make-plural.go translates Unicode CLDR pluralization rules to Go functions.
It generates the content of the "makeplural/plural" package.
This package exports only one function:
GetFunc(name string) (func(n interface{}, ordinal bool) string, error)
Update "plural" package
To include any CLDR rules found in plurals.json, just use go run make-plural.go
or to include only a subset, use go run make-plural.go -culture=fr,en
then you should run the unit tests to ensure everything went well :
cd plural
go test
Warning about float values
Depending on the country, you should consider providing float values as string or its specific rules may not be successfully applied.
example :
fn, _ := GetFunc("sl")
named_key := fn(x, false)
with x := 0.0
, named_key will holds "other" while "few" is expected, but if x := "0.0"
everything will be ok!