A simple (static)wallpaper changer written in Go with the main goal to be light and fast.
Mainly inspired by Nitrogen, Walldo allows you to set your "wallpapers" path and list all your images in on single and
good lookin screen, change your wallpaper as fast as you can think and keep working. Nothing more and nothing less,
simple and functional.
Dependendies (IMPORTANT)
For now Walldo relies on a external tool called
"Libvips" wich has to be installed before the first run (instructions bellow).
And of course you have to install Golang.
After you have installed Go and Libvips just open a new terminal (cmd) and run:
go install github.com/elias-gill/waldo-in-go@latest
Now Walldo must be available in your search bar (write "waldo-in-go"). You can create a direct acces and change the icon if you want.
Libvips instalation
Enter here and download "vips-dev-w64-all-8.12.2.zip" (or vips-dev-w32-all-8.12.2.zip, take care, this is not tested yet).
Extract the .zip file and copy the folder into "C:", then open the "enviroment variables settings" and add the vips folder into the "Path" variable.
Restart your computer and your ready to Go.
Future goals
- Add al simple button to get a random wallpaper from the internet.
- Replace libvips with another pure go library with the less perfomance lost possible.