
v0.0.0-...-1298975 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 28, 2017 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0


Please beware that some of the code here was taken from the lair project




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This section is empty.


type Address

type Address struct {
	Addr     string `xml:"addr,attr" json:"addr"`
	AddrType string `xml:"addrtype,attr" json:"addrtype"`
	Vendor   string `xml:"vendor,attr" json:"vendor"`

Address contains a IPv4 or IPv6 address for a Host.

type CPE

type CPE string

CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) is a standardized way to name software applications, operating systems, and hardware platforms.

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {
	SignatureAlgorithm string    `xml:"signature-algorithm"`
	PublicKey          PublicKey `xml:"pk"`
	Subject            string    `xml:"subject"`
	AltNames           string    `xml:"altnames"`
	Issuer             string    `xml:"issuer"`
	SelfSigned         bool      `xml:"self-signed"`

Certificate contains the certificate parameters.

type Cipher

type Cipher struct {
	Status     string `xml:"status,attr"`
	SSLVersion string `xml:"sslversion,attr"`
	Bits       int    `xml:"bits,attr"`
	Cipher     string `xml:"cipher,attr"`
	Curve      string `xml:"curve,attr"`
	EcdheBits  int    `xml:"ecdhebits,attr"`

Cipher contains the support cipher suites..

type Compression

type Compression struct {
	Supported bool `xml:"supported,attr"`

Compression contains the compression results.

type Debugging

type Debugging struct {
	Level int `xml:"level,attr" json:"level"`

Debugging contains the debugging level for the Nmap scan.

type Distance

type Distance struct {
	Value int `xml:"value,attr" json:"value"`

Distance is the amount of hops to a particular host.

type ExtraPorts

type ExtraPorts struct {
	State   string   `xml:"state,attr" json:"state"`
	Count   int      `xml:"count,attr" json:"count"`
	Reasons []Reason `xml:"extrareasons" json:"reasons"`

ExtraPorts contains the information about the closed|filtered ports.

type Finished

type Finished struct {
	Time     Timestamp `xml:"time,attr" json:"time"`
	TimeStr  string    `xml:"timestr,attr" json:"timestr"`
	Elapsed  float32   `xml:"elapsed,attr" json:"elapsed"`
	Summary  string    `xml:"summary,attr" json:"summary"`
	Exit     string    `xml:"exit,attr" json:"exit"`
	ErrorMsg string    `xml:"errormsg,attr" json:"errormsg"`

Finished contains detailed statistics regarding a finished Nmap scan.

type Heartbleed

type Heartbleed struct {
	SSLVersion string `xml:"sslversion,attr"`
	Vulnerable bool   `xml:"vulnerable,attr"`

Heatbleed contains the heartbleed results.

type Hop

type Hop struct {
	TTL    float32 `xml:"ttl,attr" json:"ttl"`
	RTT    float32 `xml:"rtt,attr" json:"rtt"`
	IPAddr string  `xml:"ipaddr,attr" json:"ipaddr"`
	Host   string  `xml:"host,attr" json:"host"`

Hop is a ip hop to a Host.

type Host

type Host struct {
	StartTime     Timestamp     `xml:"starttime,attr" json:"starttime"`
	EndTime       Timestamp     `xml:"endtime,attr" json:"endtime"`
	Comment       string        `xml:"comment,attr" json:"comment"`
	Status        Status        `xml:"status" json:"status"`
	Addresses     []Address     `xml:"address" json:"addresses"`
	Hostnames     []Hostname    `xml:"hostnames>hostname" json:"hostnames"`
	Smurfs        []Smurf       `xml:"smurf" json:"smurfs"`
	Ports         []Port        `xml:"ports>port" json:"ports"`
	ExtraPorts    []ExtraPorts  `xml:"ports>extraports" json:"extraports"`
	Os            Os            `xml:"os" json:"os"`
	Distance      Distance      `xml:"distance" json:"distance"`
	Uptime        Uptime        `xml:"uptime" json:"uptime"`
	TcpSequence   TcpSequence   `xml:"tcpsequence" json:"tcpsequence"`
	IpIdSequence  IpIdSequence  `xml:"ipidsequence" json:"ipidsequence"`
	TcpTsSequence TcpTsSequence `xml:"tcptssequence" json:"tcptssequence"`
	HostScripts   []Script      `xml:"hostscript>script" json:"hostscripts"`
	Trace         Trace         `xml:"trace" json:"trace"`

Host contains all information about a single host.

type HostProperties

type HostProperties struct {
	Tags []Tag `xml:"tag"`

HostProperties are tags filled with likely useless information.

type HostStats

type HostStats struct {
	Up    int `xml:"up,attr" json:"up"`
	Down  int `xml:"down,attr" json:"down"`
	Total int `xml:"total,attr" json:"total"`

HostStats contains the amount of up and down hosts and the total count.

type Hostname

type Hostname struct {
	Name string `xml:"name,attr" json:"name"`
	Type string `xml:"type,attr" json:"type"`

Hostname is a single name for a Host.

type IpIdSequence

type IpIdSequence Sequence

type NessusData

type NessusData struct {
	Report Report `xml:"Report"`

NessusData contains a nessus report.

func ParseNessus

func ParseNessus(input io.Reader) (*NessusData, error)

Parse takes deserializes nessus xml data from the given input and unmarshals it into an NessusData struct.

type NmapRun

type NmapRun struct {
	Scanner          string         `xml:"scanner,attr" json:"scanner"`
	Args             string         `xml:"args,attr" json:"args"`
	Start            Timestamp      `xml:"start,attr" json:"start"`
	StartStr         string         `xml:"startstr,attr" json:"startstr"`
	Version          string         `xml:"version,attr" json:"version"`
	ProfileName      string         `xml:"profile_name,attr" json:"profile_name"`
	XMLOutputVersion string         `xml:"xmloutputversion,attr" json:"xmloutputversion"`
	ScanInfo         ScanInfo       `xml:"scaninfo" json:"scaninfo"`
	Verbose          Verbose        `xml:"verbose" json:"verbose"`
	Debugging        Debugging      `xml:"debugging" json:"debugging"`
	TaskBegin        []Task         `xml:"taskbegin" json:"taskbegin"`
	TaskProgress     []TaskProgress `xml:"taskprogress" json:"taskprogress"`
	TaskEnd          []Task         `xml:"taskend" json:"taskend"`
	PreScripts       []Script       `xml:"prescript>script" json:"prescripts"`
	PostScripts      []Script       `xml:"postscript>script" json:"postscripts"`
	Hosts            []Host         `xml:"host" json:"hosts"`
	Targets          []Target       `xml:"target" json:"targets"`
	RunStats         RunStats       `xml:"runstats" json:"runstats"`

NmapRun is contains all the data for a single nmap scan.

func ParseNmap

func ParseNmap(input io.Reader) (*NmapRun, error)

Parse takes deserializes nmap xml data from the given input and unmarshals it into an NmapRun struct.

type Os

type Os struct {
	PortsUsed      []PortUsed      `xml:"portused" json:"portsused"`
	OsMatches      []OsMatch       `xml:"osmatch" json:"osmatches"`
	OsFingerprints []OsFingerprint `xml:"osfingerprint" json:"osfingerprints"`

Os contains the fingerprinted operating system for a Host.

type OsClass

type OsClass struct {
	Vendor   string `xml:"vendor,attr" json:"vendor"`
	OsGen    string `xml"osgen,attr"`
	Type     string `xml:"type,attr" json:"type"`
	Accuracy string `xml:"accurancy,attr" json:"accurancy"`
	OsFamily string `xml:"osfamily,attr" json:"osfamily"`
	CPEs     []CPE  `xml:"cpe" json:"cpes"`

OsClass contains vendor information for an Os.

type OsFingerprint

type OsFingerprint struct {
	Fingerprint string `xml:"fingerprint,attr" json:"fingerprint"`

OsFingerprint is the actual fingerprint string.

type OsMatch

type OsMatch struct {
	Name      string    `xml:"name,attr" json:"name"`
	Accuracy  string    `xml:"accuracy,attr" json:"accuracy"`
	Line      string    `xml:"line,attr" json:"line"`
	OsClasses []OsClass `xml:"osclass" json:"osclasses"`

OsMatch contains detailed information regarding a Os fingerprint.

type Owner

type Owner struct {
	Name string `xml:"name,attr" json:"name"`

Owner contains the name of Port.Owner.

type Port

type Port struct {
	Protocol string   `xml:"protocol,attr" json:"protocol"`
	PortId   int      `xml:"portid,attr" json:"id"`
	State    State    `xml:"state" json:"state"`
	Owner    Owner    `xml:"owner" json:"owner"`
	Service  Service  `xml:"service" json:"service"`
	Scripts  []Script `xml:"script" json:"scripts"`

Port contains all the information about a scanned port.

type PortUsed

type PortUsed struct {
	State  string `xml:"state,attr" json:"state"`
	Proto  string `xml:"proto,attr" json:"proto"`
	PortId int    `xml:"portid,attr" json:"portid"`

PortsUsed is the port used to fingerprint a Os.

type PublicKey

type PublicKey struct {
	Error bool   `xml:"error,attr"`
	Type  string `xml:"type,attr"`
	Bits  int    `xml:"bits,attr"`

PublicKey contains the public key parameters.

type Reason

type Reason struct {
	Reason string `xml:"reason,attr" json:"reason"`
	Count  int    `xml:"count,attr" json:"count"`

type Renegotiation

type Renegotiation struct {
	Supported bool `xml:"supported,attr"`
	Secure    bool `xml:"secure,attr"`

Renegotation contains the renegotation results.

type Report

type Report struct {
	Name        string       `xml:"name,attr"`
	ReportHosts []ReportHost `xml:"ReportHost"`

Report has a name and contains all the host details.

type ReportHost

type ReportHost struct {
	Name           string         `xml:"name,attr"`
	HostProperties HostProperties `xml:"HostProperties"`
	ReportItems    []ReportItem   `xml:"ReportItem"`

ReportHost containts the hostname or ip address for the host and all vulnerability and service information.

type ReportItem

type ReportItem struct {
	Port                       int      `xml:"port,attr"`
	SvcName                    string   `xml:"svc_name,attr"`
	Protocol                   string   `xml:"protocol,attr"`
	Severity                   int      `xml:"severity,attr"`
	PluginID                   string   `xml:"pluginID,attr"`
	PluginName                 string   `xml:"pluginName,attr"`
	PluginFamily               string   `xml:"pluginFamily,attr"`
	PluginType                 string   `xml:"plugin_type,name"`
	PluginVersion              string   `xml:"plugin_version"`
	Fname                      string   `xml:"fname,name"`
	RiskFactor                 string   `xml:"risk_factor,name"`
	Synopsis                   string   `xml:"synopsis,name"`
	Description                string   `xml:"description,name"`
	Solution                   string   `xml:"solution,name"`
	PluginOutput               string   `xml:"plugin_output,name"`
	SeeAlso                    string   `xml:"see_also,name"`
	CVE                        []string `xml:"cve,name"`
	BID                        []string `xml:"bid,name"`
	XREF                       []string `xml:"xref,name"`
	PatchPublicationDate       string   `xml:"patch_publication_date,name"`
	PluginModificationDate     string   `xml:"plugin_modification_date,name"`
	PluginPublicationDate      string   `xml:"plugin_publication_date,name"`
	VulnPublicationDate        string   `xml:"vuln_publication_date,name"`
	ExploitabilityEase         string   `xml:"exploitability_ease,name"`
	ExploitAvailable           bool     `xml:"exploit_available,name"`
	ExploitFrameworkCanvas     bool     `xml:"exploit_framework_canvas,name"`
	ExploitFrameworkMetasploit bool     `xml:"exploit_framework_metasploit,name"`
	ExploitFrameworkCore       bool     `xml:"exploit_framework_core,name"`
	MetasploitName             string   `xml:"metasploit_name,name"`
	CanvasPackage              string   `xml:"canvas_package,name"`
	CoreName                   string   `xml:"core_name,name"`
	CVSSVector                 string   `xml:"cvss_vector,name"`
	CVSSBaseScore              float64  `xml:"cvss_base_score,name"`
	CVSSTemporalScore          string   `xml:"cvss_temporal_score,name"`
	CVSS3Vector                string   `xml:"cvss3_vector,name,omitempty"`
	CVSS3BaseScore             float64  `xml:"cvss3_base_score,name,omitempty"`
	CVSS3TemporalScore         string   `xml:"cvss3_temporal_score,name,omitempty"`
	ComplianceResult           string   `xml:"cm:compliance-result,name"`
	ComplianceActualValue      string   `xml:"cm:compliance-actual-value,name"`
	ComplianceCheckID          string   `xml:"cm:compliance-check-id,name"`
	ComplianceAuditFile        string   `xml:"cm:compliance-audit-file,name"`
	ComplianceCheckValue       string   `xml:"cm:compliance-check-name,name"`

ReportItem is vulnerability plugin output.

type RunStats

type RunStats struct {
	Finished Finished  `xml:"finished" json:"finished"`
	Hosts    HostStats `xml:"hosts" json:"hosts"`

RunStats contains statistics for a finished Nmap scan.

type SSLScanData

type SSLScanData struct {
	Title   string    `xml:"title,attr"`
	Version string    `xml:"version,attr"`
	Web     string    `xml:"web,attr"`
	SSLTest []SSLTest `xml:"ssltest"`

SSLScanData contains all the data form a single sslscan job.

func ParseSslscan

func ParseSslscan(input io.Reader) (*SSLScanData, error)

Parse deserializes an sslscan xml from the given input and unmarshals it into an SSLScanRun struct.

type SSLTest

type SSLTest struct {
	Host          string        `xml:"host,attr"`
	Port          int           `xml:"port,attr"`
	Renegotiation Renegotiation `xml:"renegotiation"`
	Compression   Compression   `xml:"compression"`
	Heartbleed    []Heartbleed  `xml:"heartbleed"`
	Cipher        []Cipher      `xml:"cipher"`
	DefaultCipher Cipher        `xml:"defaultcipher"`
	Certificate   Certificate   `xml:"certificate"`

SSLTest contains sslscan results.

type ScanInfo

type ScanInfo struct {
	Type        string `xml:"type,attr" json:"type"`
	Protocol    string `xml:"protocol,attr" json:"protocol"`
	NumServices int    `xml:"numservices,attr" json:"numservices"`
	Services    string `xml:"services,attr" json:"services"`
	ScanFlags   string `xml:"scanflags,attr" json:"scanflags"`

ScanInfo contains informational regarding how the scan was run.

type Script

type Script struct {
	Id     string  `xml:"id,attr" json:"id"`
	Output string  `xml:"output,attr" json:"output"`
	Tables []Table `xml:"table" json:"tables"`

Script contains information from Nmap Scripting Engine.

type Sequence

type Sequence struct {
	Class  string `xml:"class,attr" json:"class"`
	Values string `xml:"values,attr" json:"values"`

Sequence contains information regarding the detected X sequence.

type Service

type Service struct {
	Name       string `xml:"name,attr" json:"name"`
	Conf       int    `xml:"conf,attr" json:"conf"`
	Method     string `xml:"method,attr" json:"method"`
	Version    string `xml:"version,attr" json:"version"`
	Product    string `xml:"product,attr" json:"product"`
	ExtraInfo  string `xml:"extrainfo,attr" json:"extrainfo"`
	Tunnel     string `xml:"tunnel,attr" json:"tunnel"`
	Proto      string `xml:"proto,attr" json:"proto"`
	Rpcnum     string `xml:"rpcnum,attr" json:"rpcnum"`
	Lowver     string `xml:"lowver,attr" json:"lowver"`
	Highver    string `xml:"hiver,attr" json:"hiver"`
	Hostname   string `xml:"hostname,attr" json:"hostname"`
	OsType     string `xml:"ostype,attr" json:"ostype"`
	DeviceType string `xml:"devicetype,attr" json:"devicetype"`
	ServiceFp  string `xml:"servicefp,attr" json:"servicefp"`
	CPEs       []CPE  `xml:"cpe" json:"cpes"`

Service contains detailed information about a Port's service details.

type Smurf

type Smurf struct {
	Responses string `xml:"responses,attr" json:"responses"`

Smurf contains repsonses from a smurf attack. I think. Smurf attacks, really?

type State

type State struct {
	State     string  `xml:"state,attr" json:"state"`
	Reason    string  `xml:"reason,attr" json:"reason"`
	ReasonTTL float32 `xml:"reason_ttl,attr" json:"reason_ttl"`
	ReasonIP  string  `xml:"reason_ip,attr" json:"reason_ip"`

State contains information about a given ports status. State will be open, closed, etc.

type Status

type Status struct {
	State     string  `xml:"state,attr" json:"state"`
	Reason    string  `xml:"reason,attr" json:"reason"`
	ReasonTTL float32 `xml:"reason_ttl,attr" json:"reason_ttl"`

Status is the host's status. Up, down, etc.

type Table

type Table struct {
	Key      string   `xml:"key,attr" json:"key"`
	Elements []string `xml:"elem" json:"elements"`

Table contains the output of the script in a more parse-able form. ToDo: This should be a map[string][]string

type Tag

type Tag struct {
	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
	Data string `xml:",chardata"`

Tag is used to split the tag into name and the tag content.

type Target

type Target struct {
	Specification string `xml:"specification,attr" json:"specification"`
	Status        string `xml:"status,attr" json:"status"`
	Reason        string `xml:"reason,attr" json:"reason"`

Target is found in the Nmap xml spec. I have no idea what it actually is.

type Task

type Task struct {
	Task      string    `xml:"task,attr" json:"task"`
	Time      Timestamp `xml:"time,attr" json:"time"`
	ExtraInfo string    `xml:"extrainfo,attr" json:"extrainfo"`

Task contains information about started and stopped Nmap tasks.

type TaskProgress

type TaskProgress struct {
	Task      string    `xml:"task,attr" json:"task"`
	Time      Timestamp `xml:"time,attr" json:"time"`
	Percent   float32   `xml:"percent,attr" json:"percent"`
	Remaining int       `xml:"remaining,attr" json:"remaining"`
	Etc       Timestamp `xml:"etc,attr" json:"etc"`

TaskProgress contains information about the progression of a Task.

type TcpSequence

type TcpSequence struct {
	Index      int    `xml:"index,attr" json:"index"`
	Difficulty string `xml:"difficulty,attr" json:"difficulty"`
	Values     string `xml:"vaules,attr" json:"vaules"`

TcpSequence contains information regarding the detected tcp sequence.

type TcpTsSequence

type TcpTsSequence Sequence

type Times

type Times struct {
	SRTT string `xml:"srtt,attr" json:"srtt"`
	RTT  string `xml:"rttvar,attr" json:"rttv"`
	To   string `xml:"to,attr" json:"to"`

Times contains time statistics for an Nmap scan.

type Timestamp

type Timestamp time.Time

func (Timestamp) MarshalJSON

func (t Timestamp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Timestamp) MarshalXMLAttr

func (t Timestamp) MarshalXMLAttr(name xml.Name) (xml.Attr, error)

func (Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON

func (t Timestamp) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

func (Timestamp) UnmarshalXMLAttr

func (t Timestamp) UnmarshalXMLAttr(attr xml.Attr) (err error)

type Trace

type Trace struct {
	Proto string `xml:"proto,attr" json:"proto"`
	Port  int    `xml:"port,attr" json:"port"`
	Hops  []Hop  `xml:"hop" json:"hops"`

Trace contains the hops to a Host.

type Uptime

type Uptime struct {
	Seconds  int    `xml:"seconds,attr" json:"seconds"`
	Lastboot string `xml:"lastboot,attr" json:"lastboot"`

Uptime is the amount of time the host has been up.

type Verbose

type Verbose struct {
	Level int `xml:"level,attr" json:"level"`

Verbose contains the verbosity level for the Nmap scan.

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