gomparator compares HTTP GET JSON responses from different hosts by checking if they respond with the same json (deep equal ignoring order) and status code.
Download and install
go get -u github.com/emacampolo/gomparator
Create a file with relative URL
$ gomparator --path "/path/to/file/with/urls" --host "http://host1.com" --host "http://host2.com" -H "X-Auth-Token: abc"
By Default, it will use 1 worker, and the rate limit will be 5 req/s
--help, -h
Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--version, -v
Print the version
--path value
Specifies the file from which to read targets. It should contain one column only with a rel path. eg: /v1/cards?query=123
--host value
Targeted hosts. Exactly 2 hosts must be specified. eg: --host 'http://host1.com --host 'http://host2.com'
Headers to be used in the http call
--ratelimit value, -r value
Operation rate limit per second (default: 5)
--workers value, -w value
Number of workers running concurrently (default: 1)
Whether it only compares status code ignoring response body
--timeout value
Request timeout (default: 30s)
--duration value, -d value
Duration of the comparison [0 = forever] (default: 0s)
--exclude value
Excludes a value from both json for the specified path. A path is a series of keys separated by a dot or #.
Path syntax
Given the following json input:
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
"friends": [
{"first": "James", "last": "Murphy"},
{"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig"}
path | output |
"name.friends" |
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"}
"friends.#.last" |
"name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
"friends": [
{"first": "James"},
{"first": "Roger"}