Fides is the Greek Goddess of Trust.
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Status: Closed Alpha
If you'd like to participate and help test Fides, please head over to
and login with your GitHub account, and you will be on the wait-list. Please make sure you have a public email on your
GitHub profile to get notified when you are off the wait-list.
Once you are logged in, there will be additional information in how to participate and get support.
Fides is currently a SaaS solution that provides a simple way to make unmanaged and non-public kubernetes
clusters more useful with AWS and potentially other cloud providers.
It's initial focus is on making it easy to expose the Service Account OIDC information from a cluster non-managed or
even a private non-public cluster. This allows you to use the Service Account Tokens to authenticate to AWS roles.
This code repository serves as the bug tracker for the Fides project. Fides is currently in Alpha as a SaaS project.
What code is and can be open sourced is here. The rest is in a private repository, if it makes sense to open source
more I will.