TD provides a simple TD Q learning solution to the simple motor sequence learning problem, to get a sense of its overall learning complexity.
It is a very simple problem so it is expected to be solved easily: the question is how fast it ends up being learned, given the amount of state space exploration that is required.
The trial / epoch setup is the same as the bgdorsal sim, so epochs are comparable units (128 trials per epoch).
- Epsilon Min = 0.01 seems pretty optimal -- any higher and it fails to converge
- Epsilon Decay = 0.2 or 0.5 work well -- helps converge more quickly.
- LRate Decay = 0.0001 or 0.00001 seem best: variance vs speed tradeoff overall
./td -runs 50 -epochs 1000 -env-seq-len 4 -env-n-actions 6 -td-l-rate-decay 0.0001 -td-epsilon-decay 0.5 -td-epsilon-min 0.01
The fastest times here are about 10 epochs, and you also get values in the 400+ epochs as well.
Similar param issues, and in general get the same performance with less variability overall:
./td -runs 50 -epochs 1000 -env-seq-len 3 -env-n-actions 10 -td-l-rate-decay 0.0001 -td-epsilon-decay 0.5 -td-epsilon-min 0.01
Exploring larger spaces
- 4x10 is more difficult for sure: have to reduce epsilon decay to 0.1
In general it seems sensibly related to the size of the space being searched.