
v1.6.17 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 9, 2023 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 19 Imported by: 0


Deep Predictive Learning


See Github Discussion for more info on how this works computationally, and on the examples/deep_* models.

Package deep provides the Deep variant of Axon, which performs predictive learning by attempting to predict the activation states over the Pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus (in posterior sensory cortex), which are strongly driven phasically every 100 msec by deep layer 5 intrinsic bursting (5IB) neurons that have strong focal (essentially 1-to-1) connections onto the Pulvinar Thalamic Relay Cell (TRC) neurons. The predictions are generated by layer 6 corticothalamic (CT) neurons, which provide numerous weaker projections to these same TRC neurons. See O'Reilly et al. (2021) for the model, and Sherman & Guillery (2006) for details on circuitry.

Computationally, it is important for the CT neurons to reflect the prior burst activation within their home cortical microcolumn, instead of the current superficial layer activation, so that the system is forced to make a genuine prediction instead of just copying the current state. This is achieved using a CTCtxt projection, which operates much like a simple recurrent network (SRN) context layer (e.g., Elman, 1990).

This same corticothalamic circuitry is also important for broader inhibitory competition among cortical areas that cannot practically interact directly in cortex, given the long physical distances. The thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) integrates excitatory inputs from the CT and TRC neurons, and projects pooled inhibition across multiple spatial scales back to the TRC neurons. These TRC neurons then project back primarily into layer 4 (and more weakly into other layers) and thus convey the attentionally modulated predictive activation back into cortex.

Computationally, it makes sense that attention and prediction are linked: you only predict the subset of information that you're attending to (otherwise it is too overwhelming to predict everything), and prediction helps to focus the attentional spotlight in anticipation of what will happen next, and according to the regularities that predictive learning has discovered (e.g., coherently moving objects).

However, the attentional demands and prediction demands are in conflict, and various attempts to integrate the two functions have been suboptimal. Furthermore, there are two complete maps of the ventral visual pathway in the Pulvinar (VP1, VP2; Shipp, 2003), and also a distinction between Matrix and Core pathways, so there is plenty of biological basis for multiple different connectivity patterns -- these separate pathways are implemented in this version.

For prediction, many layers of CT need to collaborate to generate more accurate predictions over pulvinar TRC layers, e.g., for V1. Furthermore, the more detailed, high variance activity of the lower layers is important for driving sufficiently variable error signals across all layers. In addition, prediction often requires broader connectivity to anticipate larger movements, etc. By contrast, the attentional functions require more focal topographic connectivity and each layer needs its own distinct pulvinar layers, with closed loops. It is not clear that a driver input makes sense in this context, whereas it is essential for the predictive component. Overall these distinctions fit well with the Matrix (attentional) vs. Core (predictive) features.

Predictive Circuit

The predictive pulvinar TRC is created and associated with the driver layer, and it has a one-to-one geometry with that layer. Many other CT layers can project to this TRC to try to predict what the driver layer's activity will be.

 V1Super -> V2 --Ctxt--> CT
   |        ^             |\
 Burst      |   (pool     | v
   |        |    loop)    | TRN
   v        |             | /
 Pulv <-------------o (inhib)

This package has 3 primary specialized Layer types:

  • SuperLayer: implements the superficial layer neurons, which function just like standard axon.Layer neurons, while also directly computing the Burst activation signal that reflects the deep layer 5IB bursting activation, via thresholding of the superficial layer activations (Bursting is thought to have a higher threshold). Activity is represented by the CaSpkP value -- Act is used only for display purposes!

  • CTLayer: implements the layer 6 regular spiking CT corticothalamic neurons that project into the thalamus. They receive the Burst activation via a CTCtxtPrjn projection type, and integrate that in the CtxtGe value, which is added to other excitatory conductance inputs to drive the overall activation of these neurons. Due to the bursting nature of the Burst inputs, this causes these CT layer neurons to reflect what the superficial layers encoded on the previous timestep -- thus they represent a temporally-delayed context state.

CTLayer can send Context via self projections to reflect the extensive deep-to-deep lateral connectivity that provides more extensive temporal context information.

Furthermore, the active recurrent connections within the CT layer support active maintenance via NMDA conductances. This active maintenance can sustain activity over relatively long time windows, beyond the confines of a single alpha or theta cycle.

  • PulvLayer: implement the Pulvinar TRC neurons, upon which the prediction generated by CTLayer projections is projected in the minus phase. This is computed via standard current-time projections that integrate into standard Ge excitatory input in TRC neurons. The 5IB Burst-driven plus-phase "outcome" activation state is driven by direct access to the corresponding driver SuperLayer (not via standard projection mechanisms).

Two different parameter regimes

There are two primary modes of behavior for the CT layers: single-step copy and multi-step temporal integration, each of which requires different parmeterization:

  • Single-step copy requires NMDA, GABAB Gbar = .15, Tau = 100, (i.e. std defaults) and CT.Decay = 0, with one-to-one projection from Super, and no CT self connections. See examples/deep_move for a working example.

  • Temporal integration requires NMDA, GABAB Gbar = .3, Tau = 300, CT.Decay = 50, with self connections of both CTCtxtPrjn and standard that support NMDA active maintenance. See examples/deep_fsa and examples/deep_move for working examples.


The Burst value is computed in SuperLayer during the plus phase, and this is continuously accessed by TRCLayer neurons to drive plus-phase outcome states.

At the end of the plus phase, CTCtxt projections convey the Burst signal from Super to CTLayer neurons, where it is integrated into the Ctxt value representing the temporally-delayed context information.

TRN Attention and Learning

The basic anatomical facts of the TRN strongly constrain its role in attentional modulation. With the exception of inhibitory projections from the GPi / SNr (BG output nuclei), it exclusively receives excitatory inputs from CT projections, and a weaker excitatory feedback projection from the TRC neurons that they in turn send GABA inhibition to. Thus, their main function appears to be providing pooled feedback inhibition to the TRC, with various levels of pooling on the input side and on the diffusion on the output side. Computationally, this pooling seems ideally situated to enable inhibitory competition to operate across multiple different scales.

Given the pool-level organization of the CT -> TRC -> Cortex loops, the pool should be the finest grain of this competition. Thus, a contribution of the TRN is supporting layer-level inhibition across pools -- but this is already implemented with the layer level inhibition in standard Axon. Critically, if we assume that inhibition is generally hierarchically organized, then the broader level of inhibition would be at the between-layer level. Thus, the TRN implementation just supports this broadest level of inhibition, providing a visual representation of the layers and their respective inhibition levels.

In addition, the Pulvinar layer itself supports a gaussian topographic level of inhibition among pools, that represents a finer grained inhibition that would be provided by the TRN.

Perhaps the most important contribution that the TRC / TRN can provide is a learning modulation at the pool level, as a function of inhibition.

Compounding: Getting the Good without too much Lock-In

It is relatively easy to make something that locks in a given attentional pattern, but a problem arises when you then need to change things in response to new inputs -- often the network suffers from too much attentional lock-in...

Reynolds & Heeger (2009)

The basic phenomena behind this model are well captured by the FFFB inhibitory dynamics, but FFFB in general retains proportional activity as a function of excitatory drive. However, the key distinction between "contrast gain" and "response gain" is not captured by FFFB. In particular when the attentional spotlight is wide, then an additional amount of inhibition is generated relative to a narrow attentional spotlight.

A different way of thinking about this is in terms of nonlinear inhibition of the same type that is implicated in popout effects and is well documented empirically (Murphy & Miller, 2009; etc). When there is a lot of excitatory drive (for the same features) within a proximal region, above a threshold level, then an additional amount of inhibition is added. The Inhib.Topo settings compute this topographic inhibition, and the examples/attn_trn example shows how it drives the RH09 effects.

Folded Feedback (Grossberg, 1999)

Grossberg (1999) emphasized that it can be beneficial for attention to modulate the inputs to a given area, so it gets "folded" into the input stream. Another way of thinking about this is that it is more effective to block a river further upstream, before further "compounding" effects might set in, rather than waiting until everything has piled in and you have to push against a torrent. This is achieved by modulating the layer 4 inputs to an area, which happens by modulating forward projections.

New impl with separate attn vs. prediction

  • Start with rate code multiplicative factor computation

  • Keep it simple in terms of additional layers and complexity

  • TRCa = attentional TRC's, one unit per pool, integrate gaussian over neighboring pools as netin, TRN = one unit per layer, integrates total over pools for layer, sends back to drive normalized act of TRCa, which then is multiplicative on Ge into 2/3.




Package deep provides the DeepAxon variant of Axon, which performs predictive learning by attempting to predict the activation states over the Pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus (in posterior sensory cortex), which are driven phasically every 100 msec by deep layer 5 intrinsic bursting (5IB) neurons that have strong focal (essentially 1-to-1) connections onto the Pulvinar Thalamic Relay Cell (Pulv) neurons.

This package has 3 specialized Layer types:

  • SuperLayer: implements the superficial layer neurons, which function just like standard axon.Layer neurons, while also directly computing the Burst activation signal that reflects the deep layer 5IB bursting activation, via thresholding of the superficial layer activations (Bursting is thought to have a higher threshold).
  • CTLayer: implements the layer 6 regular spiking CT corticothalamic neurons that project into the thalamus. They receive the Burst activation via a CTCtxtPrjn projection type, typically once every 100 msec, and integrate that in the CtxtGe value, which is added to other excitatory conductance inputs to drive the overall activation (Act) of these neurons. Due to the bursting nature of the Burst inputs, this causes these CT layer neurons to reflect what the superficial layers encoded on the *previous* timestep -- thus they represent a temporally-delayed context state.

    CTLayer can send Context via self projections to reflect the extensive deep-to-deep lateral connectivity that provides more extensive temporal context information.

  • PulvLayer: implement the Pulv (Pulvinar) neurons, upon which the prediction generated by CTLayer projections is projected in the minus phase. This is computed via standard Act-driven projections that integrate into standard Ge excitatory input in Pulv neurons. The 5IB Burst-driven plus-phase "outcome" activation state is driven by direct access to the corresponding driver SuperLayer (not via standard projection mechanisms).

Wiring diagram:

 SuperLayer --Burst--> PulvLayer
   |                      ^
CTCtxt          /- Back -/
  |            /
  v           /
CTLayer -----/  (typically only for higher->lower)


The alpha-cycle quarter(s) when Burst is updated and broadcast is set in BurstQtr (defaults to Q4, can also be e.g., Q2 and Q4 for beta frequency updating). During this quarter(s), the Burst value is computed in SuperLayer, and this is continuously accessed by PulvLayer neurons to drive plus-phase outcome states.

At the *end* of the burst quarter(s), in the QuarterFinal method, CTCtxt projections convey the Burst signal from Super to CTLayer neurons, where it is integrated into the Ctxt value representing the temporally-delayed context information.



View Source
const (
	// CT are layer 6 corticothalamic projecting neurons, which drive predictions
	// in Pulv (Pulvinar) via standard projections.
	CT emer.LayerType = emer.LayerTypeN + iota

	// Pulv are thalamic relay cell neurons in the Pulvinar thalamus,
	// which alternately reflect predictions driven by Deep layer projections,
	// and actual outcomes driven by Burst activity from corresponding
	// Super layer neurons that provide strong driving inputs to Pulv neurons.

	// TRN is thalamic reticular nucleus layer for inhibitory competition
	// within the thalamus.
View Source
const (
	// CTCtxt are projections from Superficial layers to CT layers that
	// send Burst activations drive updating of CtxtGe excitatory conductance,
	// at end of a DeepBurst quarter.  These projections also use a special learning
	// rule that takes into account the temporal delays in the activation states.
	// Can also add self context from CT for deeper temporal context.
	CTCtxt emer.PrjnType = emer.PrjnTypeN + iota

The DeepAxon prjn types


View Source
var (
	// NeuronVars are for full list across all deep Layer types
	NeuronVars = []string{"Burst", "BurstPrv", "CtxtGe"}

	// SuperNeuronVars are for SuperLayer directly
	SuperNeuronVars = []string{"Burst", "BurstPrv"}

	SuperNeuronVarsMap map[string]int

	// NeuronVarsAll is full integrated list across inherited layers and NeuronVars
	NeuronVarsAll []string
View Source
var KiT_CTCtxtPrjn = kit.Types.AddType(&CTCtxtPrjn{}, PrjnProps)
View Source
var KiT_CTLayer = kit.Types.AddType(&CTLayer{}, LayerProps)
View Source
var KiT_LayerType = kit.Enums.AddEnumExt(emer.KiT_LayerType, LayerTypeN, kit.NotBitFlag, nil)
View Source
var KiT_Network = kit.Types.AddType(&Network{}, NetworkProps)
View Source
var KiT_PrjnType = kit.Enums.AddEnumExt(emer.KiT_PrjnType, PrjnTypeN, kit.NotBitFlag, nil)
View Source
var KiT_PulvAttnLayer = kit.Types.AddType(&PulvAttnLayer{}, LayerProps)
View Source
var KiT_PulvLayer = kit.Types.AddType(&PulvLayer{}, LayerProps)
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var KiT_SuperLayer = kit.Types.AddType(&SuperLayer{}, LayerProps)
View Source
var KiT_TRNLayer = kit.Types.AddType(&TRNLayer{}, LayerProps)
View Source
var LayerProps = ki.Props{
	"EnumType:Typ": KiT_LayerType,
	"ToolBar": ki.PropSlice{
		{"Defaults", ki.Props{
			"icon": "reset",
			"desc": "return all parameters to their intial default values",
		{"InitWts", ki.Props{
			"icon": "update",
			"desc": "initialize the layer's weight values according to prjn parameters, for all *sending* projections out of this layer",
		{"InitActs", ki.Props{
			"icon": "update",
			"desc": "initialize the layer's activation values",
		{"sep-act", ki.BlankProp{}},
		{"LesionNeurons", ki.Props{
			"icon": "close",
			"desc": "Lesion (set the Off flag) for given proportion of neurons in the layer (number must be 0 -- 1, NOT percent!)",
			"Args": ki.PropSlice{
				{"Proportion", ki.Props{
					"desc": "proportion (0 -- 1) of neurons to lesion",
		{"UnLesionNeurons", ki.Props{
			"icon": "reset",
			"desc": "Un-Lesion (reset the Off flag) for all neurons in the layer",

LayerProps are required to get the extended EnumType

View Source
var NetworkProps = axon.NetworkProps
View Source
var PrjnProps = ki.Props{
	"EnumType:Typ": KiT_PrjnType,


func AddPulvForSuper added in v1.5.9

func AddPulvForSuper(nt *axon.Network, super emer.Layer, space float32) emer.Layer

AddPulvForSuper adds a Pulvinar for given superficial layer (SuperLayer) with a P suffix. The Pulv.Driver is set to Super. The Pulv layer needs other CT connections from higher up to predict this layer. Pulvinar is positioned behind the CT layer.

func AddSuperCT2D added in v1.2.85

func AddSuperCT2D(nt *axon.Network, name string, shapeY, shapeX int, space float32, pat prjn.Pattern) (super, ct emer.Layer)

AddSuperCT2D adds a superficial (SuperLayer) and corresponding CT (CT suffix) layer with CTCtxtPrjn projection from Super to CT using given projection pattern, super and ct have SetClass(name) called to allow shared params. CT is placed Behind Super.

func AddSuperCT4D added in v1.2.85

func AddSuperCT4D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int, space float32, pat prjn.Pattern) (super, ct emer.Layer)

AddSuperCT4D adds a superficial (SuperLayer) and corresponding CT (CT suffix) layer with CTCtxtPrjn projection from Super to CT using given projection pattern, super and ct have SetClass(name) called to allow shared params. CT is placed Behind Super.

func ConnectCTSelf added in v1.5.4

func ConnectCTSelf(nt *axon.Network, ly emer.Layer, pat prjn.Pattern) (ctxt, maint emer.Prjn)

ConnectCTSelf adds a Self (Lateral) CTCtxtPrjn projection within a CT layer, in addition to a regular lateral projection, which supports active maintenance. The CTCtxtPrjn has a Class label of CTSelfCtxt, and the regular one is CTSelfMaint

func ConnectCtxtToCT added in v1.2.2

func ConnectCtxtToCT(nt *axon.Network, send, recv emer.Layer, pat prjn.Pattern) emer.Prjn

ConnectCtxtToCT adds a CTCtxtPrjn from given sending layer to a CT layer Use ConnectSuperToCT for main projection from corresponding superficial layer.

func ConnectSuperToCT added in v1.2.2

func ConnectSuperToCT(nt *axon.Network, send, recv emer.Layer, pat prjn.Pattern) emer.Prjn

ConnectSuperToCT adds a CTCtxtPrjn from given sending Super layer to a CT layer This automatically sets the FmSuper flag to engage proper defaults, Uses given projection pattern -- e.g., Full, OneToOne, or PoolOneToOne

func ConnectToPulv added in v1.5.9

func ConnectToPulv(nt *axon.Network, super, ct, pulv emer.Layer, toPulvPat, fmPulvPat prjn.Pattern) (toPulv, toSuper, toCT emer.Prjn)

ConnectToPulv connects Super and CT with given Pulv: CT -> Pulv is class CTToPulv, From Pulv = type = Back, class = FmPulv. toPulvPat is the prjn.Pattern CT -> Pulv and fmPulvPat is Pulv -> CT, Super. Typically Pulv is a different shape than Super and CT, so use Full or appropriate topological pattern

func DriveAct added in v1.2.2

func DriveAct(dni int, dly *axon.Layer, sly *SuperLayer, issuper bool) float32

DriveAct returns the driver activation -- Burst for Super, else CaSpkP

func LayerSendCtxtGe added in v1.2.91

func LayerSendCtxtGe(ly *axon.Layer, ctime *axon.Time)

LayerSendCtxtGe sends activation (CaSpkP) over CTCtxtPrjn projections to integrate CtxtGe excitatory conductance on CT layers. This should be called at the end of the 5IB Bursting phase via Network.CTCtxt Satisfies the CtxtSender interface.

func LogAddPulvCorSimItems added in v1.5.9

func LogAddPulvCorSimItems(lg *elog.Logs, net *axon.Network, times ...etime.Times)

LogAddPulvCorSimItems adds CorSim stats for Pulv / Pulvinar layers aggregated across three time scales, ordered from higher to lower, e.g., Run, Epoch, Trial.

func SuperNeuronVarIdxByName added in v1.2.2

func SuperNeuronVarIdxByName(varNm string) (int, error)

SuperNeuronVarIdxByName returns the index of the variable in the SuperNeuron, or error


type BurstParams added in v1.2.2

type BurstParams struct {
	ThrRel float32 `` /* 348-byte string literal not displayed */
	ThrAbs float32 `` /* 241-byte string literal not displayed */

BurstParams determine how the 5IB Burst activation is computed from standard Act activation values in SuperLayer -- thresholded.

func (*BurstParams) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (db *BurstParams) Defaults()

type CTCtxtPrjn added in v1.2.2

type CTCtxtPrjn struct {
	axon.Prjn           // access as .Prjn
	FmSuper   bool      `` /* 200-byte string literal not displayed */
	CtxtGeInc []float32 `desc:"local per-recv unit accumulator for Ctxt excitatory conductance from sending units"`

CTCtxtPrjn is the "context" temporally-delayed projection into CTLayer, (corticothalamic deep layer 6) where the CtxtGe excitatory input is integrated only at end of Burst Quarter. Set FmSuper for the main projection from corresponding Super layer.

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) Build added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) Build() error

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) DWt added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) DWt(ctime *axon.Time)

DWt computes the weight change (learning) for Ctxt projections

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) Defaults()

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) GFmSpikes added in v1.6.0

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) GFmSpikes(ctime *axon.Time)

GFmSpikes: disabled for this type

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) InitGBuffs added in v1.5.10

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) InitGBuffs()

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) PrjnTypeName added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) PrjnTypeName() string

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) RecvCtxtGeInc added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) RecvCtxtGeInc()

RecvCtxtGeInc increments the receiver's CtxtGe from that of all the projections

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) RecvSynCa added in v1.5.5

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) RecvSynCa(ctime *axon.Time)

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) SendCtxtGe added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) SendCtxtGe(si int, burst float32)

SendCtxtGe sends the full Burst activation from sending neuron index si, to integrate CtxtGe excitatory conductance on receivers

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) SendSpike added in v1.2.4

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) SendSpike(si int)

SendSpike: disabled for this type

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) SendSynCa added in v1.5.5

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) SendSynCa(ctime *axon.Time)

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) Type added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) Type() emer.PrjnType

func (*CTCtxtPrjn) UpdateParams added in v1.2.2

func (pj *CTCtxtPrjn) UpdateParams()

type CTLayer added in v1.2.2

type CTLayer struct {
	axon.Layer           // access as .Layer
	CT         CTParams  `desc:"parameters for CT layer specific functions"`
	CtxtGes    []float32 `desc:"slice of context (temporally delayed) excitatory conducances."`

CTLayer implements the corticothalamic projecting layer 6 deep neurons that project to the Pulv pulvinar neurons, to generate the predictions. They receive phasic input representing 5IB bursting via CTCtxtPrjn inputs from SuperLayer and also from self projections.

There are two primary modes of behavior: single-step copy and multi-step temporal integration, each of which requires different parmeterization:

  • single-step copy requires NMDA, GABAB Gbar = .15, Tau = 100, (i.e. std defaults) and CT.Decay = 0, with one-to-one projection from Super, and no CT self connections. Gi must be increased to ~2.0 to compensate for CtxtGe. See examples/deep_move for a working example.
  • Temporal integration requires NMDA, GABAB Gbar = .25 - .3, Tau = 200-300, CT.Decay = 50, with self connections of both CTCtxtPrjn and standard that support NMDA active maintenance. Increase Gi to 2.2 - 2.8 or so. See examples/deep_fsa and examples/deep_move for working examples.

func AddCTLayer2D added in v1.2.2

func AddCTLayer2D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *CTLayer

AddCTLayer2D adds a CTLayer of given size, with given name.

func AddCTLayer4D added in v1.2.2

func AddCTLayer4D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *CTLayer

AddCTLayer4D adds a CTLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*CTLayer) Build added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) Build() error

func (*CTLayer) Class added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) Class() string

func (*CTLayer) CtxtFmGe added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) CtxtFmGe(ctime *axon.Time)

CtxtFmGe integrates new CtxtGe excitatory conductance from projections, and computes overall Ctxt value, only on Deep layers. This should be called at the end of the 5IB Bursting phase via Network.CTCtxt

func (*CTLayer) DecayState added in v1.5.10

func (ly *CTLayer) DecayState(decay, glong float32)

func (*CTLayer) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) Defaults()

func (*CTLayer) GInteg added in v1.6.0

func (ly *CTLayer) GInteg(ni int, nrn *axon.Neuron, ctime *axon.Time)

GInteg integrates conductances G over time (Ge, NMDA, etc). reads pool Gi values

func (*CTLayer) InitActs added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) InitActs()

func (*CTLayer) SendCtxtGe added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) SendCtxtGe(ctime *axon.Time)

SendCtxtGe sends activation (CaSpkP) over CTCtxtPrjn projections to integrate CtxtGe excitatory conductance on CT layers. This should be called at the end of the 5IB Bursting phase via Network.CTCtxt Satisfies the CtxtSender interface.

func (*CTLayer) UnitVal1D added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) UnitVal1D(varIdx int, idx int) float32

UnitVal1D returns value of given variable index on given unit, using 1-dimensional index. returns NaN on invalid index. This is the core unit var access method used by other methods, so it is the only one that needs to be updated for derived layer types.

func (*CTLayer) UnitVarIdx added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) UnitVarIdx(varNm string) (int, error)

UnitVarIdx returns the index of given variable within the Neuron, according to UnitVarNames() list (using a map to lookup index), or -1 and error message if not found.

func (*CTLayer) UnitVarNames added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) UnitVarNames() []string

UnitVarNames returns a list of variable names available on the units in this layer

func (*CTLayer) UnitVarNum added in v1.2.2

func (ly *CTLayer) UnitVarNum() int

UnitVarNum returns the number of Neuron-level variables for this layer. This is needed for extending indexes in derived types.

func (*CTLayer) UpdateParams added in v1.5.3

func (ly *CTLayer) UpdateParams()

type CTParams added in v1.5.3

type CTParams struct {
	GeGain   float32 `` /* 239-byte string literal not displayed */
	DecayTau float32 `` /* 227-byte string literal not displayed */
	DecayDt  float32 `view:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" desc:"1 / tau"`

CTParams control the CT corticothalamic neuron special behavior

func (*CTParams) Defaults added in v1.5.3

func (cp *CTParams) Defaults()

func (*CTParams) Update added in v1.5.3

func (cp *CTParams) Update()

type CtxtSender added in v1.2.2

type CtxtSender interface {

	// SendCtxtGe sends activation over CTCtxtPrjn projections to integrate
	// CtxtGe excitatory conductance on CT layers.
	// This must be called at the end of the Burst quarter (plus phase)
	SendCtxtGe(ctime *axon.Time)

CtxtSender is an interface for layers that implement the SendCtxtGe method (SuperLayer, CTLayer)

type EPool added in v1.2.2

type EPool struct {
	LayNm string  `desc:"layer name"`
	Wt    float32 `desc:"general scaling factor for how much excitation from this pool"`

EPool are how to gather excitation across pools

func (*EPool) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (ep *EPool) Defaults()

type EPools added in v1.2.2

type EPools []*EPool

EPools is a list of pools

func (*EPools) Add added in v1.2.2

func (ep *EPools) Add(laynm string, wt float32) *EPool

Add adds a new epool connection

func (*EPools) Validate added in v1.2.2

func (ep *EPools) Validate(net emer.Network, ctxt string) error

Validate ensures that LayNames layers are valid. ctxt is string for error message to provide context.

type IPool added in v1.2.2

type IPool struct {
	LayNm  string     `desc:"layer name"`
	Wt     float32    `desc:"general scaling factor for how much overall inhibition from this pool contributes, in a non-pool-specific manner"`
	PoolWt float32    `` /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */
	SOff   evec.Vec2i `desc:"offset into source, sending layer"`
	ROff   evec.Vec2i `desc:"offset into our own receiving layer"`

IPool are how to gather inhibition across pools

func (*IPool) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (ip *IPool) Defaults()

type IPools added in v1.2.2

type IPools []*IPool

IPools is a list of pools

func (*IPools) Add added in v1.2.2

func (ip *IPools) Add(laynm string, wt float32) *IPool

Add adds a new ipool connection

func (*IPools) Validate added in v1.2.2

func (ip *IPools) Validate(net emer.Network, ctxt string) error

Validate ensures that LayNames layers are valid. ctxt is string for error message to provide context.

type LayerType added in v1.2.2

type LayerType emer.LayerType

LayerType has the DeepAxon extensions to the emer.LayerType types, for gui

const (
	CT_ LayerType = LayerType(emer.LayerTypeN) + iota

gui versions

func StringToLayerType added in v1.2.2

func StringToLayerType(s string) (LayerType, error)

func (LayerType) String added in v1.2.2

func (i LayerType) String() string

type Network

type Network struct {

deep.Network runs a Deep version of Axon network, for predictive learning via deep cortical layers interconnected with the thalamus (Pulvinar). It has special computational methods only for PlusPhase where deep layer context updating happens, corresponding to the bursting of deep layer 5IB neurons. It also has methods for creating different specialized layer types.

func NewNetwork added in v1.2.94

func NewNetwork(name string) *Network

NewNetwork returns a new deep Network

func (*Network) AddInputPulv2D added in v1.5.9

func (nt *Network) AddInputPulv2D(name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int, space float32) (emer.Layer, *PulvLayer)

AddInputPulv2D adds an Input and PulvLayer of given size, with given name. The Input layer is set as the Driver of the PulvLayer. Both layers have SetClass(name) called to allow shared params.

func (*Network) AddInputPulv4D added in v1.5.9

func (nt *Network) AddInputPulv4D(name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int, space float32) (emer.Layer, *PulvLayer)

AddInputPulv4D adds an Input and PulvLayer of given size, with given name. The Input layer is set as the Driver of the PulvLayer. Both layers have SetClass(name) called to allow shared params.

func (*Network) AddPulvAttnLayer2D added in v1.5.9

func (nt *Network) AddPulvAttnLayer2D(name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *PulvAttnLayer

AddPulvAttnLayer2D adds a PulvAttnLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*Network) AddPulvAttnLayer4D added in v1.5.9

func (nt *Network) AddPulvAttnLayer4D(name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *PulvAttnLayer

AddPulvAttnLayer4D adds a PulvLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*Network) AddPulvForSuper added in v1.5.9

func (nt *Network) AddPulvForSuper(super emer.Layer, space float32) emer.Layer

AddPulvForSuper adds a Pulvinar for given superficial layer (SuperLayer) with a P suffix. The Pulv.Driver is set to Super. The Pulv layer needs other CT connections from higher up to predict this layer. Pulvinar is positioned behind the CT layer.

func (*Network) AddSuperCT2D added in v1.2.85

func (nt *Network) AddSuperCT2D(name string, shapeY, shapeX int, space float32, pat prjn.Pattern) (super, ct emer.Layer)

AddSuperCT2D adds a superficial (SuperLayer) and corresponding CT (CT suffix) layer with CTCtxtPrjn projection from Super to CT using given projection pattern, and NO Pulv Pulvinar. CT is placed Behind Super.

func (*Network) AddSuperCT4D added in v1.2.85

func (nt *Network) AddSuperCT4D(name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int, space float32, pat prjn.Pattern) (super, ct emer.Layer)

AddSuperCT4D adds a superficial (SuperLayer) and corresponding CT (CT suffix) layer with CTCtxtPrjn projection from Super to CT using given projection pattern, and NO Pulv Pulvinar. CT is placed Behind Super.

func (*Network) AddSuperLayer2D added in v1.2.85

func (nt *Network) AddSuperLayer2D(name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *SuperLayer

AddSuperLayer2D adds a SuperLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*Network) AddSuperLayer4D added in v1.2.85

func (nt *Network) AddSuperLayer4D(name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *SuperLayer

AddSuperLayer4D adds a PulvLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*Network) CTCtxt added in v1.2.2

func (nt *Network) CTCtxt(ctime *axon.Time)

CTCtxt sends context to CT layers and integrates CtxtGe on CT layers

func (*Network) ConnectCTSelf added in v1.5.4

func (nt *Network) ConnectCTSelf(ly emer.Layer, pat prjn.Pattern) (ctxt, maint emer.Prjn)

ConnectCTSelf adds a Self (Lateral) CTCtxtPrjn projection within a CT layer, in addition to a regular lateral projection, which supports active maintenance. The CTCtxtPrjn has a Class label of CTSelfCtxt, and the regular one is CTSelfMaint

func (*Network) ConnectCtxtToCT added in v1.2.2

func (nt *Network) ConnectCtxtToCT(send, recv emer.Layer, pat prjn.Pattern) emer.Prjn

ConnectCtxtToCT adds a CTCtxtPrjn from given sending layer to a CT layer

func (*Network) ConnectToPulv added in v1.5.9

func (nt *Network) ConnectToPulv(super, ct, pulv emer.Layer, toPulvPat, fmPulvPat prjn.Pattern) (toPulv, toSuper, toCT emer.Prjn)

ConnectToPulv connects Super and CT with given Pulv: CT -> Pulv is class CTToPulv, From Pulv = type = Back, class = FmPulv toPulvPat is the prjn.Pattern CT -> Pulv and fmPulvPat is Pulv -> CT, Super Typically Pulv is a different shape than Super and CT, so use Full or appropriate topological pattern

func (*Network) Defaults

func (nt *Network) Defaults()

Defaults sets all the default parameters for all layers and projections

func (*Network) PlusPhaseImpl added in v1.4.0

func (nt *Network) PlusPhaseImpl(ctime *axon.Time)

PlusPhase does updating after end of plus phase

func (*Network) UnitVarNames added in v1.2.2

func (nt *Network) UnitVarNames() []string

UnitVarNames returns a list of variable names available on the units in this layer

func (*Network) UpdateParams

func (nt *Network) UpdateParams()

UpdateParams updates all the derived parameters if any have changed, for all layers and projections

type PrjnType added in v1.2.2

type PrjnType emer.PrjnType

PrjnType has the DeepAxon extensions to the emer.PrjnType types, for gui

const (
	CTCtxt_ PrjnType = PrjnType(emer.PrjnTypeN) + iota

gui versions

func StringToPrjnType added in v1.2.2

func StringToPrjnType(s string) (PrjnType, error)

func (PrjnType) String added in v1.2.2

func (i PrjnType) String() string

type PulvAttnLayer added in v1.5.9

type PulvAttnLayer struct {
	axon.Layer                // access as .Layer
	SendAttn   SendAttnParams `view:"inline" desc:"sending attention parameters"`

PulvAttnLayer is the thalamic relay cell layer for Attention in DeepAxon.

func AddPulvAttnLayer2D added in v1.5.9

func AddPulvAttnLayer2D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *PulvAttnLayer

AddPulvAttnLayer2D adds a PulvAttnLayer of given size, with given name.

func AddPulvAttnLayer4D added in v1.5.9

func AddPulvAttnLayer4D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *PulvAttnLayer

AddPulvAttnLayer4D adds a PulvAttnLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*PulvAttnLayer) AttnFmAct added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) AttnFmAct(ctime *axon.Time)

AttnFmAct computes our attention signal from activations

func (*PulvAttnLayer) Class added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) Class() string

func (*PulvAttnLayer) CyclePost added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) CyclePost(ctime *axon.Time)

CyclePost is called at end of Cycle We use it to send Attn

func (*PulvAttnLayer) Defaults added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) Defaults()

func (*PulvAttnLayer) IsTarget added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) IsTarget() bool

func (*PulvAttnLayer) SendAttnLay added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) SendAttnLay(tly *axon.Layer, ctime *axon.Time)

SendAttnLay sends attention signal to given layer

func (*PulvAttnLayer) SendAttnLays added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) SendAttnLays(ctime *axon.Time)

SendAttnLays sends attention signal to all layers

func (*PulvAttnLayer) UpdateParams added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvAttnLayer) UpdateParams()

UpdateParams updates all params given any changes that might have been made to individual values including those in the receiving projections of this layer

type PulvLayer added in v1.5.9

type PulvLayer struct {
	axon.Layer            // access as .Layer
	Pulv       PulvParams `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */
	Driver     string     `desc:"name of SuperLayer that sends 5IB Burst driver inputs to this layer"`

PulvLayer is the Pulvinar thalamic relay cell layer for DeepAxon. It has normal activity during the minus phase, as activated by CT etc inputs, and is then driven by strong 5IB driver inputs in the plus phase.

func AddInputPulv2D added in v1.5.9

func AddInputPulv2D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int, space float32) (emer.Layer, *PulvLayer)

AddInputPulv2D adds an Input and PulvLayer of given size, with given name. The Input layer is set as the Driver of the PulvLayer. Both layers have SetClass(name) called to allow shared params.

func AddInputPulv4D added in v1.5.9

func AddInputPulv4D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int, space float32) (emer.Layer, *PulvLayer)

AddInputPulv4D adds an Input and PulvLayer of given size, with given name. The Input layer is set as the Driver of the PulvLayer. Both layers have SetClass(name) called to allow shared params.

func AddPulvLayer2D added in v1.5.9

func AddPulvLayer2D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *PulvLayer

AddPulvLayer2D adds a PulvLayer of given size, with given name.

func AddPulvLayer4D added in v1.5.9

func AddPulvLayer4D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *PulvLayer

AddPulvLayer4D adds a PulvLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*PulvLayer) Class added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvLayer) Class() string

func (*PulvLayer) Defaults added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvLayer) Defaults()

func (*PulvLayer) DriverLayer added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvLayer) DriverLayer(drv string) (*axon.Layer, error)

DriverLayer returns the driver layer for given Driver

func (*PulvLayer) GInteg added in v1.6.0

func (ly *PulvLayer) GInteg(ni int, nrn *axon.Neuron, ctime *axon.Time)

GInteg integrates conductances G over time (Ge, NMDA, etc). reads pool Gi values

func (*PulvLayer) IsTarget added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvLayer) IsTarget() bool

func (*PulvLayer) UpdateParams added in v1.5.9

func (ly *PulvLayer) UpdateParams()

UpdateParams updates all params given any changes that might have been made to individual values including those in the receiving projections of this layer

type PulvParams added in v1.5.9

type PulvParams struct {
	DriversOff   bool    `def:"false" desc:"Turn off the driver inputs, in which case this layer behaves like a standard layer"`
	DriveScale   float32 `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */
	FullDriveAct float32 `` /* 352-byte string literal not displayed */

PulvParams provides parameters for how the plus-phase (outcome) state of Pulvinar thalamic relay cell neurons is computed from the corresponding driver neuron Burst activation. Drivers are hard clamped using Clamp.Rate.

func (*PulvParams) Defaults added in v1.5.9

func (tp *PulvParams) Defaults()

func (*PulvParams) DriveGe added in v1.5.9

func (tp *PulvParams) DriveGe(act float32) float32

DriveGe returns effective excitatory conductance to use for given driver input Burst activation

func (*PulvParams) Update added in v1.5.9

func (tp *PulvParams) Update()

type SendAttnParams added in v1.2.85

type SendAttnParams struct {
	Thr    float32       `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	ToLays emer.LayNames `desc:"list of layers to send attentional modulation to"`

SendAttnParams parameters for sending attention

func (*SendAttnParams) Defaults added in v1.2.85

func (ti *SendAttnParams) Defaults()

func (*SendAttnParams) Update added in v1.2.85

func (ti *SendAttnParams) Update()

type SuperLayer added in v1.2.2

type SuperLayer struct {
	axon.Layer               // access as .Layer
	Burst      BurstParams   `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */
	SuperNeurs []SuperNeuron `desc:"slice of super neuron values -- same size as Neurons"`

SuperLayer is the DeepAxon superficial layer, based on basic rate-coded axon.Layer. Computes the Burst activation from regular activations.

func AddSuperLayer2D added in v1.2.2

func AddSuperLayer2D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *SuperLayer

AddSuperLayer2D adds a SuperLayer of given size, with given name.

func AddSuperLayer4D added in v1.2.2

func AddSuperLayer4D(nt *axon.Network, name string, nPoolsY, nPoolsX, nNeurY, nNeurX int) *SuperLayer

AddSuperLayer4D adds a SuperLayer of given size, with given name.

func (*SuperLayer) Build added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) Build() error

func (*SuperLayer) BurstFmCaSpkP added in v1.5.7

func (ly *SuperLayer) BurstFmCaSpkP(ctime *axon.Time)

BurstFmCaSpkP updates Burst layer 5IB bursting value from current CaSpkP reflecting a time-integrated spiking value useful in learning, subject to thresholding. Only updated during plus phase.

func (*SuperLayer) BurstPrv added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) BurstPrv()

BurstPrv saves Burst as BurstPrv

func (*SuperLayer) CyclePost added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) CyclePost(ctime *axon.Time)

CyclePost calls BurstFmCaSpkP

func (*SuperLayer) DecayState added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) DecayState(decay, glong float32)

func (*SuperLayer) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) Defaults()

func (*SuperLayer) InitActs added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) InitActs()

func (*SuperLayer) NewState added in v1.5.7

func (ly *SuperLayer) NewState()

func (*SuperLayer) SendCtxtGe added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) SendCtxtGe(ctime *axon.Time)

SendCtxtGe sends Burst activation over CTCtxtPrjn projections to integrate CtxtGe excitatory conductance on CT layers. This should be called at the end of the 5IB Bursting phase via Network.CTCtxt Satisfies the CtxtSender interface.

func (*SuperLayer) UnitVal1D added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) UnitVal1D(varIdx int, idx int) float32

UnitVal1D returns value of given variable index on given unit, using 1-dimensional index. returns NaN on invalid index. This is the core unit var access method used by other methods, so it is the only one that needs to be updated for derived layer types.

func (*SuperLayer) UnitVarIdx added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) UnitVarIdx(varNm string) (int, error)

UnitVarIdx returns the index of given variable within the Neuron, according to UnitVarNames() list (using a map to lookup index), or -1 and error message if not found.

func (*SuperLayer) UnitVarNames added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) UnitVarNames() []string

UnitVarNames returns a list of variable names available on the units in this layer

func (*SuperLayer) UnitVarNum added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) UnitVarNum() int

UnitVarNum returns the number of Neuron-level variables for this layer. This is needed for extending indexes in derived types.

func (*SuperLayer) UpdateParams added in v1.2.2

func (ly *SuperLayer) UpdateParams()

type SuperNeuron added in v1.2.2

type SuperNeuron struct {
	Burst    float32 `desc:"5IB bursting activation value, computed by thresholding regular activation"`
	BurstPrv float32 `desc:"previous bursting activation -- used for context-based learning"`

SuperNeuron has the neuron values for SuperLayer

func (*SuperNeuron) VarByIdx added in v1.2.2

func (sn *SuperNeuron) VarByIdx(idx int) float32

type TRNLayer added in v1.2.2

type TRNLayer struct {
	ILayers emer.LayNames `desc:"layers that we receive inhibition from"`

TRNLayer copies inhibition from pools in CT and Pulv layers, and from other TRNLayers, and pools this inhibition using the Max operation

func (*TRNLayer) Defaults added in v1.2.2

func (ly *TRNLayer) Defaults()

func (*TRNLayer) InitActs added in v1.2.2

func (ly *TRNLayer) InitActs()

InitActs fully initializes activation state -- only called automatically during InitWts

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