M-type voltage gated potassium channel: mAHP
This voltage-gated K channel, which is also inactivated by ACh muscarinic receptor activation, plays a role in medium time-scale afterhyperpolarization (mAHP).
Original formulation due to Mainen & Sejnowski (1996) is widely used, and used here.
vo = (V - Voff)
a = 0.001 * vo / (1 - exp(-vo/Vslope))
b = -0.001 * vo / (1 - exp(vo/Vslope))
tau = 1 / (a + b)
ninf = a / (a + b)

The Time Run
plot (above) shows how the mAHP current develops over time in response to spiking, in comparison to the KNa function, with the default "fast" parameters of 50msec and rise = 0.05. The mAHP is much more "anticipatory" due to the direct V sensitivity, whereas KNa is much more "reactive", responding only the the Na after spiking.