This model builds on the basic pcore mechanisms to include temporal integration and prediction of salient outcomes in the OFC and ACC.
The paradigm is a simple ecologically-inspired task (a simplified version of the map-nav Fworld flat-world model), where there are:
B different body states (hunger, thirst, etc), satisfied by a corresponding US outcome.
C_B different CS sensory cues associated with each US (simplest case is C_B = 1 -- one-to-one mapping), presented on a "fovea" input layer.
L different locations where you can be currently looking, each of which can hold a different CS sensory cue. Current location is an input, and determines contents of the fovea. wraps around.
Distance layer with distance from locations where stuff actually is. This can be represented as a popcode. Start at random distances.
Actions are: Forward, Left, Right, Consume. Consume happens at Dist = 0, Dist stays at 0 for a trial while consuming happens and the US is presented.
Target behavior is to orient L / R until a CS sensory cue appears that is consistent with current body state, and then move Forward until the Distance = proximal, and you then Consume.
Anatomically, there are distinct circuits connecting through OFC, ACC and dlPFC (ADS '86):
- OFC -> VM Str / NAcc -> VP / mdm-GP -> mVA, MDmc
- ACC -> VM Str -> VP / rl-GP -> pm-MD (no VA?)
- SMA -> Putamen / DL Str -> vl-GP -> VL thal
- dlPFC -> dm Caudate -> mdm-GP -> VApc, MDpc
Thus, in principle each area can gate separately presumably, although our simplified model assumes that bidirectional cortical coordination causes them to typically all gate together. OFC level gating may make parallel go / no choices about which outcome to pursue?
This gets into PVLV-level model issues about how these circuits are also involved in DA regulation...
The SMA action correlate is effectively "approach then consume" -- without an additional gating step required at the point of consumption -- use instinct to learn this sequence under guidance of SMAOut and current pos etc.
The default non-gated state is exploration. You could have a goal-engaged version of exploration, but the default is to explore -- again instinct grounds this for the simple version.. some further issues to deal with later..
Need a clear signal for when you are looking at a good CS: this is the activation of US in OFC based on BLA input?
Specific model properties
Vs / Vp Drive * CS match detection
See for rationale for how it computes alignment between drive and CS.
Note that BLA does not have to do the same thing -- it should follow the CS wherever it goes.
MatrixLayer GateThr
This is a key parameter for stats and can affect learning in certain parameterizations but not what is being used. In any case, the stats are important and the param is a bit sensitive -- .05 seems pretty good.
This needs to be higher to prevent redundant gating. 1.2 seems good -- but need to increase STNp firing rate also.
Matrix is getting blasted with too strong of input -- increase leak? other params? drive needs to be stronger? but needs to activate a feedforward inhib -- no ff inhib present? maybe switch all to ff? yes!! update pcore to better test this case.
There is no negative feedback on gating -- because action is always correct following GenAct -- but in general it would be good to have stronger biases than just getting punished for behaving randomly initially.
- Need Go to gate when US is present -- US only active in plus phase contingent on action -- make a whole separate trial where US is activated instead of doing in plus phase..
Steps to building model (old):
add BLA, OFC with pool-based drive separations -- and OFC has high inhibition, requiring both drive and BLA input to get over threshold..
VThal gating drives all *Out deep layers.
train a pure non-gated M1 -- how high does act match go? Does OFC learn to represent match of US and CS? First focus on getting that aspect of task working b/c nothing else works unless it does.
maintain last action if not gated afresh -- how? SMAd recurrents? nmda higher? M1?
add act context for prediction? m1p ok?
modulate OFC / ACC learning mainly at end / DA mod
Connecting CS and US modulated by Drive
The narrative story is that you have Drive state (bottom-up), learned CS -> US, and you need to decide whether the current CS is something to approach or not.
First, BLA learns CS -> US and the output is US -> OFC US
OFC US reps require an AND on BLA and Drive inputs -- matching in general is an AND operation -- do we need a subset of OFC with higher inhibitory threshold to drive this AND, or is regular learning enough? Maybe start with that to get it working.
During goal selection gating, BG looks for strong OFC US activation of any sort -- this could be an STN-level filter on enabling gating to take place in the first place -- when the OFC has a new strong US activation it triggers STNp -- otherwise not..
Note: could use topo STN / Thal pathways to select scope of gating
don't need this now but could use later..