator that yields chunks of elements from the original iterator, with each chunk containing elements of the specified size.
- n (Int): The size of each chunk.
- SeqSlices[V]: An iterator yielding chunks of elements of the specified size.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} chunks := slice.Iter().Chunks(2).Collect()
Output: [Slice[1, 2] Slice[3, 4] Slice[5, 6]]
The resulting iterator will yield chunks of elements, each containing the specified number of elements.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Collect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Collect() Slice[V]
Collect gathers all elements from the iterator into a Slice.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Combinations ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Combinations(size Int) SeqSlices[V]
Combinations generates all combinations of length 'n' from the sequence.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Count ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Count() Int
Count consumes the iterator, counting the number of iterations and returning it.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Counter ¶ added in v1.0.67
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Counter() SeqMapOrd[V, Int]
Counter returns a SeqMapOrd[V, Int] with the counts of each unique element in the slice. This function is useful when you want to count the occurrences of each unique element in a slice.
- SeqMapOrd[V, Int]: with keys representing the unique elements in the slice and values representing the counts of those elements.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1} counts := slice.Iter().Counter().Collect() // The counts ordered Map will contain: // 1 -> 3 (since 1 appears three times) // 2 -> 2 (since 2 appears two times) // 3 -> 1 (since 3 appears once)
func (SeqSlice[V]) Cycle ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Cycle() SeqSlice[V]
Cycle returns an iterator that endlessly repeats the elements of the current sequence.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Dedup ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Dedup() SeqSlice[V]
Dedup creates a new iterator that removes consecutive duplicate elements from the original iterator, leaving only one occurrence of each unique element. If the iterator is sorted, all elements will be unique.
Parameters: - None
Returns: - SeqSlice[V]: A new iterator with consecutive duplicates removed.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5} iter := slice.Iter().Dedup() result := iter.Collect() result.Print()
Output: [1 2 3 4 5]
The resulting iterator will contain only unique elements, removing consecutive duplicates.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Enumerate ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Enumerate() SeqMapOrd[Int, V]
Enumerate adds an index to each element in the iterator.
- SeqMapOrd[Int, V] An iterator with each element of type Pair[Int, V], where the first element of the pair is the index and the second element is the original element from the iterator.
Example usage:
ps := g.SliceOf[g.String]("bbb", "ddd", "xxx", "aaa", "ccc"). Iter(). Enumerate(). Collect() ps.Print()
Output: MapOrd{0:bbb, 1:ddd, 2:xxx, 3:aaa, 4:ccc}
func (SeqSlice[V]) Exclude ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Exclude(fn func(V) bool) SeqSlice[V]
Exclude returns a new iterator excluding elements that satisfy the provided function.
The function applies the provided function to each element of the iterator. If the function returns true for an element, that element is excluded from the resulting iterator.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function to be applied to each element of the iterator to determine if it should be excluded from the result.
- SeqSlice[V]: A new iterator containing the elements that do not satisfy the given condition.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} notEven := slice.Iter(). Exclude( func(val int) bool { return val%2 == 0 }). Collect() notEven.Print()
Output: [1, 3, 5]
The resulting iterator will contain only the elements that do not satisfy the provided function.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Filter ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Filter(fn func(V) bool) SeqSlice[V]
Filter returns a new iterator containing only the elements that satisfy the provided function.
The function applies the provided function to each element of the iterator. If the function returns true for an element, that element is included in the resulting iterator.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function to be applied to each element of the iterator to determine if it should be included in the result.
- SeqSlice[V]: A new iterator containing the elements that satisfy the given condition.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} even := slice.Iter(). Filter( func(val int) bool { return val%2 == 0 }). Collect() even.Print()
Output: [2 4].
The resulting iterator will contain only the elements that satisfy the provided function.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Find ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Find(fn func(v V) bool) (r Option[V])
Find searches for an element in the iterator that satisfies the provided function.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator and returns the first element for which the provided function returns true.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function used to test elements for a condition.
- Option[V]: An Option containing the first element that satisfies the condition; None if not found.
Example usage:
iter := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.Iter() found := iter.Find( func(i int) bool { return i == 2 }) if found.IsSome() { fmt.Println("Found:", found.Some()) } else { fmt.Println("Not found.") }
The resulting Option may contain the first element that satisfies the condition, or None if not found.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Flatten ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Flatten() SeqSlice[V]
Flatten flattens an iterator of iterators into a single iterator.
The function creates a new iterator that flattens a sequence of iterators, returning a single iterator containing elements from each iterator in sequence.
- SeqSlice[V]: A single iterator containing elements from the sequence of iterators.
Example usage:
nestedSlice := g.Slice[any]{ 1, g.SliceOf(2, 3), "abc", g.SliceOf("def", "ghi"), g.SliceOf(4.5, 6.7), } nestedSlice.Iter().Flatten().Collect().Print()
Output: Slice[1, 2, 3, abc, def, ghi, 4.5, 6.7]
The resulting iterator will contain elements from each iterator in sequence.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Fold ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Fold(init V, fn func(acc, val V) V) V
Fold accumulates values in the iterator using a function.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator, accumulating values using the provided function and an initial value.
- init (V): The initial value for accumulation.
- fn (func(V, V) V): The function that accumulates values; it takes two arguments of type V and returns a value of type V.
- T: The accumulated value after applying the function to all elements.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} sum := slice.Iter(). Fold(0, func(acc, val int) int { return acc + val }) fmt.Println(sum)
Output: 15.
The resulting value will be the accumulation of elements based on the provided function.
func (SeqSlice[V]) ForEach ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) ForEach(fn func(v V))
ForEach iterates through all elements and applies the given function to each.
The function applies the provided function to each element of the iterator.
- fn (func(V)): The function to apply to each element.
Example usage:
iter := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.Iter() iter.ForEach(func(val V) { fmt.Println(val) // Replace this with the function logic you need. })
The provided function will be applied to each element in the iterator.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Inspect ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Inspect(fn func(v V)) SeqSlice[V]
Inspect creates a new iterator that wraps around the current iterator and allows inspecting each element as it passes through.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Intersperse ¶ added in v1.0.80
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Intersperse(sep V) SeqSlice[V]
Intersperse inserts the provided separator between elements of the iterator.
The function creates a new iterator that inserts the given separator between each consecutive pair of elements in the original iterator.
- sep (V): The separator to intersperse between elements.
- SeqSlice[V]: An iterator containing elements with the separator interspersed.
Example usage:
g.Slice[string]{"Hello", "World", "!"}. Iter(). Intersperse(" "). Collect(). Join(). Print()
Output: "Hello World !".
The resulting iterator will contain elements with the separator interspersed.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Map ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Map(transform func(V) V) SeqSlice[V]
Map transforms each element in the iterator using the given function.
The function creates a new iterator by applying the provided function to each element of the original iterator.
- fn (func(V) V): The function used to transform elements.
- SeqSlice[V]: A iterator containing elements transformed by the provided function.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3} doubled := slice. Iter(). Map( func(val int) int { return val * 2 }). Collect() doubled.Print()
Output: [2 4 6].
The resulting iterator will contain elements transformed by the provided function.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Partition ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Partition(fn func(v V) bool) (Slice[V], Slice[V])
Partition divides the elements of the iterator into two separate slices based on a given predicate function.
The function takes a predicate function 'fn', which should return true or false for each element in the iterator. Elements for which 'fn' returns true are collected into the left slice, while those for which 'fn' returns false are collected into the right slice.
- fn (func(V) bool): The predicate function used to determine the placement of elements.
- (Slice[V], Slice[V]): Two slices representing elements that satisfy and don't satisfy the predicate, respectively.
Example usage:
evens, odds := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Iter(). Partition( func(v int) bool { return v%2 == 0 }) fmt.Println("Even numbers:", evens) // Output: Even numbers: Slice[2, 4] fmt.Println("Odd numbers:", odds) // Output: Odd numbers: Slice[1, 3, 5]
The resulting two slices will contain elements separated based on whether they satisfy the predicate or not.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Permutations ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Permutations() SeqSlices[V]
Permutations generates iterators of all permutations of elements.
The function uses a recursive approach to generate all the permutations of the elements. If the iterator is empty or contains a single element, it returns the iterator itself wrapped in a single-element iterator.
- SeqSlices[V]: An iterator of iterators containing all possible permutations of the elements in the iterator.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3} perms := slice.Iter().Permutations().Collect() for _, perm := range perms { fmt.Println(perm) }
Slice[1, 2, 3] Slice[1, 3, 2] Slice[2, 1, 3] Slice[2, 3, 1] Slice[3, 1, 2] Slice[3, 2, 1]
The resulting iterator will contain iterators representing all possible permutations of the elements in the original iterator.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Pull ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Pull() (func() (V, bool), func())
Pull converts the “push-style” iterator sequence seq into a “pull-style” iterator accessed by the two functions next and stop.
Next returns the next value in the sequence and a boolean indicating whether the value is valid. When the sequence is over, next returns the zero V and false. It is valid to call next after reaching the end of the sequence or after calling stop. These calls will continue to return the zero V and false.
Stop ends the iteration. It must be called when the caller is no longer interested in next values and next has not yet signaled that the sequence is over (with a false boolean return). It is valid to call stop multiple times and when next has already returned false.
It is an error to call next or stop from multiple goroutines simultaneously.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Range ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Range(fn func(v V) bool)
Range iterates through elements until the given function returns false.
The function iterates through the elements of the iterator and applies the provided function to each element. It stops iteration when the function returns false for an element.
- fn (func(V) bool): The function that evaluates elements for continuation of iteration.
Example usage:
iter := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.Iter() iter.Range(func(val int) bool { fmt.Println(val) // Replace this with the function logic you need. return val < 5 // Replace this with the condition for continuing iteration. })
The iteration will stop when the provided function returns false for an element.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Skip ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Skip(n uint) SeqSlice[V]
Skip returns a new iterator skipping the first n elements.
The function creates a new iterator that skips the first n elements of the current iterator and returns an iterator starting from the (n+1)th element.
- n (uint): The number of elements to skip from the beginning of the iterator.
- SeqSlice[V]: An iterator that starts after skipping the first n elements.
Example usage:
iter := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.Iter() iter.Skip(3).Collect().Print()
Output: [4, 5, 6]
The resulting iterator will start after skipping the specified number of elements.
func (SeqSlice[V]) SortBy ¶ added in v1.0.63
SortBy applies a custom sorting function to the elements in the iterator and returns a new iterator containing the sorted elements.
The sorting function 'fn' should take two arguments, 'a' and 'b' of type V, and return true if 'a' should be ordered before 'b', and false otherwise.
g.SliceOf("a", "c", "b"). Iter(). SortBy(func(a, b string) cmp.Ordering { return b.Cmp(a) }). Collect(). Print()
Output: Slice[c, b, a]
The returned iterator is of type SeqSlice[V], which implements the iterator interface for further iteration over the sorted elements.
func (SeqSlice[V]) StepBy ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) StepBy(n uint) SeqSlice[V]
StepBy creates a new iterator that iterates over every N-th element of the original iterator. This function is useful when you want to skip a specific number of elements between each iteration.
Parameters: - n uint: The step size, indicating how many elements to skip between each iteration.
Returns: - SeqSlice[V]: A new iterator that produces elements from the original iterator with a step size of N.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} iter := slice.Iter().StepBy(3) result := iter.Collect() result.Print()
Output: [1 4 7 10]
The resulting iterator will produce elements from the original iterator with a step size of N.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Take ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Take(n uint) SeqSlice[V]
Take returns a new iterator with the first n elements. The function creates a new iterator containing the first n elements from the original iterator.
func (SeqSlice[V]) ToChan ¶ added in v1.0.69
ToChan converts the iterator into a channel, optionally with context(s).
The function converts the elements of the iterator into a channel for streaming purposes. Optionally, it accepts context(s) to handle cancellation or timeout scenarios.
- ctxs (context.Context): Optional context(s) to control the channel behavior (e.g., cancellation).
- chan V: A channel containing the elements from the iterator.
Example usage:
iter := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3}.Iter() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() // Ensure cancellation to avoid goroutine leaks. ch := iter.ToChan(ctx) for val := range ch { fmt.Println(val) }
The resulting channel allows streaming elements from the iterator with optional context handling.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Unique ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Unique() SeqSlice[V]
Unique returns an iterator with only unique elements.
The function returns an iterator containing only the unique elements from the original iterator.
- SeqSlice[V]: An iterator containing unique elements from the original iterator.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3} unique := slice.Iter().Unique().Collect() unique.Print()
Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
The resulting iterator will contain only unique elements from the original iterator.
func (SeqSlice[V]) Windows ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (seq SeqSlice[V]) Windows(n Int) SeqSlices[V]
Windows returns an iterator that yields sliding windows of elements of the specified size.
The function creates a new iterator that yields windows of elements from the original iterator, where each window is a slice containing elements of the specified size and moves one element at a time.
- n (int): The size of each window.
- SeqSlices[V]: An iterator yielding sliding windows of elements of the specified size.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} windows := slice.Iter().Windows(3).Collect()
Output: [Slice[1, 2, 3] Slice[2, 3, 4] Slice[3, 4, 5] Slice[4, 5, 6]]
The resulting iterator will yield sliding windows of elements, each containing the specified number of elements.
type SeqSlices ¶ added in v1.0.63
SeqSlices is an iterator over slices of sequences of individual values.
type Set ¶
type Set[T comparable] map[T]struct{}
Set is a generic alias for a set implemented using a map.
func NewSet ¶
func NewSet[T comparable](size ...Int) Set[T]
NewSet creates a new Set of the specified size or an empty Set if no size is provided.
func SetOf ¶
func SetOf[T comparable](values ...T) Set[T]
SetOf creates a new generic set containing the provided elements.
func TransformSet ¶ added in v1.0.89
func TransformSet[T, U comparable](s Set[T], fn func(T) U) Set[U]
TransformSet applies the given function to each element of a Set and returns a new Set containing the transformed values.
- s: The input Set. - fn: The function to apply to each element of the input Set.
A new Set containing the results of applying the function to each element of the input Set.
func (Set[T]) Add ¶
func (s Set[T]) Add(values ...T) Set[T]
Add adds the provided elements to the set and returns the modified set.
func (Set[T]) Clone ¶
func (s Set[T]) Clone() Set[T]
Clone creates a new Set that is a copy of the original Set.
func (Set[T]) Contains ¶
func (s Set[T]) Contains(v T) bool
Contains checks if the Set contains the specified value.
func (Set[T]) ContainsAll ¶
func (s Set[T]) ContainsAll(other Set[T]) bool
ContainsAll checks if the Set contains all elements from another Set.
func (Set[T]) ContainsAny ¶
func (s Set[T]) ContainsAny(other Set[T]) bool
ContainsAny checks if the Set contains any element from another Set.
func (Set[T]) Difference ¶
func (s Set[T]) Difference(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
Difference returns the difference between the current set and another set, i.e., elements present in the current set but not in the other set.
- other Set[T]: The other set to calculate the difference with.
- Set[T]: A new Set containing the difference between the two sets.
Example usage:
s1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) s2 := g.SetOf(4, 5, 6, 7, 8) diff := s1.Difference(s2)
The resulting diff will be: [1, 2, 3].
func (Set[T]) Intersection ¶
func (s Set[T]) Intersection(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
Intersection returns the intersection of the current set and another set, i.e., elements present in both sets.
- other Set[T]: The other set to calculate the intersection with.
- Set[T]: A new Set containing the intersection of the two sets.
Example usage:
s1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) s2 := g.SetOf(4, 5, 6, 7, 8) intersection := s1.Intersection(s2)
The resulting intersection will be: [4, 5].
func (Set[T]) Iter ¶
func (s Set[T]) Iter() SeqSet[T]
Iter returns an iterator (SeqSet[T]) for the Set, allowing for sequential iteration over its elements. It is commonly used in combination with higher-order functions, such as 'ForEach' or 'SetMap', to perform operations on each element of the Set.
A SeqSet[T], which can be used for sequential iteration over the elements of the Set.
Example usage:
iter := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3).Iter() iter.ForEach(func(val T) { fmt.Println(val) // Replace this with the function logic you need. })
The 'Iter' method provides a convenient way to traverse the elements of a Set in a functional style, enabling operations like mapping or filtering.
func (Set[T]) NotEmpty ¶ added in v1.0.98
func (s Set[T]) NotEmpty() bool
NotEmpty checks if the Set is not empty.
func (Set[T]) Print ¶
func (s Set[T]) Print() Set[T]
Print writes the elements of the Set to the standard output (console) and returns the Set unchanged.
func (Set[T]) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (s Set[T]) Println() Set[T]
Println writes the elements of the Set to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Set unchanged.
func (Set[T]) Remove ¶
func (s Set[T]) Remove(values ...T) Set[T]
Remove removes the specified values from the Set.
func (Set[T]) String ¶
func (s Set[T]) String() string
String returns a string representation of the Set.
func (Set[T]) Subset ¶
func (s Set[T]) Subset(other Set[T]) bool
Subset checks if the current set 's' is a subset of the provided 'other' set. A set 's' is a subset of 'other' if all elements of 's' are also elements of 'other'.
- other Set[T]: The other set to compare with.
- bool: true if 's' is a subset of 'other', false otherwise.
Example usage:
s1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3) s2 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) isSubset := s1.Subset(s2) // Returns true
func (Set[T]) Superset ¶
func (s Set[T]) Superset(other Set[T]) bool
Superset checks if the current set 's' is a superset of the provided 'other' set. A set 's' is a superset of 'other' if all elements of 'other' are also elements of 's'.
- other Set[T]: The other set to compare with.
- bool: true if 's' is a superset of 'other', false otherwise.
Example usage:
s1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) s2 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3) isSuperset := s1.Superset(s2) // Returns true
func (Set[T]) SymmetricDifference ¶
func (s Set[T]) SymmetricDifference(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
SymmetricDifference returns the symmetric difference between the current set and another set, i.e., elements present in either the current set or the other set but not in both.
- other Set[T]: The other set to calculate the symmetric difference with.
- Set[T]: A new Set containing the symmetric difference between the two sets.
Example usage:
s1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) s2 := g.SetOf(4, 5, 6, 7, 8) symDiff := s1.SymmetricDifference(s2)
The resulting symDiff will be: [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8].
func (Set[T]) ToSlice ¶
func (s Set[T]) ToSlice() Slice[T]
ToSlice returns a new Slice with the same elements as the Set[T].
func (Set[T]) Transform ¶ added in v1.0.89
func (s Set[T]) Transform(fn func(Set[T]) Set[T]) Set[T]
Transform applies a transformation function to the Set and returns the result.
func (Set[T]) Union ¶
func (s Set[T]) Union(other Set[T]) SeqSet[T]
Union returns a new set containing the unique elements of the current set and the provided other set.
- other Set[T]: The other set to create the union with.
- Set[T]: A new Set containing the unique elements of the current set and the provided other set.
Example usage:
s1 := g.SetOf(1, 2, 3) s2 := g.SetOf(3, 4, 5) union := s1.Union(s2)
The resulting union set will be: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
type Slice ¶
type Slice[T any] []T
Slice is a generic alias for a slice.
func NewSlice ¶
func NewSlice[T any](size ...Int) Slice[T]
NewSlice creates a new Slice of the given generic type T with the specified length and capacity. The size variadic parameter can have zero, one, or two integer values. If no values are provided, an empty Slice with a length and capacity of 0 is returned. If one value is provided, it sets both the length and capacity of the Slice. If two values are provided, the first value sets the length and the second value sets the capacity.
- size ...Int: A variadic parameter specifying the length and/or capacity of the Slice
- Slice[T]: A new Slice of the specified generic type T with the given length and capacity
Example usage:
s1 := g.NewSlice[int]() // Creates an empty Slice of type int s2 := g.NewSlice[int](5) // Creates an Slice with length and capacity of 5 s3 := g.NewSlice[int](3, 10) // Creates an Slice with length of 3 and capacity of 10
func SliceOf ¶
func SliceOf[T any](slice ...T) Slice[T]
SliceOf creates a new generic slice containing the provided elements.
func TransformSlice ¶ added in v1.0.89
func TransformSlice[T, U any](sl Slice[T], fn func(T) U) Slice[U]
TransformSlice applies the given function to each element of a Slice and returns a new Slice containing the transformed values.
- sl: The input Slice.
- fn: The function to apply to each element of the input Slice.
A new Slice containing the results of applying the function to each element of the input Slice.
func (Slice[T]) AddUnique ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) AddUnique(elems ...T) Slice[T]
AddUnique appends unique elements from the provided arguments to the current slice.
The function iterates over the provided elements and checks if they are already present in the slice. If an element is not already present, it is appended to the slice. The resulting slice is returned, containing the unique elements from both the original slice and the provided elements.
- elems (...T): A variadic list of elements to be appended to the slice.
- Slice[T]: A new slice containing the unique elements from both the original slice and the provided elements.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} slice = slice.AddUnique(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) fmt.Println(slice)
Output: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7].
func (*Slice[T]) AddUniqueInPlace ¶
func (sl *Slice[T]) AddUniqueInPlace(elems ...T)
AddUniqueInPlace appends unique elements from the provided arguments to the current slice.
The function iterates over the provided elements and checks if they are already present in the slice. If an element is not already present, it is appended to the slice.
- elems (...T): A variadic list of elements to be appended to the slice.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} slice.AddUniqueInPlace(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) fmt.Println(slice)
Output: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7].
func (Slice[T]) Append ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Append(elems ...T) Slice[T]
Append appends the provided elements to the slice and returns the modified slice.
func (*Slice[T]) AppendInPlace ¶
func (sl *Slice[T]) AppendInPlace(elems ...T)
AppendInPlace appends the provided elements to the slice and modifies the original slice.
func (Slice[T]) AsAny ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) AsAny() Slice[any]
AsAny converts each element of the slice to the 'any' type. It returns a new slice containing the elements as 'any' g.Slice[any].
Note: AsAny is useful when you want to work with a slice of a specific type as a slice of 'any'. It can be particularly handy in conjunction with Flatten to work with nested slices of different types.
func (Slice[T]) Clip ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Clip() Slice[T]
Clip removes unused capacity from the slice.
func (Slice[T]) Contains ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Contains(val T) bool
Contains returns true if the slice contains the provided value.
func (Slice[T]) ContainsAll ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) ContainsAll(values ...T) bool
ContainsAll checks if the Slice contains all elements from another Slice.
func (Slice[T]) ContainsAny ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) ContainsAny(values ...T) bool
ContainsAny checks if the Slice contains any element from another Slice.
func (Slice[T]) ContainsBy ¶ added in v1.0.65
ContainsBy returns true if the slice contains an element that satisfies the provided function fn, false otherwise.
func (Slice[T]) Cut ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Cut(start, end Int) Slice[T]
Cut removes a range of elements from the Slice and returns a new Slice. It creates two slices: one from the beginning of the original slice up to the specified start index (exclusive), and another from the specified end index (inclusive) to the end of the original slice. These two slices are then concatenated to form the resulting Slice.
- start (Int): The start index of the range to be removed.
- end (Int): The end index of the range to be removed.
The function also supports negative indices. Negative indices are counted from the end of the slice. For example, -1 means the last element, -2 means the second-to-last element, and so on.
Slice[T]: A new slice containing elements from the current slice with the specified range removed.
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} newSlice := slice.Cut(1, 3) // newSlice is [1 4 5]
func (*Slice[T]) CutInPlace ¶
func (sl *Slice[T]) CutInPlace(start, end Int)
CutInPlace removes a range of elements from the Slice in-place. It modifies the original slice by creating two slices: one from the beginning of the original slice up to the specified start index (exclusive), and another from the specified end index (inclusive) to the end of the original slice. These two slices are then concatenated to form the modified original Slice.
- start (Int): The start index of the range to be removed.
- end (Int): The end index of the range to be removed.
The function also supports negative indices. Negative indices are counted from the end of the slice. For example, -1 means the last element, -2 means the second-to-last element, and so on.
func (Slice[T]) Delete ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Delete(i Int) Slice[T]
Delete removes the element at the specified index from the slice and returns the modified slice.
func (*Slice[T]) DeleteInPlace ¶
func (sl *Slice[T]) DeleteInPlace(i Int)
DeleteInPlace removes the element at the specified index from the slice and modifies the original slice.
func (Slice[T]) Eq ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Eq(other Slice[T]) bool
Eq returns true if the slice is equal to the provided other slice.
func (Slice[T]) EqBy ¶ added in v1.0.65
EqBy reports whether two slices are equal using an equality function on each pair of elements. If the lengths are different, EqBy returns false. Otherwise, the elements are compared in increasing index order, and the comparison stops at the first index for which eq returns false.
func (Slice[T]) Fill ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Fill(val T)
Fill fills the slice with the specified value. This function is useful when you want to create an Slice with all elements having the same value. This method modifies the original slice in place.
- val T: The value to fill the Slice with.
- Slice[T]: A reference to the original Slice filled with the specified value.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{0, 0, 0} slice.Fill(5)
The modified slice will now contain: 5, 5, 5.
func (Slice[T]) Get ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Get(index Int) T
Get returns the element at the given index, handling negative indices as counting from the end of the slice.
func (Slice[T]) Grow ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Grow(n Int) Slice[T]
Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended to the slice without another allocation. If n is negative or too large to allocate the memory, Grow panics.
func (Slice[T]) Index ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Index(val T) Int
Index returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified value in the slice, or -1 if not found.
func (Slice[T]) IndexBy ¶ added in v1.0.65
func (sl Slice[T]) IndexBy(fn func(t T) bool) Int
IndexBy returns the index of the first element in the slice satisfying the custom comparison function provided by the user. It iterates through the slice and applies the comparison function to each element and the target value. If the comparison function returns true for any pair of elements, it returns the index of that element. If no such element is found, it returns -1.
func (Slice[T]) Insert ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Insert(i Int, values ...T) Slice[T]
Insert inserts values at the specified index in the slice and returns the resulting slice. The original slice remains unchanged.
- i Int: The index at which to insert the new values.
- values ...T: A variadic list of values to insert at the specified index.
- Slice[T]: A new Slice containing the original elements and the inserted values.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[string]{"a", "b", "c", "d"} newSlice := slice.Insert(2, "e", "f")
The resulting newSlice will be: ["a", "b", "e", "f", "c", "d"].
func (*Slice[T]) InsertInPlace ¶
func (sl *Slice[T]) InsertInPlace(i Int, values ...T)
InsertInPlace inserts values at the specified index in the slice and modifies the original slice.
- i Int: The index at which to insert the new values.
- values ...T: A variadic list of values to insert at the specified index.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[string]{"a", "b", "c", "d"} slice.InsertInPlace(2, "e", "f")
The resulting slice will be: ["a", "b", "e", "f", "c", "d"].
func (Slice[T]) Iter ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Iter() SeqSlice[T]
Iter returns an iterator (SeqSlice[T]) for the Slice, allowing for sequential iteration over its elements. It is commonly used in combination with higher-order functions, such as 'ForEach', to perform operations on each element of the Slice.
A SeqSlice[T], which can be used for sequential iteration over the elements of the Slice.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} iterator := slice.Iter() iterator.ForEach(func(element int) { // Perform some operation on each element fmt.Println(element) })
The 'Iter' method provides a convenient way to traverse the elements of a Slice in a functional style, enabling operations like mapping or filtering.
func (Slice[T]) IterReverse ¶ added in v1.0.96
func (sl Slice[T]) IterReverse() SeqSlice[T]
IterReverse returns an iterator (SeqSlice[T]) for the Slice that allows for sequential iteration over its elements in reverse order. This method is useful when you need to traverse the elements from the end to the beginning.
A SeqSlice[T], which can be used for sequential iteration over the elements of the Slice in reverse order.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} iterator := slice.IterReverse() iterator.ForEach(func(element int) { // Perform some operation on each element in reverse order fmt.Println(element) })
The 'IterReverse' method enhances the functionality of the Slice by providing an alternative way to iterate through its elements, enhancing flexibility in how data within a Slice is accessed and manipulated.
func (Slice[T]) Join ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Join(sep ...T) String
Join joins the elements in the slice into a single String, separated by the provided separator (if any).
func (Slice[T]) LastIndex ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) LastIndex() Int
LastIndex returns the last index of the slice.
func (Slice[T]) MaxBy ¶ added in v1.0.75
MaxBy returns the maximum value in the slice according to the provided comparison function fn. It applies fn pairwise to the elements of the slice until it finds the maximum value. It returns the maximum value found.
s := Slice[int]{3, 1, 4, 2, 5} maxInt := s.MaxBy(cmp.Cmp) fmt.Println(maxInt) // Output: 5
func (Slice[T]) MinBy ¶ added in v1.0.75
MinBy returns the minimum value in the slice according to the provided comparison function fn. It applies fn pairwise to the elements of the slice until it finds the minimum value. It returns the minimum value found.
s := Slice[int]{3, 1, 4, 2, 5} minInt := s.MinBy(cmp.Cmp) fmt.Println(minInt) // Output: 1
func (Slice[T]) Ne ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Ne(other Slice[T]) bool
Ne returns true if the slice is not equal to the provided other slice.
func (Slice[T]) NeBy ¶ added in v1.0.68
NeBy reports whether two slices are not equal using an inequality function on each pair of elements. If the lengths are different, NeBy returns true. Otherwise, the elements are compared in increasing index order, and the comparison stops at the first index for which fn returns true.
func (Slice[T]) NotEmpty ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) NotEmpty() bool
NotEmpty checks if the Slice is not empty.
func (Slice[T]) Pop ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Pop() (T, Slice[T])
Pop returns the last element of the slice and a new slice without the last element.
func (Slice[T]) Print ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Print() Slice[T]
Print writes the elements of the Slice to the standard output (console) and returns the Slice unchanged.
func (Slice[T]) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (sl Slice[T]) Println() Slice[T]
Println writes the elements of the Slice to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the Slice unchanged.
func (Slice[T]) Random ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Random() T
Random returns a random element from the slice.
The function uses the crypto/rand package to generate a random index within the bounds of the slice. If the slice is empty, the zero value of type T is returned.
- T: A random element from the slice.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} randomElement := slice.Random() fmt.Println(randomElement)
Output: <any random element from the slice>.
func (Slice[T]) RandomRange ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) RandomRange(from, to Int) Slice[T]
RandomRange returns a new slice containing a random sample of elements from a subrange of the original slice. The sampling is done without replacement, meaning that each element can only appear once in the result.
func (Slice[T]) RandomSample ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) RandomSample(sequence Int) Slice[T]
RandomSample returns a new slice containing a random sample of elements from the original slice. The sampling is done without replacement, meaning that each element can only appear once in the result.
- sequence int: The number of unique elements to include in the random sample.
- Slice[T]: A new Slice containing the random sample of unique elements.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} sample := slice.RandomSample(3)
The resulting sample will contain 3 unique elements randomly selected from the original slice.
func (Slice[T]) Replace ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Replace(i, j Int, values ...T) Slice[T]
Replace replaces the elements of sl[i:j] with the given values, and returns a new slice with the modifications. The original slice remains unchanged. Replace panics if sl[i:j] is not a valid slice of sl.
- i Int: The starting index of the slice to be replaced.
- j Int: The ending index of the slice to be replaced.
- values ...T: A variadic list of values to replace the existing slice.
- Slice[T]: A new Slice containing the original elements with the specified elements replaced.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[string]{"a", "b", "c", "d"} newSlice := slice.Replace(1, 3, "e", "f")
The original slice remains ["a", "b", "c", "d"], and the newSlice will be: ["a", "e", "f", "d"].
func (*Slice[T]) ReplaceInPlace ¶
func (sl *Slice[T]) ReplaceInPlace(i, j Int, values ...T)
ReplaceInPlace replaces the elements of sl[i:j] with the given values, and modifies the original slice in place. ReplaceInPlace panics if sl[i:j] is not a valid slice of sl.
- i int: The starting index of the slice to be replaced.
- j int: The ending index of the slice to be replaced.
- values ...T: A variadic list of values to replace the existing slice.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[string]{"a", "b", "c", "d"} slice.ReplaceInPlace(1, 3, "e", "f")
After the ReplaceInPlace operation, the resulting slice will be: ["a", "e", "f", "d"].
func (Slice[T]) Reverse ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Reverse()
Reverse reverses the order of the elements in the slice. This method modifies the original slice in place.
- Slice[T]: The modified slice with the elements reversed.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} slice.Reverse() fmt.Println(slice)
Output: [5 4 3 2 1].
func (Slice[T]) Set ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Set(index Int, val T)
Set sets the value at the specified index in the slice and returns the modified slice. This method modifies the original slice in place.
- index (Int): The index at which to set the new value.
- val (T): The new value to be set at the specified index.
- Slice[T]: The modified slice with the new value set at the specified index.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} slice.Set(2, 99) fmt.Println(slice)
Output: [1 2 99 4 5].
func (Slice[T]) Shuffle ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Shuffle()
Shuffle shuffles the elements in the slice randomly. This method modifies the original slice in place.
The function uses the crypto/rand package to generate random indices.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} slice.Shuffle() fmt.Println(slice)
Output: A randomly shuffled version of the original slice, e.g., [4 1 5 2 3].
func (Slice[T]) SortBy ¶
SortBy sorts the elements in the slice using the provided comparison function. It modifies the original slice in place. It requires the elements to be of a type that is comparable.
The function takes a custom comparison function as an argument and sorts the elements of the slice using the provided logic. The comparison function should return true if the element at index i should come before the element at index j, and false otherwise.
- f func(a, b T) cmp.Ordered: A comparison function that takes two indices i and j and returns a bool.
Example usage:
sl := NewSlice[int](1, 5, 3, 2, 4) sl.SortBy(func(a, b int) cmp.Ordering { return cmp.Cmp(a, b) }) // sorts in ascending order.
func (Slice[T]) Std ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Std() []T
Std returns a new slice with the same elements as the Slice[T].
func (Slice[T]) String ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) String() string
String returns a string representation of the slice.
func (Slice[T]) SubSlice ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) SubSlice(start, end Int, step ...Int) Slice[T]
SubSlice returns a new slice containing elements from the current slice between the specified start and end indices, with an optional step parameter to define the increment between elements. The function checks if the start and end indices are within the bounds of the original slice. If the end index is negative, it represents the position from the end of the slice. If the start index is negative, it represents the position from the end of the slice counted from the start index.
- start (Int): The start index of the range.
- end (Int): The end index of the range.
- step (Int, optional): The increment between elements. Defaults to 1 if not provided. If negative, the slice is traversed in reverse order.
- Slice[T]: A new slice containing elements from the current slice between the start and end indices, with the specified step.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} subSlice := slice.SubSlice(1, 7, 2) // Extracts elements 2, 4, 6 fmt.Println(subSlice)
Output: [2 4 6].
func (Slice[T]) Swap ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Swap(i, j Int)
Swap swaps the elements at the specified indices in the slice. This method modifies the original slice in place.
- i (Int): The index of the first element to be swapped.
- j (Int): The index of the second element to be swapped.
- Slice[T]: The modified slice with the elements at the specified indices swapped.
Example usage:
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} slice.Swap(1, 3) fmt.Println(slice)
Output: [1 4 3 2 5].
func (Slice[T]) ToStringSlice ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) ToStringSlice() []string
ToStringSlice converts the Slice into a slice of strings.
func (Slice[T]) Transform ¶ added in v1.0.89
func (sl Slice[T]) Transform(fn func(Slice[T]) Slice[T]) Slice[T]
Transform applies a transformation function to the Slice and returns the result.
func (Slice[T]) Unpack ¶
func (sl Slice[T]) Unpack(vars ...*T)
Unpack assigns values of the slice's elements to the variables passed as pointers. If the number of variables passed is greater than the length of the slice, the function ignores the extra variables.
- vars (...*T): Pointers to variables where the values of the slice's elements will be stored.
slice := g.Slice[int]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} var a, b, c int slice.Unpack(&a, &b, &c) fmt.Println(a, b, c) // Output: 1 2 3
type String ¶
type String string
String is an alias for the string type.
func Sprint ¶
func Sprint(a ...any) String
Sprint formats using the default formats for its operands and returns the resulting String. Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
func Sprintf ¶
Sprintf processes a template string and replaces placeholders with corresponding values from the provided arguments. It supports numeric, named, and auto-indexed placeholders, as well as dynamic invocation of methods on values.
If a placeholder cannot resolve a value or an invoked method fails, the placeholder remains unchanged in the output.
- template (T ~string): A string containing placeholders enclosed in `{}`.
- args (...any): A variadic list of arguments, which may include:
- Positional arguments (numbers, strings, slices, structs, maps, etc.).
- A `Named` map for named placeholders.
Placeholder Forms:
- Numeric: `{1}`, `{2}` - References positional arguments by their 1-based index.
- Named: `{key}`, `{key.MethodName(param1, param2)}` - References keys from a `Named` map and allows method invocation.
- Fallback: `{key?fallback}` - Uses `fallback` if the key is not found in the named map.
- Auto-index: `{}` - Automatically uses the next positional argument if the placeholder is empty.
- Escaping: `\{` and `\}` - Escapes literal braces in the template string.
- String: A formatted string with all resolved placeholders replaced by their corresponding values.
- If a placeholder cannot resolve a value (e.g., missing key or out-of-range index), it remains unchanged in the output.
- Method invocation supports any type with accessible methods. If the method or its parameters are invalid, the value remains unmodified.
// Example 1: Numeric placeholders result := g.Sprintf("{1} + {2} = {3}", 1, 2, 3) // Example 2: Named placeholders named := g.Named{ "name": "Alice", "age": 30, } result := g.Sprintf("My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.", named) // Example 3: Method invocation on values result := g.Sprintf("Hex: {1.Hex}, Binary: {1.Binary}", g.Int(255)) // Example 4: Fallbacks and chaining named := g.Named{ "name": g.String(" john "), "city": g.String("New York"), } result := g.Sprintf("Hello, {name.Trim.Title}. Welcome to {city?Unknown}!", named)
func Sprintln ¶ added in v1.0.122
func Sprintln(a ...any) String
Sprintln formats using the default formats for its operands and returns the resulting String. Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string. A newline is appended.
func (String) Append ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (s String) Append(str String) String
Append appends the specified String to the current String.
func (String) Builder ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (s String) Builder() *Builder
Builder returns a new Builder initialized with the content of the String.
func (String) Bytes ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (s String) Bytes() Bytes
Bytes returns the String as an Bytes.
func (String) Center ¶
func (s String) Center(length Int, pad String) String
Center justifies the String by adding padding on both sides, up to the specified length. If the length of the String is already greater than or equal to the specified length, or the pad is empty, the original String is returned.
The padding String is repeated as necessary to evenly distribute the remaining length on both sides. The padding is added to the left and right of the String.
- length: The desired length of the resulting justified String.
- pad: The String used as padding.
Example usage:
s := g.String("Hello") result := s.Center(10, "...") // result: "..Hello..."
func (String) Chars ¶
func (s String) Chars() SeqSlice[String]
Chars splits the String into individual characters and returns the iterator.
func (String) Chunks ¶
func (s String) Chunks(size Int) Slice[String]
Chunks splits the String into chunks of the specified size.
This function iterates through the String, creating new String chunks of the specified size. If size is less than or equal to 0 or the String is empty, it returns an empty Slice[String]. If size is greater than or equal to the length of the String, it returns an Slice[String] containing the original String.
- size (Int): The size of the chunks to split the String into.
- Slice[String]: A slice of String chunks of the specified size.
Example usage:
text := g.String("Hello, World!") chunks := text.Chunks(4)
chunks contains {"Hell", "o, W", "orld", "!"}.
func (String) Cmp ¶ added in v1.0.70
Cmp compares two Strings and returns an cmp.Ordering indicating their relative order. The result will be cmp.Equal if s==str, cmp.Less if s < str, and cmp.Greater if s > str.
func (String) Compress ¶ added in v1.0.85
func (s String) Compress() compress
Compress returns a compress struct wrapping the given String.
func (String) Contains ¶
func (s String) Contains(substr String) bool
Contains checks if the String contains the specified substring.
func (String) ContainsAll ¶
func (s String) ContainsAll(substrs ...String) bool
ContainsAll checks if the given String contains all the specified substrings.
func (String) ContainsAny ¶
func (s String) ContainsAny(substrs ...String) bool
ContainsAny checks if the String contains any of the specified substrings.
func (String) ContainsAnyChars ¶
func (s String) ContainsAnyChars(chars String) bool
ContainsAnyChars checks if the String contains any characters from the specified String.
func (String) ContainsRune ¶
ContainsRune checks if the String contains the specified rune.
func (String) Count ¶
func (s String) Count(substr String) Int
Count returns the number of non-overlapping instances of the substring in the String.
func (String) Cut ¶
func (s String) Cut(start, end String, rmtags ...bool) (String, String)
Cut returns two String values. The first String contains the remainder of the original String after the cut. The second String contains the text between the first occurrences of the 'start' and 'end' strings, with tags removed if specified.
The function searches for the 'start' and 'end' strings within the String. If both are found, it returns the first String containing the remainder of the original String after the cut, followed by the second String containing the text between the first occurrences of 'start' and 'end' with tags removed if specified.
If either 'start' or 'end' is empty or not found in the String, it returns the original String as the second String, and an empty String as the first.
- start (String): The String marking the beginning of the text to be cut.
- end (String): The String marking the end of the text to be cut.
- rmtags (bool, optional): An optional boolean parameter indicating whether to remove 'start' and 'end' tags from the cut text. Defaults to false.
String: The first String containing the remainder of the original String after the cut, with tags removed if specified, or an empty String if 'start' or 'end' is empty or not found.
String: The second String containing the text between the first occurrences of 'start' and 'end', or the original String if 'start' or 'end' is empty or not found.
Example usage:
s := g.String("Hello, [world]! How are you?") remainder, cut := s.Cut("[", "]") // remainder: "Hello, ! How are you?" // cut: "world"
func (String) Decode ¶ added in v1.0.85
func (s String) Decode() decode
Decode returns a decode struct wrapping the given String.
func (String) Decompress ¶ added in v1.0.85
func (s String) Decompress() decompress
Decompress returns a decompress struct wrapping the given String.
func (String) Encode ¶ added in v1.0.85
func (s String) Encode() encode
Encode returns an encode struct wrapping the given String.
func (String) EndsWith ¶
func (s String) EndsWith(suffix String) bool
EndsWith checks if the String ends with the specified suffix. It uses a higher-order function to perform the check.
func (String) EndsWithAny ¶ added in v1.0.90
func (s String) EndsWithAny(suffixes ...String) bool
EndsWithAny checks if the String ends with any of the provided suffixes. The method accepts a variable number of arguments, allowing for checking against multiple suffixes at once. It iterates over the provided suffixes and uses the HasSuffix function from the strings package to check if the String ends with each suffix. The function returns true if the String ends with any of the suffixes, and false otherwise.
Example usage:
s := g.String("") if s.EndsWithAny(".com", ".net") { // do something }
func (String) EqFold ¶
func (s String) EqFold(str String) bool
EqFold compares two String strings case-insensitively.
func (String) Fields ¶
func (s String) Fields() SeqSlice[String]
Fields splits the String into a slice of substrings, removing any whitespace, and returns the iterator.
func (String) FieldsBy ¶ added in v1.0.76
FieldsBy splits the String into a slice of substrings using a custom function to determine the field boundaries, and returns the iterator.
func (String) Format ¶
func (s String) Format(format String) String
Format applies a specified format to the String object.
func (String) Gt ¶
func (s String) Gt(str String) bool
Gt checks if the String is greater than the specified String.
func (String) Gte ¶ added in v1.0.76
func (s String) Gte(str String) bool
Gte checks if the String is greater than or equal to the specified String.
func (String) Hash ¶
func (s String) Hash() shash
Hash returns a shash struct wrapping the given String.
func (String) Index ¶
func (s String) Index(substr String) Int
Index returns the index of the first instance of the specified substring in the String, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
func (String) IndexRune ¶
func (s String) IndexRune(r rune) Int
IndexRune returns the index of the first instance of the specified rune in the String.
func (String) IsASCII ¶
func (s String) IsASCII() bool
IsASCII checks if all characters in the String are ASCII bytes.
func (String) IsDigit ¶
func (s String) IsDigit() bool
IsDigit checks if all characters in the String are digits.
func (String) LastIndex ¶
func (s String) LastIndex(substr String) Int
LastIndex returns the index of the last instance of the specified substring in the String, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
func (String) LeftJustify ¶
func (s String) LeftJustify(length Int, pad String) String
LeftJustify justifies the String to the left by adding padding to the right, up to the specified length. If the length of the String is already greater than or equal to the specified length, or the pad is empty, the original String is returned.
The padding String is repeated as necessary to fill the remaining length. The padding is added to the right of the String.
- length: The desired length of the resulting justified String.
- pad: The String used as padding.
Example usage:
s := g.String("Hello") result := s.LeftJustify(10, "...") // result: "Hello....."
func (String) LenRunes ¶
func (s String) LenRunes() Int
LenRunes returns the number of runes in the String.
func (String) Lines ¶ added in v1.0.76
func (s String) Lines() SeqSlice[String]
Lines splits the String by lines and returns the iterator.
func (String) Lt ¶
func (s String) Lt(str String) bool
Lt checks if the String is less than the specified String.
func (String) Lte ¶ added in v1.0.76
func (s String) Lte(str String) bool
Lte checks if the String is less than or equal to the specified String.
func (String) Map ¶
Map applies the provided function to all runes in the String and returns the resulting String.
func (String) NormalizeNFC ¶
func (s String) NormalizeNFC() String
NormalizeNFC returns a new String with its Unicode characters normalized using the NFC form.
func (String) NotEmpty ¶
func (s String) NotEmpty() bool
NotEmpty checks if the String is not empty.
func (String) Prepend ¶ added in v1.0.62
func (s String) Prepend(str String) String
Prepend prepends the specified String to the current String.
func (String) Print ¶
func (s String) Print() String
Print writes the content of the String to the standard output (console) and returns the String unchanged.
func (String) Println ¶ added in v1.0.122
func (s String) Println() String
Println writes the content of the String to the standard output (console) with a newline and returns the String unchanged.
func (String) Random ¶
func (String) Random(length Int, letters ...String) String
Random generates a random String of the specified length, selecting characters from predefined sets. If additional character sets are provided, only those will be used; the default set (ASCII_LETTERS and DIGITS) is excluded unless explicitly provided.
Parameters: - count (Int): Length of the random String to generate. - letters (...String): Additional character sets to consider for generating the random String (optional).
Returns: - String: Randomly generated String with the specified length.
Example usage:
randomString := g.String.Random(10) randomString contains a random String with 10 characters.
func (String) Regexp ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (s String) Regexp() regexps
Regexp wraps a String into an re struct to provide regex-related methods.
func (String) Remove ¶ added in v1.0.78
func (s String) Remove(matches ...String) String
Remove removes all occurrences of specified substrings from the String.
- matches ...String: Substrings to be removed from the string. Specify as many substrings as needed.
- String: A new string with all specified substrings removed.
Example usage:
original := g.String("Hello, world! This is a test.") modified := original.Remove( "Hello", "test", ) // modified contains ", world! This is a ."
func (String) Repeat ¶
func (s String) Repeat(count Int) String
Repeat returns a new String consisting of the specified count of the original String.
func (String) Replace ¶
func (s String) Replace(oldS, newS String, n Int) String
Replace replaces the 'oldS' String with the 'newS' String for the specified number of occurrences.
func (String) ReplaceAll ¶
func (s String) ReplaceAll(oldS, newS String) String
ReplaceAll replaces all occurrences of the 'oldS' String with the 'newS' String.
func (String) ReplaceMulti ¶
func (s String) ReplaceMulti(oldnew ...String) String
ReplaceMulti creates a custom replacer to perform multiple string replacements.
- oldnew ...String: Pairs of strings to be replaced. Specify as many pairs as needed.
- String: A new string with replacements applied using the custom replacer.
Example usage:
original := g.String("Hello, world! This is a test.") replaced := original.ReplaceMulti( "Hello", "Greetings", "world", "universe", "test", "example", ) // replaced contains "Greetings, universe! This is an example."
func (String) ReplaceNth ¶
func (s String) ReplaceNth(oldS, newS String, n Int) String
ReplaceNth returns a new String instance with the nth occurrence of oldS replaced with newS. If there aren't enough occurrences of oldS, the original String is returned. If n is less than -1, the original String is also returned. If n is -1, the last occurrence of oldS is replaced with newS.
- A new String instance with the nth occurrence of oldS replaced with newS.
Example usage:
s := g.String("The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy dog.") result := s.ReplaceNth("dog", "fox", 2) fmt.Println(result)
Output: "The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox.".
func (String) RightJustify ¶
func (s String) RightJustify(length Int, pad String) String
RightJustify justifies the String to the right by adding padding to the left, up to the specified length. If the length of the String is already greater than or equal to the specified length, or the pad is empty, the original String is returned.
The padding String is repeated as necessary to fill the remaining length. The padding is added to the left of the String.
- length: The desired length of the resulting justified String.
- pad: The String used as padding.
Example usage:
s := g.String("Hello") result := s.RightJustify(10, "...") // result: ".....Hello"
func (String) Runes ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (s String) Runes() Slice[rune]
Runes returns the String as a slice of runes.
func (String) Similarity ¶
func (s String) Similarity(str String) Float
Similarity calculates the similarity between two Strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm and returns the similarity percentage as an Float.
The function compares two Strings using the Levenshtein distance, which measures the difference between two sequences by counting the number of single-character edits required to change one sequence into the other. The similarity is then calculated by normalizing the distance by the maximum length of the two input Strings.
- str (String): The String to compare with s.
- Float: The similarity percentage between the two Strings as a value between 0 and 100.
Example usage:
s1 := g.String("kitten") s2 := g.String("sitting") similarity := s1.Similarity(s2) // 57.14285714285714
func (String) Split ¶
func (s String) Split(sep ...String) SeqSlice[String]
Split splits the String by the specified separator and returns the iterator.
func (String) SplitAfter ¶ added in v1.0.76
func (s String) SplitAfter(sep String) SeqSlice[String]
SplitAfter splits the String after each instance of the specified separator and returns the iterator.
func (String) SplitN ¶
func (s String) SplitN(sep String, n Int) Slice[String]
SplitN splits the String into substrings using the provided separator and returns an Slice[String] of the results. The n parameter controls the number of substrings to return: - If n is negative, there is no limit on the number of substrings returned. - If n is zero, an empty Slice[String] is returned. - If n is positive, at most n substrings are returned.
func (String) StartsWith ¶
func (s String) StartsWith(prefix String) bool
StartsWith checks if the String starts with the specified prefix. It uses a higher-order function to perform the check.
func (String) StartsWithAny ¶ added in v1.0.90
func (s String) StartsWithAny(prefixes ...String) bool
StartsWithAny checks if the String starts with any of the provided prefixes. The method accepts a variable number of arguments, allowing for checking against multiple prefixes at once. It iterates over the provided prefixes and uses the HasPrefix function from the strings package to check if the String starts with each prefix. The function returns true if the String starts with any of the prefixes, and false otherwise.
Example usage:
s := g.String("") if s.StartsWithAny("http://", "https://") { // do something }
func (String) StripPrefix ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (s String) StripPrefix(prefix String) String
StripPrefix trims the specified prefix from the String.
func (String) StripSuffix ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (s String) StripSuffix(suffix String) String
StripSuffix trims the specified suffix from the String.
func (String) SubString ¶ added in v1.0.127
func (s String) SubString(start, end Int, step ...Int) String
SubString extracts a substring from the String starting at the 'start' index and ending before the 'end' index. The function also supports an optional 'step' parameter to define the increment between indices in the substring. If 'start' or 'end' index is negative, they represent positions relative to the end of the String: - A negative 'start' index indicates the position from the end of the String, moving backward. - A negative 'end' index indicates the position from the end of the String. The function ensures that indices are adjusted to fall within the valid range of the String's length. If indices are out of bounds or if 'start' exceeds 'end', the function returns the original String unmodified.
func (String) ToBigInt ¶ added in v1.0.84
ToBigInt attempts to convert the String receiver into an Option containing a *big.Int. This function assumes the string represents a numerical value, which can be in decimal, hexadecimal (prefixed with "0x"), or octal (prefixed with "0") format. The function leverages the SetString method of the math/big package, automatically detecting the numeric base when set to 0.
If the string is correctly formatted and represents a valid number, ToBigInt returns a Some containing the *big.Int parsed from the string. If the string is empty, contains invalid characters, or does not conform to a recognizable numeric format, ToBigInt returns a None, indicating that the conversion was unsuccessful.
- An Option[*big.Int] encapsulating the conversion result. It returns Some[*big.Int] with the parsed value if successful, otherwise None[*big.Int] if the parsing fails.
func (String) ToFloat ¶
func (s String) ToFloat() Result[Float]
ToFloat tries to parse the String as a float64 and returns an Float.
func (String) ToInt ¶
func (s String) ToInt() Result[Int]
ToInt tries to parse the String as an int and returns an Int.
func (String) Transform ¶ added in v1.0.89
func (s String) Transform(fn func(String) String) String
Transform applies a transformation function to the String and returns the result.
func (String) Trim ¶
func (s String) Trim() String
Trim removes leading and trailing white space from the String.
func (String) TrimEnd ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (s String) TrimEnd() String
TrimEnd removes trailing white space from the String.
func (String) TrimEndSet ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (s String) TrimEndSet(cutset String) String
TrimEndSet removes the specified set of characters from the end of the String.
func (String) TrimSet ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (s String) TrimSet(cutset String) String
TrimSet removes the specified set of characters from both the beginning and end of the String.
func (String) TrimStart ¶ added in v1.0.81
func (s String) TrimStart() String
TrimStart removes leading white space from the String.
func (String) TrimStartSet ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (s String) TrimStartSet(cutset String) String
TrimStartSet removes the specified set of characters from the beginning of the String.
func (String) Truncate ¶ added in v1.0.126
func (s String) Truncate(max Int) String
Truncate shortens the String to the specified maximum length. If the String exceeds the specified length, it is truncated, and an ellipsis ("...") is appended to indicate the truncation.
If the length of the String is less than or equal to the specified maximum length, the original String is returned unchanged.
The method respects Unicode characters and truncates based on the number of runes, not bytes.
- max: The maximum number of runes allowed in the resulting String.
- A new String truncated to the specified maximum length with "..." appended if truncation occurs. Otherwise, returns the original String.
Example usage:
s := g.String("Hello, World!") result := s.Truncate(5) // result: "Hello..." s2 := g.String("Short") result2 := s2.Truncate(10) // result2: "Short" s3 := g.String("😊😊😊😊😊") result3 := s3.Truncate(3) // result3: "😊😊😊..."
Source Files
- bytes.go
- bytes_hash.go
- bytes_iter.go
- bytes_regexp.go
- constants.go
- dir.go
- errors.go
- file.go
- file_encdec.go
- float.go
- float_hash.go
- int.go
- int_hash.go
- map.go
- map_iter.go
- map_ordered.go
- map_ordered_iter.go
- map_safe.go
- option.go
- pool.go
- print.go
- result.go
- result_iter.go
- set.go
- set_iter.go
- slice.go
- slice_iter.go
- string.go
- string_builder.go
- string_compdecomp.go
- string_encdec.go
- string_hash.go
- string_iter.go
- string_regexp.go
- types.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package filelock provides a platform-independent API for advisory file locking.
Package filelock provides a platform-independent API for advisory file locking. |
Package sysdll is an internal leaf package that records and reports which Windows DLL names are used by Go itself.
Package sysdll is an internal leaf package that records and reports which Windows DLL names are used by Go itself. |
Package deref provides a utility function to dereference a pointer.
Package deref provides a utility function to dereference a pointer. |
Package ref provides a utility function for creating a pointer to a value.
Package ref provides a utility function for creating a pointer to a value. |