This simulation explores the temporal differences (TD) reinforcement learning algorithm under some basic Pavlovian conditioning environments.
To explore the TD learning rule, we use a simple classical (Pavlovian) conditioning task, where the network learns that a stimulus (tone) reliably predicts a subsequent reward. Then, we extend the task to a second order conditioning case, where another stimulus (light) reliably predicts that tone. First, we need to justify the use of the TD algorithm in this context, and motivate the nature of the stimulus representations used in the network.
You might recall that we said that the delta rule (aka the Rescorla-Wagner rule) provides a good model of classical conditioning, and thus wonder why TD is needed. It all has to do with the issue of timing. If one ignores the timing of the stimulus relative to the response, then in fact the TD rule becomes equivalent to the delta rule when everything happens at one time step (it just trains V(t) to match r(t)). However, animals are sensitive to the timing relationship, and, more importantly for our purposes, modeling this timing provides a particularly clear and simple demonstration of the basic properties of TD learning.
The only problem is that this simple demonstration involves a somewhat unrealistic representation of timing. Basically, the stimulus representation has a distinct unit for each stimulus for each point in time, so that there is something unique for the TD system to learn from. This representation is the complete serial compound (CSC) proposed by Sutton & Barto (1990), and we will see exactly how it works when we look at the model. As we have noted, we explore a more plausible alternative in the Executive Function chapter, where the TD error signal controls the updating of a context representation that maintains the stimulus over time.
Mapping TD to the Network
There are four separate TD layers that each compute a part of the overall TD algorithm, and the actual TD computations are performed by the simulation code, instead of using network-level interactions among the layers themselves. Although it is possible to get units to compute the necessary additions and subtractions required by the TD algorithm, it is much simpler and more robust to perform these calculations directly using the values represented by the units. The critical network-level computation is learning about the reward value of stimuli, and this is done using a special dopamine-like learning rule in the RewPred
Here is a description of what each layer does:
Rew -- just represents the reward input, i.e., the US (unconditioned stimulus), as an activation state (0 = no reward, 1 = reward).
RewPred -- this is the key learning layer, which learns to predict the reward value on the next time step
based on the current stimulus inputs. This prediction is generated in the plus phase of Leabra settling based on its current weights from theInput
layer (a linear unbounded activation rule is used, so this unit can represent arbitrary values), whereas in the minus phase the layer's state is clamped to the prediction made on the previous trial:V(t)
. -
RewInteg -- this layer integrates the reward prediction and external reward layer values, and the difference in its plus-minus phase activation states are what drive the TD delta (dopamine-like) signal. Specifically, its minus phase activation is
-- the expectation of reward computed by the rew pred layer on the previous trial, and its plus phase activation is the expectation of reward on the next trial (from RewPred) plus any actual rewards being received at the present time (via a direct synaptic input from Rew layer). Thus, its plus phase state is the sum of theRew
values, and this sum is directly clamped as an activation state on the unit. -
TD -- this unit computes the plus -- minus values from the rew integ layer, which reflects the TD delta value and is thought to act like the dopamine signal in the brain. This TD value sets the DA value in the layer, which is broadcast to all other layers, including critically the RewPred layer, where it drives learning.
The Network
Let's start by examining the network. The Input
layer (located at the top, to capture the relative anatomical locations of this cortical area relative to the midbrain dopamine system represented by the TD layers below it) contains three rows of 20 units each. This is the CSC, where the rows each represent a different stimulus (A, B, C), and the columns represent points in time: each unit has a stimulus and a time encoding (e.g., A_10 = time step 10 of the A stimulus). The TD layers are as described above.
- Click on
in theNetView
tab and then on theRewPred
layer unit -- you will see that it starts with a uniform weight of 0. Then, click back to viewingAct
The Basic TD Learning Mechanism
Let's see how the CSC works in action.
- Click
and then theStep Event
button on the toolbar to step an event at a time (here we use the term event to refer to individual time steps within an overall behavioral trial which represents the full CS / US sequence).
Nothing should happen in the Input
layer, because no stimulus is present at time step 0. The various TD layers will remain at 0 as well, and the TD
layer also has a zero activation. Thus, no reward was either expected or obtained, and there is no deviation from expectation. Note the Event:
field shown below the network -- it indicates the time step (e.g., 0).
- Continue to press the
Step Event
button until you see an activation in the Input layer (should be 10 more steps).
This input activation represents the fact that the conditioned stimulus (CS) A (i.e., the "tone" stimulus) came on at t=10. There should be no effect of this on the TD layers, because they have not associated this CS with reward yet.
- Continue to
Step Event
some more.
You will see that this stimulus remains active for 6 more time steps (through t=15), and at the end of this time period, the Rew
layer represents a value of 1 instead of 0, indicating that an external reward was delivered to the network. Because the RewPred
layer has not learned to expect this reward, the TD delta value is positive, as reflected by the activity of the TD unit. This TD dopamine spike also drove learning in the RewPred
layer, as we'll see the next time we go through this sequence of trials.
Click on the
tab, and then doStep Trial
to finish out the trial of 20 time steps. This will show you the TD dopamine spike at t=15. -
Step Event
through the next trial until time step 14.
You should see that the RewPred
layer now gets weakly activated at time step 14, signaling a prediction of reward that will come on the next time step. This expectation of reward, even in the absence of a delivered reward on the Rew
layer (which still shows a 0 value representation), is sufficient to drive the TD "dopamine spike" -- click to TrnTrlPlot
to see it on the plot.
- Do Step: Trial one more time (t=15).
Now the situation is reversed: the Rew
layer shows that the reward has been presented, but the TD value is reduced from the previous 1. This is because the RewPred
layer accurately predicted this reward on the prior time step, and thus the reward prediction error, which TD signals, has been reduced by the amount of the prediction!
- Do
Step Trial
to process the rest of the trial, and switch to viewingTrnTrlPlot
The plot shows that the "dopamine spike" of TD delta has moved forward one step in time. This is the critical feature of the TD algorithm: by learning to anticipate rewards one time step later, it ends up moving the dopamine spike earlier in time.
- Keep doing more
Step Trial
(or justTrain
You should see that the spike moves "forward" in time with each Step Trial
, but can't move any further than the onset of the CS at time step 10.
We can also examine the weights to see what the network has learned.
- Click on
and then on theRewPred
layer unit -- you should see that there are increased weights from the A stimulus for time steps 10-14. You can also clickWeights Update
in toolbar and theWeights
tab to see the weights in a grid view.
Extinction and Second Order Conditioning
At this point, there are many standard phenomena in classical conditioning that can be explored with this model. We will look at two: extinction and second order conditioning. Extinction occurs when the stimulus is no longer predictive of reward -- it then loses its ability to predict this reward (which is appropriate). Second order conditioning, as we discussed earlier, is where a conditioned stimulus can serve as the unconditioned stimulus for another stimulus -- in other words, one can extend the prediction of reward backward across two separate stimuli.
We can simulate extinction by simply turning off the US reward that appears at t=15.
Click on the
, and then click off theAct
toggle in theUS
field -- this will de-activate the US. -
Now, hit
Reset Trl Log
in toolbar to clear out theTrnTrlPlot
(click on that to view it), and thenStep Trial
. It can also be useful to click on theRewPred
line in the plot, which shows the predicted reward value. You can alsoStep Event
and watch the NetView to see how the network behaves.
Question 7.5: What happened at the point where the reward was supposed to occur? Explain why this happened using the TD mechanisms of reward expectations compared to actual reward values received.
Question 7.6: Run the network and describe what occurs over the next several epochs of extinction training in terms of the TD error signals plotted in the graph view, and explain why TD does this. After the network is done learning again, does the stimulus still evoke an expectation of reward?
Now, let's explore second order conditioning. We must first retrain the network on the stimulus 1 association.
- In the
window, turnUS
back on, then doInit
. You canStop
when it is trained.
Now, we will turn on the CS B stimulus, which starts at t=2 and lasts until time step 10.
- Click the
on in themain.CondEnv
, and go back to viewingAct
in theNetView
if you aren't already. HitReset Trl Log
to clear the plot, then doStep Event
to see the B stimulus followed by the A, then the US (you might need to go through twice to get a full trial, depending on where it stopped last time).
Essentially, the CSA stimulus acts just like a reward by triggering a positive delta value, and thus allows the CSB stimulus to learn to predict this first stimulus.
- Push
, and switch toTrnTrlPlot
, thenStop
when the plot stops changing.
You will see that the early anticipation of reward gets carried out to the onset of the CS B stimulus (which comes first in time).
Finally, we can present some of the limitations of the CSC representation. One obvious problem is capacity -- each stimulus requires a different set of units for all possible time intervals that can be represented. Also, the CSC begs the question of how time is initialized to zero at the right point so every trial is properly synchronized. Finally, the CSC requires that the stimulus stay on (or some trace of it) up to the point of reward, which is unrealistic. This last problem points to an important issue with the TD algorithm, which is that although it can learn to bridge temporal gaps, it requires some suitable representation to support this bridging (which we explore in the Executive Function Chapter).
Advanced Explorations
More advanced explorations can be performed by experimenting with different settings of the main.CondEnv
. Here you can manipulate the probabilities of stimuli being presented, and introduce randomness in the timings. Generally speaking, these manipulations tend to highlight the limitations of the CSC input representation, and of TD more generally, but many of these are addressed by more advanced approaches (e.g., representing the sensory state in more realistic ways; Ludvig, Sutton & Kehoe 2008) and/or using hidden markov models of 'hidden states' to allow for variable timing (Daw, Courville & Touretzky, 2006). In the main motor chapter we consider a different alternative to TD, called PVLV (and the simulation exploration: PVLV) which focuses much less on timing per se, and attempts to address some of the neural mechanisms upstream of the dopamine system that allow it to represent reward expectations.
Daw, N. D., Courville, A. C., & Touretzky, D. S. (2006). Representation and timing in theories of the dopamine system. Neural Computation, 18(7), 1637–1677.
Ludvig, E. A., Sutton, R. S., & Kehoe, E. J. (2008). Stimulus representation and the timing of reward-prediction errors in models of the dopamine system. Neural Computation, 20(12), 3034–3054.
Sutton, R. S., & Barto, A. G. (1990). Time-Derivative Models of Pavlovian Reinforcement. In J. W. Moore & M. Gabriel (Eds.), Learning and Computational Neuroscience (pp. 497–537). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.