NeedForHeat Server API
API for NeedForHeat data collection platform to enable research.
Table of contents
For our process to deploy the API to our public server, or update it, see these links:
The NeedForHeat API is available as a Docker image.
You will need to install Docker to run it.
See all available images:
- Use the
tag to get the latest stable release built from a tagged GitHub release.
- Use the
tag to get the latest development release, built directly from the main
container_name: needforheat-server-api-web
build: .
- 8080:8080
- ./data:/data
- NFH_DSN=root:needforheat@tcp(db:3306)/needforheat
- NFH_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080
- NFH_DOWNLOAD_TIME=04h00m # 04:00 UTC
- db
container_name: needforheat-server-api-db
image: mariadb:latest
- 3306:3306
- data:/var/lib/mysql
- MYSQL_DATABASE=needforheat
Make sure Docker is running on your local machine, then start the service from a command line terminal from the root of this repository:
docker compose up --build
This generates log messages from both the web
and the db
Just keep this running in your terminal.
The API is now available on http://localhost:8080/.
Create a new admin account to use the admin endpoints:
docker exec -i <container-name> needforheat-server-api admin create -n <name>
Substitute <container-name>
with the name of the container. Running it locally should be needforheat-server-api-web
Substitute <name>
with the name of the admin account you want to create.
Example output of running the command, with johndoe
as admin name:
Admin "johndoe" created. Authorization token: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJUd29tZXNBUEl2MiIsInN1YiI6IjQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTU3MzEyMDAsIm5iZiI6MTY4NDE1MjA4OSwiaWF0IjoxNjg0MTUyMDg5LCJraW5kIjoiYWRtaW5Ub2tlbiJ9.N_uhPhLsaTq0DVGVPhdfU6Hd2VD0Zb8QxesTaWeILlNkkjQ9Vuxpwe0sfi3Vj0GJgyin2ZilPE6AS-makGm2cg
Copy the authorization token without any spaces.
When finished, type the Ctrl + C
key in the first terminal. The container state is
preserved, and to restart, simply run docker compose up --build
To completely remove all docker containers created above:
docker compose rm
To delete the saved data, remove the data
directory in the root of this repository.
Folder structure
This repository tries to implement a DDD approach. While some elements are still too tightly coupled to really call it DDD, the structure still tries te represent DDD as best as possible.
Folder |
Purpose |
.github |
GitHub Actions workflows and config files |
cmd |
CLI commands |
docs |
Additional documentation |
handlers |
HTTP handlers for API endpoints |
internal |
Utitilities that are not exposed outside of this package |
repositories |
Repositories for domain models. Contains al DB logic |
services |
Services tie repositories and subservices together to perform operations. |
swaggerdocs |
Swagger UI and OpenAPI spec. |
needforheat |
Domain models and logic. |
Model diagram
To re-generate the model diagram:
docker run -i --rm vranac/erd < docs/ > docs/model.pdf
Most end points require a session token to be provided in an authorization
bearer HTTP header. These end points are marked with a 'lock' symbol. Click
on the 'Authorize' button at the upper right of the page, or click on the
'lock' symbol at the end point, and paste the session token in the value field.
Subsequent calls done through http://localhost:8080/docs will then use the
session token.
There are currently three types of tokens:
- Admin: Used by administrators to manage resources.
- Account: Used by an account to manage its resources.
- Device: Used by a measurement device to upload measurements.
Managing admins and cloudfeeds
When the container is running, lookup it's name.
Run the following command to see info about how to manage admins:
docker exec <container-name> needforheat-server-api admin --help
Run the following command to see info about how to manage cloudfeeds:
docker exec <container-name> needforheat-server-api cloudfeed --help
Administrators on our servers
Contact an administrator to get admin access to the API:
This software is available under the Apache 2.0 license,
Copyright 2021 Research group Energy Transition, Windesheim University of
Applied Sciences
This software is created by:
- Nick van Ravenzwaaij · @n-vr
Thanks also go to:
Product owner:
We use and gratefully aknowlegde the efforts of the makers of the following source code and libraries:
- chi, by Peter Kieltyka, Google Inc, licensed under MIT license
- gorm, by Jinzhu, licensed under MIT license
- go-sql-driver/mysql, by go-sql-driver, licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0
- logrus, by Simon Eskildsen, licensed under MIT license
- golang-jwt/jwt, by Dave Grijalva, licensed under MIT license
- crc16, by sigurn, licensed under MIT license
- swagger-ui, by SmartBear Software Inc., licensed under Apache 2.0 license
uses badges, by, licensed under CC0 v1.0 Universal