Table of Contents
- About
- Workflow
- Components
- Installation and Running
This project is a Docker-based blockchain application that is currently under development. It is written in Golang and features a user interface built in React. The application is composed of several key components, each serving a unique role in the overall functionality of the system.
This project serves two main purposes:
Skill Development: It provides an excellent opportunity to push the boundaries of my technical skills and deepen my understanding of Blockchain technology.
Community Resource: I'm dedicated to creating a robust codebase that can serve as a valuable learning resource for anyone interested in this technology.
![Topology Diagram](https://github.com/elarsaks/Go-blockchain/raw/main/docs/topology.png)
Users can access the client UI to interact with the blockchain. The API gateway processes these interactions and communicates with the blockchain miner nodes. These nodes then process transactions and maintain the distributed ledger of the blockchain.
The Docker configuration of this application ensures easy deployment and scalability, making it a robust and flexible solution for blockchain applications.
Client UI (React Dashboard): The client user interface is a visual dashboard built using React. This dashboard serves as the primary point of interaction for users with the blockchain. It provides a user-friendly interface for executing various operations on the blockchain.
API Gateway (Wallet Server): The API Gateway, also known as the Wallet Server, is a web server developed in Golang. It acts as a bridge between the client UI and the blockchain, managing requests from the client and forwarding them to the appropriate APIs.
Blockchain Miner Nodes (Golang APIs): The backbone of the blockchain is formed by three Golang APIs that function as blockchain miner nodes. These nodes are responsible for performing mining operations and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.
Installation and running
Run all in Docker
- To run full-stack application in docker, at the root of this project folder run:
docker-compose up --build
Apps will start on ports:
Run React Dashboard as standalone
To set up the UI (client), run the following command in this Go-Blockchain/react_dashboard/:
npm install
To run the UI, use the following command in this folder:
npm start
App will start on port:
Run Wallet Server as standalone
If you haven't already installed the project from the parent folder, follow these steps to set up the Wallet Server:
- Navigate to the root folder of the project in your terminal.
- Run the following command to download the necessary dependencies:
go mod tidy
To run the app with the Air library (live reloading), execute the following command in Go-Blockchain/wallet_server/:
To run it directly via Golang, execute the following command in this folder:
go run main.go blockchain_server.go -port 5001
App will start on port:
Run Miner / Node as standalone
- Navigate to the root folder of the project in your terminal.
- Run the following command to download the necessary dependencies:
go mod tidy
To run the app with the Air library (live reloading), execute the following command in Go-Blockchain/blockshain_server/:
PORT=5001 air
To run it directly via Golang, execute the following command in Go-Blockchain/blockshain_server/:
go run main.go wallet_server.go -port 8080 -gateway
App will start on port:
These commands run only one miner. If you want to run multiple miners, open multiple new terminals and run the same command with different port numbers.
Feel free to adjust the port numbers as needed to run multiple miners concurrently.
K8-s (Under development)
To run it in kubernets, execute the following command in Go-Blockchain/k8s/:
kubectl apply -f .\deployment.yaml
- Fix networking between pods (Use env variables)