
v0.8.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 20, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 132




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var (

	// OriginIssuanceAmount is the origin issuance ELA amount.
	OriginIssuanceAmount = 3300 * 10000 * 100000000

	// AfterBurnIssuanceAmount is the new issurance ELA amount after cr proposal #1631.
	AfterBurnIssuanceAmount = 2000 * 10000 * 100000000

	DestroyELAAddress = common.Uint168{
		0x21, 0x20, 0xfe, 0xe5, 0xd7, 0xeb, 0x3e,
		0x5c, 0x7d, 0x31, 0x97, 0xfe, 0xcf, 0x6c,
		0x0d, 0xe3, 0x0f, 0x88, 0x9a, 0xce, 0xf7,

	// ELAAssetID represents the asset ID of ELA coin.
	ELAAssetID = elaAsset.Hash()

	// ELAPrecision represents the precision of ELA coin.
	ELAPrecision = byte(0x08)

	// CRAssetsAddress indicates the "CRASSETSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2qDX5J"
	// CR assets address.
	CRAssetsAddress = common.Uint168{
		0x1c, 0x5f, 0x6c, 0x3e, 0x9f, 0x0c, 0x9a,
		0x71, 0x10, 0xb8, 0xeb, 0x6e, 0x37, 0x02,
		0x63, 0x0f, 0x71, 0x27, 0x4d, 0xf1, 0xc0,

	// CRCExpensesAddress indicates the "CREXPENSESXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4UdT6b"
	// CRC council expenses address.
	CRCExpensesAddress = common.Uint168{
		0x1c, 0x60, 0x32, 0x09, 0xff, 0x5d, 0x86,
		0x54, 0x2d, 0x26, 0x1a, 0x8d, 0x22, 0x7f,
		0xe0, 0xf5, 0xee, 0x2c, 0x4e, 0xd2, 0xd3,

These variables are the chain consensus parameters for each default network.

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var DefaultParams = Params{
	Magic:       2017001,
	DefaultPort: 20338,

	DNSSeeds: []string{

	Foundation:        mainNetFoundation,
	CRCAddress:        mainNetCRCAddress,
	CRAssetsAddress:   CRAssetsAddress,
	CRExpensesAddress: CRCExpensesAddress,
	DestroyELAAddress: DestroyELAAddress,
	GenesisBlock:      GenesisBlock(&mainNetFoundation),

	DPoSMagic:       2019000,
	DPoSDefaultPort: 20339,
	OriginArbiters: []string{
	CRCArbiters: []string{
	SecretaryGeneral:            "02712da531804d1c38d159a901313239d2100dfb5b693d71a2f76b15dec3f8fc32",
	MaxProposalTrackingCount:    128,
	PowLimit:                    powLimit,
	PowLimitBits:                0x1f0008ff,
	TargetTimespan:              24 * time.Hour,
	TargetTimePerBlock:          2 * time.Minute,
	AdjustmentFactor:            4,
	RewardPerBlock:              rewardPerBlock(2 * time.Minute),
	CoinbaseMaturity:            100,
	MinTransactionFee:           100,
	MinCrossChainTxFee:          10000,
	CheckAddressHeight:          88812,
	VoteStartHeight:             290000,
	CRCOnlyDPOSHeight:           343400,
	PublicDPOSHeight:            402680,
	EnableActivateIllegalHeight: 439000,
	CRVotingStartHeight:         537670,
	CRCommitteeStartHeight:      658930,
	CRClaimDPOSNodeStartHeight:  751400,
	CRClaimDPOSNodePeriod:       720 * 14,
	CheckRewardHeight:           436812,
	VoteStatisticsHeight:        512881,
	RegisterCRByDIDHeight:       598000,
	ToleranceDuration:           5 * time.Second,
	MaxInactiveRounds:           720 * 2,
	InactivePenalty:             0,
	IllegalPenalty:              0,
	EmergencyInactivePenalty:    0,
	GeneralArbiters:             24,
	CandidateArbiters:           72,
	PreConnectOffset:            360,
	CRMemberCount:               12,
	CRVotingPeriod:              30 * 720,
	CRDutyPeriod:                365 * 720,
	CRDepositLockupBlocks:       2160,
	ProposalCRVotingPeriod:      7 * 720,
	ProposalPublicVotingPeriod:  7 * 720,
	CRAgreementCount:            8,
	VoterRejectPercentage:       10,
	CRCAppropriatePercentage:    10,
	MaxCommitteeProposalCount:   128,
	EnableUtxoDB:                true,
	EnableCORS:                  false,
	WalletPath:                  "keystore.dat",
	RPCServiceLevel:             ConfigurationPermitted.String(),
	NodeProfileStrategy:         Balanced.String(),
	MaxNodePerHost:              72,
	CkpManager: checkpoint.NewManager(&checkpoint.Config{
		EnableHistory:      true,
		HistoryStartHeight: uint32(0),
		NeedSave:           true,
	TxCacheVolume:                      100000,
	CheckVoteCRCountHeight:             658930,
	MaxCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount:        800,
	MinCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount:        720,
	CRAssetsRectifyTransactionHeight:   751400,
	CRCProposalWithdrawPayloadV1Height: 751400,
	CRCProposalV1Height:                751400,
	RectifyTxFee:                       10000,
	RealWithdrawSingleFee:              10000,
	NewP2PProtocolVersionHeight:        751400,
	ChangeCommitteeNewCRHeight:         932530,
	CustomIDProposalStartHeight:        932530,
	NoCRCDPOSNodeHeight:                932530,
	RevertToPOWStartHeight:             932530,
	RandomCandidatePeriod:              36 * 10,
	MaxInactiveRoundsOfRandomNode:      36 * 8,
	MaxReservedCustomIDLength:          255,
	CRCProposalDraftDataStartHeight:    1056600,
	DPOSNodeCrossChainHeight:           2000000,
	RevertToPOWNoBlockTime:             12 * 3600,
	StopConfirmBlockTime:               11 * 3600,
	HalvingRewardHeight:                1051200,
	HalvingRewardInterval:              1051200,
	NewELAIssuanceHeight:               919800,
	SmallCrossTransferThreshold:        100000000,
	ReturnDepositCoinFee:               100,
	NewCrossChainStartHeight:           1032840,
	ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeight:    1032840,
	ProhibitTransferToDIDHeight:        1032840,
	DIDSideChainAddress:                "XKUh4GLhFJiqAMTF6HyWQrV9pK9HcGUdfJ",
	CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeight:             0,

DefaultParams defines the default network parameters.


func GenesisBlock added in v0.3.0

func GenesisBlock(foundation *common.Uint168) *types.Block

GenesisBlock creates a genesis block by the specified foundation address. The genesis block goes different because the foundation address in each network is different.


type CRConfiguration added in v0.5.0

type CRConfiguration struct {
	MemberCount                        uint32         `json:"MemberCount"`
	VotingPeriod                       uint32         `json:"VotingPeriod"`
	DutyPeriod                         uint32         `json:"DutyPeriod"`
	DepositLockupBlocks                uint32         `json:"DepositLockupBlocks"`
	ProposalCRVotingPeriod             uint32         `json:"ProposalCRVotingPeriod"`
	ProposalPublicVotingPeriod         uint32         `json:"ProposalPublicVotingPeriod"`
	CRAgreementCount                   uint32         `json:"CRAgreementCount"`
	VoterRejectPercentage              float64        `json:"VoterRejectPercentage"`
	CRCAppropriatePercentage           float64        `json:"CRCAppropriatePercentage"`
	MaxCommitteeProposalCount          uint32         `json:"MaxCommitteeProposalCount"`
	SecretaryGeneral                   string         `json:"SecretaryGeneral"`
	MaxProposalTrackingCount           uint8          `json:"MaxProposalTrackingCount"`
	RegisterCRByDIDHeight              uint32         `json:"RegisterCRByDIDHeight"`
	MaxCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount        uint32         `json:"MaxCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount"`
	MinCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount        uint32         `json:"MinCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount"`
	CRAssetsRectifyTransactionHeight   uint32         `json:"CRAssetsRectifyTransactionHeight"`
	CRCProposalWithdrawPayloadV1Height uint32         `json:"CRCProposalWithdrawPayloadV1Height"`
	CRCProposalV1Height                uint32         `json:"CRCProposalV1Height"`
	CRCAddress                         string         `json:"CRCAddress"`
	CRAssetsAddress                    string         `json:"CRAssetsAddress"`
	CRExpensesAddress                  string         `json:"CRExpensesAddress"`
	CRVotingStartHeight                uint32         `json:"CRVotingStartHeight"`
	CRCommitteeStartHeight             uint32         `json:"CRCommitteeStartHeight"`
	CRClaimDPOSNodeStartHeight         uint32         `json:"CRClaimDPOSNodeStartHeight"`
	CRClaimDPOSNodePeriod              uint32         `json:"CRClaimDPOSNodePeriod"`
	RectifyTxFee                       common.Fixed64 `json:"RectifyTxFee"`
	RealWithdrawSingleFee              common.Fixed64 `json:"RealWithdrawSingleFee"`
	NewP2PProtocolVersionHeight        uint64         `json:"NewP2PProtocolVersionHeight"`
	ChangeCommitteeNewCRHeight         uint32         `json:"ChangeCommitteeNewCRHeight"`
	CRCProposalDraftDataStartHeight    uint32         `json:"CRCProposalDraftDataStartHeight"`

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	ActiveNet                       string            `json:"ActiveNet"`
	Magic                           uint32            `json:"Magic"`
	DNSSeeds                        []string          `json:"DNSSeeds"`
	DisableDNS                      bool              `json:"DisableDNS"`
	PermanentPeers                  []string          `json:"PermanentPeers"`
	HttpInfoPort                    uint16            `json:"HttpInfoPort"`
	HttpInfoStart                   bool              `json:"HttpInfoStart"`
	HttpRestPort                    int               `json:"HttpRestPort"`
	HttpRestStart                   bool              `json:"HttpRestStart"`
	HttpWsPort                      int               `json:"HttpWsPort"`
	HttpWsStart                     bool              `json:"HttpWsStart"`
	HttpJsonPort                    int               `json:"HttpJsonPort"`
	EnableRPC                       bool              `json:"EnableRPC"`
	NodePort                        uint16            `json:"NodePort"`
	PrintLevel                      uint32            `json:"PrintLevel"`
	MaxLogsSize                     int64             `json:"MaxLogsSize"`
	MaxPerLogSize                   int64             `json:"MaxPerLogSize"`
	RestCertPath                    string            `json:"RestCertPath"`
	RestKeyPath                     string            `json:"RestKeyPath"`
	MinCrossChainTxFee              common.Fixed64    `json:"MinCrossChainTxFee"`
	FoundationAddress               string            `json:"FoundationAddress"`
	DIDSideChainAddress             string            `json:"DIDSideChainAddress"`
	ProhibitTransferToDIDHeight     uint32            `json:"ProhibitTransferToDIDHeight"`
	PowConfiguration                PowConfiguration  `json:"PowConfiguration"`
	RpcConfiguration                RpcConfiguration  `json:"RpcConfiguration"`
	DPoSConfiguration               DPoSConfiguration `json:"DPoSConfiguration"`
	CRConfiguration                 CRConfiguration   `json:"CRConfiguration"`
	CheckAddressHeight              uint32            `json:"CheckAddressHeight"`
	VoteStartHeight                 uint32            `json:"VoteStartHeight"`
	CRCOnlyDPOSHeight               uint32            `json:"CRCOnlyDPOSHeight"`
	PublicDPOSHeight                uint32            `json:"PublicDPOSHeight"`
	EnableActivateIllegalHeight     uint32            `json:"EnableActivateIllegalHeight"`
	CheckRewardHeight               uint32            `json:"CheckRewardHeight"`
	VoteStatisticsHeight            uint32            `json:"VoteStatisticsHeight"`
	ProfilePort                     uint32            `json:"ProfilePort"`
	MaxBlockSize                    uint32            `json:"MaxBlockSize"`
	MaxBlockHeaderSize              uint32            `json:"MaxBlockHeaderSize"`
	MaxTxPerBlock                   uint32            `json:"MaxTxPerBlock"`
	EnableUtxoDB                    bool              `json:"EnableUtxoDB"`
	EnableCORS                      bool              `json:"EnableCORS"`
	WalletPath                      string            `json:"WalletPath"`
	RPCServiceLevel                 string            `json:"RPCServiceLevel"`
	NodeProfileStrategy             string            `json:"NodeProfileStrategy"`
	TxCacheVolume                   uint32            `json:"TxCacheVolume"`
	MaxNodePerHost                  uint32            `json:"MaxNodePerHost"`
	CustomIDProposalStartHeight     uint32            `json:"CustomIDProposalStartHeight"`
	MaxReservedCustomIDLength       uint32            `json:"MaxReservedCustomIDLength"`
	HalvingRewardHeight             uint32            `json:"HalvingRewardHeight"`
	HalvingRewardInterval           uint32            `json:"HalvingRewardInterval"`
	NewELAIssuanceHeight            uint32            `json:"NewELAIssuanceHeight"`
	SmallCrossTransferThreshold     common.Fixed64    `json:"SmallCrossTransferThreshold"`
	ReturnDepositCoinFee            common.Fixed64    `json:"ReturnDepositCoinFee"`
	NewCrossChainStartHeight        uint32            `json:"NewCrossChainStartHeight"`
	ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeight uint32            `json:"ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeight"`

Configuration defines the configurable parameters to run a ELA node.

var (
	Parameters *Configuration

type DPoSConfiguration added in v0.3.2

type DPoSConfiguration struct {
	EnableArbiter                 bool           `json:"EnableArbiter"`
	Magic                         uint32         `json:"Magic"`
	IPAddress                     string         `json:"IPAddress"`
	DPoSPort                      uint16         `json:"DPoSPort"`
	SignTolerance                 time.Duration  `json:"SignTolerance"`
	OriginArbiters                []string       `json:"OriginArbiters"`
	CRCArbiters                   []string       `json:"CRCArbiters"`
	NormalArbitratorsCount        int            `json:"NormalArbitratorsCount"`
	CandidatesCount               int            `json:"CandidatesCount"`
	EmergencyInactivePenalty      common.Fixed64 `json:"EmergencyInactivePenalty"`
	MaxInactiveRounds             uint32         `json:"MaxInactiveRounds"`
	InactivePenalty               common.Fixed64 `json:"InactivePenalty"`
	IllegalPenalty                common.Fixed64 `json:"IllegalPenalty"`
	PreConnectOffset              uint32         `json:"PreConnectOffset"`
	NoCRCDPOSNodeHeight           uint32         `json:"NoCRCDPOSNodeHeight"`
	RandomCandidatePeriod         uint32         `json:"RandomCandidatePeriod"`
	MaxInactiveRoundsOfRandomNode uint32         `json:"MaxInactiveRoundsOfRandomNode"`
	DPOSNodeCrossChainHeight      uint32         `json:"DPOSNodeCrossChainHeight"`
	RevertToPOWNoBlockTime        int64          `json:"RevertToPOWNoBlockTime"`
	StopConfirmBlockTime          int64          `json:"StopConfirmBlockTime"`
	RevertToPOWStartHeight        uint32         `json:"RevertToPOWStartHeight"`
	CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeight        uint32         `json:"CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeight"`

DPoSConfiguration defines the DPoS consensus parameters.

type NodeProfileStrategy added in v0.5.0

type NodeProfileStrategy byte
const (
	// Node will balance usage of CPU and memory.
	Balanced NodeProfileStrategy = iota

	// Node will optimise the block processing procedure, super node strongly
	//	recommended.

	// Node will optimise the usage of memory usage, note this may slow down
	//	block processing, do no use this if your memory is extremely low (
	//	specifically small than 2G bytes).

func (NodeProfileStrategy) String added in v0.5.0

func (s NodeProfileStrategy) String() string

type Params added in v0.3.0

type Params struct {
	// Magic defines the magic number of the peer-to-peer network.
	Magic uint32

	// DefaultPort defines the default peer-to-peer port for the network.
	DefaultPort uint16

	// PrintLevel defines the level to print log.
	PrintLevel uint32

	// DNSSeeds defines a list of DNS seeds for the network to discover peers.
	DNSSeeds []string

	// The interface/port to listen for connections.
	ListenAddrs []string

	// PermanentPeers defines peers seeds for node to initialize p2p connection.
	PermanentPeers []string

	// Foundation defines the foundation address which receiving mining
	// rewards.
	Foundation common.Uint168

	// CRCAddress defines the CRC address which receiving mining rewards.
	CRCAddress common.Uint168

	// CRAssetsAddress defines the CR assets address address.
	CRAssetsAddress common.Uint168

	// CRExpensesAddress defines the CR committee address which receiving
	// appropriation from CR assets address.
	CRExpensesAddress common.Uint168

	// DestroyELAAddress defines address which receiving destroyed ELA.
	DestroyELAAddress common.Uint168

	// GenesisBlock defines the first block of the chain.
	GenesisBlock *types.Block

	// PowLimit defines the highest allowed proof of work value for a block
	// as a uint256.
	PowLimit *big.Int

	// PowLimitBits defines the highest allowed proof of work value for a
	// block in compact form.
	PowLimitBits uint32

	// TargetTimespan is the desired amount of time that should elapse
	// before the block difficulty requirement is examined to determine how
	// it should be changed in order to maintain the desired block
	// generation rate.
	TargetTimespan time.Duration

	// TargetTimePerBlock is the desired amount of time to generate each
	// block.
	TargetTimePerBlock time.Duration

	// AdjustmentFactor is the adjustment factor used to limit the minimum
	// and maximum amount of adjustment that can occur between difficulty
	// retargets.
	AdjustmentFactor int64

	// RewardPerBlock is the reward amount per block.
	RewardPerBlock common.Fixed64

	// NewRewardPerBlock is the reward amount per block.
	NewRewardPerBlock common.Fixed64

	// CoinbaseMaturity is the number of blocks required before newly mined
	// coins (coinbase transactions) can be spent.
	CoinbaseMaturity uint32

	// Disable transaction filter supports, include bloom filter tx type filter
	// etc.
	DisableTxFilters bool

	// MinTransactionFee defines the minimum fee of a transaction.
	MinTransactionFee common.Fixed64

	// MinCrossChainTxFee defines the min fee of cross chain transaction
	MinCrossChainTxFee common.Fixed64

	// OriginArbiters defines the original arbiters producing the block.
	OriginArbiters []string

	// CheckAddressHeight defines the height begin to check output hash.
	CheckAddressHeight uint32

	// VoteStartHeight indicates the height of starting register producer and
	// vote related.
	VoteStartHeight uint32

	// CRCOnlyDPOSHeight (H1) indicates the height of DPOS consensus begins with
	// only CRC producers participate in producing blocks.
	CRCOnlyDPOSHeight uint32

	// PublicDPOSHeight (H2) indicates the height when public registered and
	// elected producers participate in DPOS consensus.
	PublicDPOSHeight uint32

	// NoCRCDPOSNodeHeight indicates the height when there is no DPOS node of CRC.
	NoCRCDPOSNodeHeight uint32

	// CRVotingStartHeight defines the height of CR voting started.
	CRVotingStartHeight uint32

	// NewCrossChainStartHeight defines the height of new cross chain transaction started.
	NewCrossChainStartHeight uint32

	// CRCommitteeStartHeight defines the height of CR Committee started.
	CRCommitteeStartHeight uint32

	// CRClaimDPOSNodeStartHeight defines the height of CR claim DPOS node started.
	CRClaimDPOSNodeStartHeight uint32

	// CRClaimDPOSNodePeriod defines the period of CR claim DPOS node.
	CRClaimDPOSNodePeriod uint32

	// PublicDPOSHeight defines the start height to enable activate illegal
	// producer though activate tx.
	EnableActivateIllegalHeight uint32

	// CheckRewardHeight defines the height to check reward in coin base
	// with new check function.
	CheckRewardHeight uint32

	// VoteStatisticsHeight defines the height to deal with block with vote
	// statistics error.
	VoteStatisticsHeight uint32

	// RegisterCRByDIDHeight defines the height to support register and update
	// CR by CID and CID.
	RegisterCRByDIDHeight uint32

	//Prohibit transfers to did height
	ProhibitTransferToDIDHeight uint32

	//did side chain address
	DIDSideChainAddress string

	// CRCArbiters defines the fixed CRC arbiters producing the block.
	CRCArbiters []string

	// DPoSMagic defines the magic number used in the DPoS network.
	DPoSMagic uint32

	// DPoSIPAddress defines the IP address for the DPoS network.
	DPoSIPAddress string

	// DPoSDefaultPort defines the default port for the DPoS network.
	DPoSDefaultPort uint16

	// PreConnectOffset defines the offset blocks to pre-connect to the block
	// producers.
	PreConnectOffset uint32

	// GeneralArbiters defines the number of general(no-CRC) arbiters.
	GeneralArbiters int

	// CandidateArbiters defines the number of needed candidate arbiters.
	CandidateArbiters int

	// ToleranceDuration defines the tolerance duration of the DPoS consensus.
	ToleranceDuration time.Duration

	// MaxInactiveRounds defines the maximum inactive rounds before producer
	// takes penalty.
	MaxInactiveRounds uint32

	// MaxInactiveRoundsOfRandomNode defines the maximum inactive rounds before
	// the producer at random takes penalty.
	MaxInactiveRoundsOfRandomNode uint32

	// DPOSNodeCrossChainHeight defines the height at which not only CR members
	// are responsible for working across the chain.
	DPOSNodeCrossChainHeight uint32

	// InactivePenalty defines the penalty amount the producer takes.
	InactivePenalty common.Fixed64

	// InactivePenalty defines the penalty amount the producer takes.
	IllegalPenalty common.Fixed64

	// EmergencyInactivePenalty defines the penalty amount the emergency
	// producer takes.
	EmergencyInactivePenalty common.Fixed64

	// CRMemberCount defines the number of CR committee members
	CRMemberCount uint32

	// CRVotingPeriod defines the duration of voting period which measured by
	// block height
	CRVotingPeriod uint32

	// CRDutyPeriod defines the duration of a normal duty period which
	// measured by block height
	CRDutyPeriod uint32

	// DepositLockupBlocks indicates how many blocks need to wait when cancel
	// producer or CRC was triggered, and can submit return deposit coin request
	CRDepositLockupBlocks uint32

	// ProposalCRVotingPeriod defines the duration of CR voting about a proposal
	ProposalCRVotingPeriod uint32

	// ProposalPublicVotingPeriod defines the duration of all voters send
	// reject vote about a proposal
	ProposalPublicVotingPeriod uint32

	// CRAgreementCount defines minimum count to let a registered proposal
	// transfer to CRAgreed state.
	CRAgreementCount uint32

	// VoterRejectPercentage defines percentage about voters reject a proposal.
	VoterRejectPercentage float64

	// CRCAppropriatePercentage defines percentage about CRC appropriation.
	CRCAppropriatePercentage float64

	//MaxCommitteeProposalCount defines per committee max proposal count
	MaxCommitteeProposalCount uint32

	// SecretaryGeneral defines the secretary general of CR by public key.
	SecretaryGeneral string

	// MaxProposalTrackingCount defines the max count of CRC proposal tracking
	// transaction.
	MaxProposalTrackingCount uint8

	// CkpManager holds checkpoints save automatically.
	CkpManager *checkpoint.Manager

	// EnableUtxoDB indicate whether to enable utxo database.
	EnableUtxoDB bool

	// Enable cors for http server.
	EnableCORS bool

	// WalletPath defines the wallet path used by DPoS arbiters and CR members.
	WalletPath string

	// RPCServiceLevel defines level of service provide to client.
	RPCServiceLevel string

	// NodeProfileStrategy defines strategy about node profiling.
	NodeProfileStrategy string

	// TxCacheVolume defines the default volume of the transaction cache.
	TxCacheVolume uint32

	//MaxNodePerHost defines max nodes that one host can establish.
	MaxNodePerHost uint32

	// CheckVoteCRCountHeight defines the height to check count of vote CR.
	CheckVoteCRCountHeight uint32

	// MaxCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount defines the max UTXOs count of CRFoundation
	// address.
	MaxCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount uint32

	// MinCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount defines the min UTXOs count of CRFoundation
	// address.
	MinCRAssetsAddressUTXOCount uint32

	// CRAssetsRectifyTransactionHeight defines the CR rectify transaction start height
	CRAssetsRectifyTransactionHeight uint32

	// CRCProposalWithdrawPayloadV1Height defines the CRC proposal withdraw payload height
	CRCProposalWithdrawPayloadV1Height uint32

	// CRCProposalV1Height defines the height to support ChangeProposalOwner,
	// CloseProposal and SecretaryGeneral proposal.
	CRCProposalV1Height uint32

	// RectifyTxFee defines the fee of cr rectify transaction.
	RectifyTxFee common.Fixed64

	// RealWithdrawSingleFee defines the single fee of cr real proposal withdraw transaction.
	RealWithdrawSingleFee common.Fixed64

	// NewP2PProtocolVersionHeight defines the new p2p protocol version message height.
	NewP2PProtocolVersionHeight uint64

	// ChangeCommitteeNewCRHeight defines the new arbiter logic after change committee.
	ChangeCommitteeNewCRHeight uint32

	// CRCProposalDraftDataStartHeight defines the proposal draft data start height.
	CRCProposalDraftDataStartHeight uint32

	// CustomIDProposalStartHeight defines the height to allow custom ID related transaction.
	CustomIDProposalStartHeight uint32

	// RandomCandidatePeriod defines the period to get a candidate as DPOS node at random.
	RandomCandidatePeriod uint32

	// MaxReservedCustomIDLength defines the max length of reserved custom id.
	MaxReservedCustomIDLength uint32

	// RevertToPOWInterval defines how long time does it take to revert to POW mode.
	RevertToPOWNoBlockTime int64

	// StopConfirmBlockTime defines how long time dose it take before stop confirm block.
	StopConfirmBlockTime int64

	// RevertToPOWStartHeight defines the start height to allow to revert to POW mode.
	RevertToPOWStartHeight uint32

	// HalvingRewardHeight represents the height of halving reward
	HalvingRewardHeight uint32

	// HalvingRewardInterval represents the interval of halving reward
	HalvingRewardInterval uint32

	// NewELAIssuanceHeight represents the new issuance ELA amount after proposal #1631
	NewELAIssuanceHeight uint32

	// SMALLCrossTransferThreshold indicates the minimum amount consider as Small transfer
	SmallCrossTransferThreshold common.Fixed64

	// ReturnDepositCoinFee indicates the fee the
	ReturnDepositCoinFee common.Fixed64

	// ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeight indeicates the start height of
	// ReturnCroossChainDepositCoin transaction
	ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeight uint32

	// CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeight indicates the hot fix start height of CR DPoS node
	CRDPoSNodeHotFixHeight uint32

func (*Params) GetBlockReward added in v0.7.0

func (p *Params) GetBlockReward(height uint32) (rewardPerBlock common.Fixed64)

func (*Params) InstantBlock added in v0.3.0

func (p *Params) InstantBlock() *Params

InstantBlock returns the network parameters for generate instant block.

func (*Params) RegNet added in v0.3.0

func (p *Params) RegNet() *Params

RegNet returns the network parameters for the test network.

func (*Params) TestNet added in v0.3.0

func (p *Params) TestNet() *Params

TestNet returns the network parameters for the test network.

type PowConfiguration

type PowConfiguration struct {
	PayToAddr    string `json:"PayToAddr"`
	AutoMining   bool   `json:"AutoMining"`
	MinerInfo    string `json:"MinerInfo"`
	MinTxFee     int    `json:"MinTxFee"`
	InstantBlock bool   `json:"InstantBlock"`

PowConfiguration defines the Proof-of-Work parameters.

type RPCServiceLevel added in v0.5.0

type RPCServiceLevel byte
const (
	// Allowed  query transaction, and configuration related options.
	ConfigurationPermitted RPCServiceLevel = iota

	// Allowed mining from RPC.

	// Allowed query and transaction (
	//	such as sendrawtransaction) related options.

	// Allowed using wallet related function.

	// Allowed only query related options.

func RPCServiceLevelFromString added in v0.5.0

func RPCServiceLevelFromString(str string) RPCServiceLevel

func (RPCServiceLevel) String added in v0.5.0

func (l RPCServiceLevel) String() string

type RpcConfiguration added in v0.2.2

type RpcConfiguration struct {
	User        string   `json:"User"`
	Pass        string   `json:"Pass"`
	WhiteIPList []string `json:"WhiteIPList"`

RpcConfiguration defines the JSON-RPC authenticate parameters.


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