Blog-CLI ✍️
The utility is built for my blog workflow using Github pages with Hugo. It avoids a few repetitive steps I had to do before.
I like to use Obsidian for writing and the CLI allows me to publish my blog posts from Obisidian.
It should be easy to adjust the workflow, so feel free to reuse :)
blog post <title>
create new blog post skeleton (including metadata) in my writing app and (symbolically) links it to the corresponding post
directory in my Github repo.
after file creation, it opens the file in Obsidian
--book | -B
: create book note from template file
blog draft <title>
blog preview-post <title>
use existing Obsidian article to create linkage in repo. Then locally render blog (hugo serve
) and open preview in Browser. Finally, it asks if you want to publish the post.
--book | -B
: create book note from template file
blog preview
- render the blog (
hugo serve
) and open in Browser
Still missing
Note: the file structure for linking the markdown file in the repo, is currently hardcoded to my blog structure: content/posts/
, you can change this inside the constructRepoPostFilePath()
in blog/blog.go
- media (images) for posts still need to be manually added to the repo
- modify Metadata inside book template
- separate config file for setting paths
The current git implementation asssumes that git
is installed and available in PATH
. For the rendering, it assumes that hugo
is installed and available in PATH
Modify the config paths inside cmd/cmd.go
Change into the repo directory, then:
go build -o ./bin/blog ./cmd/cmd.go
(Optional): create link in PATH (Mac):
ln -s `pwd`/bin/blog /usr/local/bin/blog