Index ¶
- Variables
- func GetFlagPassword(c *cli.Context) ([]byte, error)
- func MoveRPCFlags(args []string) ([]string, error)
- func PrintError(c *cli.Context, err error, cmd string)
- func PrintErrorAndExit(errMsg string)
- func PrintErrorMsg(format string, a ...interface{})
- func PrintInfoMsg(format string, a ...interface{})
- func PrintWarnMsg(format string, a ...interface{})
- func RPCCall(method string, params http.Params) (interface{}, error)
- func ReadFile(filePath string) (string, error)
- func SetRpcConfig(c *cli.Context)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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var ( // Account flags AccountWalletFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "wallet, w", Usage: "wallet `<file>` path", Value: account.KeystoreFileName, } AccountPasswordFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "password, p", Usage: "wallet password", } AccountMultiMFlag = cli.IntFlag{ Name: "m", Usage: "min signature `<number>` of multi signature address", } AccountMultiPubKeyFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "pubkeys, pks", Usage: "public key list of multi signature address, separate public keys with comma `,`", } // Transaction flags TransactionFromFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "from", Usage: "the sender `<address>` of the transaction", } TransactionToFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "to", Usage: "the recipient `<address>` of the transaction", } TransactionToManyFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "tomany", Usage: "the `<file>` path that contains multi-recipients and amount", } TransactionAmountFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "amount", Usage: "the transfer `<amount>` of the transaction", } TransactionFeeFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "fee", Usage: "the transfer `<fee>` of the transaction", } TransactionOutputLockFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "outputlock", Usage: "the `<lock height>` to specify when the received asset can be spent", } TransactionTxLockFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "txlock", Usage: "the `<lock height>` to specify when the transaction can be packaged", } TransactionHexFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "hex", Usage: "the transaction content in hex string format to be sign or send", } TransactionFileFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "file, f", Usage: "the file path to specify a transaction file path with the hex string content to be sign", } TransactionNodePublicKeyFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "nodepublickey", Usage: "the node public key of an arbitrator which have been inactivated", } TransactionForFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "for", Usage: "the `<file>` path that holds the list of candidates", } TransactionSAddressFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "saddress", Usage: "the locked `<address>` on main chain represents one side chain", } // RPC flags RPCUserFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "rpcuser", Usage: "username for JSON-RPC connections", } RPCPasswordFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "rpcpassword", Usage: "password for JSON-RPC connections", } RPCPortFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "rpcport", Usage: "JSON-RPC server listening port `<number>`", } RPCIpFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "rpcip", Usage: "JSON-RPC server listening ip `<string>`", } EnableRPCFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "server", Usage: "decide if open JSON-RPC server or not", } RPCAllowedIPsFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "rpcips", Usage: "white IP list allowed to access RPC server", } // Info flags InfoStartFlag = cli.IntFlag{ Name: "start", Usage: "the start index of producers", Value: 0, } InfoLimitFlag = cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "limit", Usage: "the limit count of producers", Value: -1, } InfoProducerStateFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "state", Usage: "the producer state you want", } // Config flags TestNetFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "testnet", Usage: "specify network type to test net", Value: defaultConfigPath, } RegTestFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "regtest", Usage: "specify network type to reg test net", Value: defaultConfigPath, } ConfigFileFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "conf", Usage: "config `<file>` path, ", Value: defaultConfigPath, } DataDirFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "datadir", Usage: "block data and logs storage `<path>`", Value: defaultDataDir, } MagicFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "magic", Usage: "magic number for node to initialize p2p connection", } PrintLevelFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "printlevel", Usage: "level to print log", } EnableDnsFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dnsseed", Usage: "enable dns seeds for node to initialize p2p connection", } DnsSeedFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dns", Usage: "dns seeds for node to initialize p2p connection", } PeersFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "peers", Usage: "peers seeds for node to initialize p2p connection", } PortFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "port", Usage: "default peer-to-peer port for the network", } InfoPortFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "infoport", Usage: "port for the http info server", } RestPortFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "restport", Usage: "port for the http restful server", } WsPortFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "wsport", Usage: "port for the http web socket server", } InstantBlockFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "instant", Usage: "specify if need to generate instant block", } FoundationAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "foundation", Usage: "specify the foundation address", } DIDSideChainAddressFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "didsidechainaddress", Usage: "specify the did sidechain address", } PayToAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "paytoaddr", Usage: "specify the miner reward address", } AutoMiningFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "automining", Usage: "specify if should open auto mining", } MinTxFeeFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "mintxfee", Usage: "specify minimum transaction fee", } VoteStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "votestartheight", Usage: "indicates the height of starting register producer and " + "vote related", } CheckAddressHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkaddressheight", Usage: "defines the height begin to check output hash", } CheckRewardHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkrewardheight", Usage: "defines the height begin to check reward", } EnableArbiterFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "arbiter", Usage: "indicates where or not to enable DPoS arbiter switch", } CRCOnlyDPOSHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crconlydposheight", Usage: "(H1) indicates the height of DPOS consensus begins with only " + "CRC producers participate in producing block", } PublicDPOSHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "publicdposheight", Usage: "(H2) indicates the height when public registered and elected " + "producers participate in DPOS consensus", } IllegalPenaltyFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "illegalpenalty", Usage: "defines the num of illegal penalty should be punished ", } CRCommitteeStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crcommitteestartheight", Usage: "defines the height of CR Committee started", } CRClaimDPOSNodeStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crclaimdposnodestartheight", Usage: "defines the height of CR claim DPOS node started", } CRClaimDPOSNodePeriodFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crclaimdposnodeperiod", Usage: "defines the period of CR claim DPOS node", } CRVotingStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crvotingstartheight", Usage: "defines the height of CR voting started", } MaxCommitteeProposalCount = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxcommitteeproposalcount", Usage: "defines max count of the proposal that one cr can proposal", } MaxNodePerHost = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxnodeperhost", Usage: "defines max nodes that one host can establish", } VoteStatisticsHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "votestatisticsheight", Usage: "defines the height to fix vote statistics error", } EnableActivateIllegalHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "enableactivateillegalheight", Usage: "defines the start height to enable activate illegal producer" + " though activate tx", } DPoSMagicFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dposmagic", Usage: "defines the magic number used in the DPoS network", } DPoSIPAddressFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dposipaddress", Usage: "defines the default IP address for the DPoS network", } DPoSPortFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dposport", Usage: "defines the default port for the DPoS network", } SecretaryGeneralFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "secretarygeneral", Usage: "defines the secretary general of CR", } MaxProposalTrackingCountFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxproposaltrackingcount", Usage: "defines the max count of CRC proposal tracking", } OriginArbitersFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "originarbiters", Usage: "defines origin arbiters", } CRCArbitersFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crcarbiters", Usage: "defines crc arbiters", } PreConnectOffsetFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "preconnectoffset", Usage: "defines the offset blocks to pre-connect to the block producers", } NormalArbitratorsCountFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "normalarbitratorscount", Usage: "defines the number of general(no-CRC) arbiters", } CandidatesCountFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "candidatescount", Usage: "defines the number of needed candidate arbiters", } MaxInactiveRoundsFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxinactiverounds", Usage: "defines the maximum inactive rounds before producer takes penalty", } InactivePenaltyFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "inactivepenalty", Usage: "defines penalty of inactive", } EmergencyInactivePenaltyFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "emergencyinactivepenalty", Usage: "defines penalty of emergency inactive", } CRMemberCountFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crmembercount", Usage: "defines the number of CR committee members", } CRDutyPeriodFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crdutyperiod", Usage: "defines the duration of a normal duty period which measured " + "by block height", } CRDepositLockupBlocksFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crdepositlockupblocks", Usage: "DepositLockupBlocks indicates how many blocks need to wait when cancel", } CRVotingPeriodFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crvotingperiod", Usage: "defines the duration of voting period which measured by " + "block height", } ProposalCRVotingPeriodFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "proposalcrvotingperiod", Usage: "defines the duration of CR voting about a proposal", } ProposalPublicVotingPeriodFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "proposalpublicvotingperiod", Usage: "defines the duration of all voters send reject vote about " + "a proposal", } CRAgreementCountFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cragreementcount", Usage: "defines minimum count to let a registered proposal transfer " + "to CRAgreed state", } VoterRejectPercentageFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "voterrejectpercentage", Usage: "defines percentage about voters reject a proposal", } CRCProposalHashFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "proposalhash", Usage: "the `<proposalhash>` of the transaction", } CRCProposalStageFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "stage", Usage: "the `<stage>` of the proposal", } CRCCommiteeAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crccommiteeaddr", Usage: "the `<crccommiteeaddr>`", } CRCAppropriatePercentageFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crcappropriatepercentage", Usage: "defines percentage about CRC appropriation", } CRAssetsAddressFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crassetsaddress", Usage: "defines foundation address of CRC", } CRExpensesAddressFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crexpensesaddress", Usage: "defines appropriation address of CRC committee", } RegisterCRByDIDHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "registercrbydidheight", Usage: "defines the height to support register CR by CID", } ProhibitTransferToDIDHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "prohibittransfertodidheight", Usage: "defines the height to prohibit transfer to did", } MaxCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxcrassetsaddressutxocount", Usage: "defines the maximum number of utxo cr assets address can have ", } MinCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "mincrassetsaddressutxocount", Usage: "defines the minimum number of utxo cr assets address can rectify", } CRAssetsRectifyTransactionHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crassetsrectifytransactionheight", Usage: "defines the cr rectify transaction start height", } CRCProposalWithdrawPayloadV1Height = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crcproposalwithdrawpayloadv1height", Usage: "defines the crc withdraw proposal payload type v1 accept height", } CRCProposalV1Height = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crcproposalv1height", Usage: "defines the ChangeProposalOwner,CloseProposal and " + "SecretaryGeneral crc proposal type accept height", } RectifyTxFee = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "rectifytxfee", Usage: "defines the fee of cr rectify transaction", } RealWithdrawSingleFee = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "realwithdrawsinglefee", Usage: "defines the single fee of cr real proposal withdraw transaction", } NewVersionHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "newversionheight", Usage: "defines the new version message height", } ChangeCommitteeNewCRHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "changecommitteenewcrheight", Usage: "defines the change committee new cr height", } CRCProposalDraftDataStartHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crcproposaldraftdatastartheight", Usage: "defines the proposal draft data start height", } CustomIDProposalStartHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "CustomIDProposalStartHeight", Usage: "defines the height to allow custom ID related transaction", } MaxReservedCustomIDLength = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxreservedcustomidlength", Usage: "defines the max count of reserved custom iid list per tx", } NoCRCDPOSNodeHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "nocrcdposnodeheight", Usage: "defines the height when there is no DPOS node of CRC", } RandomCandidatePeriod = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "randomcandidateperiod", Usage: "defines the period to get a candidate as DPOS node at random", } MaxInactiveRoundsOfRandomNode = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "maxinactiveroundsofrandomnode", Usage: "defines the maximum inactive rounds before the random producer takes penalty", } DPOSNodeCrossChainHeight = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "dposnodecrosschainheight", Usage: "defines the height at which not only CR members are responsible for working across the chain", } RevertToPOWNoBlockTimeFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "reverttopownoblocktime", Usage: "defines how long time does it take to revert to POW mode", } StopConfirmBlockTimeFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "stopconfirmblocktime", Usage: "defines how long time does it take to stop confirm block", } RevertToPOWStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "reverttopowstartheight", Usage: "defines the start height to allow to revert to POW mode", } HalvingRewardHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "halvingrewardheight", Usage: "defines height of having reward", } HalvingRewardIntervalFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "halvingrewardinterval", Usage: "defines interval of having reward", } NewELAIssuanceHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "newelaissuanceheight", Usage: "defines height of using the new ela issuance (2000w)", } SmallCrossTransferThreshold = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "smallcrosstransferthreshold", Usage: "defines the minimum amount of transfer consider as small cross transfer", } ReturnDepositCoinFeeFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "returndepositcoinfee", Usage: "defines the fee of return cross chain deposit coin", } NewCrossChainStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "newcrosschainstartheight", Usage: "defines the height to only support TransferCrossChainAsset v1", } ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "returncrosschaincoinstartheight", Usage: "defines the start height to support ReturnCrossChainDepositCoin transaction", } CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeightFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "crdposnodehotfixheight", Usage: "CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeight indicates the hot fix start height of CR DPoS node", } )
Functions ¶
func GetFlagPassword ¶
GetFlagPassword gets node's wallet password from command line or user input
func MoveRPCFlags ¶ added in v0.3.2
MoveRPCFlags finds the rpc argument and moves it to the front of the argument array.
func PrintErrorAndExit ¶ added in v0.3.2
func PrintErrorAndExit(errMsg string)
func PrintErrorMsg ¶
func PrintErrorMsg(format string, a ...interface{})
func PrintInfoMsg ¶
func PrintInfoMsg(format string, a ...interface{})
func PrintWarnMsg ¶
func PrintWarnMsg(format string, a ...interface{})
func SetRpcConfig ¶ added in v0.3.2
Types ¶
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