Urakubo = Urakubo et al, 2008
This model re-implements the highly biophysically realistic model of spike-timing dependent plasticity from:
- Urakubo, H., Honda, M., Froemke, R. C., & Kuroda, S. (2008). Requirement of an allosteric kinetics of NMDA receptors for spike timing-dependent plasticity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(13), 3310–3323. | Main PDF | Supplemental PDF | Model Details (last one has all the key details but a few typos and the code is needed to get all the details right).
This model captures the complex postsynaptic chemical cascades that result in the changing levels of AMPA receptor numbers in the postsynaptic density (PSD) of a spine, as a function of the changing levels of calcium (Ca2+) entering the spine through NMDA and VGCC (voltage-gated calcium) channels. The model mechanisms are strongly constrained bottom-up by the known kinetics of these chemical processes, and amazingly it captures many experimental results in the LTP / LTD experimental literature. Thus, it provides an extremely valuable resource for understanding how plasticity works and how realistic but much simpler models can be constructed, which are actually usable in larger-scale simulations.
The complexity of this model of a single synaptic spine involves 116 different variables updated according to interacting differential equations requiring a time constant of 5e-5 (20 steps per the typical msec step used in axon). In previous work with the original Genesis implementation of this model (see CCN textbook), we were able to capture the net effect of this model on synaptic changes, at a rate-code level using random poisson spike trains, using the simple "checkmark" linearized version of the BCM learning rule (called "XCAL" for historical reasons), with an r
value of around .9 (81% of the variance) -- see figure below. However, with the actual spiking present in axon, there is an important remaining question as to whether a more realistic (yet still simplified) learning mechanism might be able to take advantage of some aspects of the detailed spiking patterns to do "better" somehow than the simplified rate code model.
The original Genesis model is a good object lesson in how a generic modeling framework can obscure what is actually being computed. The model shows up as a complex soup of crossing lines in the Genesis GUI, and the code is a massive dump of inscrutable numbers, with key bits of actual computation carefully hidden across many different bits of code, with seemingly endless flags and conditions making it very difficult to determine what code path is actually in effect. In addition, Genesis is ancient software that requires an old gcc compiler to build it, and it only runs under X windows.
By contrast, the present model is purpose-built in compact, well-documented highly readable Go code, using a few very simple types in the emergent chem package, providing the basic React
and Enz
mechanisms used for simulating the chemical reactions.
Model Summary
The above figure summarizes the model and some of the STDP data that it simulates, along with the derivation of the XCAL checkmark linearized BCM-like learning function from more realistic spiking inputs.
In our version, we omitted the full compartmental model in favor of the basic Axon AdEx-style model which just summarizes the Vm curve resulting from a spike. However, we did have to adjust a few parameters to match the Vm curve from the Genesis model (though these do not appear to make much difference in the end).
We also added VGCC channels (not otherwise used in axon -- verified that they do make a difference for the basic STDP results), and used the allosteric NMDA dynamics from the original Urakubo model instead of the simpler NMDA channel used in axon. See the NMDAAxon
Basic Usage
Toolbar at the top does actions (mouse over and hold to see tooltips), e.g.:
re-initializes with any params updatesRun
runs currentStim
Params list at left side control lots of things (see tooltips), e.g.:
determines the stimulation program -- seestims.go
for code -- figures below show some examples.ISISec
= spacing between individual stimulation patternsNReps
= number of repetitions of patterns -- more = bigger effects on weightsFinalSecs
= number of seconds to allow AMPAR trafficking to settle out -- has significant effects on final results.- Other params used in different cases -- see examples below -- and below that are overall parameters of the neuron etc.
Tab bar selects different plots:
shows final delta-weights (change in synaptic weight), i.e.,Trp_AMPAR
= trapped AMPA receptors, as a proportion ofInitWt
which is baseline value -- only updated for theSweep
shows DWt forThetaErr
case, which manipulates minus and plus phase activity states according to the Contrastive Hebbian Learning (CHL) algorithm.Msec*Plot
shows all the model state values evolving over time at different temporal scales (100 = 1 point for every 100 msec, etc)
See for plots and tab-separated-value (TSV) data for various cases, some of which are summarized below.
Classical STDP Replication
The classic Bi & Poo STDP curve emerges reliably with e.g., 100 reps with 50 secs final "burn in" of the weights -- maximum burn-in occurs after about 100 secs and after then things can start to decay. The curve gets stronger with more reps as well. The X axis is Tpost - Tpre, so the "causal" pre-post ordering is positive numbers on the right.
Stim = STDPSweep
NReps = 100
FinalSecs = 50
STDP in Packets
What happens in a slightly more "realistic" scenario where pre-post spikes occur at more naturalistic overall frequencies? This was tested with the STDPPacketSweep inputs: 200 msec of 25 or 50 hz spiking, with fixed pre-post time offsets. This case represents a kind of "best case" for whether there might be some kind of STDP-like signal left in more realistic spike trains -- it is still highly unlikely that in the noisy environment of the brain, you would ever see such reliable pre-post timing across a sequence of spikes like this.
Interestingly, this shows the same qualitative effects but in a much weaker form -- this means that there may be some residual STDP effect in the overall learning rule -- can't quite conclude that yet because this model does not capture CHL.
Stim = STDPPacketSweep
NReps = 10
FinalSecs = 50
SendHz = 25 or 50
DurMsec = 200
XCAL / BCM checkmark learning rule
The data used to derive the XCAL check-mark linearized version of the BCM curve manipulated send and recv Hz and also overall duration -- the main plots are for a given sending Hz, varying recv Hz (X axis) and duration. These did NOT use poisson random spiking but rather ensured that pre and post fired 180 degrees out phase, so as to effectively negate any timing issues (equally pre or post). Here are some plots for different levels of sending activity:
Here is the replication in current model -- viewed as stacked slices through the Z depth axis of the central panel of the above 3D plots -- the X axis is Recv Hz, different lines as shown in legend are different durations of overall firing.
Sender = 100Hz:
Sender = 50Hz:
Stim = OpPhaseDurSweep
NReps = 1
FinalSecs = 100
SendHz = 50 or 100
Random Poisson Firing
This case shows what bad memory had consolidated as the basis for the original XCAL checkmark learning rule -- random poisson firing of send and recv neurons over a packet of a given duration. This produces a more complex curve, e.g., for 200msec activity packets (theta cycle), as a function of recv firing rate (X axis) and sending firing rate (legend / different lines):
Stim = PoissonHzSweep
NReps = 10
FinalSecs = 100
DurMsec = 200
CHL Error-driven Learning
The ThetaErr
Stim runs the current Zito lab empirical experiment on the model, testing for plus-phase vs. minus phase differences in firing rate over a 200msec window (theta frequency), with the minus phase the first 100 msec, plus phase the second 200 msec.
The X axis on the plot is CHL error signal for each condition:
- CHL = X+Y+ - X-Y-
With X = normalized frequency for sender (Hz/100), Y = norm recv frequency. First term is hebbian co-product in the plus phase (correct answer, outcome, target), second is for the minus phase (guess, prediction, actual model output).
The Y axis is the DWt result of the model. If the model was perfectly capturing the CHL learning rule, the points would all be along a positive diagonal line (i.e., the r = 1 line). Clearly, the original Urakubo model does not accurately capture the CHL function, although some subset of points are not too far off. It is particularly inaccurate on the negative error cases, which require strong LTD, despite relatively high levels of activity.
Stim = ThetaErr
NReps = 10
FinalSecs = 100
DurMsec = 200
RGClamp = false or true
The next plot shows the case for RGClamp = true
, where the recv unit is current-clamped to drive its spiking, instead of phasically driving individual spikes at a prescribed regular interval according to the target Hz.
Basic model behavior
You can see single stimulus events in the MsecPlot
at full temporal resolution by running the STDP
or Poisson
Stim cases with Nreps = 1, ISISec = 0, FinalSecs = 0
, so you just see the one trace. This can be used for exploring parameter differences, seeing the Ca-driven dynamics etc.
Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
urakubo: This simulation replicates the Urakubo et al, 2008 detailed model of spike-driven learning, including intracellular Ca-driven signaling, involving CaMKII, CaN, PKA, PP1.