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Published: Jan 22, 2025 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 12 Imported by: 0


Channel Plots

A-type Potassium Channel

This voltage-gated K channel, found especially on dendrites of pyramidal neurons for example, has a narrow window of activation between the M and H gates, around -37 mV. The M activating gate has a fast time constant on the scale of a msec, while the H inactivating gate has a linearly increasing time constant as a function of V.

It is particularly important for counteracting the excitatory effects of voltage gated calcium channels which can otherwise drive runaway excitatory currents.

	K = -1.8 - 1/(1+exp((vbio+40)/5))
    Alpha(V,K) = exp(0.03707 * K * (V - 1))
	Beta(V,K) = exp(0.01446 * K * (V - 1))
    H(V) = 1 / (1 + epx(0.1133 * (V + 56)))
    Htau(V) = 0.26 * (V + 50) > 2
    M(Alpha) = 1 / (1 + Alpha)
    Mtau(Alpha, Beta) = 1 + Beta / (0.5 * (1 + Alpha))

NOTE: to work properly with 1 msec Dt updating, the MTau adds a 1 -- otherwise MTau goes to high.

G from V

M and H gating from V

Mtau from V

Htau from V

Gak and M over time

The Time Run plot (above) shows how the Gak current develops over time in response to spiking, which it tracks directly due to very fast M dynamics. The H current inactivates significantly when the consistent Vm level (TimeVstart) is elevated -- e.g., -50 as shown in the figure.

Simplified AKs channel

The AKsParams provides a much simpler, stateless version of the AK channel that is useful to just get a high-level cutoff to membrane potentials in the dendrites, e.g., as might otherwise emerge from the VGCC channel.

Gaks from V

This function is:

	if vbio > -37 { // flat response above cutoff -- real function goes back down..
		vbio = -37
	return 0.076 / (1.0 + math32.FastExp(-0.075*(vbio+2)))


Explores the GABA-B dynamics from Sanders et al (2013) and Thomson & Destexhe, 1999.

GABA-B is an inhibitory channel activated by the usual GABA inhibitory neurotransmitter, which is coupled to the GIRK G-protein coupled inwardly rectifying potassium (K) channel. It is ubiquitous in the brain, and is likely essential for basic neural function (especially in spiking networks from a computational perspective). The inward rectification is caused by a Mg+ ion block from the inside of the neuron, which means that these channels are most open when the neuron is hyperpolarized (inactive), and thus it serves to keep inactive neurons inactive.

Based on Fig 15 of TD99, using a double-exponential function with 60 msec time to peak, and roughly 200 msec time to return to baseline, along with sigmoidal function of spiking for peak conductance, and the Mg inverse rectification curve.

Double exponential can't quite fit the right time-course, but 45 rise and 50 decay gives pretty reasonable looking overall distribution with peak at 47, and about .2 left after 200 msec. 35 / 40 has peak around 37 and .1 left after 100.

kIR potassium inward rectifying channel

M-type voltage gated potassium channel: mAHP

This voltage-gated K channel, which is also inactivated by ACh muscarinic receptor activation, plays a role in medium time-scale afterhyperpolarization (mAHP).

Original formulation due to Mainen & Sejnowski (1996) is widely used, and used here.

	vo = (V - Voff)
	a = 0.001 * vo / (1 - exp(-vo/Vslope))
	b = -0.001 * vo / (1 - exp(vo/Vslope))

   tau = 1 / (a + b)
   ninf = a / (a + b)

Ninf from V

Tau from V

mAHP vs. fKNA

The Time Run plot (above) shows how the mAHP current develops over time in response to spiking, in comparison to the KNa function, with the default "fast" parameters of 50msec and rise = 0.05. The mAHP is much more "anticipatory" due to the direct V sensitivity, whereas KNa is much more "reactive", responding only the the Na after spiking.


This plots the NMDA current function from Sanders et al, 2013 and Brunel & Wang (2001) (BW01), which is the most widely used active maintenance model.

See also:

Also used in: WeiWangWang12, FurmanWang08, NassarHelmersFrank18

Voltage dependence function based on Mg ion blocking is:

1 / (1 + (C/3.57)*exp(-0.062 * vm))

Jahr & Stevens (1990) originally derived this equation, using a Mg+ concentration C of 1 mM, so that factor = 0.28, used in BW01. Urakubo et al. (2008) used a concentration of 1.5 mM, citing Froemke & Dan (2002). Various other sources (Vink & Nechifor) indicate physiological ranges being around 1.2 - 1.4.

g_NMDA from V

In addition to this v-dependent Mg factor, conductance depends on presynaptic glutamate release, which in the basic BW01 model just increments with spikes and decays with a time constant of about 100 msec.

The Urakubo et al (2008) model introduces allosteric dynamics, based on data from Froemke & Dan (2002), which we can capture simply using an inhibitory factor that increments with each spike and decays with a 100 msec time constant. However, their model has an effective Glu-binding decay time of only 30 msec.

slow AHP (sAHP): Calcium

This channel is driven by a M-type mechanism operating on calcium sensor pathways that have longer time constants, updated at the theta cycle level so that guarantees a long baseline already. The logistic gating function operates with a high cutoff on the underlying Ca signal

The logistic operates on integrated Ca:

	co = (ca - Off)
	a = co / TauMax * (1 - exp(-co/Slope))
	b = -co / TauMax * (1 - exp(co/Slope))

   tau = 1 / (a + b)
   ninf = a / (a + b)

Ninf from Ca

Tau from Ca

mAHP vs. fKNA

The Time Run plot (above) shows how the mAHP current develops over time in response to spiking, in comparison to the KNa function, with the default "fast" parameters of 50msec and rise = 0.05. The mAHP is much more "anticipatory" due to the direct V sensitivity, whereas KNa is much more "reactive", responding only the the Na after spiking.

sKCa: Voltage-gated Calcium Channels

This plots the sKCa current function, which describes the small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel, using the equations described in Fujita et al (2012) based on Gunay et al (2008), (also Muddapu & Chakravarthy, 2021). There is a gating factor M that depends on the Ca concentration, modeled using an X / (X + C50) form Hill equation:

M_hill(ca) = ca^h / (ca^h + c50^h)

This function is .5 when ca == c50, and the h default power (Hill param) of 4 makes it a sharply nonlinear function.

SKCa can be activated by intracellular stores in a way that drives pauses in firing, and can require inactivity to recharge the Ca available for release. These intracellular stores can release quickly, have a slow decay once released, and the stores can take a while to rebuild, leading to rapidly triggered, long-lasting pauses that don't recur until stores have rebuilt, which is the observed pattern of firing of STNp pausing neurons, that open up a window for BG gating.

CaIn = intracellular stores available for release; CaR = released amount from stores; CaM = K channel conductance gating factor driven by CaR binding.

	CaR -= CaR * CaRDecayDt
	if spike {
		CaR += CaIn * KCaR
	if CaD < CaInThr {
		CaIn += CaInDt * (1 - CaIn)

Figure 1: M gating as a function of Ca, using Hill function with exponent 4, C50 = .5.

Figure 2: Time plot showing pausing and lack of recovery. The spiking input to the neuron is toggled every 200 msec (theta cycle), with 3 cycles shown. The CaIn level does not recover during the off phase -- 2 or more such phases are required.

VGCC: Voltage-gated Calcium Channels

This plots the VGCC current function, which is an L-type Ca channel that opens as a function of membrane potential. It tends to broaden the effect of action potential spikes in the dendrites.

G(vm) = -vm / (1 - exp(0.0756 * vm))
M(vm) = 1 / (1 + exp(-(vm + 37)))     // Tau = 3.6 msec
H(vm) = 1 / (1 + exp((vm + 41) * 2))  // Tau = 29 msec
VGCC(vm) = M^3 H * G(vm)

M and H gating from V

The intersection of M and H produces a very narrow membrane potential window centered around -40 mV where the gates are both activated, with the fast updating (3.6 msec tau) and cubic dependence on M essentially shutting off the current very quickly when the action potential goes away. The longer H time constant provides a slow adaptation-like dynamic that is sensitive to frequency (more adaptation at higher frequencies).

M and H over time

The Time Run plot (above) shows these dynamics playing out with a sequence of spiking.

Functionally, the narrow voltage window restricts the significance of this channel to the peri-spiking time window, where the Ca++ influx provides a bit of extra sustain on the trailing edge of the spike. More importantly, the Ca++ provides a postsynaptic-only spiking signal for learning.


  • Jahr, C. E., & Stevens, C. F. (1990). A quantitative description of NMDA receptor-channel kinetic behavior. Journal of Neuroscience, 10(6), 1830–1837.

  • Sanders, H., Berends, M., Major, G., Goldman, M. S., & Lisman, J. E. (2013). NMDA and GABAB (KIR) Conductances: The "Perfect Couple" for Bistability. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(2), 424–429.

  • Thomson AM, Destexhe A (1999) Dual intracellular recordings and computational models of slow inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in rat neocortical and hippocampal slices. Neuroscience 92:1193–1215.

  • Vink, R., & Nechifor, M. (Eds.). (2011). Magnesium in the Central Nervous System. University of Adelaide Press.

  • Urakubo, H., Honda, M., Froemke, R. C., & Kuroda, S. (2008). Requirement of an allosteric kinetics of NMDA receptors for spike timing-dependent plasticity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(13), 3310–3323.




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type AKPlot

type AKPlot struct {

	// AK function
	AK chans.AKParams

	// AKs simplified function
	AKs chans.AKsParams

	// starting voltage
	Vstart float32 `default:"-100"`

	// ending voltage
	Vend float32 `default:"100"`

	// voltage increment
	Vstep float32 `default:"0.01"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// do spiking instead of voltage ramp
	TimeSpike bool

	// spiking frequency
	SpikeFreq float32

	// time-run starting membrane potential
	TimeVstart float32

	// time-run ending membrane potential
	TimeVend float32

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*AKPlot) Config

func (pl *AKPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures the plot

func (*AKPlot) GVRun

func (pl *AKPlot) GVRun()

GVRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of V.

func (*AKPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *AKPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*AKPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *AKPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equations over time.

func (*AKPlot) Update

func (pl *AKPlot) Update()

type GababPlot

type GababPlot struct {
	// standard chans version of GABAB
	GABAstd chans.GABABParams

	// multiplier on GABAb as function of voltage
	GABAbv float64 `default:"0.1"`

	// offset of GABAb function
	GABAbo float64 `default:"10"`

	// GABAb reversal / driving potential
	GABAberev float64 `default:"-90"`

	// starting voltage
	Vstart float64 `default:"-90"`

	// ending voltage
	Vend float64 `default:"0"`

	// voltage increment
	Vstep float64 `default:"1"`

	// max number of spikes
	Smax int `default:"15"`

	// rise time constant
	RiseTau float64

	// decay time constant -- must NOT be same as RiseTau
	DecayTau float64

	// initial value of GsX driving variable at point of synaptic input onset -- decays expoentially from this start
	GsXInit float64

	// time when peak conductance occurs, in TimeInc units
	MaxTime float64 `edit:"-"`

	// time constant factor used in integration: (Decay / Rise) ^ (Rise / (Decay - Rise))
	TauFact float64 `edit:"-"`

	// total number of time steps to take
	TimeSteps int

	// time increment per step
	TimeInc float64

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*GababPlot) Config

func (pl *GababPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*GababPlot) GSRun

func (pl *GababPlot) GSRun()

GSRun plots conductance over spiking.

func (*GababPlot) GVRun

func (pl *GababPlot) GVRun()

GVRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of V.

func (*GababPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *GababPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*GababPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *GababPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equations over time.

func (*GababPlot) Update

func (pl *GababPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type KirPlot

type KirPlot struct {

	// kIR function
	Kir chans.KirParams

	// starting voltage
	Vstart float32 `default:"-100"`

	// ending voltage
	Vend float32 `default:"100"`

	// voltage increment
	Vstep float32 `default:"1"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// do spiking instead of voltage ramp
	TimeSpike bool

	// spiking frequency
	SpikeFreq float32

	// time-run starting membrane potential
	TimeVstart float32

	// time-run ending membrane potential
	TimeVend float32

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*KirPlot) Config

func (pl *KirPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*KirPlot) GVRun

func (pl *KirPlot) GVRun()

VmRun plots the equation as a function of V

func (*KirPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *KirPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*KirPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *KirPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation over time.

func (*KirPlot) Update

func (pl *KirPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type MahpPlot

type MahpPlot struct {

	// mAHP function
	Mahp chans.MahpParams `display:"inline"`

	// starting voltage
	Vstart float32 `default:"-100"`

	// ending voltage
	Vend float32 `default:"100"`

	// voltage increment
	Vstep float32 `default:"1"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// do spiking instead of voltage ramp
	TimeSpike bool

	// spiking frequency
	SpikeFreq float32

	// time-run starting membrane potential
	TimeVstart float32

	// time-run ending membrane potential
	TimeVend float32

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*MahpPlot) Config

func (pl *MahpPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*MahpPlot) GVRun

func (pl *MahpPlot) GVRun()

GVRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of V.

func (*MahpPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *MahpPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*MahpPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *MahpPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation over time.

func (*MahpPlot) Update

func (pl *MahpPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type NMDAPlot

type NMDAPlot struct {

	// standard NMDA implementation in chans
	NMDAStd chans.NMDAParams

	// multiplier on NMDA as function of voltage
	NMDAv float64 `default:"0.062"`

	// magnesium ion concentration -- somewhere between 1 and 1.5
	MgC float64

	// denominator of NMDA function
	NMDAd float64 `default:"3.57"`

	// NMDA reversal / driving potential
	NMDAerev float64 `default:"0"`

	// for old buggy NMDA: voff value to use
	BugVoff float64

	// starting voltage
	Vstart float64 `default:"-90"`

	// ending voltage
	Vend float64 `default:"10"`

	// voltage increment
	Vstep float64 `default:"1"`

	// decay time constant for NMDA current -- rise time is 2 msec and not worth extra effort for biexponential
	Tau float64 `default:"100"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// voltage for TimeRun
	TimeV float64

	// NMDA Gsyn current input at every time step
	TimeGin float64

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*NMDAPlot) Config

func (pl *NMDAPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*NMDAPlot) GVRun

func (pl *NMDAPlot) GVRun()

GVRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of V.

func (*NMDAPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *NMDAPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*NMDAPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *NMDAPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation over time.

func (*NMDAPlot) Update

func (pl *NMDAPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type SKCaPlot

type SKCaPlot struct {

	// SKCa params
	SKCa chans.SKCaParams

	// time constants for integrating Ca from spiking across M, P and D cascading levels
	CaParams kinase.CaSpikeParams

	// threshold of SK M gating factor above which the neuron cannot spike
	NoSpikeThr float32 `default:"0.5"`

	// Ca conc increment for M gating func plot
	CaStep float32 `default:"0.05"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// do spiking instead of Ca conc ramp
	TimeSpike bool

	// spiking frequency
	SpikeFreq float32

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*SKCaPlot) Config

func (pl *SKCaPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*SKCaPlot) GCaRun

func (pl *SKCaPlot) GCaRun()

GCaRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of Ca.

func (*SKCaPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *SKCaPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*SKCaPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *SKCaPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation over time.

func (*SKCaPlot) Update

func (pl *SKCaPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type SahpPlot

type SahpPlot struct {

	// sAHP function
	Sahp chans.SahpParams `display:"inline"`

	// starting calcium
	CaStart float32 `default:"0"`

	// ending calcium
	CaEnd float32 `default:"1.5"`

	// calcium increment
	CaStep float32 `default:"0.01"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// time-run starting calcium
	TimeCaStart float32

	// time-run CaD value at end of each theta cycle
	TimeCaD float32

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*SahpPlot) Config

func (pl *SahpPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*SahpPlot) GCaRun

func (pl *SahpPlot) GCaRun()

GCaRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of Ca.

func (*SahpPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *SahpPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*SahpPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *SahpPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation over time.

func (*SahpPlot) Update

func (pl *SahpPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type SynCaPlot

type SynCaPlot struct {

	// Ca time constants
	CaSpike kinase.CaSpikeParams `display:"inline"`
	CaDt    kinase.CaDtParams    `display:"inline"`
	Minit   float64
	Pinit   float64
	Dinit   float64

	// adjustment to dt to account for discrete time updating
	MdtAdj float64 `default:"0,0.11"`

	// adjustment to dt to account for discrete time updating
	PdtAdj float64 `default:"0,0.03"`

	// adjustment to dt to account for discrete time updating
	DdtAdj float64 `default:"0,0.03"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*SynCaPlot) CaAtT

func (pl *SynCaPlot) CaAtT(ti int32, caM, caP, caD *float32)

CaAtT computes the 3 Ca values at (currentTime + ti), assuming 0 new Ca incoming (no spiking). It uses closed-form exponential functions.

func (*SynCaPlot) Config

func (pl *SynCaPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*SynCaPlot) CurCa

func (pl *SynCaPlot) CurCa(ctime, utime float32, caM, caP, caD *float32)

CurCa returns the current Ca* values, dealing with updating for optimized spike-time update versions. ctime is current time in msec, and utime is last update time (-1 if never) to avoid running out of float32 precision, ctime should be reset periodically along with the Ca values -- in axon this happens during SlowAdapt.

func (*SynCaPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *SynCaPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*SynCaPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *SynCaPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation.

func (*SynCaPlot) Update

func (pl *SynCaPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

type VGCCPlot

type VGCCPlot struct {

	// VGCC function
	VGCC chans.VGCCParams

	// starting voltage
	Vstart float32 `default:"-90"`

	// ending voltage
	Vend float32 `default:"0"`

	// voltage increment
	Vstep float32 `default:"1"`

	// number of time steps
	TimeSteps int

	// do spiking instead of voltage ramp
	TimeSpike bool

	// spiking frequency
	SpikeFreq float32

	// time-run starting membrane potential
	TimeVstart float32

	// time-run ending membrane potential
	TimeVend float32

	Dir  *tensorfs.Node `display:"-"`
	Tabs lab.Tabber     `display:"-"`

func (*VGCCPlot) Config

func (pl *VGCCPlot) Config(parent *tensorfs.Node, tabs lab.Tabber)

Config configures all the elements using the standard functions

func (*VGCCPlot) GVRun

func (pl *VGCCPlot) GVRun()

GVRun plots the conductance G (and other variables) as a function of V.

func (*VGCCPlot) MakeToolbar

func (pl *VGCCPlot) MakeToolbar(p *tree.Plan)

func (*VGCCPlot) TimeRun

func (pl *VGCCPlot) TimeRun()

TimeRun runs the equation over time.

func (*VGCCPlot) Update

func (pl *VGCCPlot) Update()

Update updates computed values

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