Path | Synopsis |
Blinky flashes the on-board LED.
Blinky flashes the on-board LED. |
Crudeblinky flashes the on-board LED without using HAL or any other packages outside the Embedded Go standard library.
Crudeblinky flashes the on-board LED without using HAL or any other packages outside the Embedded Go standard library. |
Dma shows how to use the DMA controller to perform the memory to memory transfer.
Dma shows how to use the DMA controller to perform the memory to memory transfer. |
Espat is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server.
Espat is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server. |
Espnet is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server.
Espnet is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server. |
Httpserver runs the Go net/http server using the ESP-AT TCP/IP stack.
Httpserver runs the Go net/http server using the ESP-AT TCP/IP stack. |
Onewire uses SkipROM (broadcast) addressing to configure and run all DS18x2x temperature sensors on the 1-Wire bus conected to the LPUART2 interface.
Onewire uses SkipROM (broadcast) addressing to configure and run all DS18x2x temperature sensors on the 1-Wire bus conected to the LPUART2 interface. |
Uart demonstrates how to use LPUART peripheral.
Uart demonstrates how to use LPUART peripheral. |
Uartadvanced demonstrates how to use the LPUART driver in very custom way including details like configuring interrupts and DMA channels.
Uartadvanced demonstrates how to use the LPUART driver in very custom way including details like configuring interrupts and DMA channels. |
Package system, when imported, performs the default configuration of the Teensy 4.x board.
Package system, when imported, performs the default configuration of the Teensy 4.x board. |
Blinky flashes the on-board LED.
Blinky flashes the on-board LED. |
Crudeblinky flashes the on-board LED without using HAL or any other packages outside the Embedded Go standard library.
Crudeblinky flashes the on-board LED without using HAL or any other packages outside the Embedded Go standard library. |
Dma shows how to use the DMA controller to perform the memory to memory transfer.
Dma shows how to use the DMA controller to perform the memory to memory transfer. |
Espat is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server.
Espat is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server. |
Espnet is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server.
Espnet is an ESP-AT based TCP echo server. |
Helloworld endlessly prints a line of text on the system console.
Helloworld endlessly prints a line of text on the system console. |
Httpserver runs the Go net/http server using the ESP-AT TCP/IP stack.
Httpserver runs the Go net/http server using the ESP-AT TCP/IP stack. |
Onewire uses SkipROM addressing to configure and run all DS18x2x temperature sensors on the 1-Wire bus conected to the LPUART2 interface.
Onewire uses SkipROM addressing to configure and run all DS18x2x temperature sensors on the 1-Wire bus conected to the LPUART2 interface. |
Uart demonstrates how to use LPUART peripheral.
Uart demonstrates how to use LPUART peripheral. |
Uartadvanced demonstrates how to use the LPUART peripheral including all details like interrupts and DMA.
Uartadvanced demonstrates how to use the LPUART peripheral including all details like interrupts and DMA. |
Usb works as en Echo Server on the second USB serial port, writting back all received data.
Usb works as en Echo Server on the second USB serial port, writting back all received data. |
Usbserial works as en Echo Server on the second USB serial port, writting back all received data.
Usbserial works as en Echo Server on the second USB serial port, writting back all received data. |
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